bapydemonprincess · 2 months
Harem kuro idea but no it's not about Sebastian Michaelis this time, it's about how everyone wants Mey Rin! 😌
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grelleswife · 3 years
Hannamey Headcanons
@bapydemonprincess requested some Hannamey headcanons for an OTP ask meme; my answers are included below!
I'm assuming that we're in a more auspicious version of the Season 2 verse where O!Ciel wins and stays human, although Alois eventually dies and leaves Hannah free to pursue her love in peace.
2. What was their first impression of each other?
Mey experienced a full bi panic when she first laid eyes on Hannah in that seductive black dress. The maid didn't recognize her feelings at the time, but she had a crush. Although Hannah didn't show it, the comely young maid caught her eye straightaway. The demonness was quietly amused by how taken Mey Rin was with her; Hannah knows exactly what kind of effect she tends to have on the sapphics >:3. Due to her devilish instincts, she sensed that Mey had a tragic past, and that she'd sent many souls to an early grave (the act of killing tends to "mark" the spirit in ways some demons can perceive), which piqued her curiosity. 4. Who felt romantic feelings first?
Mey Rin! She tends to fall fast and hard in romantic relationships. As a demon, Hannah took longer to acknowledge her growing attraction for the maid as something other than carnal desire. 5. Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Both of them did, to an extent. Mey Rin was distraught because she knew she shouldn't harbor romantic feelings for someone who served an enemy of young master, while Hannah, after becoming acquainted with the pain of grief through Luka's death, was none too keen on being entangled in an intimate relationship with a human. Love could not be suppressed for long, however... >:3
2. Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
Sort of. Their first few trysts occurred under the cover of nightfall, in the woods near the Phantomhive manor. That way, Mey Rin wouldn't have to risk a visit to the Trancy estate, and Hannah was sufficiently far away from the grounds to avoid Sebastian detecting her. However, their first proper date took place when the Phantomhive servants went on a trip to London. Mey Rin split off from the rest of the group to have a rendezvous with Hannah at a little cafe. They both started off a bit awkwardly (Mey was a bundle of nerves and Hannah felt uncharacteristically shy), but once the conversation got going, the bubbly, smiling maid of Phantomhive soon drew Hannah out of her shell. The demonness bought Mey a plateful of the tastiest pastries on the menu; of course, Hannah didn't eat or drink anything herself, but dear flustered Mey was too caught up in the moment to notice. When it was time for Mey to rejoin the other servants, Hannah walked her part of the way back, and the two held hands. >w< 3. What was their first kiss like?
Mey Rin bid Hannah goodbye after one of the demon's nocturnal visits, but they both lingered, neither wanting to be the first one to leave the secluded forest spot. Hannah took an indecisive step towards Mey Rin. Then she tenderly cupped the maid's face in her hands, bent down, and kissed her. When they parted, she whispered a simple "Good night" before disappearing among the trees, leaving Mey Rin red-faced and trembling. The maid dreamily stumbled through the next day, grinning and tripping on air. The demonness wore no perfume, but she smelt of petrichor, and a whiff of the earth after it rains never fails to remind Mey Rin of that first kiss. 7. Who takes the lead in social situations?
It depends. Hannah is melancholy, withdrawn, and secretive, while Mey Rin tends to be cheerful and outgoing in environments where she feels secure. However, if Mey Rin is nervous or unsure of herself, Hannah will take the lead in order to spare her lover the anxieties that come with prolonged social interactions. She'll gently pat Mey Rin's back or hold her hand to help the maid stay calm. 8. Who gets jealous easier?
Hannah. Demons jealously guard the souls they hold dear, and are very protective of their mates. If Hannah catches someone trying to make a move on her woman, she'll either wrap an arm around Mey Rin's waist and hold her close, or step between Mey and the (real or imagined) rival...giving them a deadly glare that makes the bravest heart quail. She bares her fangs and lets her demonic essence show, her long hair writhing like Medusa's serpents, until the interloper beats a hasty retreat. However, after a few conversations with Mey Rin on the subject, Hannah learns to calm down a little. 9. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other's ear?
