#headmaster vaughn
froggos-are-superior · 8 months
Mini rant time.
One of the most popular discussions in the Unordinary fandom is definitely the struggle between John Doe and the Royals at Wellston. I know John gets a lot of shit for his part in it, but I really don't blame him for most of it. His behavior at his school in New Bostin was atrocious of course, but when he moved to Wellston, he changed and made himself smaller to try and atone for what he did in an effort to not hurt anyone that severely again. Arlo started their rivalry and John simply finished it. To put it simply, Arlo fucked around and found out. As for the other Royals, they're not innocent in it either. Their job as Royals is to maintain the hierarchy, sure, but it should also be to make sure that the stronger students aren't abusing their powers, and they failed miserably in that. John went too far, yes, but he was blamed for everything that happened when in reality, the abuse he faced at Wellston was the result of the Royals' spectacular failure of managing the system they were so hellbent on maintaining. Also fuck you Vaughn for leaving the kids to "work it out on their own". In conclusion, John and the Royals both sucked, but Asslo takes the cake for highest level of suckery.
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unordinary-diary · 2 days
I think Keon and Kassandra might be related.
... ok hear me out.
first of all, their hair colors are similar, which is often a narrative shorthand for “these two characters are related”, especially in stuff like anime where hair colors are much more unique. Additionally, their speech bubbles are almost the exact same color.
But if you want actual evidence? Keon is the first character in the story to show suspicion of Headmaster Vaughn.
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Much much later in the story, Kassandra also shows suspicion, and launches an investigation on him.
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It’s reasonable to assume that Keon could have planted that first seed of suspicion in her head, if the two of them have some connection. This goes especially since they both work for the authorities, but Keon doesn’t work for a department that could authorize him to launch an investigation like that. Kassandra has the authority to do all the things with Vaughn that Keon is frustrated about not being able to do. If they’re related, Keon probably asked Kassandra to launch the investigation.
It would also explain Keon’s interest in Wellston, considering he used to work in or near New Bostin which is far away, if Kassandra went there.
Keon also looks like he’s old enough to be her dad. He doesn’t have to be her dad specifically, but my age estimate for Kassandra is 24 (assuming I mathed right), and Keon looks like he could be in his 50s or 60s, which is a reasonable age to have had Kassandra. (Kassandra’s age calculation is a maximum btw. She can’t be older than that unless she was held back or sm.)
So basically, it could be true.
[At the time of this prediction, the latest chapter is 345]
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sinvulkt · 4 months
Different Circumstances by magey88
Headmaster Vaughn finds out that Blyke has been living in Isen’s room, and forces Blyke to move back in with John. With Blyke having no choice but to share his living space with John, he's constantly walking on eggshells to avoid angering Wellston's most troubled student.But, what if there's more to John than the merciless tyrant he's known for? Late-night confrontations and conversations can reveal a lot about a person. Will John and Blyke ever be able to see eye to eye? Completed, 40k words.
Chap 7:
But perhaps his actions from the other night boiled down to one fundamental fact: he was so fucking tired. To some people, hatred was second nature; it took no effort for them to remain in that state, to perpetually hold a disdain for the world.  But for John, hating was not passive. It was not something that was inherent to him. For him to hate as deeply and strongly as he did these days, it was a conscious effort, a constant struggle to deny himself any pleasures that he didn’t deserve, or couldn’t risk having. It was this kind of hatred however, that was arguably the strongest and most dangerous. It was not hating for the sake of hating. But rather, it originated from a place that once held not love, but something within that realm. An expectation, a hope —no, faith — that people were capable of being good. That if he were the one who got better — whether it was to become stronger or weaker, be more assertive or more passive — then maybe then he would finally be allowed to see what was so good about this society, and what people had to offer. But with every failure, every betrayal, all he realized was that it wasn’t just his fault that nothing was changing, but rather everyone was working together to poison any potential goodwill society could have. His disdain crept up on him, black eye bags gradually etching themselves onto his skin. And so, slowly but surely, John learned to hate. [...] Just because Blyke read one book that said everyone should be treated with dignity, and actually agreed with the message, John was supposed to now have faith in him? Be his friend? The thought made him want to laugh and scream at the same time. 
