#have i mentioned i HATE rhinedottir yet
m1d-45 · 1 year
from soil….
summary: albedo has learned many things, and yet sometimes it feels like he knows nothing at all.
word count: 3.9k
-> warnings: massive spoilers for albedo lore… bottom text
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky || @valeriele3 || @shizunxie || @boba-is-a-soup || @yum1x || @esthelily
< masterlist > || part 2 >>
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as a synthetic human, albedo wasn’t raised as most were. he was ‘born’ fully grown, the shaky knees that let him stand those of an adult. rhinedottir hadn’t wasted any time, immediately beginning his training in various forms of alchemy from the moment he was oriented enough to try and speak.
he was taught the periodic table before he was told the names of colors, he was told how to tell which solvent was best for an experiment before he even understand the nature of his creation. he could recite the best methods for creating hydrogen gas by heart, he knew how to make carbon dioxide go supercritical and even experimented with ferrofluids on the side, but he didn’t know what it meant to be ‘burned’ until curiosity got the better of him and he put his hand over a flame.
he was told not to, like so many other things embedded in his memory, but never why. he knew fire was hot, of course, but.. even as his hand jerked away of its own accord, he found himself wondering what the odd feeling under his skin was.
rhinedottir was disappointed to learn of what he’d done, but had simply given him the instruction of ‘don’t hurt yourself, it’ll set you back.’
‘hurt’. thats what this was?
as he waited for his ammonia to drip into the iron solution, he picked through the many bookshelves in the room. many were scientific texts, with a few encyclopedias, but he wasn’t looking for those.
pulling down the lone dictionary with his now-bandaged hand, he flipped through the pages, keeping an eye on his experiment in his periphery as he did so.
(v) cause physical pain or injury to
(adj) physically injured
(n) physical injury; harm
how strange…
he shifted the book in his hands, staring at his wound through the bandages. carefully flexing his hand, he stopped right on the cusp of something sharp, the skin of his hand… was hurt.
albedo continued to read through various definitions, his experiment shifting in color to a dark brown without his notice.
why would he divert his attention from something so thrillingly new?
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albedo was no longer a stranger to pain.
it took him far too long to realize he should probably be buying borosilicate glass equipment to handle the sort of experiments he was carrying out, only ever noticing when his third watchglass cracked under the heat of manganese heptoxide. his hands were permanently covered in little nicks, each carefully wrapped in bandages as to not get anything into them, some deep enough to scar but most barely enough to annoy.
slowly, he began to learn. he learned the safest ways to clean up shattered glass, he learned how to wrap his dominant hand and had become somewhat ambidextrous as a result. he learned when he needed to stop and take a break before he got a headache, he learned to tell when his hand was cramping from notes and took the time to practice with his other. pain was no longer unfamiliar, but it was still just as strange.
he was learning.
though he didn’t fully understand why this wasn’t taught to him, why he wasn’t told how to make a salve for burns or given a set of gloves to prevent it happening in the first place… he sort of could see why he wasn’t. pain was the result of failure, of a broken piece of equipment or a too-hot burner. it made sense.
did it?
he carefully poured water into a beaker, not paying attention to the conversation behind him. one of rhinedottir’s friends was over, as was becoming increasingly common, and he’d stopped listening once it turned to her daughter. a few compounds caught his attention, but he couldn’t afford to be distracted. the ratio of acetone and water had to be just right, and he was nearing the balance point, the solution fizzing less and less with every addition.
“she’s quite the- klee, don’t-”
without warning, something heavy crashed into albedo’s back. the bottle in his hand tipped and jerked, splashing into and over the rim of the beaker. the heater beneath it hissed as the ice cold water dripped down the side, and though he stood quickly, reaching to unplug it, it was too late. sparks flew as the wiring shorted, the red glow of the plate beginning to fade.
something hot and sharp rose in his chest, buzzing in his hands, the air turning thin. his jaw tightened with the feeling, the cord in his hand biting into his palm.
he’d knocked over his stool in his haste, and beside it was a small child, wide red eyes staring up at him. with bright blonde hair and long, pointed ears, it was clear she was the woman’s daughter.
and she had ran into him.
the woman—alice, his mind supplied, though he didn’t quite hear it—crouched besides her, pulling her up and dusting off her clothes, “klee! what did i say about running in the lab? you know it’s dangerous.”
rhinedottir sighed, leaning against the wall and looking at the failed experiment. “another failure…”
the sharp spikes of feeling turned on him in an instant, and the cord fell from his hand in surprise. he didn’t mean to mess it up! it wasn’t his fault klee was running around! why was he to blame?
