#hearing aids cost
rediscoverhearing · 17 days
Navigating the Cost of Hearing Aids: Understanding Investment in Better Hearing
For individuals experiencing hearing loss, the decision to invest in hearing aids can be life-changing. These tiny devices have the power to restore clarity, connection, and confidence, enabling users to fully engage with the world around them. However, one of the most common concerns for those considering hearing aids cost. In this blog post, we'll explore the factors that contribute to the cost of hearing aids, discuss the value they provide, and offer insights to help you make an informed decision about this important investment in your hearing health.
Understanding the Cost of Hearing Aids:
Technology Level: Like most electronic devices, hearing aids come in a range of technology levels, from basic to premium. Higher-level devices typically offer more advanced features, such as noise reduction, Bluetooth connectivity, and automatic adjustments for different listening environments. As a result, they often come with a higher price tag.
Style and Design: Hearing aids are available in various styles, including behind-the-ear (BTE), in-the-ear (ITE), completely-in-the-canal (CIC), and invisible-in-canal (IIC). Each style offers different levels of visibility, comfort, and functionality, which can impact the cost.
Customization: Some hearing aids are custom-molded to fit the unique shape of an individual's ear, while others come in standard sizes. Customization adds to the overall cost but can provide a more comfortable and secure fit.
Brand and Manufacturer: Different brands and manufacturers offer hearing aids at varying price points, depending on factors such as reputation, research and development costs, and marketing expenses. While some brands may be more expensive, they may also offer innovative features and superior performance.
Warranty and Support: Many hearing aids come with warranties that cover repairs and replacements for a certain period. Additionally, some providers offer ongoing support services, such as adjustments, cleanings, and follow-up appointments, which may be included in the price of the device.
Navigating the Value of Hearing Aids:
While the cost of hearing aids may seem significant upfront, it's essential to consider the value they provide in improving quality of life and overall well-being. Hearing aids offer numerous benefits, including:
Improved Communication: Hearing aids enable individuals to participate more fully in conversations, whether in-person, over the phone, or via video calls. This leads to stronger relationships and a greater sense of connection with others.
Enhanced Safety: Being able to hear environmental sounds, such as alarms, sirens, and approaching vehicles, is crucial for staying safe in various situations, both indoors and outdoors.
Increased Independence: With improved hearing, individuals can better navigate daily tasks and activities, such as following instructions, managing finances, and enjoying hobbies, without relying on others for assistance.
Better Quality of Life: Studies have shown that wearing hearing aids can lead to improvements in overall quality of life, including greater satisfaction with social interactions, reduced feelings of isolation and depression, and increased participation in leisure activities.
Tips for Affording Hearing Aids:
Explore Financing Options: Many hearing aid providers offer financing plans or payment options to help make hearing aids more affordable. Additionally, some insurance plans, Medicare, and Medicaid may cover part or all of the cost of hearing aids, so be sure to check your coverage.
Consider Value, Not Just Price: When comparing hearing aids, consider the overall value they offer in terms of features, performance, reliability, and support services. While price is an important factor, it's equally important to choose a device that meets your specific hearing needs and lifestyle preferences.
Take Advantage of Trial Periods: Most hearing aid providers offer trial periods that allow you to test out the devices before making a final decision. Take advantage of this opportunity to ensure that the hearing aids are comfortable, effective, and suitable for your needs.
Invest in Your Health and Happiness: Remember that hearing aids are an investment in your health, happiness, and overall quality of life. While the initial cost may seem significant, the benefits of improved hearing far outweigh the price tag.
In conclusion, the cost of hearing aids can vary widely depending on factors such as technology level, style, customization, brand, and warranty. While the upfront investment may seem daunting, the benefits of improved hearing – including enhanced communication, safety, independence, and quality of life – far outweigh the cost. By understanding the factors that contribute to the cost of hearing aids, considering their value in improving your well-being, and exploring financing options, you can make an informed decision about investing in better hearing and embark on a journey to rediscover the joy of sound.
Rediscover Hearing the Joy of Hearing with Your local & WA owned Independent Audiologists. Your local Hearing Aid and Tinnitus Specialists. Combined experience of 38 years.
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audible-smiles · 2 years
this hearing aid thing is actually a pretty big deal, huh?
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legalfirmindia · 26 days
Unraveling Corporate Legal Complexities: Navigating NCLT for Your Business Success
Navigating NCLT for Your Business Success: The ever-changing landscape of Indian business throws a multitude of legal hurdles your way. In the midst of strategizing for market dominance and maximizing profits, navigating the labyrinth of corporate law can feel overwhelming. However, fret not! This is where Empower Legal steps in – your trusted companion on the path to business…
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odyssej · 1 month
Incredibly windy weather in that there are more eyeglasses lying around than dog shit.
