chrysanthemumgames · 1 year
Reasons why my PC decided to fight a titan
One: Protect found family
Two: Anyone messing with my gardens is just gone
Three: Um hello Mr. You just interrupted my date with goth husband and we were having a moment and dancing and now the moment is ruined and all he's going remember of this night is your stinky face so now you are going to be destroyed
Ps: you can tell I am very excited to dance with Hades
I did think the sharp transition from comfortably hanging out and enjoying some time with the characters to EMERGENCY would be kind of fun to throw at you all. :)
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I'm sorry but this NEEDS to be answered for science 😉😉😉
*note kinda nsfw but not really lol*
Does teacher love interest have sexy nerd glasses and if so do they bite the stem while reading a book or press them like an anime *lol still dont know why those are a thing*
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LMAO 😅 well, they certainly wear glasses now... lol I have to make this canon it's sooo good.
Me: How do I make the teacher hotter?
Harlemthefoxgoddess: Hear me out! Glasses!
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llamagirl28 · 2 years
I still find it ironically funny that my Mordred and Galahad are probably the more mature to the whole "Let's get revenge on bastard child because they wanted to meet their birth father" because at least (she in this instances) at least wanted to apologize for her mistake of attack (even though it was justified) instead stoop low to make a statement and revenge (looking at you Morgana). And Gally gets points because while he is child and confronting Mordred right after something traumatic is bad, at least he didn't fought her for revenge on his dad. He was more confused, hurt, and confrontational like all he really did was yell at her and then left. In comparison to what his father did that alot less worse. (Pss I don't think Lance thought his actions in the long haul as he didn't just send message to a powerful child, but own child was there and don't think Gally could blindly look at to his father again after this)
Oh, Galahad's confrontation is definitely not an attempt to get revenge on Mordred (I mean, it does happen no matter if Mordred attacks or not Lancelot) but more of him trying to solve the dilemma on his part about how to view Mordred. Sort of hoping Mordred will just prove themselves to be the villain his father claims they are, because otherwise it all gets so complicated for Galahad. And it backfires because some of Mordred's reactions just get Gally to see them in a slightly better light 😅
And don't worry, Gally certainly won't forget what Lancelot did, even if he's trying to rationalize it as his father being overzealous 👀
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locria-writes · 4 years
While yanderes love interests (or characters) in media for me is an either an hit or miss (more than likely most of time a miss. mostly for the fact that some yanderes at least in anime simp very hard for the most innocent naive weak love interests. on one hand I understand that this is done for the reader or watcher to basically throw themselves into the mc. so the reader can feel like being chaotic and smugly loved by someone who just so happens to might kill them or people they love just because they are close to them.) another problem yanderes tend to get into is that they tend to be very basic; other then killing family members or friends and being unreasonably obsessed with their partner it tends to end there. (its kinda like having a stalker but added high amounts of obsessions and clingingness to their "lover" based on their past, add points of lack of self-awareness and selfishness. with no remorse and willingness to do whatever they can to be the only one for their "lover") not counting the op of the yanderes. The only thing that can really keep me personally invested is how much planning they go into with being capable to move on the fly if a plan goes wrong to still be on top, otherwise it pretty much does nothing for me. for me the cream of the crop is the schemer characters who are willing to do three died chess with people's lives and no one can tell if they are honest tactician or evil villain. the type who will be nice to general public and has a good reputation but behind close doors drops their mask and becomes a ruthless conniving sadist. (TDR: Yanderes 🤷‍♀️ but Schemer 😤🥵)
i can’t remember the term for it exactly, but there is an archetype for manipulative schemers, and it’s not yandere -- haraguro maybe? i don’t remember it exactly, but it’s something like that, i think. someone pls correct me because i know i’m wrong here (´・ω・`)?
anyway, i beg to differ on the point about latching onto innocent characters/mc for the sole sake of letting people self-insert. i can’t say for certain whether or not that’s a reason, but there’s a lot of themes and ideas to be explored using a kind of angel/devil pairing. do they find a compromise between their natures? does the ‘sweeter’ one help the other become a better person? or does the devil corrupt the angel? does the relationship even work out, or are they just too different to cope with it? does it devolve into a toxic relationship, etc.
on that note, just from my own personal observation of discussion surrounding yanderes, i don’t think the reason why people love them is quite for what you stated. a lot of it is more...impersonal? more of the fact that the character is interesting/pitiful in some way, and that’s why people love them. for me, personally, i love the danger of it all. not until the end usually, do i ever feel comfortable and ‘snugly loved’. most yanderes in otome games have their whole character arc centred around trying to tame their possessive/toxic behaviour, and trying to be a better person. the healing aspect of it is really alluring too, especially because it’s usually about the yandere confronting someone/something in their past that’s hurt them, and they’re finally letting go of the past (some great examples -- tei in nameless, kenshin in ikemen sengoku).