Under normal circumstances, I don't think either of them is given to making crass remarks. Hannah prefers subtle innuendos--double entendres or inside jokes that no one but Mey Rin will understand. She'll smirk knowingly when she catches Mey Rin's longing glances at her cleavage (causing the maid to turn into a blushing, incoherent mess). Mey Rin gets a little bolder when she's tipsy; she'll climb into Hannah's lap and whisper about all the things she hopes the demon will do to her when they're alone. Shortly thereafter, Hannah finds an excuse to leave the party early with her lover so that she can make good on Mey Rin's suggestions. ;)
1. Who said "I love you" first?
Mey Rin! She gave Hannah a small gift (a little embroidery piece of an owl), and when she saw how stunned the Trancy maid was at the gesture, Mey Rin blurted out, "Why do you look so surprised? You know I love you, yes I do!" She was mortified by her outburst and slapped her hands over her mouth, but Hannah just laughed and gave her a warm hug. 2. What are their primary love languages?
physical touch and acts of service, with quality time being a close second. Like most demons, Hannah views language as a tool for manipulation--in her mind, actions speak far louder than words when it comes to revealing a lover's true intentions. And since Mey Rin spent most of her childhood and young adulthood deprived of meaningful connections with others, she craves small intimacies like having the demonness brush her hair or hold her when she needs comforting. 4. How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
Very often! They're extremely snuggly in private. Mey loves to sit in Hannah's lap or rest her head against the demon's bosom, and Hannah dotes on her human. They have to be cautious about overt PDA in the Victorian period, but no one will look twice if two very good lady friends stroll arm-in-arm together... 8. Who's better at comforting the other?
Mey Rin is a little better at this because she's naturally warm and empathetic. However, Hannah has a quiet, reassuring presence, and she learns to tell when Mey Rin is feeling sad or vulnerable and needs a little cuddling. 10. Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
As explained above, physical affection! 12. What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
Hannah calls Mey Rin "beloved," her flower, or her little princess; Mey Rin is initially hesitant to speak so familiarly with an ancient, powerful demon, but she'll sometimes call Hannah "honey," "love," or Chinese terms of endearment.
Domestic Life
1. If they get married, who proposes?
Demons' concepts of mating bonds aren't the same as our ideas about marriage, so it never occurred to Hannah to make a formal proposal. But one day, Mey Rin wistfully confessed that she would love to be Hannah's wife, if society were more open-minded about that sort of thing. The demonness couldn't bear to see her human sad, so she used her powers to make a pretty engagement ring (amethyst set in gold) to give to Mey shortly after this conversation. If they couldn't have an official ceremony, then damn it, they'd make their own. 2. What's the wedding like? Who attends?
It's held in the Phamtomhive garden, among the roses (Sebastian and Hannah reached an uneasy truce after Alois's death), and all the Phantomhive servants attend. The triplets are also there to assist with the ceremony, strewing flower petals, carrying the ladies' wedding trains, and so on (my headcanon is that they're babey demons who serve as Hannah's subordinates). Lizzy, Sieglinde, and Ran Mao are Mey Rin's bridesmaids. Both Mey and Hannah wear beautiful dresses (pink and purple, respectively). Instead of having a religious official preside over the ceremony, the ladies exchange vows that they wrote for each other. 4. Do they have any pets?
Oh yes! Hannah sometimes takes in injured wild animals to nurse back to health, like a fox kit that got its paw stuck in a trap, or a robin that broke its wing, so they soon have a smol menagerie on their hands. 8. How do they celebrate holidays?
