#headcanon: mouthpiece
we need some light-hearted questions, what's the most embarrassing thing to happen to each of your disaster boys (riff, mouthpiece, baby john)?
Send me character development questions!
God bless you Fleur for coming in with some light-hearted ones xD (even as I eye other depressing ones sitting in my inbox)
For Mouthpiece, one time at a dance he got a little too overenthusastic in his dancing and ended up dropping Velma. She wouldn't speak to him for over a week, and the rest of the Jets have never stopped teasing him about it.
For Riff, one time he was out by the closed bridge (where the Cool scene happens) and was just messing about and managed to end up accidentally putting his foot through a rotten board and got stuck there, knee deep in the bridge and unable to get out. He eventually got pulled out by Ice, who has since been sworn to secrecy.
And for Baby John, he may or may not have gotten distracted by watching Tessie one time while out with the Jets and managed to walk full force face first into a lamp post and give himself a black eye.
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felixstudios · 3 months
Random Corporate Clash Headcanons, Swearing Edition {Revised}
Constantly swears:
LAA, Scapegoat, Litigator, Plutocrat
Swears often:
Derrick Man, Bellringer, Major Player, CFO, Satellite Investors, Treekiller, High Roller, The Directors
Swears on occasion:
Pacesetter, Duck Shuffler, Stenographer, Multislacker, Mouthpiece, Chainsaw Consultant
Rarely swears:
Prethinker, Witch Hunter, Deep Diver, PRR, VP, CLO, Featherbedder
Rarely swears, but when they do the room feels like it just got ice cold:
Case Manager, Gatekeeper, Chairman, CEO
Legally cannot swear:
Rainmaker, Firestarter, COO
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viric-dreams · 3 months
Grand Geode, 1883. Lieutenant Roberts sees a familiar face. Or at least something wearing that face.
There’s a storm coming. Heat and humidity hang in the air, adding strain to each breath. Sweat pools at the back of Roberts’ neck, the droplets sliding down the curve of his spine beneath his uniform. He does his best to ignore the discomfort, gripping the folder in his hands yet tighter as he follows a familiar set of turns down the hall to the Commodore’s office.
In a previous life, he may have regarded his current position as gruntwork–dull, administrative minutia, a world away from any action on the Zee, but in moments like these he finds he doesn’t mind. Any moment now, the heat will break, and the Zee will roil under a torrent of foetid-smelling rain, befouled by the Wax Wind. He does not envy the men on their ships when the storm inevitably hits. Carrying documents up the chain is fine by him, if it means stable stone under his dry feet, and a bed that does not sway with the tides. 
He turns the corner, and before his hand can even touch the office door, Roberts feels the sudden charge in the air, white-hot and electric, and the hairs on his arms stand on end. The sensation calls back to something familiar, half-forgotten in the back of his mind. He wonders if he should leave, perhaps come back later. But before he has time to properly question it, the Commodore’s voice rings out through the door, as if able to sense his presence through the thick wood.
“Who’s there?” 
“It’s Lieutenant Roberts, sir,” he says. 
The Commodore is silent for a beat, then answers softly, as if forgetting the heavy door between them.
“Elias, why don’t you come in.” 
It’s not framed as a question. And so he does.
The Commodore sits at his desk, in the exact position where Roberts has seen him hundreds of times before. But this time is different. This time, he has a visitor. Radiant. That’s the only way he can think of to describe her. A singular point in the centre of the room, the axis around which so many golden threads warp and turn. She does not look happy to see them. In fact, she doesn’t look much of anything, and he struggles to make out her features through the brilliant haze she emanates. 
“Elias, you remember June, don’t you?” There’s a placidness to the Commodore’s voice that he so rarely hears. The man has not taken his eyes off of June since Roberts had entered the room, and he can hardly do so himself. 
Indeed he remembers her. If he squints into that light he can even make out her features, unchanged from when he’d last seen her, nearly two decades prior. He feels warm. Not the muggy heat smothering Zelo’s Town, but a glow, spreading from within his chest out into his limbs. 
“Of course,” he says. How could he forget?
June does not greet him. She does not take her eyes off of the serene face of the Commodore. When her mouth opens, the sound that comes out is otherworldly, timbres not possible on human vocal chords. The sound reverberates through Roberts’ body, like the bass tones of chugging machinery.