in terms of otome, i don’t really see the ‘murderous yandere’ trope invoked that much? at least in regards to people the mc cares about. not even toma was like that in amnesia, and he’s pretty much the poster boy for rabid yandere in the west. i’ve seen yanderes threaten it, but never really go through with it, and tbh the only games i can remember seeing this trope played straight are starstruck love (in which everyone but mc is a yandere so yikes poor girl), and monochrome heaven (aka depression the game). i mean, yeah also marcus in til death do us part, but that’s on par for a ero-guro game.
on scheming yanderes, well, a lot of schemers are yandere, but not all yandere are schemers. taking nameless as another example (spoilers!!!), you can argue whether they all qualify as yandere, but from what i remember, yeonho, tei, and nameless are all yandere. yeonho isn’t scheming at all and doesn’t really want to hurt eri in any way, while tei is willing to do a bit of manipulation and hurting to keep her close. then there’s nameless, who’s just pissed beyond all belief at being forgotten, and is pretty much willing to wreak havoc in eri’s life until she remembers him. they’re all yandere, in my opinion, just different flavours.
also, only tangentially related to this, i find it really interesting that yanderes aren’t really popular in the west, but are super popular in the east. like toma was super divisive here, but he’s pretty much either the most, or second most popular character in amnesia over in japan. i really wish diabolik lovers got an english port before the anime aired, because i think the anime really sullied its reputation in the west, and at this point, i don’t think rejet is ever gonna port it over. it would’ve been super interesting to see how it’d be received here, especially since it came out around the 50 shades of grey hype era, but oh well
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sevensdeadly-if · 4 years
Here is the one shot for the third winner! @harlemthefoxgoddess hope you enjoy!
The cool night air was a welcome reprieve to the heat of the training room and manor full of people. Letting out a huff you lay on your back and just stare up at the stars, it’s peaceful...despite the fighting and training and almost dying on a regular basis your happy...your safe...you don't have to worry about them any more...
“Kid, if I didnt know any better I’d be more concerned about your affinity for roof tops.”
You looked over surprised for a moment before a slight smile falls on your features. Before you is none other than Aria and Xander..suppose you should have known they would find you.
“Well at least he chooses a quiet place to brood.” At Xander’s words Aria lets out a huff of laughter and both plop down beside you. “So tell us kid...whats really going on? Fen and Aster are worried you know.”
At the names of the two sins you feel yourself tensing and look away from them. Another reason ou were up here...those two beautiful sins...you find yourself falling for them..and maybe they seem to feel the same...you cant help but worry though...after all they have been together for millennia an-”Omph!”
A cry of surprise comes from your lips as Aria and Xander tackle you into a fight hug. Pull you close Aria comfortingly runs her fingers through your hair while Xander lets you rest against his shoulder.
“Your thinking to much kid...something you need to learn is to let life play its course...and trust me when I say we will protect you...” You feel tears forming in your eyes as she continues to speak. With a soft smile Xander pulls out a handkerchief and softly wipes your eyes.
“She’s right you know. We may not be blood but if you let us we can be the parents you never got to have..” The tears dont stop and you find yourself burrowing into Xander’s chest...god...how did you get so lucky...you finally get to be happy...
A huff of a laugh can be heard from your other side as Aria continues to soothingly run her fingers through your hair. “Very true...and despite what you may think..Fen and Aster care more for you than you could ever know...”
Bitting your lip you give a shaky nod, tears still falling you stay huddled close to them for the rest of the night...and they dont seem the least bit bothered...
“Thank you...”
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llamagirl28 · 2 years
"Chapter 4 is saved especially for showing us Mordred's life as a squire, learning lore, get some fluff then make Mordred suffer."
So are we just going ignore that small detail? 👀 Because I'm 💯 PERCENT!!! Ready for some angst as follower of chaos. But please take your time and not rush your master piece, as there time for everything and you know best when it's ready ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you! 💕
I'm certainly excited for it 👀
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llamagirl28 · 2 years
What I'm looking forward to seeing in BOC is character development (or negative character development which still counts as development lol) with Arthur's "attempts" to be a good father to Mordred because so far at best he make somewhat okay Uncle (at least for my Mordred) (pss Accolon is king dad tier and I want at least some attempt for crown from Arthur)
We'll certainly be seeing some character development. For better or worse? We'll see!
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llamagirl28 · 3 years
Pretty much my Mordred would fight Lance for Galahad's hand in marriage. The question would be would he be embarrassed or be low key into it lol
He'd really rather prefer no one fought lol
Tho he would be both amused and horrified if Mordred brought it up
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llamagirl28 · 2 years
Okay we seen spiteful Mordred and we seen rebellious Mordred with the dye of hair but what about a Mordred who just generally chill (or basically over this whole destiny thing) and gets there hair change or dyed by other "kids" (bullies) or accidents (like them being clumsy and getting to close to some type of fire and get their hair burnt) and them just being accepting it and being like "well I guess I should cut hair shorter, I probably am in need of new change" or "well they throw paint at me, they must like this color might well dye my hair to this" TLDR: what if instead of Mordred wanting to change their hair color or length they went through it just because 🤷
I mentioned they can totally do it just cause they think it'd look cute or to try something new! I'd say it's a very good reason 👌
And changing hair length will also be an option at certain points!
