#heartflower au
cricketnationrise · 1 year
WIP game
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or  tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips 
as i was tagged by both @doggernaut and @the-lincyclopedia i figured i'd better do this :D
my wips are a mishmash of both fandoms and done-ness (and doesn't include my FTH fics) but the ones intended for this calendar year are: heartflower au au please fic 1 DONE au please fic 2 DONE zine please fic DONE fic idea every day 4 kiss-cam rwrb mummy au say yes to the dress au kel page hockey au FTH fic x5 (holy guacamole)
and some others that i might work on if the spirit moves me: defining expectations bitty pov Jack's Off Season List series waking up slow part 2 firstprince on bittys vlog pp much ado au alanna vs roger necromancer post dammit missanniewhimsy polycharms summer lovin'
feel free to ask me about any of these here
and i'm tagging because i'm nosy as hell: @clottedcreamfudge @cha-melodius @everwitch-magiks @missanniewhimsy @weneedtotalkaboutfic @parvuls @celeritas2997 @cheesecurdsgravyandfries
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Combo AU of heart flower and hanahaki disease where if you fall in real love not just crush etc and you don’t give away your flower for your love to keep it blooms out of control and takes over your lungs and the only cure is have your emotions and essentially heart removed or death (if you don’t give away your flower before death) and kakashi hides it because he thinks gai only likes him as a rival/friend and then as he’s getting close to the final stages of death bc his love for gai is so strong it’s out of control but gai confesses to him first that he too has the disease bc he just loves kakashi so much and needs to give him his flower not to escape death but because it belongs with kakashi and he’s ok with his feelings not being returned then bam kakashi faints
Kakashi’s stunned. For the first time in years he feels like his throat isn’t burning and screaming at him as sunflower petals covered in blood fall from his mouth.
He never thoght that this was possible. That Gai might actually love him back.
That he’s allowed to have love.
Gai, noticing Kakashi’s silence, shoves the flower into his hands and turns to leave. He doesn’t want to hear Kakashi confirm he doesn’t share those feelings. He’s certain it would be the end of him here and now.
Before he can ge far, though, Kakashi grabs his arm and pulls him back. His heart flower takes a bit if effort to bring up, mostly because he hates showing it.
But as soon as it does Gai see’s a beautiful yellow sunflower like heartflower and he knows who it’s for. It can’t possibly be for anyone else. Not what sunflowers are his favorite flower.
Kakashi doesn’t say the words. He doesn’t need to when he’s holding his heartflower out towards Gai while also clutching the one Gave him close to his chest.
Gai understands completly, and he’s kicking himself for waiting so long to tell Kakashi
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goldenvindication · 5 years
si nequeo superos ; canon-compliant
characters: anise montfort; elise montfort; hadrian werley; brighid calhoun; morgaine selwyn; sairish hadad words: 2.1k warnings: parental death, mild internalized homophobia, annie being scary :o @pleasantprefects heartflower au
flectere si nequeo superos, acheronta movebo - if i cannot move heaven, i will raise hell.
aster - daintiness; trusting
They name her Anise because she is covered in flowers when she is born. Gabriel says her tiny, premature body reminds him of the Jardins de Luxembourg, in Paris, and Elise doesn’t say anything, so he signs the birth certificate with Anise Desdemona - named after the muggle heroine who gave up her life for love, and the flowers that he’d pick in the garden, before he met Elise, before his life changed. Gabriel thought it was for the worse, but seeing the baby girl in his wife’s arms, watching her hand curl around his pinky finger, his mind changes.
When Elise learns of the girl’s name, she scowls. She scowls because the girl’s name was to be Louise or Anna, after her maternal grandparents, but when Gabriel looks at his daughter, he sees only an Anise - an Anise covered in purple flowers stemming from her heart. Sometimes he’ll put his fingers on the petals and rub them between his thumb and forefinger, watching as she coos and giggles.
white lilac - youthful innocence; memories
One of Annie’s favorite memories is of being a muggle. She’s known about magic all her life, and yet it’s muggle Paris, at midnight, which she remembers the most fondly. She’s seven, and she shouldn’t be up - Gabriel knows that, and so does his mother, who chastises him when they get home.