Mey Rin loves holidays like Halloween and the Chinese New Year, so Hannah learns about the associated customs and traditions to help her wife celebrate. For events like Halloween, they'll coordinate costumes (one year, they both dressed up as witches), and save up lots of candy to give to the local kids. Hannah uses her demon powers to add spooky touches to their home, like magical floating candles and ghostly shadows that appear in the windows when someone passes by. Mey Rin gets a huge kick out of it! 10. Who's the better cook?
Hannah. When you've existed for millenia, you pick up a few skills here and there, such as navigating your way around a kitchen. ;) She loves spoiling Mey with her favorite treats. 11. Who likes to dance?
They both do, though Hannah is usually the one to ask Mey to join her on the dance floor.
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hana-chan06 · 4 years
by Jonathan Figueira and HannaMei Levine
The first records of Japanese immigration to Peru was in 1899, when a ship with about 800 landed there
“Peru’s Japanese community continued to grow, swollen by new arrivals. By 1936, the 23,000 Japanese-Peruvians represented 45% of Peru’s foreign population, distantly followed by the 7,000 Chinese and then by scant numbers of Italians, English, and Germans.[4] Densely clustered in Lima” (Kushner).
“Today, Peru’s 54,000 nikkei form one of the nation’s largest immigrant-descended ethnic groups, though they make up only a tiny one-fifth of 1% of the population of 27 million. Seventy percent of Japanese-Peruvians live in Lima; the city boasts a nikkei cultural center and museum, and magazines and newspapers aimed at nikkei readers” (Kushner).
Japanese Immigrants in Peru (1890-1978)
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Peru had a labor shortage and hoped that opening the country to the Japanese would encourage Europeans to immigrate as well. The surge of Japanese immigrants took many of the labor jobs that we empty, however this led to the idea that the Japanese were stealing jobs from the Peruvians. Some Japanese became indentured laborers along with Indians and Chinese in the post-slavery era. 
World War II
“Japan’s bombing of Pearl Harbor in December 1941 prompted the Peruvian government to freeze and confiscate Japanese assets, forbid Japanese-Peruvians to assemble in groups larger than three, and shut down Japanese-language newspapers and schools. Peruvian authorities blacklisted prominent Japanese and later the entire community, prohibiting the patronage of Japanese businesses” (Kushner).
US political-military alliance with Lima, Peru (1942)
In order to try to manage their Japanese population during WWII, Peru...
Tracked, identified, and created ID files for all the Japanese-Peruvians
Arrested Japanese-Peruvians and sent them to internment camps
Grouped Japanese-Peruvians with Japanese-Americans
Sent Japanese-Peruvians to Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) located in Crystal City and Kennedy, Texas and Santa Fe, New Mexico
Only ⅕ of Japanese-Peruvians returned home after WWII
Alberto Fujimori, President of Peru (1990-2000)
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After allegations of corruption and other violations, Fujimori fled the country and went into exile, but was later arrested in Chile. He was sentenced to 25 years in prison.
Prior to Alberto Fujimori, Japanese-Peruvians generally prided themselves on being distant from politics. This was a defensive mechanism against potential aggressive crimes towards them. While he was running, the Japanese population in Peru had an increased fear of potential violence against them. “During election week they should stay out of public places, avoid traveling alone, and have neighbors watch out for them.”
In 1991, three Japanese tourists were killed, prompting fear in the Nikkei community. This fear led to thousands migrating to Japan. In 2000, when Fujimori ended his term, he had to flee to Japan on accounts of crimes while in office. As a result, Peruvians began to consider him and his followers as “oriental mafia”. There are currently followers of Fujimorism in Peru, led by Alberto Fujimori’s children, but they have yet to gain another president.
