#happy drac-o-ween
Happy Drac-O-Ween
Chapter 15 / 31
A few weeks had passed & Valeria’s birthday celebrations were growing ever closer, much to her disappointment. Within the main halls, that would be the drawing room & main hall, it was bustling with life. Servants almost waltzing through the estate with silverware, linen, boxes of copious amounts of candles, and not to mention a feather duster twirling it’s way high up into the corners of each room. All this pomp & ceremony & for what? Her birthday? Well, that was the intention on the surface but even if it wasn’t ushered between polite society, everyone had known deep down that this was the time to offer their sons to her as a possible match for marriage. She knew who she wanted to marry, who she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. Her Mother didn’t. Her Mother would never approve. Why? The main reason being money, it always came down to money, didn’t it? She needed to marry into money to keep the family name & estate alive. She saw Abbott in more light than just money, estate, name, or power. The only name she wanted was his last. Her eyes flicked about the halls & passing rooms, finding all the grand items within it tiresome. Who needed so much? And what was it to prove in the end? What does an ornate gold hall table tell anyone? That you have power? How could that possibly be when power comes from yours words & actions.  As she walked through the house, she found the Count lounging within their library, a book within his hands. He didn’t look as though he was truly reading it, his eyebrows raised & mouth parted slightly, he looked as though he was just merely looking at the paper in front of him. The curiosity had gotten the better of the girl, so she walked inside to join him.  “For someone that doesn’t like me, you seem to spend an awful time around me.” Dracula’s eyes flicked up toward the young woman, almost hiding his smile behind his book.  “I never said I didn’t like you.” Valeria pouted at him “Just that I wasn’t too keen on you & your practices.” she flopped herself down into the love seat opposite the Count. His smile turned into a grimace at her comment but he wasn’t going to respond as he knew it would just spin a web with their back & forth argument.  “Are you looking forward to your birthday celebrations, Valeria?” Dracula asked as he returned to his book, mainly staring at the pages & never turning them.  “If you could call it that, then no. It’s a courting act, not a birthday celebration.” “When I was younger, I never had gotten a birthday celebration, nor a courting ceremony” Dracula commented as though he just threw his words out into the air, as though he’d torn them straight from the pages of his book & out into the air to flurry down. Valeria watched the Count a moment, eyeing up his clothing which stated a claim in high society “I can hardly believe that! Given your obvious status, it would be impossible for you to have no party of any kind.” Dracula closed his book, raising his chin in surprise. He gave a pause, calculating what he was going to say next “You see, I haven’t always been a man within the realms of notability.” At this, Valeria sat up within her seat, curious as to the mans story she was hoping he’d unfold “I had to work my way up into society. I was born poor. The most I’d gotten on a birthday was just an inch more of stew, or perhaps a crumb more of cheese before bed. Otherwise, my family & I was too busy working to even acknowledge the day had come & passed.” the Count stood from his seat, soft footsteps making their way to return it to it’s shelf. “But not even now? You don’t celebrate your birthday? What with all the status you now own?” “Why hunger for something you don’t miss to begin with?” He replied almost instantly, his wording hiding a double meaning. “But you, dear Valeria, you are young, born into money. Why don’t you celebrate the occasion in wild excitement? Of course, I understand that the night is intended to find you a future husband, one that you & I both know you don’t want, but surely, letting the gets see what kind of untameable woman you are, would put off even the mere thought courting you from the guests minds.”  The girl sat there, considering his option.  “It needn’t be anything too chaotic, but enough for you to have a birthday you will remember for decades to come, while knowing the outcome you’d have on possible suitors.” Dracula’s words slithered past his lips like that of a snake tasting out it’s prey, but his body crawled forward like a spider closing in on it’s prey trapped in it’s web. A slow smile began to grow on the young woman’s face “Why Count, that seems a perfect plot. Perhaps you & I will get on after all.”
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|| Happy Drac-O-Ween! ||
Chapter 28 / 31
Dracula was standing with several other servants, all gathered around a bed in the highest rooms within the estate. The highest rooms belonging to that of the servants. Everyone was shrouded in silence, some wiping away tears, and some with arms wrapped around another as they observed the body on the bed. The only sound present for all in attendance was the birds chirping outside in the early morning, for Dracula it was the addition of thumping hearts minus the one stone cold dead. He stood at the foot of the bed, arms folded behind his back, keeping himself in silence with everyone else to pay his respects to the deceased, although a singular disappointed eyebrow rose as he gazed down at the body before him. It wasn't that he was sorry for the passing of this young servant, it was that his death could have consequences. I told you not to die so quickly. You're going to regret it. He clucked in his mind. The evidence of how this man had died was tragically clear by the stained bandages wrapped around both his wrists, covered up for the respect of everyone else present in that moment. From what he had been told, the man had received news that his broken leg was too far damaged & ever beyond repair. In these harsh times with lack of accessibility & disability acceptance, that would surely mean no work, and no work meant no food in your belly, nothing to pay your way in an already harsh world. He would have to work his fingers quite literally to the bone, tearing skin off, and having more of his hand bandaged for a pittance of a pay that wouldn't even allow him to spend a few minutes in a doss house. Dracula could see why one would want to take their if that was the kind of future that had awaited them. Though, really, you should have waited a short while longer. Did you really think a small sample of my blood could fix you with so many prying eyes? That was for the pain you fool. Dracula scolded the corpse once more. Though it was interesting, as he observed, he noted that the bandages weren't as bloodied as they should be. He was a man of war, he knew how much another man could bleed through linen gauze. His gaze followed round to the servants & an idea that perhaps one of them had raised his wrists to stop the blood flow before realising it too late. With a croaked whimper, a woman to Draculas left cut into the mournful silence "I will, uh, I will inform her Ladyship. A grave will be made by the family church & a small ceremony shall be had. May God forgive him, may God rest his soul." Her voice wavered in a high tone as another cry threatened to break through but she managed to steady herself enough to leave the room to set about her task. A man, possibly in his 60s with a heavy salt & pepper moustache, that quite frankly looked as though he'd stolen a schnauzers beard, took hold of the thin bedsheet & pulled it up to cover Egons face.
Later on in the day, as the body was taken down to the servants hall to be cleaned, washed away of its sins & redressed, Dracula sat once more alone in the privacy of his gifted room. He sat & pondered with the last of Egons blood, staring deep into the burning fire, about the fragility of human life. Though he got bored of that & moved on, finishing the glass of blood in a single swig. He'd like to imagine that a tiny part of their souls was being consumed, forever trapped & lost within him with no way of ever escaping. That thought always made him chuckle. In fact, that little imagery was so vivid in his mind that he failed to hear Valeria enter the room & stood in front of the seat opposite. Her eyebrows drawn together, she asked "What are you laughing about?" in a tone that resembled the voice of someone having woken up from a dreadful nights sleep, which partly she did but mostly she was just fed up of this game.
"Egons died." Dracula replied coolly, as if the servant didn't matter, which in fact he didn't. He was merely a bloodbag for the Count.
Valerias faced squirmed into a mixture of confusion & offence. "I thought you two were privately courting? I imagined you'd be more upset by the news."