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rosie-kairi · 10 months
For the Zombie Au,
What happens to master Odin? Is here there at the begging and then dies, not there at all, Vaughn government voice telling people to stay calm?
Oh hm, I'm not actually sure tbh.
See, I do think he exists in this universe. The dark road crew (minus xehanort for reasons I'll get into later) are all classmates at the same high school (Caelum High School, Eraqus is wearing a school sweatshirt in his design). So I think he probably fills the role of teacher or Headmaster, Headmaster Odin.
What he would be doing in the apocalypse scenario is a mystery to me though. Maybe he's managed to turn the school into a safe space for survivors and the gang hunker down there for a couple days before Xeha says something like "Guys we can't stay here forever, we'll be sitting ducks. We have to push through and get out of town and get to Daybreak Town. Then we'll be able to get actual medical help for Eraqus and Hermod (No offense Bragi you're doing great)." This causes an argument to start between the group about whether they should stay or not, "We need time to rest, we're safe here, you're being extremely paranoid." "We'll never be truly safe until we're in a place that isn't swarmed by zombies on all sides, we need to leave at some point."
Eventually the group has to leave anyway because either 1.) zombies happened and, like any zombie movie, completely wrecked the safe camp or 2.) it's discovered that one of them has already been infected by the virus and they're all kicked out due to having been in close contact with each other.
I realize this has kinda strayed from the og ask, but yeah. Odin's doing something in this place.
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avabarton5 · 2 years
Keene: here are the papers you need to sign
Vaughn: *takes out glitter gel pens*
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the8worldking · 4 years
I still think about this
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He knows John’s mentality is far off your everyday high tier. And he sees that as something this school needs. I mean so far John’s rampage made the royals take their jobs more seriously. Like seriously, before the joker whoopings I’ve barley seen them think about low tier student body. Plus we know now that “late bloomers” like John are a thing, maybe Vaughn sees the potential of environmental change late bloomers have. Wether they do it intentionaly or not.
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kaizzaphela · 3 years
ok so finally gonna start posting some ideas for the unordinary x houseki no kuni au so first the gemstones babey
Main cast
Arlo- yellow diamond, not prone to inclusions (hardness 10.0)
John- black diamond, not carbonado but prone to inclusions (hardness 10.0)
Sera- pink diamond, carbonado diamond making her harder to crack than Arlo and John (hardness 10.0)
Remi- pink beryl (hardness 8.0)
Blyke- pyrope garnet ( hardness 7.0)
Isen- carnelian (hardness 6.5)
Some side characters
Rei- emerald (hardness 8.0)
Kuyo- blue sapphire (hardness 9.0)
Elaine- apatite (hardness 4.0)
Cecile- tsavorite garnet (hardness 7.5)
Lelialah- purple diamond hardness 10)
Evie- rhodochrosite (hardness 3.5)
Holden- kyanite(4.5-5.0 leaning)
Dr. Darren- Aquamarine (hardness 7.0)
Headmaster Vaughn- ??? (hardness-10.0+)
Keon- peach moonstone (hardness 6.0)
(to hnk and this au)
•gems are born from the ocean. literally. they pop out of the ocean preformed. Sensei (later named Adamant) is the one who “carves” them out to resemble humans. He teaches them everything and later assigns them a job. There will be a little canon divergence from that in this au but whatever
•is this au Headmaster Vaughn will take the role of Adamant, but he won’t half as close as a relationship to the main cast as Adamant had with the gems.
•gems do not bleed, eat, drink or any other body functions. they are rocks. they crack when they get hurt and when they are under extreme emotionally stress. they don’t even have genders. they can kinda cry by making the noises(only a few gems have the umm. “liquid” to physically cry tho). they also don’t sweat but if you see me drawing a sweat bead for an expression mind your fucking business.
•Gems get energy from the sun and normally hibernate through winter
•Gems live through their inclusions, (which are microscopic organisms in their bodies) they retain,all thoughts, memories, personality traits, therefore losing body parts also means losing memories and parts of themselves. These inclusion can pair with other types of gems but normally wont unless close hardness or same gemstone family.