Cultural History
New Years, Girls Day, Childrens Day, Buddhist Festivals (Obon and Ohigan)
Japanese and Peruvian fusion cuisine
Added seafood to Peruvian staples: corn, chili, cassava, potatoes, and limes (e.g. ceviche is mixed w/ fresh fish)
(1) Interpersonal racism
Japanese people were categorized as criminals
Thought of as “bestial,” “untrustworthy,” and “militaristic”
Vandalization of Asian stores 
(2) Institutional racism
Peruvians thought the Japanese were stealing their jobs
Peruvian banks would not lend to Japanese
(3) Structural racism
General ideas of not belonging and ruining the country
Wanted them to go back to “their country” (Japan)
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bapydemonprincess · 2 days
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🌹💖Princess Mey Rin💖🌹
The fairest, sweetest princess known in the land, far and wide. Though a bit sheltered from the outside world due to her very poor eyesight and her Father's overall over protectiveness, she's sharp in other ways like knowing why her circumstances are the way they are and figuring out various means of escaping to go out into the woods beyond.
Every time, however, a devoted protector of hers is bound to find her.
One being the Kingdom's mysterious advisor and mage, Sebastian Michaelis, who seemed cold and uninterested in socializing with visitors of any kind from other kingdoms, trying to make trade deals or gambles; attempting to trick the King into making bad decisions. (there have been too many close calls where the fool almost agreed..), but the princess has warmed their heart when she will not give up on trying to socialize with them, asking questions and begging to be told more stories of the powerful mage's life before this.
Another being a brave, gallant, if a bit over the top bold and brash, dramatic and sometimes egotistic Grelle Sutcliff. A leader among her army and already solemnly sworn to protect the entire royal family, she's often found herself specifically rushing to scoop up the bumbling princess when she's attempted to blindly run off out of excitement into an unknown location or climb a tree in the woods out of wanting a little fun in her life.
Finally there's her very own tutor, a holy priestess and healer of the kingdom, Hannah Annafellows, who also patiently puts up with the billions of questions the princess asks, charmed by the young woman's endless open and honest curiosity.
And also noticing as the young woman grows braver a curious energy growing within her. Almost similar to the healing powers she herself has.. if a bit different in its own manner.
As the kingdom starts to fall into hard times as the King, Lau, does some not so smart deals with some shady neighboring kingdoms, his daughter secretly searches; begs and pleads with her sworn and loyal protectors to help her save her tiny family of only her Father and her younger sister, Ran Mao. (who unknowist to her is also trying to figure out how to protect her poor-sighted older sister in her own ways; learning to fight!)
Who would think, realizing she can see in the distance and wield a bow and arrow with ease, would help Mey Rin become one of the deadliest stealth archers in the land.
And help her secretly take out her Father's enemies with a single shot before anyone knows it.
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bapydemonprincess · 3 months
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In one verse Hannah Annafellows could come join the Phantomhive staff, and she and the head maid Mey Rin could grow quite close 🩷💜
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bapydemonprincess · 4 months
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Picrew used: https://picrew.me/ja/image_maker/2272390
The Sim where you help Mey Rin get with ...EVERYONE SHE HAS A CRUSH ON!!! ...And remember, she's bisexual, so there's quite a few~
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bapydemonprincess · 3 years
Maybe Hannamey for the domesticity meme? 💖💜
Yasss this pairing deserves more attention for sure! 💖💜
who cooks normally?: Hannah likely does most of the cooking, as no matter if demon or human I assume she'd be a master cook! Though maybe, juuust maybe she and Mey work on desserts and stuff for special occasions together. >w< (Think making pies and cookies for Christmas, and chocolate sweets for V-day, ect.!)
how often do they fight?: Rarely ever I'd assume! Mey Rin never likes getting into arguments with loved ones or in general, and Hannah may be a serious sort with a stubborn and strong mind, but she is soft for her girlfriend and definitely never likes to argue with her. They may differ in opinions on some certain topics, and may discuss it, but since both ladies are of the open minded sort, they listen to each other before rebutting or disagreeing, and if there is something they just can't agree on, they'd let it go and both think on more positive topics as quickly as possible!
