#hawkfurze writes
hawkfurze · 1 year
Can only afford myself these small slivers of drawing time amid all of these essays I have to do 😩
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officerdougeiffel · 2 years
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I posted 2,828 times in 2022
That's 2,828 more posts than 2021!
552 posts created (20%)
2,276 posts reblogged (80%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,902 of my posts in 2022
Only 33% of my posts had no tags
#kollok - 289 posts
#tma - 209 posts
#tua - 160 posts
#the magnus archives - 119 posts
#eli talks - 95 posts
#music - 82 posts
#birds - 76 posts
#ofmd - 45 posts
#wolf 359 - 38 posts
#wtnv - 38 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#'check your internet connection or try watching something else 🥺' i will explode if i don't get my autism under control do you understand
My Top Posts in 2022:
I fucking hate fiction podcasts why am I holding back tears at 9am because of a fist sized river rock
290 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
eiffel twirling his hair and kicking his feet as he writes in his diary with a sparkly pink pen "dear diary, I hope hilbert gets slowly eaten by fireants and then thrown into a volcano <3"
305 notes - Posted May 15, 2022
your honor, you can't charge me for this robbery. it's ace week they legally have to give me all their money
939 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
I'm so normal about everything going on today (lying)
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1,034 notes - Posted October 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
*yawns* wow am I sleepy today *stalks a man until he dies, hides his body then steals his identity to pretend to be a scientist*
1,674 notes - Posted March 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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bluejayblueskies · 3 years
10 for the hug prompts with JonMartin? 🥺
touches prompt list
10 - hiding their face in the other’s neck
a no-fears au where jon and martin are in an established relationship! cw for nausea and a brief mention of vomiting (doesn't actually occur)
Jon doesn’t do roller coasters.
It is not, despite what Tim says when he thinks Jon isn’t listening, because he’s a, quote, ‘old man at heart’ and doesn’t know how to have fun. In theory, Jon is actually rather fond of roller coasters. He’d watched a documentary once about the design of them, and it had been rather fascinating.
It’s not because Jon doesn’t like roller coasters. It’s…
Well. It’s probably more accurate to say that roller coasters don’t like him. Specifically, his sense of equilibrium and his digestive system. Pills help somewhat, if he remembers to take them, but the fact of the matter is that he’s much more likely to leave the ride with a feeling of intense nausea than of exhilaration. He just… gets motion sick. No way around it. He always sits in the front seat of cars, ensures that he’s in a forward-facing train seat at all times, rarely travels by boat, and… avoids roller coasters.
The fact that he is currently standing in the queue for a particularly large and particularly frightening-looking roller coaster is not, therefore, due to his overwhelming love for them. It is instead entirely due to his overwhelming love for the man standing next to him, eyes bright and excited as he explains the history of this particular roller coaster. His hand is warm and soft in Jon’s, and their clasped hands swing absently back and forth as they slowly inch forward in the queue. His curls are a shock of auburn against the sky, and when he laughs and squeezes Jon’s hand, Jon forgets his anxiety entirely for a moment, lost in a wave of affection and fondness.
“—and because it’s the twenty-fifth anniversary of the ride,” Martin says with a wide grin, “it’ll be running backward today! Well, all season, I- I suppose, but we’re here today, so…”
Jon has never been on a roller coaster that’s traveled backward. It does… not sound appealing.
“That’s… very exciting,” Jon says with a smile, trying to make the words sound as genuine as possible. Because he is a coward. Or, perhaps, just very in love. Maybe both.
It’s just… Martin had been so excited when he’d dropped the amusement park tickets in front of Jon a few weeks ago. And in the four months or so that they’ve been dating, Jon has found it increasingly hard to say things that will cause that wide, unabashed smile on Martin’s face to dim even in the slightest. So Jon had discretely taken several motion sickness pills before they’d left that morning and had told himself that there were plenty of other things to do at an amusement park besides roller coasters and spinning rides and other things that make it their personal mission to tie Jon’s stomach into knots.
And then Martin had spent the entire train ride rambling about the various roller coasters and how he’d always wanted to go to an amusement park but he’d never been able to find the time or the money before and how he’s never been on a roller coaster but they look so fun, and Jon just… hadn’t been able to tell him.
It’ll be fine, he tells himself as they finally reach the front of the queue, the brightly colored cars sitting empty in front of them. It’ll be… completely, totally fine. Nothing to worry about.
They sit a few rows from the front. The click of the restraints makes Jon’s stomach squeeze with nerves, and he swallows around the lump in his throat. He doesn’t realize that he’s gripping the bar in front of him with white knuckles until Martin says gently, “Hey. Is… everything okay?”
No, but it’s certainly too late to change my mind now, Jon does not say.
“Yes,” Jon says, loosening his grip with considerable effort. It’s fine. “Just… b-been a while since I was on one of these.”
Technically not a lie.
“Oh!” Martin gives him a soft smile that makes his heart stutter in his chest. “Well, it’ll be a… new experience for both of us then, I suppose.”
The car jerks into motion, and Jon’s hands tighten instinctively on the bar again. It’s a… disconcerting effect, to be moving backward rather than forward, and one that Jon is decidedly not fond of. They exit the staging area and begin to climb up the first of the many, many hills Jon had eyed warily from their place in the queue. Jon looks straight ahead and does not look down and tries to breathe through his nose.
A warm hand covers his, and Jon looks over to see Martin watching him, that same soft smile on his lips. Martin squeezes gently, and Jon relaxes, just a fraction.