It was something of importance. He’s sure of it. She wouldn’t be here, speaking to him, to them, to the Commodore, were it not. A Zee captain will return, and when they do, the Admiralty will be ready. She leaves her instructions. Her voice is so warm, all-encompassing, a rumbling static beating a tune against his eardrums. He will complete the Work. Whatever it is she needs, he will do. They will do. 
He tells her this. At least, he thinks he does. Whether or not he speaks the words out loud she must know this of him. Her eyes are on the Commodore, whose head nods in a slow daze. Of course they can manage. He’ll personally ensure they have the supplies they need. More heat. Pride, this time, that they can do what she requests of them. 
And then she turns to him, golden eyes boring directly through him, setting him alight. Her lips open to speak and–
He comes to at a raucous peel of thunder. June is long gone, and he shivers at the unexpected cold left by her absence, despite the muggy air. Yet despite the chill of her absence, he feels… calm. A slow satisfaction at having done… something right. At least, he feels so. Something worthwhile. 
It’s only several minutes later, when he stands under the building’s awning, the rhythm of rain pounding a frenetic drumbeat into the steel roof, that he realises he’s still clutching the missive meant for the Commodore.
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scottyzoomz · 2 months
More headcanons cause i have a lot of things on my mind that i really wanna talk about that makes me yap a lot (sorry to my irl friends who have to deal with my yapping with a whole lot of stuttering)
Crutchie Morris, yeah starting with him Crutchie would often not tell the others if his leg hurts real bad since they dont want him to worry about him a lot more, he would be supportive as a partner, both romantically and platonically ( i see him as a guy that doesnt like to date ), even if he hasnt dated anybody, he would give good confessioning advice or date advice to other people. Mouthpiece He's just that type of guy to mimic a lot peoples voices just for the fun of it, He's the Jets funny guy that would cheer em up by mimicing and acting like officer krupke, He's pretty nice, just a bit rebellious ya know, Since he talks a lot and to mimic a lot of peoples voice takes a lot of vocal chord training, the reason why his voice would change is because he keeps on straining his vocal cords, so if he is just quiet he's resting his vocal cords Spot Conlon ( i've said this head canon before, i just really like this headcanon and i've added more ) He has a skin condition where his skin cells become sensitive due to a genetic which causes hives on his body, that's why his nickname is "Spot" because his hives. He seems like the type of guy to drink tea to calm himself down, i dont know why, but he just gives off this energy. He probably has some allergy medicine saved for his hives or would take a bath daily because of it. WILL ADD MORE SOON:)
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razlapin · 11 days
mas mouthpiece ever had her kitchen catch fire (not including any time with flint because technically he is the fire in the kitchen)
Belle is a master in the kitchen with her baking but i can imagine the one time something catches fire, it’s from a recipe she received from a friend that was miswritten . She was listening to the recipe with all her heart and added a whole lot of kerosene 😔
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lifesteal-headcanons · 2 months
Hello this is not a headcannon but more of a lifesteal related question and I didn't know where else I could ask this anonymously, but i just wanted the communities opinion on something.
I'm wanting to write something with the whole Void arc and how Minute and Rek and Clown and Co. took the Void people down, and I'm thinking that I'd like to throw in some unrequited love in there
I was thinking onesided PrinceTech, where Zam is in love with Minute but it's not reciprocated due to them being enemies, but I recently found out that MinuteTech is uncomfortable with shipping.
I'm unsure if unrequited love counts as shipping in this case. Is it still breaking his boundaries if he's not the one in love? I don't want to break any boundaries but I'm very unsure on whether this is alright or not.
Anyway, sorry for this not being a headcannon. I hope to hear some thoughts, if not that's also alright. And thank you Mod for putting up with this.
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goofygooberblog · 4 months
Mouthpiece TTCC Headcannons‼️‼️‼️
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Staring off strong I think she can fight, if someone were to start a genuine fight with one of her grandkids (or even her coworkers she sees as her grandkids) she would be fighting in second. She can pack a punch and she’s not afraid to put some force behind it either. (She’s been written up because of this). [more under cut]
Belle, her house is full of trinkets, stuff she’s knitted, things her kids/grandkids have got her, her house also always smells like cookies. Even if there are no cookies in sight her house is warm and smells delightful.(This causes like an army of bugs because it’s warm and smells nice.) However if you were to spend the night you couldn’t work the shower because it’s too confusing and has a 50 step tutorial to get it working.