But it’s Paris at midnight, and Papa takes her up to the Pont des Arts to see the Eiffel Tower in all its glory. She thinks it’s beautiful, and Papa holds her little hand as they walk across the bridge. She begs to go on the manege, with the horses, but it’s closed now. Papa puts Annie on his shoulders and she watches, eyes wide, as the tower lights up.
He smiles, and like magic (which she knows is real, but she also knows he doesn’t have), he produces a lock out of his pocket. He says, will you lock it with me, ma fleur?, and she giggles, nods, and he puts her down. She takes one look at the lock, and it turns bright blue, her favorite color, instead of the silver it was.
Gabriel’s shocked. He knew his wife could do that, but for some selfish reason, he hoped that Annie wouldn’t. He’d hoped that Annie would be a… what was it called, a squib, so that she wouldn’t have to be like that family. She had his name, she should have been like him, because if she was, he could have taken her away. He could have kept her here, with her grandmere and her cousins who were actually her age.
But Annie squeals with glee and touches the lock, trying to change it to a different color, but she could only do it once. Gabriel promises her that Mother will teach her soon, when she’s a little older, and her eyes brim with tears. She wanted to do magic like Julia and Isla! He quickly distracts her with the key to the lock, and they lock it together. And soon enough, where his hands are on top of hers, white lilac grows.
When they come back, Clementine Montfort is still awake, and she speaks harshly to Gabriel in rapid French, and still, Annie understands. But Grandmere takes one look at the lilacs on Annie’s hands, and she knows. She puts Annie to bed and shows her the blue tulips on her heart, and plucks one for Annie to keep under her pillow.
arborvitae - everlasting friendship
Annie is eleven and Roscoe has gone back to his dorm, and she is a Ravenclaw. Annie knew she’d be a Ravenclaw. There was no doubt in her, or her mother’s, or her grandmother’s mind, even though the Hat told her she’d do well in Slytherin. Annie disagreed. She is eleven and she wants to be different from her parents, but she misses her Papa and the double life she got to live in Paris the year before.
She’s eleven and alone, and she’d say hello to her roommates, but they don’t seem to like her too much. She’d talked and talked at the feast, and even the prefects had been annoyed at her. Annie finds herself a place in the little library, in a nook on the side. There’s someone across from her, but she ignores him as she takes a long look at her Potions book, but what the heck is a dittany? Annie furrows her brow and stares at the page for way too long, until she spots the tall boy with really big glasses across from her. He looks smart, smarter than her, but he also looks engrossed in… Alas, I’ve Transfigured my Feet? What? Annie bothers Werley until he relents to teaching her, then listens to Werley drone on out of the “kindness” of his heart. As she watches him, arborvitae leaves grow around her thin arms.
She doesn’t really understand why - once Grandmere had learned of her condition, she’d given Annie that weird French book on Victorian flower meanings, saying that it was genetic through Montfort girls -- but Annie wasn’t a Montfort.
Grandmother had told her that she was a Castellaine, and that she was only Montfort by name. “Nothing else,” Grandmother would say, as she inspected the blossoms on Annie’s hands. “You are nothing like your father or his kin. You are a Castellaine, like me, like your grandfather, like your mother before you. You are a witch - in everything but name.”
But from Grandmere’s book, her muggle book, Annie knows that arborvitae is a type of coniferous plant, and that it means everlasting friendship. If the flowers said so, it would have to be true. In that moment, Annie decides that Hadrian Werley (he’d tell her his first name later) would become her best friend. It didn’t matter if he had others.
linaria bipartita - please notice my feelings for you
Annie meets Brighid in her fourth year, and everything changes.
Brighid’s in her Arithmancy class, and Annie’s noticed her before, she has. She’s noticed dark brown hair falling down the girl’s back, she’s noticed thin wrists writing while Annie wasn’t, she’s heard her voice, but not much, she wasn’t outspoken - and she’s definitely noticed pursed pink lips when Annie was called on to answer a question that Brighid obviously knew the answer to.
But Annie’s not gay. She’s not. She likes Cahal a lot; he’s really nice, but she won’t let him kiss her. Kisses on the cheek are fine, but she doesn’t let him touch her more than that. She doesn’t know why he doesn’t protest. It might be because of the way he looks at Babineaux when he thinks Annie isn’t looking.
