#happy birthday peepaw!!! love this old guy
ozzyeelz · 1 year
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randomshipperhere · 2 years
Chillin with Pam (CELCI) stream summary
Happy birthday Pam!
Jordan is very cool. Best Captain everybody! Preesh for the man
No drama on set. Mark is surprised that there usually is drama.
Mark tried his best to go around and get creative input from everyone. It was a fun environment (we could tell from the BTS photos/videos of the crew)
Once again Corridor Crew gets a mention along with Burning Tractor.
So when’s the explanation stream?
Mark is telling everyone to break the site (Stray Cat Alliance). He’s so rude. It’s not tough for us! We’ve broken multiple sites before. We’ll do it again!
He’s doing the whole spelling things out instead of saying them out loud bit again. Guess he’ll do it until the end
Mark trying to get Pam’s attention. Keeps saying/screaming hello. Aww
They’re playing No Man’s Sky
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AMY!! 34:18 for timestamp.
Mark is calling Pam’s in-game character ugly
Mark stays in his ship and Pam stays in hers. No murders will happen if they follow this rule
Celci? Dorene? Connection? wdym you don’t know Mark. You made the show
1:03:50 Mark asked Pam what her favorite part of filming was. She answered it was the reverse reverse (?) and the NSP song with all the different costumes
She then mentions how a lot of times her characters are different from how she is in real life
1:10:40 Amy comes in again! Burrito!
1:11:17 Mark asks Pam how she feels about the accusations of Celci being the one to sabotage the ship. Banter and it’s all lighthearted. Fight! Fight! Fight!
Mark is sending a telepathic message to Amy that he needs a knife for his food
1:13:50 Favorite scene to watch. Pam’s answer was the Romance for both parts.
1:21:00 “Wait are those lines blue and red?! You don’t think...? D-D-Darkiplier” (This man will never stop making fun of him and us)
1:23:40 Mark sayin sweet stuff about Pam that he says he never ever would say to her face
Aside from Old Mark, Pam’s favorite character is Gunther.
1:29:20 Pam and Mark didn’t recognize Mick story times
Oh yeah forgot but way earlier Mark told the story of how everyone on set really loved Peepaw Mark.
1:33:30 Mark really loved the Old Mark scenes. It was tough though. Individually he loved the dummy throws
Mark in most cases threw the dummy. That’s interesting. Same in Heist.
1:34:00 The hallway neck grab. Hmmmm. Mark’s a masochist
Twitch Partnership is bull-! Go get that bag Pam!
Mark madge we didn’t park our ass in Pam’s stream. He said the “I spent an eternity in hell” line. NOOOOO
Mark will ban everyone if her stream goes under 1.4k oh no. The super secret ban button.
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He’s serious you guys
1:53:10 Oh no. Mark turned the screen black. Chat is afraid. sCARY VOICE FROM THE VOID
“Why you do this” same Pam
Hehehe Mark accidentally banned himself in the void lol
the little squeak lol
Void cats
1;59:20 lil lines referencing the show. Captain. Anomaly. yeah...
2:06:35 Celci outfit story time. She wanted to burn it right after but you never know if they have to reuse it for future projects.
Wade’s outfit was also really hot
Pam will be in the chat of the Sunday stream
Mark raids Pam. Once again Happy Birthday!
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