Then, the car tips over the peak of the hill and begins to accelerate, and Jon’s world blurs into a mess of colors and sensations.
The only part of the ride that Jon enjoys is the fact that it’s over quickly. By the time the car rolls to a halt—after a terrifying sequence of loops and drops and harsh curves and tight spirals—Jon feels as if his insides have been scooped out, stuffed in a washing machine, tumble dried, and then pushed back into him at all the wrong angles. Martin’s hand is still gripping his, somehow, and it remains there as they exit the car and make their way down the ramp and into the main thoroughfare. Jon’s legs feel boneless, like they’re made of jelly, and he is deeply afraid that if he opens his mouth, he is going to empty the contents of his stomach onto the pavement below.
Gentle hands are on Jon’s shoulders then, and Jon finds himself guided onto a metal bench just a few meters away from the exit ramp. Jon tries to protest that he’s fine—they have limited time here and he doesn’t need to take a break—but his stomach rolls and he pinches his lips shut before he manages to form a single word. When a hand settles on his upper back and presses down gently, he finally gives in to the urge to bend over and tuck his head between his knees in an effort to alleviate some of the lingering vertigo.
“Breathe, Jon,” Martin says, and Jon does. He takes a few deep breaths, and when a particularly powerful wave of nausea overtakes him, he can’t help the groan that escapes him. “I know,” Martin says softly, moving his hand in soothing circles on Jon’s back. “Just keep breathing, Jon. We can get some water in a bit, just… for now, let’s sit.”
Jon is too nauseous to be properly embarrassed by the coddling. That situation changes quickly as the minutes pass and Jon’s stomach begins to settle. After what must be nearly ten minutes, the nausea has faded entirely, but Jon keeps his head between his knees so he doesn’t have to look at Martin’s face.
“Feeling any better?” Martin prompts, and Jon lets out a slow breath. He nods once, and—with the help of Martin’s hand on his arm—straightens slowly, keeping his eyes fixed firmly on the ground as he does so.
“Sorry,” he says, so quietly he isn’t sure Martin can hear him over the din of the crowd.
“You don’t have to apologize for- for feeling sick,” Martin says. He rubs a thumb against Jon’s arm and says, “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I- I didn’t think… it would be this bad?”
Out of the corner of his eye, Jon sees Martin give him a look that very clearly expresses his skepticism.
Jon sighs and puts his head in his hands again. “I just… didn’t want to disappoint you, I suppose.”
Martin is, of course, sharper than Jon gives him credit for sometimes. “Because I said I’d never had the chance to go on a roller coaster before?”
Jon nods miserably. “I-in my defense, I thought you would start with something significantly less… gravity-defying.”
“Jon,” Martin says, kindly and patiently yet with a chastising edge to it. “You could have waited by the exit.”
“I—I didn’t…” Jon feels the tips of his ears grow warm. “I didn’t want to leave you.”
“Oh,” Martin says, his voice pitched a touch higher than normal. “That’s… um, r-really sweet, actually.”
Jon is glad that Martin can’t see his face because he’s sure whatever expression would have crossed it just then would have been utterly sappy and mortifying.
“B-but I—I don’t want you to make yourself sick on my account,” Martin hastens to say. “There are loads of other things to do here. W-we don’t have to ride the roller coasters.”
Jon uncovers his face and looks at Martin. “But you want to ride the roller coasters.”
Martin worries his bottom lip between his teeth. He doesn’t deny it. Instead, he says, “I… also want to spend time with you, Jon. D-doing things we both want to do, not… not just me.”
Jon stares at Martin and thinks, not for the first time, that he loves him. But it’s still too early to say it, probably, and he’s certainly not going to do so sitting on a sticky metal bench surrounded by children and tired-eyed parents. So all he says, in the end, is, “If… if you’re sure.”
Martin takes Jon’s hand in his and squeezes gently. “I am.” Then, he gives Jon a wide, soft smile that has Jon’s stomach twisting all over again. “So. What do you do at amusement parks, then?”
Jon flushes. But Martin doesn’t laugh at him when he mumbles that he’s actually quite fond of carousels. Instead, he takes Jon’s hand and walks with him across the park—staying away from the more crowded sections, stopping to buy some horrendously overpriced bottles of water on their way—until they’re standing in front of the carousel, painted in lovely pastel blues and yellows.
Jon, for a moment, feels self-conscious and more than a bit childish. But then Martin squeezes his hand and says, without a hint of teasing, “So, what animal do you prefer?” and the tension in Jon’s shoulders melts away in an instant.
Jon learns that Martin likes the classic horses, manes painted gold and plastic saddles a bright cherry red. (And Martin is entirely unsurprised to find that Jon chooses the cat, every time.) He learns, as they continue to explore the amusement park, that Martin likes caramel apples but hates how they get stuck in his teeth. (He purchases one anyway, rolled in peanuts and little rainbow sprinkles, that gives Jon a toothache just looking at it.) He learns that Martin does not appreciate his explanation that the monsters on the haunted house ride are ‘just dummies’ and ‘obviously fake’ and ‘really, Martin, that’s not even the correct number of bones in a human skeleton.’ (Though he secretly treasures the way that Martin clings to his side in the car and hides his face in Jon’s neck, his curls tickling the sensitive skin just underneath Jon’s chin.)
And Martin, apparently, learns that Jon is strangely good at midway games.
“You know those things are totally rigged, right?” Martin says, staring at Jon in disbelief as he tries and fails to adjust his grip on the frankly enormous plush teddy bear the midway worker had begrudgingly surrendered to him. And the medium-sized plush cat he’d won earlier. And the dozen or so little plushies and trinkets and accessories he’d acquired along the way. “You’re not supposed to be able to win.”
