#he gives off raging bisexual energies to me and i will not be accepting any arguments to the contrary
my hunger games hot take is that all things being equal peeta is actually bisexual with a preference for men but things are not equal because he saw katniss one single time and had no choice but to put his whole pussy into loving her devotedly forever and he's valid and sexy for that
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kevingotabigasschin · 8 months
Since I've seen people pair up the enforcers with each other, either as a polycule or with OCs, I have happened to notice nobody has tried to pair Hak Foo up with canon characters in the show so I'll do it.
I know he's not everyone's favorite but he's mine so shut up.
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Hak and Valmont - Considering the fact that Valmont placed Hak as his favorite over the other enforcers (even though that was never really explored in the show outside of the Eighth Door episode), gave him a higher - ranking job over them (probably paid him more too) and had him stuck by his side as a bodyguard in the video game makes me believe something's going on with him and Valmont.
Ya'll cannot tell me Valmont hasn't had fantasies about his men (looking at you Finn) and just because I said Hak would be unaware of the enforcers' polycule doesn't mean that he's not gay himself.
I headcanon him as a raging Bisexual, he just gives off that energy to me.
(I've said before that he's oblivious to women's advances towards him, he doesn't have interest in getting with anyone regardless of gender due to the line of work he's in and that he was sheltered from love at a young age but that doesn't mean he hasn't had ideas or fantasies about it, like I said he doesn't express any emotion outside of anger, sass, concern or super pissed so he's definitely the type who wouldn't know how to express love)
Just your typical boss x assistant/bodyguard smut.
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Hak and Ratso - Given the fact that Ratso seems to be the one to butt heads with Hak the most (and interact with him for that matter), they give vibes of the rivals that hate each other, see who can piss each other off more and then tease them to death about it (Hak's usually the recipient of the teasing and he hates it).
Even though there's not much since the show liked to write in Hak Foo whenever they felt like it, I feel like this holds some water.
Also Ratso's "Big Guy" comment towards Hak Foo in the Ox Head Incident is definitely giving off fruity vibes (yes I know the others joined in on the teasing but let me have my fun ok)
(I am well aware that Ratso would probably deny Hak's feelings since Hak is genuinely a destructive person to be around and the fact that the others in the Enforcers' polycule are terrified of him they'd definitely not want to accept Hak unless he makes a change in attitude.)
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Hak and Jackie - There's no escaping this pairing, the rivals that hate each other but are also madly in love is strong with this one.
Hak's little gay ass "here I am" once Jackie called his name in Armor of Gods definitely set something off in me, if someone calls your name and you reply with this much excitement you're definitely in love.
Hak always wanting to be the one to give Jackie a spanking as well also is a huge indicator.
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His "I want to Ram you" line in Shrink Rap is another huge indicator to me that he's the dom in this relationship.
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Another scene from Shrink Rap (I WANT YOU TO STOMP ON ME SO BAD)
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The fact that he also has dolls of Jackie in his gym is kinda cute also, he went through all this trouble just to make them look accurate just to destroy them lol.
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(Honorable Mention) Hak and Torhu - Literally just Rivals to Lovers, similar to Hak and Ratso.
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I've also got an OC in the works to pair up with Hak Foo as well, she's female so there will be more female representation in the show because they were often pushed to the side or just nonexistent.
Also we need more evil women period.
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(He may be allowed to step on me but I am also allowed to step on him)
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achilleanwizard · 1 year
I was tagged by @punkranger (Thank you!!! 😊) And I’m going to tag @gelvaan @sataari @mutantenfisch @deviant3lover @averagejermafan @demianwas and @aelyosos (Feel free to ignore this if you’ve already done it, or just don’t feel like filling it out for your OC(s)!! I’ve just noticed you guys talking about your ocs, and I’d love to hear more about them!)
Full Name: Alexander Valente
Gender: Male?? Look, we’ve got more important things to worry about right now, okay?
Sexuality: Biromantic Bisexual
Pronouns: As of right now? Just he/him. He’s pretty comfy with she/her too though. It’s flattering that people think he might be a girl
Family: He never had anyone he considered family; Just very good friends. If asked about it, then he’d say something along the lines of “Do you think I would take the boost drug, with a notoriously very low survival rate, in order to get superhero powers if I had any family I wanted to talk about?”
Birthplace: ???, Nevada, USA
Job: A consultant. Who is he advising and what is he giving them advice about? Mind your business
Phobias: Spiders. Heights. Especially looking out of windows from a very tall height. Admitting he has feelings for a certain someone(s). Abandonment. Probably a whole bucketful more, but those are the main ones.
Guilty Pleasures: Sugar in all it’s various forms (even if he needs the energy to function/for his telepathy) Taking the time to read and appreciate art when not working. Painting his nails (but only when possessing the Puppet’s body) Taking time off work. Buying three entire floors of a luxury skyscraper to house his villain base/office, Renting the most luxurious top floor penthouse (That would make Mayor Osborn (from spider-man) weep tears of envy) he could afford for a home that he barely resides in, Pleasures of the flesh (it’s like a catholic priest up in here) Honestly, it would be easier to list things he isn’t guilty about. (Killing. He’s not guilty about those he’s killed, even if he should be.)
Hobbies: Playing piano. Scheming. Beating up Daniel behind a Wendy’s parking lot Training Daniel. Kissing Daniel too. Starting fights that he can’t possibly hope to win/finish
Morality Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Sins: Desire / Despair / Envy / Fear / Hunger / Pride / Rage / Sloth (so almost all of them…)
Virtues: Charity / Chastity / Diligence / Humility / Justice / Kindness / Patience
introvert/extrovert organized/disorganized close minded/open-minded calm/anxious disagreeable/agreeable cautious/reckless patient/impatient outspoken/reserved leader/follower empathetic/unempathic optimistic/pessimistic traditional/modern hard-working/lazy
Otp: It’s cruel that you’re making me choose between Herald and Ortega. But gun to my head…. Chargestep. There’s nothing quite like old lost loves.
Ot3: I forget the ‘official’ name for it but, Herald/Sidestep/Ortega (Flychargestep? Chargeflystep?)
Acceptable Ships: Alexander flirts with everyone possible, so. Argentstep. Steelstep. Mortumstep? <- Is that the right name? Anyway, he’ll smooch just about anyone.
Brotp: I have to admit, I’ve been thinking about different Sidestep interactions from time to time. I think he’d be good buddies with some, and have a, uh, very *interesting* dynamic with others. Not naming any specific Sidesteps to 1. Avoid any favoritism and 2. Not humiliate myself even further. He’s annoying though, and he revels in that, so it might only be a good time for him. Oh, also Anathema and Sidestep. Best bros for life (or death)
Notp: Oh, this one’s tough. Shroud/Sidestep if that’s even a thing. It’s on sight for him with her. He don’t trust random Regenes like that. (Unless it’s a multiple Sidesteps AU) HG/Sidestep too cause… yeah. If you know you know. Icky. Blaze/Sidestep, because I like teasing my friends(?) (acquaintances?) 😉
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ohlawsons · 3 years
i played the fool (you played the martyr)
summary: As with everything else between her and Theron, there’s always been a back-and-forth, a push-and-pull, a predictable wobble in their unsteady orbit around each other.  or; Nathema throws some things into question and throws others into sharp focus. Maybe this is a conversation that's long overdue. pairing: Rei/Theron word count: 4659 notes: back on my bullshit with 4k words of chaotic bisexuals
Countless things flash through Rei’s mind as Theron falls, but her foremost thought is that she’s glad he’ll be too focused on the pain — if he’s even still conscious — to pay attention to her, because she really doesn’t think he’ll appreciate the things she has planned for Vinn Atrius.
(She recognizes his voice, now, from that first transmission they’d caught back on Odessen, months ago when this had all begun. She’d crushed the holocomm as the message replayed, using the Force to reduce it to mangled metal and a shower of sparks. They were going to find him — the Zakuulan, not Theron; she hadn’t yet acknowledged out loud that Theron was no longer on Odessen — and she’d announced to the war room that she was going to end him in a variety of painful ways.
