#hail Eir
broomsick · 7 months
Every time I prayed to Eir, she came through and worked miracles in my life. Whether for myself or for a loved one, she blessed whoever was sick with good health, and a quick recovery. I am so grateful to her in a way that words can’t express. Hail Eir.
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broomswept · 3 months
May Eir’s sacred touch heal those who are suffering.
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notthesomefather · 6 months
Prayer to Eir
[prayer written by a member of the Godsring]
Oh Great Healing Goddess,
Honored by so many as caretaker of the ill and suffering,
She who Fjölsvið says shall free the sons of men from peril and pestilence,
We would ask you to free us from the same,
And join us in our place of worship.
Oh Maid who sits on Lyfjaberg,
Whose name comes down to us from ancient poems,
Whose nature is yet but vaguely known,
We pray to you to see us here,
And bless us with your presence.
Oh She with whom the ill and frail seek refuge,
We ask you humbly, with love in our hearts,
To help us know you, 
And to honor you,
As fully as you deserve.
Hail Eir!
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the-polyam-polytheist · 5 months
December prayers
hail Forsetti. mediator, peacemaker, presiding one! i pray that there be justice soon for those who've been treated unjustly. i pray for the war criminals to be stopped.
hail Eir. healer, doctor, nurse, therapist! i pray to you that there be healing for those who have survived this genocide. may they once more have access to medicine and rest.
hail Freyr. farmer-king, peaceful and battle-bold! i pray there be peace, that the bloodshed come to a stop. i pray the land and the people heal, and that indigenous peoples be given their lands back.
hail Frigg. hearth-lady, dear one, mother-friend, all-knowing! i pray that the displaced find home in their lands once more. i weep with you, for the parents who have mourned children. may all the victims find refuge.
hail Odin. father of victory, enemy of the wolf, god of prisoners! i pray for the freedom of the unjustly kidnapped and imprisioned. i beg that you give wisdom and power to those fighting fascism. may those waging horror be stilled.
hail Loki. change-creator, mischief-maker, shapeshifter! i pray that hypocrisy be uncovered and made clear. i ask that you turn the minds of those who would justify terrible wrongdoing. i pray for human society to drastically change for the better.
hail to the Nornir. weavers of wyrd, composers of chance, you who embroider history. i pray for an end to capitalism and war, to bigotry and bloodthirst. i beg that the horrors be over soon. i beg for frith to be.
(i wrote this set of prayers thinking of Palestine and Lebanon and North America, but this unfortunately could be used for multiple other things going on around the world. feel free to use or to share with credit.)
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idyllic-musings · 9 months
🌹| general intro: eir.
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"A traveling doctor and historian with an ungovernable spirit. Strangely, they do not seem to belong to any of the seven nations, yet their skill is well respected among their peers nonetheless. Their eyes tell the stories of a nation long gone."
kind and free-spirited, eir goes wherever their heart leads them... or wherever they are needed next. usually wherever they are needed next. they often receive letters from acquaintances, friends, and strangers alike, all requesting their input and expertise in not only medicine, but history as well, and—of course, the kindly soul that they are—they are more than happy to help. although, it should be noted that eir has a sharp tongue when they feel threatened. they also have an unfortunate inclination to gossiping, and worse? high status does not grant any kind of immunity from being their next victim. however, they are careful, and harmful gossip is kept to a minimum... at least, for those who they believe are truly good at heart.
brief trivia.
eir is non-binary (they/them). they hail from khaenri'ah and, as a result, are cursed with immortality.
physically, they appear to be in their late twenties.
their hair was once significantly longer, but immediately following the cataclysm, they had a friend from the akademiya cut it down to shoulder length (they keep it tied up, but when it is down, it reaches to their shoulders). they were still recovering and did not have the mobility to do it themselves.
eir did not need glasses initially, but their eyesight has degraded for reasons unknown to them. they believe it may have been caused by an injury that they overlooked. thankfully, it does not seem to be getting any worse.
eir does not talk about how they got their anemo vision. it's better that no-one asks about it; at best, it annoys them. at worst, they get defensive and verbally aggressive.
eir does not take to authority well, especially when it involves the seven. they avoid nations that are heavily governed by their respective archons for that exact reason.
pierro once asked them to join the fatui, to which they promptly told him to "go fuck himself" in front of all the other harbingers. a few of the other harbingers still tease him about it to this day.
the only harbinger they can tolerate is la signora, though it isn't exactly well-understood why. oddly enough, the two seem to be... close friends?
eir is generally nonviolent and doesn't believe in harming innocent folk who did nothing wrong. revenge is not something they seek. perhaps it has something to do with their occupation.