Brighid begins to tutor Annie in Arithmancy, and Annie notices more. She notices how passionate Brighid is about this godforsaken subject, and she doesn’t understand how. She notices how pretty her eyes are when that specific light from that specific window next to the table in the back hit them. And worst of all, she begins to think about how those pink lips would feel pressed against her own.
Linaria bipartita flowers grow up her ribcage. She tells Hadrian first.
marigold - pain and grief
October ninth was set up to be a normal day, but when Sairish Hadad comes frantically into the Ravenclaw common room, everyone can tell that something is wrong. She calls for Montfort, and just then, Annie comes downstairs in her school robes. It’s a normal day, and she fiddles with the pleats on her skirt. Professor Hadad meets Annie’s eyes, and gestures for her to come with her.
Annie is in trouble, she knows it. Her grades had dropped in DADA -- but Hadad looks scared and sad, not disappointed.
As Annie is lead to the tower, there is a cup of tea for her there. She’s sat down in front of Hadad’s desk, and spoken to very gently.
Those first moments don’t feel real. She stares at Hadad for a long, long moment, and then bursts into tears. Papa is dead, and she is here. She can’t go home - but it wasn’t as if she wanted to. Mother wouldn’t be sad, Grandmother might even be triumphant. It sickened her to think of it, but as she cried, Professor Hadad pulls her into a tight hug, but Annie can’t hear anything.
Grief is hard, Anise, she says. You’re a strong witch, she says, but Annie can’t feel a thing. She can’t feel a thing as she plucks each white lilac from her hands and fingers and watches as dark marigolds grow in their place.
blue tulip - respect; tranquility; trust
Annie meets Morgaine Selwyn the next month and then promptly tries to pull her wand on the woman. Hadrian stops Annie, but she’s furious. This woman must have killed her father, or knows who did, with all of the blood-supremacist bullshit she’s spewing.
But Superbia is kind and calm with her. She explains everything, she apologises, promises her that it everything will be worth it - as long as Annie is loyal.
The Vindication gives Annie place and a purpose. They say destroy her favorite professor’s tower, and she does. When she asks Superbia why, after, Superbia tells her that it was a test. They were making sure she was loyal; that she wouldn’t leave. She wouldn’t. Annie doesn’t question anymore. She never gives them a reason to distrust her loyalty after that.
Blue tulips grow behind her ear, up her temples, and she wears them like trophies.
honeysuckle - devoted affection; bonds of love
Annie kisses Brighid in the rain after the Halloween dance, and all seems right with the world. Brighid’s hand in hers is perfection, like the warmest blanket on a cold day, and she smells like the jasmine essence from the prefects’ bathroom.
Annie kisses her and kisses her, and she doesn’t let go until Brighid pulls away. She tells Annie that she isn’t sure about any of this, that she isn’t sure that she wants commitment right now. Annie says she isn’t sure either. That is a lie. Annie says kiss me until you are. That isn’t.
Honeysuckle blossoms grow up her ribcage. She’d pick them all for Brighid.
red dahlia - betrayal; dishonesty
They tell the Elder Futhark to kill Alis Murray after a tea party. Annie starts to doubt once again. She doesn’t mean to, they’ve done so much for her already, but she doesn’t understand. Annie doesn’t know how to kill anyone. She’s not powerful. She’s never used a killing curse or even a jinx for real.
Ira tells Annie she isn’t being creative enough. She tries again, but it’s too late before the four older kids have figured something out. Annie’s angry. They were supposed to do this as a team, she says, why don’t you want to be a team?
Davis hits a cursed bludger at Murray during a Quidditch match. She survives, and Annie wants to punch Gemma Watts. She wants to punch Gemma Watts right in her stupid, smug face, and tell her that she was wrong. Annie knows she was right, that they’d have to work together, but Annie also knows that Gemma Watts wouldn’t care.
They form a plan. They execute that plan practically flawlessly. Locke makes the potion. Davis puts the potion into chocolate. Annie gets Alis Murray to take her back to the classroom where Murray will die, from Professor Cavanagh giving her those chocolates. Murray gives Annie a music box to give to her Brighid, for Valentine’s Day, she says. Red dahlias grow up Annie’s spine.
