#harumi kaneko
asbestieos · 1 year
[ Scout Announcement: Scout! ValEnsemble Stars ]
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▽ Featured Cards
☆5 [ Burning Affection ] Harumi Kaneko
☆4 [ Timid Affection ] Kaoru Hakaze
☆3 [ Playful Affection ] Rei Sakuma
☆3 [ Silent Affection ] Anzu
▽ Synopsis
Kaoru worries about keeping up with the tradition of Valentine’s Day and gift-giving to all of his loved ones. Noticing how diligent he has been about celebrating Valentine’s, Harumi ponders how he would react to being the giftee rather than the gifter…
+ details and extras under the cut
hello @distortedsorrow (i cant tell if it tagged you-- v sorry if it didnt!)!! im your giftgiver for the @valensemblestars gift exchange!! i was so excited to receive a giftee who had an oc ship, its unreal!!! as you can see i went crazy and drew a fan event scout unbloomed for harumi ^_^!! shes super fun to draw thank you so much for submitting yr oc as a gift option 🙏!!!
dont worry too much abt the silly fake scout text up there, i thought itd be fun to deliver a fan scout concept ^_^ unfortunately im not strong enough to write up an actual fic or fan story, im not confident in my ability to write harumi well and ysbdjfbf i was too shy to seek your counsel so i might have made mistakes when drawing her.. my apolocheese if i have!! regardless big big thank you for submitting HaruKao as an option for your gift 💝‼️ theyve lived in my mind ever since i read your gift submission weehee
also!! youre free to use this art of harumi / share it however you please so long as you credit me :3 i formally apologize for how crunchy the gif is though </3
full card art with effects vvv
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full card art without effects vvv
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harukao renders vvv
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harumi render vvv
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+ sketches i did for funsies to get into the drawing mood ^_^
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delicourse · 2 years
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in honor of the first gk woman…..ume….
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Guys the serial killer is Sasori
"In, now, all of you."
"But Momma-!"
"Yeah, ma-"
"Mom can handle herself, you're both little kids!"
"... Please be safe, mom..."
"C'mon, lil sisses." "Yeah, c'mon, let's go inside."
"No fair!" "Yeah, we wanna play!"
"We can play inside."
"Come in now, dear. Oh... I just hope this baby can wait until this all is over..."
"It'll be alright, dear."
"C'mon, you two, we gotta stay in. Let's play a board game."
"Monopoly!" "No, no, Battleship!"
"How about we play Sorry?"
"Shit... I gotta find someplace to stay."
"Dad, I'm so sorry we have to stay in, I know you wanted to spend time together today."
"Don't be sorry, dear, we can still spend time together right where we are."
"...I hope Tea's okay..."
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rz-jocelyn · 6 years
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Michi ~ La Strada: Rehearsals for the “Ongaku Geki ‘Michi’ ~ La Strada” have begun! ♥ 
Kusanagi Tsuyoshi
Makita Aju
Kaihou Naoto
Sato Ryuji
Ikeda Yukiko
Ishii Saki
Ueguchi Kouhei
Philippe Aymard
Okazaki Hiroki
Kaneko Daisuke
Shikano Mao
Doi Keito (Kate Doi)
Nishikawa Taiki
Hashimoto Yoshihiro
Harumi Shihou
Hanami Fuu
Yasuda Kana
Source: ( x )
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fucktheg0vernment · 4 years
Shiro Ishii y el escuadrón 731: Lo que la ciencia se niega a reconocer.
Muchos de vosotros que seguís mi blog desconoceréis su nombre, incluso os preguntaréis el por qué he decidido convertirlo en el protagonista de esta nueva entrada. Muy bien, Shiro Ishii fue un científico japonés que experimentó con humanos durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
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Obsesionado con la guerra biológica que dirigió una de las organizaciones más infames en la historia del país Nipón, El Escuadrón 731 se encargó de hacer todo tipo de experimentos con sujetos humanos vivos a quienes deshumanizaban con amputaciones sin anestesia, intercambiando de lugar sus órganos, sometiéndoles a calor y frío extremo y exponiéndolos a enfermedades de todo tipo como la peste negra. 