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muskanhearingcare · 8 months
Enhance Your Hearing Ability With Hearing Aids In Jalandhar
Hearing aids an sound-amplifying devices designed to aid a person to hear sound better and understand more clearly. The hearing aids consist of three parts: amplifier, speaker, and microphone.
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roybrsblog · 9 months
✨Cochlear Implant Surgery ☎️ +1863(784)5002 Appointment
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A cochlear implant is a small, complex electronic device that can help to provide a sense of sound to a person who is profoundly deaf or severely hard-of-hearing. The implant consists of an external portion that sits behind the ear and a second portion that is surgically placed under the skin (see figure). An implant has the following parts Contact Us +1(863) 784 5002
A microphone, which picks up sound from the environment , A speech processor, which selects and arranges sounds picked up by the microphone , A transmitter and receiver/stimulator, which receive signals from the speech processor and convert them into electric impulses , An electrode array, which is a group of electrodes that collects the impulses from the stimulator and sends them to different regions of the auditory nerve , An implant does not restore normal hearing. Instead, it can give a deaf person a useful representation of sounds in the environment and help him or her to understand speech Cochlear implant surgery is fairly routine and typically performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon will make a small incision behind the ear and sometimes a small area of hair may be shaved away from the incision site Message us  +1(863) 784 5002
The implant is then placed under the skin and the electrode is inserted into the inner ear. The surgical team will perform tests to measure your response to the implant. The incision will be closed, often with disposable stitches, so there may be no stitches to remove later.
Generally after surgery, you or your loved one will be taken to the recovery area until the anesthesia has worn off. This may take a few hours. As it wears off, there may be a little pressure or discomfort around the implant area. Once your medical team is happy with the progress, you will be able to go home.
A bandage will likely be wrapped around the head to protect the incision site. Instructions will be given on how to care for the bandage and when to remove it. It is possible to get back to normal activities a few days after the surgery, but you will need to take extra care of the implant area.
Your doctor will let you know when the implant can be activated and paired with a typically three to four weeks after surgery.
A cochlear implant is a surgically implanted prosthetic device that can improve your hearing. These devices are best suited for people with significant hearing loss in one or both ears who find it difficult to communicate, even with hearing aids. Almost all cochlear implant recipients enjoy significant long-term improvements in both their hearing and their ability to communicate, with minimal -- if any – complications , Contact  us  +1(863) 784 5002
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amplifonindia · 1 year
How much do hearing aids cost in 2023? A Comprehensive Guide
Are you searching about how much hearing aids will cost in 2023? Well, it depends on various factors like severity of hearing loss, type of hearing aid chosen, Geographic location, and much more, which we will discuss in our blog.
Living with hearing loss can significantly impact one's quality of life. However, with the advancements in technology, hearing aids have become a crucial tool in improving hearing and communication abilities.
In 2023, it is important to be familiar with the factors that influence hearing aid costs. This comprehensive guide aims to provide valuable insights into the different types of hearing aids, factors affecting their prices, average cost ranges, additional expenses, financial assistance options, and tips for managing costs. This will help you analyze your requirement and choose the right option that matches your requirement & budget.
Before we shed light on the factors affecting hearing aid prices in 2023, let's explore the type of hearing aid available in the market.
Types of Hearing Aids:
When exploring hearing aids, you'll come across various types, each with its own bundle of benefits and considerations. The three main variants of hearing aids are:
Behind-the-Ear (BTE): BTE ear machines are worn behind the ear and connect to a custom ear mold or earpiece. They become the very first choice because of their durability, versatility, and suitability for a wide range of hearing losses.
In-the-Ear (ITE): ITE hearing aids are custom-made to fit in the ear's outer portion. They are discreet and offer features like volume control and telecoil, suitable for mild to severe hearing loss.
Invisible-in-Canal (IIC): IIC hearing aids are the most petite and discreet type, fitting deep into the ear canal. They offer natural sound quality and are suitable for mild to moderate hearing loss.
Receiver-in-the-Canal (RIC): As a smart and discreet solution to your hearing needs, the RIC hearing aid is a modified version of BTE. It transmitts sound in a different way from BTE's. The sound reaches the ear canal via a discreet wire/ the receivers.
All of the above comes with distinct features and compatibility. In contrast, it depends on the Audiologist's examination and recommendation which one is the better choice according to the degree of hearing loss.
Book an Appointment for a Hearing Aid Trial at Amplifon 
Let's have a look at Factors Affecting Hearing Aid Costs in 2023:
Several factors influence the cost of hearing aids. Understanding these factors will help you take a well-informed decision based on your specific needs. Here are the key factors to consider:
Technology Level: Hearing aids come in different levels, from basic to advanced. Higher technology levels offer more advanced features like noise reduction, directional microphones, and better speech recognition, but they also tend to be a little higher than others.
