#hector romero
sevendavisjr · 5 months
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tascha-schwarz · 1 year
Obsessing over fictional men isn't healthy. I'm sure there's a certain name to this disorder and an effective therapy to fix it. But even if I had a chance I wouldn't take it, because I LOVE it this way.
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ladedicatoria · 2 years
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A mis compañeros de viaje, a mi amigo Héctor…
“Sedosas ciudades de la mirada cotidiana, insertas en otras ciudades, en las calles trazadas sólo por nosotros, bajo el ala de relámpagos que responden a nuestras atenciones.”
RebeChar, La biblioteca está en llamas.
En Abril de este año estrenamos Tiempo Fuera II, una obra colectiva junto con el artista Fernando Guevara, la escritora Natalí Tentorí, el actor Darío Bedoya y el productor de sonido Franco Serú. Este proyecto implicó un proceso de trabajo muy largo, fueron horas de conversaciones y de escucha, realizamos muchas prácticas de prueba y error. Por momentos parecía un juego de encastre, a veces de azar y otras, un juego de memoria. Tiempo Fuera II es la secuela de una obra que realizamos en el año 2006 en el Espacio de arte Montaña. Ambas están atravesadas por los mismos problemas, los cambios en las relaciones espacio temporales, la mirada y su correlato con la imagen, el territorio y los trayectos, el relato y la oralidad. 
Las dos obras se construyeron como recorridos, en la primera el viaje lo hacíamos Fernando y yo, mientras los invitados a la muestra podían observar en vivo nuestro camino a través de una proyección en la sala vía streaming, como si estuvieran presenciando un film en tiempo real. En esta segunda obra, los asistentes viajan como pasajeros del bus turístico que los invita a recorrer la ciudad acompañados por un relato sonoro. En ambas instancias el sonido es el instrumento de trance para viajar a través del tiempo y el espacio.
El proceso de esta obra se convirtió en algo más para nosotros, mientras planeábamos un viaje se armaban otros viajes. Los viajes no siempre suceden hacia afuera, hay viajes profundos, viajes hacia el interior, viajes mentales, viajes al pasado, a los recuerdos; el fin del viaje no es llegar, sino transitar en la frontera entre lo conocido y lo desconocido. En una entrevista al cineasta Werner Herzog nos dice:
Los humanos no estamos hechos para sentarnos frente a una computadora o viajar en avión: el destino nos reservó algo muy diferente. Hace demasiado tiempo que estamos separados de lo esencial, que es la vida nómada: viajar a pie. En la sociedad de hoy -aunque sería ridículo propugnar el viaje a pie para todos a todos los destinos posibles-, personalmente preferiría hacer a pie las cosas esenciales de mi vida a nivel existencial (...) Cuando uno viaja a pie, la intensidad del viaje es otra. Viajar a pie no tiene nada que ver con el ejercicio físico. Antes hablé de soñar despierto y de que yo no sueño por las noches. Sin embargo mientras camino ingreso en el mundo de los sueños, floto entre fantasías y protagonizo historias increíbles. Literalmente cruzo novelas, películas y partidos de fútbol caminando. Nunca miro dónde piso, pero jamás pierdo la dirección.1
Finalizado el primer recorrido del bus, Natalí, que llegó desde Buenos Aires para estar presente en la inauguración, nos propuso un viaje más. Un recorrido hacia afuera de la obra, hacia los márgenes y lo imprevisto que acontece cuando algo se suelta. Nuestro trayecto debía ser igual de incierto; vagabundear, ser un flaneur por la ciudad. Esto sucedía mientras nuestro amigo Héctor Romero se despedía para siempre de nosotros. Y así atravesados por el dolor y el deseo de retener lo perdido, me aparecía la necesidad de invocar y ofrendar su amistad. Cuando a Herzog le avisaron que su amiga Lotte tuvo un accidente en París y estaba muy grave decidió ir a verla caminando desde Múnich, decía que caminaba contra su muerte para detenerla. Para Ticio Escobar, ésto es algo de lo que todavía el arte puede ofrecer, fundar en la ausencia una escena, dar vuelta al hueco a través de la ilusión de la imagen. 2
Al finalizar la obra, en un cuaderno que estaba en la Sala Anexo del MMAMM, los pasajeros podían relatar sus experiencias del viaje. Al leerlos, sus palabras me ayudaron a completar una idea que rondaba en mi cabeza, habíamos consumado un rito. En muchos de sus textos, Ticio Escobar retoma los conceptos de rito y mito del arte indígena y popular, no para recuperar una tradición sino para analizar su potencial resistente y alternativo, que nos permita otra manera de cautelar el enigma y mantener habilitado el juego diferenciador, diferido de las miradas:
La escena de la representación ritual se encuentra demarcada por un círculo de contornos tajantes. Al ingresar en él, las personas y los objetos quedan bañados por la luminiscente distancia que supone estar del otro lado, más allá de la posibilidad de ser tocados, fuera del alcance del tiempo ordinario y del sentido concertado. La manifestación de algo ocurre, irrepetible, resguardada por una distancia, por mínima que fuere: de ese lado de la línea que dibuja el cerco del espacio ceremonial de los hombres y las cosas obedecen a sus nombres y sus funciones, no son más que utensilios profanos y muchedumbre sudorosa y expectante agolpada entorno al escenario. Al cruzar la raya invisible que preserva la distancia y abre el juego de la mirada, los objetos y los hombres se desdoblan. Ya no coincide cada cual consigo mismo y, más allá de sí, deviene oficiante, dios o elemento consagrado.3
María Eugenia Escobar sostiene que la función del arte es cumplir de alguna manera ese mandato: sostener imaginariamente el vacío insoportable ofreciéndole una envoltura, procurándole una imagen. La cosa perdida no puede ser reparada pero puede convertirse no sólo en objeto de duelo o factor de melancolía sino en principio imaginario de desagravio ontológico, la apertura de otro horizonte posible.4
En el calendario Maya existe un día fuera de tiempo, en ese día el tiempo aparece dislocado, desajustado consigo mismo: es un contratiempo. Pero no lo está solamente en el tiempo, sino también en el espacio. En las culturas andinas, el tiempo y el espacio no es progresivo ni unidiriccional, como para el pensamiento occidental, el tiempo es por lo tanto elástico y relativo, no implica un cómputo exacto de los años, no existe una escala temporal absoluta.