“gold, it’s not his fault. i should have watched klee closer.”
“nonsense. he shouldn’t have even been using a bottle. pipettes are much more precise, and if he wished to have any sort of credibility to his findings, he should have used those to better track how much he was putting in. ‘add water until it stops foaming’ isn’t much of an instruction, you know.”
alice stood, some sort of response already forming in the draw of her brows, but albedo turned towards his mess. his hands shook as he moved the too-full beaker to a bin, the heating plate heavier than usual. he ignored the increasingly heated conversation behind him, letting his hands go through the familiar motions of disposal. his chest felt heavy, an odd pulse between his ribs reminding him of the reason he was wiping water off his desk.
he didn’t hold it against the girl, of course. she was too young to even be thought of chastised, and… rhinedottir was right. he probably should have used a pipette to add the water, or at least something less volatile than an open bottle. after this long, he should have known.
his vision blurred, the wad of towels in his hand washing into one mass. he threw the towels into the trash, his free hand coming up to wipe at his eyes. had vapor gotten into them? that wouldn’t be good if that were the case, but though they stung it wasn’t as sharp as it would be from chemicals.
albedo wiped up the last of the water, absentmindedly wondering why his chest ‘hurt’ if he hadn’t been injured.
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alice visited often, usually bringing her daughter along as well. he wasn’t sure why, as she was surely too young to learn much in the way of alchemy, but she evidently had learned not to run in the lab, thankfully. she sat on a stool at her mother’s side, carefully drawing in a small notebook.
albedo stood at the sink, doing his best to focus on removing the caked sediment from his glassware. alice was talking, again, telling a story of a place he’d never been or heard of, and his thoughts admittedly wandered when he wasn’t careful. he’d wonder about the knights she was talking about, the cavalry led by a man in frosted blue, and he glanced over his own outfit. plain white, as typical, but he wondered about the dye that would have been used. he always wore white—“easier to tell when you’ve spilled something,” rhinedottir always said—and his few attempts at making dyes always ended up splotched and uneven. how did they dye clothes? or did they dye the thread first? would that be more or less efficient? was it harder to work with dyed thread, maybe, because it could wear during the weaving process?
curiosity bubbled within him as he rinsed off a stir rod, scraping off the leftover sediment with his nail. it would take too much time and space to try what he was thinking, not to mention that he didn’t even know how to go about it, but…
he turned to put it on a towel and paused, seeing klee looking up at him from her stool. she waved, shyly, pen tucked against her palm, and he hesitated for a moment before waving back. it was small, barely a raise of his fingers as to not draw attention, but she lit up anyway. her feet kicked against the stool in excitement and she hid her smile in her sketchbook, and albedo felt his own begin to form. he felt warm, a gentle feeling starting to rise. he tried to pin it down, running over the list of emotions he’d learned, but it didn’t match. it wasn’t the sharp, white-hot spike from when he’d ruined his hot plate, nor the slow but insistent press of curiosity. he felt… soft, almost, a delicate heat pushing him to smile back, gently-
the sharp call of his name scattered the feeling like fish recessing deep into a lake, repulsed by the word.
rhine had cut off alice, evidently, the latter’s hands still raised mid-gesture.
“are you finished? why are you looking at klee like that?”
though it didn’t show on his face, albedo felt as confused as alice looked. her hands had moved to her sides, eyes flicking between the two of them with an odd twist to her mouth.
albedo swallowed something cold and bitter, taking a breath. “like what?”
he tried to put as much genuineness into his words as he could, but rhinedottir just shook her head.
“you know how.”
“get back to work, albedo.”
she looked away, cutting the conversation short despite the argument still on his tongue.
he didn’t know. she never told him. none of the books in his lab ever described what it meant to be alive, to feel, to grow. he’d read all of them, cover to cover and back again, but none of them described what he wanted to know.
albedo turned back to the sink, wondering if there was a name for the cold pit in his stomach.
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the next time alice comes, albedo has the time to look and properly greet her. he doesn’t have anything important or time sensitive going on, simply waiting for a dish to crystallize, and it was clear that the short wave he gave, pencil still in hand, had made her happy.
