t0adst00l · 4 months
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More Hatter and Hare nonsense with that funny kiss meme I've been seeing artists do a lot recently :,)
Apologies for the huge gaps between posts, between starting another semester in college, working on OC projects, and getting used to translating my style into digital format I haven't had a whole lot of time to really make anything for AiW. Worry not though, I am still planning to do a lot more with the other characters and Clover will make an appearance eventually as well :,) I love this fandom and have no intentions of leaving, so I'll get around to some more digital art soon >:)
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hathousehappenings · 10 months
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40. Welcome Back, Hatter!
Well, everyone… we’ve reached the episode.
This was the second (or third?) episode I watched when I got back into the show and boy can you tell! It's also silly, because for some reason I was under the impression that Hatter and Hare were an actual couple in the show, and in the attic scene there's a moment when the Hare is about to say something and he pauses and I swear I thought he was goin to confess his love for Hatter. it was only for a second, but I totally thought it.
Watching Hatter say goodbye to everyone really goes show how different his relationship is with everyone. I love how Rabbit straightens up Hatter’s bow. He knows Hatter can come across as a mess, but he still wants him to make a good impression. You don’t see Rabbit do stuff Ike that for anyone other than the Queen (because that his job) and Alice. Also having Caterpillar actually admit that he's going to miss Hatter is funny because I get the feeling that Caterpillar has very little patience for Hatter and Hare's antics.
This is also notable because it’s the 40th episode, believed to be the final one that was filmed at MGM/Hollywood studios in Orlando before moving to the CBS Radford studio in Los Angeles. This is also our fairwell to the Tweedle’s MC Hammer suits.
I've been rambling and I haven't even discussed the picture, lol. I felt a lot of pressure with this one because I know it's an important episode for all us HatterxHare shippers. I don't know if I succeeded or not, but I can say that I'm at least really happy with the expressions in this one. I'm going to be coming back to this episode at some point (I actually have a whole animatic planned out, I just need to get off my tookus and get it done), so keep your eyes open for that... eventually. ^^;
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lestatslestits · 2 years
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Gonna be thinking about this one for a while, folks.
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sparklyskeleton93 · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Adventures In Wonderland (TV 1992), Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Related Fandoms Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Mad Hatter/March Hare (Alice in Wonderland), Mad Hatter & March Hare (Alice in Wonderland) Characters: Mad Hatter, March Hare, Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland), March Hare (Alice in Wonderland), Alice (Alice in Wonderland) Additional Tags: LGBTQ Character, LGBTQ Themes, Tea Parties, Gay Sex, Gay Summary:
March Hare goes to Mad Hatter’s tea party like he does everyday but, he grows suspicious of Hatter’s motives.
Based off of The March Hare and The Mad Hatter from the Disney 1992 Series, “Adventures in Wonderland”.
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ultranerddj · 3 years
The thing that will forever confuse me ....Hares living space, HE LIVES IN A SMALL HOLE BUT ONLY GOES THERE TO SLEEP!!!
but the weird part is HE PAYS BILLS FOR THE HAT HOUSE WITH HATTER AND CALLS THEM (OUR BILLS) not to mention the fact they buy Groceries for one house< and share the same money, so if Hare basically lives with Hatter, why did they give him a house and not just pull a Bert and Ernie and make them roomates?!?!?
my theory is Parents would've gotten suspicious< there is no debate they are seen more as a couple than friends, IN THE BLOOPERS REECE HINTS HARE AS GAY!!(you think he is a capicorn ^blushes^)
AND DOORMOUSE CONFIRMS PARTY POOPED IS A VALINTINES DAY EPISODE!!! My conclusion is they do live together but Hatters house is so packed Hare has to keep his stuff somwhere else
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teaforten · 3 years
Hey! Just wanted to say that I love your stuff and what you do for this fandom! You've helped make this a very nice space to be in and I appreciate it😊 Also I'm going to start work on a new bit of HatterxHare fanart, but it involves hands(😫), so wish me luck, and I hope you like it!💖
I'm so happy you feel that way because I do want the AIW community to be a good space. An inclusive, diverse, and inspiring one too. We don't have as much of that as I'd hope. Many seem disconnected, uninterested in each other's work, or just not super into the show but hanging around anyway, so I've actually been kind of down about it. But hey, tag me when this art is finished! Hatter/Hare 4evah'! 🙌
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t0adst00l · 6 months
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Do you think they ever explored each other’s bodies???