Para el runa/jaquiel futuro no es algo que viene delante, y el pasado algo que está atrás, sino al revés: el futuro en cierto sentido está atrás, y el pasado “adelante”. La etimología nos ayuda a explicar esto. En los idiomas aimara y quechua, la palabra “ojos” se expresa por los vocablos nayray ñawi, respectivamente. Aunque tenemos ojos adelante, para mirar hacia adelante, las raíces lingüísticas nayray ñawi se refieren a sucesos del pasado: nayrapacha significa tiempo antiguo, y ñawpa/nayra o ñawpaq quieren decir lo anterior, lo viejo. El vocablo quepa/quipa significa en ambos idiomas (aimara y quechua ayacuchano) espalda; pero la raíz quepa/qhipase refiere al futuro y tiene connotación de después, luego.5
Podemos decir que nos encontramos ante una visión cíclica y dialéctica del tiempo. El andino camina de cara hacia atrás, con la mirada en lo permanente, que no es propiamente el presente, ni menos aún el futuro, sino el pasado común vivido y que se concretiza en el presente del ahora. No permite el optimismo temporal característico de la racionalidad occidental, en tanto la proyección de la imagen de un tiempo que avanza o progresa infinitamente.
En este horizonte de comprensión, el espacio y el tiempo como construcción colectiva puede ser un escenario político y ético, el lugar donde se aloja el arte o el rito incubando un diferimiento o una distancia que precisa la mirada para devolverle su condición de libertad.
Bajar un poco los párpados, no del todo, hasta ver las propias pestañas.
Evitar cerrar el ojo, resistir el encandilamiento.
Las pupilas se abren, los globos oculares lagrimean.
La ciudad se ve borrosa, fuera de foco.
Música para días de lluvia.6
1- Herzog, Werner. En Herzog por Herzog. Entrevistas y edición de Paul Cronin. Buenos Aires. El cuenco de plata, 2014.Pág. 295.
2- Escobar, Ticio. Imagen e intemperie. Buenos Aires, Capital Intelectual, 2015. Pp. 64 y 65.
3- Escobar, Ticio. Imagen e intemperie. Buenos Aires, Capital Intelectual, 2015. Pp. 88.
4- Escobar, Maria. Imagen e intemperie. Buenos Aires, Capital Intelectual, 2015. Pp. 88.
5- Estermann, Daniel. Tiempo y espacio en el pensamiento andino. 2006, pp. 200-201.
6- Tentorí, Natalí. Tiempo Fuera II. Mendoza, 2022.
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Tiempo Fuera I, Montaña, 2006
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Who is the Sexiest Fictional Podcast Character?
After receiving 219 submissions for 152 characters from 52 podcasts and a round of preliminaries, we have our brackets!*
*20 characters from the podcast Welcome to Night Vale will appear later in a Night Vale-only bracket.
Round 1:
Scripted Bracket
Isabel Lovelace (Wolf 359) vs Cyrille (5 Minuten Harry Podcast)
Krejjh (The Strange Case of Starship Iris) vs Lady Ethel Mallory (Hello From The Hallowoods)
Lord Arum (The Penumbra Podcast: Second Citadel) vs The Witch Queen A.K.A. Daughter Dooley (Old Gods of Appalachia
Warren Kepler (Wolf 359) vs Ashley "Ash" Ramis (Georgie Romero is Done For)
Brutus Feels (Kane and Feels) vs Shan (SPINES)
Sir Caroline (The Penumbra Podcast: Second Citadel) vs The Dragon Narrator (Unseen)
Alé (The Penumbra Podcast: Second Citadel) vs Hester/The Narrator (Within The Wires: Season 1)
Thistle/The Woman (Alice Isn't Dead) vs Sam Bailey (The Sheridan Tapes)
Peter Nureyev (The Penumbra Podcast: Juno Steel) vs Butt (Pounded In The Butt By My Own Podcast: Episode 1)
Alice (Alice Isn't Dead) vs Diggory Graves (Hello From the Hallowoods)
Antigone Funn (Wooden Overcoats) vs Ryan Dallas (EOS 10)
Martin Blackwood (The Magnus Archives) vs Galileo (Let's Make A Music)
Lucifer Kane (Kane and Feels) vs Gin (Story Break: Heaven Heist)
Amaryllis of Exile (The Penumbra Podcast: Second Citadel) vs Mabel Martin (Mabel)
Pilot Pereya (The Penumbra Podcast: Juno Steel) vs Hester Oleta (Within The Wires: Season 1)
Strelitzia (Additional Postage Required) vs Harold "HBD" Bastion Demetrius (The Soft-Boiled Detective)
Akmazian (EOS 10) vs Everyone from The Strange Case of Starship Iris
Damien (The Bright Sessions) vs Mari Datuin (Hi Nay)
Count Dracula (Re: Dracule) vs Static Man (Archive 81)
Dragana Vukovic (The White Vault) vs Elias Bouchard (The Magnus Archives)
Agnes Montague (The Magnus Archives) vs Vega Rex (Vega: A Sci-Fi Adventure Podcast!)