“hey albedo! what are you working on?”
almost subconsciously, his eyes flick to rhinedottir, searching for her approval, but she’s turned away, inspecting some random report on his desk. his chest feels cold as he lifts his sketchbook in lieu of a response. he’s drawn a cecelia, a kind of flower he saw on his last expedition, only ever growing near the top of a cliff.
he wonders of rhine would be proud of its accuracy, if nothing else.
“oh, a drawing?” klee seems to stand a bit straighter when she registers that the notebook in his hand is for drawing and not for research, and alice chuckles at her enthusiasm. “could we see?”
again, albedo seeks his master’s approval. he doesn’t find it.
he takes a quick look around the lab but knows there isn’t anything dangerous. the only active and open chemicals are the one in the beaker behind him, and that’s both well away from an edge and covered with a watchglass. so he nods, spinning his pen from his hand and into a pocket as they carefully move across the lab. he notes the caution with which klee steps over a fallen pen, the hand not in her mother’s tightly gripping her bag.
he tilts the book up for her to take—his heart had picked up at some point and he can see a quiver where his thumb digs into the binding, when did that happen?—but she just peers down at it from where she is, not reaching. it only takes a moment for something bright to reach her eyes, unfamiliar yet not unwelcome.
“cecelias, right?”
hesitantly, albedo nods. “i was exploring the eastern edge of mondstat, looking for valberries, but… i found these instead.”
she hums with a nod, her expression shifting slightly. “you need to go further north if you want valberries. cecelias grow on starsnatch cliff, and you want to go to stormbearer point.” albedo made a note to ask rhine where that was. “still, this is very impressive! the detail is remarkable despite not having a reference; you must’ve been blessed by the creator themself!”
her eyes glitter in a way that tells him it’s supposed to be something said in jest… but he doesn’t get the joke. behind her, rhinedottir’s head snapped up, eyes narrow, the report long discarded, and albedo takes the risk before his master can speak.
alice’s face falls.
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albedo looks over at klee for the nth time, checking that she was still happily doodling on her own paper. rhine had been swift to pull alice into a side room after her comment, so it was just them left in his lab. her, on the stool he’d offered her after her mother was pulled away, and him, still on the same chair he’d been for the past few hours. his pen felt cold in his hand despite the fact that he should have been producing more than enough body head to keep it warm, something… uneasy bubbling in his blood.
words pushed to the forefront of his mind, the same as they did every time he checked on klee, and this time he let them go.
“do you know who was alice talking about?”
she stops, the room falling silent as her pencil stills, and he feels oddly exposed in front of her wide red eyes. she reaches up to adjust her hat, the clover on it smudging lightly with graphite. ���the creator?”
albedo nods. “rhine never calls people ‘creator’s of things, even masters of k-…. masters of alchemy are simply ‘alchemists’ to her. i’ve never heard of such a title before.”
klee pouts, stuffing her pencil into the rings on her notebook and settling it in her lap. between her fingers, he swears he sees something shaped suspiciously like a cecelia.
“the creator made everything! mama says that they are older than even her, and that they gave klee this!”
the stilted grammar of her words throws albedo off, but not as badly as when she reaches for her bag—nearly falling in the process—and unhooks a large glass-looking jewel inset in silver. it glitters red, a pattern of a flame engraved within, and he finds himself leaning closer. questions spring to his mind—‘how did you get it? what does it do? does it have a name? how is it made? how were you acknowledged by somebody so important at such a young age? is there even a significance to it at all? why doesn’t rhinedottir have one? does alice?’—but she speaks before he can voice them, voice unnaturally cohesive for somebody so young.
“i got my vision after i tried to make the biggest bomb ever!” after she what- “i made a mess out of my station… but mama says it’s okay! she helped me rebuild it and everything, and even stitched back on dodoco’s ear!” she points to a small plush charm hanging off her bag, leaving him with still more questions than answers.
“didn’t your mama teach you about them? why are you asking klee?”
albedo fell short.
was this something that parents typically taught their children? he supposed rhine would technically be his ‘mother’…. but even that was more in the literal sense. she was his mother as in she created him, but she was his master in that she taught him about and guided him through alchemy.
(but was that even for his sake? or was it hers?)
before he could say anything, alice had come back, a crease between her brows and a heavy frown on her face.
