#harry’s my boy. my baby. his anger is so satisfying yet so frustrating because it’s deserved yet it doesn’t help him
soup-of-the-daisies · 5 months
i’m rereading ootp (to my own horror) and like. knowing what happens in that one and the next two books makes that intense, bubbling frustration of being a teenager whose worries are disregarded so much worse.
like, surprise?? the kid whose childhood you’re trying to preserve lost that innate innocence years ago. you want him to be a normal 15 yr old boy but if you keep quiet about the dangers he might not live to see his 16th birthday. and congrats on keeping him safe, i guess—you’ve accidentally ruined the last piece able to tether him to his childhood, but i’m sure those months of torture were worth the farce of normality you craved for him. i don’t think you know that your apologies are like sticking band aids on a fracture. i don’t think you’re aware of how you’re ignoring the breaks, but i’m certain you’re expecting them to heal on their own.
oh, they didn’t? and now you’re treating him like he’s a bubble made of glass, waiting to shatter? but you’re the one to have turned him into that bubble, aren’t you? you’re the one who’s holding him, and it’s not his time yet. not for another two years. and shards of glass dulled with time cannot fell a monster, can they? so please be careful. you still need him. he never asked to be a martyr but he’ll do it because you expect him to; you just need to watch your step because your hands are slicked with guilt, and he’s heavy. he’s struggling. he’ll fall as well, if you let him go now.
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You looked into the mirror with a sigh. You looked beautiful, your hair was perfectly pulled back, make up done to perfection and yet there was a frown on your face. You were about to marry the man of your dreams, well kind of... He was great, very handsome, supportive, friendly, and successful, but yet you couldn’t quite help but feel there was something missing. You closed your eyes, allowing yourself to take a few deep breaths and relax before you walked down the aisle in just a few minutes. When you opened your eyes you jumped and let out a little squeal. “What are you doing here?” you hissed, while turning to face him.
“I needed to see you.” his voice was deep and quiet, a small smile played on his lips as he looked you up and down slowly. You dropped your head, sighing. “You uh....you-”
“Harry.....we can’t do this...not anymore.” You bit your lip and looked into his green eyes. The eyes you once loved more than anything. Your attention was drawn to the smirk playing on his lips. The one dimple that stood apart and gave him a boyish grin.
“No...just....just” you groaned, leaning back against the make up counter. “What are you really doing here?” you crossed your arms and stared. He was dressed in a classic black suit, his white shirt unbuttoned underneath. His hair was causally brushed back, the curls starting to form as his hair grew longer. He looked good, almost too good, like why couldn’t there be just a single flaw. 
Harry was looking at you with an amused look, his eyebrow raised and the smirk growing. You shook your head, you hadn’t listened to a thing he had just said and he knew it. He knew you well enough to know you were checking him out. “Do I need to repeat myself?” 
“No....well....ugh.” you bit your lip. “Harry.”
“Look, I know that you think you should go through with this. I get it. I left. You moved on....but (y/n) I never moved on...I-”
“Harry stop. Seriously just stop. We can’t do this....not anymore. It’s too late.”
Harry took a step closer, his lips inches from yours. He was breathing heavily, watching your lips closely. “Kiss me.”
“What...are you serious...I mean...no...what?” you stumbled, panicked as you watched him get closer.
“Prove to me it’s over. Prove that you marrying this man isn’t a mistake.”
“I- well- no- look..Harry-” Harry didn’t let you continue. His lips brushed against yours, sending butterflies throughout your body and a shiver down your spine. There was just something about the way he made you feel, the way he sent electric sparks throughout your veins. You kissed him softly, both of you cautious of going farther. Harry pulled away with a content smile and you let your mouth fall open in frustration. “Harry what the-”
The music playing outside captured your attention and your best friend and maid of honor came rushing in. “Ready?!” she squealed. She froze when her attention fell on Harry and a frown played on her lips. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing.” you gave her a smile and took her hand. “I’m ready.” She nodded, satisfied with your answer and led you out the room and towards the aisle. You looked back, Harry’s face completely fallen, a tear forming in his eye, and the look of despair evident. You looked away, not wanting to face the pain settling in the bottom of your heart as you left the boy you had once given everything up for.