Lana had been the only one present who hadn’t flinched.)
It’s been nearly six months since Umbara, six months since she’d held back Lana and watched Theron and Zaara walk away. Six months of galaxy-wide broadcasts and half-hearted warnings that she would be bringing him back to Odessen — alive —  and six months of carefully nurtured rage and grief and confusion held tight in her chest, growing and festering until a moment like this, a moment where she has somewhere to focus all of this pain and uncertainty.
But she forces that from her mind, for now. T’sereen kneels beside Theron, and Rei knows the former Jedi will do everything in her power to keep him alive; even as Rei stalks towards Atrius, even as she rips the saber from his hands and reaches out to force him to his knees, she can sense as T’sereen begins healing Theron. It’s enough — just as it will need to be enough when she clinches her hands tight, grasping onto Atrius with the Force and gripping, pulling, tugging.
She wants to take her time. She’s Sith, after all, and she’s furious — hands shaking, eyes alight with a ocher burn, the darker edges of the Force wrenched and shaped through her will alone — and she’s spent so long planning this moment, waiting and wishing and wanting, debating the very best way to express all these months of equal parts bitterness and despair.
But Theron would protest, if he were in any shape to protest rather than out cold on the ground behind her, so instead Rei continues to pull, and with one last effort to expend all her pent up energy there’s release and the sundered halves of Atrius’ armor-clad body clatter to the ground.
She suspects Theron would still protest.
But it doesn’t matter. Lana and Zaara are already rushing past her to the console, but Rei almost can’t find it within herself to care; the grief she’s so studiously built up over the months is gone, and its sudden loss leaves her exhausted and swaying on her feet. She joins T’sereen, stands just behind her and watches as the Jedi works, cursing beneath her breath as her hands move over the wound on Theron’s chest.
“He’ll live,” is all she says at first, before standing without warning and hoisting Theron up with her, beginning to carry him back out of the ruins. “I need to get him back to the med bay on the ship. Go save the galaxy,” she adds, jerking her head towards the console.
Rei watches as they leave, eyes trailing them a moment longer than she knows is necessary; letting out a slow breath, she turns back to where Lana and Zaara are now focused on tearing the systems apart, and Rei lets electricity begin to spark and crackle along her fingertips.
 She doesn’t leave him alone once they’re back on the ship, maintaining a stubborn watch over him in the medbay even as Lana needles her about putting together an official statement for Odessen and T’sereen shoos her away, fussing over Theron with a combination of kolto and her own Force healing abilities. Andronikos joins her, too, letting Zaara take the helm so he can sit with Rei instead of sleeping.
“For what it’s worth,” he says after T’sereen leaves to get some sleep of her own, “this isn’t as bad as you were after Thanaton. That was…” he pauses, and there’s a ragged edge to the words even after all these years. “You looked a lot worse than this. And you still pulled through, even with those ghosts toying with you.”
Rei doesn’t bother turning from Theron. “The ghosts kept me alive,” she reminds Andronikos, aware her tone has slipped into something akin to a pout; she figures she’s entitled to a bit of pouting, really, given the way things have gone recently.
“Sort of.” Another pause. “We didn’t have a Jedi, either.”
The way he shrugs as he says it — as nonchalant as anything — is enough to pull a tired grin from Rei. She rests her head on his shoulder and stays there, content with just his presence, until he leaves to take the helm again and Lana’s back, asking about statements and the Alliance’s official stance on the incident; she’ll humor Lana, Rei decides, and makes an honest effort to type something up but she can’t focus, not really, not with Theron lying so still before her.
They arrive on Odessen long before Rei can muster up anything substantial, so she passes off the datapad to Lana and follows as Theron is taken to the base’s clinic to be looked over by Yvara and the other doctors. It takes more than one pointed threat to keep them from throwing Rei out of the clinic entirely; she gives them space, at least, and paces at the far end of the room while T’sereen relays details of the injury and the treatment she’d already given.
When Yvara finally gives the all-clear — “He’s stable, but he needs time. Do not let him leave this room when he wakes,” is all she says before leaving — Rei takes up the same post as in the ship; she pulls up a chair and settles in, scrolling aimlessly through a datapad despite her attention remaining fully on Theron.
She hasn’t worked out how to feel, not yet; she’d never fully accepted that Theron was even gone, to begin with — as she’d pointed out in the first broadcast after Umbara, everyone who has ever betrayed her is dead — and a hollow ache settles in her chest whenever she allows herself to consider any similar course of action for dealing with Theron.
It couldn’t be betrayal, then, as she’d told Lana for all those months, even as her remaining spymaster repeatedly showed that all evidence pointed to the contrary — until things had begun to unravel, and hints and messages and breadcrumbs began to reveal themselves.
(Lana had refused to see it, all the way up until Copero, and that’s when Rei realized just how hard Lana was taking the betrayal, as well. There was a bond between her and Theron and Zaara, one that went back to Manaan all those years ago, and Rei knew it wasn’t easy to have that bond broken by them both at once.
But then Raina came waltzing onto Odessen with decrypted messages from Zaara that used a code their team had only used when deep undercover, one that only Raina and Lokin could decrypt and, well, Raina was the only one left living. She knew her wife, Raina insisted with more fire and certainty than Odessen had seen since Umbara, and she knew the messages were deliberate. Zaara and Theron weren’t traitors, not really. Not in the truest since of the word.
But Rei thinks it’s that revelation that hurt Lana the most, learning that she had somehow lost the trust of her two closest friends.)
It doesn’t feel good, being right.
Hope and grief and anger have left a hollowed out pit in her stomach, it seems, from holding on to them so tightly for so long, but it doesn’t matter because it’s over. He’s back. He’s back, and yet something dark still roils within her mind, because once again this careful back-and-forth dance between them has a looming obstacle — like on Rishi, on Yavin, on Ziost — that she’d made the mistake of assuming was over once they’d reunited on Odessen.
It isn’t opposite sides of the war, this time, not really. She would tear down the galaxy for him, collapse the stars and ignite the planets; it’s her way, it’s in her nature, because all she’s ever known is to fight.
But Theron — he would save the galaxy for her, fight until his last breath to hold it together with his own bare hands, if need be; that’s his nature, isn’t it, to stand in the way of a blaster or a saber — or a god — because while he isn’t a Jedi he shares too many of their damnable values, Rei thinks, and hasn’t that always been the problem standing between them?
Maybe they could both learn to be a little less reckless, but that hasn’t ever been in either of their natures.
She watches the steady, shallow rise and fall of his chest, the raw bruising around his implant, the dark circles beneath his eyes; for a moment, equal parts rage and satisfaction bubble up within her at the memory of, quite literally, tearing apart the man responsible, but it’s quickly replaced by guilt that churns uncomfortably within her mind — because while this isn’t her fault, it easily could’ve been. As with everything else between her and Theron, there’s always been a back-and-forth, a push-and-pull, a predictable wobble in their unsteady orbit around each other.
They both act without thinking, they rush forward, spurred on by gut feeling and base emotion. She leave destruction in her wake, and he follows behind to clean up the mess and protect her from the fallout of her own actions. Maybe he would disagree — she knows he would disagree — but Rei can’t help but wonder if this would’ve still happened if she were a little more cautious, a little less brash, someone that Theron could’ve trusted this sort of delicate mission to.
But then, she thinks, quiet fondness causing her lips to curl into a soft grin, he was hardly delicate about the mission, either, given the way he leapt into the heart of the cult.
He’d never asked her to be anything but who she already was — and she could be so much, at times, she knew — and Rei doesn’t think she could ask Theron to change, either.
She knows what she signed up for.
 He stirs later that night, and Rei immediately has to reach over to keep him from trying to sit up; she suspects that he would’ve given up rather quickly even without her intervention, if the grimace of pain is anything to go by. She sets her datapad aside, one hand reaching for his before she withdraws; unease and uncertainly settles over her and she hesitates, sitting back in her chair and crossing her arms.
“Ow.” He doesn’t try sitting again, but does turn his head just enough to look in Rei’s direction.