what do they do when they’re away from each other?:
I believe in modern verse, they both have good phones ready and depending on the circumstances will text updates to the other on occasion! In the canon era verse of Victorian times, though, I'd assume if they both now know of each others locations after getting together, they might enjoy sending love letters to one another. A classic move, especially for Sapphics of that time. uwu
nicknames for each other?: As seen in the Sebamey RP now that Hannah's there, she loves calling Mey "little flower" which I think would carry on in any verse, as well as "darling" and "dearest". And I think our Mey Mey would of course call Hannah "luv" and maybe "sweetie".
who is more likely to pay for dinner?: Again likely Hannah! She likely handles most things in the relationship involving money and outings, especially when they are living together, because all around I can't see Mey at being the best with money, and managing it. She gets easily stressed out, and obviously it's a relief to have someone she can trust to handle those more complex things!
who steals the covers at night?: Mey of course! Her tinier body I assume gets colder faster!! And she likely suffers wild/bad dreams too and tosses and turns! TwT
what would they get each other for gifts?: They both try their best for simple, meaningful things. Hannah getting things like jewelry and dresses and flowers for Mey but nothing expensive, and Mey thinking of very pretty, artistic looking hand crafted things for Hannah but still thankfully not too high priced!
who remembers things?: Likely Hannah! I bet even as a human this woman has like a big DATABASE memory.. which is so awesome, especially to someone so scrambled and scatterbrained as poor Mey!
who cusses more?: Ooooo now, now dear readers this is a bit of a trick question... Because It really depends on the circumstances, doesn't it? 😌 I'd assume it we were thinking OVERALL.. Mey would curse more, for the dear smaller girl definitely is known to have a BURST of rage when something triggers her! But with Hannah.. She's more... refined, classier. She likely is too self conscious too to go off swearing as well, especially when she knows she's above that. >:3
what would they do if the other one was hurt?: Well both girls are ladies of action!! And so of course both would react FAST! However, not exactly all the same. If Mey was hurt, Hannah would speedily instantly rush the girl off to get her fixed up, no dawdling what-so-ever! However if somehow Hannah was the one hurt, poor Mey might get into a bit of a tizzy and have a brain fart or too on what to do before finally getting to seeing to her love's wounds!
who kissed who first?: Hmmm I could see ways in which both girls could have the first kiss first in this pairing... 🤔 Maybe the most obvious would be Hannah being the one bold enough to move in and gently kiss the other girl.. But I can also see Hannah holding back, waiting for Mey Rin to choose to make the first move, but at least making sure the girl knows she's all for it!
who made the first move?:
Uh pretty much same exact answer for this. XD
who started the relationship?: I'd assume after whoever made the first move and/or kiss, they both decide together to start the relationship! 🥰💖💜
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grelleswife · 3 years
I recall you liking mermaid stuff before! Imagine an au where Hannah is a siren and Mey Rin or just Rin a simple young woman sailor or pirate and gets lured in by the siren song.. and Hannah is surprised because she's only had men get lured in, never got a lady before!!
Yes, I love mermaids! <3
That AU idea pushes all the right buttons! Perhaps Hannah is the type of siren who normally eats her victims...her lair is strewn with the bones of sailors foolish enough to listen to her deadly melody. But when Mey Rin abandons ship and swims over to the rock ledge where Hannah is singing, the mermaid is smitten. She actually wants to protect this mortal woman, not drag her down to a watery grave. And even after the siren's magic has dissipated, Mey Rin is still under her spell. They talk for a while and immediately hit it off, and Hannah uses her powers to draw in another ship to take the pretty sailor girl home. However, she finds herself pining after Mey Rin, just as Mey Rin gazes wistfully out to sea, dreaming of the siren who spared her life. It isn't long before Hannah's song calls to her once more...