Features and Functionality: Additional features like Bluetooth connectivity, rechargeable batteries, tinnitus masking, and smartphone compatibility contribute to the overall cost of hearing aids. Assess which features are essential for your lifestyle and choose accordingly.
Customisation: Customized fittings and adjustments are necessary to ensure the hearing aids suit your unique ear anatomy and hearing requirements. Customisation increases the overall cost of hearing aids compared to off-the-shelf options.
Brand and Manufacturer: Different brands and manufacturers have varying pricing structures. Established and reputable brands often come with a higher price tag due to their extensive research, development, and quality assurance.
The list of factors that affect cost continues. Many more aspects should be taken into consideration while assessing the cost of Ear Machine in 2023, which can be determined as follows.
What are the Average Cost Ranges of Hearing Aids?
Hearing aid prices vary widely depending on several factors, including technology level, features, and brand. Here is a typical overview of the average cost ranges for hearing aids in 2023:
Low-End: Basic hearing aids typically range from INR 8,000/- to INR 18,000/- per Ear Machine. These models offer essential features and functionality.
Mid-Range: Mid-range hearing aids range from INR 20,000/- to INR 75,000/- per Ear Machine. They offer a balance between affordability and advanced features, suitable for many individuals with varying degrees of hearing loss.
High-End: Advanced Hearing aids with cutting-edge technology and premium features can range from INR50,000/- to INR2,00,000/- per ear. These top-tier devices provide the most advanced sound processing and sophisticated features for improved listening experiences.
Apart from the upfront cost for hearing aids, it's essential to consider potential additional expenses associated with their maintenance and care.
Some additional standard costs include:
Hearing Tests and Evaluations: Before purchasing hearing aids, a comprehensive hearing evaluation is necessary. These tests may incur fees, typically ranging from INR1500/- to INR3000/-
Consultation and Fitting Fees: Visiting a hearing healthcare professional for consultations, fittings, and adjustments may involve additional charges. These fees can vary depending on the brandand range from INR2000/- to INR6000/-.
Follow-Up Appointments and Adjustments: Regular follow-up appointments for fine-tuning and adjustments to ensure optimal performance may come with associated costs, usually ranging from INR 500/- to INR 5000/- per visit.
Maintenance and Repairs: Over time, hearing aids may require maintenance, repairs, or replacement parts. It is wise to budget for occasional expenses related to cleaning, repairs, and battery replacements, which can range from INR 3000 to INR15000, depending on the extent of the issue.
Extended Warranties: Opting for extended warranties or insurance coverage for your hearing aids can provide financial protection in case of damage, loss, or theft. This additional coverage may involve annual premiums or one-time fees, typically ranging from 10-15% of the price of the hearing aid.
Adding all the costs may dig a giant hole in a common man's pocket. However, there are numerous ways to combat this cost and have a better life.
How to save some bucks on Hearing aids maintenance costs?
Navigating the financial aspect of hearing aids can be overwhelming. However, several options may help reduce the financial burden:
Government Assistance Programs: Depending on your location, government programs and subsidies may be available to assist individuals with hearing loss. Research local programs that provide financial aid for hearing aids and check if you meet the eligibility criteria.
Financing Options: Many hearing aid providers offer financing plans or instalment options to make hearing aids more affordable. Explore these options to spread the cost over a period that suits your budget and pay in easy EMI instalments.
The above options might help you save a significant amount. While hearing aids are an investment in your well-being, managing their costs effectively is crucial.
To help you save more amount we are jotting down some tips below:
Research and Compare Prices: While price can be a major deciding factor in buying hearing aids, it is important to purchase them from a certified audiologist. Take the time to research and compare prices from different hearing aid providers. You may end up finding the best price in the market, but if the ear machine is not fitted properly, you may never be satisfied with the hearing experience, therefore buying hearing aids from a certified audiologist is key.
Visit www.amplifon.com/in for best deals on latest hearing aids in India.
Explore Discounts and Promotions: Stay updated with ongoing discounts, promotions, or seasonal offers provided by hearing aid manufacturers or local providers. Taking benefit of these opportunities can help you save money.
Evaluate Long-Term Costs: Consider the long-term costs associated with maintaining and repairing hearing aids when making your decision. Well known hearing aid providers these days give an extensive after-care program which should be a major factor to be considered before purchasing hearing aids. Investing in higher-quality devices may lead to fewer repairs and replacements in the future. 