“Yes, well.” Jon gives up on trying to find a comfortable way to carry his prizes and extends the massive teddy toward Martin. “I suppose I’m just… lucky.”
He is certainly not going to admit that he spent a good three days researching what to do on a carnival date, came to the conclusion that it would be romantic to win an enormous stuffed animal for Martin, and committed himself to memorizing which games were easiest to win and what strategies he should employ in order to have the best chance at success. That would be… well. A bit much, he thinks. Best to just… not mention it.
Martin carries the teddy all the way back to his flat, his cheeks flushing a lovely pink whenever an occasional curious glance is thrown in their direction. It’s only once they get there and Martin tries to pass the plushie back to Jon with a sheepish, “Suppose I better give this back now,” that Jon realizes he had… indeed not been very clear about his intentions.
“It’s… for you, actually,” Jon says, ignoring the way his cheeks are growing steadily warmer. Then, Jon takes a breath and pushes the rest of the plushies rather unceremoniously into Martin’s arms, save for the cat which he’s… grown rather attached to in their short acquaintanceship. “Th-they all are. Er. F-for you.”
“O-oh.” Martin looks down at the collection of brightly colored things in his arms, eyes wide and lips slightly parted. “I—I… really?”
Jon hugs the cat tightly to his chest, feeling something like embarrassment curl in his stomach. “I-if you don’t want them, I—I can—”
“No!” Martin says quickly, curling his arms protectively around the plushies. “I—I do. W-want them.” He looks down at the teddy sitting by his feet, then up at Jon with a warm, shy smile on his face. “Th-thanks, Jon.”
I love him, I love him, I love him.
Jon nods, pinches his lips together, and tries to keep his affection contained. He doesn’t want to come on too strong, after all. That’s… something he’s not meant to do, he thinks.
Then, when they’re both lying in bed and Martin’s chest is pressed against Jon’s back, his arm curled around Jon’s middle and his nose buried in Jon’s hair, Martin murmurs, “I love you,” and Jon’s breath catches in his throat.
“I… I love you too,” he whispers. And it’s such an easy thing to say that Jon wonders why he’d ever worried at all.
Martin makes a sleepy, contented noise, burrowing closer and wrapping Jon more tightly in his arms. And because he can—he can, he can, Martin said it first, so he can—Jon says again, so quietly he isn’t sure Martin can hear it: “I love you.”
The words are sweet on his tongue, like candy floss and funnel cakes and caramel apples.
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curlymantis · 3 years
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Farcry 5 OC Skills
I was tagged by @kaminari-supremacy
swim (not a strong swimmer) || scuba dive || drive || read and write (helps write cult songs also) || ride a bike || do math (terribly) || sew || draw || tattoo || do piercings || make a shelter (taught by Jacob Seed) || first aid || cpr || throw a punch || swing a weapon || shoot a gun (a couple of times, she prefers close combat items) || reload a gun (taught by Jacob Seed) || Heimlich maneuver || use a lmg || put someone in a choke hold (very useful for difficult sinners) || use a lighter (so she can rip fat cones) || use matches (for when the lighter runs out) || make weapons (simple shivs) || make dynamite || make c4 || break limbs (mastered this skill after joining Edens Gate) || bake (loves baking, especially for the Seeds) || cook || make a store bought pizza || make a craft mac and cheese (prefers Johns shitty mac n cheese) || be annoying (used to have a talent for annoying Jacob Seed, now he just roles his eyes and puts her in a choke hold whoops. Joseph Seed gets irritated by how much she swears) || use a zipline || fly a plane (John Seed is teaching her, she has never flown solo tho) || drive a boat || control temper || drop kick a peggie to hell (she may be a herald, but she sure knows certain members of the cult need thier arses kicked) ||
Im tagging: @hawkfurze @grohiikmon @lokidaemonium @coffeebucko @jack-morrison @vasiktomis @deputy-janai @oorah22 @stormklinge @ja-crispea @chazz-anova @dame-night and anyone else who wants to do it!! :D
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TMA Season Two brain soup wrap up (spoilers for s1 and s2)
Favorite Episodes from s2:
Grifters Bone
Trail Rations
Section 31
Too Deep
Favorite Chars So Far:
Tim Stoker
Gerry Keay
Basira Hussain
Agnes Montague
Micheal Distortion
Brain Soup Because this is Disorganized as HELL:
First off, GFY @hawkfurze .You are my close friend but this is a public callout post. How dare you sit there with a cheshire cat grin at the latter part of mag 80. I get why you were laughing at "elias is borning" now but STILL!?
As far as stories go, this season was very Meh on the individual stories. While finally having the overarches clear and easy to define, I feel like it made less lackluster individual episodes. There were a few really good ones. But the rest..? Ehhh? I like the Metaplot quite a bit now, and finally having proper names for the categories now makes things a lot easier. I'm a big mystery person and I like peicing things together like a puzzle so its been fun.
I also really like how Cannibalism is written in TMA? I noticed this in S1 but S2 made it super clear. Like i know cannibalism is bad but.. the writing makes it sound fun and tasty. A little snack of people. Yum.
Jon as a character kinda had that thing again where he was AWFUL for the whole season until the last 2 episodes but then grew a braincell and got better. I really dont like him but it feels like any development from s1 got thrown out the window and i really hope that doesnt repeat. The stalking bits were... awful. I HATED him for the first half of s2.
