#harvest moon maria
unovaslankiite · 5 months
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Doodled Maria, I really like her design and I think she turned out cute. Trying to play with rendering more ♪(´▽`)
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gullsdd · 7 months
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browniesnivy · 1 year
Harvest Moon 64 Memes
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Been playing a lot of Harvest Moon 64 lately.
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ranchstoryblog · 1 month
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Y'know, in spite of sharing fan art from the community all the time, I don't think I've ever posted much I've made. So have some little doodles I did a few months ago using "Wigglypaint" by Internet Janitor.
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dunyun-rings · 5 months
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the bachelorettes of Flower Bud Village 🌷🐮
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mahoushojo · 5 months
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The Bachelorettes of Flowerbud Village 🌸
Do you ever just sit and think about how lucky you are in life to have such an amazing group of friends? I'm so delighted that my cosplay besties and I were all able to come together to make my dream photoshoot a reality last year at MAGFest. Harvest Moon 64 means so much to me as a gamer and is what ignited my passion and love for the farming sim genre!
I'm so very happy that Harvest Moon 64 is finally on Nintendo Switch Online so that the next generation of gamers can enjoy one of the series that is closest to my heart. 💗
Elli by @sunfloradesu! Ann by @careless-seafoam! Maria by @grumpsterkitty! Karen by @trickssi!
Photography is by Iroun.Photos on Instagram!
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bbbartblog · 8 months
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More older drawings!
I drew those for some art challenge (some inktober maybe?), but didn't finish. I like the art that I did for it tho~!
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dragonsong17 · 2 years
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heckyeahhm64 · 4 months
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tsukikoayanosuke · 11 months
A Harvest Moon Tale  - Ruikasa Week 2023
Day 7: Free Day (Childhood Friends)
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"Raaaaaar! Flower Bud village belongs to me!"
"Stop you evil being! I, Pegasus the Shining, will protect the village! Cosmic beam!"
Rui fell down to his knees. "Aah! You got me!" He dropped, tongue out with a loud dramatic 'blegh'.
"Ahahaha! Flower Bud village is saved! Thanks to Pegasus the Shining!" His friend laughed before laying on the ground next to Rui. "That's so fun!"
Rui looked up at his friend, smiling at him. "It is." Then he remembered something. "Oh. I want to show you something." He opened his backpack and took out a handmade book.
"A book?" His friend leaned closer. Rui opened the first book and his friend's eyes widened when he saw Rui's drawing of their character. "Pegasus the Shining! You've been writing it?"
"Mhmm! I want to remember this story forever, so I write it down."
"That's so cool! You're so smart Rui!"
Rui picked up his colored pencils and started to write. His friends watched him through, adding more flare along the way. They doodled on the pages and added various stickers.
"There," Rui said proudly as he closed his book. He stared at his friend. An idea popped in his head. "Here," he offered the book to them.
"Keep it."
"But it's your book."
"I want you to keep it." Rui put the book on his friend's lap. "Next time I visit, we can write a new book. So, keep it safe, okay?"
His friend picked up the book, looking through the pages in astonishment. His friends grinned at him. "Alright!" They hugged the book close to his chest. "You can count on me!"
The library was the last place Rui visited during his first day back in Flower Bud Village. The door's bell chimed and the young man behind the table looked up from his book. "Hmm? I don't think I recognize you..."
"I just moved here," Rui said. "Just visiting to say 'hi' while I'm going around the village."
"Moved...Oh!" The young man's sunset eyes widened. "Are you the new guy at the old man's farm?"
"That's me. I'm Rui Kamishiro." Rui offered a hand and the young man took it for some excited shakes.
"Tsukasa Tenma! The librarian." Tsukasa brightly smiled and Rui had to admit that it was an infectious smile. "Ah, this is embarrassing! I forgot that Mama said there will be someone new moving in to restore the old man's farm. I should've prepared a welcoming gift."
"There's no need. But I'm assuming you're the mayor's son then?"
"That's right! I'll visit the farm soon. With a proper welcome this time!"
"Well, I'll be waiting for you then."
Tsukasa did fulfill his words, bringing a bouquet of Moondrop Flowers and staying to pull some weed.
Rui entered the library first thing in the morning after going to the Shinonome's shop for their work table.
"Hey there," Tsukasa greeted.
"Hi. Look what I found." Rui dug in his backpack and took out the thing that he just fixed. He put it on the table for Tsukasa to see.
"A music box?"