Plus, there are several different directions in which this AU could go. Hannah could magically transform herself into a mermaid in order to live with Mey Rin on land, Mey could sacrifice her humanity to become a siren, or the two could stay as they were, with sailor!Mey using her nautical occupation as a way to stay in touch with her new girlfriend. 💖💜
Thanks so much for the idea! >w<
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bapydemonprincess · 3 years
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Picrew used: https://picrew.me/image_maker/59568
You’re never too old to fall in love, right Hannah? 😉💕 Especially with possibly the cutest mortal woman in the universe..! 😳
Note: please do not reblog to add your own picrew please and thank you! this is not that kind of post!
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bapydemonprincess · 3 years
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Picrew used: https://picrew.me/image_maker/399481
Have some more of Hannah Annafellows simping for the Phantomhive Maid 💖😍💜
Note: please do not reblog to add your own picrew please and thank you! this is not that kind of post!
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bapydemonprincess · 3 years
How about “one falling asleep with their head in the other’s lap” for Hannamey? 💜💖
Most of Mey Rin’s life had felt like one awful outcome after another, riddled with stress and anxiety galore.
Becoming Maid of Phantomhive was certainly not exception, as she’d had to learn a whole totally different set of skills to the ones she’d grown up learning while surviving as a child on her own, and then in the Qing Bang mafia just after that.
But then.. something even more unimaginable happened about five years after becoming the maid..
A unique noble house had appeared out of no where, deemed Trancy, and only sporting a young man by the name of Alois Trancy, his butler Claude Faustus, and a head maid calling herself Hannah Annafellows with three other strange, identical servants following her but no other specific positions in the household.
And of course this lead to a strange bout of back and forth fights and such between the two similar young noble boys, involving the servants as well.
But eventually.. after Alois had suffered a deep wound in a sword duel between him and the young master Ciel, and then apparently Sebastian managed to.. get rid of Claude at some point and return to them with no evidence of said battle nor any other explanation, things seemed to calm down once more..
At first it seemed as if the pretty maid of Trancy had disappeared along with Claude.. and the maid of Phantomhive had found herself forlorn, as she had so wished to get to know Hannah on a more relaxed, level ground, where they didn’t have to aim weapons at each other for someone else’s sake!
She’d all but given up on waiting to see if the Trancy boy or his maid or butler would return..
When out of the blue.. Hannah did appear.
Right at their door.
Even Sebastian had looked wide eyed and slack jawed as he stood before her.
They and the young master shared some words, then, that night, and next thing Mey Rin knew...
Hannah was simply.. there.. with a Phantomhive Maid uniform... and quietly seeing to the household chores along with Mey Rin.
And so this twist in everything felt like an unusual bungle, a strange bump in the road... a wrench in the--
“Mey Rin.. careful!!” Hannah’s voice suddenly broke through the maid’s internal monologue, going through a montage of all her past endeavors up to that point, and blinding her to the present, where she’d been trying.. or attempting to dust a parlor.. and ended up smacking a large bust on the fireplace mantle, making it fall and next thing Mey Rin knew--
“...Oooohhh..” Mey Rin groaned, coming to at who knows when, and finding herself.. 
.....IN HANNAH’S LAP????!!!!
Hannah smiled calmly from above, looking down on the other maid with what Mey Rin assumed was.. a relieved smile? (She was almost harder to read than Mr. Sebastian when it came to emotional responses, yes she was!)
“Are you.. alright, Mey Rin?” The other woman softly asked.
“U-Uh.. I-I.. I...” Mey babbled, still staring... up... and unable to ah.. look away...
Hannah chuckled softly, though, and Mey felt soft fingers gently comb through her hair.
“It’s alright, sweet thing.. you’ve been very, very busy all day. You deserve a brief reprieve. Don’t worry about the mess of the broken bust.. I saw to it while you were still recovering.”
“O-Oh.. that’s.. that’s good, it is, I-I guess...” Mey mumbled out, and then.. finally let out of a breath while closing her eyes.