She indulges in sweets sometimes (a lot) so she is constantly giving them away so she doesn’t eat them all. (She has a really big sweet tooth.) Belle even makes toon friendly sweets because arguably toons have such sweet food and candy she loves it. Give her jellybeans and she’s celebrating.
Breaks things so often, like I’m talking about if she holds it, it’s broken. She refuses to hold things for anyone because of this.
Wins at every board game possible, if she plays you’ve already lost because of this she’s banned from company board game night after she beat the Chairman over a game of monopoly.
Belle loooves hallmark movies, if there’s one she’s seen it. She knows the name of everything, character, town, even the names of the rich ceo. She can recite the movies word for word, she can even make the same expressions and she can sound exactly like the actors to the point it’s crazy. People have asked her if she had ADHD but Belle gets confused and just says she really likes the movies. She’s met each actor, writer,crew person,director, and even the animals they use during the movie. She runs the fandom wiki and it’s so detailed and only she runs it. People have been doxed if they try and mess it up.
Because Belle is old people have just assumed she didn’t know what the LGBT community was [Skull emoji] and so she wasn’t invited to pride, so when she showed up Misty wanted to know if she supported. Let’s just say that people know she’s a Bi icon and trans fem.
Following up on that everyone in her family is trans, when Belle was little she got a spell cursed that every family member after her would have the same issue as her (The issue was being assigned a different gender at birth.) and now everyone is trans. (The the wizard who cursed her was Witch Hunter. Suits also have only two things change with sex, your Build how feminine it Masculine it is, and your voice but you can always mix it up so gender and sex are very loose words to suits.
She is afraid of dying, okay real depressing right? So the reason she flies away after you beat her is because Belle is terrified, She has this idea that if she were to explode they couldn’t fix her because her parts are so old. (This fear is totally irrational and she goes to therapy for it.)
I think Belle is a professional yapper. If you put her Benjamin and Flint in a room together they could probably talk for 3 weeks straight. I also think she’s sassy, everything she says does have a purpose and she’s constantly thinking on the correct things to say. One time she ended up reciting an entire Hallmark movie because Benjamin and Flint let her.
She vocal stims, if a phone can make that noise so can she. She’s actually the reason phones ring because she just kept saying “ring ring ring.” When she called people.
Belle loves sappy music if it’s romantic she knows it, she knows the dance to it. Also she’s definitely the queen of telling you she’s met your favorite band in their prime.
She kills it on piano, she can play Rush E at the highest possible tempo ever and she knows every single song without using sheet music, when Belle was younger she always won piano competitions because she was just that good. So when you use a piano drop on her she will target you for trying to break her with her favorite instrument.
Everyone knows Cassie is Belles favorite grandchild and nobody can disagree because Cassie is an angel.
Belle a lady of color, she’s mixed Egyptian and Italian and she loves her cultural foods and she loves her food spicy and flavorful.
Belle actually got Flint and Graham together after hinting it. She’s actually the reason most workplace relationships work out, she plays Cupid and valentoons day is her favorite holiday because of this.
I think Misty is still growing, (Despite her being in her early twenties.) but Belle will squeeze her cheeks and tell Misty how how big they’re growing and definitely give her twenty cog bucks as a gift.
She has an advanced vocabulary and she taught Brian words he knows. He often challenges Belle to puzzles and sudoku to better learn words.
Belle and Cosmo are both Italian just Belle is an third generation from an immigrant family and Cosmo is the First generation. Cosmo teaches Belle Italian and they can communicate in it, Cosmo has only come out to the satellite investors and Belle about how he’s Trans masc. Also Belle now tells Cosmo the Hallmark movie scrips in Italian.
Belle was worried about Cathal and Tawney because no suit should be sleeping that much so she genuinely asked if they were depressed, turns out they take their shifts during the night so it appears they are always sleeping. She felt really embarrassed so Belle baked them apology cookies and Tawney and Cathal stick to her like glue. Belle often gives them both super soft blankets she knitted herself so they can sleep comfortably and she is the one who packs Cathal his sandwiches (She has no idea why me needs so many.)
Belle loves giving Buck duck trinkets from the flea market, and Buck reminds her of her grandson with ADHD and so she often is able to keep Buck from overstimulating everyone around him. (Cosmo greatly thanks her for this.)