Dracula quickly interjected, wagging his finger to chastise "No, nothing of the sort. I need sustenance & he wanted favour of a sexual nature. Two secrets between two men. I never cared for him." he swat his hand in the air as though warding off a pestering fly.  Valeria sat with her hands folded on her lap, seeing the opportunity to bring about her question “So... Egon.” she started “...He’s really dead, is he? He’s not going to suddenly show up, like yourself then?” The Count’s dark eyes met her own “Rest assured, dear Valeria, you won’t wake to the fingers of a corpse scratching at your window as you sleep.” how on earth was she supposed to be ‘rest assured’ at that description? “I have never successfully created another being like myself. He’s dead.” Valeria felt as though she could let out a breath then, relaxing in the idea that perhaps she wasn’t a member of the Counts evil tribe. “Thank the Lord in Heaven.” she whispered to herself. Dracula had tensed at the praise for God, the human equivalent being a sudden sunbeam hitting directly at your sight, but he eye’d her curiously “Is there something I should know?” As the fire crackled, Valeria gathered her thoughts. It was odd. Here sat a man, a supernatural being beyond comprehension, and she worried he’d think her mad. Still, after a short moment, she confessed what was happening to her. The change in her senses & the worry that she was becoming like him. Another pause lingered between them, until a roaring laugh from Dracula caused a jump to leap from her bones. “If it was that easy to create another like me, Egon would have survived. No, no Valeria, the blood was only to heal the wound to your head. Your senses should calm by tomorrow, fear not.” Dracula polished off the last of Egon’s blood, and settled the glass on the small table to his left. He laced his fingers together, resting them on his stomach like one would after a particularly large meal. “From my understanding, you would need to consume a vast quantity of my blood, ultimately die, and within a few short hours return from the dead anew. At least, that is my theory. I’ve yet to find someone interesting enough to want to experiment on. Four hundred years proves enough time to tell me that humans are frightfully boring.” Boring is as boring does, if that meant Valeria could keep her life. Now that was rest assuring.
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Happy Drac-O-Ween
Chapter 14 / 31
That evening, Dracula joined the two women in their drawing room, a leg folded over the other, and a book in one hand. That said, he wasn’t really paying attention, only occasionally did he flip the pages to show he was ‘reading’. He sat there in the quiet, the lull of the fire crackling filling the silence between them all. Even though she needn’t say a word, Dracula could feel Valeria brewing in her seat as she embroidered. He knew she was planning something & he needed to stay one step ahead of her. His dark eyes flicked up a moment, watching the girl take her needle, thread, & pulling it through the fabric. She barely looked at him, though the same couldn’t be said for her Mother, who hadn’t taken her eye off Dracula for one moment. She wore something a little more risqué tonight, something that would have the women gossiping about her fashion choices in society, yet at that moment, Katherina wasn’t thinking about gossip, she only had one thought & that was Count Dracula. Himself on the other hand, saw her quiet advances, and flashed back a flirtatious smile to her. It was only then that Valeria had looked up to the Count, to her Mother, then back to him, her lips pursed in annoyance. Not only was he committing vile acts with a male member of staff but now he was pursuing her Mother. How greedy can one man be? She quickly wiped that look off of her face to paint on her own mask as he heard her Mother address her.  “Valeria, have you had any thought as to what you’d like to wear to your birthday celebrations?” Katherina barely looked at her daughter, pretending to be too busy on her sewing, and not eyeing up their guest.  “I have not, Mumma.” Valeria commented, having completely forgotten all about the ball her mother was arranging. She was looking forward to it before the Count’s arrival, then she’d been so consumed by his presence. Now she understood why he’d felt to off to her. “I was thinking about Blue. A mixture of midnight & perhaps something slightly lighter, to bring out your eyes, & mesmerize a possible suitor.” her mother cooed, grabbing at Valeria’s chin with a warm smile. Valeria tried her best to muster a smile, despite feeling the dread of her birthday being turned into a search for a husband. This, this was the opportunity Dracula had at last. “I agree that the blue dress would bring out her eyes, but do you not feel that Valeria is of age that she can find a suitor for herself?” Dracula queried as he rest the book he didn’t care for on his knee. Katherina looked to him with a raised brow “She is much too young to make life changing decisions like that.” “You speak as though I am not here, Mumma. I feel as though I am level headed enough” the Duchess scolded mildly. “I apologise dear, and yes, while I have raised you well enough to know that you are level headed enough to make your own decisions, you are not quite ready to choose a husband.” “The young mind in love does influence our every fibre, making us do things we wouldn’t normally.” Dracula added along with Katharina.  Valeria’s gaze darkened on the Count “Did you ever make rash decisions in love, Count?” 
Dracula held his own on her for a moment longer, and if her Mother was watching him &  not returning back to her stitching, she would’ve seen that a snarl was growing on his face “Of course.”
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|| Happy Drac-O-Ween ||
Chapter 31 / 31
As the time to join the party grew closer, Valeria sat quiet a moment at the top of the stairs, exploring the gifted senses Dracula had fed her. It seemed as though her ears had cancelled out the heavy footfalls of boots dancing on wood, and instead focused on conversations below. There was a young man called Mikael, whose Mama was chastising him for fiddling with his suit, and outwardly displaying his nerves. If she could put a face to a name, Valeria promised to go easy on him. Just before she could delve into another conversation, she heard Count Dracula’s voice beckon her inside her head. Time to come down child, join the party. Admittedly, Valeria wasn’t too pleased about being called a child but she did as he command, against her will might she add.. One by one the attention of the room turned to face Valeria, collectively she could feel their hearts rise. One in particular sped with such speed, that she also heard their footsteps leave the house entirely. Valeria guessed that was the nervous Mikael. Her eyes scanned the room, giving a bright, excited smile before locking onto Dracula’s dark ones. He waited at the foot of the stair, an arm stuck out, and awaiting her hold so he could walk her through the crowd, to be admired like a prized cow no less, and onto the ballroom floor.  She had to admit, his blood the second time around was making her feel rather giddy, and the attention on her was rather welcome too. As they walked through the crowd, Valeria drank in the adoration of strangers, and her suitors despite her commitment to Abbott, Dracula leaned down to her ear & whispered “You look sublime, Valeria. I don’t believe for a second Abbott realises what he has before him.”
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Valeria’s eyes met the Count’s in a questioning manner, and she never once took her eyes off of him. Dracula was being kind for once. That wasn’t like him. What did he want? She made sure to follow each of his steps, so that she didn’t show she was distracted by her own thoughts. They started their dance with a simple waltz, it may be plain but it was her favourite as her Father used to twirl with her before bed, her small feet stood atop his shoes. Yes, the Waltz was a common dance but Dracula could have led the dance with anything, yet he specifically chose the Waltz. “Your Mother told me.” he answered without prompt. “I told you. I’m filling in for his absence” Dracula’s gaze hardened onto her, making sure she understood just that. Another silence lingered between the pair before Valeria simply nodded with a warm smile. “Thank you.” Their was held so firmly that Valeria hadn’t noticed that other attendees had joined them on the ballroom floor. It was only as the onlookers began to applaud  the first set that she realised they weren’t alone & broke out of her thoughts. Suddenly, Lady Katharina burst out from the crowd. face beaming. and took hold of her daughters hands in her own “I have a surprise for you!  “Oh, Mama, there’s no need to do that, you’ve already gifted me this beautiful dress.” Valeria blushed. If anything, Valeria had a surprise for her Mama but she hadn’t seen her so positively joyful in such a long time, that she didn’t want to spoil it. She turned her attention to Dracula who in return simply bowed his head, a common courtesy after a pair dance together, which Valeria gently curtsied in response. “Close your eyes, my darling.” her Mama cooed, a touch of magic within her voice. When she did so, Katharina began to lead her away from the ballroom to the parlour. All eyes continued to be on her. They came to an abrupt stop, she could tell which room she was in, for the hall bore no carpet, whereas the parlour held a great sized rug. Valeria could also hear the shift in the voices move from room to room also, their tones buzzing with excitement & wonder at what gift was underneath that pink tissue paper that stood predominantly in the centre of the room. Given that she should appear as though she couldn’t hear every single word of the attendees, she took a mental note to act surprised when her eyes opened once more. She did just that in fact, opening her eyes & looked more toward the floor than upfront, she excitedly tore away at the paper which impressively disguised the items shape rather well. Her Mama had her hands clasped, the knuckles of her hand resting against her lip in anticipation. After the tissue paper had been torn away, Valeria was left with her surprise gift.
