#he is very important to me
agenderduck · 2 months
Thinking about how duck loves so deeply. How he views himself as responsible for the other two. How he is absolutely devastated when anything bad happens to them. Thinking about how ducks cannot function without companionship in real life. Family is actually so devastating for this exact reason. The way you can feel his desperation through out the episode, yearning for an acknowledgment of what he’s saying, for some sort of agreement from the other two. Their friendship is literally everything to him, even though hes the worst at showing it. Duck is painfully relatable to me not only as an autistic, but as a person with, OCD, undiagnosed OCPD/cluster-b, and trauma. I mean ffs his visual inventory is literally a compulsion. He is checking to make sure that they are all still here, that nobody has left again. He views the clip board as a safety net for not only himself, but for the other two as well. He truly and deeply believes that by performing his little rituals, he’s keeping them safe and out of harms way. It’s painful to see people write him off as the “funny jerk character”, when he’s so much more than that. He is someone who has so much love to give but struggles to express it. He is jealous of others who have it better than him and wants the things that they have, like a family. Because as much as the trio love each other, they are stuck in a perpetual state of self destruction. They will never truly be able to be a functional family, try as they might. Theres always going to be something missing, always something more that they want. Duck hates that, I think deep down he knows this is true even if he can’t fully grasp it and that pains him greatly. Red and yellow are his real family, his only family. Nothing will ever stop him from believing that, no matter how many times he’s ripped apart for it or told otherwise.
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redriotinggg · 6 months
I need anyone who genuinely dislikes Usopp to take a long look in the mirror because yeah, he can be a bit annoying at times but he is honestly a good and interesting character!!
He is just as loyal as any other member of the crew and fights the strongest when he’s fighting on someone else’s behalf. (See: him fighting for Sanji in Skypeia, fighting for Robin at Eneis Lobby, fighting for Luffy in Dressrosa, fighting for Tama and Nami in Wano.) He is a major player in so many of the battles in the series that it baffles me that people can think of him as an unimportant member of the crew.
And Usopp is a fucking genius??? Hello???? He’s able to make weapons powerful enough to create storms and tornadoes. He is canonically a jack-of-all trades that supports the crew in their daily lives and in battle. The Going Merry only lasted as long as she did because Usopp was around to care for her. He was the only one to see her Klabauterman!! Usopp is not only creative and fun but is able to bring those creations to life, whether it be his drawings or his gadgets, and I think that’s so beautiful. I miss pre-TS because of all his inventions we got to see.
Let’s not forget that Usopp is so, so kind!! He made friends with the kids in his village and told stories to Kaya to help her feel better when she was ill. He fought to protect her and Syrup Village from Kuro. Personally, I will never get over filler ep on Fireworks Island (ep. 134) where he cheered up Kodoma and encouraged her to continue her pyrotechnics, assuring that her parents were proud of her. Knowing he also lost his parents at a young age makes the scene hit that much harder. (And again, he showed his genius by figuring out a way to launch the firework that killed Kodoma’s parents!!) It may not be canon to the manga but but I think that episode is super accurate to his character.
What I think makes him the most interesting is that we see his flaws and mistakes more than any of the other Straw Hats. We see his insecurities in Water 7 and his fear in Dressrosa. But we also see him growing and learning and being encouraged by his crewmates. Aside from Robin, I think Usopp has changed and grown the most out of the Straw Hats. With his goal to become a brave warrior of the sea he has so much potential for even more growth!!
Like I said earlier, some people think Usopp is annoying which he can be sometimes, but that’s also because he’s literally comic relief. And he does so well at it bc he’s actually so damn funny?? He makes me laugh out loud all the time. One Piece wouldn’t be even half as funny without Usopp.
I also appreciate that as an individual he has so many moments with the other Straw Hats. There are a lot of relationships that don’t get explored as much as we’d like, but I think we get to see Usopp’s friendships with the crew pretty often. He fights for Luffy, plays around with Chopper, teases Zoro, is teased by Robin, gossips with Nami, hangs around Sanji, and his whole relationship with Franky has so many layers to it.