Belle is a mother figure to Spruce and Chip, she genuinely thinks they are blood related brothers and often treats them like such. They don’t have the heart to say they are just close friends since childhood so they play along. Belle was the first person Chip told about the override and she sticks by his side hugging him and keeping him grounded. (The override never activates when he’s around her because of this.) Belle is very concerned for Spruces help because she only sees him eating trees. She made tree shaped cookies so he would eat them and makes special accommodations to his food so they are all trees.
Belle refuses to leave Flint alone after he somehow exploded her oven and burnt the charcoal-chunk cookies. She watches them like a hawk and is genuinely considering giving Flint a wellness check to see if he has Pyromania. (They do.) She also makes special burnt cookies just for him so They can enjoy.
Belle makes time to see each and every one of Dave’s concerts, (she even convinced him to make a Hallmark play and everyone loved it.) She is his (second) biggest fan right next to Buck. And she always buys Dave flowers and he keeps them in a little vase in his dress room.
Belle and Graham have very different ideas of music but they do have an entire album together of a wonderful blend of Rock and Old-Times music and they even won 6 Grammy awards for the album and they won best songwriters of the year. (Flint is also on the album because them and Graham are inseparable.)
Her head can call people like a telephone so she uses it when she needs to call. And only call she can’t text because it hurts her head (It also burns into her brain.) Unfortunately she can’t whisper so she only has the most important calls in her home. Buck often spam calls her because he’s already told Brian something twenty times. (Belle is very close to blocking him)
If all the managers where put in a room Belle would be able to get everyone working together and having a fun time, she’d make everyone comfortable and that’s why parties at her house during the holidays for this group of managers (And the Satellite Investors.) is exciting and wonderful and everyone often looks forward to the holidays because of this. (Expect when it’s Hallmark movie time and Belle gets to exited over these movies and keeps quoting the most outlandish things ever.) Belle would take the managers on vacations too and separate them into groups to make sure everyone can handle eachother and no fights break out. She also makes sure she only picks trips everyone can enjoy and so far she hasn’t had any complaints (yet.)
I don’t think she swears a lot but when she does. The first time she genuinely got mad was when someone had broke something her deceased mother made her. Let’s just say everyone was shocked but realized it’s better she doesn’t keep her emotions inside all the time. Belle will cuss when she’s singing or just when she’s in extreme shock or anger. She however won’t curse in-front of a kid because she’s a parental figure.(she will freak out if she slips up and the kid won’t stop repeating the word.)
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rubberghoul · 4 months
Finally posting my voice headcanon videos after compiling them together
(sorry if the audio is a little weird I’m not good at editing 💔💔 also some characters are missing cuz I haven’t thought of a good voiceclaim for them i might do cogs bosses eventually since i imagine cfo sounding like plankton)
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unlimitedgolden · 10 months
I have toontown headcanons to share so I'm going to just go for it + canon honorifics
PRONOUNS!!!!!!11!11 ROMANCE!!11 AHHHHH1!!!11
Deep Diver is a bigender baddie, she/he (Mr/Ms). Update: I think it'd be really funny if Deep Diver was bigender and bisexual. baby bi bi bi,,,
Gatekeeper she/her (Ms) and also the swaggiest butch lesbian you'll ever see
Firestarter he/they (Mr/Mx) otd. My brain says demiboy and I KNOW he is gay as hell
Featherbedder they/he/she (Mx/Mr/Ms), non-binary in some way, most likely genderfluid. I don't know enough about them right now so that's all I got
Major Player he/hymn (Mr) (this is straight up from the official server), and I honestly think he's pan with a preference to men (Buck Ruffler and their freaky fusion)
Chainsaw Consultant looking like a he/they (Mr) transman, I also think he's bi
Mouthpiece my grandma. She/her (Mrs) and I am a trans grandma truther. She is the elder transhet to me.
Rainmaker she/they (Ms/Mx) and CALL ME INSANE BUT I think they're transmasc and I love her ok. Also bi
Witch Hunter he/him (Mr) and I don't know enough about him yet except he seems like a miserable bloke and a hater
Duck Shuffler he/they/it (Mr) transmasc (projecting lowkey) and he is gay as hell as well idc
Treekiller he/him (Mr) and I don't know enough about him yet either SORRY
Plutocrat he/him (Don/Mr) he seems cishet but I also don't know enough about him either
Bellringer he/him (Mr). I think he's cis but experimenting with he/they. Bi, British, Bell.
