#he's a hobie variant but I've changed so much about him that he became too different from -138 hobie
fiepige · 7 months
I'm trying to make a short introductory post about a (sorta) new oc but I'm currently at 1224 words and I'm not done writing about him yet 😭
I just have so many things I wanna share about him but I'm afraid people will skip it if it's too long...
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jess-fae · 7 months
Note; this is my first time writing fanfic on here so pls if smth is wrong tell me cus i want to improve i maybe wanna write this out one day but i aint promising it
Excuse the horrible britsh accent
Summary; Hobie is a pirate captured by the British navy and one day Y/N a mermaid finds him
Trigger warning; violence, thoughts of death and angst lost of it
✦ Hobie Brown one of the most known pirates in the Seven Seas was captured by the British navy not too long ago for piracy
✦ after they sunk his ship they chained him to the small wooden boat swimming beside the lieutenant's ship
✦were he stayed trying to plan his great escape, yet unbeknownst to Hobie he had caught a mermaid's attention by playing his guitar every night
✦ sure the lieutenant had many men go down there and try to take the guitar from him but they all failed
✦ so Hobie kept playing every night stealing his sleep
✦and every night the mermaid would watch him from afar; you would have eaten the man long ago usually, he was easy prey after all, all men were with your siren song
✦but you didn't know something about him that didn't sit right with you, maybe it was his never-ending rebellion against the bad man's doing
✦or maybe it really was just the enchanting way he played the guitar with
✦You didn't know but you watched him for hours at a time carefully in the comfort of the darkness so no one could see you
✦That was at the least till a bigger wave hit the small boat he had stayed on and Hobie dropped his guitar into the cold ocean
✦fear lay over him as he desperately tried to get his beloved guitar back but the chains on his legs held him tight
✦Don't do it you had told yourself, interacting with humans could end badly especially when helping them
✦ but you didn't listen, instead you swam after the guitar which was way below the water now, and brought it back up
✦that when your eyes meet with his for the first time
✦Now Hobie wasn't an idiot, every pirate knew to stay away from the merfolk but you held the thing he cared for with the most
✦you saw his hesitation and laid the guitar inside the boat before backing off a little
✦eyes never leaving his, you noticed the change within them, you noticed the fear
✦you looked down at the instrument and back up at his eyes, you wanted him to play again
✦meanwhile the pirate had thought these were his last moments on this earth
✦the pirate who was always so sure that he would escape death, was now fearing it
✦Yet he wondered why the mermaid in front of him hadn't ripped him apart and eaten his heart
✦ following your eyes he found what they looked at, "Ya wan' me to play?" the mermaid nodded
✦and he did so, maybe he earned your grace? it was strange after growing up with stories where merfolk was such a cruel folk
✦ for the next nights this would repeat, after some performances, you would bring him shiny seashells and other trinkets you would at the bottom of the ocean
✦however horror had laid over you when you realised why you enjoyed the pirate company so much
✦it was no longer just his songs and melodies, the charm that Hobie had used on countless variants of people had worked on you
✦ the small touches he had allowed himself to after realizing you wouldn't bite his hand off and his glamouring words had cast a spell on you
✦ so much that you became more careless and aware of the dangers caused by others than him
✦so one night you had climbed into the wooden boat again, listing to him ramble about one of his many stories where he ruined the navy plans
✦"If ya wan' to eat me go ahead dove, I've been unda ya spell for long" his hand rested on your cheek watching as his thumb carefully stroked over your cheek
✦ yet there was no spell made from your voice, you didn't even dare use it in fear it might cut him
✦hobies eyes watched as his thumb traced your lips, only shortly connecting with your eyes before they also mimicked his
✦you wondered what he would taste like, not his blood or flesh but the way humans taste each other
✦the distance between the two of you became unacceptable far apart
✦so unacceptable that you decided to close it, not caring about the million reasons to not kiss a human out of love
✦but by the sea it felt so good, like waves crashing against each other
✦air became irrelevant, only needing this feeling to survive
✦"I think I am in love with ya, dove." Hobie said resting his forehead against yours
✦Turning at the same time a seaman walked along the deck of the ship hearing the pirate's voice, he laughed thinking Hobie had gone completely insane
✦so he looked over the edge to have his jaw falling to the bottom of the sea
✦going to wake the captain to tell him about the mermaid
✦they wasted no time to capture the unexpecting creature
✦a net was thrown over the edge and the small wooden boat was pulled up
✦fear washed over you, as you and Hobie tried to get rid of the net so you could disappear into the depths of the ocean but you failed and you landed on the deck of the ship
✦cloth was wrapped around your mouth, arms were tied together and dragged away from Hobie
✦inside the small cabin you heard the captain's cold voice speak "You ever heard the stories of mermaids being turned human?" his toothy grin scared you
✦as he lifted a blade "I always wanted to know if they were true, how about we find out." he threatened as he cut your beautiful tail apart
✦days later you woke up again hoping for it all to be a bad dream but as you looked down you saw that your once powerful mermaid tail and fins were now legs with feet attached to them
✦a shrill scream came rushing out of your lungs as you gripped and scratched your legs, hot tears falling down your face
✦ Regret came over you, you should have never come close to that human... but it wasn't his fault
✦The next days passed by, filled with pain and hate. The captain came inside to look at his creation ignoring the horror he caused
✦you didn't feel the same anymore, just a week ago you were feeling such bliss such love but now...
✦you couldn't feel anymore, you listened to the waves crashing against the ship hoping a storm would rip it apart and drown everyone on board
✦the captain no longer cared and you walked along the boat looking for one person only
✦you tightly held the stolen dagger close as you tried to find your way down to Hobie
✦down in the small wooden boat where everything began you hoped Hobie would understand what you were about to ask for
✦the pirate was happy to see you alive, especially after that tormenting scream that could have only come from you days ago
✦ neither of you said anything, you didn't even know how to start this, to begin with
✦"Do you know why Mermaids aren't meant to be turned into humans?" you whispered as you looked at the small waves
✦" 'cus it is cruel?" he answered ignoring how beautifully your voice was, no wonder you never spoke when you were a mermaid you would have enchanted him eminently
✦silence laid over the two of you again before you spoke "Hobie, I- I can feel this mortal body rotting."
✦salty tears came rushing over you again, was this the price you had to pay for falling in love with him?
✦Hobie was shocked and didn't know how to react so he just held you
✦you clenched the dagger harder before sitting up and holding it out to Hobie
✦ "I want you to kill me, I cannot live this life." you looked into his eyes once you would have felt such love but now you felt nothing
✦and even if wouldn't turn into seafoam like you sisters, this would be the only way to end this tragedy humans called life
Note: now don't worry I am working on part two where there will be a happy ending, I just don't wanna make this too long. <3
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