“We’re going to have matching scars now,” she informs him, matter-of-fact, brow raising as she glances over him again; the twisted, gnarled scar tissue that crosses her own torso — a gift from her first fight with Thanaton — is a bit messier than Theron’s will be, she suspects, once it heals enough to be a scar. “Though I think yours will heal better.”
He starts to laugh, but the sound quickly gives way to a sharp intake of breath as his grimace returns. “Glad to hear it. Are we back on Odessen?”
“We are. Are you here to stay?” The question comes out more quickly than Rei had wanted, more callous and point-blank than she’d planned, but she doesn’t take it back; she’s been in the dark for too long, spent too many nights alone with nothing but her uncertainty for company. He owes her this one thing, she thinks, just one answered question to atone for six months of lies and reckless deception.
Theron looks away, just for a moment, a few seconds of silence before he reaches for her; it’s nothing but a hint of motion, just one hand creeping to the edge of the medical bed he’s on, but Rei understands and gingerly takes his hand in one of her own. ���Yes,” he says, slowly, just as delicately as the way they cling to each other, “if you’ll have me. All I want is to come back to the Alliance. Here.” A beat of silence. “With you.”
He’s watching her with a careful, reserved gaze, as if he doesn’t expect her to say yes, and somehow that cuts Rei as deeply as when he’d left in the first place. She wonders if it’s the pain or the meds, or if he really believes that she cares so little for him that she would toss him aside.
As if she could.
“Yes, of course,” she says, swallowing back the way his doubt stings and making a show of rolling her eyes. “I’m not going anywhere, if you’re not. And if you are—“ she pauses and leans forward, giving his hand the slightest squeeze, “—then take me with you next time.” He starts to argue but she shakes her head; they aren’t ready for this sort of conversation, not now, not when he’s still too weak to even sit up on his own. “Focus on healing, and we can have this fight later. But I want you to know, Theron, that I love you. So completely and deeply that I… I don’t even know how to make sense of it.” She pauses, places a second hand over his; her voice stays steady, but her chest burns with the intensity of the words, the staggering depth of the way she feels about it. About him. With a slow exhale, she forces a carefully measured grin. “Really, it’s cute that you think a little betrayal is enough to get rid of me.”
He says nothing, at first, but his cautious grip on Rei’s hand tightens and she wonders if she didn’t say the wrong thing, opting for a bit of levity to break up the heavy moment. But then he smiles — it’s slow, and hesitant, and almost bitter — and when he speaks his tone is tired. “The last thing I wanted was to push you away. If there had been some other way…” He lets out a slow breath, releases her hand. “I didn’t have a choice. For the Alliance, for you…”
The words trail off again and Rei can tell Theron’s fighting exhaustion — or the meds, or both — so she slides her hand back and stands, grabbing her discarded datapad and clutching it in a grip so tight she worries it’ll crack. “Rest,” she chides, taking a step back; if she doesn’t leave now, she doesn’t know that she’ll be able to leave his side at all. “I’ll get Yvara. And I’ll be waiting — after she clears you and you’re released. No sneaking out of here early.”
That, at least, earns her a tired smile, and she pauses in the doorway and watches as Theron’s eyes flutter shut; all the months of bitterness and uncertainty seem so trivial, now that he’s back, and something like resolve — like certainty — settles warm within her bones and she’s happy, she thinks, for the first time in what feels like years.
 She doesn’t avoid him, not necessarily, but the next several days pass in a flurry of frantic activity that leave little time for her to visit.
Rei, Lana, and Beywan work to put together an official statement, first in a quiet memo circulated through the Alliance, then to lengthy reports passed to their Imperial and Republic ambassadors; Arcann takes the liberty of smoothing things over with the rest of Zakuul, but when Rei tries to thank him he waves off the attention — something about knowing Theron and Zaara need people on their side.
Zaara, for her part, seems in a better mood than Rei has ever seen her, walking hand in hand with Raina throughout the base. Theron’s recovery has gone well, to the point where Rei knows Yvara has had to threaten — more than once — to cuff Theron to the bed if he continues to try and bargain his way out of the clinic. She wishes she could visit, more than the handful of times she’s dropped by since their return, but she’s hardly had time to even sleep with as busy as she’s been.
After working to convince the rest of the galaxy that Theron and Zaara had been working under Odessen’s orders — something made infinitely easier by the fact that Rei left them alive, in stark contrast to the long list of others who had betrayed her and faced swift retribution — there were the continued attempts from both Empress Acina and Chancellor Rans to sway the Alliance in their favor, as well as the increasingly worrisome rumors that renewed war looms on the horizon, all punctuated by the stream of reports highlighting the galaxy’s worsening resource shortage. Rei doesn’t mind politics, far from it, but even the verbal sparring with Acina and blunt threats towards Rans grow tiresome, these days.
She misses Theron’s official discharge from the clinic, and only learns about it after an impossibly long day spent in meetings and on calls and trying to wrap her mind around the logistics of working enough farmland to feed the entirety of the Alliance; on a different day, she might have stormed through the base to demand answers, to demand the reason that she wasn’t alerted as soon as he was released. But tonight, she’s not in the mood to fight with anyone, so instead she drags her tired feet through the base towards her quarters — their quarters — only to find them empty.
It doesn’t take her long to find him; it’s late enough that Odessen is growing quiet, and by now Rei knows Theron well enough to have a good idea of the handful of places he’ll sneak off to when he needs a moment to himself. She finds him at the back of the base, leaning against the railing of one of the walkways that leads down to the shallow valley where she and Zaara both tend to land their ships. It’s peaceful, down here, tucked away just out of sight of the hanger bay where the Gravestone used to sit.
Rei doesn’t bother to announce her presence. She stands beside him, hands clasped behind her back as she joins him in surveying the valley that sprawls out before them; Theron acknowledges her with a quick glance, but even just that is enough for Rei to see that his movements are still stiff. “Out early on good behavior?” she asks lightly, brow raising as she suppresses a grin.
“Something like that.” His white-knuckled grip on the railing loosens, but the rest of his posture remains rigid, tense. “Guess I just needed some time to get my thoughts together.”
There’s a comfortable silence, then — at least, it’s comfortable enough for Rei, but beside her Theron is still impossibly still; she reaches for one of his hands, steps closer until she’s pressed against his side, warm and solid and real. She isn’t very good at providing comfort, but she can be here, and that’s something. “How did this all even happen?” she asks after a moment, the words more curious than accusatory, eyes locked on their joined hands as her fingers intertwine with his. “How long before Iokath were you scheming?” She tilts her head up, brow raised and lips curled into a mischievous smirk.
“In my defense, things got a little out of hand.”
“An old contact of mine got me some leads,” he says, finally beginning to relax beside her; Rei wonders if it’s her presence or the chance to finally speak freely about it all. “I didn’t expect anything to come of it, but next thing I knew I was staring at a way in with the Order.”
“The mysterious Iokath intel,” she guesses.
He nods. “I knew I could convince you to send a team to investigate, and had to hope the Empire and Republic would do the same.” He pauses, frowning, and when he speaks again he sounds a bit sheepish for the first time. “That’s… when Zaara found out. She’s still got friends in Sith Intelligence, and apparently I didn’t cover my tracks as well as I’d thought. But I wanted to make sure I had something substantial before I turned it over to the rest of the Alliance.” Another pause, this time to glance back out over the valley, and when he speaks again his voice is rough. “There was just too much going on to waste time and people on a dead end, but… guess I didn’t really help with the personnel issues.”
Rei shifts her weight, gives a noncommittal wave of her free hand. “There’s always personnel issues. I’ve been dealing with them since long before Odessen. What about the trap on Iokath?” She doesn’t think she really wants to know, but she needs to, doesn’t she? Maybe it doesn’t matter, but she’s tired of not knowing.
