i thought i was ready to come off my meds but it turns out i was not prepared to handle the emotional damage of being insulted and disrespected at every turn of every conversation
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You know I used to think "tumblr's absolute refusal to actually engage with the Trolley Problem in favor of insisting that there must be a third, morally pure option that doesn't require them to make a hard decision and anyone who asks them to make a binary choice is just a short-sighted idiot is really fucking annoying, but I guess it's not actually doing any harm".
Anyway that was before we asked tumblr at large to decide between "guy aiding a genocide but making progress elsewhere" and "guy who would actively and enthusiastically participate in a genocide and would also make everything else much, much worse for everyone elsewhere" and the response was that there must be a third, morally pure option that doesn't require them to make a hard decision and that anyone who asks them to make a binary choice is a short-sighted idiot.
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so i usually make a birthday cake for when its one of my coworkers birthdays
and i tell you, April is hell. half of them are born in April. (the other half of us are Oct/Nov)
and when i asked people their fav cake flavours
none of them are easy
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the0ther-side0f-dawn 11 days
the worst thing about April is having sunset during evening drive home time. its not like being able to see out my windscreen is important or anything
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the0ther-side0f-dawn 12 days
anyone else ever wish they could lie down harder? Like, I'm already horizonal, but I need more horizonal. I need to be absorbed by the floor. I think that would fix me
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the0ther-side0f-dawn 12 days
i'll go first my parents almost named me felicity. which would've been so cool but i definitely would've been like 5x crazier if i was named that
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the0ther-side0f-dawn 13 days
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the0ther-side0f-dawn 14 days
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running this again now that there's 12 options. not including timtams because that'd make the results boring
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the0ther-side0f-dawn 17 days
"i would kill for you" "i would die for you" okay but would you forgive me if i forgot something important for the 51204th time in a row even though i tried my best to remember
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the0ther-side0f-dawn 23 days
Remember these terms for professions to help encourage gender neutral language!
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the0ther-side0f-dawn 23 days
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the0ther-side0f-dawn 24 days
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Rainbow mo
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the0ther-side0f-dawn 26 days
im rly sad bc i had to banish one of my boys from my room and now i cant have as many cuddles
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the0ther-side0f-dawn 29 days
How many first cousins do you have? A first cousin is any offspring of your parents' siblings.
I have no first cousins
1 cousin
2-3 cousins
4-5 cousins
6-7 cousins
8-10 cousins
11-15 cousins
16-25 cousins
26-50 cousins
51+ cousins
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the0ther-side0f-dawn 30 days
i remember adults telling me, as a kid, to listen to doctors and get my flu vaccine and any shots i could because they remembered Before.
then they started fighting Covid precautions.
i remember adults telling me, as a kid, that the ozone was disappearing and the earth was dying and we needed to recycle and save the planet.
now my parents think climate change is a myth.
i remember adults telling me, as a kid, that racism was a plague, that we had to love and accept everyone, that we should never judge before walking a mile in their shoes.
then they told me that protesting for my Black siblings was wrong.
i remember adults telling me, as a kid, that we needed to give to the poor. working at soup kitchens. making quilts. collecting food and money and supplies. building houses. because it was the christian and just plain right thing to do.
now they look at me, on food stamps with their grandchildren, and lament the "welfare state".
i remember adults telling me, as a kid, that it was easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven and that any rich man, especially an immoral one, should never run our country.
you can guess who they voted for.
i remember adults telling me, as a kid, so very much.
when did they forget?
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the0ther-side0f-dawn 1 month
watching scary movies but unfortunately nothing is as scary as impending food poisoning
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