Conclusion: Understanding the cost factors associated with hearing aids in 2023 is crucial for making informed decisions about your hearing health. By exploring the types of hearing aids, factors affecting costs, average price ranges, additional expenses, financial assistance options, and cost management tips outlined in the article, you can navigate the hearing aid market confidently. Remember, seeking professional guidance from a hearing healthcare provider is essential to find the best hearing aid solution that suits your needs and budget. Investing in high-quality hearing aids can significantly enhance your hearing experience and overall well-being, thus leading to a healthier life ahead and minimizing the risk of more severe hearing loss.
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rediscoverhearing · 6 months
How to Reduce the Prices of Hearing Aids
When you’re dealing with hearing loss, it can quickly have a negative impact on your quality of life. Miscommunications, misunderstandings with friends and family, and missing out on social events can lead to mental health issues like depression and anxiety. Hearing aids can help alleviate many of these problems and improve your overall well-being. However, the cost of hearing aids is often a major barrier for those who could benefit from them. Fortunately, there are ways to make your hearing aids more affordable.
One of the primary reasons prices of hearing aids are so expensive is because of unnecessary markups. The average hearing aid costs approximately $300 to manufacture, but when you buy them through a hearing clinic, the price increases by thousands of dollars. This is because the hearing industry is dominated by the “Big Five” hearing aid brands, who have inflated prices for decades to keep their customers at the clinic.
Fortunately, you can save money on hearing aids by shopping around and comparing options. Many people have found deals by shopping at wholesale clubs and even big box stores. Additionally, you can often find good deals online, especially if you don’t need the latest models or features. Some people also use their employee benefits like flexible spending accounts (FSA) or health savings accounts (HSA) to cover the cost of hearing aids.
Another way to cut the cost of hearing aids is to choose a model with less features. Newer hearing aids can have incredible technology, but they also come with high price tags. By choosing a basic hearing aid with essential features, you can significantly reduce the cost.
Finally, you can consider financing your hearing aids to make them more affordable. Many manufacturers provide payment plans that allow you to pay a low monthly fee over a period of 1 year. This is a great option for those who want to avoid the large upfront expense.
If you’re interested in buying a pair of hearing aids, the best way to determine what your budget is is to visit a reputable audiologist and undergo a Functional & Communication Needs Assessment. This will help the audiologist identify your specific hearing needs and recommend a treatment plan. They can then create a custom fit for your hearing aids and ensure that you get the most out of them. In addition, the audiologist can explain all of the various options and pricing for each type of hearing aid to you so that you know exactly what you’re getting into. This transparency will help to eliminate the confusion and mystery that is sometimes associated with purchasing hearing aids. It will also make the process much faster and easier. This is why it’s important to understand the prices of hearing aids before making a purchase.
Rediscover Hearing the Joy of Hearing with Your local & WA owned Independent Audiologists. Your local Hearing Aid and Tinnitus Specialists. Combined experience of 38 years.
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lavanyasphear · 1 year
Revolutionising Benefits of Digital Hearing Aid Technology
Today's digital hearing aids technology have revolutionized the way the deaf community communicates. Digital hearing aids use cutting-edge technology to improve upon their analog forebears in several ways, including superior sound quality, more incredible personalization options, and more practical design.
Analog hearing aid transform sound through a microphone, amplifies it and transmit to ear.
With digital hearing aids, there is an extra step involved. The digital hearing aid processes the sound waves, transmitted to the ear as digital data.
Benefits of using Digital Hearing Aid
Enhanced Audio Quality
You may hear more volume with an analog hearing aid, but the sound quality may suffer. You may have experienced a dramatic difference in quality when listening to music on your phone's speaker versus headphones. The same is true of digital versus analog hearing aids in Jaipur. The sound quality of digital hearing aids is significantly higher.
Dampened Feedback
Is there a high-pitched screaming noise coming from your analog hearing aid? Feedback can be eliminated or muted using a digital hearing aid.
Aiming Microphones
Directional microphones, as opposed to the stationary microphones used in analog hearing aids, are a common feature of modern digital hearing aids. The wearer can direct the headphones to focus on sound from a specific direction.
Sounds Can Be Boosted Selectively
Digital hearing aids have a computer that can determine which sound is most important to the wearer, instead of analog hearing aids that boost everything equally. As a result, the listener typically experiences less background noise.
Combination with Existing Technology
Many modern digital hearing aids feature Bluetooth connectivity for easy phone conversations and music streaming from your mobile device. The top Bluetooth hearing aids are also included in this list.
Small Size
The smaller size of digital hearing aids makes them more comfortable to use all day and less obvious to others.
Do You Need a Digital Hearing Aid in Jaipur?
To learn more about digital hearing aids and get help from an audiologist in selecting the best one for you, visit us immediately. At our center, you will get advanced digital hearing aid in Jaipur. Further, for all your  analog hearing aid in Jaipur, you can reach us directly.