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|| Happy Drac-O-Ween ||
Chapter 31 / 31
In the early hours of the following morning, Valeria stirred inside the barn. It was the birds singing outside that had caused her to wake, and thankfully so, for dawn was fast approaching, and she herself not back at home in bed as she should be. That said, she did take a few moments to admire her soon to be husband. The way his lips curled & the gentle shape of his nose. Soon, they would be together & wed. They’re handfast, and there is no way her Mama could deny that under the eyes of God. She hadn’t a maid to help her redress, so she was grateful to herself for bringing the cloak. Not only was it a handy item to steal around in the dark with, but also conceal her undergarments that would otherwise cause a great embarrassment to be caught in a woodland in. As Valeria arrived back at the estate, the sky was rolling into a burnt orange as though the whole world was on fire. She could resonate with that. She too felt as though her passion & heart for Abbott was on fire. At the entrance to the servants quarters, Valeria carefully removed her shoes, trotting giddily down the stone hall, up the servants stairs, & stole away into her room. It was there that she fell back onto her bed, beaming out at the window, seeing that morning sun finally peaking over the horizon. Today was her birthday, she was eighteen, and what with the events of the previous night, only solidified that feeling within her that she was at last a woman. After several weeks despairing the night of her party, Valeria couldn’t be more excited for the evenings events. But first, she should really catch up on a few more minutes sleep. 
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In fact, it wasn’t too soon after she had fallen deep into her slumber, that she was awoken once more. A hot bath had been drawn for her in front of the fire, with a plate of hot breakfast to match sat beside it. A long hot soak in the bath would do her a world of good. Not to mention that it would take quite some time to curl, style, and set her hair. The entire day was taken up by merely getting ready for the evening. Valeria was glowing, beaming with excitement. She was simply radiant. A woman. Her Mama had gifted her a new dress, something she did every year but this one was much different in style compared to the ones she’d gotten previous. The cut didn’t bare resemblance to something a child would wear, no, this had glamour, pattern, richer & darker colours. Not to mention a little more skin on show than the high neck of a childs dress. Florals of course, but there was nothing pastel about this dress. That was when she remembered, that not only would this be her birthday party, it was also a courtship ball. She was eligible now. She had to tell her Mama about her handfast to Abbott. She would need some courage to do that, one that she had an abundance of just this morning, but she didn’t want to steal out of the drinks cabinet & appear drunk. Perhaps, a quiet word with the Count? In hopes that he could supply some...luck.. In Germany, it was bad luck to be seen before a certain time of your birthday in a gift, & knowing how well her cloak had covered her earlier, Valeria threw it upon herself once more, making sure the hood hid her hair also. Composing herself, Valeria threw her chin upward to appear taller, level headed if you will. Her knuckles struck the door of Dracula’s quarters three times. She was surprised to see that it was him himself that opened the door. “Valeria. What a surprise that you grace my doorway. Again.” he rolled his eyes. Dracula didn’t even need to beckon her in, she always seemed to be in his space, invited or no. Okay, level headed aside, he was clearly in no mood to talk like adults, so Valeria hurried herself inside, closing the door behind her. “Dracula, I don’t want this to sound...pathetic, but your blood seemed to ignite some kind of confidence within me. I could really do with some of that tonight. A chamomile tea will not settle my nerves I’m afraid.” Dracula had to blink a moment to process her words as she spoke with such a speed that even his ears couldn’t keep up. Eventually however they did process what she was asking, and there was no reason for Dracula to object to her quest. If anything, it pricked at his ears, tickling with an idea that would help aid him in getting deeds signed, since he could control humans at his will, after they’d ingest his blood.. He admired the chest before him, deciding quietly on what he would want to wear for the evening, then shrugged as if it wasn’t that big of a request “If that is what you need to approach such an occasion, fine.” his gaze turned to her, giving a bright smile. Anything to bring about her compliance would of course be fine by him. In as little as 12 hours, this was the second time the Count had bared his fangs, but this time he tore into the flesh of his own wrist. He didn’t need to, he was of course just being dramatic. “Come feed your confidence.” he bore his bleeding wrist to her, without a care that his dripping blood may stain the wood of the floorboards.  Desperate to find a way to enjoy the night, Valeria practically ran over to the counts wrist, sucking instantly at the wound. She wasn’t so desperate for his blood that she was careless, she wore her gifted dress for the night, and even more so precious, the cloak gifted to her by father, there wasn’t a chance in heaven she would dare get a drop of blood on it. Valeria had started to drink heavily, when Dracula suddenly pulled away “That’s enough.” he chastised, letting a moment of silence sit between them before taking grip of her chin “I understand that your Father is not here to witness your becoming a woman.” Dracula’s eyes had turned warm & loving “But I shall step in. Mostly because your Mother has asked me too but also, I know your secret with Abbott, and I think you could do with someone putting down the offers, hmm?”  Valeria cleaned her lips with her finger, just in case any lingered on her skin. If she had known Dracula was having her back regarding the courtship side of things, she wouldn’t have taken his blood. Yet there was nothing she could do now, nothing but accept his offer. “You have to wait at the bottom of the stairs.” she commented. A shared nod between them, and Valeria had left to feel the effects of Dracula’s blood in the privacy of her room. Light sources began to dance & twirl as the evening grew darker, and the house came alive with an ever growing amount of heartbeats as more guests arrived. She could feel a strength building up inside her, physically & emotionally. Her Mama would just have to deal with the fact that Valeria was marrying a poorer man. She was in love with him after all, and who could deny one love? 
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|| Happy Drac-O-Ween! ||
Chapter 29 / 31
On her final full day of being seventeen, Valeria decided to take herself away from the house that late evening. She wrapped her favourite shawl around her, a gift from her Papa before his untimely death. He’d brought it back from one of his travels, Romania or somewhere such like. The detailing on it was beautiful. Rich reds, royal blues, iced whites, and forest green. Unless you looked closely, you wouldn’t have noticed the small surprising pops of purple & yellow too. The pattern on it she could never work out, but the embroidery was complex, flowing here & there, & obviously took a great deal of time to create. It was the perfect item for keeping that winter chill off of her skin, & something she wore when she missed her Papa. Valeria had noted that her senses were beginning to settle down, though not entirely gone. She wanted to see what difference the nightlife would make with this temporary gift she’d been bestowed. 
She’d stood on the edge of the forest, a short distance from the church just in case another wolf had decided to appear. They travelled in packs, didn’t they? The shawl that hung loosely on her shoulders, she now wrapped tightly around herself, pulling it up high against her neck. She kept herself still, silent, & waited. In the brief moment of silence, suddenly the world seemed to come alive more than ever before. The stars, they actually spun & glittered before her, a five pointed circular shape that curled anti clockwise but spun clockwise. The moon, which sounds ridiculous to describe, seemed to glow. Pulsing in luminous blue that one would think it was breathing. Her attention was brought to the woods, as she heard owls calling to each other, the flap of their wings changing the motion of the wind. What she believe was the influence of the weather, turned out to be a mouse flittering through leaves in search of a late night snack. She could see it’s beady little eyes locking onto hers curiously before scattering off. Something Valeria hadn’’t seen during the day at the estate, only when permitted on hunting trips or blessed to see when travelling from one location to another, a stag. A great silhouette of gathering horns made their way through the woodland. Valeria had always regarded them the royalty of the woods, how any other could be deemed so she didn’t know. 
