#he’s a toxic gamer ik but he’s not like. a right winger or incel or misogynist
khalixvitae · 7 months
I’m still. Hung up on the fact that people think Idia is an incel. I think what’s fundamentally important to remember about him is that he is the biggest proponent of his own isolation. Incels believe they are unfairly ignored by/passed over by possible romantic partners, but Idia doesn’t really think that way. Like yes on his deepest levels he does want to connect with someone (I mean look at the media he consumes- he’s a massive romance and slice of life junkie) and have a normal life. But he’s firmly convinced that he can’t. He can’t cultivate face to face relationships because he thinks that ultimately it will be pointless; he can’t give somebody a life worth living because yk, he’s literally bound by blood to a life of isolation w this whole generational curse thing. Either that or they’ll just be generally put off by him and see him the way he sees himself. Whether it’s because he can’t or he shouldn’t, ultimately Idia is the one perpetuating his own isolation. He’s horrifically depressed and lonely, but he’s also agoraphobic. He finds himself gross and just generally considers himself a bad choice in partner. whether or not others agree is trivial. He doesn’t feel like anyone owes him a relationship because he doesn’t think he’s worth that trouble. And like yes he does think he’s smarter than everyone in a given room, but he doesn’t think he’s a better person. Like he literally all but states that numerous times. Idia knows he’s terrible, and tbh part of his problems come from his fear that he can’t change that and nihilistic complacency in his own misery. It’s like his internship offers kind of. He just deletes them because there’s no point in pursuing something that he just isn’t “made for”. He’s had enough bad luck as is, why try and defy fate. It’s actually really sad because he does seem to resent that part of himself even in his complacency, and he does think the whole thing is unfair, but like. He’s definitely not an incel ???
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