"Eir? Oho, I had no idea you had so many connections, traveler. Though, I suppose they aren't all that elusive... They tell me about what Khaenri'ah was like sometimes. It's a nice gesture. To know that there is someone who will still support me, regardless of what I do... It is comforting." —Kaeya
"Eir? Ah... nope! Never heard of them. Ehe... Anyway, how about I read you a new poem I wrote? I've been working on it for a long time, you know!" —Venti
"Eir, upon occassion, will stop by the pharmacy for supplies. Sometimes they stay a while and help out where they can. They and Changsheng like to gossip together. [Sigh] What a headache those two can be... but even so, their skill is to be admired. They are a good person at heart. Changsheng and I know that they do not belong to this era. When they are ready, they will talk about it, but until then... we will say nothing of it." —Baizhu
"Oh, Eir? The traveling doctor... they are very kind-hearted. When we were rebelling against the Shogun, they offered their services completely free of charge. There are people, good people, who would not be alive if not for them. I am not fully convinced that they are just a normal human, but that doesn't really mean much of anything to me. They still helped us when we needed it most. That is what matters." —Kokomi
"Eir? Hah, that doctor. They had the guts to tell off Pierro in front of all of us. Quite frankly, even I thought it to be impressive. Not a single one of us had anticipated that an unassuming traveler would have such a sharp tongue... If nothing else, they are at least the slighest bit more interesting than some others I've had the misfortune of encountering." —The Wanderer
"Ah, Eir. It really is hard not to admire someone so talented and kind. Their wisdom and knowledge has enabled me to learn a lot more about illnesses and flora that I otherwise would not have even been aware of. I very much appreciate that they do not gatekeep their knowledge—it's something both agree is unfair. Though, sometimes I do wonder where they learned all this from... Well, anyway, the only bad thing I can say about them is that they gossip... I hope to the Archons that they and Kaveh never meet. Never." —Tighnari
"I don't like them. The way they speak of Her Majesty is vile and ignorant. Hm... but they would make a good opponent. Say, traveler, you think you could convince Eir to fight me? No? Aw, what a shame..." —Childe
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The 12 Nights of Yule
~The first night of Yule - Mother Night (Módraniht)
Sacred to Frigg, Freya, and the Disir
~Second night of Yule - The Wild Hunt
Sacred to Odin and Ancestors
~Third night of Yule
Sacred to Mani and Darkness
~Fourth night of Yule
Sacred to Aegir, Njord, and Freyr
~Fifth night of Yule
Sacred to Community
~Sixth night of Yule
Sacred to Eir and Healing
~Seventh night of Yule
Sacred to Thor and Children
~Eighth night of Yule
Sacred to Skadi and Ullr
~Ninth night of Yule
Sacred to Odin and Fathers
~Tenth night of Yule
Sacred to Sunna and Light
~Eleventh night of Yule
Sacred to the Valkyries and Warriors
Self Reliance
~Twelfth night of Yule - Wassail
Sacred to all Divine Friends and Oath Night
Glad Yuletide to Everyone. Hail!
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Source: Frá Norðri [Facebook]
Rune Circle by: Gifts of Heimdall Runes for 'Textures of Bifröst' Collection [Facebook & Instagram]
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ladylilithprime · 11 months
FIC: Tom Hanks, Eat Your Heart Out
Written for @heavenandhellbingo Square: Repaying A Debt
Written for @duckprintspress May Trope Mayhem Day 24: Interspecies Relationship
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Gabriel/Sam Winchester
Rating: Teen and Up
Word Count: 2882
Summary: Gabriel likes to pop in on his favorite hunters and his best little brother to make sure they're doing okay and not in danger of dying or breaking the world again. Finding Sam chilling in a tiny motel bathtub with a massive scaled and finned tail was definitely a new one, though. 