Mina Murray (Re: Dracula) vs Nicholas Waters (Archive 81)
Mark Bryant (The Bright Sessions) vs Laura (Hi Nay)
Georgie Crusoe (Wooden Overcoats) vs Kate Burnham (The Bridge)
Keisha (Alice Isn't Dead) vs SAYER (SAYER)
Chance Sequoyah (The Penumbra Podcast) vs Yaretzi (Hello From The Hallowoods)
Buddy Aurinko (The Penumbra Podcast: Juno Steel) vs Dane (Dreamboy)
Sadie Doyle (Thrilling Adventure Hour: Beyond Belief) vs Hera (Wolf 359)
Tim Stoker (The Magnus Archives) vs The CryptoNaturalist (The CryptoNaturalist)
Rita (The Penumbra Podcast: Juno Steel) vs Lou (Archive 81)
Dr. Joan Bright (The Bright Sessions) vs Ashvin Beeharee (Hi Nay)
Renée Minkowski (Wolf 359) vs Clara Page (Who is Aldrich Kemp)
Unscripted Bracket
Pickman (Friends at the Table: Sangfielle) vs The Shadow Man ('Til Death Do Us Blart)
Beacon (The Adventure Zone: Amnesty vs Glenn Close (Dungeons and Daddies)
Oscar Wilde (Rusty Quill Gaming) vs Grand Magnificent (Friends at the Table: Twilight Mirage)
Taako (The Adventure Zone: Balance) vs Bathin (Stella Firma)
Lup (The Adventure Zone: Balance) vs Sago Glegg (Rotating Heroes: Arc 6)
Sans Undertale (Interstitial: Our Hearts Intertwined: Authority) vs M. Leopold Duvall (Friends at the Table: Sangfielle)
Duck Newton (The Adventure Zone: Amnesty) vs Chine (Friends at the Table: Sangfielle)
Tryst Valentine (Campaign: Star Wars) vs Mini Smithson (Chapter and Multiverse: Masks)
Gable (Campaign: Skyjacks) vs Hector Hu (Friends at the Table: Bluff City)
Michael (The Adventure Zone: Dust) vs Nicky Close (Dungeons and Daddies
Zolf Smith (Rusty Quill Gaming) vs Fourteen Fifteen (Friends at the Table: Twilight Mirage)
Coco Cashmere (Hey Riddle Riddle) vs Trexel Geistman (Stella Firma)
Killian Fangbattle (The Adventure Zone: Balance) vs Henrietta Salm (Pest Control: Fate)
Kalvin Brnine (Friends at the Table: PALISADE) vs Lye "Lyke" Lichen (Friends at the Table: Sangfielle)
Indrid Cold (The Adventure Zone: Amnesty) vs Rigour (Friends at the Table: COUNTER/Weight)
Chunt (Hello From The Magic Tavern) vs Suvirin Kedberiket (Worlds Beyond Number: The Wizard, The Witch, and the Wild One)
Tender Sky (Friends at the Table: Twilight Mirage) vs Pox (NeoScum)
The Firbolg (The Adventure Zone: Graduation) vs Ron Stampler (Dungeons and Daddies)
Azu (Rusty Quill Gaming) vs Hadrian (Friends at the Table: Seasons of Hieron)
Moonshine Cybin (Not Another D&D Podcast: Bahumia) vs Caspian (Just Roll With It: Riptide)
Amber Gris (The Adventure Zone: Ethersea) vs Jens Lyndelle (Not Another D&D Podcast: Trinvyvale)
Perennial (Friends at the Table: PARTIZAN and PALISADE) vs Throndir (Friends at the Table: Seasons of Hieron)
Nadiya Jones (The Adventure Zone: Commitment) vs Ibex (Friends at the Table: COUNTER/Weight)
Cassander Timaeus Berenice (Friends at the Table: COUNTER/Weight) vs Tech Wizard (NeoScum)
Vermillion "Milli" Blue (Friends at the Table: PARTIZAN) vs Dak Rambo (NeoScum)
Rainer (The Adventure Zone: Graduation) vs Mercedes Oak-Garcia (Dungeons and Daddies)
Thisbe (Friends at the Table: PARTIZAN and PALISADE) vs Echo Reverie (Friends at the Table: Twilight Mirage)
Kravitz (The Adventure Zone: Balance) vs Henry Hogfish (Not Another D&D Podcast)
Aubrey Little (The Adventure Zone: Amnesty) vs Glenfyr "Glen" Gladewyn (Not Another D&D Podcast
Cel Sidebottom (Rusty Quill Gaming) vs Adelaide Tristé (Friends at the Table: Seasons of Hieron)
Kardala (The Adventure Zone: Commitment) vs Jacqui Green (Friends at the Table: COUNTER/Weight)
Hella Varal (Friends at the Table: Seasons of Hieron) vs (Former) Confessor Bartholomew Lamentations (The Unexplored Places: Ruin's Gate)
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artbyblastweave · 2 years
There was a zombie apocalypse YA book I liked a lot when I was younger called Rot and Ruin, which I think I’ve talked about a couple of times. It was notable in that it was a reaction to and a deconstruction not of the zombie genre, but of the fantasy of the zombie genre.
One of the big ways in which it did this was that it beat the drum of the fact that zombies used to be people, every single one of them is a walking testament to something terrible that happened to a living, breathing person, and as a result, leaning into the whole “zombies as a faceless nationless omnipresent threat you can kill with no moral repercussions” can lead to, or maybe reveal, some moral corrosion; there’s a clear and consistent delineation between characters who kill zombies because they’re dangerous, and characters who kill zombies because it’s fun to kill zombies. But that’s another post.
The part I find really interesting is that the series is rather unabashedly neo-western; the protagonists are cowboy-samuarai, roaming the wastes and righting wrongs. People travel in horse-drawn covered wagons, they fight with six-shooters and melee weapons, electricity is underdeveloped, gangs play nice in town and turn brutal out in the “frontier,” Bounty Hunters with flamboyant handles like “Sally Two Knives” and “Hector Mexico” and “The Motor City Hammer” abound. 
But! Some of the more astute characters point out that this is diagetic; they make the argument that society, within the series, has organized itself along the lines of a neo-western as a trauma response. It’s called out again and again that there’s really no reason for society to still be stalled out in this sort of wild-west situation of towering cowboy personalities and cowering townsfolk; the zombies are stupid, predictable, and fairly easily exterminated en masse by a large enough group of people who have their shit together. The main reason nobody has done that is because it would require a plurality of people to want to leave their compounds and go back out into the world they lost and really reckon with the sheer breadth and depth of their loss. 
And, as a consequence, that means the wastelands are turned over in-practice to people whose coping mechanism is going out there and killing enormous numbers of former people, with a zeal and gleeful carnival violence that’s framed as deeply unnerving. No one has put the brakes on the fantasy, everyone is suffering, society is is collectively turtling and (since it’s a YA book) no forward progress will be possible until the first generation that’s never known anything, but post-apocalyptic society starts to venture out.
A lot of fiction that deals with post-zombie society either optimistically portrays those societies as being forward thinking, problem-solving go-getters (The Walking Dead, World War Z) or as cynical extensions of the same corruption present in the old world (George Romero.) Rot and Ruin, for its many faults, is in this super compelling middle ground where society is back enough to be shelf-stable and sustainable, but that’s all; a situation where society itself is decent, pleasant, but complacent, and willing to overlook immense human suffering in areas of the country that it abdicated out of pain and fear.
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sushiwrites · 2 months
While I'm glad that volleyball is the focus of this manga some of yall just hate to see love if it's not your ship. Like yeah you don't need to be married to be happy i agree. And I love seeing all the characters thriving doing what they do.... but it wouldn't have been the end of the world if they did show a spouse or partner. Lmao
Romero is shown to be a world class player and inspiration to many of the character and he's married with a child? Hector got married??
Like it seems yall don't care about plot and care about your ships.
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dozydawn · 1 year
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“Hector Zaraspe's Tango Passion is performed at the Lyric Theatre by Juan Corvalan and Viviana Laguzzi.”
“Omar Ocampo dances with Monica Romero in Hector Zaraspe's Tango Passion.”
Photographed by Robbie Jack, 1999.
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ofenigmas · 1 year
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(Sean Teale) [THE TACITURN]. Please welcome [TALON ROMERO (HE/HIM)] to Huntsville, WV. They are a [32]-year-old [VISITOR] who lives in [TOWN]. You may see them around working as a [FIREFIGHTER at FIRE STATION]. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive. 