“Zaara’s idea.” The simple statement comes out on a rough sigh, slow but not quite hesitant. “Atrius’ plan — I didn’t know it was him, at the time — was for you to get caught in the crossfire. Zaara pointed out it might look… suspicious, if the Alliance came out so far ahead, and I had just enough time to…” He doesn’t say it, doesn’t admit that he was the one to rig the trap that knocked Rei out cold, but the words still hang between them, unsaid. “Atrius assumed you’d make a run for the weapon and try to secure it for the Alliance, but none of us expected you to get so creative about it. Or lucky.”
“And you didn’t tell anyone at that point?” Again, she’s careful to keep her voice even, not too sharp. Not too frustrated.
Theron’s frustration, however, is plain in his tone. “We didn’t even get to meet Atrius in person until after Iokath, which is when we realized that Gemini droid was in our systems. I couldn’t report it at that point. Not without tipping off the Order.” He pauses, jaw working, eyes focused on something off in the distance. “So we met with him, and he told us about the Adegan crystals and Umbara, and… there was no going back.”
She doesn’t ask for details about Umbara.
“So…” He lets out a long, slow breath, turning back to Rei. “Where do we go from here?”
She tilts her head, considers; it’s been a long day, and a longer evening, but she certainly feels as if she’s gotten the answers she’d needed. “To bed, I’d hope,” she decides, giving the slightest tug on their still-joined hands. “It’s been a very long day and I’m very tired of sleeping alone.”
“Just like that?” His brow furrows and his expression shifts to one that’s not quite suspicious.
Rei frowns, fighting back a yawn. “Would you rather we have a big fight about this?” she deadpans. “What you did was stupid and reckless, but you and I both know I’m the last person who should be criticizing rash decisions.” Exhaustion finally gets the better of her and she yawns before continuing, “I’m tired and I miss you, and I honestly do not care about anything else. I just want to move past it.”
“Just like that.” There’s fondness in his voice, now, and even as Rei tries to lead them back to their quarters, Theron pulls her back towards him into an embrace, but even as he wraps his arms around her he’s gentle, hesitant — and she can’t tell if it’s his injury or his guilt that makes him so cautious, even now. “I’m sorry. For all of this. I’ve missed you, too, and I love you, so much, and…” A catch of his breath, a quiet, shaky laugh. “And I really don’t know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t let me back in.”
She doesn’t respond, not right away, simply content to be held. But then she pulls away, just enough to look up at Theron — at the way he stares at her like she’s the best damn thing to ever happen to him, which isn’t fair, not really, not with the way it makes her heart thrum erratic in her chest even after all this time — and the glib remark she’d had prepared falls unspoken from her lips. “You’re stuck with me,” she says instead, beaming up at him, because it feels right — him, and this moment, and Odessen, all of it.
She would tear the galaxy apart for him, and he would piece it back together for her. And maybe that’s enough, for now.
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inkblccded-moved · 5 years
9. why were you drawn to each one of your characters?, 11. is there another muse you’ve been thinking of adding or writing for? who?, 19. for each muse, is there a character you wish had a blog so you could interact with them?
multimuse asks ; accepting 
Jay i can’t believe how long this answer is about to get.
9. why were you drawn to each one of your characters?
Huaisang’s main draw for me was the fact that he isn’t some great cultivator or an amazing fighter? I have a weak spot for tacticians and family disappointments and he’s both so I treasure him.
I originally wasn’t going to pick up Jiang Cheng, but the more I saw of him the harder I fell for him. He’s full of rage and love and emotions, he’s very much like a storm. Also, he loves dogs and that’s super important to me.
I added Song Lan because he’s big, stoic and gay and that's all the reason I need.
Wei Wuxian was a MISTAKE, but now he’s stuck here 
Lan Jingyi was added because hes smol and loud and cute and he’s got that family disappointment energy that i’m super attached to
Ja’far is queen on my blog FOR SO MANY REASONS. His loyalty, his intelligence, his mom-friend energy, his protectiveness, hIS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT I COULD HONESTLY SCREAM ABOUT JA’FAR FOR HOURS
I added Kouha because i love that tiny, bloodthirsty shithead. He’s so ready to brawl but also he loves his family and friends so much im so weak what an angel
Masrur was purely an impulse add and he doesn’t say much but i love him? I love his pride and his sarcasm and i just,,,, my good red lion,,,,
Titus has that “fuck the rules, I do what I want” energy but he goes from using it to be an absolute shithead to using it to save people and adopt a small child who would have otherwise died from having her life-force siphoned off to power the magic city they live in and you can probably guess from that why I needed him on my blog
Soren is my absolute favorite FE character. My tiny gay dragon. so harsh, so savage, but cares so much about the people he loves. A work of art, truly a masterpiece.
I added Takumi because Tracie added Leo. Takumi drew me to him because he’s just,,,,he’s so many levels of Chaotic Stupid I treasure him, what a fucking idiot.
NILES IS HERE BECAUSE I GUESS I LIKE WRITING THOTS FOR SOME REASON IDK WHY. He has self-esteem issues and that makes him qualify as a muse of mine i guess
Ryoma is here because he’s a dumb spicy lobster boy and I cannot resist him.
Inigo/Laslow is here because again, I guess i just really like writing dumb slutty boys. But that aside I really enjoy his ‘keep smiling, even when life hurts’ mentality? Like? that’s so hhhhh,,,he’s a good boy.
Soo-Won is here because he’s complex and fascinating and also very very pretty and I just,,, I’m such a sucker for characters that play dumb only to be lowkey super capable. See: Huaisang
Again. Jae-Ha is,,,,everything I could ever desire in a muse,,,,HE”S JUST SO,,,, HHHH,,,,BOY,,,,,IM LOVE,,,
Yotaka is here because i loved the ONE ARC HE WAS IN SO MUCH and also he’s gorgeous and also also, i love picking up minor characters so I can flesh them out.
Hiryuu is, again, that kind of minor character that I love to love, but honestly I was super drawn to his? Loving nature? Like? what a good, affectionate dragon man,,, I’m crying,,,,
SANZO. Sanzo is a great example of my OTHER perfect muse type. See on one side you’ve got my thotty bard type and then on the other you have my spicy depressed bitch type and GOD. SANZO. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. He cares so more than he lets on, i’m weak. I love the gun monk
Kurogane is here because Kit’s Fai is here but also because I’ve had his muse for ACTUAL DECADES? So, yknow. he lives here. he’s such a good man, so loving and protective and his character development gets me so much hhhhhh
Johann is EVERYTHING TO ME. Minor character again, mom energy again, Loving and Protective again, BUT ALSO ADD TO THAT BEING 100% FLAMBOYANTLY, OPENLY GAY, i’m crying, he’s PERFECT. 
Vanitas is a fucking garbage shithead gremlin and i love and hate him in equal measure. He has been doomed to die since the first fucking chapter and i honestly can’t wait, put him down. (but also don’t, please don’t hurt my baby)
Jin is here because Samurai Champloo is one of my favorite shows ever and Jin has been my boy, like Kurogane, FOR DECADES.
Arslan is here because he is the goodest child ever to live and I needed a good son to balance out all these fucking AWFUL PEOPLE on my blog.
11. is there another muse you’ve been thinking of adding or writing for? who?
I’ve been thinking of adding Narsus from Arslan Senki, but I'm one of the only Arslan Senki roleplayer on tumblr and it brings depression ashgfkl
I’m also tempted by many book characters, including but not limited to Kaladin and Renarin, Elodin from Name of the Wind, and Childermass from Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell.
19. for each muse, is there a character you wish had a blog so you could interact with them?
I’m gonna actually just separate this into source material unless there’s a specific one that a muse wants.
My MDZS muses really aren’t craving anyone in particular but I’m always happy to see more blogs pop up.
Magi muses are pretty happy too, but again, more Magi peeps are never a problem
Soren wants an Ike REALLY BADLY, but that aside my other FE muses are pretty chill.
Gieve would love to have a Farangis, Jaswant and/or Daryun around. Arslan wants a Daryun and an Elam and Narsus, if I add him, also would love to have a Daryun and an Elam around.