Prethinker he/him (Mr) transman? Transmasc? Not sure but he's transgender. Also pan
Multislacker He/They but maybe she too (Mr/Mx) methinks genderfluid. Its the colourscheme I promise. Somewhere on the asexual spectrum to me. Romance? Maybe, maybe not. Not sure.
Pacesetter he/him (Mr) + transman swagger with the gay gay boyfriend on top
Prefacing this with the warning of multishipping for funsies and I am a believer of polycules argue with the wall
Deep Diver according to cogs.ink hates Gatekeeper and Treekiller which is so funny to me because I think Deep Diver and Gatekeeper would be cute together
Deep Diver/Gatekeeper with Rainmaker is also so fire. Polycule them NOW
Firestarter and Pacesetter canon boyfriends
Also that one headcanon of Firestarter and Rainmaker being siblings is so cute I'm adopting it
Major Player fused with Duck Shuffler that one time and even though its not a canon event they're really good together. Love wins in every universe
Chainsaw Consultant with Duck Shuffler (thanks Sludge) kissy mwah mwah
Chainsaw Consultant and Rainmaker t4t swagger btw
Rainmaker already mentioned all above but yeah she should get soooo much love. Love wins. Multishipping wins. Polycules win.
Duck Shuffler has two hands to hold one for Major Player and one for Chainsaw Consultant. Polycules babeeey!!! And then I'm on his leg like a diseased animal.
Treekiller and Chainsaw Consultant brothers for realsies
Sometimes I think about that animatic with Plutocrat being interested in Mouthpiece with the spongebob audio. Yknow the one by cogmics. Lives in my head
Bellringer and Prethinker kissing. Idk where it came from but I think they're cute too
Also whoever came up with Pacesetter and Multislacker having a sibling like bond os brilliant. Adopted that hc now too.
Other STUPID HCS before I forget
I was talking to my sister about this one but I think it'd be funny if cogs reproduced by just building their offspring like in the Robots movie.
Building my son from scrap parts I found
And again in convo with my sister it'd be funny if toons reproduced by just drawing their children since they're literally cartoons
She said if you look ugly as a toon sorry your parents were just bad at art LMFAO
Furthermore this was to build our own lore on why our toons are siblings but different species and since we agree our dad would be a cog (which I did design) that he must've drawn our toons
Mfw we are our fathers oc
OK I think that's everything for now. I'm immediately sending this to everyone I know for approval
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mechanical-aristocrat · 5 months
Hello Screwllum! Can you talk about your experiences during Second Rubert Rebellion?
"It is certainly a story worth telling, knowing the true horrors of war is one of the first steps to understanding why peace is so important, and learning about them from a firsthand source is by far the most efficient way to do so."
"However, the memories involved are ones I have...difficulty recounting without getting caught up in the emotions I felt when they were made."
(he hides his discomfort well, but a small amount of it still shines through in his tone and body language)
"I apologize, the rebellion is not a topic I'm willing to discuss in detail without having given myself sufficient time to prepare my words. I would much rather avoid saying something I will later regret."
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disaster boys again, what happens to them post canon? aside from riff because we know :(
Send me character development questions!
What do you mean, Fleur, Riff's off living on a farm in the country with a nice family with plenty of space to run around and play with the other teenage delinquents, my mother promised me so!
I've mentioned it before, but in my head, after the deaths of Riff and Tony, and after what happens at the drug store with Anita, as well as all the issues with buildings being demolished, I think the Jets as a gang begins to dissolve and split off a bit. They stay friends to an extent, but everything else dies away, and they're confronted with having to grow up all of a sudden.
For Mouthpiece, after the assault, Velma dumps him straight up, and he doesn't even try to argue back. He struggles with the shame and guilt he's brought on himself, and with the gang disappearing, it makes it even worse. He stays with a few of the other Jets (Balkan, Big Deal, and Snowboy mainly) but the loss of their buildings and them moving on forces him back home eventually which isn't a good environment. He drops out of high school and runs away a lot, and it actually ends up being Krupke that helps him get back on the straight and narrow (somewhat) and find a job, albeit a menial one. I like to be optimistic and think maybe a few years down the line, he ends up running into Velma again, and they reconcile, though they don't get back together. He never manages another relationship.