•It won’t follow the plot of unordinary, but not exactly hnk either. I’ll added stuff into it to make it fit with uno but a lot of themes just. don’t go together. For example John cannot “hide his hardness” he’s just a diamond who isn’t allowed to fight at first.
•there are also other races in hnk besides gems. if at some point a character is not mention ever as a gem. they are either a lunarian(definitely aunt Val and Keon.) or an admirabilis (idk yet)
•the lunarians attack the gems periodically and try to break them and take them to to moon. they are the main antagonists of hnk and can pretty easily pick of gems with arrows. this is why gems fight/scout in pairs.
•keep in mind I can only explain so much of the world of hnk without getting to some spoilers. if that bothers you I suggest reading the manga(ITS ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD)
• Also I should make this clear that the leveling system in hnk is NOT like the leveling system in unordinary. Gems with a higher hardness(or level) still normally do fight but lower hardness gems are treated well (in most case). Gems are closer to a family than an actual society but the characters still have their problems(I am once again asking you to read hnk)
feel free to DM/ask/message me about this au I would love to talk about it<3
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still-not-over-rei · 4 years
Headmaster Vaughn: Halloween is tomorrow so I want you to come dressed up as something that scares you
*The next day everyone comes dressed as John*
John, dressed up as a ghost: Now What the FUCK is this
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Always Led Back to You, a John/Seraphina from UnOrdinary fanfiction Chapter 1
So guess who’s not dead? 
Hey guys so this story came to me hearing about fastpass spoilers so I thought, why not write it.
Disclaimer: I don’t own UnOrdinary
Summary: Starts chapter 211. Seraphina has reached her limit and knows she can’t sit by and watch John destroy himself and take the rest of Wellston with him. With the promise of getting her powers back, she decides to take the risk despite everyone’s warnings. However, something goes wrong, and Seraphina wakes up in her younger body, and the reality of John’s era as King at New Bostin being an approaching storm. John/Seraphina
Seraphina took in the scene before her, of Blyke on the ground bleeding and John being disciplined by Headmaster Vaughn. However, she couldn’t help but focus on John the most. Even now, his golden eyes that used to shine mischievously held no trace of their former warmth. This John was all rage and hungry for blood.  
Seraphina’s eyes surveyed all the shaking students as Isen and Elaine tended to them. Then, her eyes went back to Blyke who was now being carried off to the infirmary and John who was being escorted to the Headmaster’s office.
‘This can’t go on. John’s too powerful. Eventually he will destroy everything…’ she thought, and despite her anger at John, she couldn’t stop her eyes from following his form getting smaller and smaller in the distance.
She turned to the students again, before taking one last look at John’s back. She wondered if he felt her watching him. A treacherous voice in her heart wondered if he cared.
‘Give me a sign you’re still there… anything…’ Seraphina begged. She watched him get farther and farther from her, hoping, wishing that she was wrong and John could still be saved.
He never turned his head.
The familiar feeling of heartbreak sobered her, and her wishing was once again buried inside her, like an ember that was smothering out before it could become a flame.
This was not her John. He was gone—a shattered illusion that lay at her feet.
That realization hit, and Seraphina watched Elaine approaching her, hands glowing.
“Seraphina, let me get that. You’re probably in pain.” Elaine offered, getting prepared to heal her friend.
Seraphina kept her eyes staring straight ahead, refusing to look behind her to mourn a ghost.
“Elaine, Isen, I need you both to help me.” Seraphina spoke finally.
Right now, Wellston needed its King to be overthrown… and she would become the God to do so.
Hey guys so here’s the prologue from chapter 211. Hopefully it’s a good start. Let me know what you think if you can!