Almost all of my AkaYona muses want more Hak in their lives!!!!!!!! Soo-Won would also like to have some of his generals around. He enjoys them. Jae-Ha misses his pirate mom. Yotaka would be really happy to have a Princess Kouren around. Tae-Jun wants Heuk-Chi and/or Kyo-Ga in his life, and Hiryuu would love to have Guen around he would be a very happy dragon king.
Sanzo says he wants no one around but thats a lie, i would kill for him to have ANY of the other Saiyuki boys around tbh
Kurogane would like the rest of his group around.
Johann and Vanitas are just happy with what they have, they don’t need to ask for more
Jin needs his dumb friends pls thank you
AAAAND that’s it!
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Queenified (Part 1)
Hey guys! I went from posting absolutely nothing (and because my gc asked for it) to posting my first Queen fic! It’s a very silly idea I got and it wasn’t meant to be published anywhere. This is my own version of Queen’s story in an AU where Brian and John are female for no particular reason, so I’m not accepting any kind of childish blacklash, but useful to also show some things about women in music and in the seventies from time to time.
Also!!!! English is not my native language and I’m very insecure about writing in English, so I’m expected to have some mistakes that maybe I didn’t realize about idioms and that kind of stuff. My biggest inspiration is tumblr! (lol) That’s it, if you’re interested, enjoy!
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Chapter one: Freddie.
Trigger warning: not for now. Chapter song: Doing All Right (Smile/Queen)
The sun was setting in the beautiful city London was. He wasn’t still used to it, but adored it nonetheless. The chaos the Bulsaras left behind in Zanzibar became now the caos of moving and starting again, or something like that.
It wasn’t so difficult to Farrokh, actually. Of course, the whole shock hit him too, but going to England was a whole new deal he absolutely loved. Thanks to his high grades he had been accepted in Ealing Art College and started studying graphic design. But not long after graduation he moved to the fantastic London, with all its possibilities. He then had a place in Kensington Market and sold second-hand clothes, specially Edwardian clothes, with his girlfriend, Mary Austin, and an acquaintance of his, Roger Taylor.
But he wouldn’t have met Roger back then if it hadn’t been for his college mate Tim, who had a band called Smile with him and a girl, Brianna, who shut every toxic masculinity’s mouth with her amazing skills with the guitar. Brianna, also, was friends with Mary and the one who introduced her to Farrokh. There was kind of a lesbian energy, but he had never been sure about it; Brianna always claimed to be straight, not even bisexual. Maybe it was just him.
Anyway, nothing of it was getting into his mind right then, during his way back home after a tiring shift at Heathrow. Not even his name, which now was Freddie. At least then he was going to London instead of Middlesex, and didn’t live on his own. Brianna must have been making the greatest dinner he had ever had.
It was almost night when he took the keys out of his pocket and opened the door of the flat. He quickly hung his coat up on one of the hangers, being Tim’s the only one empty, while the aroma of tomato sauce was invading the room. Roger was sitting on the couch, watching tv.
“Hey, Fred!”, Roger called, his mouth full of chips, and held the packet high while he half-turned his head to see his flatmate. “Want some chips?”
“Not on the couch, Christ!”, a feminine voice complained at Freddie’s left. It was Brianna, holding the wooden spoon.
“What’s the deal, whatsoever?”, Roger questioned, raising his eyebrows towards Brianna while Freddie took some chips out of the packet, standing behind the couch. He enjoyed watching Roger and Brianna argue from time to time, they made it somehow funny and sometimes he liked to think there was some chemistry between them. “We always make a mess. Even you do”
“Yeah, but I’m the only one that cleans up since I got to live with three mommy babies”, Brianna answered, pointing at them with the sauce-tainted wooden spoon. She was a funny image compared to them, wearing the kitchen apron and her messy curls all around her head with no control. She did her best to cook decent food with the little they had. “We have a gig tomorrow and I also want to sleep my ass off before evening. You two work, I work AND study”
Looking at the clock on the wall before going back to the half-made dinner, Brianna pinched her eyebrows. “Where the hell is Tim, by the way? He should be here by now”
Obviously, everyone in the flat had almost learnt everyone’s schedules by heart. One of them missing mysteriously is easy to find out sometimes. And as far as they are concerned, Tim wasn’t seeing anyone to go out without telling them. Maybe he bumped into someone?
Both Freddie and Roger made gestures showing they knew less than her.
“Oh, Fred, how was your day?”, Brianna asked then, going back to the food.
“As shitty as working at Heathrow could be, love. But thanks anyway”, Freddie replied. He walked towards the countertop and slipped his hand into the pot to take a bit of sauce into his mouth. He didn’t care about the heat when he licked his finger, and after that he kissed Brianna’s cheek. “Your spaghetti, however, can change anyone’s day. And even more if you add a little bit of salt”.
“Hey! You never ask how my day was!”, Roger’s jealous voice could be heard from behind, crossing his arms. He could be such an angry furby sometimes.
Brianna incredulously turned around and stared at the blonde. “I don’t need to. Your face gives me enough information every time”
It wasn’t long until Brianna finished cooking, and she decided they couldn’t wait for Tim any longer. Freddie helped her setting the table while Roger was forced to clean off the salt grains he dropped from the couch. During dinner, Brianna and Roger arranged the next day’s gig with Freddie’s humble opinion; they also complaint about the daily life and Roger chatted about his sex life (with Brianna’s silent eyeroll).
A few minutes later, there was a key noise at the door. Tim Staffell, the missing flatmate, appeared from behind the door.
“Mate, where the hell have you been?”, Roger inquired, suddenly raged. He hadn’t been particularly scared, he just squeezed his brain trying to figure out his friend’s whereabouts. Brianna didn’t say anything, as well as Freddie. But in her mind, it was the fourth night Tim arrived late. “It’s Bri’s spaghetti night!”
“I didn’t realize about the time, but I’m here, safe and sound”, Tim said after hanging his coat up and approaching Brianna to kiss her curls. He knew she was angry as soon as he saw her face. They are not even a couple, but he knew her since high school and without her, that flat would be a fucking war; she was pretty important. “Sorry, Bri. I’ll try to remember it next time”
“I hope you have a good story, at least”, Brianna replied, returning to her own spaghetti. “Friendly reminder that we have a gig tomorrow night”
They didn’t make a fuss about Tim’s late arrival, but he surely finished his dinner alone. After helping Brianna with the dishes, Freddie left for the night. Dragging his feet to his bedroom, he started to feel all the tireness he fought against during the day. His room wasn’t messy, but it had some things out of place. Posters decorated the walls as well as the courtains did the windows; he and Brianna are the only ones that have rooms with big windows while Roger’s and Tim’s had windows little enough. Some clothes were discarded all over the floor, his acoustic guitar laid against the wall with no extra support and his piano was located as a headboard, being a bare mattress his bed (although Brianna got him some sheets and a comforter for the winter).
There were some pictures, though. On the chest of drawers he had a picture of his family, his parents and little sister, who were still living in Middlesex. There was also one of his first cat. People he held dear and didn’t have with him. He was planning on having a picture with the flat gang, too. He had other friends, of course, but they were slowly becoming his family and deserved to be on his wall. They didn’t even laugh at his teeth and that is saying too much although they disagree.
“Dude, it’s a human thing to do”, Roger would’ve said. Roger, who was practically perfect physically speaking. What was better, he would’ve even thrown hands at Kensington Market if someone had said something about it.
Laying on his bed, Freddie felt grateful for a moment. Although he was introverted and shy when being in private, he had supportive friends who had fun with him instead of making fun of him.