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reiderwriter · 3 months
Hi Kacie!! Now that your requests are open... Could I request a smutty fic where Spencer finds out reader has a not-so-common sensitive spot (like her legs, hair, arms, whatever body part you want). Maybe he finds out kinda in a public setting after she gets all flustered and wants to keep pushing to test his theory?? You can take as much inspo from this as you want<3
(If this emoji's not taken)-💃 anon
A/N: Hello! Sorry for going MIA for a while there. It was the beginning of a new school year here in SK, so I've been really busy! I've been chipping away at this one little by little, and it's finally done! I hope you enjoy it ♡
Warnings; Smut, 18+ Minors DNI, case details, misogyny from a bartender in the opening scene, Semi-public sexual experimentation, edging, PinV sex, use of pet names (good girl), slight degradation, cum play, etc.
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The back of the bar was dimly lit as you walked through it, keeping pace with your teammate as you kept one eye on the shady inhabitants of the bar. 
You'd been sent - with Spencer of all people - to ask the local dive bar staff about suspicious regulars. A fact that didn't exactly take into account his general lack of intimidating looks and your status as the newest member of the team. 
A trial by fire if you'd ever seen one. 
You tried your best not to stick out like a sore thumb, but the people in these parts could spot a Fed from a mile away. And though Spencer was remarkably pipe-cleaner-like, they'd certainly recognised enough FBI in him to clam up upon your entrance. 
“We got some visitors, I see. What can I be getting you, little lady?” The barman greeted you as you reached the first stool at the counter, a patronizing smile on his moustache clad lips. 
“If it's okay, we'd like to ask you some questions. I'm Agent Y/N with the FBI. This is my partner, Doctor Spencer Reid.”
“You're a Fed? Now, why would you bother doing all that hard work when you could be warming my bed, girl. It's definitely more honest and satisfying work.” 
The way the man leered at you over the counter has you freezing momentarily. Your instincts were saying fight, but you held your tongue just long enough to not ruin any rapport your team could build with locals. 
“I'm flattered, but already spoken for I'm afraid. Have you seen any suspicious men in here in the last six months, one that would pass through only semi-regularly, maybe with a few female companions, though never the same.” 
Professionalism at the cost of your peace of mind was going to be a hard learn for you as you grit your teeth and swallowed the bile in your throat. 
He just continued to leer at you as he dried up beer glasses. 
“You're looking for a man who likes cheap whores? Maybe you are in the market for a career change after all.” 
That was about all you could take, and luckily, Spencer Reid was well aware. 
Quickly grabbing you by the wrist, he pulled you behind him defensively and leaned over the bar, his voice low and somewhat chilling. 
“Disrespect my partner like that again, and I'll have you charged with aiding and abetting a murderer who has kidnapped and ended the lives of three local girls. Local girls whose fathers you're more than likely acquainted with, who absolutely have multiple acres of property and just enough bullets to put you in the ground.” 
The blood rushed to your ears at his voice, but the light grip of your wrist held you in place indefinitely. 
All the fight left your body, as you found yourself coming dangerously close to melting into Spencer in relief. 
He forced the man to answer some more basic questions, but it wasn't as if you could hear them. He stroked a quick thumb back and forth across your wrist as all the thoughts fled your head, and the words fell asleep on your tongue, resting there until he released you from his grip. 
You'd known that the area was slightly sensitive for a while, having accidentally brushed up against things and felt serious chills shoot up your spine. What you hadn't known was that it was that kind of sensitivity. 
Though, in all honesty, you hadn't exactly known that you could feel that kind of excitement for Spencer either. You just hoped he wouldn't notice. That much. 
Having finished his line of questioning and reiterating his threat, he moved his hand from your wrist to the small of your back and adeptly guided you from the restaurant and out of the line of vision of every pair of eyes in the place. 
“Are you okay?” He asked when he finally got you to the car, voice still quiet and low, and slightly too close to let you fully relax. 
“Peachy. He talked to you at least.” You turned away from him and began opening the passenger side door. 
“Nothing new or useful, though. Your bpm is high,” he joined you in the car, putting on his seat belt while you completely let go of yours, letting it zip back into itself.
“My… my what?” 
“Your bpm is high. Your heart was beating so fast,” he said, reaching over you to help you reclip it. “Were you nervous, Y/n? Or just sensitive?”
“Your mouth is entirely too close to mine to be asking that question,” you breathed out, cursing your eyes from stealing a glance at his lips. 
Only five minutes into this sudden attraction to Spencer Reid, and you were already mortified and extremely horny. In equal measures. 
“What would be the appropriate distance to ask that, then?” 
“I hear Australia is lovely this time of year.” 
He chuckled softly at you as he finished adjusting your seat and then moved far enough away to let the ground swallow you in peace. 
Never one to leave well enough alone, it seemed that Spencer took it upon himself to experiment with you for weeks on end after that. 
