#•○☆●°saturnz barz°●☆○• myojo
The door to the student council room is flung open, and a familiar Blonde Boy dramatically enters.
"Myojo, my good friend! I apologize for my unfortunately prolonged absence, but I have returned and am more than ready to resume my duties!"
[@daily-rubbersoul-redux] (oopsies i forgot to do this earlier-)
(you're all good don't worry shook-)
"Ah!" Myojo stands up from the desk and sets aside the papers, rushing over to give his friend a quick, light squeeze before backing away. "I'm glad to see you back here in what I hope is one piece!"
He gestures to the (rather empty, surprisingly) set of folders on the table. "I've been keeping the fort held down while you've been off, I hope I haven't disorganized any work you'd been doing prior, eheh..."
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“What’s up, Myo? You look like you got something on your mind.”
“Oh, hello Nozomi” Myojo sighs, setting down some paperwork. He rests his head on his hand, mulling about with his pens. “I’ve just been thinking... I want to get stronger, to help protect my friends, my classmates... I know, I know I said I wanted to stop the violence, but sometimes I feel like there’s a point where self defense comes into play and I want to be ready for whatever hits me. I have the resolve to see it through, I just don’t know anyone that could handle... my stuff.”
“Well... I mean he’s not my grandpa in law yet, but you could ask Mr. Rivera. He’s usually not that busy, he seems to fight people all the time-”
“-Thanks Nozomi!” He bolts out of the office and seemingly out of the school. They sigh, sitting at his desk for a moment.
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Thank you for your hard work Myojo
"Well, with the position currently not filled, and my uncertainty he'll ever come back, someone's gotta do it..." he sighs.
"I wish I could just go back to having to only doing president stuff, though."
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"And move some of the funding there... that club needed more funding than the other, they do more supply heavy activities... then ask for a report from this club leader, assess what supplies they need and get back to them..."
Myojo mumbles quietly to himself as he goes over treasurer paperwork. He'd gotten better at it, at least, with the position open and needing work until someone else fills the spot again.
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Aisho poked her head into Budo-Ga's student council room, knocking on the wall outside of the room as she did. "Hello, is this the student council room?"
"Hm? Yes it is, what can I help you with?" Myojo folds his hands neatly on the table, setting aside the thermos of spaghetti he was about to tear into.
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Skateboard tricks
Buddy does some pretty cool kickflips not gonna lie lmao
Seiko is pretty decent at skateboarding, but he doesn't really have any time for it anymore
Aoi doesn't skateboard, but she's been meaning to learn how to roller skate! That's gotta count for something, right?
If you tried to get Myojo on a skateboard he would fall over scrape his knee and start crying until you put a colorful bandaid on it
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“So wanna get this speed date over with then never speak of it to anyone again?” - Umbra Presley (ask-spw-mercenary)
"I'd rather not do this at all," he sighs, "but I guess I don't have a choice."
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✍ for myojo
Glow in the dark stars
Planetarium light
How to tie a tie
How to untie a tie
Tie stuck
Stuck in tie
Clip on ties
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You guys remember fucked up and evil verse? No?
Have a space boy punk
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"I thought I'd made it clear I didn't like girls like that... and her too... it's fine, just have to wait out the timer and move onto the next!"
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Myojo had finally worked up the courage to meet up with Orlando and Suzu near Taiana's neighborhood, and they finally had arrived at her doorstep.
The boy fixes his scarf nervously as he rings the doorbell. Please be right about this, please...
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Myojo rings the doorbell to Jacian's home, rocking on his heels nervously. He was in a white T-shirt and his usual scarf this time. He'd already run to Suzu's to grab her and drag her here, now all they needed was Jacian.
Hopefully, this was going to be a fun outing. With all the struggle and strife going on lately, he at least hoped he could make everyone smile.
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Myojo walks calmly down into the office, not paying mind to the missing secretaries at the moment. They were probably busy, he thought, better to just get these papers to the principal right away.
He adjusts his tie and takes a deep breath, all this president business has really taught him to remain calm and stay patient for the most part. He enjoyed spending time talking to other students about problems and coming up with solutions, along with other suggestions.
As he opens the door, however, horror and shock crosses his face. “What is this?! Who are you?!”
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"Oh boy! Wizard maze! I hope I don't get lost!"
the wizard maze quiz belong to @wizardsisananimal! Here is the link to the quiz [Link]
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Yoku pokes her head through the doorway to the principal's office. "Mr. Presidenttttt~ Can I talk to you about something owo?" She owo s with... Some sort of intent. It's hard to tell.
"Hm? Come in, Yoku, what do you need?" He sets his feet down off the desk, careful not to disturb the solar system.
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(Bd-wireroses- Garner) She approaches the student counselor room with balled fists and an almost uncharacteristic fire in her eyes.
Myojo answers the door calmy. "Hell...o? How can I help you, Garner?"
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