NAME: talon demetrius romero
BIRTH DATE + AGE: january 16, 1991 – 20:33
GENDER: male
PRONOUNS: he/him
ORIENTATION: heterosexual
OCCUPATION: firefighter at fire station (former mechanic)
BIRTHPLACE: huntsville, west virginia
FAMILY: hector valencia - father (alive), mary-beth romero - mother (alive), beau romero (older half-brother - alive), rhea edward romero (older half-brother - alive), gladiola romero (older half-sister - alive?), hawthorne romero (older half-brother - alive), mallard romero (older half-brother - alive), phoenix romero-sawyer, (older half-brother - alive), cassius romero (younger half-brother - alive), luis valencia (younger half-brother - alive), robert romero (younger half-brother - deceased)
FACE CLAIM: sean teale
EYE COLOR: dark brown
HAIR: dark brown
HEIGHT: 6′3″
TATTOOS: minimalist pentagon tattoo on his left forearm
SCARS/BIRTH MARKS: small number of minor scars from childhood, heart -shaped birthmark on underside of knee
ZODIAC: capricorn sun, aquarius moon, virgo rising
MBTI: intj, the mastermind.
ENNEAGRAM: 5w6, the problem solver. self-preservation/sexual subtype.
ALIGNMENT: true neutral / neutral evil
TEMPERAMENT: melancholic
ARCHETYPE: the kinslayer / the outlaw
ELEMENT: earth
ASSOCIATED CHARACTERS:, geralt of rivia, robbie reyes (agents of shield), bellamy blake, warren peace, rhysand from acotar, luke castellan, zuko from atla, maybe dick greyson/robin (teen titans).
AESTHETIC: being lost in a forest in the dead of winter, a silhouette of someone alone in a cemetery, a murder of ravens, always looking over your shoulder, hidden smirks, fists clenched, dread in the form of a foreboding thunderstorm cloud over your head like a cursed crown, checkmate on a chessboard 
tw: death (including significant other), murder, blood, gun injury
talon is the third to last child of the romero family, the younger end of the middle. because of this, most of his half-siblings were halfway or already grown by the time he was born.
in early childhood, talon didn't really socialize with anyone other than his siblings and his books. he had some understanding of his family's reputation, but only enough to know most people thought he was just another person to be wary of.
a middle school talon often wondered who his father was, if he had a family just as large as the romeros out there somewhere who didn't know about him. he learned to internalize this after mary-beth showed no interest in revealing his father or if he even knew talon existed. still booksmart, he was also known to get into fights at school when provoked about his family.
in high school, he was much less prone to being provoked, but still wore the tough outsider kid reputation. he made a close group of friends and even fell in love. perhaps the romeros were not so cursed after all.
a few weeks before graduation, lying on a third-story rooftop with his girlfriend of two years mandy, they discussed their future, going to community college, transferring to WVU for a couple years, and returning to open his own local bookstore. instead, his dreams came to a swift halt as mandy lost her balance and fell off the roof to her death.
despite having been lying on the roof and not even touching her, talon blamed himself for her death. this was only worsened by someone starting a rumor that he must have pushed her. he skipped his diploma walk, stayed in the back of her funeral, and ditched town shortly after.
unsure what to do with himself, talon used dna test results he'd done a few months prior and managed to find his half-brother in florida, who introduced him to his birth father. or... at least, tried to. hector valencia had no interest in bonding with or acknowledging his son he'd never known existed.
talon ended up rooming with his half-brother luis and luis's fraternity brother oliver. it was meant to be a temporary situation, as talon was desperate for finding an income far away from either his hometown or his birth father, but talon was just desperate enough to agree to oliver's methods for "quick cash".
the jobs started out innocuously enough, mostly dropping off oliver at sketchy locations and driving them both home. easy enough. one of oliver's connections even managed to hook talon up with a job at the local mechanic shop. eventually, the jobs grew more dangerous, and talon became well aware he was playing "getaway driver", but at this point he didn't much care.
about a week ago, oliver didn't show up, and talon tracked him down only to discover he'd been shot, a deal gone wrong. he'd refused to go to the hospital, and despite talon's attempts to help, he was too late. he realized how this looked, yet again. if he called for help, he'd be blamed for his involvement, and there was nothing left anyone could do for oliver, so he ran.
no idea where he was going, talon eventually found himself in west virginia, where he hadn't stepped foot in 15 years. feeling just nostalgic enough to drive through town on his way north, talon soon discovered... there was no way out?
generally has no desire to get close to anyone as he feels people who get close to him have a mysterious way of meeting an untimely end.
is still set on leaving town, it hasn't settled yet that this is an impossible task.
currently works as a firefighter.
top 5 theme songs:
destructible - siiickbrain
Uh-oh heads a junkyard so cold midnight graveyard ... Wake me up cause I wanna get away from the trauma can anyone make this better? Every time my hearts under attack I I slam my skull into a wall ...
Uh-oh I feel hollow Seems like there’s no tomorrow Head hurts it might explode Uh-oh need a restart I’ll send you a postcard
empty - letdown 
You don’t know the hell I’ve been through. You don’t know the price I paid. You can’t see the walls I’m bracing, time I’m facing all my days. Every bit of man I once was. Every bit of love that I could have. Setting into motion All the other fear I had. Nobody help me, I'm not cold, I'm empty.
devil doesn’t bargain - alec benjamin  The devil doesn’t bargain It’s useless, don’t do this It’s hubris to try He’s ruthless, you knew this I can see that you’re sure You can change him but I know you won’t He’ll only break your heart again It isn’t worth it, darling He’s never gonna change He’ll never be Prince Charming He’ll only do you harm.
cut my fingers off - ethan bornick 
I fear the people I love most And a disappointed face My unconditional blindfolds And a life that I could waste (ah-ah) Now I never sit up straight And I don't fit the mold -- Lone wolf, thought I'd do better on my own (ah-ah) Lost in a survival TV show
go to war - nothing more
We arm ourselves with the wrongs we've done Name them off one by one Let's go to war
Screaming at the ones we love Like we forgot who we can trust Screaming at the top of our lungs On the grounds where we feel safe Do we feel safe?
— CONNECTIONS: (***most of talon's connections will need to be made on the dash***)
HALF-SIBLING - { 8 / 9 } - open: luis valencia (negotiable on name and surname)
INNER CIRCLE - { 6 / 6 } - clara jones, eliana kapur, james brennan, mandy thatcher, ruben hobbes, hanna hobbes - the people in huntsville talon would have once considered his closest friends and his "family". they have matching tattoos.