Tags/Warnings: Involuntary Species Change, Dean Being An Impulsive Idiot, References To Canon Torture, Winchester Guilt Complexes
Read on AO3
IF HE EVER managed to discover the twist of fate (or Fate) that had Frigga showing up in the middle of Loki's diatribe against the death of Odin and broken vows made to gods, Gabriel was absolutely going to have to do some pretty grand gestures of gratitude. Despite still being visibly in mourning for her murdered husband, Frigga had been absolutely incensed over what Loki had planned to do to the Archangel "in retribution" for something that she had already Seen wasn't even his fault and which he had tried repeatedly to stop to his own detriment. Furthermore, given her general purview, Frigga had already "read ahead in this story" and had no intention of losing more family members to senseless acts of unnecessary revenge.
"All that research you have done into binding an Archangel might be better served offered to that little Seraph who is trying to keep our Gabriel's third brother from picking up where the eldest two left off before his desperation drives him to do something all of us will regret," she had told Loki tartly, and promptly taken Gabriel out of her brother-in-law's presence and off to the tender mercies of Asgard's healers.
Gabriel heard about the eventual showdown after the fact once Eir had deigned to release him from her clutches and he had managed to track down the "little Seraph" in question. Castiel had been understandably wary to have another Archangel in front of him so soon after having dealt with Raphael, but he was at least willing to listen when Gabriel explained where he had been (stuck in Asgard first in their prison because Loki was pissed off that Lucifer killed Odin, and then in the Healers' Hall) and what he wanted (to find out what the hell was going on because the rumors were wild) and what he planned to do now (to go back to as much of his former life here on Earth as he could manage, preferably with less dying). Hearing from Castiel about the second War of Heaven was heart-wrenching enough that Gabriel was begrudgingly willing to admit that Frigga and Eir had been right to keep him bedridden for as long as they had. Hearing what had happened to Sam and Dean Winchester while said second War was happening had not been any better, especially when he heard about the damage to Sam's soul and how one of Raphael's agents had broken the wall in his mind that Death had put up as a distraction technique, and to his own aggravated dismay Gabriel felt a very strong need to see them for himself to make sure they were really all right now.
He had been expecting just about anything from a holy fire Molotov (nice one, Cassie) to an attempted staking for old time's sake. He had not been expecting to find Dean on the verge of a nervous breakdown carefully hidden behind a mask of rage while Sam thrashed on the floor as if reacting to blows from an unseen opponent in eerie silence. Hallucinations, Castiel had whispered silently across their Grace connection, brought on by the trauma inflicted on his soul in the Cage. And that... that was equal parts heartbreaking and horrifying, because it was Gabriel's brothers who had done this to Sam and it had been Gabriel's desperate Hail Mary half a plan that had led to them doing it. The guilt that swamped him in that moment of realization was probably what made him temporarily take leave of his senses enough to show himself, ignoring Dean's startled cursing and the resulting scuffle as Castiel had to wrestle the agitated hunter's gun away from him when Gabriel's Grace touched Sam and the younger hunter started screaming. Healing wasn't his forte, but Gabriel was all too familiar with his brothers' respective tactics and handiwork, and he had just enough of his energy left to see Sam's eyes flutter open, clear and aware and wide with shock, before Gabriel's own rolled back and his Grace shut down his vessel to conserve itself enough to heal again.
The fact that he woke up some two months later in a human hospital was both reassuring and a little disheartening, but at least the Winchesters hadn't just left him on the floor of that rickety old cabin.
It only took a day to discover that they hadn't actually left him as Sam appeared in the doorway to his hospital room just before visiting hours would have been over, Dean not far behind. The relief on the younger Winchester's face at seeing him awake was a surprise, as was the dismay that replaced it when Gabriel asked if Sam was okay.
"Am I okay?" Sam had exclaimed incredulously. "Cas said you just got done healing when you showed up and promptly put yourself into a coma fixing my head, and you ask me if I'm okay?!"
"Well, I'd hate for my efforts to be wasted, but there's only so much of your head I can fix," Gabriel had deflected jokingly, only to end up with an armful of emotional hunter who couldn't seem to decide between laughing and crying and so was doing both at once.
"Man, you gotta stop dying on us, Gabe," Dean said over his brother's sobs in a tone that more closely matched Gabriel's own, if a bit more gruff. "It's becoming a habit."