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purelovesolos · 3 years
212 has sparked some thoughts
(spoilers below the cut)
Ok Imma rag on Vaughn again because buddy is weirdt. So, he envisioned John rising up to be this mighty leader & having his students band together. Obv he didn’t get that so he’s disappointed but Vaughn wth did you expect? You’re aware of society’s ills of how ppl treat others weaker than them yet, YOU LET JOHN ENROLL AS A CRIPPLE?!? Like huh??? Hello, that’s the lowest in the hierarchy ofc the student body is not going to react to him positively. This is your school you should’ve known that. Then I’m pretty sure he’s aware of how Wellston treated him for over a year but, he still didn’t interfere (adding on to that he doesn’t interfere w/any low tiers’ situation; what a lovely headmaster). I have no idea how Vaughn expected John to live up to his expectations when he just set him up for failure but, fine wtv he can stay disappointed by it. Your plan was mad faulty dude!
Anyways... I’m not me if I don’t bring Blyke up 🥱. Even though he didn’t speak in 212, there’s smth being set up for him since the amp is being linked to him. However Blyke’s talk goes (pretty sure it’s not gonna end well) I see 2 possibilities for him: Readjustment Classes or a Suspension
- Readjustment Classes
I mean it would make the most since. Blyke became a vigilante (smth Vaughn doesn’t praise) & developed a justice boner. He even became a vigilante w/o the influence of Unordinary. Readjusting him would make him probably revert back to an “acceptable” high ranker. As in you don’t put your neck out on the line for others but, you’re still a good example & all that yada yada. The only thing that doesn’t sell me is the fact that the authorities will have to get involved. Vaughn has done everything in his power to keep the authorities away from Wellston so, I don’t think he’d purposely call them to deal w/this one student because then I feel like Wellston would be under strict surveillance (a 2nd high ranker w/radical opinions on their society who also became a vigilante probably calls for concern).
On another note, we don’t know how the authorities respond to situations w/an *alive* vigilante. I’m pretty sure in the event that Vaughn were to call the authorities in order to schedule readjustment classes he’d have to give info abt Blyke which would be that he’s a vigilante who brought ability amplifiers back to campus. The vigilante thing is like “this kid became a superhero, gotta kill him now 🤦🏾‍♀️” & the amplifier thing is like “this kid has our secret product we produced and/or distributed, he knows to much gotta kill him ig 🤷🏾‍♀️”. Idk it’s a tricky slope that just has grim possibilities if it were to ever come to fruition.
- Suspension
Now the only reason I want this is because it gets us outside of Wellston & I want to see more of this world. Do I think it’ll change Blyke’s new ideals? Nah but, what Vaughn doesn’t know won’t hurt him. I’m pretty sure he suspended Sera so that she didn’t influence her peers (might be wrong, also he never did any follow up w/Sera’s friends to see if they share Sera’s new way of thinking) so, maybe that’ll be his justification for suspending Blyke (& it doesn’t need the authorities interfering).
There’s also the chance that Blyke dies comes in contact w/EMBER. Back on my theory shit but, what if because Blyke is not under the watchful eye of Wellston they start formulating a plan to kill him (this is assuming they know he’s a Wellston student which shouldn’t be hard to find out as I touched on here). Do I want Blyke to die? No, but his storyline seems to be the one most likely to come in contact w/EMBER so I’m just theorizing their response (which just involves death™️). Also for no reason other than the fact that I miss him... another Kuyo ex machina would be fkn great (vigilante team-up please I want it 😤).
I know Blyke won’t get focus for a few chapters since Arlo & Sera are meeting w/the sketchy ppl (yay for advancing that plot point) so I’m just gonna sit on this for now~
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unordinary-analysis · 4 years
Honorable mentions:
Evie is harmless and I’m glad y’all finally believe me. Looking forward for some future Evie/Remi interactions 
If Remi was originally going to be late to class before meeting with Evie, there is no way she hasn’t missed, like, half of her class
Does John ever go to class or just he just wander the hallways looking scary all day long
I swear to god why does John look like he hasn't slept recently because he didn’t used to look like that..---? John should be getting more sleep if anything--then again the whole Serathing just happened
No one:
Me: posting this, late and short :)
Arlo’s backstory:
So his bias towards authority is from his family
Interesting mix with rei
^^^lots of reasons to support the system
Authorities is ember because arlo’s aunt is authorities and shes volcan so-- (maybe)
I really appreciate Arlo’s openness to knowing more about the authority situation instead of blindly backing the authorities
Is this going to turn into some ‘captain america winter soldier’ type shit because Arlo realizing the authorities have been ember this whole time and running from them and fighting against them---and just the fact that arlo as captain america is the coolest thing i’ve thought of :0
Evie and the fake Joker:
Interesting lines: “They’ve hurt both me and my friends!” and “I don’t really want to help Joker…”
^^both grouping the fake jokers together and associating them with alliance with Joker, as if he’s their leader rather than just an influencer
Short section because Darren had a very limited time on screen
The quote, “What the hell is Vaughn thinking?”