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hathousehappenings · 1 year
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16. Something to Sneeze At.
Okay... okay. There was a lot to unpack for this episode.
Originally I wanted to keep my ships out of the Wonderland Watchthrough series, but, like... this episode screams HatterxHare. I know that it's low hanging fruit and there was more (so much more) I could have pulled from for an image for this episode. But I started to think about it and it felt like Hare did a lot more to try to solve the situation than Hatter did. Hatter mostly moped around. Like, pop an antihistamine, dude! So I decided to do a little illustration of Hatter trying to keep it together and deal with his allergies rather than his "to stay close, keep away" mentality. Once I had that idea I couldn't get it out of my head until I drew it.
I might circle back around to this episode because it is the beginning of developing Hare’s independent interests. He's more than just Hatter's sidekick and does things without him, which I totally approve of! But this picture doesn't really display that, sooooo... I'll come back to this episode when I have more time to devote to it.
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lestatslestits · 2 years
I can’t sleep because of intrusive thoughts.
Anyways. Here’s a non-intrusive thought that I must purge from my brain nonetheless: why isn’t the Hatter/Hare ship called Hat Hare?
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hathousehappenings · 1 year
Hey there! I’m first time caller long time watcher of AIW and have an art idea for ya. It’s mostly based off episode Something to Sneeze At a very good episode :) at least to me but anyways Hare designs The queen her very own flower and that got me thinkin after watching that it would really be cute if hatter maybe helped hare with his gardening? or hare grew him his very own flower (for hatter)? Who knows your the artist and you don’t have to do if you don’t want bye bye sorry this is long have a good day :D
Thank you for writing in! It’s a pleasure to meet new people in the fandom.
Aww! That is a cute idea for a picture. I’ll have to see what happens when I get to that episode in a few weeks! It’ll be here before we know it.
I know that others like to lump Hatter and Hare into doing everything together, but I personally like thinking that these might be things that they do on their own, specially for Hare. It makes him a little more of a well-rounded character. I always liked the idea that he did his gardening on his own much in the same way that Hatter makes his hats on his own. They are -very- supportive of one another and will help out in a moments notice, but they are perfectly content to keep it to themselves too.
As for Hare growing Hatter his own flower, maybe it’s something like a trumpet flower that looks like a fancy teacup? Someone (it might have been Jenny?) mentioned that he might have tried to breed out whatever it was that made Hatter sneeze so the Nosey Posies would be less of a problem for him.
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lestatslestits · 2 years
Did I write angsty Adventures In Wonderland fic? Yeah, I did.
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hathousehappenings · 3 years
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The other night I got an itch to draw Hatter and Hare doing karaoke at the hat house on Friday night.
Full image is under the cut.
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You were tricked. It’s butts. 🍑🎶🍑
In my mind Hatter has a Pantless Party at the Hat House every Friday night in an attempt to see all the butts in Wonderland. Nobody but Hare is ever interested. Most nights they keep their underpants on, but on this night... they freed the willies.
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ultranerddj · 3 years
6 year old me- Aw Hatter and Hare are awesome friends uwu
AIW-they buy groceries and house supplies togeteher
10 year old me-oh there BEST friends
AIW-they adopted Doormouse together
12 year old me- AWW bestie goals
AIW-OMG YOU DON'T GET IT HERE!! *shows kiss the cook apron and matching honeymoon towels*
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hathousehappenings · 3 years
I wasn’t going to share this publicly, but I’m throwing caution to the wind and I’m doing it anyway!
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Throwing this behind a cut to protect those sensitive eyes~
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I drew this way back for Valentine’s Day weekend and didn’t have the nerve to post it till now. I had fun with it, judge me all you want!
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ultranerddj · 3 years
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ultranerddj · 3 years
sneak peak at my fan episode HATTER UP
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Hatters nephew visits in hopes of learning baseball, slowly realizing baseball may not be for him. but there is no time to back down now especially when an entire team of kids is what Hatter and his nephew are up against in a game of good ol baseball
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