ROOMMATES - { 1 / 1 } - james brennan - talon will need somewhere to live and is probably sleeping at the fire station rn
ACQUAINTANCES - { 1 / ? } - morgan vovk - anyone who has lived in town over 15 years could have met talon
CO-WORKERS - { 2 / 5 } - phoenix romero-sawyer, riley saunders - others who work at the fire station
ENEMIES - { 1 / ? } - jasper sinclair - anyone who judged him for his closed off nature growing up, or who he hated for mocking his family
DISLIKED - { 0 / ? } - anyone he's met upon arrival and been rude to since
none open currently
OTHER - feel free to hit me up with any other ideas you have as well !
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10point-must · 1 year
Garcia - Davis: Gervonta Davis Last 5
As promised, we’re taking a look back at Gervonta Davis’ last 5 fights ahead of his big match against Ryan Garcia this weekend. Gervonta has some truly wild looks - hoping for more of the same this weekend.
In October 2020 Davis knocked out Leo Santa Cruz in San Antonio, sporting what was possibly a Mayweather homage:
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We referenced this fight (and the Mayweather connection) at the time.
In June 2021 he stopped Mario Barrios in Atlanta wearing trunks that were nearly entirely long yellow fringe. I don’t hate the color scheme, but I’d be pretty annoyed if I paid for ad space on the back of his trunks.
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We referenced this fight here as well. No Boxing No Life gloves for Gervonta.
More evidence of wholesale fringe purchases by Gervonta’s team for his fight against Isaac Cruz in Los Angeles in December 2021.
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A nice Kobe Bryant tribute. You’ll notice that Davis will occasionally wear completely blank gloves - no brand, no logo, no wording. I like it in principle -- red with this look is not the obvious choice however.
Gervonta dressed like he was a haunted house at a carnival for his knockout win over Rolly Romero in Brooklyn in May 2022.
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Grant gloves in the Romero fight for Davis.
Gervonta rebounded nicely -- pretty cool look against Hector Garcia in Washington DC in January 2023.
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Black trunks with circular sequin designs throughout, white Winning gloves and white, yellow and pink Nike shoes. Only critique is that a yellow and/or pink accent on the white gloves would have been a nice touch.
Looking forward to what Gervonta has in store for us on Saturday night - more subtle point is what brand of boxing gloves we’ll see.
Respect box.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Dec. 28 (UPI) -- Undefeated lightweight boxing titleholder Gervonta Davis was arrested charged with domestic violence and is in jail in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., according to the Broward County Sheriff's Office.
Arrest records show that officers arrested Davis on Tuesday in Parkland. He is being held on $1,000 bond at the main jail on a domestic violence charge of battery causing bodily harm.
The Baltimore native was to appear at a court hearing Wednesday morning in Fort Lauderdale.
Davis, 28, is set to face Hector Luis Garcia in a headline fight Jan. 7 in Washington, D.C. The 130-pound titleholder is 27-0 with 25 knockouts. Davis beat Rolando Romero is his last fight May 28 in Brooklyn to retain his WBA lightweight world title.
Davis also is set to appear Feb. 16 in Baltimore Circuit Court in connection to a hit-and-run incident, which occurred in November 2020, according to court records. He is accused of fleeing the scene of the accident, which involved four people, and faces 14 charges from that incident. He also faces a civil suit.
Davis also was charged with simple battery domestic violence in 2020 in Coral Gables, Fla., but Miami-Dade County court records show that case was discharged Dec. 13.
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indiejones · 1 year
1.      .Lionel Messi
2.      .Alfredo di Stefano
3.      .Diego Maradona
4.      .Zinedine Zidane
5.      .Robert Lewandowski
6.      .Gerd Muller
7.      .Pele
8.      .Michel Platini
9.      .John Charles
10.  .Ronaldo Nazario (Brazil)
11.  .George Weah
12.  .Andrea Pirlo
13.  .Kaka
14.  .Andres Iniesta
15.  .Robbie Keane
16.  .Xavi Hernandez
17.  .Roberto Carlos
18.  .Cafu
19.  .Silvio Piola
20.  .Lev Yashin
21.  .Nilton Santos
22.  .Valentino Mazzola
23.  .Claudio Taffarel
24.  .Milan Baros
25.  .Zico
26.  .Ferenc Puskas
27.  .Ruud Gullit
28.  .Bobby Moore
29.  .Socrates
30.  .Mario Kempes
31.  .Patrick Kluivert
32.  .Jose Luis Chilavert
33.  .Paola Rossi
34.  .Fernando Hierro
35.  .Franz Beckenbauer
36.  .Telmo Zarra
37.  .Didi
38.  .Dennis Bergkamp
39.  .Oleg Blohkin
40.  .Jose Manuel Moreno
41.  .Hector Scarone
42.  .Carles Puyol
43.  .Willy van der Kuijlen
44.  .Neymar
45.  .Marcel Desailly
46.  .Fandi Ahmad
47.  .Hariss Harun
48.  .Johan Cryuff
49.  .Fabio Cannavaro
50.  .Thierry Henry
51.  .Gheorghe Popescu
52.  .Jimmy Greaves
53.  .Falcao
54.  .David Villa
55.  .Abedi Pele
56.  .Robin Van Persie
57.  .Ernst Wilimowski
58.  .Toni Polster
59.  .Ray Clemence
60.  .Carlos Pavon
61.  .Ryan Giggs
62.  .David James
63.  .Frank De Boer
64.  .Ismail Al Hammadi
65.  .Kostas Katsouranis
66.  .David Seaman
67.  .Oliver Kahn
68.  .Karl Heinz Rummenigge
69.  .Ferenc Deak
70.  .Bruno Conti
71.  .Fernando Peyroteo
72.  .Xabi Alonso
73.  .Alexis Sanchez
74.  .Jose Altafini
75.  .Paolo Maldini
76.  .Florian Albert
77.  .Ferenc Szusza
78.  .Roland Nilsson
79.  .Steven Gerrard
80.  .Clarence Seedorf
81.  .Diego Simeone
82.  .Ruslan Rotan
83.  .Joachim Streich
84.  .Enzo Fransescoli
85.  .Julio Cesar Romero
86.  .Giacinto Facchetti
87.  .Trevor Thompson
88.  .Gabriel Batistuta
89.  .Marco Van Basten
90.  .Ronaldinho
91.  .Patrik Berger
92.  .Sandor Kocsis
93.  .Karim Benzema
94.  .Luis Suarez (Spain)
95.  .Ivan Hurtado
96.  .Eric Cantona
97.  .Shinji Okazaki
98.  .Uwe Seeler
99.  .Paul Gascoigne
100.                      .Sammy Hughes
101.                      .Frank Lampard
102.                      .Stevan Jovetic
103.                      .Romelu Lukaku
104.                      .Jock Dodds
105.                      .George Best
106.                      .Paul Breitner
107.                      .Hwang Sun-Hong
108.                      .Makoto Hasebe
109.                      .Didier Deschamps
110.                      .Deon McCaulay
111.                      .Garrincha
112.                      .Roberto Baggio
113.                      .Kenny Dalglish
114.                      .Sandro Mazzola
115.                      .Nikos Anastopoulos
116.                      .Alisson Becker
117.                      .Alan Hansen
118.                      .Edin Dzeko