A Ishii se le compara con frecuencia con el doctor nazi Joseph Mengele, motivo por el que se le tilda como “el Mengele japonés”. La crueldad de sus experimentos es muy sonada, cuya finalidad aún se desconoce y hace dudar de su vocación científica, convirtiéndole más bien en un experto en tortura.
Ishii se graduó de la Universidad Imperial de Kyoto como microbiólogo. Durante toda su vida había estado interesado en la guerra biológica. En 1925 quedó aprobado el Protocolo de Ginebra, por el cual se dictaba la prohibición del uso de agentes bacteriológicos durante el desarrollo de armas químicas. El mengele japonés pensó que, si había sido prohibido por la comunidad internacional, los efectos de estos debían de ser devastadores, y no se equivocaba.
Motivado por su interés en la guerra química viajó a Europa para estudiar los efectos que este tipo de armas produjeron en la Primera Guerra Mundial. A su regreso a Japón, en 1932, fue puesto a cargo del laboratorio de “Prevención Epidémica”, un término que solo servía para enmascarar un proyecto secreto para la investigación y desarrollo de armas biológicas. Más tarde este proyecto se convertiría en el Escuadrón 731.
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El escuadrón 731 estuvo activo desde 1936 hasta 1945 con base en Harbin. Se dedicaban a realizar experimentos con prisioneros de guerra chinos, coreanos y rusos que eran sometidos a incontables pruebas con las que pretendían descubrir los límites del cuerpo humano y la resistencia de este a factores como el calor y frío extremos y a agentes bacteriológicos. Llamaban a sus víctimas “troncos” y buscaban deshumanizarlos lo máximo posible.
Las instalaciones estaban disfrazadas como una depuradora de agua y departamento científicos. Durante mucho tiempo fue el eje centrar de la investigación japonesa durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Sus más altos miembros a parte de Ishii fueron el doctor Masaji Kitano, Yasuji Kaneko y Yoshio Shinozuka, este último se confesaría años más tarde un criminal de guerra y aportaría sus testimonios personales de los horrores cometidos por la unidad de investigación de armas químicas.
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Shinozuka confesó que había criado pulgas infectadas con tifus, ántrax, peste y cólera para usar contra el ejército soviético. El equipo de científicos japoneses jamás practicaba disecciones, todas las pruebas y procedimientos se llevaban a cabo con los pacientes vivos, un término denominado vivisección.
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Según un artículo de El Español las pruebas realizadas incluían congelar y descongelar extremidades, dosis letales de rayos X, quemar a los prisioneros con lanzallamas, exposición a gases, deshidratación e incluso transfusiones de sangre de animales. Todas estas torturas quedaron retratadas de manera gráfica y explícita en la película china Men Behind The Sun de 1988.
Una vez las pruebas de laboratorio dieron los suficientes resultados, Ishii decidió que era hora de realizar pruebas de campo. En 1942 desató una serie de ataques biológicos a China mediante un bombardeo de proyectiles que no contenían pólvora ni uranio, sino pulgas con la bacteria de la peste. Los soldados que transportaban la carga se aseguraron de contaminar las aguas y los cultivos e incluso ofrecieron comida envenenada a la población civil sin recursos económicos.
Después de la rendición de Japón en 1945 los miembros del escuadrón decidieron destruir las instalaciones de experimentación y borrar todas las huellas del proyecto. La crueldad de estos sujetos no terminó en el momento que decidieron que la mejor opción era cancelar los experimentos y destruir el edificio, sino que continuaron ejecutando al resto de prisioneros y dejaron en libertad a los animales infectados para que esparciesen las enfermedades con las que habían estado trabajando. En años siguientes muchas personas murieron como consecuencia de esto. El historiador Sheldon Harris sitúa las la cifras de muertes causadas por el Escuadrón 731 entorno a las 200.000.
