antisociallilbrat · 11 months
It's Mike time baby, he needs some love
-Mike and Bill take scenic drives all the time. In the book Mike's dad would send him to different places around Derry to find or see cool or interesting things and because of that Mike found a lot of great views and he and Bill would take his truck to those spots and just read or talk or cuddle together. Mike is a very astute observer of his friends and so whenever he notices that something's bothering Bill, he whisks him away to these beautiful spots he finds.
-Bev loves to take Mike on days out. She calls them "Adventures". She loves finding new restaurants or coffee shops they've never been to or seeing indie movies she's never heard of at local theaters. Even in a clown-less universe, Mike still spent a lot of his formative years working on the farm instead of having fun so she's trying to make up for that now for him.
-Mike and Eddie take random classes all the time. They love picking up new skills. It started when Eddie got everyone CPR certified and they saw an ad for a cooking class on the way out and they're the only ones interested. Then follows knitting and gardening and dance and so on.
-Mike and Richie both took a gap year before heading to college. They didn't feel ready and so instead they went on a cross-country road trip together. Mike had seen so little in his life and he was so excited. Richie took enough polaroids to fill two albums and was in charge of the music. Mike picked all the stops and was adamant they see every dumb local attraction they could.
-Stan gets Mike incredibly invested in birdwatching as a hobby. At first Stan thought he kept offering to go with him because he's kind, but Mike eventually started getting his own gear and his own bird book, he packed them lunches, and then he found them a local group of birdwatchers for them to join. They stand out a bit as 20-somethings in a group made up of seniors, but that doesn't bother them. Stan still insists they go with just each other about half of the time though.
-One year for Mike's birthday, Ben built him a chicken coop in their backyard. He knew that Mike was happy to be in the city with his friends, but that he was definitely a bit homesick for the farm. Ben helped him hatch some chicks and raise them. They both cried tears of joy when their first chick hatched. Each of the Losers got to name one. The Loser's cook only with Mike's eggs from that day forward.
Rose everytime you grace my inbox it's absolute blessing- and to bring some love for Mike while you're at it <33 aaaaa okay okay
-Mike is so the guy to take long rides to clear his head and I'm happy to think about him including Bill on them. Sometimes they talk, sometimes they listen to music, and other times they just drive in silence with the windows rolled down and breathing in all that open space
-I read this point and the first thing that popped into my head was that 'treat yourself' meme and yes these two do that. They treat themselves to new restaurants and experiences but i can also see them being thrift shop buddies? They've definitely done the bit where you go to like goodwill and pick out silly outfits for the person you're with. They have a good time with it
-Eddie and Mike taking random classes is top tier. Yes they both know how to make pottery, knit, scrapbook and they've taken at least one intro class of a foreign language. It's just fun and sometimes they'll flip a coin to see what's the next class they're going ot.
-Speaking of scrapbooking that came in real handy with this one. Mike and Richie taking a cross country road trip aaaa. I can see Mike sitting in the passenger seat with a map and circling every little tourist trap he wants to go to and him and Richie both being genuinely excited over the littlest things, it's such a sweet image <3
-Stan and Mike birdwatching :( Mike loves animals so of course he'd actually get excited about this and the boy already loves to learn so he eat ups every fact Stan gives him about birds. And honestly these are the two losers that would hang out with a group of seniors- it's very on brand for them. Stan already dresses like an old man and all the old ladies love Mike bc he's so charming. Stan may or may not be jealous.
-Something about how Mike and Ben are already kinda seen as the 'mother hens' of the losers and then them raising actual chickens...and yes Mike has all the kisses for Ben when he sees that chicken coop and the chicks they hatch might as well be their actual children let's be honest
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the-angry-pixie · 1 year
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the losers love each other moodboards (5/?) - Hanslon 📚
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lethimrunsonia · 2 years
Ben HANDSOME isn’t straight it’s SLANDER
You think that thick lumber jack of a man doesn’t get dicked down by Richard Tozier? You think that?
You think HIS WIFE doesn’t peg him????
You think Stan and Mike don’t kiss him on the LIPS
You are WRONG
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vvanini · 4 years
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wip of the boys playing chess but the pieces are random so dont @ me 
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etherdragons · 3 years
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I mean.
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wintercorpse · 3 years
i miss talking to people here 🥺🥺 i wanna talk about it ! send me IT asks 🥺👉👈 i miss clowtown <3
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ratbird0917 · 3 years
💜New Fic! Pushing Up Lavender💜
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hanlonging · 4 years
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feeling productive so I made charts on pairing / character popularity based on AO3 tag counts
sources: AO3 and too much time procrastination
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sweeturis · 4 years
ben: why only have one significant other when you can have six?