Baby John is a bit more of a positive story. Post-canon, and with the split of the Jets, he does tend to keep away from some of those who were a bit more...enthusiastic in the assault. Mostly, he hangs around the girls and Diesel, and begins putting more focus into school again. He takes over Tony's role in the drug store and helps Valentina out, and he and Tessie keep going strong. He's a smart kid and he's able to save up a bit and get a scholarship for college so the two of them can get out of the west side. I like to think the two of them have their own happy ending, maybe with their own family some day.
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felixstudios · 2 months
Okay... What about a headcannons for the street managers on a rainy day?
Random Corporate Clash Headcanons, Street Managers on a Rainy Day Edition
Duck Shuffler
🎰He doesn't wanna ruin the cards on his hat so he uses an umbrella
🎰Loves the rain, though, and usually reaches out from under it to at least get his hands wet
🎰Probably runs in the rain lol
Deep Diver
🫧She LOVES the rain. Not only is it good for the environment, but she just likes water in general
🫧He's probably already soaked from a dive though, so it might take him a bit to realize it's raining
🫧I feel like her powers might get slightly stronger in the rain
🫧 Especially if floods start happening...
⚔️Refuses to use an umbrella because it occupies one of her hands, but she HATES how much her armor will rust
⚔️Will likely be a little late to work because she was putting some protective products on her armor {and maybe herself, too} to help prevent the rust
⚔️Constantly tries to get out of the rain and while she doesn't verbally complain about it, it's obvious she HATES it
🔔He's British... this is an average day for him
🔔He's so used to rain at this point that he's not really fazed by it
🔔Business as usual, will clean up his suit and himself throughout the day in discreet ways. It keeps him looking his best while everyone else is all sad and soggy, though
☎️She's already quite old and rusty, so she'll probably have to spend the day indoors because it's a real risk to her to be out when it's wet
☎️Likes to watch the rain from windows
☎️Of COURSE she's gonna do some extra cooking and baking today!
🔥Nope, we don't rain here... hail and snow here!
🔥The fire on his head is either much weaker or completely out, depending on how bad it is. He's visibly upset about this
🔥Will do his best to help Cogs and Toons alike warm up. The fire on his head might be out, but he still naturally generates a LOT of heat!
🔥Doesn't really get bothered by the weather since he just doesn't get cold, so other than being upset the flame on his head is weak/gone he's business as usual
🪵He doesn't care if the trees are gonna be wet and not so easy to work with, he's cutting them down
🪵Rain? Weather? GAHAHAHAHA! Stop bein' so sensative!
🪵Even in a storm he's gonna act like nothing is happening. It's impossible to tell if he actually doesn't care or if he's just trying to be annoying/impressive
💤Extra sleepy, finds it quite hard to work
💤Will probably also be easily distracted by the rain
💤Delegates a lot more work because they just can't be bothered to do much today
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jaesasyrax · 2 years
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belledama-5601 · 8 months
do you know what a "meme" is, ma'am
Oh, I do know what a meme is! Hehe, they can be very funny! My favorite type of memes are the animal ones, but it’s usually cats! I have a lot of cat memes that I could share with you!
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sanktavasi · 1 year
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edit : the gentle seamstress, or alternatively 'Vasilka', by the artist Andrei Sokolov.
a strange painting if one looks at Sokolov's other works, smaller and far less opulent than his usual style, yet nonetheless confirmed to be his work. through diary entries, it is confirmed this piece of art came to exist because the seamstress interrupted Sokolov whilst he was in the progress of painting something else, and upon seeing her beauty he decided to abandon his current project to capture the likeness of this 'Vasilka' instead. though she does not appear as the subject of his paintings again, Andrei was infatuated with the seamstress and she is mentioned frequently throughout his diaries for the next three years. Vasilka left Sokolov behind in the end, refusing his marriage proposal and breaking his heart as she moved away not long after. though he did marry Irina Mikhailovna later in life, he never did get over his gentle seamstress ( as so written on the painting's back ) and rumours go he even called out for her on his deathbed, reaching for her countenance on the painting. through his work, she has been immortalized and romanticized and many associate her painting with the joys and bitterness of love.
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cutestknife · 3 months
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It's my headcanon that they do aerobic/fitness/pilates together! I've noticed that Pacesetter has mats for this and knowing that Mouthpiece is a strong old lady, they definitely do morning runs or just sports. :)
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