The night was still young, & she didn’t want to sleep for fear of bringing tomorrows events sooner than she’d like. As her gaze turned up to her home, she saw no sign of light, not even from the Count who would usually be up & around. Perhaps he was liaising with her Mother. A thought she didn’t want to entertain for too long. However, it did spring to mind of how else she could spend her evening. Something in the pit of her stomach told her that it was time, that then caused a flutter of excitement to bubble up. If Abbott would have her, that is. With a final adjustment of shawl, Valeria set off in the direction of the young farm hands home. 
It was a short journey, one she had made previously but never with the intention she had. Thankfully, Abbott had decided to sleep by the window that night. His home was small, a little run down but nothing that wasn’t liveable. It contained on things that had uses, and nothing by way of decor & grandeur, aside from a cross, unlike her home. Unsure whether the window would produce a sound upon opening, Valeria carefully opened it & reached inside to brush down the bridge of Abbott’s nose. At first, he softly awoke before starting again with a fright of the figure at his window. With a quick reaction, Valeria moved the finger from his nose to his lips, hushing him before he could make a sound. "It's alright, it's only me." She whispered down to him.
His heart still pounding with fright, Abbott replied "What are you doing here? It's late, isn't it?" Once more Valeria silenced her lover & beckoned him to join her outside. Valeria lured the man away from his home & toward the barn, yet just before she paused, turning onto her toes to cup the mans face in her hands, her nose brushing his with the gentlest of touches. “Abbott, I’m ready.” she whispered against his skin. The boy’s body stiffened at this confession. This wasn’t like her, the pair of them were God fearing people  “We are not wed, Valeria. We’re not even handfast.” Valeria could feel disappointment bubbling up inside her but she wasn’t going to let it fester & take over. “Then let us be handfast. Right here, right now.”  “With what witness?” he tried to argue. “With God as our witness. There is no man in my life that I could ever want at my side & in my bed, that isn’t you.” Valeria’s heart pounded in her chest, her eyes dreamily looking into his. Perhaps it was the last of Count Dracula’s senses leaving her system or perhaps God had truly connected the pair of them together, but Valeria was sure she felt his heart swell with love for her.  “Our Father who art in heaven--” Abbot began to pray, half that God forgives them, and half beginning their handfast ceremony, however Valeria was having none of that in this moment in time. “Oh, hush.” she cooed, silencing him in a passionate kiss, before stumbling inside the barn, where under God’s love & power, the pair found themselves at last intertwined with one another. Complete, whole. & impossibly in love.
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|| Drac-O-Ween 2021 Masterlist ||
Below you will find link to all chapters of this years Drac-O-Ween! Enjoy my spooky darlings.
Chapter 1 [x]
Chapter 2 [x]
Chapter 3 [x]
Chapter 4 [x]
Chapter 5 [x]
Chapter 6 [x]
Chapter 7 [x]
Chapter 8 [x]
Chapter 9 [x]
Chapter 10 [x]
Chapter 11 [x]
Chapter 12 [x]
Chapter 13 [x]
Chapter 14 [x]
Chapter 15 [x]
Chapter 16 [x]
Chapter 17 [x]
Chapter 18 [x]
Chapter 19 [x]
Chapter 20 [x]
Chapter 21 [x]
Chapter 22 [x]
Chapter 23 [x]
Chapter 24 [x]
Chapter 25 [x]
Chapter 26 [x]
Chapter 27 [x]
Chapter 28 [x]
Chapter 29 [x]
Chapter 30 [x]
Chapter 31, Part I [x]
Chapter 31, Part II [x]
Chapter 31, Part III [x]
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|| Happy Drac-O-Ween ||
Chapter 31 / 31
Part III
The Demeter, 1897.
“It’s you.” The elderly Duchess commented in horror.
“Of course it’s me.” Dracula hissed, quietly revelling in watching Valeria connect the dots. “A pineapple in the depths of that freezing winter. It must’ve seemed like magic. Transported from the emperors own hothouse like a precious jewel.”
Tears began to fill Valeria’s but that hard gaze the pair of them shared on the night of her 18th birthday has returned once more but now with a fire that could only be made from a lifetime of experience one would get with age. “I knew it. It’s impossible, but I knew it. It’s you.”
As the memories of that night, even his entire time at the estate, began to bubble back into his mind, Dracula’s hiss tone of voice turned soft & warm, just as he spoke to her when she’d arrived at the top of the stairs. “Of course it’s me.” he reassured once more. “Valeria, how we danced.” a smile bubbled onto his face, one that she would deem sinister but one that he would class as genuine. 
“Yes.” she paused, recollecting the event’s of that night. “That was the night my Mother disappeared.” “Yes.” Dracula commented simply. He saw something glimmer in her eye, and he knew that this Valeria, the one in her old age, was growing sick. He also knew it was time to reap her wealth. Who are you? she asked him, despite the fact she’d just remembered him, but Dracula knew it wouldn’t be worth going round in circles. Instead, he held out his palm & asked “Shall we dance again?” In those teary, terrified, and confused eyes, something had registered. A knowing that this was her time, or perhaps a promise had been kept. Dementia never told which, so Valeria took his hand, accepting that this was the end of her line. Dracula sat there a moment, simply admiring the lines on Valeria’s face. It wouldn’t be worth attempting to make her, not only did he not entirely understand how to create another but he wasn’t entirely sure if this illness Valeria would cease or continue in its pattern. There was a kindness in killing her. The illness would stop, and he would gain yet another fortune.  As Valeria took his hand, something seemed to switch on inside her, as if the connection of their hands had rebooted her memory. “What happened to my Mama?” she asked with a sudden energy.
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  Germany 1796
“Mama!” 18 year old Valeria cried out at the sight of the exotic fruit. There was another side to her Mother that wasn’t always shown, and that was the show off in her. She had private ties to the emperor & that is the main reason why so many still stayed by her side, even during her mourning. Status. Lady Katharina took her daughters hands, so pleased to see her daughter pleased with a rare gift. “Thank you.” Valeria squeaked during their embrace. “You deserve the finest, my darling. Happy birthday, I love you.” Katharina cooed in her ear “But now, you must dance. Enjoy the night while we have it.”  Valeria pulled away & to her own surprise, she dragged the Count back to the dance floor. Abbot wasn’t here to dance, and neither was her father. He was the only man, if you could call him that, that knew all dances, expanding through the centuries. In her almost drunk like giddiness, Valeria span & dipped in his grip. In a natural habit on the ease of feeding on a human, Dracula’s fangs dropped in that instant, teasing at the nape of her neck. He wanted to tear at her flesh so desperately but something pulled him back. Perhaps it was the amount of humans in the room. Too many would get away. Perhaps he cared for Valeria & Katharina? No. He pulled back. He needed that money. Valeria looked almost swept away as she raised her brow in a teasing manner to him. The Count didn’t like that smirk one bit “You are going to die at my hand one day, and there will be nothing you can do to stop me. I will absorb you until you cease to exist.” his attitude had changed entirely. Dracula cut off the dance in that moment, bowing his head to her, and disappeared into the crowd, avoiding the eye of the pair of them for the rest of the majority of the evening. That was odd. Terrifying almost. He planned to kill her, after he promised no harm. What had brought that about?