Con miedo de ser atrapado y condenado por los crímenes de guerra, Ishii  decidió fingir su propia muerte y huir. Sería atrapado en 1946 pero logró escapar al juicio y la condena gracias a Estados Unidos. El Mengele japonés logro un acuerdo con el país norteamericano para conseguir la inmunidad a cambio de los informes y secretos que descubrieron los japoneses durante sus experimentos. Esta necesidad de conocer los resultados de los experimentos vino propiciada por la Guerra Fría, en la que los norteamericanos deseaban superar a los regímenes comunistas en todos los ámbitos que pudiesen para establecer el capitalismo como el sistema económico por antonomasia.
Según la hija del doctor, Harumi Ishii, este vivió sus últimos años en Japón, donde dirigió una clínica gratuita. Al parecer le preocupaba especialmente la salud de los niños. Antes de morir de cáncer de garganta a los 67 años se convirtió al cristianismo.
¿Quién lo habría adivinado? Estados Unidos involucrado en un crimen que atenta contra los derechos humanos en favor de obtener lo que desean. Parece ser que la situación en América no ha evolucionado mucho desde antaño. Cualquiera diría que lo sucedido con Ishii no dista mucho de lo que puede estar ocurriendo actualmente en las sombras, ¿no?  
( Fuentes: 
https://elcierredigital.com/investigacion/516977804/Shiro-Ishii-japones-experimento-humanos-guerra-mundial.html )
0 notes
rpgyc-blog · 7 years
Abaixo, segue a lista de personagens inativos na comunidade pelos ÚLTIMOS DEZ DIAS ou MAIS, que devem deixar de ser seguidos.  Personagens em hiatus e semi-hiatus não serão afetados assim como personagens aceitos a partir de 25/04.
gyc-yumi : Miyazaki Yumi (Son Naeun) › 96GYMY
gyc-andy : Park Andrew (Yoo Youngjae) › 96GYPA
gyc-asuka : Toyotomi Asuka (Kinari) › 94GYTA
gyc-kenji : Kaneko Kenji (Han Jiwon) › 92GYKK
gyc-yuuya : Ishihara Yuya (Minghao) › 94GYYI
gyc-haru : Komatsu Haru (Jang Naeri) › 93GYKH
Abaixo, segue a lista de personagens com pouca atividade na dash pelos ÚLTIMOS DEZ DIAS. Os players que quiserem manter seus chars devem entrar em contato no prazo máximo de 48 HORAS para justificar sua pouca atividade. 
gyc-harumi : Miyamoto Harumi (Mina) › 98GYMH
gyc-blaze : Yi Yun (Amber Liu) › 94GYYY
gyc-lily : Jung Nari (Song Gain) › 93GYJL
gyc-katherine : Katherine Min (Christina Masterson) › 91GYKM
gyc-akihiko : Tsukikage Akihiko (Sen Mitsuji) › 87GYTA
gyc-hinata : Yamada Hinata (Lee Seungeun) › 97GYYH
gyc-kazuhiro : Kosuke Kazuhiro (Miyzaki Yuu) › 96GYKK
gyc-izukisama : Orihara Izuki (Okada Masaki) › 95GYOI
0 notes
goldenkamuyhunting · 3 years
Ramblings and crazy theory time about GK chap 275 “Tokyo Love Story”
So we’ve a new chapter and I’ve discovered…
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Yeah, the fake Yuusaku theory turned out right and wrong at the same time as we’ve someone posing as Yuusaku… but it’s definitely not how I was expecting things to be.
But whatever, let’s start.
We’re in Kanagawa, in 1901. The scene is placed after the one in chap 35, when Toraji and Sugimoto fight the night of Toraji’s marriage, because Toraji is afraid Sugimoto came back to snatch Umeko away from him.
Since Sugimoto’s father died in 1899 according to the official timeline, this confirms Sugimoto waited 2 years before coming back to his village.
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Evidently the two have calmed down because they aren’t fighting anymore and Toraji is asking Sugimoto where will he do now. Sugimoto informs him his father told him to search for a place he can be happy. You might not remember this bit being included in chap 236 because it was a volume addition.
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Sugimoto says he wants to go to Tokyo, since up until now he was in places with few people, which makes sense since he feared he was infected with tuberculosis.