Her Brighid kills Murray. Her beautiful, stoic Brighid kills a woman, and Hadrian does too. Then, after, they pretend to go ice-skating.
begonia - beware; a fanciful nature
They tell her to spread the ideals, so she does. She becomes powerful, leading a group of people at a tea party, telling them about the eradication of wizards without magic. She tells her proteges how much better the world would be if magic was not just given away.
She finds herself not wanting to be like her father anymore. She finds herself wanting to be pure, like her mother. She wishes she’d never been to France, and that her father hadn’t robbed her of her birthright. The marigolds stay.
And when she sees herself in the mirror, she can barely recognize the platinum-haired girl staring back at her, with begonias across her shoulders. Anise likes it better this way.
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strangermask · 4 years
I come with angst
Since Tumblr likes to yeet my ask into the void, I am going to type this out. So @anxiousworm be prepared for the angst I’m about to bring. (I’m also going to add a little bit of my stuff in if that’s okay.)
part 2 | part 3
Alternate ending for the elemental au: This is based on the amnesia ending, but with a twist. Sometime after the events of Kai becoming a lava monster, he got his memories back. He remembers everything, from his first attack to almost killing Lloyd. He doesn’t want to tell the others he remembered, because he’s worried they’ll lock him up. So he keeps that secret to himself. So a few weeks go by after Kai remembers what happened, and he starts to get sick. Every day his illness gets worse and worse, and no one knows why. Until one day, Kai starts to change back to lava Kai. He doesn’t want to hurt people again or destroy cities again. He tries to fight back, and he succeeds...to an extent. Parts of his body are now lava, and his emotional and mental health is extremely worse. The others are extremely worried Kai will go evil again, so they lock him up before anything happens. And of course, this makes him feel so much better. So Kai is locked upped feeling super guilty, super self-hatred, super depressed, and basically is feeling like a monster. Then a mysterious man teleports into Kai’s cell. The man says “Hey, I’m one of your forgotten ancestors who has memory loss and can’t remember who the fuck I am. But you can call me WD. Anyways, I’m here to bring to a realm that won’t treat you like shit and get you the therapy you need.” So mysterious man brings Kai into a new realm. The ninjas found out Kai is gone, and all that is left is a note from WD which says “I’ve taken Kai to a new realm where he’ll actually be appreciated and not be treated the ways you guys been treating him. Also, fuck you all (Especially you Wu).” So Kai is dropped off in a forest where he meets another stranger who looks human. The stranger, seeing Kai’s form, asked if he was okay. Kai said to stay back because he doesn’t want to hurt the stranger. He says, “It’s okay. I’m a varsel, and we’re immune to fire and other hot things.” Kai is still wary about hurting the stranger, but he is persistent in helping Kai out. He finally agrees to go to with the stranger and he leads Kai to Heartflower (Stranger’s hometown). The stranger introduces himself as Ignituas. The two enter Heartflower and the townsfolk who saw Kai asked if he was okay. He was surprised by the number of people here who wanted to help him. Soon, Ignituas and Kai made it to the town’s hospital. The doctors did everything to find out what was up with Kai. They found the problem, and that problem was that Kai was badly damaged on the inside. By inside, they mean emotional and mental. They can’t return Kai back to his normal form, but they can help his mental and emotional problems. Kai realizes if he stayed here, he might get help or hurt the village. But going back to Ninjago didn’t seem like a great option either. So he stays with Ignituas and his wife Irene for the time Kai is there. He is now going to get a therapist.
(part 1 out of ? because there is definitely going to be more)
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rayshippouuchiha · 4 years
Tumblr media
Since hellenhighwater was sharing, I thought I’d send along the okay-ish drawing that accompanied a drabble of a Heartflower AU of my own wip back in like 2017
The emotions of the AU and the meaning-making helped me sort out a lot of central character drives, something I learn to do a little better every time I read one of your works.