He'd constantly ask you to pass him papers, pens, anything that'd allow him to run a finger across the inside of your wrist. On more than one occasion you'd caught him staring into your eyes as he did it, and it took a nearly embarrassing amount of time to realise he was checking how dilated your pupils were before and after. 
When he'd gathered enough data for that line of questioning, he moved on to bigger things. 
You knew you were in danger of seriously falling head over ads when he offered to walk you to your motel door in a seedier case location. 
You, an FBI agent with a real-life gun and badge and job at Quantico, and you were jumping at the chance to have a man walk you to your room. You'd have been embarrassed if you weren't burning with anticipation. 
You hoped that like every other man in history, he was gently trying to insinuate himself into your bedroom, and by extension, your bed and more intimate places. 
So you were more than slightly disappointed when he started wishing you a good night. All of the aforementioned disappointment fled your body, though, when he picked up your hand and dropped a kiss to the inside of your left wrist, repeating the action on the right before wordlessly retreating. 
You stared at his back as he walked purposefully down the corridor and into his own room, leaving you to pick up your jaw and retreat to your room to lick your wounds. 
You wished it was him picking you up instead and found your brain imagining just that as your fingers dropped between your thighs that night. 
It became a case tradition for him to tease you like this, kissing your wrist after innocently walking you back to your hotel room. The others thought it chivalrous, almost cute and childlike, a form of courting that graced the good old days. They didn't know he grabbed you by the waist and held you against his hard-on every time you rode an elevator together. They didn't know his tongue darted out a few times to lick your wrist on occasion. They didn't know how you once mentally begged him to bite you there and how you shuddered as he ran his teeth along the vein there. 
Spencer was coming to the crux of his research regarding how far he could push you before you cracked. Only now, it was how far he could get without pushing you against a wall and jumping your bones. 
You knew you were in danger when he offered to escort you home after a case. 
“To walk you to your door, you know? Like always,” he smiled at you, the picture of innocence as you became damp between your thighs. 
“Sure. Yeah, okay, I'll get my keys, let's go.” 
You weren't sure how no one else noticed that Spencer didn't have a car to drive himself home after taking you to yours. You were unsure if they'd connect the dots between him escorting you home and his own apartment being 45 minutes in the opposite direction. 
Luckily for you, you could keep your hands at 2 and 10 the entire journey, away from his grasp. If he'd have touched you right then, you're sure you'd have driven both of you right off the road into a ditch. 
Or a pedestrian. 
The drive was calm, but pulling up forced your heart to your throat and kept it suspended there, almost like it was frozen at gunpoint, a deer in the headlights. 
“We're here.” 
“Great. Let me walk you in.” 
In. You swallowed hard, wishing very much for him to be inside of your apartment. 
Stepping into the elevator a few minutes later, he waited mere seconds after the doors began closing to pull you into his personal space. He was hard, he was so hard once again and his cock was now straining against your ass.
“Spencer, we need to talk about t-that,” he stroked your wrist as his hand splayed across your stomach, holding you firmly against him. 
“About what, Y/N?” 
He pulled your arm up almost as if inspecting the wrist for imperfections, and your head melted back into his chest. Why was this elevator so goddamn slow? 
You sprung out quickly when the doors pinged open finally and moved straight towards your door without a glance back, but you felt him close behind you. 
“Y/N, wait for me, wait, I'm sorry,” he called out quietly as you forced your keys into the lock as fast as possible. 
“Y/N, I'm sorry if I stepped over the line, I didn't mean too, please look at me-” 
You got the door open and turned back around to grab a firm hold of his tie and yank him into the apartment behind you. 
“Months. Spencer, you have been edging me for months, and I am sick of it.” You half growled at him, slamming the door behind him and then pushing him up against it. 
“I can feel how hard you are right now. Obviously you want to fuck me, so why aren't you?” 
His face went from shocked to intrigued, then shot straight for mischievous as he cracked a smile, and you felt his hands wrap around your wrists slowly. 
Before you could react, he had your positions swapped, your arms above your head pinned at the wrists and his breath hitting your neck as he answered. 
“I wanted to see how long it would take you to break.” 
Your lips leapt to his, hitting him angrily as you searched for more pleasure in his touch, one leg pushing up to wrap around his waist as his hips settled between yours. 
He met you at your level, giving just as good as he got.   
“Call it scientific curiosity,” he murmured, lips trailing down your neck, but hips pinning you in closer to the wall, keeping you trapped there. He made his way along your shoulders and then pressed light teasing kisses up your arms while rutting his hips into you, dry humping you against the wall as your eyes glazed over in lust. 
“You react when I touch you, you heat up. But it gets worse if I touch you here, right Y/N?” His lips again found your wrist, but this time his teeth grazed across the veins he found there. 