In the Q&A section from the Golden Kamuy fan book it was said:
Q8: What did Sugimoto do in the 2 years between leaving the village after burning his house and coming back to Ume’s wedding? Noda: He travelled to places such as Tokyo and Kyoto. [translation here]
But it’s likely Noda means Sugimoto didn’t stay in the big cities, but in the areas around them.
So okay, we move to Tokyo and after getting a glimpse of Sugimoto moving overly excited through the city playing ‘singing in the rain’...
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...we see him being involved in a fight with more than 10 candidate officers.
Kikuta is called in to stop the fight. Evidently they forced him to interrupt his meal as he is still holding chopsticks and a bowl of rice.
We learn from the info box that Kikuta, full name Kikuta Mokutarou, was at the time a Sergeant in the 1st division (which tells us in his future he was promoted and transferred in another division, the 7th in fact in 1902 he’s working for Tsurumi during the Koito kidnapping), in charge of instructing and providing guidance to the officer candidate students enrolled at the Imperial Japanese Army Academy.
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He’s also keeping his hair short and there’s no facial hair on his face, giving him a much more proper appearance than the one he’ll have later on, although he keeps his uniform unbuttoned, which is less proper.
As Kikuta tells at the rather bruised officer candidate students to stop fighting as it’s disgraceful for them, they protest they can’t let Sugimoto go as he’s dangerous while Sugimoto, completely restrained by their weight, seems to bark and growl like a wild dog. Kikuta offers him his bowl of rice and this gets Sugimoto to calm down as he starts eating the rice.
LOL, Noda couldn’t have made more obvious with this scene that Ogata and Sugimoto fight like cat and dog because THEY ARE A STRAY CAT AND A STRAY DOG.
Kikuta comments that by how it took such a huge number of students to stop him, he expected Sugimoto to be some sort of monster… but now he thinks Sugi can be of some use for him, so he tells the students he’ll take him and tells Sugimoto to follow him as he’ll get him something to eat.
As they eat Sugimoto confesses he got into the fight because the students glared at him, revealing quite a horrible temper. Kikuta points out how his was a stupid reason to start a fight, asking him if he’s a STRAY DOG (ノラ犬 ‘nora inu’). This leads him to nickname Sugimoto “vagrant boy" (ノラ坊 ‘nora bou’), warning him Sugimoto was lucky Kikuta got in between the fight, because otherwise, if the students had managed to take him away, Sugimoto would have been in deep troubles.
As Sugimoto asks why he’s called in such a way, Kikuta explains it’s due to the norabou vegetables that grow in his area. Kikuta then proceeds to explain that there’s an officer candidate in the army named Hanazawa Yuusaku, son of the commander of the 7th division.
Kikuta wants Sugimoto to take his place. So okay, it’s a chapter in which we’ve a fake Yuusaku… only he’s not the one I was expecting.
Kikuta then proceeds to explain how Hanazawa ‘I’m the worst father of the century’ Koujirou, wants his son to become the regimental flag bearer because whoever cares about the high death rate of flag bearer when he can gain more honour through Yuusaku?
Yuusaku’s mom, Hanazawa Hiro, from whom Yuusaku got his nose and, probably, his eyes, doesn’t like the idea of her son being used as cannon fodder for her husband’s glory,
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but know better than to say it out loud and also know it would be a crime to murder her husband so she did the next best thing, she plotted against him, secretly contacting a “marriage agency” in Tokyo so as to find a girl desperate enough to get a husband she would be willing to steal Yuusaku’s virginity (you might remember virginity is a fundamental requisite for a flag bearer), Kaneko Kaeko, daughter of an executive in the Mitsubishi Zaibatsu.
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If the name Mitsubishi feels familiar to you yet it doesn’t make you think of a car, it’s probably because we already had to deal with someone from the Mitsubishi in the Igogusa/Harumi Chiyo story.
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In GK it seems people from Mitsubishi are always desperate to get married... it makes you wonder if Tsurumi had a hand in this mess as well or it’s just a coincidence...
Sugimoto, who’s poor, doesn’t get why a rich girl would be desperate to find a man, so Kikuta explains him her potential partners wouldn’t care about her being rich as they’re rich as well.