On the day of the trial, she meets Sereda, and a stalk of lilac curls up and over her right breast. Sereda says, Ambitious, and she yearns to crow, and how. At Adelon Academy, Enchanter’s Nightshade wraps around Thackery’s left forearm day by day, tiny white blooms springing into existence with every success. When she meets the twins, her back burns as the first of many cardinal flowers bloom into existence. With every presentation of her theoretic ritual, a new sprig of yellow fennel appears to mirror the nightshade, blooming over her right wrist. When her familiar steps into the ritual circle, Try it on me, her right shoulder is engulfed by the pale yellow blooms of honeysuckle. When she kneels before the King, a trio of small, expectant Zephyr blooms appear on her left cheek, and she catches the slightest curl to his majesty’s lips.
(You don’t have to share this of course, though I’m fine either way, just wanted to thank you, and let you know you’ve inspired many!)
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bastianhallix · 4 years
tbh the heartflower-verse is just me taking scrapped ocs and converting them into tes characters
jackson is based off,,,,jackson from an old series i had in 8th grade where he was a private school student and a borderline necromancer. this is weird to admit but tbh i made jackson 1.0 after i had a dream about him (and leo who you'll see later in this post)
lily is based off marilyn (a scrapped character from my original series), and they're pretty much the same in terms of personality
aaaaaand maelienwe is based off chara from an old charisk undertale au that i had. they have the same personality (except that mae is also a recovering addict) and mae's relationship with martin is pretty similar to chara's relationship with frisk in that au
not tes but my dnd character corril is a remastered version of leo. leo used to be jackson 1.0's bf and uhh yeah
obsesia is the One exception to all of this. they're not based off any of my old ocs.
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cricketnationrise · 1 year
AO3 Wrapped!
Tagged by @missanniewhimsy 💜
Works Published: 58
Word Count: 131,355
Hits: 24,140
Bookmarks: 392
Most Popular By Kudos: learning to love a stranger
Most Hits: learning to love a stranger
Longest: Got Your Back Means I'll Get You Out (17,001)
Shortest: Redo, Renaissance, Turkey, Space (all at 200)
Most Comments: Got Your Back Means I'll Get You Out
Fic That Made Me Cry: Shitty's Bedroom, Apr. 13, 2015
Fic That Made Me Smile: Theater Building, Dec. 6
Gifts: Received: 3 / Given: 25
Collaborations: nothing official, but @the-lincyclopedia and @missanniewhimsy have beta'd so well that it was close
Events: Sapphic Summerfest 2022, Peach Week 2022, Sapphic Winterfest 2022, Deck the Haus, The Brownstone 100 Member Celebration, Fandom Trumps Hate 2022
Coming in 2023: -another installment of the heartflower au series -rwrb mummy au -more rwrb drabbles -say yes to the dress nurseydex au -alanna pov tortall hockey au -FTH 2023
Tagging: @parvuls, @the-lincyclopedia, @everwitch-magiks, @clottedcreamfudge, @cha-melodius - and anyone else who wants to! (it was super interesting to go through all this stuff)
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cricketnationrise · 3 years
heartflower au!
ransom meeting nursey
just a lil ficlet
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cricketnationrise · 3 years
seven sentence wip thing
tagged by @unconventional-turtle for this :D 
have seven eight okay 12 (but a lot of them are really short) sentences from the next chapter of the nursey/dex heartflower au
He only manages to draw his eyes away from the strong muscles on Dex’s back because of the smell of pie. There’s a piece sitting on the desk they share (badly) with a note propped next to it. He reaches out with a slightly shaking hand to pick it up.
Nursey -
I noticed you weren’t back yet and didn’t want you to miss out on the rhubarb since I know it’s your favorite.
Try not to leave this one to grow mold.
- Dex
As he reaches the end of the note he feels a new flower mark etching its way onto his ribs. He eats the pie first - some things are more important - and then goes to check it in the bathroom mirror.
It’s a pear blossom. Affection. More than just lovely.
tagging @the-lincyclopedia @sincerelyreidburke @ivecarvedawoodenheart @tingo-tango or whoever wants to share some of what they’re working on :D
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cricketnationrise · 3 years
Charmer Heartflower AU!
Cait woke up one morning, four months into dating Chris to find a sprig of holly on the forearm opposite the cherry blossom.
That was Chris’ mark.