“come on klee, we’re leaving.”
klee quickly hooked the ‘vision’ back onto her bag and stuffed her notebook inside, slipping off the stood with a ‘bye bye albedo!’ before he even understood what had happened. her hand folded into her mothers, having crossed the room swiftly, free hand tucked under the strap of her bag.
alice gave albedo a long look, filled with a feeling he couldn’t begin to decipher, before her jaw set and the door opened, a wash of cold air sweeping in as they left.
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rhinedottir nearly slammed open the door, shutting it just as harshly behind her, but albedo didn’t flinch from where he was weighing out sodium. she’d been returning from expeditions more and more irritated lately, the domains she’s been searching somehow turning up less clues each time. he’s not privy to her work, so he simply keeps his mouth shut, never offering his advice or help even when he knows it helps to talk puzzling things out.
he tapped his stir rod on the edge of his beaker, knocking off the excess solution, and listened to her go through her routine. boots off, shoes on, coat off, lab wear on. bag down, notes up, then the bang of her door.
he stifles a smile at her predictability. most of her actions are prescribed, a routine she likely follows unintentionally, but it brings him a small bit of comfort. she did the same things when she returned today as she did every other day, no mater the size of her discovery, retiring to her room to review her findings. he learned quickly to shut down any attention-sapping experiments as quickly as possible after she returned to be able to dedicate as much as he could to listening to her ramble, leaving space on his table for her diagrams. he rarely got a word in, but that just made him all the better listener, able to concisely say everything he wanted to in the moment’s space of her breaths.
with all of this in mind, he covered his beaker. the solution would be fine overnight, so long as it was chilled, and he was quite looking forward to tonight’s talk.
albedo stood from his stool and began to clean up, listening to the clock tick down.
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a few hours later, rhine returns with a heavy sigh. he hears papers flap in her hands as she shuffles through them, the sound growing louder as she approaches. she sits in the chair he’d set out for her in preparation and drops her papers on the table in a messy pile, various diagrams drawn across them.
she picks out one seemingly at random, depicting a diamond-shaped sigil inset onto a large set of doors. a complex web of patterns wraps around it, ending on eight smaller sigils. below the diagram, she wrote out a quote, presumably the one inscribed across the top of the door, “when seeking those who have lost their faith / there’s not much one can do but wait / you take the swiftest trail at once / and try until your hopes prevail.”
he doesn’t know what it means, but he keeps the words in his mind as she shoves aside the rest of the papers, setting down that one and beginning to talk about how she tried to solve it.
“there’s over 40,000 combinations—i did the math—and i wasn’t going to sit there for however long it took. the geo slime condensate only had enough elemental energy preserved in it to activate all of the sigils twice, and that didn’t account for actually killing the things.”
albedo propped his arm on the table, resting his chin in his palm and staring at the paper. he took in and registered her words, of course, hearing and understanding them, but a majority of his mind was focused on the paper. each of the winding paths started at the center sigil and twisted out, quickly becoming hard to follow- likely due to erosion, since the domain seemed embedded into a cliff face.
still, he pulled at the puzzle, picking at the edges. the inscription played on loop in his mind, producing ideas just as quickly as he shut them down. it couldn’t be that they had to leave to a secondary—or more—location, since six separate places for a domain was too complex and highly unlikely. it couldn’t be that there was some sort of prayer or hymn they needed to follow, due to the same argument as the first. there had to be a simpler solution….
“have you tried activating them in the order of the pathways?”
he looks up at her lack of response, finding her with her hands raised, clearly mid-ramble.
“i apologize for inter-“
he’s cut off with a wave of her hand as she picks up the paper, flipping it towards her. “dont, you already said it. what do you mean by ‘order’? actually, don’t answer. you can tell me tomorrow.”
just as quickly as she arrived, rhine left, picking up all her papers and leaving with a swish of her coat, her door nearly slammed shut.
albedo’s eyes flicked to the clock. she was barely there for ten minutes.
why? he’d spoken up before… granted, never interrupted, but… surely that wasn’t a large enough offense that she left?
he looked around his desk, empty of any equipment or glassware in preparation for the usual hours-long talk. it was earlier than he normally went to sleep, and though he could in theory return to work…
an unusual hesitation had seeped under his skin, pulling at his hands when he tried to stand. what had he said to make her leave? he’d just wanted to help…
after a moment, he stood, awkwardly pushing in his stool. ‘tell her in the morning’…
something odd and unsettling curled around albedo’s limbs as he went through the motions of preparing for bed. his fingers felt stiff where he ran them through his hair, the sheets on his bed cold despite the fire. an unmovable weight had sat itself on his chest, telling him that he’d done something wrong, but couldn’t tell what.
he hadn’t done anything. he’d just offered his help. she was the one that broke routine.
the weight told him that he was wrong.
he didn’t know why.