Overall Sugimoto ends up on showing again how he’s not very good at placing himself in the shoes of people of upper classes.
Turns out though Hanazawa figured out how his wife his plotting behind his back and tried to plot behind her back as well, asking the help of the commander of the 1st division, whom he trusts, who passed the job to Kikuta (I guess Kikuta might still be loyal to his former commander, which might be he’s okay with plotting against Tsurumi... or was he sent there specifically to do so? We’ll see...).
Anyway Sugimoto, who’s so NOT FAMOUS for sitting around a table and having a honest discussion with people, asks why they didn’t just do that. Really, Sugimoto, if you know talking can solve problems why don’t you try implementing it?
Kikuta replies the things had gotten too far and they’re afraid this could cause an incident that will affect the morale of the division, and, more importantly, could put Hanazawa’s wife patriotism into discussion and this would SURELY reflect bad on Hanazawa who was already willing to sacrifice his son on the altar of his own honour.
To all those who’re reading my meta for the first time, in case you’re wondering no, I don’t like Hanazawa. Not one single bit. Sorry for being biased against him.
Anyway Sugimoto gets a haircut and then Kikuta has him wear an uniform with some stars on the collar so as to make him look like a candidate officer.
Sugimoto wonders why Kikuta picked him and isn’t just using another candidate officer. I don’t know if this is relevant but Kikuta seems thoughtfull when Sugimoto says so, his hat slightly shadowing his face.
Hopefully this doesn’t mean this deception is going to put Sugimoto in serious troubles.
He then explains Sugimoto if they were to use someone from the army they would risk bad rumours about the Hanazawa to spread around.
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Kikuta then comments that Sugimoto, wearing the full uniform, looks good as there’s a touch of elegance on his face that can help him impersonate Hanazawa Yuusaku, son of a high-class general. I wonder if this is meant to foreshadow Sugimoto is actually more than the commoner we believe him to be or if it’s just another way to inform us Sugimoto is good looking, in case we’ve missed it.
Sugimoto wonders if, by joining the army, he wouldn’t have to worry about food anymore and I facepalm here because really, if this is what pushed him to join, he really made a poor decision, but his expression as he talks makes me wonder if he’s just being so very naive I kind of feel bad for him... did he really have no idea what joining the army could include?
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His words cause Kikuta to remember his younger brother, apparently sick, telling him to take the army cap back with him.
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I guess Kikuta is kind of adopting all those young men, Ariko, Sugimoto, maybe even Nikaidou and Ogata, because he lost his younger brother.
It’s interesting how Noda shadows his face here...
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Anyway Kikuta proceeds to educate Sugimoto, as he’ll have to be capable to eat great food at a fancy restaurant. So, once Kikuta thinks Sugimoto is ready as he mastered enough good table manners, a nervous Sugimoto can take part to the marriage interview… where Kikuta discovers with horror they served western cuisine… with Sugimoto being completely ignorant about western etiquette and trying to eat the shrimps using two forks… and Kikuta, who’s pecking through the window while being seated on a tree, panics, thinking he’ll be discovered immediately.
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Well, that’s all for this chapter.
It was undoubtedly a fun flashback chapter that reveals that the fake Yuusaku theory wasn’t completely baseless… but definitely not what I expected it to turn out as I would have never guessed Sugimoto impersonated Yuusaku.
On another note this give me additional fun when I think at this scene.
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Sugimoto should have been thinking at the time he played the high ranking officer, here... though I guess the idea is that Kaeko didn’t immediately recognize him because she’s not in the army? Didn’t they gave her a photo of Yuusaku? Sugimoto’s nose and probably his eyebrows too are different.
We’ll see.
I don’t dare to think Kaneko is also a fake sent, this time, by Tsurumi, to steal Yuusaku’s virginity because Tsurumi doesn’t want Yuusaku among them.
This would just be too crazy.