"I was doing some digging and found this. Had a treasure map as well."
Tsukasa hummed. "I've never thought that you're an adventurous type."
"I surprised myself too. Want to listen to it?"
Rui winded up the music box. The sound that came out was nostalgic. It reminded him of Grandpa and that one summer visit.
"What a beautiful melody..." Tsukasa muttered. Rui looked at him. Tsukasa was focusing on the music box, elbow on the table and cheek on his palm. His eyes were fluttering, almost as if he was about to fall asleep from the lullaby.
Rui made up his mind. "You can keep it," he said.
Tsukasa looked up in surprise. "Eh? Are you sure? But isn't this your buried treasure?"
"I want you to have it." Rui pushed the music box closer to Tsukasa with a gentle smile. "I can always try to build a new one. So, keep it safe, okay?"
Tsukasa looked at him and the music box back and forth. He grinned widely. "Alright! You can count on me!"
Huh. That sounded very familiar.
"I think it's kinda ironic that you're a farmer and you don't like vegetables."
"I'm giving it to the people who need them more."
"Then what you've been eating all this time?"
"Did you know the bakery's bread is so good?"
"Are you saying that you've been eating cinnamon rolls for breakfast all this time?"
Rui didn't answer. The judgmental stare from Tsukasa made him sweat. It was easy to put two-on-two together. "Rui!"
"I have eggs too..." Rui whined.
Tsukasa put his hands on his hips like a scolding mother. "Vegetables are important! It's for your nutrition!"
Rui pouted. "That's just a myth. Look at me. I'm doing fine until now."
"You're sure a picky eater." Tsukasa sighed. "If I'm living with you, I'll make sure to make you eat vegetables more."
Rui paused from putting the cake into his mouth. Did Tsukasa even realize what he just said?
"You know what?" He pointed his finger at Rui, a determined glint in his eyes. "Tomorrow, I'll make you a dish that'll make you love vegetables!"
Rui chuckled nervously. "I don't think that'll work."
"There's no harm in trying! So be prepared!"
"Oh, dear..." Rui finally ate the cake. But it was too hard for a cake. And metal-y. Rui spitted the thing onto his fork. "Oh." It was a coin.
"Rui! That's the coin!" Tsukasa gasped. "You're the king!"
Rui chuckled. "I guess I am~"
The mayor noticed this and announced, "The king next year will be Mister Rui Kamishiro!" She approached, shaking Rui's hand after he put down his plate of cake. "Congratulation, young man. You'll be playing an active part in next year's sowing festival and spirit festival."
"Ah, thank you very much." Rui smiled.
"Alright. Let's start the dance!" The mayor clapped. "Everyone, choose your partner!"
Rui looked around as everyone moved to find their partner. Rui turned to Tsukasa. "Tsukasa." He offered a hand at him. "Will you dance with me?"
Tsukasa's eyes widened slightly before smiling gently which made Rui's heart skip. "Of course."
The dance was fun despite none of them being good at it.
It was raining when Rui's knocked at the mayor's door. The door was opened, revealing Tsukasa's little sister. "Oh. Rui!"
"Hi, Saki." Rui smiled, lifting his cooked poached fish that he made this morning. "The library is closed today and I was wondering where Tsukasa is."
"Oh, he's feeling a bit under the weather," Saki said with a sad tone. "Would you like to visit him?"
"Of course." There was no way Rui would pass this. How can he refuse in visiting a sick friend? Saki led him to the loft where Tsukasa was staying.
Saki popped his head from the stairs. "Tsukasa! You have a visitor." She called. Then, she turned to Rui. "I'll leave you two alone, okay?"
Rui smiled at her as a thank you. It was the first time Rui ever came into Tsukasa's loft - or bedroom. It was simply decorated, which was something Rui wasn't expected from a loud and bright young man like him. The owner himself was on the bed, sitting up slowly. "Hi, Rui," he said, voice hoarse and red face.
Rui smiled and sat on the stool beside the bed. "How are you feeling?"
"Not great honestly." Tsukasa smiled sheepishly. "That's very kind of you to visit. Thank you."
"There's no need to thank me. Just focus on getting better soon."
"But you're here. I can't just fall asleep."
"I don't really mind."
Rui guided Tsukasa to lay back down and he didn't even fight back, too sick to even protest which tugged something in Rui's heart.
"You know, I had a silly dream," Tsukasa mumbled.
"Yeah. I was a superhero trying to protect the village from this evil magician." Tsukasa laughed but followed with a cough. "I called myself Pegasus the Shining."