119.                      .Jan Koller
120.                      .Husain Ali
121.                      .Hossam Hassan
122.                      .Rafael Aranzadi
123.                      .Gunnar Nordahl
124.                      .Ian Rush
125.                      .Frederick Roberts
126.                      .Rui Costa
127.                      .Faas Wilkes
128.                      .Lakhdar Belloumi
129.                      .Duncan Edwards
130.                      .Andreas Brehme
131.                      .Ruud van Nistelrooy
132.                      .Hussein Saeed
133.                      .Raul
134.                      .Roberto Ayala
135.                      .Manuel Neuer
136.                      .Bobby Charlton
137.                      .Carlos Alberto
138.                      .Romario
139.                      .Elias Figueroa
140.                      .Peter Schmeichel
141.                      .David Healy
142.                      .David Beckham
143.                      .Marta
144.                      .Stuart Pearce
145.                      .Nandor Hidegkuti
146.                      .Ferenc Bene
147.                      .Miroslav Klose
148.                      .Ali Al-Biski
149.                      .Luis Tejada
150.                      .Didier Drogba
151.                      .Sergio Ramos
152.                      .Dani Alves
153.                      .Shunmugham Subramani
154.                      .Ali Ashfaq
155.                      .Jurgen Klinsmann
156.                      .Roger Milla
157.                      .Hans Krankl
158.             ��        .Andriy Shevchenko
159.                      .Jose Nasazzi
160.                      .Enzo Fransescoli
161.                      .Ricardo Zamora
162.                      .Dave Halliday
163.                      .Bojan Jokic
164.                      .Arthur Rowley
165.                      .Phil Younghusband
166.                      .Michael Laudrup
167.                      .Claudio Gentile
168.                      .Emmanuel Okwi
169.                      .Gianluigi Buffon
170.                      .Steve Bloomer
171.                      .Ronald Koeman
172.                      .Robbie James
173.                      .Marek Jankulovski
174.                      .Petr Cech
175.                      .Georginio Wijnaldum
176.                      .Boy Martin
177.                      .Asamoah Gyan
178.                      .Zbigniew Boniek
179.                      .Michael Owen
180.                      .Arda Turan
181.                      .Marcelinho Paraiba
182.                      .Kazuyoshi Miura
183.                      .Sepp Maier
184.                      .Antonin Panenka
185.                      .Luis Suarez (Uruguay)
186.                      .Tommy Dickson
187.                      .Eusebio
188.                      .Kunishige Kamamoto
189.                      .Fritz Walter
190.                      .Rivelino
191.                      .Rene Houseman
192.                      .Tostao
193.                      .Roy Krishna
194.                      .Lukas Podolski
195.                      .Tulio Maravilha
196.                      .Emilio Butragueno
197.                      .Klaus Fischer
198.                      .Carlos Valderrama
199.                      .Jim Baxter
200.                      .Raymond Kopa
201.                      .Hristo Stoichkov
202.                      .Edgar Davids
203.                      .Samuel Eto’o
204.                      .Sol Campbell
205.                      .Dunga
206.                      .Jan Vertonghen
207.                      .Hans-Jurgen Dorner
208.                      .Gianni Rivera
209.                      .Glenn Ferguson
210.                      .Jozsef Takacs
211.                      .Claudio Caniggia
212.                      .Omar Sivori
213.                      .Cristiano Ronaldo
214.                      .Domagoj Vida
215.                      .Lothar Matthaus
216.                      .Jose Manuel Rey
217.                      .Alessandro del Piero
218.                      .Gerson
219.                      .Teofilo Cubillas
220.                      .Joe Bambrick
221.                      .Lajos Tichy
222.                      .Paulo Futre
223.                      .Denis Law
224.                      .Antoine Griezmaan
225.                      .Ashley Cole
226.                      .Josef Bican
227.                      .Zlatan Ibrahimovich
228.                      .Tommy Lawton
229.                      .Claudio Suarez
230.                      .Godfrey Chitalu
231.                      .Olivier Giroud
232.                      .Franco Baresi
233.                      .Gheorghe Hagi
234.                      .Juan Alberto Schiaffino
235.                      .Matthias Sammer
236.                      .Allan Simonsen
237.                      .Jalal Hosseini
238.                      .Teerasil Dangda
239.                      .Des Dickson
240.                      .Karel Poborsky
241.                      .Keylor Navas
242.                      .Cody Gakpo
243.                      .Kasun Jayasuriya
244.                      .Davor Suker
245.                      .Richarlison
246.                      .Roland Juhasz
247.                      .Karim Bagheri
248.                      .Ahmed Jamil
249.                      .Saad Al-Mukhaini
250.                      .Nawaf Al-Khaldi
251.                      .Raymond Braine
252.                      .Careca
253.                      .Sven Rydell
254.                      .Johan Neeskens
255.                      .Neville Southall
256.                      .Luigi Riva
257.                      .Cha Bum-kun
258.                      .Youri Djorkaeff
259.                      .Vivian Woodward
260.                      .Phil Younghusband
261.                      .Lillian Thuram
262.                      .Kylian Mbappe
263.                      .Isidro Langara
264.                      .Jon Dahl Tomasson
265.                      .Matthias Sindelar
266.                      .Sergio Busquets
267.                      .Luis Figo
268.                      .Amancio
269.                      .Josef Masopust
270.                      .Robert Smyth McColl
271.                      .Hugo Sanchez
272.                      .Bryan Robson
273.                      .Abdallah Deeb
274.                      .Pierre Emerick Aubameyang
275.                      .Jean-Pierre Papin
276.                      .Rudi Voller
277.                      .Stanley Matthews
278.                      .Djalma Santos
279.                      .Tom Finney
280.                      .Kolbeinn Sigporsson
281.                      .Aron Winter
282.                      .Hugo Lloris
283.                      .Glenn Hoddle
284.                      .Gyorgy Sarosi