^^will the teachers finally be getting involved?
The teachers have acted very strangely
Quote from the unordinary wiki page for vaughn: He does not interfere with the student body, preferring to let them sort things out and think for themselves. However, he does care about their well-being; at least when it comes to outside threats.”
Vaughn is very anti-authorities which always has to be taken into account. Is this why he hesitates to interfere
I also think that Vaughn is aware of the authorities/EMBER thing, but that’s for another time
“Vaughn seems to have become headmaster of Wellston Private High School some time after Rei enrolled, replacing the previous headmistress.” -quote from vaughn page
Anyway, the most Vaughn has done for the recent Joker situation is telling John that he cannot harm his fellow students anymore
The Newspaper:
Has Isen exposed John? Personally, I doubt it, but we’ll see--
Nobody even glanced at John when he went into the hallway or even seemed shocked by what they were reading
I reckon that the story is either Isen trying to convince everyone that Joker is someone else, or is Isen trying to explain what kind of person Joker is and why you shouldn’t look up to him. This second option is my most likely. It makes sense with the story I guess, maybe. I’m not really sure I’m just waiting for the new episode
There is obviously still that issue that nobody would probably believe Isen
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livingecho-arch · 3 years
⚜ ・ under his eye but by my hand  — HANDMAID’S TALE VERSE !
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ps       /        Vis Von Hellbert =  Vaughn Hellbert   in this verse, as the name Vis isn’t really a name rip 
under readmore cause long and will be added to the blog shortly because i might change themes again ...........................
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Before Gilead
Vaughn Hellbert was a smart man , oh so snarky but his tongue was sharp and mind was sharper. In such a small amount of time he would craft one of the finest schools in America, one that some deemed better than Ivy League schools even. As it’s headmaster the school  ; Seaview University - soared . 
Colby* always had such odd ideas - once he was one of his students who praised the school for its modest nature. The man had a good head on his shoulder, at least when it came to his studies. Yet, his ideas were...extreme in nature. Of course, Vaughn agreed that something must be done, that the world was in need of change - population was failing and the earth cried out in pain. Woman returning to their ‘ natural work ’ was the part that left a sour taste in his mouth. 
The two would chat - sharing their ideas on their versions of perfect worlds. Agreed on some points and debated over others. It was just chats over their starbucks coffees - nothing would come out of this but wistful day dreams of a world where they could have some say - a hand in making America a better place for everyone. 
Then the Sons of Jacob began to scream - led by this same man who he would go to lunch with. Protests came to his campus. . . and he allowed them to speak. This was America after all. Who was he to tell someone to remove their opinions ?  It would be dust under the rug in a few weeks. . .
Oh what a fool he was. 
But - those chats in the coffee shop was the only thing that saved his skin. Colby had come to value him so highly ; he would become untouchable in the new world.  being untouchable means you become unable to touch either...
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High Commander Hellbert. If Vaughn said jump, everyone asked how high. He played the role well, speaking of God being so holy - how Vaughn would help carry out His will. Such lies through sharp teeth to save his own skin. To raise him above to be seen as something akin to the Lord.
Ofhellbert . his very first handmaid and he was her first commander. She was a remarkable woman. At first their . . . relationship was a difficult one. The Aunts trained her like a dog but she still would bite. Yet, Vaughn would find her oddly charming. Often he would give her contrabands, small gifts and little luxuries. When he could bend the rules he did so - for her. Their words to one another turned softer, and the ceremony became one of love. 
A . . . complication during birth took her away from him . Vaughn was left with a crying child in his arms, unable to even let her mother see her once before Ofhellbert fell to the fevers. 