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Ronnie, Bronson, Charlie & Bea
Ronnie: I'm going on a run Ronnie: who wants? Bronson: My stash is depleted for some unknown reason 🤔 please stock me up Charlie: Ooh, new year new you babe? Charlie: couch to 5k is it aspirational af 😍 Bea: ✋ me Ronnie: fuck off i just dont need you pussies crying when you can't scav my gear Ronnie: what'll it be princess? the usual Charlie: c'mon, we've always shared everything, nothing is your own #carekidlife Bronson: Ha! That'll be why the lock on my door never sticks Bea: yep, not decided to get heavily into crack since we last spoke, just lots of amphetamines in any form you find 'em, tah, got exams coming up Ronnie: Shame Ronnie: reckon I'd like you more on the hard shit Charlie: just in case you missed the old place, man, giving you that nostalgia for when you had to padlock anything that wasn't bolted to the floor 😜 Bronson: Good times! 😀 Bea: Shame I'm not trying to be your type then, I guess Bea: soz darling, spoken for 💋 Charlie: Truly, missing that tenner a week pocket money, LUXURY! Ronnie: fucking am Ronnie: pissing jobcentre Bronson: I'll add it to your tab if you're desperate as Charlie: gotta learn to play their game, babe Charlie: not throw the board in a hissy Ronnie: 🖕 doss cunts Bea: catch me here fanning myself with sweet, sweet debt for future me to give a shit about Bronson: I'll wipe it out if you use some to keep me sweet Bea: sweet enough sugar 😘 Bea: but forreal, if you could manage that I would be your sugar mama for LIFE 🙏 Bronson: It's student loans not the feds Bronson: Easy peasy Bea: true, like all branches of the gov, pretty fucking useless Bea: but I'm an immigrant as far as they concerned so they treat me SO good 😋 Bronson: Same, but we can always stretch our hands out a little further Ronnie: To jack it and pat yourself on the back at the same time, yeah? Ronnie: calm it down Bronson: New year, new look too! Green looks ace with black 😄 Bea: Clearly do not have natural rhythm Ronnie, that's really not that difficult Bea: You're not a drummer, are you? 😕 Ronnie: get off my tits all of yous Ronnie: do you want gear or nah? Bronson: 🤐 Bea: I thought you'd already gone tbh Ronnie: not trying to score that weak gay shit Ronnie: hitting up a more reliable source like Charlie: rude, i'm RIGHT here Ronnie: are you even gay fitzy? always in my pussy lad Bronson: 😷 Bea: 🤢 Charlie: idk, ask ur man 💖 Ronnie: that'll be why me and Bron's dads did a bunk Bronson: Get yourself locked up at the same time just for the d, did you? Romantic Charlie: if the porn n the stereotypes n the rate of STIs are anything to go by...love is in the air always in cell block h Ronnie: princess'll have some handcuffs to get you on your way to that good loving Bea: 🚿🧠 anyone got any bleach? Bea: Charlie isn't worth the 💰 use cable ties, more authentic Bronson: 99 🚔 My fingers are on the button....Stop for the love of god Ronnie: Bron can help you out there Fitz Ronnie: 🤓 Bronson: Take that over a thicko label Charlie: Look, babe, know you wanna tie me down forever but do it yourself, don't involve the kid Charlie: 💍 diamond or no D, soz Ronnie: Bring a needle I'll snag a gem Bronson: Don't go there, C, I'm still riding the ear infection wave Bronson: It's been 84 years Ronnie: yeah cause you're a mong that can't turn an earring Bronson: In my defense I was a legit child Bea: nothing screams low-class like stabbing your friends for the bants Charlie: and i already scream homo loudly enough, don't need another reason to be hate crime-d, a thank you Bronson: If I didn't know you I'd guess bisexual Bronson: You can have that for free Charlie: what a smooth-talker! thanks babe 💖 Charlie: and if i didn't know you, i'd guess you were trying to see my dongle Bronson: Been there, repressed the trauma o that Ronnie: get a fucking room benders Charlie: why you being so homophobic when we all know how bad you want on princess? cliche stuck in the closet much Bea: shut up Ronnie: in your wet dreams Charles Ronnie: fuck off Charlie: oh the delicious tension Charlie: too much for either to bear Ronnie: I know where she's been Ronnie: fuck that Ronnie: like you wish you could gayboy Bronson: Wait, you fancy Fraze, Charlie? Ha Bea: Bron can you not encourage either of them Bea: thanks Bronson: Sorry my mind's just blown I thought he was out of his straight boy phase Charlie: What? Its a compliment for you, he's adorable, why else would you be with him? Ronnie: they're both annoying cunts Ronnie: match made Charlie: and never out of that phase, bro 😍 #daddyissues Bea: get his name out of your mouth bitch Ronnie: oi get your mouth off his dick Fitzgerald you heard her Ronnie: princess is raging like Ronnie: when your mans a slag and youre a prude Bea: As if Bea: Only one McKenna fucked up to go near you Bea: #singletear Charlie: Children, enough Ronnie: Bron do that final 9 she's going off 😂 Bronson: Walking away Bea: know you're hard up but as per we're all funding you getting your rocks off so run along and do it, no need to bore me trying to get your kicks Ronnie: know youre a snobby cunt but I don't work for you Bea: you don't work for anyone, not even JC gonna fund your lack of a life Ronnie: 🖕 mad cause I don't need reddies to fund myself Bea: yeah fuming Bea: if only I'd have thought of selling my body, wouldn't even NEED to be at cambs rn omg Ronnie: nailed it Bea: 😂 Bea: whodathunkit Bea: talking to the cure for cancer stuck inside a waster here Bea: and I'm the snob, okay Ronnie: fucking hell Ronnie: devvo like Bea: We can tell Bea: you don't need to shout about it, you've got the energy of a walking wasteland Ronnie: can't wait until you take some more speed and get more smug Bea: Right? Bea: Must sting, better only getting better Bea: why don't you get something to numb the pain- Ronnie: let you know how it feels when the lads come up Bronson: A rare compliment, you hitting it already? Ronnie: you'll have your share calm the fuck down Charlie: i don't want any, i'm busy Charlie: glad you all noted my silence, feel so listened to usually! hmpf Ronnie: so now you're a little bitch too Ronnie: fuck's sake Bronson: PARTY TIME, am I right? Really in the mood now thanks everyone Charlie: who's in who's pussy, dollface? Charlie: keep your shirt on, Bro 😂 got enough with the two angry feminists here Charlie: I've got previous plans, if you're really so hurt, you can save me some, no? Whaddya mean that'd hurt more? 😏 Bea: you're alright, I personally rather you weren't there, suits me 😘 Bronson: Shirts already off, too late 😜 Bea: Standard 👌 Charlie: you big man whore Charlie: when i'm not around to be predatory, too, tuttut Bronson: I'd wilt under your stare, you know you aren't missing out Charlie: our beautiful wallflower Charlie: I bagsy being a red rose, lil trashy but iconic Bronson: Thorn in our sides Bronson: accepted Bea: Nice one, babe Bea: i'll be an orchid, because i'm beautiful, ornamental and high-maintenance Bea: getting in there before any of you fucks can Charlie: though your silence IS noted, wonwon Charlie: don't be cross at me 😘 Ronnie: fuck off Ronnie: you're not the only one who's busy Ronnie: got a dick in my mouth too like Charlie: such a skilled multitasker Charlie: teach me your ways Bronson: in private please Bronson: not a lesson I want to learn Bea: we're not living in that teen movie Ronnie: On my way Bea: 👍 getting cash out, meet you there Bronson: Doors on the latch