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A servant came to Valeria’s side, she was talking to a suitor who stood no chance of becoming her betrothed, whispering “A boy is waiting outside. He.. belittles the area but he insists he knows you.” The servants nose seemed to wrinkle in disgust at Abbotts existence. Valeria took no notice, Abbott was here & that’s all who she wanted to see tonight. Dropping down the stairs, she beamed once more at the sight of him. “Abbott!” she whined as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Abbott was dressed in his finest Sunday clothes, though in societies eyes they wouldn’t be good enough to attend a ball with. He gingerly held a bunch of daisies for her “I’m sorry, it’s not much, but I thought they was beautiful, and they made me think of you.” Gratefully, Valeria took the bunch in her arms. Despite its rarity, the flowers took the top place of gifts for this birthday, mainly because they were from her beloved. “I haven’t told Mama yet but...” Valeria confessed “I think it would be easier if you were at my side, so we could defiantly show her just how much we are in love. She couldn’t deny it if she saw it.” Valeria took hold of his hand, and gave a reassuring smile. Without a word, Abbott agreed, though his heart was in his throat. As the pair reached the top of the stairs, almost to the doors, a flood of horrified guests came bursting out, their faces painted as though the devil himself had decided to come in attendance. “FIRE! GET OUT! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!” They cried out, brushing harshly past Valeria, & almost trampling the pair of them over in their terror. Valeria had managed to have been knocked over at one point, but found long fingers pulling her up once more before her head met the ground.  “Valeria.” Dracula spoke in that singular, deathly tone once more “Go. You must run. Stay with Abbott. There is nothing for you here now.” his voice desperate, caring, & stern like a Father with their offspring. “Where is Mama?!” she argued back to him, having not recognised her Mother amongst the crowd that trampled out. A sudden explosion from inside the home, either from collapse or a highly flammable substance caught they wouldn’t know, caused an outcry of screams from the guests on the lawn.  Count Dracula’s eyes met Valeria’s terrified ones. He could control her memory, and so, he took her face in his hands & calmly spoke “Your Mother ran away with a lover. You don’t know who. You don’t know why. You will forget I was ever here, Valeria. Merely a face amongst the crowd. Do you understand me?” amid all the noise, the howling of the flames, Valeria understood, showing that with an obedient nod. Dracula reached behind her, to grab at Abbotts hand. He couldn’t be influenced by Dracula’s control but he only hoped he was influenced by his words “Abbott, take her with you, away from here. Give her a good life.” and as obedient as he was, he listened. Abbott stole Valeria’s hand, dragging her away from the flames, and disappeared into the night, never to be seen again. Until a writer took interest in her life story, where she found herself upon a ship.
The Demeter, 1897.  The cold wind of the ocean nipped at the Duchess’ skin, the welcome chill cooling her down after the flurry of emotions that Dracula had opened within her. Her eyes were closed as she breathed in that salt air, and with a sigh she opened them once more “I remember now. The fire, the total devastation it caused.” she watched the waves over the edge of the ship, how dark & tormenting they seemed. “But that doesn’t answer the question,” her gaze met the dark & torment in Count Dracula’s eyes. “What happened to her? My Mother? If you’re going to kill me like you promised, I should like to die knowing what happened to her. She didn’t run away with a lover. You were her lover. So, what happened?” Count Dracula was resting his arms on the side of the Demeter, hands folded over it’s edge, staring out into the abyss, watching the stars burn for seemingly miles on end. He ran his tongue along the inside of his cheek, as though tasting the last remnants of decadent sauce. “Egon.” She blinked, pulling her shawl tighter around her “The servant? I thought he’d died.”  Dracula sniggered & snort “As did I!” but Valeria held still, keeping her gaze on him. “He was the first I’d ever managed to create like myself. But he was incredibly flawed. He had no control of himself & I had no control on him.” Dracula stood upright, his voice monotone as he addressed her fully “He served your Mothers head on a serving platter to me, it was really dressed quite well for a servant without kitchen experience...” Valeria’s breath caught in her throat with horror just thinking of the idea of the butchery a man could inflict. “Never the less, he’d taken your Mother from me, & I wanted that estate so desperately. If I couldn’t have that estate, then he didn’t deserve to live his newfound undead life. So I burned him, & the corpse of your Mother. It’s not Catholic but neither is a head next to hors d’ouerves.” Dracula tutted. He was surprised to find no reaction from the elderly woman, who gaze was firmly planted on the wood deck. “Valeria?” he reached up to take hold of her chin, raising it to meet his gaze. “I know now, & I think it is time for me to leave. I’m a Lady, & a lady knows when it is time to leave, Count Dracula. You are right. There is no escaping you, certainly not with this body of water surrounding us.” Valeria looked around the pair of them, and shockingly again, she looked at peace. She stretched out her hand to him. “Take me back to that night. Let me see her once last time.” Dracula curled down, and pressed a kiss to her fragile aged hand, a trigger he used to bring the memory of her birthday back to her. She was young again, beaming, and bursting with love for Abbott. The party was all about her. Her Mother stood at the edge of the ballroom, the diamonds on her neck sparkling in the light, a beacon, a lighthouse, her guiding home. As they twirled on the floor, she hadn’t expected to feel so tired so soon, and in a great deal of pain to match. Dracula had dipped the young girl, and his lips kissed at her neck, as though a form of apology was due to her after all these years, and met her gaze one final time. “Valeria, Goodbye.” he hissed to her.   “Goodbye, Count Dracula.” her eyes were dreamy. Then gone. Gone. She was gone. At rest as much as one could under the grip & tooth of the vampire.
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Keep the candles burning in those darkest of nights; for evil prowls the world on Halloween.
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Happy Drac-O-Ween
chapter 3/31
The weather outside seemed to be stirring up something horrid, clouds swirling in strange formations, a biting wind blowing through the trees, & the sky as almost as black as if the evening had already arrived despite it only being noon. "--Something wicked this way comes!" a young girl proclaimed, throwing her arm up into the air for added dramata. "Oh, please, Valeria!" the girls Mother chastised "You frighten me." she tilted her chin down disapprovingly. "But Mumma, it is near the end of the story." the girl pouted, resting her copy of the book against her thigh, almost defeated in how her Mother seemed to ignore her wishes of performing the story. Fussing with her embroidery in an agitated fashion, Katharina looked up to her daughter with blue eyes "Telling of murder & haunted by ghosts unsettles me. You know as much. Speaking of something wicked lingering around even more so!" she pulled her final stitch for once part of the pattern through. "Come," she patted at the cushion next to her "that is enough for tonight my dear. We can continue the story another night. Perhaps when the wear outside doesn't feel as though it should play a part in your story telling." The young Valeria did as she was told by her Mumma, carefully placing the string back inside her book and setting it aside on the mantle before taking a seat beside her mother, where she began to teach her how to embroider, or at least more smoothly.
Boom, boom, boom, came a thunderous knock at the door. With the combination of wild weather outside, and the thrilling Shakespearian tale shared between them, the women gave a jump at the sudden fright. The sound of shoes approaching & disappearing down the hall could be heard as the women anticipated their servants findings at the door. Only a moment later did their servant re-appear, hands neatly folded behind his back as he announced “A Count Dracula for you, Lady Katharina.” stepping aside & bowing his head respectfully.
Dracula entered into the drawing room, smoothing back his hair which had also been victim to the wild weather outside, before clicking his heels together & bowed deeply to the women. “I’m afraid, I wasn’t sure of your invitation, Count Dracula.” the older woman had her eyebrows furrowed tightly, she wasn’t one for unannounced guests, let alone strange men turning up in her home during storms at irregular hours. “My sincerest apologies, my Lady, my Lady,” Count Dracula slowly raised himself up from his bow though nodded to each of them “Your home was the first I came across for shelter. My driver & I were set upon by a highwayman, my driver was unfortunately killed in the attack but I managed to steal away on the carriage horse before the storm frightened her entirely forcing me to seek safety by foot.” A story that was completely made up, though the humans would never know that. Until perhaps their last moment. Count Dracula smacked on his lips, no doubt tasting the last meal he’d fed upon but to anyone else unaware, it seemed more so that he was uncomfortable arriving on a whim in a random home. “I understand that I am a strange man standing inside your home, and I do not expect you to trust me however I ask only for a bed for the night to shelter from the rain & gather my nerves. If you so wish, I would even rest in your stables.”