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llamagirl28 · 3 years
Damn you silver white fox Merlin! Damn you and Evilly hot ways! lol but for real kinda make sense if that was real reason why people tolerated him if he wasn't pretty powerful and didn't have the king ear to make him a real threat. But since I can't forget this now everytime Merlin does something bad or mention I be asked to called him by full title ie: "Merlin something wizard something hot sliver fox" like James Bond villain because that was he deserves 😈
Merlin Wyllt, Royal Sorcerer and King's Advisor, Camelot's silver fox alskfjtn
I mean he's easy on the eye, but people are generally inclined to tolerate sorcerers who work for them and not against them 👀
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llamagirl28 · 3 years
A good petty song for more revengeful or push to limits I heard recently is 'Brand New Day' song by Neil Patrick Harris (some backstory the song comes from quirky villain who never had wanted to kill but then decide when push to limit by jerk of hero that maybe he should reconsider and do everyone else a favor, note the damsel is villain love interest where the hero been dating her just get back at villain so that kinda where the petty come from
Oooh I know the song! I haven't actually seen the musical but I really like some of the songs.
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llamagirl28 · 3 years
So quick question so (this might be spoiler but..) whenever we (Mordred) gets to meet Gwen would she tried to be motherly or maybe aunty figured in their life (I'm guessing if she already know the whole "true father" thing) would she see them almost as her own child? Or a child she pities them because ultimately their life is one that have no control over. (I only ask because I can see morgana begin pretty jealous and pissed at someone trying take her role and might see as her trying to manipulate them (like *cough* Merlin *cough*) or doing a favor for Arthur even if not truly like that
Guinevere doesn't know Mordred is Arthur's child, but she does think it's unfair for Mordred to be judged based on Morgana's actions, and tries to befriend them when meeting them.
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llamagirl28 · 3 years
I honestly can say I can't wait to fully play out my Mordred who starts out as sweet baby bean who just wants love and doesn't understand why people could hate her, to then change into (as she gets older) bad*** war veteran who is just already over it. Over all the drama and just feel like the world's janitor who come in clean the place just come back and see all mess again. Who just doesn't feel like sugar coat things and is brutal honest (because why not they didn't give the niceity back then) All she cares about is her dragon, older half bro, daddy Accolon, and love interest (everyone else is maybe especially her mom and Arthur)
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llamagirl28 · 3 years
These eyes 👀 emoji must be appreciated as they can be both goofy energy and sinister at the same time but the one eye emoji are the ones you gotta look out for lol 🧿👁️
The 👀 emoji is versatile
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llamagirl28 · 3 years
You: yeah the Bastard of Camelot will have character death
Me: *summoned and evilly clasp my hands together all mad evil science doctor like* YES!!!! 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈 FINALLY the "drama" I need for my bargain bin Elisa to be complete
Pss: lol to be real here, probably the only one who loves character drama like this lol. Not to say I want character death (I mean who would, in perfect world this wouldn't happen especially to very lovable characters) but one thing I know for readers and writers alike is character death especially make one for major characters because it's so easy to get attached (especially if the character is very loved or popular or majorly used alot). While it's not fun to do I do enjoy when writers make there characters not inhuman (ie: have mc or character be able to get hurt like scars or missing eye or arm) I think while it's can be enjoyable to play like an god, it could be equally fun to have character that have something I like called "spice". Like just spit balling here for drama sake; I would cry if anything happen to Accolon like his death but... What if mc got to much ego and thought they could do something by themselves during a fight or something and boom because their arrogance Accolon had to protect them but because of that they lost arm or eye and couldn't be cure with magic or it could but not fully and left an scar. Now Morgred has guilt because they could or couldn't help and now someone they care for. Same thing goes for their dragon except that be more like how train dragon lol but again not that want something bad to happen to these character I just think it interest to have a mc that not all perfect and have characters creative to fix or deal with problems that magic couldn't all easily fix
I mean, I didn't say which characters, and how much influence Mordred has 👀
Tho I'll admit I am a bit reluctant to just kill characters 😅 But I'm not against injuries and scars
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llamagirl28 · 3 years
Don't know if this was already asked? Or probably maybe it's too early to ask but when everything is transfered to twine will you have to pay for the full game? Or maybe only the demos will be free and cost will be put on later date. Not that mind paying for good work just thought I would ask because curious lol
The demos will be free, but the finished games will have a price. This was the case when I was making the games in choicescript, too.
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