Aaahh, I have so many hopes for Usopp in the series that I pray will be fulfilled!! I want him to have a badass arc in Elbaf full of character growth. I want to see him develop and continue to use his Haki (which he gained when trying to save Luffy are you KIDDING me). I want his reunion with Yasopp to be emotional and bittersweet. If he could personally beat Yasopp in a fight I would ascend to the heavens.
Usopp is such an important, complex, and interesting character and I absolutely hate to see him reduced to being a gag character or the weakest member of the Straw Hats. He may not be a monster but he is amazing and I love him.
TLDR; if you disrespect Usopp I wish you a very Die.
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cardi-c · 2 years
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he was a freak
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Hey can we start a support group to talk about how adorable this Bee is?
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Asking for a friend...
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mothdoly · 1 year
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more boromir
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cool-frog-hours · 1 year
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meat-wentz · 2 years
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milanosbitch · 1 year
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Almost Was Good Enough by Songs:Ohia
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noacfart · 11 months
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These kinda go hand in hand but hes very pocket sized Im gonna Carry him around in my pocket
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kkennzzi · 7 months
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kinda low effort/rushed but have this little withered bonnie doodle for halloween ^_^ hes my fav
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smewduck · 7 months
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sensible side character attempts to slap sense into sopping wet, pathetic main cast
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mrkvhs · 7 months
nobody understands chris redfield the way that i understand chris redfield . amen
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tiistirtipii · 2 years
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ruslangazizov · 8 months
obsessed with the narrative that minten is building after literally one (1) game with the buds
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levmada · 2 years
Can you imagine Levi having a teenage daughter with any kind of issue that sets her apart from the "normal" but no one dares gives her shit because... Levi.
yesss ok i think of this more often than one might think bccccc reasons
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i just think Levi would be the best father in the face of this planet. He’s strict, but he’s fair. say a reasonable curfew like 10:30pm and no phones at the table at dinner time when you’re all together after school and work :(
Levi is the type of dad, no matter how old she’s getting, to go to his baby’s room and say goodnight. he eventually stopped saying, “If you need anything, you know where I am,” because it’s understood and the fact is that his baby doesn't need anything much anymore (which does not give him an existential crisis or anything).
but Levi is also the type of dad that his daughter can go to anything about?? he has that open energy and never blows up no matter what happened + is surprisingly good at advice. It’s just that he has no idea what to say if it’s a boy/girl issue and will usually direct her to you if he doesn’t know😭 and damn will he try.
god he’s so protective. try as he might to be open about his emotions, he struggles to be vulnerable when he’s hurt that his baby kept something important from him. again Levi doesn’t blow up, but he gets sarcastic and snippy in an argument.
you try to tell her to be understanding, but more often than not Levi blames himself anyway. he just wants to be good for his daughter, and he tries to rectify that by getting her a gift or making a treat for her to eat as a peace offering. Levi, as always, is not a wordy man.
whenever you say issue my mind goes to issues of anxiety, like maybe she gets fidgety and nervous or she doesn’t dress like the norm.
“What the fuck do they know about you?” he will grumble. “I’d beat the fuck out of them if they weren’t a bunch of brats.”
cue daughter beating the fuck out of her bullies and Levi staunchly defending her actions. you need to step in at that point dkfjdnsnsnd
he always supports her tho :((( i don’t think modern Levi knows how to dress beyond a bunch of white shirts and black jackets+coats but as for fashion he’ll nod with a microscopic smile on his face when something looks good, and when it doesn’t, he recognizes that kids at that age get reallll rebellious. there’s no use controlling her when that’ll make her fight him even more. he has endless patience.
and he’s always there for a shoulder to lean on when his baby’s broken down to tears. whether he’s helping with homework (Levi is the BEST at math) or having relationship problems, he’ll cool down his homicidal tendencies and just… be there. his full attention is on her, whether she needs him or not.
best dad. best best best dad :(
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the-cloudy-dreamer · 10 months
posting this here so that I force myself to actually finish pre-fall angel crowley!
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has publicly shaming myself into finishing an art piece ever worked? no but maybe this time it will 🙏
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