That was when his eyes opened. He saw the world around him - why did it take death for him to see ? What a foolish man, too caught up in being seen as good enough he did not see the suffering around him. 
He remembered the name she whispered to him. 
Vivian. That would be his daughters’ name. 
Desperately he worked in his office trying to find ways to fix this mess Colby had created - that he had a hand in. It had to be destroyed. In the back of his mind he has another fear. HIs daughter - has yet to walk. She crawls on her stomach with legs dragging behind her. She was a ‘shredder’ wasn’t she ? Time was ticking and his lies could only buy her so much time. . . she needs to get out.
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*Colby is a named character within the show , but I also have a character named Colby who i am using as a stand-in due to no information being given about tht-Colby. My Colby is over at @greenebay​ and i can write him a Handmaid Tale Verse if desired !
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fork-tectors · 4 years
as long as i'm here ║ rei
; vigilante au as long as i’m here ; rei x vigilante! older! reader
   "What do you mean you're going out again? Mom trusted you to keep an eye on me and now you're leaving yet again?"
"I'm really sorry, Rei. It's extremely important that I go."
"Much more important than me?"
"I apologize, I do need to leave."
It went back when Rei was first enrolled to Wellston Private Highschool, I was his mentor. Chosen by his mother and Headmaster Vaughn, the reason was extremely obvious why they had picked me over anyone else. I was always unbelievably close with Rei despite our age gap and had been friends with him (and his family) for a huge amount of time and they'd figure if it was better that he was comfortable with his tutor. That and I was one of the academically excellent students and also a part of the roster; one of the royals. A Jack, specifically if you prefer.
I was a third year, all the while, he was a freshman. I would help him be well accustomed to the school's rules and places. I would visit him in his dorms to ask about how he's doing. Kuyo would be often annoyed that I was there ninety-nine percent of the time. Not that I cared about that, all I cared about how Rei was doing with school and how optimistic he always was. I found it always so endearing. He cared so much for others just like me, my reason that I decided that I wanted to become a vigilante; I wanted to be an aid to society. When 'UnOrdinary' was published, it influenced lots of high-tiers to do the same. It created a larger group of superheroes. Sadly, all my vigilante work came to a halt once I had graduated when my family learned of my doings, to say that they were unpleasantly frustrated was an understatement. They called me stupid and mocked me, that I was wasting my 'godly' powers on 'unworthy lowly humans'. My parents were very austere on the fact I was to be their perfect little daughter, since I was an only child.
"You impolitic wastrel of a daughter, how much foolishness do you intend to create?!" A direct statement from my mother herself, that didn't stop my works though.
When Rei had found out, he wasn't that approving of my decision, knowing that with that activity I was putting my self in danger. He cared about other people but he didn't want me to sacrifice my health. And, he was right but I didn't confess to that as I was very stubborn and refuse to be told so.
"(Y/n)! You're all beaten up and covered in wounds and bruises!" He yelled frantically as I calmly sat on his bed since the wounds didn't rather bother me, my costume still wrapped around my taller figure, but now shredded and bloodied to the point that part of your body that shouldn't be on display was seen through the ripped clothing.
I pulled down my light [ favorite colo(u)r ] cotton mask to my neck and chuckled, "I guess, I have to get this outfit fixed like last time but more major adjustments," I joked, eyeing my current ragged wear. He aggressively slammed both his hands on the table out of infuriation, which took me by suprise. He never seemed to express emotions of anger which made me worried yet also quite shocked at his sudden outburst.
"How are you still like this after almost dying?!" He shouted, abruptly turning face to face with me.
"Look, Rei. I've been doing this for almost a year. I can handle this-"
"NO. Why can't you understand the risks you're all taking?!" I sighed, faintly rolling my [ eye colo(u)r ] eyes.
"I can't understand why you're doing this. I thought you wanted to help others. Why won't you be a more supportive friend?" I grumbled, my eyes narrowing down slightly at the carpeted bedroom floor.
He let out a quiet annoyed groan from his lips and held his right hand up to his face, pinching the bridge of his nose, "I am trying to be supportive... I'm just scared to lose you. You did almost died today..."