On more serious topics we can assume now that Kikuta saying Sugimoto to forget about Yuusaku in the previous chapter is due to the interview failing and Yuusaku now being forced to become a flag bearer, high mortality rate and all and the whole fake Yuusaku thing having to remain a secret between the two of them so likely Sugimoto doesn’t know anything dark about Yuusaku… beyond the fact his father wanted to use him as cannon fodder to increase his own prestige but whatever, I hardly think someone could have missed it.
I find rather fun how Noda isn’t really fond of drawing Hanazawa, he’s just using the same image of him over and over… and how instead he had no problems showing us Yuusaku’s mom, name and all, but we still have to see Yuusaku’s face. Really, I can’t wait for the big reveal.
Oh well, we can only wait and see.
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rz-jocelyn · 6 years
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[NEWS] Sato Ryuji will be Acting in the New Stage "Ongaku Geki 'Michi' ~ La Strada"
Date: December 8, 2018 to December 28, 2018
Venue: Nissay Theatre
Kusanagi Tsuyoshi
Makita Aju
Kaihou Naoto
Sato Ryuji
Ikeda Yukiko
Ishii Saki
Ueguchi Kouhei
Philippe Aymard
Okazaki Hiroki
Kaneko Daisuke
Shikano Mao
Doi Keito (Kate Doi)
Nishikawa Taiki
Hashimoto Yoshihiro
Harumi Shihou
Hanami Fuu
Yasuda Kana
Producer/Director: David Leveaux
Based on: "La Strada" (The Road) by Federico Fellini
Please find the rest of the information below the cut.
The pure and innocent Gelsomina (Makita Aju) is sold to the violent/brutal street performer Zampano (Kusanagi Tsuyoshi) and she goes on a journey with him as his assistant.
During their journey, they join a circus troupe. It is there that they meet the carefree and happy-go-lucky Il Matto (Kaihou Naoto). Il Matto becomes a special presence to Gelsomina as he teaches Gelsomina the tricks of the trade during a time when Gelsomina loses all hope. Something happens, and the old friends Zampano and Il Matto come into conflict with each other, resulting in trouble with the police, which leads to them being kicked out of the circus. Even though Gelsomina is pulled in different directions, by the circus, by Il Matto, she chooses to follow Zampano.
However, they are reunited by chance, and Zampano accidentally kills Il Matto. Gelsomina is so shocked by the event that her spirit breaks and she becomes useless to Zampano as an assistant. Zampano leaves her behind and continues with his travels.
As time passes, a certain melody reaches Zampano's ears when he's in a town by the sea. He learns from the woman singing the song that Gelsomina had died, and he is filled with regret and despair, and an overwhelming loneliness, even as he breaks down into tears by the beach.
Tickets will be available for purchase on the following dates.
Advance lottery: September 14, 2018 at 11:00 (Japan time) to September 17, 2018 at 11:00 (Japan time)
First-come, first-served basis sales: October 3, 2018 at 10:00 (Japan time) to October 6, 2018 at 23:59 (Japan time)
General sales: October 13, 2018
To purchase the tickets, please refer to this link: HERE
Official Website: HERE
Official Twitter: HERE
Official Facebook: HERE
Source: ( x )
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goldenkamuyhunting · 2 years
Golden Kamuy Manga through 2021
So this is a very long and image filled post which goes through all the 38 chapters (same as the past year) and 4 volumes of GK that were printed during 2021, giving a REALLY short summary of the relevant events of each chapter and posting 1 or 2 pictures for each chapter plus the colour covers which happeared as well as the covers for each volume.
In short yes, this is a very imege filled post but I felt images would wake up feelings we had through the year reading GK much better than summaries.
So please, enjoy travelling with me through the plot of GK for what had been the year 2021 and HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all!
Let’s enjoy GK through this 2022 as well!
In 2021 in JANUARY:
We saw Sofia being taken captive along with Asirpa, as she got a concussion trying to protect Asirpa [Chap 264]
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While Tsukishima and Koito try to eavesdrop what’s being said [Chap 265]...
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...Tsurumi talks with Asirpa and Sofia, letting them figure out he was Hasegawa Koichi [Chap 265],
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...and informing them about the plan of the Ainu who originally gathered up the gold [Chap 266].
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We learned why Kiroranke and Wilk argued [Chap 267]...