You stood at the door, shaking the nerves off. You took your dads arm as the doors opened and the music began. You walked down the aisle, looking at the man you would marry. He was smiling, dressed in a tux, his hair neatly combed back. Almost too neatly...it was greased back to be exact, something you never really loved but accepted. He wasn’t crying, just smiling with appreciation. He wasn’t super emotional at all which made you feel over emotional at times, but he always came back and tried to make arguments right. He never let feelings get the best of him, he always talked out his problems..which was something you loved and valued. He was looking at your dad, nodding as your dad handed you off. Your family liked him....your dad accepted him, but he loved your dad....loved his job, his company, and the money that followed...and that was something you didn’t love about him. 
You took his hands, nervously looking around in the church. Gemma was seated alone, which means Harry had left. You didn’t blame him after everything that had just happened, and yet you wish he had stayed.... “Ladies and gentlemen, we are here to celebrate the unity of (y/n) and (y/f/n).” You tuned out the rest, thinking over everything that had just happened. You had kissed Harry. No. Harry had kissed you but you had liked it. You hadn't wanted it to end. You were going through the motions, your head clouded as you looked at your fiancé. You knew he would never live up to your dreams, to what your heart truly wanted....and yet....maybe thats what you needed....what you deserved. 
“Now, if anyone objects to the union of this couple, speak now or forever hold your peace.” The priest looked around. Your fiancé smiled, not expecting anything and you held your breath, hoping something would happen. Nothing did. “Perfect, well, by the power vested in me-”
“I object.” Everyone in the church gasped, turning to look at Harry. You froze and your fiancé frowned, pushing you slightly behind him. “(y/n) don’t marry him. Don’t-”
“Harry.....Harry come on...” Gemma was grabbing Harry’s arm, trying to pull him back but he shook free, walking up to the alter. 
“Don’t marry someone you don’t love. Don’t settle for something when you deserve so much more. Hell, I don’t even care if you love me, but I love you. I love you enough to interrupt your god damn wedding because I know you deserve more....I know that this.” He pointed at your fiancé.  “This man isn’t who you belong with.” Harry stepped forward, holding out his hand to you. “I love you. Please don’t make this mistake....please just- just trust me.”
“Look, I don’t know who you think you are but you need to leave. You don’t know anything.” Your fiancé walked towards Harry. He shoved Harry back down the stairs and away from you. You stood there, in shock, in embarrassment, and in pure joy. You knew he was never the one. You knew that the minute you accepted the proposal and Harry was right, you were settling. “Get away from my fiancé and shut your mouth.” Your fiancé was pissed, he didn’t like being bested in any situation, let alone in front of his family. He kept pushing Harry back, back down the aisle and towards the door. “Don’t ever say any of that again asshole. I swear to god, you’re just a pathetic, stuck up, superstar who thinks he knows shit. But guess what? You know nothing.”
“(y/n)! (y/n) please....don’t marry him. Don’t make this mistake....” Harry fell to his knees, tears rolling down his cheeks. “I fucked up and I left, but baby I’ll never stop loving you. Please.....I-I know you feel the same way.....I don’t even care if you need to schedule our phone calls. I don’t care if you have to color code the closet....or or that you have to wear socks to bed....I don’t care you don’t like tea....I don’t care that you snore, or talk in your sleep. I love everything, every single thing about you. I know I didn’t show it. I know I made mistakes, mistakes I can’t take back, words I cant take back....but I will love you until you die. You are the only one I want, the only one I will ever love in this way. I can look out for you. Don’t marry this tool. Please. Tell me you love me.....or even better...tell me you hate me.....tell me you hate me and I’ll leave.” 
You looked at your dad...he was smiling despite the fact that he had never loved Harry. You looked at your mom who was in shock. You looked at Gemma who was looking at you with an apologetic smile and you looked at your finger, where the ring would be placed. Your fiancé looked back at you, waiting for the words that even he knew you wouldn’t say. He then shoved him out the door, closing it behind him, removing the problem before it could become more of a problem. He walked back to you, taking your hand and pressing a kiss to them. “Sorry about that dear. It’s over now though.”  he laughed under his breath, pulling you back to the alter, “what an asshole I mean honestly...”
You shook your head, pushing him away. “No. No....” you ran down the aisle, not paying attention to anyone’s gasps or surprised faces. You bursted through the doors and looked around. He was there, still on his knees, still in tears. “Harry...” you called out, his head whipping up, his green eyes locking on yours. Harry stood up, walking over to you, his hands cupping your cheeks without saying anything. “I love you.” You whispered before pressing your lips to his in a desperate attempt to prove it. 