"I'll try and break it if you two chuckleheads do," Gabriel grumbled irritably, and was rewarded with a somewhat wet laugh into his shoulder.
It took about as long for them to hash out just what that deal would end up looking like as it did for Gabriel to be discharged from the hospital, bills paid with his own money and prescriptions for painkillers that were promptly discarded. It had to be renegotiated when Abaddon showed up chasing Henry Winchester through time and the brothers almost didn't call him because he was only a week out of the hospital and they didn't immediately think a Knight of Hell qualified as an emergency. Eventually they settled into something of a loose sort of check-in schedule that worked for all of them so long as they pretended that it was just about hanging out.
To everyone's surprise except Castiel's, that worked out just fine.
Or at least it was supposed to. Gabriel was starting to have some doubts about that as he stared in dismay at the sight in front of him. He had privately entertained more than three or four fantasies about popping in on the Winchesters to find Sam naked in the bath, but this was a far cry from what his imagination usually conjured up. For one thing, the bathtub in question was a tiny and cramped motel bathtub instead of a jaccuzzi the size of a king bed. For another, the already tiny tub appeared even tinier when Sam's lower half was distinctly less human-shaped than Gabriel was used to.
Gabriel let his eyes rake over the usually long and lanky form that was now even longer, giving visual appreciation to the more familiar but still rarely seen bare arms and shoulders and well-sculpted muscled torso and abs. His eyes tracked further to where the sun-bronzed skin became shimmery with tiny translucent scales that got bigger and more vibrant as they went down, normally long and powerful legs now fused together into a single solid limb that could never even hope to be contained by the tub's short and narrow dimensions. Sam himself clearly realized it, too, as the end of his tail was draped over the edge of the bathtub and curled partially back, giving Gabriel an excellent view of the spiny fan of a translucent green and bronze caudal fin. He glanced back up beneath the water line and, sure enough, there were the shapes of somewhat squished pelvic fins and, at the underside of Sam's ribcage, the telltale gaping curves of gills awkwardly trying to breathe in the still, unmoving tub of water that was barely enough to keep him wet.
And he was still unfairly gorgeous.
"I don't even know where to start with this one," Gabriel said at length, thus also announcing his presence to Sam, who startled hard enough to send water splashing out of the tub.
"Gabriel!" he yelped, hands going reflexively but futilely to the area of his body that was usually much more potentially interesting to look at, then jerking his hands away again as his fingers brushed over shining green-and-bronze scales. "A little warning, maybe?"
"Shouldn't that be my line?" Gabriel asked, his eyebrows going up as he leaned his shoulder against the door jamb. "Or did you think this new look you're sporting didn't fall under the Third Commandments Tablet?"
"I'm not dying or even injured and I'm not facing off against a high ranking demon," Sam pointed out with a frown. "Not facing off against anything like this unless we get another ghost ship case."
"Commandment thirteen," Gabriel intoned, beginning to grin as Sam abruptly looked distinctly hunted. "Thou shalt not keep Gabriel out of the loop of big changes. Hate to break it to ya, Samperch, but changing species absolutely counts as a big change."
"It's temporary," Sam insisted, then scowled. "Or at least it was supposed to be, according to Cas. Dean got me this pendant that was labeled as a protective amulet because of the way that vamp nest last week tried to use me as a chew toy, which would have been fine except none of us thought to check up on the exact nature of the spells on the pendant beyond getting Cas to scan it for harmful magics just in case."
"At least you got him to check it at all," Gabriel broke in with a huff. He was starting to get the picture of what might have happened. "Let me guess, the pendant was an engraved cowrie shell strung on leather cording with coral beads?"
"You've heard of it," Sam sighed. "Of course you have. So you can guess what happened when I went to take a shower and Dean's idea of a solution to it."
"He broke the cowrie shell?"
"He broke the cowrie shell," Sam groaned. "And when that didn't work to change me back he salted and burned the whole damn necklace, and only decided to call Cas when that didn't work, at which point Cas informed him that if he had just left the necklace alone I could have dried off and changed back and then remembered to take the thing off to shower from now on, but now..."
"Now you have to find a mermaid enclave with one of their shamans who is willing to make a new pendant for you," Gabriel concluded. "Or rather, Dean does since he's the one who broke it and you're not exactly well versed in swimming with that fintastic new tail of yours to make the trip underwater."
