#happy birthday to me thanks for the prompt maddie i do think a little snack in the rain would be nice
wereshrew-admirer · 3 months
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chine sheltering from an early spring rain, enjoying a little snack
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whoreforbuckley · 3 years
my best friend’s brother (is the one for me). | evan buckley
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paring: fem!reader x evan buckley
requested: no
prompt: n/a
summary: reader has been seeing Buck in secret for a while, and Maddie and the 118 have no idea
rating: PG
warnings: fluffy content ahead. proceed with caution, brother / sister banter
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author’s note: i was listening to the victorious soundtrack and thought of this. it’s probably definitely been written before but i felt inspired
“It’s been months, Buck,” you tell him. “Don’t you think it’s time to tell your sister at least?”
Buck looks at you and says, “I don’t think she would be very happy to know that I’ve been seeing her best friend behind her back for the past few months.”
You groan in frustration, saying, “The longer we hide it, the more upset Maddie will be. Or, maybe she’ll even be happy for us. We won’t know though unless we tell her.”
Your boyfriend of eight months blinks at you. He’s quiet. Too quiet. You don’t think you’ve ever seen Buck be this quiet for this long. It’s like he’s contemplating something. Maybe he’s contemplating your proposition. You stand in front of him in your apartment.
After a few years of silence, Buck sighs in defeat. “You won’t let this go until we tell her, will you?” he asks.
“Nope,” you say, popping the ‘P’. ���It’s either we tell or I tell her. Either way, she’s finding out. Whether it’s from just me or both of us, she’ll know by the end of the week.”
Buck smiles at you and says, “Okay, but if she’s upset then you can’t blame me because you’re the only that wanted to tell her in the first place.”
You smile back at Buck, saying, “Thank you.”
“Mhm,” he says, taking a few steps toward you. “In the meantime, can we please watch something other than the news? Maybe a movie?”
With a hint of excitement in your voice, you ask, “Can we please watch The Karate Kid on Netflix?”
Buck presses a kiss to your forehead and says, “Whatever you’d like to watch.”
You get excited when Buck doesn’t automatically say no to your choice of movie. You make popcorn and put it in a bowl. The bowl sits on Buck’s stomach while you lay snuggled into his side with one of his arms around you. Both of you snack on the popcorn while watching the movie.
Three days later, it’s ‘Friendsgiving’. Friendsgiving for the 118 is celebrated the weekend before Thanksgiving. The station gets together with their closest friends and family and hold their own little ‘mini’ Thanksgiving.
That’s when you and Buck have decided to go public with your relationship. He asked you to come to the fire house for dinner, but Maddie also asked you to come. You said yes to both invitations.
Deciding to look casual, but with a little bit of flare, you wear a leopard pint tube top and pair that with a leather skirt. You wear a pair of black heels to compliment the dark outfit. You wear the leather jacket Buck owns but let you borrow. Your hair goes up in a ponytail on top of your head and you do a natural makeup look, just covering some blemishes and pimples that dot your face. There’s a knock at your apartment door and you go to answer it.
On the other side of the door stands Buck. He’s in a white v-neck t-shirt and black jeans with sneakers. You notice he’s wearing the silver chain you got him for his birthday a few months ago. “I feel underdressed,” Buck admits, looking you up and down.
“Hush,” you tell him. “You look very handsome. That shirt hugs you in all the right places.” You didn’t lie. It shows off his muscles, and you love his muscles. Perks of dating a firefighter.
Buck laughs and you see his cheeks get a little red. “Ready to go?” he asks. “My car is waiting downstairs for us.”
You nod, grabbing your cellphone, wallet, and keys. You lock the door before taking Buck’s hand and taking the elevator down to the first floor.
In the car, you can’t help but notice how tense Buck is. You say, “It’s not like you’re introducing me to your sister for the first time. Or the 118, for that matter. Relax, Buck.”
He makes a turn and says, “I’m telling all my closest friends at the same time that I’m in a relationship, and that I’ve been in a relationship for almost nine months. I don’t know if they’re going to be thrilled or upset that I didn’t tell them. Especially Eddie and Maddie.”
“They already love me,” you say as Buck pulls into a parking spot near the 118. “I’m sure they’ll be happy for you since they are your closest friends, Buck.”
Both of you get out of the car and head into the fire house. Eddie and Christopher are the first ones to greet you and Buck. “Buck!” Christopher says. “Y/N! You came.”
Buck crouches down and gives Christopher a hug. “We wouldn’t miss Friendsgiving with you, Christopher.”
Eddie looks at you with raised eyebrows. His eyes ask the question that you’ve been avoiding for months. Are you and Buck together? Why did you show up together?
“Bobby made cake,” Christopher says before Eddie can get a word out. “He let me try the batter. It was good.”