The tightly knitted eyebrows of Katharina softened quickly, knowing all too well the terror bestowed upon you at the attack of a highwayman. “Now, there is no need to sleep among animals. Actual or servants.” she closed her eyes & bowed her head. Though, unbeknownst to her, the servant that stood in the doorway flashed a glance & held back his snarl as best as he could. “We have a great many guest bedrooms, my Man, Egon, will show you to a room. I’m afraid we have already partaken in our supper, but I am sure one of the kitchen staff can find you something.”
Count Dracula gave a great smile that showed off his crooked & shark like teeth “That is very kind of you to offer, though I’m afraid I had already eaten before the incident. Perhaps I should ring for a servant-” his voice held a suggestive tone of questioning, arching his head to look at the man by the door with a smile that held an undertone, whose curious grey eyes in return met the Counts dark ones “-should I find myself completely ravenous in the night.” 
In parting in with each other, the Duchess looked to her Mamma “How strange is it, that any man be out in such horrid weather tonight? Do you not find it so?” 
“No, my darling girl.” Lady Katharina tore her eyes from the now closed door, bewitched by the sudden meeting of the dark haired stranger. She calmed herself with a gentle sigh “All kinds of creatures & humans get caught in a storm. It is to us they seek, the honourable. I believe you may have read far too much of your tale of magic & monster that it has clouded your judgement. I suggest you too retire to bed.” her voice was gentle, almost sleepy. She leaned across & pressed a kiss to her daughters forehead & watched as she disappeared down the hall, he single candle making the walls dim darker the further she went.
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Happy Drac-O-Ween!
Chapter 2 / 31
1796, Germany.
The night danced with the warm breeze of a promised early summer, rustling could be heard with the finest tuned ear within the trees. Those finely tuned ears belonged to none other than a creature not of this world, that shouldn’t be of this world, however the being was fatefully cursed to live among us. We all have our own version of such a creature, a collection of different names, descriptions, & stories but collectively we know it as one thing: A blood sucking terror upon the lives of innocent humans. A vampyre. This vampire in particular was the greedy, egotistical, murderous Omor Dracula, or better known infamously to the entire world as Count Dracula. We all know the stories written about him & we know his blood thirsty history as a warlord to Vlad Tepes, but have we ever really heard the stories about his victims? Only a chosen few. But what about the ones that got away only to meet their doom later down the line?  Count Dracula waited in the woodlands, hearing hundreds of tiny little heart beats thumping in the night, from owls to sleeping dormice. Everything had a pulse, a blood source but not everything was a part of notability. That was what the Count truly craved most. Money. Land. Knowledge. Power. A title. He’d ripped his way through most of the European countries, bringing about slaughters but never finding quite the right flavour amongst the people. Most of them had their fortunes handed down to them which only resulted in an air-headed lack of knowledge. He’d leave the castles he’d stolen abandoned, fleeing when his actual being was discovered amongst too many survivors civilians. He watched up at the castle window, silhouettes of men & women conversing & the odd twirl of dancers. Of course, the Count could just march his way into the ballroom, announce himself as a mysterious member of high society that the host’s forgot to write an invitation too. He certainly could. However the Count was one, who despite every mothers scorn, liked to play with his food. He liked to place his feet firmly under the table & work his way through the staff & family before ceasing it all entirely for himself. How else would he be able to take everything they physically & economically had before taking their worthless little lives? By being nice? That’s not how the world works, not to mention that takes too long. After all, one should know more about how & where their food is grown in order to keep a healthy diet. You wouldn’t want your food tampered with, it should be no different with a cursed creature. Just because you’re assigned immortality, doesn’t mean you should flaunt around & take lesser than. By all means, take more, take the finer things, take more if you have to!
In the meantime, as he watched & waited, Count Dracula resided himself on a small farmland not too far from the great mansion before him, but not too close to rouse any suspicion. A short stalk through the woodland brought him to the edge of the ground of his soon to be home. The hut he resided in, held a farming family, captive, tied together in a complex knot, almost like his own personal collection of salted meats. They’d tried to escape previously, which only insulted him to no end. He didn’t seem to be that bad of a host, he’d fed them when he remembered & stoked a fire. Though, he taught them not to escape by punishing & taking the life of their smallest child. A common act in Vladivostok. It certainly made the family stay put from then on & there was no complaints from then on. Dracula took a final few glances about the house, observing it as though it was an architects blue prints, searching for small crevices he could steal away out of or in should his plans go awry, before retreating himself back to the hut, resting until it was time to execute his plan.
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Happy Drac-O-Ween
Chapter 9 / 31
Valeria found herself stopped short, her breath caught in her throat, and almost like the Lord hadn’t even listened to keep the stranger away from her. Most of all, she hated that she’d been caught. The Chapel hadn’t really been used since her fathers passing, her Mother & herself had decided to stop attending. It held too sad a memory, his death. They still would continue mass & tradition in the privacy of their rooms, sometimes on certain holidays they would share the time together within their drawing room. Other than that, they would not step foot in the chapel. Except Valeria of course, it was the only place she could feel closer to her Father, closer to even a God that could listen. Her Mother seemed entirely closed off, even when the news that her husband had died, she barely shed a tear, merely dusted herself off & began funeral plans immediately. There was a coldness to her that the Duchess knew she couldn’t go to when her heart was broken. Certainly not when it came to her deeper suspicions, even if her Mother mildly agreed, she didn’t fully understand her feelings.  But there he stood.  The stranger she wanted to keep away.
“Good evening, Duchess.” The Count purred to her with a smile, his tongue resting on his teeth as he smiled. “Would you care for me to walk you back inside?” he took a moments pause, then looked towards the woods behind the chapel “Who knows what’s lurking in these woods.” he eyed them carefully, as if he wasn’t the most deadly thing within them.  Valeria held her chin high, annoyed at his offer, it was kind yes but she couldn’t warm to him. “That won’t be necessary. I’m sure I can walk myself the few short paces it takes from here to the house.” She made sure to keep her eyes off the Count & firmly on the entrance. “Then perhaps you might walk me back? After my experience recently, it appears that the woods is safe for no human at all.” his eyes sparkled with mischief, laughing at his own quiet joke. Valeria felt inclined to accept his offer, after all it would be deemed rude to just cut him off & she knew her Mother would have words with her for being so brazen in her feelings for the Count. She silently bowed her head, then proceeded to walk. If he didn’t take that as the hint to follow, then more fool him.  The Count took two quick steps forward, surprised at how quick the little thing was. “If I may be so bold, Duchess, I have a sneaking suspicion that you aren’t too keen on my presence here. Not just tonight, but last night too.” Dracula tried to appear sincere, perhaps even a little hurt by her hatred. He could sense it, smell it almost. It was bitter, like burnt cardamom but she also held the scent of heartbreak, an airy type musk, the kind you’d find when alone in a damp cellar. “You are correct.” the Duchess kept her tone flat, not wanting to indicate any care for him or the conversation. Mother be damned. Dracula took a moments pause, allowing a few steps between them “I understand. I am a stranger in your home. But I am truly grateful to your Mother & yourself for giving me shelter. I also understand what it is like to lose a Father so young.” This caught the young woman’s attention now, ears pricking up to listen. The Count caught wind of this & responded simply “Hunting accident. Died from his wounds.”  “Then I am sorry for your tragedy. But I am afraid that does not make you any less relatable or have any sympathies from me.” she took a deep breath which she silently blew out of her nose. Her eyes finally rose from the damp wet grass that sparkled in the moonlight to meet the dark wooden door that led back into the house. “Good night, Count.” she bowed her head politely before heading inside. Dracula took a moment outside, annoyed that he couldn’t seem to crack the woman. But he will eventually. He just needed to take another stab at it. At her.