Harry laughed, pulling you more into his arms. Your fiancé burst through the door, anger evident on his face. “What the hell? You fucking whore!” He yelled. Harry pushed you behind his back and squared up. “You just go running back to this asshole. To the man who left you.” He laughed again and grabbed your wrist. “Get back in there and marry me or-”
You winced in pain. Harry tried to pull you away but he had pulled you in more. “Let her go.” Your dad came strolling into the room, looking from one guy to the other.
“Sir, your daughter is being misled. She, she-”
“I said to let go of her.” He took a step closer and your fiancé let go. You rubbed the bruise that was already forming and moved toward your dad. “I think we are all done here.”
“Excuse me?” 
“You are not marrying my daughter today. I think that’s pretty evident.”
“In fact, I think it’s time to leave.” Your dad nodded to the door and held his ground. Your fiancé grumbled about you being a whore one more time and then walked out, leaving you and Harry with your dad.
“No listen here.” He looked at Harry and sighed. “I want you to do what you think is best for you. I don’t want you to settle. This boy is right. You are settling because you were afraid of not finding love after he left.”
“Excuse me, sir.” Harry cut in.
“Listen here Styles” Your dad turned to Harry with a frown. “You may not be on my best list, but those things you said in there stuck with me and you are right in the fact she shouldn't settle and she deserves more.”
“Yes exactly-”
“I’m not saying thats you.” Harry gulped, and nodded. “I’m not sayin its not.. but she needs to figure that out on her own.” 
“I understand.” Harry nodded at your dad and then gave you a smile. “I’m going to go....before everyone in there blames me...”
“But-” You reached out for him and he smiled at your effort.
“You know how to reach me.” He laughed and opened the door. “Figure out what you want, and if you want me, come tell me.”
You nodded a smile playing on your lips as you leaned into your dad. “I’ll be in touch.”
Just a short blurb for a request I got
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nothingofnotereally · 5 years
Unpacking the Mother of Skeletons
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So I was just talking to some friends about this page and those references, and my psychology degree-possessing butt started explaining the wire mommy reference, which led me to researching the other references, and now I’m going to unpack them here for your benefit.
Before I do this, let me be clear that I am not agreeing with Grant Morrison or his portrayal of Talia nor am I agreeing with this use of these cultural, religious and social sciencey references.  Just trying to break down what he’s getting at here. 
So the context is this:  Morrison’s Talia is 1. On a rampage of destruction because Bruce won’t date her and 2. Rejecting Heretic’s desire for her love and approval.  Noteworthy: Heretic is Damian’s clone, so he is her genetic son.
Okay, here we go... in order, except for Kali which is last because boy is that a reference to unpack.
Tiamat: Okay so Tiamat is a goddess, in this case the ancient Mesopotamian goddess of creation, the mother of gods and monsters.  She gives birth to the gods, but her husband realizes they want to depose him, so he wars against their children and their children destroy him, and then Tiamat wages war on their children.  She is ultimately killed but not before creating the dragons who have poison in their veins instead of blood... but anyway I’m pretty sure the point he’s getting at is that her progeny rebels against her and she in turn wages war on them.  This may also link back to the final bits of Batman Inc where Ra’s is set to unleash Damian’s clones - Talia’s unnatural children.  Dragons with poison instead of blood, metaphorically.
Medusa: This is a stupid reference because the actual myth (at least the ones I’ve personally encountered) is that Medusa was r_ped in the temple of Athena.  And Athena decided to act like a Greek God does, blaming the victim and cursing her to become a monster.  Not super relevant except that Morrison has previously referenced this as the story of a beautiful woman who became a monster after her love was rejected - no idea where he got that from, but I think that’s fairly self-explanatory in the context of a Talia who has gone warpath because Bruce won’t date her.
The Wire Mommy: So I’m pretty sure this is a reference to the Harry Harlow rhesus monkey studies in the 1930s.  So basically this was a study conducted in, I believe, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where Harlow got some babby rhesus monkeys and removed them from their mothers and placed them in one of two primary environments:
An inanimate substitute mother made of wire holds food and a similar substitute made of terry cloth is without food.
An inanimate substitute mother made of terry cloth holds food and a similar wire mother does not have food.
Okay so the findings of this study were basically that the baby monkeys didn’t like the wire mother.  In the case where the food was with the wire mother, they would go over and eat and then dash it over to the terry cloth mother and cling to that one.  
What I gather from this, especially in the context of the above where Heretic is looking to Talia to love and nurture him, is that she’s saying that, despite having given him life and physically supported him (in other words, having the metaphorical food), she has no warmth or love for him.  She is made of wire and without comfort or softness.