Your boyfriend stands back up and says, “Well, I’ll have to take your word on it until I can try some.” Christopher laughs and walks off. Eddie shoots another look at you and Buck before following his son.
You look up at Buck and say, “Whenever you’re ready, Buckaroo.”
“Haha,” Buck says, faking a laugh.
Bobby yells, “Dinner is ready!” Everyone that was staggered around the house walks up the stairs to the table.
Maddie sits next to Chimney, Buck sits next to Maddie, and you sit next to Buck. May Grant sits next to you, Harry beside her, Athena beside him, and Bobby at the head of the table. Eddie and Christopher sit across from Athena and Harry. Hen, Karen, and Denny sit across from you, May, and Buck. Albert, Chimney’s brother, sits at the other end of the table across from Bobby.
Dinner starts quietly. Forks and knives clanging against the plates as everyone digs in. Then Eddie clears his throat and says, “So, Buck, how’s that woman that you’ve been seeing? Sad she couldn’t come to Friendsgiving with us.”
Maddie jumps into the conversation, saying, “Wait, my little brother is seeing someone? And I didn’t know about it?”
Buck looks panicked for a second before saying, “I have been seeing someone, and she’s okay, Eddie. Just busy today.”
Your best friend says, “I want to know more about this mystery woman you’ve been seeing, Evan. Tell us about her. When did you meet her?”
“I met her about a year ago,” Buck says. “Beginning of December, actually. I ran into her at the movie theater while she was about to see some movie for her birthday with her friends. Accidentally spilled her popcorn, so I brought her a new bag. She offered me a seat with her and her friends and it’s basically been me and her ever since.”
It takes everything in you not to look at Buck, pretending it’s none of your business. You dig into the stuffing.
Maddie says, “That’s cute. What’s her name?”
“I don’t think that we’re ready to, you know, come out as a couple yet,” Buck says. “She’s kind of shy.” That’s when you look at Buck, blinking at him. “Or maybe not?”
Your best friend laughs and says, “Well, Y/N has been telling me all about this guy she’s been dating for a few months. He sounds like he’s perfect for her, but she won’t tell me anything other than the fact that he’s a first responder and that she’s completely fallen for him.”
You choke on the water that you were sipping when Maddie was talking. You never told Buck that you’ve fallen in love with him. Neither of you have said the scary ‘L’ word to each other after almost nine months together.
Buck looks down at you and asks, “You said that?”
Hesitantly, you say, “I said that.”
A small smile lights up Buck’s face as he says, “Well, since we’re on this topic, I’d like to say that I’ve fallen for the woman I’ve been seeing recently. She’s like the perfect woman and she’s everything to me. I’ve been a pain in her ass recently but she means the world to me.”
You blink at Buck. He’s really confessing how he feels about you to everyone.
Chimney hops into the conversation and asks, “Then why is Y/N wearing your lucky leather jacket if you’ve fallen for a woman none of us have met?”
Both you and Buck look at each other before Buck says, “Because she’s my perfect woman.”
A smile paints your face and all movement stops at the table as Buck makes that five word announcement.
“You know, Buck,” you say. “You pick the weirdest times to make confessions.”
He shrugs and says, “I figured now was a good time to tell you how I felt about you since you already told my sister that you fell for me.”
Maddie’s jaw drops. “Hold up,” she says. “Hold the damn door. My brother and my best friend are dating? When did this happen and why?”
“I don’t think you wanna know why, Maddie,” Buck says. “As for when, almost nine months ago.”
Eddie says, “I didn’t think you’d wait forever to tell everyone. I figured it out four months ago when I saw Y/N’s clothes on Buck’s bedroom floor.”
Almost everyone at the table laughs and you say, “Yeah, that wasn’t my best moment.”
Maddie says, “You’ve been dating my brother for almost a year and that wasn’t your best moment? I mean, when were you going to tell me you’ve been seeing, and sleeping with, my brother? You’re my best friend, Y/N. Why would you hide something like this from me?”
Reality slaps you across the face and you say, “We didn’t think you’d approve, Maddie.”
“Nine months,” she mumbles to herself. “I mean, the way you’ve talked about him to me means he’s been treating you right. Buck somehow hasn’t managed to screw up your relationship with him yet so I guess I approve. It doesn’t mean I’m happy that you lied to me and kept this from me.”
Buck looks at his sister. “We never lied to you, Maddie,” he says. “We’ve just been withholding information.”
Eddie says, “Well, Buck’s definitely changed since he and Y/N started dating. As Buck’s best friend, I approve too.”
Most of the people at the table laugh and move on to the next conversation. You look up at your boyfriend and say, “That wasn’t the worst thing ever, was it?”
“Well, it could’ve been,” he sighs. “But I guess you’re right. We’ll celebrate later.” Buck sends you a little wink so you get the hint. Your cheeks heat up and your boyfriend presses a lingering kiss to your cheek.
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