She was still a bit.. dizzy from that awful hit to the head from that heavy statue! But it certainly wasn’t the worst thing to hit her in her life, no it wasn’t...
“That’s it,” Hannah’s voice cooed, and again her fingers could be felt gently running through Mey’s wild, fluffy locks. 
“Just breathe... rest... you deserve it... You must work so hard all the time as the only maid here in this giant manor... as well as your night time job as sniper... But it’s alright, Mey...”
Then Mey felt soft puffs of breath near her face, as the other woman had lowered her face closer, and her next words came out in a soft, tender whisper...
“...You’re not alone anymore.”
While half of Mey Rin’s mind managed to clutch onto those soft, sweet words, and she almost had enough energy to feel tears well behind her eyelids...
It wasn’t enough.. to stop... sleep from taking her.
As one tear escaped from behind her closed lids, from under light soft lashes... down over a flushed round cheek...
Mey Rin had had gone through so many stressful, scary things in her life...
But this new predicament didn’t... seem that bad.
Falling asleep on Miss Hannah Annafellow’s soft lap, while she pet her hair tenderly and hummed and whispered nice things...
Maybe Mey Rin could see herself getting used to this...
Yes she could!
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bapydemonprincess · 3 years
📓 OwO
So I think we discussed this before actually, but it was a LONG time ago.. Around the time of the Sebagrellerin RP when Hannah joined the "polycule" as you put it. XD
Basically though it can be in that verse or on it's own but all around I wanted SO MUCH to write about Hannah's POV on falling in love with a soft mortal like Mey Rin. Well.. falling more in love than she already had if it's during that verse because she clearly was enamored by Mey likely around the first meeting as she married the trio, then when she helped aid her in giving birth.
In that verse she loves Grelle and Seb too of course but with the mortal of the group she.. feels she has to go about things a certain way. To truly take her aside and let it all out to the lovely former maid
And maybe.. if given permission too from her first bonded demon mate Sebastian, to make a bond with her as well 🥰🥰🥰
All around the point is I wanna write about Hannah tripping over her words and being a bit flustered with this girl.. Even IF Mey already knows something is there. >w< 💖
(Meanwhile as she's trying to get through this, Grelle and Seb could be going FERAL, trying to hold back going to watch, but DYING to know how things will go!! XD)
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grelleswife · 3 years
omfg i wanna see hannah x mey please like i hope you write it seperate from the rp one day it sounds soooo gooood 🙏
I really want to write a fic or two about them! 💖💜 They have the potential to be quite the adorable OTP. It’s just a matter of finding the time and energy... 😭
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bapydemonprincess · 4 years
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A sweet summer drink with some sweet HannaMey! 💜💖☀️
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bapydemonprincess · 3 years
Hannah so happy to be a maid! she can chill with mey and not have to go off with ciel and sebas when they go on a case! :3
Exactly! Whatever is going on with those two is none of her business. uwu She will stay to protect the manor along with the other servants! Annnd mostly stay by Mey Mey’s side 💖💜
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bapydemonprincess · 4 years
Please share anything you can about the ship Hannamey!! It seems so cuute!! x3
*cracks knuckles* >:3
Mey and Hannah are both soft and enjoy peaceful times, though Mey, with her years of always being alert, always have a small ounce of anxiety still clinging to her no matter w peaceful things seem. However, in the ancient demoness’ presence, her anxiety seems to VANISH as if it was never there, and perhaps she even gets sleepy and low on energy really fast the first times spending close to Hannah, as in that time, close to the other, her physical and mental form relaxes completely... even more so than it did that first time she got to have a real nice hot bath for the first time in her life!! Its so so relaxing, Mey Rin collapses against Hannah, and the demoness is completely unsurprised, holding her, carrying her, cradling her precious human close.