I have a lot of questions but like? Is jon gonna get framed for the murder? Would this season be shorter if they just gave Tim a Gun? (Like... just shoot the sasha? Then pop Micheal in the kneecaps buddy.)
But also. I want to celebrate my predictive Wins:
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chyrstis · 4 years
Fanfic Author’s Appreciation Day
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If there’s one thing I’ll never be able to stop indulging in and enjoying, it’s fic. It’s a love letter to a series/game/show, and in other cases a much needed giant middle finger, and over the years I’ve been fortunate enough to read work by an almost staggering number of brilliant people.
Last year I was new to this little corner, and lucky enough to catch this day in time to send some love out. This year, I’d like to do the same, because there’s so many of you that I admire. So many that write, and write, and write about a variety of subjects, and in a variety of fandoms, and I hope you never stop creating, no matter what.
@writerofblocks​ @autumnyte​ @guileandgall @twistedsinews @siribear @kakumei​ @ofmanynames​ @thedivinemissema @joasakura @sharky-broshaw @amistrio​ @tommymillers @softmillers @foofygoldfish @redroci @shallow-gravy​ @ma-sulevin​ @narcis-the-monk @seedsplease @sneaky-apostate​ @finefeatheredgamer @outranks​ @painterofhorizons @geronimo-11​ @jackalopestride​ @solesurvivorkat @teamhawkeye @shellibisshe @somehow-saving-you​ @naromoreau @risenlucifer @tomexraider @raisinghellinotherworlds @ofravensandgenesis @starsandskies @marymay-fairgrave @faithchel @unclefungusthegoat @smithandrogers @chazz-anova @ja-crispea @gracethornwood @hawkfurze @words-and-seeds​ @weekend-writer​ @englass @shelliechen @strafethesesinners @mackie-hattwie @pd3​ @nightwingshero @spicevalleys @celesteennui @scarlettkat86​ @zacklover24​ @fuckin-nancy @fluttyseed @theoriginalladya @thessalian @pagerunner-j and a ton of other authors that I know don’t frequent here as much as they used to, but your work’ll always have a special place in my heart. I mean that 100%.
You all are the reason why I’ll burn through an entire fic at 1-2 AM with no regrets. Seriously, so many of you churn out fic after fic of incredible quality, whether it’s a drabble, a one-shot, or a long-fic (along with extensive headcanons that would be beautiful fics in their own right), and I can’t thank you enough for putting yourselves out there and sharing each and every one with us. <3,
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dieguzguz · 4 years
thank you so much @lobanhart @ja-crispea @fadedjacket @goodboiboomer-fc5 @fromathelastoveritaserum @jacobmybeloved! ❤️ I'm happy to see everyone is so creative.
Tagging: @xbaebsae @deputycolt @deputyrhiannonhale @shelliechen @wafflii @trialandseed @pd3 @nightwingshero @hawkfurze @wewillryesagain @f0xyboxes and all who wanna join in
I'm currently editing some John Screenshots, but here is some of my writing for a drabble prompt
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There was nothing and nobody that could hide from him in those mountains.
With one exception: Natalie.
For the last few days she had vanished from the face of the earth. He guessed that she found refuge in the wolf's den, surprising about this was only how long she managed to stay underground.
Of course, he had known about the militias position for months, but Joseph had plans that forbade him personally to act.
All Jacob had to do was wait. Wait for his chance to ambush Eli and his idiots, and wait for Natalie to crawl out of her hole.
It was only a matter of time, until the Chosen captured her now.
But when he walked up to the corner in the courtyard, where they kept the prisoners, Jacob was not prepared for the punch to the gut he felt at the sight of her in one of the cages.
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hawkfurze · 2 years
A little CH1 In Harmony preview, at least before I edit the crap out of it.
"No. I guess I don't understand why you art kids would want to come to the middle of nowhere rather than one of those bigger, fancier art schools they got in the cities, is all."
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heroofpenamstan · 4 years
WIP DAY: #1 & #2
Thanks for tagging me, @shallow-gravy and @nightwingshero! x ( Also, this includes a sneak peak prototype of that hypothetical wedding gifset we mentioned, coming in at #1. 👀👀 )
Tagging: @ariestals, @jacobseeds-mainhoe, @hawkfurze, @shellibisshe, @mackie-hattwie, @f0xyboxes @whoever won’t get offended if I tag them and want to do it!
1. First frame of one of the many gifs I am hoping to finish ASAP. ( This is going to grey me, but Wren and John are a personal fav, and @nightwingshero is a talented champ who deserves it. It will look better in the end I p r o m i s e. )
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2. she’s mine; she’s mine.—unedited (we die like men) snippet. ( Jacob and Jo (what a surprise); not worth publishing since it's quite generic—hunt the Dep kinda fic, but wanted to self-indulge the other day. Pardon my terrible writing, oof. )
Jacob's eyes rake through the assortment of photographs littering the wooden table, colors and shapes coiling the muted surface. He tries to tune out John's appraising coos and Faith's honey-laced compliments on a job well done, and Nancy's fucking beaming in the seat opposite of him.
As his eyes zero in on a snapshot laying closest to his scarred forearm, Jacob has to begrudgingly agree. 
It took ten minutes to seize most of the Sheriff's department from the moment Joseph's wrists were clasped in steel, another twenty to pull the Marshall out from the river bank, ( barking, until he wasn't, ) and another forty for Deputy Nancy to arrive at the designated location, thick file in hand and her uniform gone and replaced.