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polyamorylosersau · 4 years
Pet names for the Losers, Ben edition:
(Ben’s pet names for the Losers) (obviously there is overlap and an overuse of honey BUT these are the ones most often used)
Bev: my delight, Bev love, sweet girl
Mike: Handsome, Muscle Man, Muffin
Richie: Buddy/Bubba, jellybean, gorgeous
Stan: Blue Jay, Snuggle butt, baby
Bill: Bunny, Monkey, Stud Muffin
Eddie: Darling, cupcake, chipmunk
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kutekasplon · 3 years
Ben Is Having A Crisis (Poly!Losers fic)
Ben starts to question his sexuality leading to him eventually getting with all the losers in one way or another. AKA polylosers fic where Ben explores his sexuality
Ben’s sexuality was always a weird topic for him.
He was almost 80% sure that he was straight, but then there was the other 20%. The percentage that got butterflies in his stomach whenever Eddie was smiling at him or when Bill told him he liked one of his poems. Sometimes Mike would pull him into one of his famous bear hugs and by the time both boys pulled apart Ben thought his heart was gonna be out of his chest. Then there was the time that Richie, one of the funniest people Ben knew, laughed so hard at one of Ben’s jokes he started to cry. Hearing Richies laugh drove Ben a little crazy. Then there was the encounter he had with Stan. Stan had invited Ben to go bird watching with him because and Ben quotes “Ben is Stans’s favorite loser to go bird watching with.” Ben is sure that it’s only because he stays quiet when Stan needs him to, but nonetheless the compliment made Ben turn a bright shade of red.
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ifuckedyrmum · 3 years
Thought: Ben Hanscom and Mike Hanlon could’ve been the bestest of friends without Ben having to steal Mike’s personality.
Mike is homeschooled, so he would hang out in the library LOADS to learn and read about things that his family can’t teach. He’d probably have all the time in the world to read almost all the non-fiction books there, he’s very interested in the world outside of Derry and he knows his way around the entire library (so much so that the librarian would often ask him to help out). However, Mike prefers the books that expand his knowledge rather than those that tip it over into the realms of fantasy, so he doesn’t read much of the fiction (unless it contains many historical references and remains practically grounded in reality).
Ben would be more into literature and arts (having written the ‘haiku’ poem for Beverly) and with him being the new kid he brings all this outside knowledge to the librarian, giving book suggestions as the library is in dire need for new ones.
Mike and Ben bump into each other very often in the library, Mike is fascinated by the possibilities of all of Ben’s outside knowledge of the rest of the world. They finally have chance to speak when Ben picks up the nerve to ask him where the non-fiction books about Greek Statues are, Mike caves due to sheer excitement that he can finally talk to the ‘Boy from Out of Town’ and he ends up giving him a full tour of the library, giving him book recommendations along the way and a quick summary of what he deemed important for each one. He would also skip relatively fast through the fiction section as nothing really suited him personally until Ben stops, takes a book from the ‘crime’ section and points at it, handing it over to Mike as he does so. Ben would then go on to say how much one of the main characters reminded him of Mike as they too had a deep interest for the History of the Earth, even though Ben barely knew Mike outside of his vast knowledge of the library, Mike would hold on to it and later borrow it once Ben had left.
Mike would recommend more non-fiction books to Ben, specifically those about Ancient Architecture (which would then develop Ben’s love for the subject and hint at his future as an architect) and that’s how I think Ben’s knowledge of How To Build a Dam would originate from, just from reading a book that Mike recommended. Ben would also recommend books too, fiction. It took Ben a few weeks to have a look through the library’s entire selection of fiction, remembering what he had and hadn’t read, but he got there in the end and hands over some of his favourites to Mike. Mike’s skeptical at first but he notices that most of these aren’t even books he’s fully noticed before, he reads them and enjoys all of them (to some extent, he still found them ridiculous but came to accept that as he progressed through them). They’d exchange book recommendations until Ben has exhausted his and turns to his lending Mike his own books from home that aren’t available at Derry’s library. Mike is now convinced that he wants to open up a bookshop when he eventually moves away and travel all across the world a wide variety of books for it.