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cricketnationrise · 3 years
4K of Alicia Zimmermann fic for your tables
part of my heartflower au series
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cricketnationrise · 3 years
ten sentence tuesday
this snippet wouldn’t leave my head so have this. will eventually be part of a derek pov chapter of chives and marigolds.
Derek used to wear his heartflower proudly, showing off the shades of orange and yellow proudly to anyone he came across.
The world was less kind about it the older he got.
The creativity and passion indicated by his heartflower grew into something to hide - to protect - as Derek grew up.
By the time he started at Andover, he was wearing a blocker band anytime he wasn’t sleeping. It was safer that way. It was hard enough being a black hockey player at a mostly white prep school. He didn’t need to give the other teams (and sometimes his own teammates) even more ammunition.
So. Meeting Shitty Knight, loud, ridiculously friendly, astonishingly open, Iris-bearing Shitty Knight was a shock.
Shitty never wore a blocker band or used the special body paint or wore long sleeves. His heartflower was just, there, for anyone to see.
According to Shitty, someone had tried to make fun of him about his iris exactly once, before Shitty’s famous mouth eviscerated them.
Shitty was the first new person to see Derek’s heartflower since elementary school.
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cricketnationrise · 3 years
part the next in my nurseydex heartflower au series
featuring nursey at andover, shitty being great, and the taddy tour
a snippet for your table:
Slowly, Derek stops talking about his marigold, and by extension, everything else. Only his family knows his notebook is full of his own words; his short stories and his feelings and lines copied from his favorite books and things that happened to him and his poems. By the start of middle school, Derek has a single belladonna bloom on the back of his neck, heavy with all the things he isn’t saying.
He decides he’s going to be chill from here on out, finally taking his sister’s advice, and buys a blocker band to stop the comments.
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cricketnationrise · 3 years
i finished up the fic from this post
Heartflower AU: everyone in the world has a flower mark from birth, will get more as your life shapes you.
Everyone in the world, no matter their circumstances, is born with a mark.
The blossom over their heart is echoed on their left wrist. No matter what.
More marks can follow in time, depending on the impact of a person’s life, but the heartflower pair is the first, and the most important.
No one knows how they started. No one knows what causes them. No one remembers how the meanings came to be understood, just that they are.
People can always tell what the marks mean – without being told. It’s a universal language. Every mark a person gains in the course of their life is subject to the scrutiny and judgement of others.
But the heartflower is the one that speaks the loudest, the one that shouts the essence of a person for all the world to hear.
Heartflowers tend to be private things. Obviously. They are a lot of information for strangers to have about you just from shaking hands. There’s a whole industry related to the covering of heartflowers and marks. Bands and paint and clothing.
Dex makes use of all of them.
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cricketnationrise · 3 years
number one in your wips!
Chris noticed that he and Derek were the only ones on the tour that were showing their heartflowers. Derek’s marigold was a beautiful yellow-orange-gold-red splash. His own holly felt a little plain in comparison.
He was proud of his heartflower, though. Always had been. He only got prouder when he became the starting goalie on his high school team. The defense and protection were obvious goalie analogues, but the foresight and persistence didn’t hurt. Hope of good fortune and domestic happiness were just bonuses after that.
I was originally going to have the Charmer fic be alternating POV, but Cait took over so she got her own. This is part of what I cut out, but I’m like 85% likely to use that stuff for Chowder to have his own fic :D
wip post here
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cricketnationrise · 3 years
Six Sentence Sunday
On a Monday but whatever its fine
tagged by @the-lincyclopedia for this
snippet from what’s up next after How Delightful is over
People can always tell what the marks mean – without being told. It’s a universal language. Every mark a person gains in the course of their life is subject to the scrutiny and judgement of others.
But the heart-flower is the one that speaks the loudest, the one that shouts the essence of a person for all the world to hear.
So when William Jacob Poindexter is born with a cluster of chive blossoms over his heart and echoed on his wrist, small, round, purple and white, almost delicate, his parents celebrate.
The usefulness his flower portends is a boon unlooked for, but welcome all the more for it.
tagging @sincerelyreidburke @parvuls and @biginnyweasley for this :D
read the full finished fic here
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