“My sweet little Mey Rin... My beautiful mortal... my little princess..” Hannah croons, unable to help herself. She babbles beyond even her own comprehension, going on and on about this one single mortal until she is out of things..... Then she picks up with words in other languages that you don’t find in others. Things her human will never understand, but Hannah has to say them. To get them out.
Hannah has cared for many humans in her long, long life, and she didn’t expect this experience to be any different. But Mey Rin’s very presence before her is so different than any other human’s. She feel almost an ancient instinct to bow to her in respect, to take up her little hand and kiss her tiny knuckles. Perhaps.. those who believe in mortals having more than one lifetime have a point. Perhaps she’d known this human before, eons ago... But no, she would’ve recognized something in her soul, wouldn’t she have?? Some piece of a past that even Mey does not recall??
Mey Rin delights in the little things, like rarely seeing Hannah’s dark cheeks flush a bit, her always calmed, slightly lidded eyes going wider when something Mey Rin tells her or shows her makes them do so. Or the opposite; when Hannah’s eyes shut fully, as she enjoys Mey Rin giving her some pleasant physical attention in some way or another.
But the mortal girl also loves the VAST array of things Hannah teaches her, even things Mey Rin never thought would be brought up. Like what the Earth itself looked like, the very ground she walks on, years and years ago. When buildings didn’t exist. Nor the clothes she and others wear or even the types of animals they see now. Oh to imagine creatures like giant versions of lizards! Things out of fantasy stories!!
“Was there also a time when um, demons walked freely around humans, too, Hannah?” The girl asks, openly curious.
“...In a sense. Though they did not always put on human guises such as we do now. Back then, appearances didn’t matter for a beast, when all it needed was to be a beast.”
.... This makes Mey Rin look ready to cry, which is another fascinating yet sad thing Hannah still hasn’t gotten used to. Yes, she has experienced seeing humans cry, plenty of times. But this girl... does she ever run out of tears? Sometimes they aren’t sad either. Sometimes they are absolutely happy, and delightful, and she doesn’t mind at all. Others come when the girl gets angry on a very, very rare occasion. When pure, unhinged ferocity hits her and Mey Rin wants to- or gets to -shout about something being unfair or wrong. 
This is a sad time, though, Hannah recognizes. And all because of how the demoness worded her answer.
“Little one, please..”
She accepts Mey Rin leaning into her, face bowed and hands instinctively going to cling.
“Y-you talk so badly ‘bout yerself, you do, Hannah!! D-Don’t do that!! I dunno many other demons ‘sides you an’ Sebastian, but- but I don’t wanna call demons beasts like that!!”
“Well, I did not mean it as an insult to my own kind, dear. It’s simply how we were back then. Just as humans hadn’t evolved much at the time either. Some species simply start out only as base creatures, doing what they must to survive.”
Mey Rin sniffles some more, clearly trying to calm down. She keeps her head resting against the demoness, head turned to look out at the world as she pouts like an upset little girl.
“I know that... I know that well, I do.” She mumbles sadly. “But no one deserves to be all taunted for just... doin’ what they can to get by. Even demons. I don’t care if they might’ve looked all scary, no I don’t. An’ even if they probably woulda killed me on sight, I wouldn’a blamed ‘em.”
“I’d never let another demon harm you-” Hannah automatically reminds her, though she knows this is merely a hypothetical.
“I know.. but- but listen Hannah.” She looks up into the demoness’ face, her eyes still shimmering behind her glasses with water. But her eyebrows furrowed with seriousness. “We are ALL creatures. We are ALL tryin’ to survive. No matter if a lotta things ‘ave changed or not! THAT never changes!”
And once again for likely the upteenth time, the ancient demon is.. fascinated.
How can such a sweet, pure soul.. feel and look so old and understanding?
Hannah just chooses to accept it, and agree, as she holds and coddles her sweet little Mey Rin.
.... Wow I just went and wrote a drabble there WHOOPS hope that enough headcanons for you though!!! 🙈🙈🙈🙈 
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