Rui's eyes widened. There was it again. The feeling of recognition, like having to remember something.
"Well," Rui cleared his throat, "strange dreams can happen when you're sick."
"Kinda feeling nostalgic for some reason," Tsukasa laughed a little. "I've forgotten a lot of things about my childhood. Maybe Pegasus the Shining is one of them."
So, it wasn't just Rui. Perhaps they could bond even more between them. "Perhaps..."
"Hey, Rui!"
Rui had just come out from milking his cow when Tsukasa arrived at his farm.
"Ah, Tsukasa." Rui waved as he approached him. "What can you do for you?"
Tsukasa cleared his throat as if to prepare himself for a speech. Then he struck a post, hand on his chest and the other stretched toward Rui. "Rui Kamishiro," he said, voice booming, "I would like to invite you to the Star Festival tonight! I'll be performing at the church but I want to take you to the mountain as well." This bravado flattered a bit as his eyes shifted and a blush appeared on his face. "But if you don't want to that's fine."
Rui chuckled. He's so adorable. "I'll come."
Tsukasa perked up. "Really?"
"I want to see the stars with you too." Rui smiled at him.
Tsukasa grinned at him; a grin that Rui grew to love, and he could practically see him vibrating in excitement. "Well, I'll see you tonight." Rui nodded and Tsukasa skipped away.
Rui did come to the church, not even thinking of skipping Tsukasa's performance. Tsukasa played the flute with Saki (who played the piano) dan the vineyard son, Touya (who played the violin). It was a wonderful performance, but Rui's eyes were always on Tsukasa, admiring how he looked even brighter in the center.
After that, the two of them headed to the mountain, far from the village. The star was twinkling brightly, something that he couldn't do back in the city. Tsukasa traced many constellations, rambling about the myth behind them. And Rui listened to him. He knew that Tsukasa loves when people listen to him and Rui loves how animated Tsukasa is when talking. Everything about Tsukasa is so adorable and lovable for Rui. Through the days, Rui grew more and more in love with Tsukasa. Tsukasa someone made Rui's days brighter. Or maybe he was hopelessly in love with the blond since the first sight.
Rui noticed Tsukasa blow his palm, rubbing them together. "Are you cold?" he asked.
Tsukasa nodded. "It's a bit chilly tonight."
A cheeky idea popped in his head. Rui put an arm around Tsukasa and pulled him closer. Tsukasa let out a squeak. "Eek! Rui!"
"It won't be that cold if we share body heat~"
"Th-That's true...But still!"
"Are you shy?" "I can see you blushing."
"How can you? It's dark!"
"Aw, Tsukasa is so easy to tease~"
Before Rui even opened the door, a loud crash. "Whoa!"
Rui ran into the library, seeing Tsukasa on the ground surrounded by fallen books. "Tsukasa!" he shouted, kneeling next to him to look for injuries. "Are you alright? Does it hurt?"
"I'm fine." Tsukasa waved it with a laugh. "Wow, that's embarrassing."
Rui sighed in relief. "What are you even doing?"
"Rearranging some book." Tsukasa gestured around and Rui noticed some stacked books in some places and more empty space. "New year, new looks, after all. Mama also ordered some new collections, so I'm finding space for them."
"I see. I can help around."
"You're not busy with your farm?"
"I've done my chores for the day, so I'm free."
"Well, I don't mind some extra hand." Tsukasa shrugged with a smile. "Okay then. Let's work together."
They spent the entire afternoon rearranging and noting the books. It was less stressful than back when his farm was still a mess. But Tsukasa was there to help, so it was only natural for Rui to help back. Besides, he could spend more time with Tsukasa. So, it was a win for him as well.
It was then he found a very old book, almost like a scrapbook with its cover filled with stickers.
"Hey, Tsukasa," Rui called. Tsukasa answered with a hum.  Rui lifted the scrapbook. "What is this?"
Tsukasa looked at it and his eyes widened. "Oh!" He ran toward Rui and took the book gently. "Oh, wow. This is so old. I almost forgot that I have this." There was a gentle nostalgic smile on his face as he flipped the pages with the utmost care. "It has been a long time since I read this. Ah, this brings back so many memories."
The feeling returned. And it was as if blaring in his head. "Tell me more."
"Well, it is kinda blurry," Tsukasa smiled slipped a little. Rui knew that Tsukasa always felt down when he could remember anything. At that moment, Rui understood the feeling. "But I think I used to have this one friend. We played a lot, mostly about superheroes and fairy tales. This book is one of the stories from our play date. They gave it to me before they left."