"Not that Dean would be happy about letting me go off alone like this anyway," Sam said with a shake of his head. "He went back to the place that sold him the original pendant to see if they have any more first and Cas went with him to try and be a restraining influence with a promise to fly back if something happens and I need help."
Well, that explained why Sam had been left alone in a motel bathtub, at least. A cursory glance around the tiny bathroom showed a few bottles of water, some protein bars, and a small stack of books on the back of the toilet along with a plastic jar of what looked like salt. "I'm hoping the place isn't far, then?"
"It's in Maine," Sam deadpanned. Gabriel groaned inwardly. They were currently in Kentucky. "Fortunately, Dean was willing to concede that letting Cas fly him there and back once he gets a replacement pendant made logical sense, no matter his usual discomfort with taking Angel Air, so..."
"So they should hopefully be back once Dean learns that it's really rare for the enclaves to let one of their pendants fall into human hands for exactly this reason and the only reliable way to maybe get a new one is to find a mermaid shaman and sweet talk her into letting you at least borrow one for long enough to change back," Gabriel summarized. "And because this is Dean-o, the chances of him managing that are about even with the chances of him sticking his foot in his mouth, and he wouldn't think to call me about it either."
Sam paused and gave Gabriel a shrewd, narrow look that the Archangel tried not to let get to him beyond a pointed raising of his eyebrows. After a moment, Sam snorted softly, the caudal fin twitching where it lay against the water-splashed floor. "If his search back in Maine doesn't turn up anything useful, I was going to suggest calling you. I figured you would at least get a good laugh out of it."
There was a resigned edge to the words, not precisely unhappy so much as displeased. "Already got your fill of the jokes from big bro?"
"I wish," Sam sighed, slumping back into the tiny tub and sloshing the water again, the massive length of his tail arching up out of the water. "He's too busy brooding in guilt because this is technically all his fault, what with giving me the amulet and then breaking and burning it before checking with Cas about the particulars when I ended up half fish. I'm honestly expecting him to have a million jokes to make, most of them about my supposed continued transformations into a Disney princess, but he feels like he can't make any jokes until he's fixed me and it's driving me up the wall!"
"Literally," Gabriel remarked, eyeing the way slick green scales were rubbing up against the wall of the bathroom. One of the scales had detached from Sam's tail and lodged itself in the gap between the edges of the peeling wallpaper, which was going to be interesting for whoever got this room next if the cleaning staff missed it. "Well, I'm here now anyway. You want me to ping Cassie to bring Ahab back?"
"Does that make Cas Ishmael?" Sam snorted. "Sure, might as well, especially if you're right about the rarity of a pendant like that turning up in a coastal antique shop twice, which I can't imagine you wouldn't be."
"Flatterer," Gabriel batted his eyes at Sam even as he reached out to Castiel and sent the Grace equivalent of a polite knock. Come on back, kiddo, Sam's filled me in on the situation and I've got a better solution than old triggerhappy making an ass of himself.
Oh thank Father, Castiel answered in immediate relief. It still took another thirty-seven seconds before the telltale sound of wings rustled in the main part of the motel room, followed by the displacement of air as Castiel and Dean phased back onto the physical plane. "You have a solution, brother?"
"Yup," Gabriel confirmed, popping the 'p' as he twisted around to lean his back against the door jamb so he could see Castiel and Dean while still keeping partial attention on Sam. "Kind of a two-fold solution. First part is I take you all to one of my properties to hang out, untwist, decompress, stretch your legs or leg equivalents--"
"Hey!" Dean protested, getting a very unimpressed look from Gabriel.
"Unclench, buccaneer," he said flatly. "Seriously, we get it, you fucked up, and at least this time it's not actually the end of the world. Besides, I'm pretty sure all three of you would have tried testing me with silver if I wasn't making jokes about it, especially when I can fix it."
"Then why haven't you?" Dean demanded, crossing his arms.
"If you would shut up," Sam piped up from inside the bathroom, "he was about to explain. And I'd like a bit more information on the stretching of leg equivalents, if it's all the same to you!"
