#he stands up to riggins despite being scared
clockworkcheetah · 1 month
i think it says a lot that the rowdy 3 and priest are the only people dirk seems completely terrified of
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stonerbughead · 4 years
Maria watches friday night lights (#10)
Ahhh this season is so good, I’m not ready for it to end! This post covers the penultimate episodes: 3x11 - 3x12
-oh boyyy Lyla’s getting drunk to deal with her daddy issues. Real! Tho it is nice seeing Billy, Lyla, Tim, and Mindy getting along I guess? Sigh.
-HAHAHA poor Tyra being forced to throw Mindy a “tea party” bridal shower.
-let’s maybe NOT call your son’s 15 year old girlfriend a “minx” or a “plague,” Joe McCoy?!?!
-oh Matt :( taking out his anger and emotions about his grandma’s deteriorating health on his mom :( this is so hard
-oooooh this redistricting plotline is such an interesting shake up!! Holy shit these fully grown men standing around a table redrawing the redistricting line to “keep the Dillon Panthers intact” is truly wild.
-I really like this scene where Lyla breaks down to Tim about letting her mom and siblings move to California without her and feeling like she has no family now that Buddy has hurt her. I feel like too many teen dramas have a teen character’s family move away and never show it affecting them which feels wholly unrealistic.
-I have to believe Texas weather around semifinals time actually lends itself to dramatic pouring rain?? Bc I mean, it WORKS but this happened in S1 too right?
“He’s got to do what the coach tells him to do!” Thank you Katie McCoy. You need to get away from your terrible, controlling husband. Like, even when they win this dude isn’t happy bc it didn’t happen the WAY he thought it should.
-omfg I just gasped when JD’s dad called Madison a “tramp.” WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU
-and of course Tami and Eric are seated in the window of Applebee’s seeing the abuse happen and run out to help. You know who Tami and Eric remind me of (except they’re better): Kirsten and Sandy Cohen of the OC. It’s that “parents of everyone, moral compass of the community” trope. Honestly like, the only good teen drama parent trope. (To a similar extent I guess Mary and Fred Andrews’ play/ed that role on Riverdale)
“I think I’m okay here, hanging with my gal” - Tim Riggins is such a romantic boy wow. His pep talk for Lyla about going to college despite her dad’s bullshit was so precious.
“He hit my baby.” Oh pooor Katie McCoy, you need to get yourself and your boy away from your husband.
-lol when’s the last time we saw Gracie? Julie’s been absent this ep, she babysitting? Hahaha
-oh yes Tyra deserves this beautiful pep talk from her mom!!
-good on this show for naming what Joe McCoy did as “child abuse” bc YEP. Tami and Eric feeling awful about calling CPS (but being mandated to do so as educators) is such a real and well done conflict.
-omg Matt’s art portfolio!! He wants to go to Chicago for art! I just love the image of Tami, Julie, and Matt flipping through his portfolio ugh yes. Soft.
“It reads like a five page needlepoint pillow.” Lmao Landry and yeah, writing the college essay sucks.
“They have the biggest Van Gogh collection.” Saracen’s a man after my own heart.
FYI I left and Jeff gave me a dab that hit hard (I dramatically said it “killed me”) so the rest of 3x12 and the post was composed whilst I’m even more stoned than usual.
-wow Landry missing the bus the ONE time he drinks damn
-hey I’ve never seen this coach leading the chants on the bus before. Is this like his whole job
-awww Lorraine asking Julie if Matt likes art and she’s like, yeah he loves it! And he’s amazing at it. So cute. Oh wow both of them agreeing they don’t want to “hold him back from anything.”
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-My heart! This show does such a good job of showing so many heartwarming dynamics of all kinds.
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-ooookay Katie I get why you don’t want to be friends with Tami anymore....but like y’all need parenting classes, your husband is straight up abusive to your child. Also I’m scared for you, please leave that man
-OMFG Tyra lost her virginity at THIRTEEN? That’s so heartbreaking. Also everything she’s screaming about in the car needs to start going into this college essay. Omg is she gonna write about Jason Street getting paralyzed? Real. How many people in this town do you think used that in their college essay?
-Tim and Matt scene THANK YOU I am blessed
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-omfg Tyra reading her essay out loud to Landry overlaying Tami and Eric on the field; Julie with baby grace; Saracen and Tim throwing the frisbee; the raucous Colette-riggins family in the car. Beautiful!!! Perfection.
-lol I saw the year 2008 on the game board and realized if this was fall 2008...I was a freshman in high school. JD is my peer.
-omg Joe McCoy has THE douchebag glasses. Classic child abuser am I right
-JD throwing a fit on the field is good fucking characterization bc you mimic what your parents do, especially when you’re a 15 year old kid
-YALL I am out here white knuckling it through this state game and I barely understand football and yet...I’m like wow really all you need to do to get me interested in a sport is make me care about the characters playing. Saracen and riggins are working so well together I cry
-damn what a way to go down. They actually turned the game around and a field goal is what made them lose :(
“I wanted everyone’s friends and families to be here tonight when I say this: I have never been more proud of a team than I am right now” oh Eric Taylor what a man
“There’s not a single person in this room who’s ever gonna be the same”’ wow I felt that
-Riggins always seems more contemplative in a Sherpa
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