#happy april fools to us booping everything we see lmao
arcanegifs · 29 days
just so yall know this is a sideblog so i cant boop back but i see u 👀
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winter-doggo · 27 days
Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favorite followers 🖤
Ah, heck, I got this from @prismaticpichu too. Does that mean I have to do ten things?
(I'm also not gonna send it to 10 further people because I'm not the chain mail type, but if you're reading this, you're cool and awesome and I am lazer beaming friendship at you)
I've always been a creative type, and I'm happy I managed to hold onto that and grow over time into bringing people joy with my creations.
I'm not half bad with technology. This isn't to say the point is I'm particularly good, either, but I have a ton of fun poking around with computers and using them for things, and I like that I can do that! WinterDoggo learn more coding challenge
Autism. Sorry to be clear I mean uhh. You ever like memorising lists of stuff to do with your favourite things? Like memorising every Pokémon and memorising every Monster Hunter Monster and memorising every item you can find/bug or fish you can catch/quest you can do in The Dog Island because you love DATA and INFORMATION and STATISTICS and wanted to KNOW YOUR FAVOURITE THINGS INSIDE OUT and yeah I calmed down a pinch over the years but there's still me. I still love statistics and I still memorise the creatures. I can still identify a bunch of real world butterflies purely from me being so into THE DOG Island like 15 years ago. That sort of memorisation set the base for me being so good at speedrunning it, actually. So ok, yeah, autism lmao
As a kid/teenager I spent a while being really judgemental, and I'm really happy to have moved past that. Less of a hypocrite and more just an authentic weirdo. Maybe that's just part of growing up, but some people don't, y'know?
I've never thought I had much of a fashion sense, but I've still managed to develop something of a style in my wardrobe. And I love my leather coats and fancy-looking hats and that practically everything is in black. So kind of my fashion sense even though I don't really know what I'm doing xD
Man. How did you guys do this? I compressed what could have been a lot of little things into less numerous things. And that's a skill that I like that I have! My brain... hasn't got a lot of RAM, shall we say. So it's gotten pretty good at compression. But now I have to think of more things when I could have split "creative" into each individual creative skill hahah
This is a weird one, because while I'm not at all patriotic, I still like being British. Because people from other countries (particularly Americans) seem to automatically think my accent is great and i can spook people with weird sounding food. It's sorta looped me into liking my own voice. Thanks, internet!
I'd like to think, when it comes to fandom, I'm alright at thinking of little things that tie things together just that slight bit more interestingly while still sticking close to the source. I've gotten enough compliments on little headcanons I mention (and worldbuilding bits particularly from my Yuke's CatzDogz fics) that my silly little noggin sees a pattern. And i think that's neat!
Friendship :] I must be doing something right! Alas I'm too scatterbrained to remember half the reasons people say they like me, but they do, and all those traits that people cite? i like em too, because I like making my friends happy ^^
There we go. Thanks for reading :]
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