"Thank you, Salmon," Gabriel smirked, not even phased when Sam splashed water at him in retaliation. "As I was saying, step one is taking you to one of my properties which, in addition to the usual human-safe entertainments and amenities, also boasts a nice, big salt water infinity pool that will be, heh, infinitely more comfortable for our fine-finned fellow to reside in while I go on a little scavenger hunt of my store rooms to find the ummyndun hafmeyjunnar amulet I picked up about a thousand years ago."
There was a long moment of silence while the Winchesters processed his words and Castiel gave Gabriel a small, relieved smile. And then Dean said in an entirely too calm voice, "Are you seriously telling me that while I've been running around going out of my mind trying to find an impossibly rare piece of jewelry and getting my face slapped by a blonde in a bikini, you've had one of those damn things the whole time?!"
"See what happens when you don't think to call me about something like this right away?" Gabriel couldn't resist snarking cheekily.
"Son of a bitch!"
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alchemistdetective · 5 months
Okay so we've heard Crescent's story, what would Chloe's bedtime story be like?
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"... Here's a legend which is in my hometown, which also works as a bedtime story. Go ahead and lie down, okay?"
Long ago, there were two goddesses who descended onto the world, Tyr, and Eir. The evil Goddess Tyr ruled over the Earth, filled with her monsters alongside Eir.
However, after a few centuries of their rule, Eir finally decided that she hated the mistreatment of the humans, and rebelled against Tyr. Bestowing the gift of magic to the humans, they managed to repel the monsters from Tyr, and seal her once and for all.
Decades past, and Tyr is about to be woken up again from her long, eternal slumber, to regain what she lost.
A young boy from a small village, answered Eir's call to seal her once again. The boy, inexperienced as he is, traveled throughout Terra, the world, to grow stronger, making companions on the way.
And so, with four of his companions... They ventured forth towards the Sea of the End, to prevent the awakening of the Evil Goddess, Tyr, making up... The Exalted Five.
A female sorceror, hailing from the moon...
A female samurai, with a talent for dancing...
A male cleric from the church...
A female knight, from the royal palace...
And... the boy, known to be the Blade of Eir.
With the help of the Four Dragons of Terra, the Exalted Five managed to prevent the awakening from happening, restoring peace to the land, thus halting the Calamity.
So... if there's any demons or nightmares which plague you, you may rest easy, knowing that in the deepest depths of despair and hate, the light will always conquer the darkness.
The End.
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ilmatarii · 8 months
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Eirmorn Azslan: Wood Half-Elf Lathander Light Cleric
Eir is... was... a stubbornly good, exuberant cleric hailing from the Spires of Light in Waterdeep. Before, of course, he went to Baldur's Gate with a group of other acolytes, and woke up on a Nautiloid...
Post-game, he returns to Rosymorn Monastery with the Blood of Lathander and sets to work calling Lathander's faithful from all over the Sword Coast to begin restoration, reconstruction, and revival of the once-grand monastery.
The Archduke visits sometimes.
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starry-skies-116 · 2 years
Genshin My AU Brainrot here we go~:
The Primordial One and his Shades didn’t kill the Seven Dragon Sovereigns: they actually imprisoned them in the hypostases cubes. They had to forcibly manipulate the elements and draw on the dragons’s natural elemental powers to create Teyvat and its people, as elements are the fundamental building blocks of this world and universe. Like the twins, the Primordial One is an interdimensional, universe and timeline-hopping alien from the same world as them- a Celestial Aeon who was responsible for the creation of the universe who hails from a different time and place, if you will- another homeworld.
The Seven Dragon Sovereigns are now the ‘angel’ counterparts coexisting on the opposite side of the coin alongside the Seven Archons (the ‘demon’ counterparts).
Aether mentions that Venti’s eyes are the color of the skies of his hometown- he actually means Celestia from his earliest memories, back when it was ruled by The First Who Came. Since his memories were wiped and his powers sealed by the Demiurge’s servant Asmoday (the Sustainer of the ‘current’ Heavenly Principles), he doesn’t quite have specific memory of his original world/home.
The Primordial One’s name is Phanes. The Four Shining Shades are Isatroth/Kairos (she/they), Erebos/Shiva (he/they), Eir/Thanatos (she/they), and Ishtar/Janus (he/they).
Phanes, true to their descriptions, is androgynous in nature (pangender, on a sidequest journey to collect all the pronouns), was birthed from a cosmic egg (which was the Big Bang), and has wings and a crown.