Bea: Morning sweetness 😴 Bea: manage to recover your good vibe/night? Bronson: is it? 😪 Bronson: Until now it wasn't too bad Bronson: Do you get to say the same or is it pure suffering? Bea: Wow, when you hit bae up with that morning text and he's like day=ruined 😰 thought we was forever 😉 Bea: Decided to get off with someone around the same time I lost track of yous, so it was fucking awful, don't tell me you coulda told me that Bronson: It's only the comedown I wanna dump you're welcome to come and nap 💗 Bronson: Not to be that know it all Bea: Molly's such a cruel, cruel mistress, she wants you to miss her when she's gone 💁 Bea: Poor bubba, better than waking up next to that pushy bitch from last night though, Jesus, what was her damage? Bea: I reckon he'd actually gone out and had his drunken kebab and THEN PAID TO GET BACK IN Bea: No sir, not alright Bea: Why do I bother? Bronson: But I'm shamelessly smitten, only girl for besides present company like Bronson: Whatever it is she's not the first or last sufferer Bronson: Thanks for the bail out and sorry I wasn't there to do the same with kebab Kev Bea: N'awwh 💞 glad I hold more appeal than Tina, don't need to be going down that route Bea: It's an epidemic! Basic bitches who can't get a man willing, yeah take that out on innocent onlookers who ain't buying and talk about how your ex ain't shit for being a creepy letch Bea: We see you sweets 💅 Bea: Any time, even if you weren't there to take that donner breath bullet Bea: I'd never ask that of anyone, even Ronnie, though she'd brag about not being arsed, I'm sure 😂 Bronson: Next time I'll carry gum and throw it at whoever you deem worthy Bronson: Give me the nod Bronson: It was all over her socials like we had a good night together until I got there first Bronson: Rather take out Tina and all her mates Bea: as if you don't already Bea: if only little miss would-be-rapist knew that strong jawline was from gurning up a storm 😉 Bea: not so sexy now Bronson: there's nothing in my pockets I'm just pleased to see you Bronson: Seriously though, some of those selfies had to go for that unflattering reason alone taking into account none of her other antics Bronson: I looked a state Bea: 😂 not fallen for that one before but i'll make an exception for you boo Bea: catch me in my duvet cocoon, please don't look at me 'cos same Bea: I dread to think Bea: kept off my accounts for that reason and many more, some of us have reputations to uphold, skank Bronson: want me to check Bronson: clean up the carnage Bronson: Then brunch, your treat Bea: please Bea: roleplay my IT bitch and I'll be feeling my boss best in time for a liquid lunch Bea: will have to damage control my face first, enjoy watching me lovingly whilst I turn a -2 to an 11 Bronson: Never get bored of staring at you, you know that Bronson: Make my hair great again Bronson: Thanks Bea: when you shoulda been Trump's campaign manager 😕 Bea: sort the weave, clean up that twitter Bea: what a wonderful world it coulda been Bronson: Last night proves I can't stop him pussy grabbing Bronson: Need you for that one Bea: This pussy bites back 😼 Bea: its not your fault, girls like that, if you tell her to fuck off, and rightly so, it'd be made like YOU were being a prick to her Bea: gotta bullshit these hoes sometimes, tis the only way Bronson: Or playing hard to get...they fire that one at me loads Bronson: 😦 Bea: 🤢 gross Bea: got that one myself a fair few times, when I'm not being accused of being a prude by Ronaldo, hilariously Bea: People are the worst Bea: 'cept us Bronson: It's only because she likes you Bronson: Flattering, isn't it? Bronson: Being called broken is my fave Bronson: "Who hurt you?" You are right now, fuck off before you get a slap yourself to feel the pain of Bea: Wouldn't that just be the perfect solution in their simplistic little world? If only Bea: Save myself the feelings of disgust not brought on by kebab breath Bea: Though, if you think that that's love coming from Ron, then you do have an answer to their riddle right there, not real but the masses'll take one look at her and buy it 😜 Bronson: No arguments here Bronson: Your socials are sparkling now so that's real comfort to take Bea: 💖 yay Bea: the world never need know Bea: as long as I didn't drunk dial or text Fraze, this day is looking up, tah babes Bronson: Not to be a know it all again so quick Bronson: but I'm going to go ahead and guess the answer to that one Bea: BITCH DON'T KILL MY VIBE Bea: I'm sure I'd have angry ranting in my inbox if I had Bea: or a passive indirect on the socials, come across one perchance smartiepants? Bronson: Might've Bronson: I'll spare you Bea: Noooooooooooooooooooo Bea: Coulda had it all Bea: Really sours my Bloody Mary Bea: Fuck sake, now he's going to think I FUCKED kebab kev and enjoyed it meanwhile I sit here virginal and scrubbing my mouth out with soap Bea: How's this game fair again, please remind me Bronson: It isn't Bronson: But I can't tell you to stop playing Bronson: All yours Bea: you're meant to be a superwhizkid Bea: can't you think up a strategy so I win Bronson: Thinking cap is on Bronson: Because my hair still looks shit as much as Bea: I'll fix your barnet Bea: Between you and Charlie, honestly Bea: Never known boys like it 😂 Bea: blatant lie, have you seen how particular Fraze is but he doesn't really have much hair to be stylin' so Bronson: 👴 awkward Bea: you fool Bea: not like that 😂 Bea: though I'll keep it in my backpocket for when we inevitably row later Bea: #malepatternbaldnessBITCH Bronson: Freebie to kick your day off right again Bea: if you refuse to tell me what to do, could you use your skillz for good at least and fucking disable my phone when i'm fucked Bronson: Last time I tried you tried to fight me like Bea: Look, I didn't say it was a task for the fainthearted 😉 Bea: and yes, you would be the first to succeed too Bea: but if anyone can, its my man 😘 Bronson: Ego boost before eggs Bronson: Whoa Bronson: Today is looking up Bea: Gotta keep you sweet with all the bitching I'll no doubt do at brunch Bea: such a Carrie move, like no one cares bitch, write it in your column or books or...what did she even write? Or was she just monologuing at her computer, like all been there babe but don't act like its buying you all that designer Bronson: Her real true love was that laptop Bronson: Solved it Bea: 😲 Bea: but Mr. Big Bea: clue in the name Bronson: Could be his wallet Bronson: explain the designer gear Bea: Exactly Bea: Just my type Bronson: I'd go in for it if I can spend and send him the receipts Bea: you must be aware there are websites for that Bea: get on it boy Bronson: It all gets too sexual for my tastes Bea: set out boundaries Bea: different strokes for different folks Bea: i'm SURE there's a millionaire out there that just wants to chat Bronson: 🤔 There's enough fighting off advances in the club Bronson: Shelving that until millionaires become good people Bea: not bad people by default Bea: just a bad system they profit from more than you Bronson: Getting deep in here Bronson: Truth though Bea: real talk take #2 Bea: where do you think charlie was last night? and who or what was he doing? Bronson: Good questions that I have no answer to Bronson: If he had a job we'd all know Bea: I need to know, suspense is killing me Bea: I didn't think anything beat drugs in his book Bea: somewhat encouraging? Bronson: You could ask but I doubt you'd get far enough into the real Bronson: It is Bronson: Boy's growing up? Bea: Full of the #bants them two Bronson: Since day 1 Bronson: I'm coming to get you, Barbara Bronson: Ready yourself Bea: *falls over gravestones like a dumb bitch* Bea: i'm good to go and looking fly Bronson: I'll do the coded knock Bronson: Made up rn Bea: Helpful Bronson: That's my thing Bronson: Soon, my love, soon
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moonlit-maiden · 7 years
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The Archer’s 1000 Picspam —> 87: Bisexual Fairer-than-a-Fairy
Fairy Re-Tellings
In a far-off land there lived a King and Queen who were blessed with many happy, healthy children. One day, the royal pair decided to take one of their routine journeys across the kingdom to see the people and get a sense of the goings on. As they journeyed, the Queen asked to stop at a castle, for she was heavy with child. Said child was ready to be born and came crying into the world with strong lungs and tears down her face. But despite the tears and afterbirth, she shone with a loveliness that was almost unearthly. Thus, she was dubbed Fairer-then-a-Fairy by the attending midwives.
As Fairer-then-a-Fairy grew, her loveliness continued to bloom; skin so pale as to be translucent, hair light and waved like silky moonbeams. Her eyes were a pale grey and lips as sweet-pink as rose petals. Her beauty became known throughout the lands and many came to visit, just to catch a glimpse of her loveliness. One such king brought his daughter, Désirs. Désirs was almost Fairer-then-a-Fairy’s opposite in coloring; hair dark and thick like midnight, eyes the rich brown of soil after the rain, and delicate freckles sprinkled over her nose bridge and cheekbones like stardust. The two young maids met and fell in love, hearts pounding and cheeks flushed as secret smiles were exchanged. Many times after that the two princesses would sneak away and spend long twilights in the gardens, talking about their lives as they held hands and gifted one another with sugary kisses.