“You get so horny now when I look at you. I can grab your wrist and make you beg for my cock, isn't that right?” His mouth was back by your ear as your legs went limp under you. He still had you caged against your own door, and you had no idea what to say to that. 
Part of you wanted to protest purely because of the rough tone of voice he was using. The other wanted to flood to the floor and tell him yes, beg him to just fuck you and be done with this pure torture. 
“I asked you a question, Y/N. Isn't that right?” 
“Yes, yes, Spencer fuck, I don't care anymore, yes. You can touch me and I'll react to you, please help me.”
“Good girl.” 
He pulled away instantly, but his hands wrapped firmly still around your wrists. Slowly, he pulled you towards him as he slowly walked backwards further into your apartment. You thought for a second about just throwing yourself back into his arms, to close the space he'd created again between the two of you. 
You tried it, lifted your head slightly, begging his lips to return there, but he held firm. Each step was an agony of need, and you fought to hold your tongue, begging yourself not to beg him so pathetically. 
“Such a good girl, I'm holding you by the wrist, and you won't even protest about how slow I'm being.” 
Your mouth fell open as you registered his words. 
“You're being an ass.” 
“What was that? You want me to touch your ass?”
“Don't worry, we'll get to that.”
His back finally made contact with your bedroom door, and you stumbled forward into his chest as he kept his grip even still. 
“You're going to listen, right? You're going to listen to me and do what I ask you to do, aren't you?”
You wavered again. He'd been teasing you, but now he was serious, his tone light and his voice soft, but you could feel the strength in his grip. You could feel his arousal at your hip. 
“Yes, Spencer.”
“Good. Get on your knees on the bed. No clothes.”
He released your hands and opened the door for you as you tried your best to walk forward calmly. 
By the time you reached the bed, you'd removed most of your clothes, but you hesitated at the underwear as he watched from behind you. A quick glance over your shoulder saw him palming his cock through his pants, still leaning against the door he'd opened for you. 
He was getting off watching you, and you were frozen in arousal. 
“No clothes, Y/N.” 
“I know.”
“Underwear is clothing.” 
“I know that, too, Spencer.”
“Then take it off.” 
You shot a quick glare over your shoulder as you unclaimed your bra behind your back and threw it to the floor. 
“On my knees, right?” You said, climbing on the bed still clad in your panties. 
“I also said no clothes.” 
“If you're so invested in my state of dress, how about you come and help me rectify it.”
His lips twitched in small annoyance, but he followed the trail of clothes you'd left, ridding himself of his tie, shirt, jacket, and pants along the way. 
He climbed on the bed slowly behind you, not opposite as you'd presumed he would. His hands reached out to touch your back before slowly sliding all the way up to your neck and pushing your upper body down into the sheets. 
You let out a little squeak in shock, but let his hands guide you, feeling especially pliant when he grabbed your hands and crossed them behind your back. 
“Maybe the panties can stay. I'll just decorate them afterwards,” he said, and with that, he pulled your hips up with his free hand  guiding you into the position he wanted you in, and pushed two fingers into you. 
“Fuck, Spencer-” your brain short circuited as he pumped the digits slowly in and out of you, setting an agonizing pace but holding you so tight that.you couldn't even press your cunt back into his fingers. 
“What? What is it, Y/N? Tell me how you feel?” 
“Feel good, so good Spencer, p-please more.” 
He shifted slowly behind you, pulling his fingers out almost completely before pushing them back in, this time with another finger added. He didn't quicken his pace as you assumed he would, but he took his time stretching you out further as you moaned and whined underneath him. 
“More. You wanted more,” he reminded you, and his voice was like a sharp hit straight to your cunt, rough and hot and filling you completely. 
You barely registered the orgasm that flowed over you, your brain replaying his words on a loop as he continued pleasuring you. 
“That's it. That's a good girl. Get my fingers nice and wet.” 
When you finally grounded yourself in the moment again, your cheeks flushed as you realized just how wet you'd gotten. You felt your arousal still dripping down your leg and turned your face further into the sheets to hide your embarrassment. 
He pulled his fingers out of you, though, and with his now free hand he crouched over you and hooked his fingers under your jaw lifting your head and body up, forcing your crotch back into his as your back arched. 
“Don't hide from this. Look how wet you are for me, Y/N. Taste it.” He tapped his fingers against your mouth and you were ashamed at how fast your lips dropped open, tongue falling out to let him wipe his cum stained fingers against your pretty little lips. 
You tasted yourself on his fingers, wrapping your tongue around them and sucking as he dragged his dick across your back, trying to relieve himself in any way he could. 
“Good girl. It's time for one more, Y/N.” 
You released his fingers with a wet pop as he pushed you back into the sheets. Lining himself up, he entered you easily, your cum providing ample lubricant. 