Phanes is rather rarely called the ‘Genshin’ (the Primordial God or the Original God in Chinese).
The Demiurge (The Second Who Came) actually defeated Phanes and their Shades (The First Who Came), withheld free elemental power from humanity and stripped the allogenes of their visions, powers and memories, and murdered the Primordial One and their shades before consuming them (like in Greek Mythology) to usurp their powers, and by extension, the eternal throne of the heavens. 
The microcosm from the heavens was actually Teyvat’s equivalent of The Big Bang- the creation of the universe. Heaven and Earth existed as parallel planes of existence- sort of akin to Mount Olympus if you had to tear a hole in both time and space, or discard your physical form and/or astral project to get there.
Aether and Lumine are actually a unique species of Celestial Aeons- unlike Phanes and their four Shades, Aether and Lumine are actually the son and daughter, and by extent, the rightful heirs of Celestia, hatched from cosmic eggs just like him. Phanes manually created and birthed them themselves into their empowered divine physical manifestations, and loved his children dearly, spoiling them rotten whilst also raising them in his image. 
Phanes also deeply loved his Shades akin to close friends and siblings, and the Shades co-parented the twins alongside them. They were separated from their parents at a young age, however, when the Demiurge attacked and destroyed what they loved- it greatly traumatized them to the point where they repressed such memories as they traveled from world to world.
Paimon was created similar to the way a Shade was created- from fragments the Primordial One’s essence, bones, blood, flesh and organs. She was previously the messenger of the gods, now assigned and hardwired to be the closest companion and greatest, most trustworthy friend of the twins- to protect and serve the future heir. Dainsleif betrayed Lumine because he wasn’t of the same origins as Paimon, and Lumine essentially had her memories corrupted further, trying to convince Aether that Khaen’riah was their home (even though Aether KNOWS it doesn’t look familiar in a deeply emotional way to him for shit).
Both Paimon and Aether have lost their memory, and thus are unaware of their true identities.
Aether never truly ‘knew’ Phanes, yet has subconscious recalling of his earliest memories with them that only resurface upon moments of extreme emotional grief or strife. He has memories of golden, feathery wings in the multitudes- a yolk breaking and flowing within stars encapsulated in golden, sublime radiance- the sound of laughter and cooing, a voice whispering to him tidings of joy and love so eternal, and much more. Scaramouche was a tad startled when Aether was writhing in so much agony, sobbing akin to a child and crying out for ‘Father’ to save him, hold him in their arms and tell them that Phanes would always love him and his sister like they always did.
No one in Teyvat knows that the twins are the children of Phanes, yet Venti thinks that Aether appears familiar.
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umbralsound-xiv · 1 year
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I had finished my performance for the evening, and made my usual customary escape from the bustle of the gathered crowd. A drink to quench my thirst - Water, of course. And something to eat, ready for the trip home. I would not rest long. Just long enough to catch my breath.
...Long enough to catch the attention of someone, which i had not intended. At least, not away from my performance.
Eir Fellfrost takes a long, long, long drink of water; draining almost the entre glass. Not long finished from his performance, he still catches his breath; an apple and an orange settled on the bench beside him, which he had fully intended to eat had he not noticed he was being watched. His silvery gaze settles on her, ears slowly tilting backwards, and a cautious greeting. "...Hello."
Hrithika Mahajan gave a slow blink and a careful smile, seemingly not quite having realised how very obvious her staring had been as she had internally battled herself to muster up the courage to step forwards. “.. Hello. S-sorry, I didn’t mean to.. stare.” She apologises, head lowering a touch.
Eir Fellfrost puts on a smile, even if it's a little forced. "...Do not worry for it. Suppose it means i am performing well, if you cannot take your gaze from me."
Hrithika Mahajan‘s smile grew a little brighter, her head dipping into a gentle nod while her right hand raised to settle atop the multicoloured scales upon her left bicep. “You did!” She beamed. “It was enjoyable to watch... And it reminded me of home.”
I do not know what she wanted. This is often the time i am approached with things i have no kind of interest in, and less than none now, when i had someone dear to me waiting at home.
...This did seem... Different, somehow. She was a lot more polite than most, not that it would change my answer.
...Still, i would speak with her, for the moment, until i left.