The Red Queen: I’m not superfamiliar with the Alice books beyond Wonderland so I did look this up on Wikipedia as well.  Therein lies this quote from Carroll:
The Red Queen I pictured as a Fury, but of another type; her passion must be cold and calm - she must be formal and strict, yet not unkindly; pedantic to the 10th degree, the concentrated essence of all governesses
So, again, a comparison between Talia and a cold, dispassionate anger/hatred, and a female/maternal figure without warmth.
Mother of Skeletons doesn’t seem to be a specific reference - if you’ve got one, feel free to drop that on me, too, but I couldn’t find anything.  I’m guessing it’s another way of reiterating this point that she is a destructive maternal figure who devours or destroys her unworthy children.
And finally...
Kali: Kali is a major Hindu deity, the wife of Shiva, and one of the more famous Hindu gods.  Please note I am not Hindu, I’m not going to front as some kind of expert and if you know better than me, feel free to correct me.  Anyway, Kali has many aspects, some of which are extraordinarily destructive and some of which are less so.  To find out which one he’s specifically referencing all we need to do is look at the art, though:
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Kali’s most common pose in paintings is in her most fearsome guise as the slayer of demons, where she stands or dances with one foot on a collapsed Shiva and holds a severed head. She wears a skirt of severed human arms, a necklace of decapitated heads, and earrings of dead children, and she often has a terrifying expression with a lolling tongue which drips blood. --Ancient History Encyclopedia
So okay looking at Wikipedia because I’m lazy... some relevant references, and you’ll see how the other names she gives for herself back this up:
Rāmprasād comments in many of his other songs that Kāli is indifferent to his wellbeing, causes him to suffer, brings his worldly desires to nothing and his worldly goods to ruin. He also states that she does not behave like a mother should and that she ignores his pleas:
Can mercy be found in the heart of her who was born of the stone? [a reference to Kali as the daughter of Himalaya] Were she not merciless, would she kick the breast of her lord? Men call you merciful, but there is no trace of mercy in you, Mother. You have cut off the heads of the children of others, and these you wear as a garland around your neck. It matters not how much I call you "Mother, Mother." You hear me, but you will not listen.
To be a child of Kāli, Rāmprasād asserts, is to be denied of earthly delights and pleasures. Kāli is said to refrain from giving that which is expected.
So, a mother who, having been born of stone herself, lacks mercy and warmth.  Given Morrison’s take on Talia’s background and her relationship to Ra’s... self-explanatory pretentious reference.  But that’s not all:
Vamakali is usually worshipped by non-householders. The pose shows the conclusion of an episode in which Kali was rampaging out of control after destroying many demons. Shiva, fearing that Kali would not stop until she destroyed the world, could only think of one way to pacify her. He lay down on the battlefield so that she would have to step on him. Seeing her consort under her foot, Kali realized that she had gone too far, and calmed down.
Okay this is super relevant because one thing that people often miss about Morrison’s Talia is that her acts of destruction are ultimately meant to get Bruce’s attention.  She undertakes this villainous rampage because he only pays attention to villains: she doesn’t even think it’s interesting, she mocks her own plans and calls them stupid.  She says she’s doing this because Bruce prefers things black and white and over the top.  
And in the end, she shows up in the Batcave, declares that they’re going to fight to the death, and then has a passionate kissing session with him...
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...seriously, everyone remembers the kiss but no one talks about how Bruce is still into it.  
But anyway, so they make out, and she poisons him...
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...then declares she’s doing all this as a gift to him, expresses frustration that he doesn’t understand, and demands that he beg her for help.
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Here’s my point:  she’s not actually trying to kill him or take the world down.  She’s trying to force Bruce to submit to her, at which point she would feel satisfied and come back back from the edge.  As evidenced by her earlier panels expressing her frustration that he won’t stop or admit defeat.
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In fact, a great deal of what she does in Batman Inc. seems to be done to elicit a specific response from Bruce - for example, she has a hit put on Damian, but it’s really just to mess with Bruce’s head, it’s not really meant to result in Damian actually dying.  I would say this comes back to this idea that the opposite of love is apathy not hate - love and hate are both intertwined and Morrison’s Talia both hates and loves him, or rather loves him until she hates him and hates him until she loves him.
This reminds me, one day I should write a thing about how Morrison’s Bruce/Talia story is basically a tragic romance and Talia is the actual love interest of his run... or should I because I don’t really want to be the person who writes longass meta about runs and interpretations that I actually hate.   
Anyway, SIGNING OFF AGAIN, it’s...
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