285.                      .Ladislav Kubala
286.                      .Luis Oliveira
287.                      .John Barnes
288.                      .Martin Peters
289.                      .Tomas Rosicky
290.                      .Franz Binder
291.                      .Jorginho
292.                      .Jozy Altidore
293.                      .Imants Bleidelis
294.                      .Abe Lenstra
295.                      .Pavel Nedved
296.                      .Hassan Maatouk
297.                      .Francesco Totti
298.                      .Ibrahim Afellay
299.                      .Pat Jennings
300.                      .Just Fontaine
301.                      .Amadeo Carrizo
302.                      .Gabor Kiraly
303.                      .Sergio Aguero
304.                      .Lester More
305.                      .Francisco Gento
306.                      .Herve Revelli
307.                      .Landon Donovan
308.                      .Franck Ribery
309.                      .Zoltan Gera
310.                      .Preben Elkjaer
311.                      .Danny Blind
312.                      .Michalis Konstantinou
313.                      .Laurent Blanc
314.                      .Henrick Mkhitaryan
315.                      .Maynor Figueroa
316.                      .Hani Al-Dhabit
317.                      .Harry Kewell
318.                      .Jimmy Jones
319.                      .Bebeto
320.                      .Jairzinho
321.                      .Jimmy McGrory
322.                      .Gyula Zsengeller
323.                      .Hughie Gallacher
324.                      .Jimmy Kelly
325.                      .Poul Nielsen
326.                      .Frank Rijkaard
327.                      .Giuseppe Meazza
328.                      .Enner Valencia
329.                      .Leonidas da Silva
330.                      .Gordon Banks
331.                      .Gary Linekar
332.                      .Adriano
333.                      .Noureddine Naybet
334.                      .Hristo Bonev
335.                      .Joseph Mermans
336.                      .Hector Ramos
337.                      .Mansour Muftah
338.                      .Stan Mortensen
339.                      .Clint Dempsey
340.                      .Alan Shearer
341.                      .Rivaldo
342.                      .Aleksandar Mitrovic
343.                      .Nasr Eddin Abbas
344.                      .Philipp Lahm
345.                      .Maris Verpakovskis
346.                      .Vava
347.                      .Willem van Hanegem
348.                      .Piapong Pue-on
349.                      .Gonzalo Jara
350.                      .Hakan Sukur
351.                      .Ahmed Ibrahim Khalaf
352.                      .Valentin Ivanov
353.                      .Kevin Keegan
354.                      .Abdulrahim Jumaa
355.                      .Steve McManaman
356.                      .Iker Casillas
357.                      .Robinho
358.                      .Emilio Butragueno
359.                      .Xherdan Shaqiri
360.                      .Peter Pekarik
361.                      .Daniel Passarella
362.                      .Wayne Rooney
363.                      .Gunter Netzer
364.                      .Casemiro
365.                      .Moises Caicedo
366.                      .Zito
367.                      .Emmanuel Petit
368.                      .David Ginola
369.                      .Edinson Cavani
370.                      .Jorge Campos
371.                      .Dixie Dean
372.                      .Luka Modric
373.                      .Oscar Soneje
374.                      .Bilal Mohammed
375.                      .Christian Vieri
376.                      .Roberto Dinamite
377.                      .Cesar Rodriguez Alvarez
378.                      .Ali Daei
379.                      .Raheem Sterling
380.                      .Yoshikatsu Kawaguchi
381.                      .Mokhtar Dahari
382.                      .Ronnie Rooke
383.                      .Tico-Tico
384.                      .Ubaldo Fillol
385.                      .Shota Arveladze
386.                      .Jose Torres
387.                      .Shinji Kagawa
388.                      .Rafael Marquez
389.                      .Frantisek Planicka
390.                      .Patrik Schick
391.                      .Bastian Schweinsteiger
392.                      .Geoff Hurst
393.                      .Harry Kane
394.                      .Oliver Bierhoff
395.                      .Rogerio Ceni
396.                      .Dominique Rocheteau
397.                      .Gaetano Scirea
398.                      .Khamis Al-Dosari
399.                      .Giampiero Boniperti
400.                      .Javier Zanetti
401.                      .Javier Hernandez
402.                      .Gareth Bale
403.                      .Benni McCarthy
404.                      .Rolando Fonseca
405.                      .Abdul Kadir Omur
406.                      .Ali Al-Nono
407.                      .Roger Piantoni
408.                      .Peter Shilton
409.                      .Nigel Codrington
410.                      .Le Cong Vinh
411.                      .Marcelo Moreno
412.                      .Yasuhito Endo
413.                      .Jimmy Johnstone
414.                      .Bernard Lacombe
415.                      .Alan Ball
416.                      .Blaise Matuidi
417.                      .Paul Pogba
418.                      .Frenkie de Jong
419.                      .Jaba Kankava
420.                      .Fyodor Kudryashov
421.                      .Emmanuel Sanon
422.                      .Amer Shafi
423.                      .Ulf Kirsten
424.                      .Laszio Fazekas
425.                      .John Aldridge
426.                      .Jose Andrade
427.                      .Ahmed Musa
428.                      .Kristen Viikmae
429.                      .Heinz Hermann
430.                      .Dino Zoff
431.                      .Tommy Hutchison
432.                      .Geremi
433.                      .Ali Mabkhout
434.                      .Ganbaataryn Togsbayar
435.                      .Imre Schlosser
436.                      .Erwin Helmchen
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cinnamorollzz · 2 years
send 🎰 for me to put our muses into a random list generator then post the first five as potential ships | always accepting ! 
did the muses we don’t have a thread with, of course! lmk if you wanna do any of these :)
aimee nguyen x tommy yoshida. | OK this seems very cute tbh
benji alford x sam morris. 
hector ocasio-romero x amy howard. | it’s giving drug dealer & mob boss’ daughter and I’m living for this
lucy thompson x ramya balakrishna. | musician girlfriends? already love
audrie yoon x liam shea. 