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Chapter 5 / 31
There inside the mildly warmed room, clearly no servant had been around to tend to it but why would they? For What the Duchess found within the was, well, to put it simply, as though no one had even been in the room all together. As though Count Dracula had vanished into thin air. The bed hadn’t been slept in, or at least showed no signs of being slept in, the furniture still held the layer of dust that comes with owning an old home, and the drapes were still pulled closed to prevent the prolonged sunlight to damage any materials. Of course, there was no chest to be found that would even suggest a visitor because of his supposed highwayman attack the previous night. But there was no sign of any kind of life within the room. Perhaps, with all her reading of Shakespeare’s great tragedies, she’d conjured the whole thing up in a dream. As carefully as the girl had entered, she exited. With a soft sigh to calm her nerves.  “And just what do you think you’re doing?” a voice hissed from behind the duchess, giving her a start. She’d quickly spun around to find Egon, the servant from the previous night, with his arms folded behind his back, and chin raised in a mix of question & judgement at the girl. Straightening herself & her dress, Valeria composed herself. She wouldn’t take judgement from someone beneath her, especially not a servant. “I was just checking on our unannounced guest. Making sure all servants are treating him well.” Valeria held her ground, serving back to him the same judgement he’d given her. If anything, Egon was completely un-phased by the woman's words, yet instead a slow grin rose on his face. He took the slightest step closer to the girl, where the smile could only look more smug “If you was that attentive to the Count, then you would know that he is currently in the dining room with your Mother, rather than snooping around the man’s personal quarters.”  The girl swallowed her pride then, dropping her eyes momentarily before meeting his again. She had no comeback, no quip that she could use. He’d caught her red handed digging around, in the most unladylike of fashion. All she could do, was keep her chin held high as she walked away from the servant.
As Valeria approached the dining room, she could hear the polite tittering of laughter from her mother bubbling with the harsh laugh of the Count. It reminded her of when her father was alive, how those bright mornings seemed to fill the hallways along with their laughter, her fathers warm laugh was welcome, whereas Count Dracula’s seemed harsh, mocking, almost monstrous. Its hark seemed to burn into the woodwork & curl it’s edges. Again, swallowing her pride,  she forced herself into the dining room, where the laughter seemed to cease upon her appearance. Count Dracula was sat informally close to her mother, normally the man, the guest, would sit a few seats away but somehow he’d wormed his way right up next to her, as if they were relatives or old acquaintances. But neither of them seemed ashamed of it, and stayed within their seats. A nameless servant, they seemed to blur together after some time, had stepped forward, offering a silver platter to the Count. “No, please, I assure you, your staff Lady Katharina was more than... attentive to me last night, it turned out I had built up quite the appetite after all of last nights events.” “That reminds me, Count Dracula.” Katharina placed her teacup gently down on its saucer. “You must tell us where the attack occurred. I can send some of my best men to search for your belongings. That way you may settle yourself for the time being far easier with familiar objects.” Dracula shook his own head to her “I believe it far easier that I retrace my own steps, as frantic as they may have been, it would save time & as you have said, these items are precious familiar objects. It is best that I search alone, in case of yet another ambush, I would hate for you to lose staff.” Valeria had sat at her seat during the whole interaction, watching the pair interact. She suddenly interjected with a “How will the morning treat you? Kindly? After such a traumatic night, you’d think you’d be frightened of the day too.”  Count Dracula was taken back by the girls comment, he’d gotten the impression that the girl had been observing him even at such a short time of his stay. He gave a soft chuckle, his black eyes meeting her blues “My childhood in my home country was a tough one to grow up within, while last night was a shock, it is not something I cannot recover from.” he offered a warm smile to her, but held his gaze on her as a warning not to ask anymore questions. Valeria decided to take it.
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Happy Drac-O-Ween
Chapter 10 / 31
Dracula sat in the quiet still of his room, the only sound that could be heard was the crackle of the fireplace, the odd sip of his glass, and just then a pitter patter of naked feet followed by a flirtatious giggle. The Count was too busy to really notice as the figure straddled onto his lap, all he noticed was their presence, heartbeat, & white night gown. He sat there quietly, his index resting on his temple, and middle finger on his lip. His mind was too busy rolling with ideas on how to get the girl to warm to him to really take notice of the human, “Dracula, why don’t you come to bed? The bed pan is cooling. You could always warm me up?” the voice purred, nuzzling at his cheek with his nose.  The fact that the voice spoke, caused Dracula to break away from his thoughts. The hand that rest on his face, now came to hold the mans child. Cold dark eyes met equally mischievous ones, you decide which was which. “You know full well that I am as cold as the tomb. I’d hardly warm you up.” Dracula whispered, a soft smile growing on his face. He’d switched faces, from a deep thoughtful one to an entirely different playful one. He was the spitting image of Thalia & Melpomene in that moment.  Egon pouted, trying his best to play bashful “There are other ways your body could warm me up, my lord.” he hinted & furthered his point by rolling his hips against Dracula’s own. But Dracula wasn’t having any of it, not tonight, he wasn’t in the mood. Still, he couldn’t let the servant drift away or lose trust in him.  “How about you warm me up instead? My drink is getting empty.” his voice dripped in command, wavering the glass in front of the man, he knew he had the servant under his spell. Egon sat up straight, then rolled up the sleeve of his night shirt to reveal a small scar just midway up the arm, high enough to hide under clothes. Obediently he raised it toward the Count, who in return pressed a gentle kiss to the skin before using his sharp long nail to cut into another new line next to the scar of the old. He turned the mans arm so that the free stream of blood could trickle straight into the Count’s glass. Once satisfied, Dracula twisted the wound to seal it. Any excess that remained on the skin, and he’d purposely done this to keep the servants interest, Dracula ran his tongue up the red stripe, all the while keeping his eyes on the human who in turn kept his lustful ones on the vampire. Egon blinked a moment & caught his breath “Is there something on your mind, Count? It’s unlike you to not be interested in what I have to offer other than my blood.” Realising he was caught out, Dracula sat back in his seat, head resting on it’s back, looking defeated, and almost human. “It’s the girl. She doesn’t seem to like me, not how you & her Mother do.” he flashed a grin as his eyes danced down the servants body.  Slightly annoyed that his mind had drifted to that brat of a girl, Egon hopped off the Counts lap, and had his bare feet pat across the floor to take a seat on the empty chair opposite. Dracula watched the man, hopeful he’d have an idea & not give the silent treatment. Egon’s arms were folded, watching the flames. The pair of them held a horrid silence between them.  “Egon?” The Count called softly, as though he truly loved him & hadn’t wanted to hurt him. Like he wasn’t going to feed off all the servants. “Blackmail.” he answered sharply. “I’m sorry?” “Blackmail her, have some kind of information on her, make her sweat.” Dracula pursed his lips, surprised at himself for not even thinking of that in the first place. He raised his glass & took a sip of the dark forbidden liquid like it was the finest Scotch in all of Germany. “I would do that, but the girl keeps me so far from her that I cannot search for secrets.” “She has a romantic interest. Farmhand. He sneaks through the servants stairs, he absolutely reeks of pig shit, I’m surprised the whole house can’t smell it--” “A partner you say? Not of noble birth? Her Mother would surely disapprove...” his eyes darted across the floor as though a new war plan had been unveiled to him, and see what he liked, knowing it was the best plan of execution, the greatest slaughter, he grinned in a way that would make the devil tremble. He looked toward the servant, who slowly met his in return, and ended their conversation with “Perhaps I can warm your bed tonight.” 