His little brother had thrown the images and documents askew on the table and, the three Heralds, like some medieval warlords, had their pick of spoils of war. Their ‘sister’ already had her Faithful drag the unconscious Marshall down to the bliss-stocked pits of her bunker, as per Joseph's command. 
John, having had enough embarrassing, dirty spats with Hudson in the past, some more public than others, had gleefully shoved her into one of his reaping trucks heading to the Valley.
And Jacob—
Jacob wonders how long the cocky little fucker will last with his Judges up North.
Calloused fingers come to pinch a photograph next to his arm, bringing it up to his face upon closer inspection. 
( Ah, yes. They still have these two to worry about. )
The snapshot had captured a chaotic 4th of July barbecue party—a staff get-together, according to Nancy. At the epicenter of the aggressive display of American flags and mustard stains and pre-mature fireworks, is the elderly Sheriff Whitehorse, button-up shirt wet from the water gun clutched in Pratt’s hand. Underneath his bicep stands the only Deputy that has managed to escape their grasp, two hot dogs cradled in dainty hands.
His fingertip finds her face easily among the countless braids hanging around it, travels from her temple to trace at her defined jaw. He tilts his head ever so slightly to take in her furrowed brows and squinting, dark eyes.
This one was still a bit of a mystery to them all. 
She was an outsider, just like them; a recruit from one state over, from what John managed to pry out during one of their brief encounters regarding one of their men carrying a blowtorch into a bar.
“That’s Jo,” Nancy chimes in, as if he asked for her fucking input. “Joanne Burton, the new probation officer from Idaho. She’s a good kid, but—” the older woman leans in, reminding Jacob of a caricature of a gossiping housewife leaning over a fence. "—A former junkie!” 
Nancy throws her arms out, and Jacob finds Faith’s hands tangled in her dingy tresses ironic. 
“Can’t trust 'em lot; it’s only at Earl’s benevolence that she got hired in the first place. Don’t suppose she’ll be climbin’ any ladders anytime soon.”
Faith’s fingers, carding through the older woman’s hair, had ceased since her jabs first came in, but her smile remained.
“Is that so?” Jacob can feel John’s grin from behind him as he plucks one of her photos from the pile. He has several of those clutched in a tattoo hand, ready to print them out on wanted flyers like it’s the Wild West, no doubt—Jacob’s seen him do it before. “We’ll give her to you then, dear sister. That way, the Deputy will be dealt with swiftly by your hand.”
His brother’s tone sounds dismissive and final, but Jacob has her file opened in front of him by now and—
His eyebrows shoot up.
A slight smile curves at his lip.
No wonder Whitehorse hired her, Jacob muses as his eyes flit through the various reports and praises and awards—she is good. 
If it wasn’t for her history of drug abuse, Jacob was damn sure she wouldn’t be here slavering away at Hope County breaking up scuffles and swatting Oregano from young punks.
He turns his head back to the photograph resting in his lap in silent contemplation. 
Jacob recalls that very same face scowling underneath the Montana summer sun, a palm cupped at her brow to steel and steady her glare—directed at him upon seeing him rough-handle some of his men when the cops were called up on the outskirts of his territory.
Just a bit of good ol’ hunting, Dep, he remembers saying to her, recalls seeing the tension in her shoulders that did not leave her form until she had cruised out of his hair.
( The Mountains go radio-silence, afterwards. The first, true sign of their family’s takeover, besides the spike of Bliss use in the Henbane and the Trojan Horse rolling in the form of John and his real estate packed with their strapped troops. )
“—I’ll arrange for my Angels to—”
“—It’s okay, Faith,” Jacob cuts in suddenly, and every eye turns to the eldest Seed in silent question. He doesn’t know what compels him to say it. Perhaps it’s the potential the girl carries, or her resolve and disdain he’d like nothing more but to crush. Maybe it’s his curiosity to see that remarkable face of hers contorting in sheer rage as she cuts through the competition, blood-spattered and blazing—
The reason doesn’t matter in the end, for Jacob has made his mind up already, and with a slight, sardonic smile, elaborates: 
“I’ll take her.”
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jack-morrison · 4 years
Tagged by @strafethesesinners. Idk if I was tagged by anyone else, ask Tumblr likes to only show some of my mentions at times.
Idk if yall have already done this, but I tag @lady-purgatory @bleudragonfire @baeogorath @hawkfurze @indigorox @redangrypears.