One springtime, Désirs did not appear. Her letters became stilled and Fairer-then-a-Fairy wept, heart broken in her chest. She wrote letter after letter, begging for forgiveness for whatever transgression she had mad in err. Still no reply. Fairer-then-a-Fairy stopped writing, silently locking away her sorrow.
At the age of 12, word of Fairer-then-a-Fairy’s beauty had spread so far as to reach the ears of the ephemeral Fae. They seethed in anger at the audacity to name a human such a thing, but also of whatever forces of Fate had gifted a lowly human with such radiant beauty. The Queen of the Fae, Nabote, knew this scalding insult could not stand. And so, she went to the castle, planning to drag the impudent wench from her own home to receive her punishment. As she did, she was ensnared by magic and cried out in agony as the spell woven into the very mortar of the castle lashed at her. It seemed a spell had been placed on the castle that allowed the occupants neither to be taken from their home unwillingly nor to be bewitched into leaving themselves. Queen Nabote knew this would make her task more difficult but she wasn’t the Queen of the Fae for nothing.
To this end, Nabote transformed herself into a simple servant girl and entered the service of the royal family. In this way she befriended Fairer-then-a-Fairy and once gaining the naive girl’s trust, laid out her plan. In truth, Fairer-then-a-Fairy found the servant girl beautiful, reminding her of her lost love Désirs. So, when the disguised fae feinted fainting outside the castle walls in line of Fairer-then-a-Fairy’s sight, the girl rushed to her side and was taken away.
Fairer-then-a-Fairy was placed into an enchanted room, her silks and chiffon shredded into rags and caked in mud as she had been dragged by the Fae Queen. ‘Clean until this is spotless!’ she was commanded, before being left all alone. But try as the girl might, the room only became more sullied. Should she sweep, her broom deposited dirt. Should she dust, the feather duster coughed up cobwebs.  Fairer-then-a-Fairy sat down in the filth and cried, heartbroken once again in sorrow for being taken from her home and family.
Unknown to the girl, another fae watched her weep, heartstrings pulled both by her sorrow and her beauty. It was the Queen’s son, Phratis, who watched the innocent girl cry and in a fit of passion decided to help instead of hurt. With the flick of his willowy wrist he made the dirt disappear and Fairer-then-a-Fairy startled at the sudden change. ‘I mean you no harm.’ Phratis said shyly, revealing himself to the human. Fairer-then-a-Fairy couldn’t help but stare at the young man, the way his limbs moved with inhuman grace, the way his eyes were the soft green of the meadow. She caught freckles sprinkled across his collarbone and cheeks like fairy dust, hair waved and wild like a dark wind. The human flushed at such beauty in a man, noting only when she looked away the gossamer wings behind him, like a dragonfly’s.
‘Take this key.’ Phratis instructed. ‘And open the wooden panel right over there. Look what is behind and take joy into your heart again.’ For he knew what was behind the panel and though it ached his heart, so taken by Fairer-then-a-Fairy’s beauty that he’d rather her happiness then his own. Fairer-then-a-Fairy did as instructed and cried out in joy when her eyes set upon the princess, Désirs. The two locked gazes and sprang into each other’s arms, weeping with joy. Désirs explained to her beloved princess as to her disappearance; she had been taken by the fae for her dark beauty, the fae angered that Fate had gifted a human so. ‘Why must they cage beauty?’ Fairer-then-a-Fairy asked out loud, stroking Désirs midnight hair. ‘Because we cannot bear to let it be free from us.’ Phratis whispered in reply at the archway as he looked at the joy the two girls shared.
With another wave, Phratis cleaned the eternally dirtied room Désirs occupied and disappeared, hoping this would be enough to let the princesses be free and happy together. Alas, it was for naught. When the fae guards came to check on the girls, they saw the spotless rooms and reported this to Queen Nabote. The queen flew into a rage and came herself to see the miracle. She knew only another fae could have done this and so ripped the girls apart and tasked them once more; Fairer-then-a-Fairy was to gather the Water of Immortal Life from the peak of Mount Adventurous as Désirs was sent to a beach to write something, anything, on the sands on the condition it never faded neither by ocean waves or sea winds.
Fairer-then-a-Fairy was dragged away. Her arms and back were covered in scalding wax and large feathers pasted upon her as to imitate the wings of Icarus. She sobbed at the pain but flew, up and up and up until she almost couldn’t breathe the air so thin up so high where the peak resided. She tumbled just short of the top, unable to go up any higher or else no breath would reach her lungs. Again Phratis came, cradling the worn-out girl and softly singing to her to restore her strength. ‘Why do you help me?’ she asked. ‘Because I love you.’ was the simple reply. Fairer-then-a-Fairy was unsure what love really was. She was still young, in the spring of her youth. She knew being with Désirs brought her joy and warmth, a sweet pleasure in her belly as they kissed. Yet in Phratis’s arms she felt no fear but rather soothing calm. Was this love as well?
The fae prince took the pitcher and laid the princess down on a bed of enchanted heather that grew so high near the peak. He then flew the rest of the way and gathered the water with ease before bringing both water and girl down to the base. ‘Help Désirs. Please.’ Fairer-then-a-Fairy begged and the boy did so without hesitation.
When the two girls returned, tasks complete, Queen Nabote smiled all ice and diamonds. Her rage was now compressed and fused into the coldest of things. ‘I give you one final task.’ she said to the two girls. ‘And should you complete them? You will go free. But fail? You shall die.’ With the stakes raised, Fairer-then-a-Fairy was tasked with capturing the Hind with Silver Feet while Désirs was whisked away to the Fair of Time to collect the Rouge of Youth for the Queen.
Being left alone in a thick forest, Fairer-then-a-Fairy ran after the animal. But alas, she was just a human not even trained in the art of neither hunting nor running. Her limbs trembled after hours of running, energy drained from her body as twilight set in. Just as before Phratis came, this time with honeysuckle nectar for her parched throat and soft sweet rolls for her stomach. ‘I cannot do this. Why am I so weak!’ she lamented. ‘You are being tasked with things that, though easy for a fae, are impossible for a human. You have worked hard and done your best. There is no shame in accepting help.’ Fairer-then-a-Fairy leaned her head against the prince’s shoulder, thinking. With Phratis she did not feel helpless nor coddled. With his help and his gentle love she was finding strength to carry on for herself and Désirs. After a rest, the two went to a pool as smooth as a mirror and pure as the heavens. There they waited for the Hind. Once it approached, Phratis quickly roped its neck with vines he’d twisted together as Fairer-then-a-Fairy calmed the beast. Upon seeing some brambles stuck to its horns, Fairer-then-a-Fairy removed the offending object and freed the fae within the beast. For the Hind was the true Fairy Queen, ensnared by the false Queen Nabote in order to exact cruelty upon humans at a whim. Horrified, the trio went quickly to the fae palace to confront the fake Queen.
Upon their arrival, the three found Désirs about to be executed for not completing her task. Nabote shrank back in fear as the true Fae Queen came forward. With a sharp snap of her fingers, Nabote was turned into a squirrel which was promptly caged and taken away. Now freed, Désirs found herself in Fairer-then-a-Fairy’s embrace and tucked her face into the crook of her neck, inhaling her delicate scent. ‘As thanks for freeing me, I shall marry you to whomever you chose, be it human or fae, man or woman.’ the true Fae Queen said as she settled into her throne once again. At this, Fairer-then-a-Fairy was torn. But the dark-haired Princess saw this and tenderly cupped her lover’s face. ‘My Princess. Our time together had filled me with joy and light. Your kindness, your laughter, your will. You will forever be the fairest bloom of my heart. But I see it in your eyes that our shared time is gone and so I wish for you to feel no sorrow nor fear. Go to him and know I give you away with bittersweet joy. For though I wish you were mine, I will not take away your happiness for my own.’ Tears ran down Fairer-then-a-Fairy’s cheeks but she understood; time and experiences had changed her heart. Though she loved Désirs still, that love had changed and another took its place. The two shared one last kiss – the kiss of goodbye – before Fairer-then-a-Fairy went to Phratis’s side and shared with him the kiss of hello.
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