They’d just be complete nerds together. Mike would also help out when Ben needed to study, testing his knowledge with flash cards and random questions he passes to him on Ben’s notepad. On the front of this notepad Ben had written the name “Book Buddies” and Mike absolutely loves it! They’re both incredibly happy as they were both each other’s first best friend, Mike doesn’t care that Ben might move away he’s just happy to have found someone who’s NOT his family OR a bully and Ben doesn’t care either because he’s managed to get Mike’s home phone number so they can discuss some of the books louder at home without the risk of the librarian shushing them. They’d also discuss their personal lives on the phone too, Ben would often talk about the girl in his Social Studies class and Mike would ask about his school experience and his experience in each state he’s been in. They’d talk over the phone for hours until either Mike is dragged away to the sheep or Ben’s mother decides to take him out shopping with her.
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poly-losers-club · 4 years
Ben x Mike hc, please???
Oh my god okay so the most gorgeous, adorable thing just struck me!
So like, both Mike and Ben spent their formative years kind of in isolation right? Mike because he was homeschooled and Ben because he wasnt very good at making friends prior to the Losers Club.
So what if... what if Ben and Mike... started hanging out more often just the two of them until they like, decide to have a sleepover. But like, they’ve never had one before so they’re not quite clear on the rules of how it works.
They’re kind of just going off what they’ve heard goes on at sleepovers.
Like Mike brings a whole picnic basket of food with him. Not realising that of course he will be fed while over at Ben’s house (they still enjoy having a midnight picnic on the roof of Ben’s house).
Ben looks quizzically at the sleeping bag his mother laid out beside his bed.
“I have a sleeping bag for you to sleep on the floor.” 
“But it would be more comfortable to just share the bed though. You wanna just share the bed?”
“Yes please!”
And like, now that they’re here, on this ~sleepover~ like... what do they do?
Mike remembers seeing kids playing truth or dare in a movie once. So they try that.
“Truth or dare?”
“Ok who do you like?”
“Beverly. Truth or dare.”
“Who do you like?”
“I don’t know anybody.”
Truth or dare doesn’t last long. Its not very fun. Why do people always play it?!?
Dinner time is so cute with Ben’s Mom being just ecstatic that her son has a friend over. And Mike is just so lovely and polite and answers every single one of her questions and calls her “Mrs Hanscom ma’am” which makes Mrs Hanscom want to giggle with glee.
They go into the back yard and kick a ball back and forth cause like, isn’t that what kids their age do?
Who knows. Maybe.
Then Ben asks does Mike wanna go to his room and read? and Mike is like “YES!” 
And so these cuties do just that!
Ben is all like, “I can lend you a book, I’ve got lots” and Mike is like “no need, I brought my own” because of course he did!
But then in the middle of their reading, separate, quiet, at different ends of the bed Mike is like “WE SHOULD MAKE A FORT!”
And of course, Ben, future architect extraordinaire is like “YES!” with lots of emphasis.
And so they set about making the most wonderful and elaborate fort. With lots of cushy pillows and blankets covering the ground so they can lay in there together and resume their reading in the utmost comfort until they both fall asleep.
And that... is Ben and Mike’s first sleepover. 
But it is definitely not their last. 
They have a special bond those two. Richie calls it the “bookworm bond”. And they’ll take it. Because they are both gentle good-natured souls, they can handle a joke. 
And just... they find so much peace in being with each other. 
Mike see’s all the worry melt away from Ben’s face when his nose is buried in a book. And the excitement in his eyes when he’s sharing something new with Mike that he just read about, its breathtaking. 
And Ben, Ben can’t help but to watch Mike every now and then while he’s laid out on his side reading. Languid like a cat. But then he’ll glance up and catch Ben looking and give him the most kind and handsome smile and Ben will feel his cheeks heat up and he’ll hide himself in his book again.
They don’t get together in any official capacity until many years later. But they both have to admit, the love started a lot earlier than that. 
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lethimrunsonia · 2 years
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'Cause You The Only One I Need And I'm The Only One For You
Mike, Bill, and Eddie are watching Unsolved Mysteries and Benny has really missed Mikey. And Mike has really missed Benny. Cue the Cuteness.
Part of Six Different Ways Polyverse!
@kitchen-witch-bitch and I’s <3.
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89tczier · 4 years
sometimes life is just *goes to the benverly tag and filters though 99% general IT posting to find something that’s actually content*  *goes to the stozier tag and filters though 99% general IT posting to find something that’s actually content*  *goes to the hanslon tag and filters though 99% gen
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happierfuture · 4 years
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sunset hanslon ✰ anonymous
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