Rules: bold everything that applies to you and tag people you’d like to get to know better
I’m over 5’5” // I wear glasses (I should be, but I don't lol) // contacts  // I have blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have blue eyes // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backward
Hobbies & talents
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to TV shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during school or work breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend I have known for ten years (basically knew him since birth) // My parents are together // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // My crush has confessed to me // I have a long-distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online (We ran into each other at a mutual friend's birthday party lol)
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sunrise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // The sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // Autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mum friend // I live by a certain quote(s) // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick-shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least three dogs // I have a cat
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ofravensandgenesis · 4 years
Tagged by @chyrstis and @amistrio ! Thank you for the tags! :D ♥ Tagging: @undead-gearhead @foofygoldfish @fadedjacket @starsandskies @hawkfurze​ and anyone else who wants to join in on this! No pressure ofc, pardon any double tags, and I hope you’re all staying safe and healthy and doing alright! SO for this WIP, I am technically not writing atm, I paused that on both the little short I was doing and ACABH’s current WIP chapter because I asked myself the question, “where do all the background NPCs live in Hope County?” given the rough number established for the fic’s purposes, there simply had to be more houses. So it’s mostly background world building atm. This has led to me doing somewhat redundant note taking of where are all the fast travel points and outposts and such, what family names and such are there for the residences, with some accuracy-checks to do later. Right now I’m mostly chucking color on screenshots of the county map to go “I think this area would have a cluster of businesses, facilities, and residences” like so:
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This is a rough not-game-canonical idea of “what if there’s a high school campus across the way from the Grill Streak” along with a fire department nearby. I was figuring there’d be a few more businesses like a dollar store and other small shops out that way, and then mostly residential. Maybe a gas station and little quick mart/general gas station store/etc? It may or may not change, I’m just throwing in ideas because in the fic there’s about 3000 people running around the entire county, they gotta live somewhere. Obviously this does not account for all of them, I’m working on trying to figure out more population clusters for like tourism hot spots and terrain that favors residential groups and such and just chucking those in with perhaps an additional smattering of residences elsewhere near the roads and such. Obviously I’m not going to draw hundreds of houses even as simple squares, but chucking in a few more here and there would help give me an idea of “oh this is a much more populated area and thus is dense with buildings etc and the cult is busy taking X supplies and people from here,” or “this layout is good/bad for people holing up here” etc. This also brings up other considerations such as: how much money does John have from his parents’ inheritance? How much is he in theory still making? How much does he still have left? How much is the cult making from donations/work by its members? How much land have they bought and how much could they theoretically buy up if able? Surely not all of it unless John is STUPIDLY wealthy beyond belief. He did get them outfitted with a lot of firepower, vehicles and all sorts of supplies, which should cut into those finances, unless they’re getting shit really on the cheap (or blackmailed for free or something in some cases perhaps?) They surely had connections for good prices and others helping with that to some degree, but still. Filling in the map a bit raises interesting questions, and gives rise to interesting answers and ideas, and is also good practice for “how do I try to design a world/space in original fiction” with some ideas of what might be added to a fanfic’s expanded world.So yeah, lots of notes and map scribblings. xD
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lokidaemonium · 4 years
Got tagged by @theflyingzinniaumbrella so here we go :D
Here s the picrew thing i used for this: https://picrew.me/image_maker/216971
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And here r 5-7 Facts abt me
1. As a kid i had a big disliking for Rice bc there is more rice than there is humans and i thought it might take over the world one day. Writing this out reminds me how stupid i am
2. I have asperger and can only really listen to anything like a presentation or someone reading stuff out in class when i can do something next to that. Like drawing or playing around with a toy.
3. Whereever I go at least one of my stuffed animal comes with.
4. I like giving things stupid names. Mainly my skulls which are called Dennis, Harold and Richard.
5. I am a Therian
6. One of my best friends is my neighbiur who i know since I moved into our house in 2004. He s stupid but we went through so much shit together lmao
7. I easily obsess and it shows.
Tagging @hawkfurze @grohiikmon and whoever wants to do this!
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radiojamming · 5 years
tagged by the glorious @johnathot-seed :D
tagging uhhh @sky-daybreak @mademoisellegush @malpiss-legate @hawkfurze @meiaushzz and idk man i lose track of who does what all the time so YOU! I TAG YOU, WHOMSTEVER READS THIS!!
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Childhood/Early Years
Born in Douglas, Wyoming, Cody’s childhood was very stable and relatively pleasant. Her father, Frank, was an Army captain in the 115th Field Artillery Brigade based in Cheyenne, and her mother, Linette, was a tribal lawyer and writer. Her father had a total of four deployments over the course of her childhood, and eventually retired from the Army in 2005. Cody tends to look back on her childhood as “very summery”. As an only child, she had her parents’ complete attention (although she’s quick to point out that she wasn’t spoiled), and fostered good relationships with both her mother and father. 
The Oakley family often took trips up to Crow Agency, Montana to visit Linette’s family, and so Cody grew up with one foot in Crow culture. She’s not quick to describe herself as worldly, but her experiences have kept her open-minded. She participated in culture and language camps, and has served as a sort of pre-editor to much of her mother’s writing and a sounding board to her activism. Because of this, Cody is well-aware of how opinionated she comes across, and doesn’t regret this.
As a child, she was very accident-prone and extremely high impact. She was enrolled in soccer at age seven, and immediately broke her left ankle not quite two weeks after signing up. In total, since that age, Cody has broken bones nine times (counting fingers and toes) and has had five ER visits and more stitches than she can count. Despite this, she remained in sports all the way through college, and became notorious for accepting any dare at sleepovers.
Any. Dare.
Pre-Deputy / Young Adulthood
Her teenage years weren’t so different from childhood. Her father retired and the family moved from Cheyenne back to Douglas. Cody joined her high school’s lacrosse team during her freshman year, and became known as “The Bulldozer” for her tendency to ram into the closest opponent, and her penalty minutes became legendary. She won her school’s MVP award during her junior year, even though her picture in the yearbook featured a glorious black eye.
After graduation, Cody applied for the University of Montana in Missoula and majored in forestry with a minor in sociology (because she was extremely indecisive). The summer of her sophomore year in college, she took a job with the parks service in Yellowstone, which now appears in her memory as a very hazy job. She thinks someone got drunk-married at some point, and is pretty sure she adopted a raccoon as a child. Despite her foggy recollection, she maintains that it was the best job she had ever had. During her time in college, she also got two tattoos (one secret, one not so much), ended up on the news twice (one for a good reason, one not--but she was anonymous the second time), dyed her hair multiple colors, formed an accidental laser tag team, built a massive snow fort complete with small barracks, and broke two more bones.
Cody graduated from University of Montana with honors, surprisingly.
How did they begin their career in law enforcement?