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Happy Drac-O-Ween
chapter 12 / 31
The following morning, Valeria sat upright in her bed, twirling then stabbing her spoon in the middle of her porridge. She wasn’t in the mood to eat, she was too busy being quietly angry with herself, and angry with him of course. He now had a hold over her, while she wanted to keep him away from her but that plan had clearly gone awry. She watched out into the white of the morning, another day of that impossible to shift fog. But today it seemed like it had swallowed the entire world, drowning in a sea of white. As her long hair trailed down toward her porridge, she immediately swept it back. She didn’t exactly fancy eating her hair for breakfast. Though, Dracula catching her last night with her lover felt like he’d also swallowed her whole. What would happen to Abbott? What if her Mumma found out? She had the power to bring shame upon their family for generations to come, but it would also be an elephant in the room at any social event, the shame she had brought on the family. Not to mention the shame it would taint any man her Mother had lined up for her to marry once she turned 18. As she twirled her porridge into spirals once more, just as though she was swirling her worries into them, something clicked in her mind.                                               She knew nothing on Count Dracula.
Was he even a real nobleman? Where was he going in the first place? The next notable town was a route that didn’t pass by their estate. If he wanted her to squirm, she needed him to squirm too. She needed information on Count Dracula to buy her silence. With a determined nod of her head, and a generous spoonful of her porridge, it was a silently signed deal to herself. She was of noble birth, she wasn’t going to back down easily from a mere stranger. Washed & dressed, fed & watered, and hair brushed & tidied, Valeria set out on a search for the Count. Or more so, to search his rooms again for any information he might have on him that Valeria can use against him at last. But before she could do that, she needed to know where that pesky invasive snake of a servant Egon was at this moment. Removing her boots & storing them in her room to make as little noise as possible, Valeria stole around the house, carefully peering around corners in case of being spotted. At points, she had to hide behind curtains, tables, and the odd tall plant. It wasn’t until she held her breath against the crack of a dining room door to find him, and many other of their staff setting up the room & table. Egon was paying full attention the glassware, rubbing away any sign of finger prints. Though, she had to stifle a laugh at how truly idiotic he was, not matter how cunning he tried to come across. The man was trying to polish away fingerprints, prints that were placed there because he wore no glove. That just solidified to her that he’d be occupied for quite some time. Stealing away quickly, Valeria made her way back up towards the Count’s room & knocked with determination. Once again, just like the previous time, Valeria found there was no sound. Just to be on the safe side, she knocked again. Still, nothing. This was enough confirmation for her that Dracula wasn’t within. With a sharp breath to muster some courage, Valeria entered his room once more. She found it as she had the other day, neat, untouched, all except the chest he’d ‘recovered’ from his incident. It still appeared as though no one had been in the room in the slightest. Her feet barely made a sound on the wood floor, masked by the presence of a rug & her feet covered by stockings. Of course, the staff would have been in to tidy, clear & reset the fire, but the room truly appeared unoccupied. She decided the best place to start for clues would be the Count’s travel chest, and so, quickly she threw it open & began to search. The clothes she found were well made, nothing too elaborate of that of a dandy but nothing to simple either. Enough to show nobility but nothing of the sort a Lord or Royal would wear. A perfect balance. A blend. It was as she observed the details on one evening coat, she noticed something shimmering on the wood floor, reflecting a light off the fire. With one hand, Valeria reached out, and touched the thick liquid with her fingers. Was it port? But the Count had wanted whiskey last night? But then port was never this thick, it was slightly thinner than this. She raised her fingers to her nose but only caught a whiff of iron. Is this....? “Blood.” The Count’s voice called suddenly from the doorway.
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Happy Drac-O-Ween
chapter 4/31
As the morning came to fruition after a hellish night that was only described as biblical, the birds song & soared as though the destruction of the previous night had never existed. From the window of the great house, vast fields would normally be seen swirling, rolling for miles on end, though this morning a great thick fog had been born, making it incredibly difficult to even see past the rounded bushes on the driveway just outside the main path. The sunlight fought against the fog, trying her hardest to burn off the dew from the grass but the grass seemed to wear it’s full suit of armour that morning. The steam that was supposed to burn off into the sky seemed locked by some kind of invisible cage. This was something that the Duchess Valeria had noticed, standing at her window, her loose curls resting just past her shoulders & still in her nightgown. At least, she should be in her morning gown, the wrap you wore in the morning with your night dress & not with your daywear. Her slim hand held back the heavy drapes, watching how nature had suddenly changed her tune. Mornings were usually like this, yes, but this was unrelenting, no fog had ever lasted this long. The sun was a powerful creature, she could create or destroy with a single look & yet, this, seemed to defy her powers.
A few soft creaks in the floorboards outside her door & she knew her ladys maid was approaching with her breakfast. She daren’t be out of bed, she knew Mrs Schafsturn would hate that she’d missed her duty of waking the mistress & having her normal ‘important’ role disrupted. With the gentlest of pats of her feet, Valeria tittered back into her bed as quickly as she could, ducking under the covers, hiding her face to pretend she was still asleep. Only soon after did she hear the door squeal open, and the rattle of a silver tray enter her room. Wonderful, fish for breakfast. she knew that simply by the way the tray was set, knowing that fish in this house was almost always served by silver in its entirety.  “Good morning, Duchess!” the heavily German accent called after a swish of the curtains blew open. Despite the fact that Valeria had just been at the window observing the strange sunlight, the sudden shock after a short moment away burned at her eyes. She tried to look eager & well rested as she woke, sitting up in her bed, but really who is eager & well rested after sleep? “Guten morgen, Frau Schafsturn.” the girl groaned, managing to keep up the appearance of only just having been awoken. The silver tray, which no doubt by its strong smell held kippers, was placed on the girls lap before her maid went to stoke the fire. A scullery maid would come along shortly to stack more wood on the fire but giving the burnt coals & wood a little shake helped to add that extra warmth needed in the morning. “Wie geht es Graf Dracula heute morgen?” she adjusted herself in bed, then rubbed at her eye before taking her first bite of fish.  The ladys maid, in her late 50′s, sorted a pillow before placing it back in it’s seat “I haven’t seen him.” she paused a moment, why the young girl would have that on her mind so soon after waking up “I was told he was going out to search for his luggage, whatever he had left of it after the attack.” Valeria paused in her eating and let her eyes search out into that sunlit window, looking out into the forest beyond. Something didn’t add up with him. She couldn’t quite place her finger on it. Her Mumma said that notion came from reading far too many of Shakespeare's tragedy's, perhaps she was right but something in her gut told her to watch him. For the moment though, she would focus on her breakfast. Once dressed, hair brushed and set, Valeria set foot outside of her bedroom door. In Germany this time of year you could tell who slept in which guest room as a sudden warmth could be felt from the fire of vacant rooms compared to the ice cold chill from the empty ones. If you wanted to be more certain which room was occupied, you’d take a candle flame to the door frame. If the candle light wavered, then that room held no fire, however if you held the flame to the frame & found it being drawn toward the door, then the fire was alight, & the room was occupied. She found the room that Count Dracula had slept in, suspiciously not too far away from hers & her Mothers though that was no ones choosing but the servants. Taking a moments deep breath, the girl managed to pluck up the courage to knock on his door. But found no answer came. Perhaps she knocked too lightly, and so she tried again but knocked a little harder this time. Once again she found no response. Holding her breath, she focused on sound, a sigh, movement, anything. Not even a shadow made a crack from the sunlight as though someone waited at the door, also listening. Once more, the girl checked the coast was clear before carefully turning the knob with a soft click & opened the door a crack before slipping her head round. 
There, she’d found the strangest thing of any guest she’d ever encountered previously.
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