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and why Kiro believed Wilk had chanced [Chap 267].
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We also discovered how Tsurumi created discord in Wilk’s group... [Chap 268]
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... how this ultimately lead Wilk to become Nopperabou... [Chap 269]
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...and why Kiro decided Wilk had to die [Chap 269]
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We got confirmation that it wasn’t Sofia but Wilk the one who, by mistake, shoot Fina and Olga [Chap 270]
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...and Tsurumi of course took care to traumatize us and Asirpa as payback for finally getting this information [chap 270]
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Tsurumi then explains to us his point of view on Wilk and Kiro’s plans as well why the manga is called as such... [Chap 271]
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...before forcing Asirpa to reveal to him the code [Chap 271]
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We had a new colour cover [Chap 272] 
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Along with Asirpa and Kikuta, we’ve been shocked by how coldly Tsukishima ‘murdered’ poor Ariko, who helped Sofia and Asirpa to escape [Chap 272]
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We’ve felt worry as Asirpa started to have a melt down... [Chap 273]
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relief when Ariko ‘resurrected’... [Chap 273]
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...and a feeling of incoming doom when Koito, despite figuring out Tsurumi was aware they were eavesdropping, decided not to inform Tsukishima about it. [Chap 273]
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Also Vol 25 was released.
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We saw Asirpa figuring how to discover which were the fake skins [Chap 274]
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We’ve learnt about Sugimoto and Kikuta’s first meeting [Chap 275]
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and we’ve seen Sugimoto impersonating Yuusaku in order to protect Yuusaku’s virginity from Kaneko Kaeko [Chap 276]
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We’ve also learnt that Harumi Chiyo/Igogusa is alive and married to Kaeko’s cousin [Chap 276]
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And assisted to the first meeting between Sugimoto and Yuusaku [Chap 276]
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And between Sugimoto and Tsurumi, Ogata, Tsukishima and Usami [Chap 276]
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We’ve met Lieutenant General Okuda and see how he tried (unseccessfully) to manipulate Tsurumi [Chap 277]
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...and felt as amused as Ogata felt while he was watching a naked 'Yuusaku’ fight Usami completely naked... [Chap 278]
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...before groaning when Sugimoto claimed he decided to join the army, thinking this was a clever way to fill his belly [Chap 278]
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We also got to see the first REAL meeting between Ogata and Yuusaku [Chap 278]
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We learned about Kikuta’s backstory [Chap 279]
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of how Sugimoto got his cap [Chap 279]
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and of how Ogata works for Central. [Chap 279]
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We were annoyed by how Tsurumi was the first to solve the code [Chap 279]
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...and shocked as he suddently shot Kikuta [Chap 279]
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We helplessly witnessed Tsukishima finishing Kikuta before the latter could shot Tsurumi [Chap 280]
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...and discovered the gold is in Goryokaku [Chap 280]
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We discovered that the gold was previously in the Russian consulate and Wilk’s group went to retrieve it at the same time in which Tsurumi was carrying out the final part of his Koito kidnapping plan [Chap 281]
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We had a new colour cover [Chap 282]
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We’ve seen Sugimoto’s group decide they’ll entrench in Fort Goryokaku where they would fight Tsurumi’s incoming forces [chap 282]
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...and discovered Sofia and her men would come help them as well [Chap 282].
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We’ve learnt that Sofia (and her men) would now fight to fulfill Wilk and Kiroranke’s goal (chap 283)
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...saw Ogata dreaming his mom [Chap 283]
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...and be informed than on Hijikata’s tattoo was likely hidden the location of a treasure... [Chap 283]
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...the treasure being a land deed that would ensure the Ainu would have the fight of a vast part of the Hokkaido land [Chap 284]
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Also, Tsurumi’s attack began [Chap 284]
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Also Vol 26 was released.