Completely by accident! It turns out that you only need a bachelor’s degree to go into law enforcement in Montana, and Cody applied for highway patrol on a whim. They accepted her, and at that point, it was too awkward for her to say that no, she actually didn’t want the job and instead wanted to study tree rings. She went through the nine weeks of highway patrol training, did oddly well, and was in a squad car before she knew it.
By the events in Hope County, she’s pretty much resigned herself to the fact that she doesn’t make a half-bad police officer and that getting stabbed by a pocket knife is way cooler than accidentally being stabbed with a particularly sharp twig.
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neriad13 · 5 years
Rules: bold the ones that are true and tag 15 people to do it.
Tagged by: @anitaofsamothrace
APPEARANCE: I’m over 5’5” / 165cm (167cm)// I wear glasses/contacts // I have blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing  (it’s kind of an even split?? I like showing off after I’ve been working out)// I have one or more piercings (one helix and the other is a secret ;))// I have at least one tattoo // I have blue eyes // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards HOBBIES AND TALENTS: I play a sport // I can play an instrument (ehhhhhh. I played an instrument ten years ago, if that counts.)// I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition (Battle of the Books, baby)// I can cook or bake without a recipe (I’m actually a professional chef. 75% of the time I know it by heart already)/ I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to tv shows (mostly? I generally like how movies are a single contained experience just a little bit better. But...there’s some dang good shows coming out lately.)// I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year (Wayward Children!) // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during school or work breaks  // I can do a handstand
RELATIONSHIP: I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush// I have a best friend I have known for ten years (I think it’s closer to 20 now)// my parents are together // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // my crush has confessed to me  // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends  // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online (well...does meeting up with your friend’s online friend count?) AESTHETICS: I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sunrise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like (water. and dirt if it’s midwinter)// I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths (yaaaas. It’s totally a sport)// autumn is my favourite season (even split with spring. winter and summer suck)
MISCELLANEOUS: I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick-shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep (I had an entire library in my head when I was a kid)// I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game / I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial  // I am a redhead // I own at least three cats
Tagging: @cantankerouscatfish, @rainb0wr0b0mancer, @dashingdetectivetimelady, @songofdefiance, @fandomcic, @frangstfontaine, @mushroomjelifish, @neeepnooop, @hongetarapon, @nerevarbean, @hawkfurze, @panevie, @cynicalwindmill, @darkfalcon-z
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chyrstis · 4 years
FC5 GFH Tag!
@sharky-broshaw​ and @shellibisshe​​ were lovely enough to tag me to see what my Dep would say as a formal FC5 Gun For Hire, and after spending most of the day thinking this over instead of writing, I think I’ve mostly nailed her down! ;)
Deputy Hana Vao
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With Fangs for Hire
Boomer: “Whoa there, buddy! Aren’t you a sweetheart? God, I...I really wish Rae-Rae were here to say hi to you too, and see how good of a boy you’re being.”
Peaches: “I’m a cat person. I’m not a hundred percent sure it extends to being a big cat person, but I’m willing to try.” / *in a ridiculous voice while sneaking through the brush* “Who’s an adorable murder machine, yes, you are!”
Cheeseburger: “Whoever decided it’d be entirely possible and plausible for me to spend my free time hanging out with a bear, I’d like to give the biggest high-five to, because this? This is really fucking awesome.” / “I’ve always wondered if I’d have the chance to meet a local celebrity, and now I’ve met two! What are the odds of that?”
With other Guns for Hire
*after inviting him* “Oh, now it’s a party.”
“So, apparently karaoke night at the Spread Eagle used to be a thing. You’ve been holding out on me! *both start trading stories about signature songs they used to pick, until they both settle on one and start singing along to it* *some of it’s good, most of it isn’t*
*after a fight* “That was the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Do it again.” / “Hey, Shark? How about you dial it back a little next time? It kind of got a little too close for comfort there.”
“You know what they say about any big bads, right?” *along with Sharky* “If it bleeds, we can kill it! *laughs* God, you’re the best.”
“Hey, Grace? I know you mentioned last time that I really need to work on the whole sneaking, and being quiet, and-” “Not throwing a block of C4 at every problem you see?” “...Shit. I knew I might’ve forgotten something. Let me get back to you on that.”
“Grace? If I offered you twenty dollars to shoot [a hat off of a scarecrow, a can off of a fence, the helmet off of a Peggie, etc]. Would you do it?” *Grace asks if she’s that willing to go broke* “Maybe. I still think that would be pretty cool to see.”
*calls Hana Ms. V* “Hurk! I thought we agreed not to go with that one!” *he throws out a slew of nicknames each one more absurd than the last* “...Um, okay. Maybe that one’s not so bad after all.”
“Hey, I have to ask. What’s with the chimps?”
*calls Hana Depu-Vee and pretends to relay a top-secret message* Hurk, hon. We’re face to face. I’m looking right at you. We don’t need codenames right now.
“I...that’s definitely a description I never thought I’d ever hear. Or visualize.”
“Okay, so I’m only going to say this once, but...” *speaks at a mile a minute* “Fuck John, Marry Faith, and Kill Jacob, and there’s nothing left for Joseph, so just fuck him in general. Done and done.”
“I swear to God, if you ever ask me to fly Carmina again I’m going to crash her. Not on purpose, I’m just that damn bad at it, so please. I beg of you, don’t.”
“How’s Kim doing? If you two need anything at all, don’t hesitate to give me a call.”