"Keep it."
"But it's your book."
"I want you to keep it. Next time I visit, we can write a new book. So, keep it safe, okay?"
"Alright! You can count on me!"
"That book..." Rui started, testing the water. "Is it about... Pegasus the Shinning?"
Tsukasa frowned as he turned to him. "Yeah...How did you know?"
Rui took a deep breath before saying, "Because I think I wrote that book."
"You..." A gasp escaped his lips as his eyes widened in shock. "Wait... No way..." Rui stepped forward, taking Tsukasa's hand before the book could slip. "You... You're the..."
Rui sighed, eyes feeling teary. "I am."
Tsukasa's breath quickened. He leaped into Rui's arms, hugging him tight. Rui hugged back, feeling the young man trembling. "You're the kid...You're back."
Rui nodded. "I'm back."
"I can't believe I forgot! I'm sorry!"
"It's okay. To be honest, I can't remember the detail as well. I'm glad you still keep the book."
"There's no way I can throw it away. You wrote it for us." Tsukasa pulled back, eyes glistening with tears but his gentle smile never flattered. "Hey, can we read it? For old time's sake."
Rui nodded. "Of course."
They spent the rest of the hours reminiscing about the past.
Rui almost wanted to run away, but he knew he had to do it. He couldn't delay it any longer. So, he forced himself to walk into his library with his face so red and swallowing his nervousness.
Tsukasa looked up to Rui from his documentation. "Hi there, Rui."
"Hi." Rui winched when his voice pitched up too slightly high.
Tsukasa frowned as he stood up. "Is there something wrong? You look tense."
Don't run away. Don't run away. Come on, Rui. Where's your confidence? "Tsukasa, I..." he gulped. "I need to tell you something."
Rui huffed, steeling himself. "Tsukasa...I..." Tsukasa's eyes widened, but Rui was already going loose. "I love you more than anything else." "I love everything about you; your smile, your bright personality, the way your ramble about your interest, everything. I cherish everything and want to see more from you. For the rest of my life, I want to be with you and be there for you. So..."
Taking a few seconds of calm to breathe, Rui knelt down, taking a single glittering blue feather. "Tsukasa Tenma. Will you marry me?"
Tsukasa stood with his mouth fully agape. His cheeks flushed and the corner of his eyes welled up with tears. "Yes!" Tsukasa shouted, jumping into Rui, causing both of them to fall. "Yes! Yes! I will marry you!"
Rui hugged him back, happiness overflowing his heart. Tsukasa pulled back a little and Rui tucked the blue feather behind Tsukasa's ear. Rui cupped Tsukasa's cheek and they shared a gentle kiss.
On one gloomy summer day in Rui's childhood, he went home after spending time at his grandpa's farm, leaving a childhood friend behind.
On one bright summer day in Rui's adulthood, he returned to his grandpa's farm, reuniting with his childhood friend-turned-husband.
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schmooplesthesecond · 4 months
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sukikobold · 10 months
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Drew some OG SNES Harvest Moon girls. Which I will probably make into stickers because I can.
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katlimeart · 1 year
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Made in 2021
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Mario girls cosplaying as characters from the Harvest Moon (SNES)
1 + 2. Ann
3 + 4. Ellen
5 + 6. Eve
7 + 8. Maria
9 + 10. Nina
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theoriginoffire · 2 years
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...These happened within a day of each other.
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emarie-stone · 6 months
Spring 23 - Flower Festival! Pt. 2
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Maria has become the Flower Goddess! What beauty, what grace!
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... they didn't let her have her glasses??? :( Why was that necessary?? Poor girl. Quick, tell her she looks pretty since she can't see herself!
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I'm not just being nice, you're super pretty, Maria, but now there's only one thing left to do and I have an agenda... 👀🍰
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mahoushojo · 1 year
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Who else is excited for multiplayer Story of Seasons? I can't wait to visit my friends' villages!
Here's to hoping that one day we'll get a Harvest Moon 64 remake or remaster. This game means so much to me, and I would absolutely love to see a modern rendition of it!
Here's a flashback to the Harvest Moon 64 bachelorette photoshoot I had at MAGFest 2023! Who is your favourite Flowerbud Village gal? 🌸
Elli by @sunfloradesu! Ann by @careless-seafoam! Maria by @grumpsterkitty! Karen by @trickssi!
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