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We had a new colour cover [Chap 285]
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We saw Nagakura informing Tsurumi of the existance of the land deed, so as to force him to stop his attack [Chap 285]
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We met Mansur [chap 286]
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... saw Ogata might have overheard Nagakura (or only saw him escaping) [chap 286]
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...and discovered Kadokura’s tattoo was actually relevant thanks to Kadokura’s never failing good luck [Chap 286]
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...and lead us to discover where the gold was [Chap 287]
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We also learnt that Hijikata and Kimuspu, one of the Ainu who first tried to use the gold, knew each other, Kimuspu having saved Hijikata... [Chap 288]
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...and how he informed Wilk of how Hijikata was in Abashiri and how they could use him to contact Enomoto Takeaki so as to be able to use the land deed [Chap 288]
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The 7th division resumes charging against Fort Goryokaku and falls into Hijikata’s trap [Chap 289]
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We had a new colour cover [Chap 290]
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We learn Asirpa hid the land deed in her quiver [Chap 290]
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...and that Nagakura, Kadokura, Kirawus and Mansur are pulling out a cannon to counterattack the destroyers [Chap 290]
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We see them counterattacking, Mansur proving he has a formidable aim, hitting two destroyers, one of them, while sinking, hitting with a bullet the aerostatic balloon by mistake [Chap 291]
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We discover Ogata is hidden somewhere... [Chap 292]
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...and the same goes for Vasily [Chap 292]
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We see Kirawus heroically contributing to the battle [Chap 292]
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so that they manage to sink the last destroyer, the one on which Koito Heiji was, he letting himself sink with his ship [Chap 292]
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Also Vol 27 was released.
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We saw Nikaidou trying to kill Hijikata, who’s saved by Toni Anji who takes the bullet for him [Chap 293]
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and Koito being forced to go back into the building in which he was held prisoner [Chap 284]
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while Toni Anji finds finally peace in death [chap 284]
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We cheered for Koito as he finally managed to confront Tsurumi [Chap 285]
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and said goodbye to Nikaidou as, after a last fight with Sugimoto, he finally met his brother again in death [Chap 295]
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We learn of a talk between Hijikata and Nopperabou in which the latter told him Asirpa’s Japanese name [Chap 296]
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We also see how Sofia is the only one who’s not letting Tsurumi’s men pass from the entrance she’s defending, although all her men sacrifice to protect her [Chap 297]
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Worriedly we watched how Shiraishi’s escape plan failed and he was surrended by Tsurumi’s men, Koito included and saved by Nagakura [Chap 297]
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...and also how Asirpa’s melt down continues as she sees Toni Anji’s corpse before being chased by Tsurumi [Chap 297]
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With relief we saw Sugimoto rescuing Asirpa from Tsurumi and then escaping with Shiraishi toward the north entrance [Chap 298]
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while Nagakura shows us he’s a stronger swordman than Koito [Chap 298]
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We cheered at the words Sofia told Asirpa [Chap 298]
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before seeing she can’t shoot Tsurumi Hasegawa while the latter has no qualms shooting her [Chap 298]
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We enjoyed how Kantarou saved Nagakura [Chap 299]
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and how Tanigaki saved Asirpa [Chap 299]
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We raged as Sofia apologized to Tsurumi for his loss and the latter claimed he forgave Sofia for Fina and Olga’s death only to finish her off and imply he has a grudge against Wilk instead [Chap 299]
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melting down with Asirpa due to the pain of losing such a cool character like Sofia in such way [Chap 299]
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...before learning where Ogata is and how he has figured out they would escape in that direction but also how, if he wants to do something, he has to track Vasily [Chap 299]
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We had a new colour cover [Chap 300]
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We finally saw Ogata and Vasily’s new sniper duel [Chap 300]
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In which Ogata gets shoot to a leg but manages to take out of commission Vasily [Chap 300]
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We also discovered Hijikata, Ushiyama, Sugimoto, Shiraishi, Asirpa and Tanigaki got on a train full of soldiers which Ushiyama takes care to trash [Chap 301]
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We worried as Tanigaki got shot and fell from the train [Chap 301]
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...and while Sugimoto kept Tsurumi away, Asirpa, trying to reach the front exit, melted down in trauma further [Chap 301]
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...all this while Ushiyama tries to enter in Ainu’s legends [Chap 301]
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Also Vol 28 was released.
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