“Jesus, you’re a hell of a shot. Shooting an apple off of someone’s head would probably be nothing, huh?” *Jess asks if she’s volunteering* “It’s not that you aren’t a badass, because you totally are, but you know how some ideas look fun at first pass, but are probably a disaster in the making? That? That would be one of them.”
In Combat
Seeing an enemy: “You got eyes on them?”
Sneaking:*snaps a twig* “Shit! ...Um, shit. Sorry.”
Killing an enemy: "Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker!” / *if you score the hit* “Holy shit, that was a shot!”
Reviving: “It’s okay, I’ve got you. I’ve got you.” / “Hold on! Can’t have you dying on me now.”
Hurt: “Ow, motherfucker!” / “Jesus, walk it off. Just walk it off.” / *flamethrower, or Sharky* Shit! Nearly singed my hair...
Downed: “Really, really pissed that they made me bleed my own blood here.” / “Keep moving! Don’t worry about me! *pained sound* “Fuck!”
If asked to drive: “You sure? Well, buckle up and hold on tight. I promise I’ll try and be gentle.” / “God, this is really making me miss my bike.”
Reckless driving: “Jesus, now I know how Grace feels.” / “And here I thought you’d leave the stunt driving to old Clutch. I’m game if you are.”
Changing radio stations: *starts singing along if Barracuda’s playing* / *’if Oh John’ starts playing* “...Fucking asshole.” *sings an off-key, ‘bold and brave’ before making a sound of disgust*
“Hey, hon. How’re you holding up? Better than me, I hope, because I could really go for a cigarette. Might have to bum one off of Sharky the next time I see him.”
“You know, I’m not from around here. I’m from Detroit. Moved around a lot when I was young, so I don’t remember it well to begin with, but my mom took a lot of photos of it. Kept them all in a photo album for me to look at when I was older, and always told me we’d head back there someday to check them out again ourselves. ....Well, I’m about 95 percent certain that when the cult burned my apartment down, it might’ve taken that album with it. Pictures of those places. Of her. All of it up in smoke, just like that. So, here’s hoping there’ll be a Detroit left after all of this, depending on whether or not Joseph’s talking shit, or actually right. Because I’d really like to have a second chance to see all of that. And have a chance to honor her too.”
“I’m a city girl, so the silence out here is...it’s a little overwhelming. But I’d gladly take it over the sound of gunfire. This place is beautiful, and the kind of peaceful you don't really appreciate until it’s gone.”
Hard to believe I wouldn’t have ended up here at all if the Sheriff hadn’t taken a chance on me. He’ll say differently, but there’s a reason why Staci called me-calls me Rook, and why Joey always took the time to answer every single silly question I had. I didn’t have a whole lot of experience before heading here, and...they made it all worth the risk on my end too. Made me feel welcome when anyone else would’ve just shown me the door, and I’ll do damn near anything to get them back.
By any body of water: *voice pitched higher than normal* “Hey, you’re not-that’s looking pretty deep. Think I’ll um, hang close to the shore just in case.” *wanders around it, but never enters it*
At the Spread Eagle: *hanging close to either Mary May by the bar* *Mary May jokes about Hana spending more time talking to her than drinking* “Hey, I’m sparing you both the bad dancing and the bad flirting! Trust me, you don’t want to see either.” / *if by the jukebox in the back, can be found swaying to whatever’s playing*
After liberating the Radio Towers: “I really need to talk to Wheaty about getting Queen on the radio here, because we’re suffering from a real lack of that. Tell me you wouldn’t be ready and willing to kick all kinds of ass after listening to them for a bit.” / *near a Wolf Beacon while it’s blaring* “Jesus, Jacob really took a page out of every horror movie here, didn’t he? Note to self, stay far, far away from these at night.”
In the Henbane: “You want to trust your eyes. You also want to trust your ears, and every last bit of sense you’ve got, but here? You can't. And that honestly scares the shit out of me.” / “You see Faith too, don’t you? Right at the corner of your vision before you blink and she’s gone? Word of advice? Don’t approach her or talk to her. You’ll like what she has to say at first, but...not so much the wolverine taking a piece out of you afterwards.”
At Seed Ranch by the Boat Launch: *if present when Sharky drops the dingus line, she starts giggling until she snorts*
In Holland Valley: “Can you do me a favor? If you ever decide to do a little redecorating - like, say, make modifications to a giant, white three-letter sign up in the mountains - take me with you. Because pissing John off’s really what keeps me going, and lighting that ‘Yes’ sign up would be a thing of beauty.” / *later when John calls post-destruction she mouths, ‘Oh shit’ while 100% making this face:
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Tagging: @amistrio @ma-sulevin @shallow-gravy​ @foofygoldfish @guileandgall​ @ofravensandgenesis​ @fadedjacket​ @seedlingsinner @teamhawkeye​ @redroci​ @risenlucifer​ @tomexraider​ @finefeatheredgamer​ @narcis-the-monk​ @scarlettkat86 @hawkfurze @raisinghellinotherworlds @fromathelastoveritaserum @shelliechen and anyone else that’s interested! I’d love to see your GFHs, so totally tag me if you do!
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dieguzguz · 4 years
Soo it's been a while since @ja-crispea @mackie-hattwie @nightwingshero and @shelliechen tagged me, to create my OC in this Picrew ❤️ Thank you!
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Natalie Carver and a friend, I'm currently writing into existence but psst
tagging @deputycolt @xbaebsae @fadedjacket @pd3 @wafflii @trialandseed @lobanhart @jacobmybeloved @spicevalleys @hawkfurze and all who wanna give this a go
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