You whined at his first few pumps, certain he was going to continue his torturous pace and leave you begging for more hours into the night. 
Instead, he let himself work you up to it, each thrust gaining in speed and strength until you could hear the slap of your skin against his more vividly than your own heartbeat. 
His cock was thick, filling you perfectly as you lost yourself in the sensations. 
“One day, I'll handcuff you to this bed,” he said, leaning down and whispering in your ear as each part of your body vibrated with lust. 
“I'll tie you down to this bed, and I'll treat you like a princess. I'll eat your cunt for hours until you cum every time my breath hits your cunt, and I'll cover your pretty tits in my seed. I'll let you use my cock as your personal sex toy, and I'll fulfill every single need you have.” 
His hand released your wrists as both of his hands came to wrap around your waist, pushing you deeper into the plush covers and changing the angle of his dick. 
You screamed at the pleasure, forgetting the paper thin walls your apartment boasted. 
“Fuck, Spencer.” 
“And you're going to love every single second because your brain switches off every time I touch your delicate little wrists.”
With that, another wave of pleasure spread through your body, sending prolonged shivers throughout your body. 
You felt him withdraw and heard the sticky mess of him stroking himself behind you until he made good on his promise and sprayed his generous load across your ass and panties before collapsing on the bed next to you. 
The two of you laid there for what felt like hours, sharing nothing but your labored breaths and the space of the bed before he finally rose. 
You tried not to sleep, but your entire body felt stiff from the awkward, if enjoyable, position he'd held you in. 
Your eyes drifted shut, and you just listened to his movements. A creaking floorboard here, a stumble against some furniture there, culminating in some running water and a return to your space. 
“Y/N,” he whispered, cautious to rise you from what he assumed was much needed sleep. 
“Mmmm,” was all you could reply.
“I realize now that I made a pretty big mess, so we need to get you in the bath.” 
“Mmm,” you protested, brows furrowing as you tried to gather your sheets closer around you, cradling yourself in the warmth. 
But doing so only made you more aware of the sticky wet mess around your torso and legs, and you let out a small, frustrated sigh. 
“You're stubborn, you know that, right?” He said, admiration coating his tongue as he lifted you slowly and helped you place your feet on the floor and walk towards your bathroom. 
“Spencer, shouldn't have a bath, too sleepy.” 
“I know, I'm going to stay.”
“In the bath?” 
“In the bath.” 
And it was. You let him lift your legs one by one into the scorching water and melted back into him, your head resting on his shoulder as if it were the most comfortable pillow you'd ever used, and you slept. 
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accesshearingaid · 1 year
Will I require a device in order to hear in both ears?
Human hearing requires both ears. Binaural listening, as it is known technically, is built into the auditory system and offers the clearest hearing and comprehension. If you have hearing loss in both ears, two hearing aids are often advised since they communicate with the brain in a more natural way. Additionally, being able to hear in both ears can help you understand conversation and identify the source of noise.
If a hearing professional's assessment finds that you have hearing loss in both ears, two hearing aids may be advised. Even though it may be tempting to try to save money by only purchasing one hearing aid, the truth is that one hearing aid cannot replace the functionality of two.
Two hearing aids may be preferred to one for the following reasons:
Improved localisation abilities for sounds:
The brain uses the sound information from both ears to help it determine the direction of the sound source. The capacity to distinguish east from west can be altered by using a portable hearing aid in just one ear, making it harder to limit sound.
Enhanced hearing in a noisy environment
According to research, speech comprehension in noisy circumstances is enhanced when the brain receives auditory information from both ears.
If a hearing professional's assessment finds that you have hearing loss in both ears, two hearing aids may be advised. Even though it may be tempting to try to save money by only purchasing one hearing aid, the truth is that one hearing aid cannot replace the functionality of two. If you're seeking for the most effective, best low cost hearing aids that meet your needs and lifestyle, go to https://accesshearingaids.com/.
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meenakshiclinic · 2 years
How Cochlear Implants Are Changing The Lives Of Hearing-Impaired Individuals
Cochlear implants are one of the most exciting and life-changing medical technologies available today. Check the cochlear implants cost, its benefits, and how it works in this article. For people with hearing impairments, cochlear implants offer the opportunity to hear clearly for the first time. Full article: https://speechhearingaid.com/how-cochlear-implants-are-changing-the-lives-of-hearing-impaired-individuals/
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muskanhearingcare · 8 months
Get Budget-Friendly BTE Hearing Aids Cost In Jalandhar
BTE hearing aids are electronic devices that are placed behind the ear. These hearing aids come with a wide range of features such as Adaptive Streaming Volume, wireless connectivity, and Direct Streaming from iPhone & select iOS devices. The Cost depends upon the elements, Model, And Technology.
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