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ahbeduo · 4 months
Do u have any subject 2 headcanons? 👀
I DO ACTUALLY!!! I think I've mentioned some in another ask, but uHHH I will put them here again cuz I might have changed some since last time🤔 I will put em belowwww Because I will not shut up about him /lh
REMINDER THIS IS ALL MY HEADCANONS! I ain't saying they're correct and true at all! There's so little screen time and crumbs I had to cook my own bread
Note: If it's not in any Aeruby AU (Aether x Rubedo but i and my friend like to call him Ruby haha) then he will forever be subject 2 in my head
I had HC Subject 2's real body underneath the Albedo imitation has multiple large jagged scars from when Durin had eaten him. Those large sharp teeth probably had pierced through his body once or twice before he was sent down the esophagus. That's why some parts of his body are so damaged he can't feel anything there
Another thing is that his hair.. I HC it to be black as opposite to Albedo's pale blonde-ish colour since Albedo is considered free of impurities and Subject 2 isn't at this point? Marinating in Durin's blood has GOT to do something right? Right?
This isn't exactly my HC, but of a friend who I always throw my brain worms at. They say his hands and feet has a bit of darkening, like a siamese cat's paw 🥺 It ends at his forearms and shins
Mentally, he is a child because I don't think Rhinedottir had allowed him to grow and develop so much. So yes, he doesn't have as much control over his emotions as Albedo. He isn't patient either compared to his successor. His relationship with their Master is complicated. He hates her, yet he refers to her as his mother. Mommy issues ayeeeee lmao
"You are my magnum opus" Rhinedottir had said to him. He had been proud to be her work of art. So he didn't expect to be thrown away for failing. What did he fail at? He didn't know. He was never told.
other simple stuff
-He won't get a vision -Has an interest in plants and animals -He's physically stronger than Albedo since he doesn't have a vision to rely on -Is very willing to get his hands dirty and commit murder for his benefit ((not surprisinglol))
All in all he gives feral stray cat energy that just wants love but would rather replace his successor to get it than to start his own life.
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Lily was enjoying the small dancing ice on the table made by Ruby when she pouted and looked at the brothers after hearing them saying that "umm..." she whined and looked at her father a bit angry gaining a soft giggles from him "but I love your beautiful sky-blue eyes, my dear child~, why would you want to have mine~? They are mismatched because of rare illness got to me when I was so young but then I'm healed yet the purple of the illness effected my eye never left. I used to hate it but your uncle said I should always love myself the way I am now, so that's why I don't hate it anymore" he explained calmly to her "is it because of some unknown illness came from the weathering of sumeru?" One lady asked having the young artist looking at her in surprise but nodded to her "but that was long ago. Now I'm all fine" he said with gentle smile again "then could you help my sister? She has something of that kind effecting her health, doc" she asked him and he nodded "sure, when I'm done with this trip, I'll head there after to have a look at her" he answered with his usual kindness.
"Can I come along this time~?" Lily asked hearing him talking about another trip "well, it could be easier to have you by my side to meet little Miss. Collei. Do you remember her~?" He asked and her eyes went wide with excitement "YES~! I MISSED HER~!" she said giggling happily as she jumping off his lap to dance in silly way of excitement having many including her father into a fit of laughter "good then~" he said with smile "thank you, Mr. Vincent! I'll be sure to write everything down for you on a map and send a word back home!" the lady was so overjoyed having tears down her cheeks "I'll do my best for her" he assured the lady, the crew members cheering her up for the great news.
Vincent looked at the brothers and son with soft smile "this means you three should really enjoy all of this trip points" he told them with his usual warm smile and Lily nodded before hugging Ruby so happy to have trip with her new friend.
Nigredo perked up at the conversation. “Sumeru? The nation of Dendro? As in the land ruled by the god of nature??”
“Oh dear,” Albedo said. “Am I going to have to extend my leave so you can accompany him?”
Nigredo looked to Vincent with hopeful, starry eyes. “Would you mind?”
“I could make new friends with the fungi there!” Rubedo said.