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muznew · 1 month
Beatport Picks 5 Lossless Music March 2024 aif
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  DATE CREATED: 2024-03-25 Tracklist : Ahmet Kilic, 2na - Yeke Yeke BOBTECH, 808Hz (IR) - Codeine Brannco & ANDREOS - Let You Go Conde & Ayah Tlhanyane - Kuwala (Extended) Coss Bocanegra - Gomorra Dayvie - En La Cama (Original Mix) Dj Revilla - Flautin Doug English & Rrotik - Hood Life '24 Eduardo Romero - Pachanguear Fred Everything, James Alexander Bright - Breathe French 79 - FOIX Gogan - Over The Moon Gustaff, Hector Díez - Crash Baby HNQO - Priority James Curd - Walk with Me Jarl Flamar - Scorpiones Joris Delacroix & Silly Boy Blue - Fall In Jose Alves - Guarandinga Kora (CA) & Madota - Feel Kostik Makso, Tibetania - Maitu Lautaro Gabioud - Never Alone Matt D, Claudio Deeper, Tasha LaRae - No Time To Waste MI.LA, Read the full article
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djmusicbest · 1 month
Beatport Picks 5 Lossless Music March 2024 aif
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  DATE CREATED: 2024-03-25 Tracklist : Ahmet Kilic, 2na - Yeke Yeke BOBTECH, 808Hz (IR) - Codeine Brannco & ANDREOS - Let You Go Conde & Ayah Tlhanyane - Kuwala (Extended) Coss Bocanegra - Gomorra Dayvie - En La Cama (Original Mix) Dj Revilla - Flautin Doug English & Rrotik - Hood Life '24 Eduardo Romero - Pachanguear Fred Everything, James Alexander Bright - Breathe French 79 - FOIX Gogan - Over The Moon Gustaff, Hector Díez - Crash Baby HNQO - Priority James Curd - Walk with Me Jarl Flamar - Scorpiones Joris Delacroix & Silly Boy Blue - Fall In Jose Alves - Guarandinga Kora (CA) & Madota - Feel Kostik Makso, Tibetania - Maitu Lautaro Gabioud - Never Alone Matt D, Claudio Deeper, Tasha LaRae - No Time To Waste MI.LA, Read the full article
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djs-party-edm-italia · 2 months
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8/3 The Cube Guys fanno scatenare Lumen c/o Barlume - Marina di Carrara
Venerdì 8 marzo 2024 Lumen @ Barlume - Marina di Carrara, il party che iniziare il weekend con il giusto stile grazie al sound e all'organizzazione di SaintPaul Dj, ospita due artisti italiani attivi in tutto il mondo. Roberto Intrallazzi e Luca Provera, The Cube Guys, quando sono sul palco riescono a coinvolgere ogni tipo di pubblico. Lumen @ Barlume - Marina di Carrara inizia come sempre all'ora dell'aperitivo e si conclude a tarda notte.
THE CUBE GUYS è un progetto discografico nato nel 2005, dalla collaborazione di due dj produttori: Roberto Intrallazzi e Luca Provera. 
Due artisti molto diversi tra loro, per background e per formazione, accomunati dallo stesso amore per la musica e dallo stesso desiderio di creare qualcosa di nuovo, decidono di mettere in comune le proprie esperienze e conoscenze per dedicarsi ad un progetto discografico internazionale. 
La carriera musicale di Roberto Intrallazzi inzia negli anni '80 quando, giovanissimo, fonda gli F.P.I. Project, progetto dance 'made in Italy' di grandissimo successo, con cui tra la fine degli anni 80 e l'inizio dei 90, ha conquistato le classifiche di tutto il mondo. Il loro 'Rich in Paradise' è stato considerato da più parti una delle primissime produzioni house music. 
Nel 2000 Roberto Intrallazzi incontra Luca Provera, dj and producer. 
Luca produrrà insieme al contributo di Intrallazzi più di 200 tracce. L'esperienza radiofonica unita a quella da studio lo renderà velocemente padrone delle più moderne tecniche utilizzate nel campo musicale. Oltre ad essere un grande produttore è anche considerato uno dei dj più alternativi del panorama Italiano, vanta grandi locali e importanti manifestazioni live a contatto con artisti e produttori Pop. 
"Suoniamo con grande attenzione rivolta al pubblico che abbiamo di fronte. Molti Djs non si pongono questo problema suonando quello che vogliono. Per noi la sfida e' quella di creare un grande 'vibe' al' interno di ogni locale" 
I The Cube Guys vantano un portfolio di Clubs come la residenza estiva allo Space di Ibiza, al Cielo di New York, ed allo Space di Miami. Numerose le gig in ogni angolo del pianeta!
La loro esperienza nei più importanti eventi li porta a conoscere molto bene come gestire e condurre musicalmente serate di grande importanza. 
La loro predisposizione nel saper creare momenti magici e di grande atmosfera sono solo alcune delle loro grandi caratteristiche. 
I The Cube Guys sono sempre molto impegnati come A&R della loro label CUBE Recordings oltre a progetti differenti e collaborazioni con le più importanti etichette mondiali. 
The Cube Guys ed il loro claim e format #CUBED! girano il mondo grazie anche al continuo e prezioso contributo di nomi quali Mark Knight, Pete Tong, Fatboy Slim, Bob Sinclar, David Penn, Dave Morales, Hector Romero, Roger Sanchez e tanti altri dei maggiori deejays. 
Una delle ragioni del loro successo viene dal continuo supporto di gran parte delle release discografiche e remix firmati The Cube Guys, che selezionati e licenziati dalle più impotent labels. rendono il loro 'tocco' uno dei più richiesti ed apprezzati nel panorama musicale attuale. 
Lumen, ogni venerdì, dillo solo a tuoi migliori amici
@ Barlume - Marina di Carrara (MS) Viale A. Vespucci 4.
Dalle 19:30 Aperitivo servito (su prenotazione)
Da mezzanotte, club & drink 10€. E' gradita l'eleganza.
Tavoli Aperitivo, Club, Info: 392 1161616
Lumen è un modo davvero coinvolgente di vivere il venerdì, la serata che chiude la settimana di lavoro e finalmente dà il via al weekend. Dalle 19 alle 2 di notte, il divertimento è assicurato. Non è certo necessario aspettare le ore piccole per iniziare a divertirsi con gli amici. Con la compagnia giusta, con l'atmosfera di una situazione curata in ogni singolo dettaglio, sorrisi e relax arrivano prima. Ad esempio, durante l'aperitivo servito al tavolo (disponibile solo su prenotazione). 
Il venerdì sera di Lumen non è solo un aperitivo, non è una serata al ristorante e non è neppure la classica serata in discoteca. E' un mix vincente di tutto questo, con una formula originale, perfetta per far scatenare persone che stanno bene tra loro. Per l'aperitivo, l'ingresso è libero e selezionato, il che facilita il divertimento. "Dillo solo ai tuoi migliori amici", racconta lo staff di Lumen sui social. Perché è un party per molti, certo. Ma non per tutti.
La musica di Lumen rilassa e poi fa scatenare: ogni venerdì in console ci sono artisti di livello assoluto. Al mixer ecco Luca Pedonese e SaintPaul Dj,  al microfono e al sax c'è Max The Voice. Spesso poi sul palco arrivano ospiti in grado di regalare emozioni: sono musicisti, performer e strani personaggi attivi in tutta Italia e non solo. La stagione 2023  - 24 è iniziata il 6 ottobre. E' certo che i tanti party Lumen faranno divertire, eccome.
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