I smiled gently and took two of his small hands before placing it at my chest near my beating heart, "'almost', but, I'm still here anyways. Heart pumping and talking to you. You do trust me, right?"
He looks at me, my words seemed to have made no assurance to him, "I do trust you, honest. I'm just afraid of what would happen if you do die..."
I drop his hands. "Come here. Sit down beside me," I pat down to the unoccupied space to my right, motioning for him to be seated. He does as he was told while I give him an another smile. He seemed to be acting severely anxious than before.
"Look, if it makes you feel any better, let's go out. We barely been able to go out since you and I are usually always swamped with work. My treat," I grinned innocently, awaiting for his response, "what do you say?"
He proceeds to hug me and place his head on the crook of my neck as he kneels in his bed. I didn't hug back, not that I didn't want to. Rei's arms hugged my side, which clamped my arms to sides making me unable to even lift my arm.
"That would be great. Thanks, (N/n)," he unwraps himself from the embrace, not without leaving a hasty peck on my cheek. A not-so-noticable furious crimson color effectively blooming at my features. I placed the tip of my fingers at where he had planted the small kiss at, lightly scratching it.
"You should really stop doing that," I mumbled shyly, rubbing my cheek carefully.
"That's no problem, I love you anyways. What's wrong with showing it?" he chuckles as I blatantly stare at him.
"Rei. I'm sixteen; nearly turning seventeen and you're only fifteen. Don't you think it's a bit odd?" I try explaining to him, him obviously not catching on on what I'm pointing out. He was so oblivious that it hurts.  
He shrugs his shoulders, clearly still not understanding, "What's so wrong with showing affection to someone I love?"  
God dammit Rei, stop confessing your love to me. It feels weird, I thought, feeling my frustration blooming alongside the blush that kept growing prominently on my facial feature.  
"Nevermind," I huffed, lowering then shaking my head. A chuckle infiltrating my breath, "get dressed, I'm going back to my dorm to get changed. Better be ready when I come back, we're heading out."  
[ word count ║ 1105 words ]
[ unedited ]
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unordinaryquotes · 4 years
Vaughn has to know Terrance is the fucker who keeps leaking shit. He's got abilities and presumably extracurriculars on file. The smoll bean is an anarchist who is really responsible for everything.
He definitely knows. The Headmaster is sneaky. I’ve been saying that and I’ll continue to say that. I mean...Terrence so far is the only person who can turn invisible so far and probably the only one who works in the newspaper club. The Headmaster knows this but doesn’t stop it. I don’t know who he’s working for but he seems to want to simulate adult life into a high school which doesn’t work.
Also headcannon that Terrence was that one kid who always lit stuff on fire
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kryscorner · 4 years
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A murderer could be around every corner in this thrilling YA trilogy based on the board game CLUE! When a storm strikes at Blackbrook Academy, an elite prep school nestled in the woods of Maine, a motley crew of students—including Beth “Peacock” Picach, Orchid McKee, Vaughn Green, Sam “Mustard” Maestor, Finn Plum, and Scarlet Mistry—are left stranded on campus with their headmaster. Hours later, his body is found in the conservatory and it’s very clear his death was no accident. With this group of students who are all hiding something, nothing is as it seems, and everyone has a motive for murder. Fans of the CLUE board game and cult classic film will delight in Diana Peterfreund’s modern reimagining of the brand, its characters, and the dark, magnificent old mansion with secrets hidden within its walls.
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When a storm strikes at Blackbrook Academy, an elite prep school nestled in the woods of Maine, a motley crew of students—including Beth “Peacock” Picach, Orchid McKee, Vaughn Green, Sam “Mustard” Maestor, Finn Plum, and Scarlet Mistry—are left stranded on campus with their headmaster. Hours later, his body is found in the conservatory and it’s very clear his death was no accident. With this group of students who are all hiding something, nothing is as it seems, and everyone has a motive for murder. Fans of the CLUE board game and cult classic film will delight in Diana Peterfreund’s modern reimagining of the brand, its characters, and the dark, magnificent old mansion with secrets hidden within its walls.
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