“There’s also that Forest Ranger Aether described to us in his letters whom he said Nigredo might get along well with, which… I’m not so sure if that’s a good idea—” Albedo halted his statement as Lily’s words processed. “Collei… Why does that name sound vaguely familiar…?”
The Knight of Favonius pondered for a moment, trying to remember where he’d heard the name before. “Ah, that’s right. Amber mentioned her quite a bit when I returned from the mountain to attend Crepus Ragnvindr’s memorial service. She also brought up a chronic condition the child had. Even though I didn’t know Collei and have never given her any thought, I’m glad to know she’s doing better now.”
“Didn’t Aether’s letter also mention that she’s training under that Forest Ranger?” Nigredo asked.
“Yes, I remember now.” Albedo turned to Vincent. “To be honest… I’d like to accompany you to Sumeru as well to see if there’s any possible connection between my brother’s Corruption and the Sumerian disease known as Elezar.”
“Look at you, getting out of your mountain hole~” Nigredo teased.
“I used to travel with Rhinedottir all the time,” Albedo said with a shrug. “I’m simply going back to my roots, experiencing the world without her, seeking answers to my own questions instead of hers.”
Nigredo grinned. “So damn proud of you.”
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revivivivify · 3 years
An Albedo Analysis Of Sorts
This will just focus on a few facets of Albedo’s character I’ve been thinking about recently, if I did a full-blown analysis we’d be here all day. But who knows, maybe I’ll turn it into a series or something.
Albedo was raised by a woman he knew wasn’t his family, and has no memories of any blood family. He has his suspicions about what he is, and knows he’s somehow separate from others, but I doubt he’s been directly told.
His demeanor is rather clinical, which could simply be written off as a product of his scholarly nature and inclination toward the pursuit of knowledge. His attitude toward social matters is also empirical; he sees relationships as tiresome, and yet has a few people he treasures. I think he may have inherited this view from his master. He believes that people are troublesome, and yet he’s only human- he forms close bonds anyway, and he gets lonely.
The point I’m trying to make here is this: he’s likely still learning what it is to be human and to be free. He spent his childhood and, in fact, most of his life in the company of just one woman exploring domains, presumably with little outside contact. We don’t know just how much he was unfamiliar with when he came to Mondstadt or even how old he was when he came, but it’s safe to assume he encountered things that were completely foreign to him and maybe he even struggled to adjust to life in his new home. Though it’s true he came to see Klee as his sister, he still seems to keep Alice at arm’s length in a small way. He says she asks him to call her mother, but I doubt he actually does. This is purely conjecture, but I think he probably divided himself from others much more at first than he does today. He would watch from afar as people went about their daily lives in the city of freedom with detached curiosity, and he likely failed to understand relationships as a whole for a while.
Now, onto my thoughts (read: concerns) about Albedo and his identity.
I’m scared that Albedo may have built much of himself around Rhinedottir. I like to think he’s become his own person and flourished in Mondstadt away from his master’s influence, but I worry that may not fully be true.
I’ve seen people drawing Rhinedottir to resemble Albedo, even dressing similarly. It seemed innocuous at first, but when I started to think about it I grew uneasy. I don’t like the thought of Albedo dressing or doing his hair similarly to Rhinedottir, because it’s just one more thing that would tie him to her. His connection and devotion to her run deep, but without knowing much of anything about her, I have no way of knowing whether that could become dangerous.
And, building on my earlier mention of freedom, he is both free and so very not free at the same time.
Much of Albedo’s existence centers around knowledge and his work (and, to be quite honest, his presumed goal of seeing his master again); even his hobby of art originated in the discipline of alchemy. However, his desire to understand the universe is admirable, though he tends to overwork himself. That’s not what troubles me. He does indeed have connections and a distinct personality, that much is certain, but I have a nagging worry that even though he was sent to the city of freedom, he is still not free.
The worst part of this entire line of thinking is the knowledge that if this is true, he’s a completely willing metaphorical captive. He maintains that Rhinedottir means more to him than even family or master can convey. His ultimate loyalties will almost certainly lie with her, and she holds untold power over him. If she were to ask him to do anything, he would most likely obey (perhaps with hesitation, but even so). If it came down to her or Mondstadt, I’m sure that he would be conflicted. But in the end, though I hate to think about it, I can’t in good conscience say I think he would choose Mondstadt. I dearly hope he would, but Rhinedottir was his only influence for so long, and I fear he would put her above all else.
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