Eir Fellfrost: "It was a Thavnairian dance, for the most of it. A waltz, in places... I had practised it often." Slowly, he tilts his head. "...You are from Thavnair?" Eir's attention moves to the chakram at her hip. "...You dance, too?"
Hrithika Mahajan: “It explains why it felt rather familiar.” She raises her head a touch, nodding once more. “I am, and I do. My mother was a dancer, and it caught my interest when I was little.. But I don’t think I fully measure up to you.”
Eir Fellfrost: "There is time for you yet, i wager. It took me... A long time, to become as well practised as i am." The tension seems to ease a little, but he's still somewhat on guard. "I lived there, for a time. It is a beautiful city, full of life, and colour."
Hrithika Mahajan smiled. “I’m sure. There are still plenty of things to learn and practice to be had.” Her head tilted, smile widening. “It is! It was.. a little bit of a surprise to me the first time I left it, that other places looked so.. dull. But perhaps it’s just that.. Thavnair is so colourful.”
Eir Fellfrost: "It is. I have been... Many places, and found none that have come close. I hear tell that Kugane is a colourful land, but i have yet to go." He pauses, and decides he's comfortable enough to reach for the orange. His lips curl into a faint smile. "...Yet."
...She seemed nice enough. Not with any ill intentions, simply just... Wanting to talk. My performance reminded her of home... That is a comforting thought, i think. Thavnair is so far away, and... It is nice to know there are others in this land that hail from there.
Though it is not where i was born, and not even where i ventured to when i first left the jungle... It is where i called home for most of my cycles.
Hrithika Mahajan paused, lingering in thought for a moment before nodding. “I’ve been there briefly, on my way to the Azim Steppe.. It is colourful, but not quite in the same way as Radz-at-Han. I’d still say it’s pretty, though.” She tilted her head curiously. “Are you planning on going there?”
You nod to Hrithika Mahajan.
Eir Fellfrost: "Yes, soon enough. Me and my..." He trails, as though the next word eluded him. "...My beloved. We are to venture there soon enough, though not for any specific reason."
Hrithika Mahajan: “That sounds nice.” Hrithika’s smile brightened a little further. “Sometimes... No reason is needed, other than that you want to. I hope you and your beloved have a great trip, whenever you do go.”
Eir Fellfrost: "I am certain we will. We have things planned. Picnics, exploring, and time spent together." He softens his expression further, as he pries away the peel from the orange. "...What brings you to Eorzea, then?"
Hrithika Mahajan: “A man from Ul’dah visited Thavnair, and paid a trip to where I worked... He saw me dance and decided he wanted to hire me. I accepted a contract and left Thavnair with him...” She paused, her hands lowered from her arm and her hand connected with her other before her. “... It was nice, at first. He hosted associates frequently and I danced for them... But it didn’t work out in the end.”
Eir Fellfrost: "Mm... Sometimes this is the case. Do not be disheartened. There are always people looking for dancers in every corner of this land; our art seems to be appreciated enough to earn a living." Eir deflates a little bit. "...Would that you were a Viera, this Heavensturn. After receiving more requests than even my most profitable hatching-tide, i have decided i am going to accept precisely none of them, and stay home with my beloved."
It is almost as bad as Hatching-Tide. Worse, even, i think. The Year Of The Rabbit, they are calling it.
...If i believed in Gods, i would have cursed them by now. I cannot possibly keep track of the amount of work i have been offered, and some vast sums of coin to go along with it. Whilst i often dance solo, i am not adverse to dancing in groups if the performance has need of it. However...
Dancing in a group of primarily Viera is...
...No one could give me enough coin for that. And besides, i am long overdue more than just a single sun off. Perhaps i will be treating this Heavensturn as something of a personal holiday, and cite it as the reason.
...Not that i need an excuse to cosy up back at home with a good book and better company.
Hrithika Mahajan: “I will make do, I just.. didn’t appreciate that he tried to use my employment as a thing to try to get me to do.. certain things that I was absolutely not employed for.” She gave a small grimace. “.. So I quit.” The grimace faded, replacing itself with a small smile. “.. A pair of ears short, a pair of horns, scales and a tail too much to pass for a Viera.. But I’m sure someone will ask me to wear a headband with rabbit ears for it.” She snickered quietly. “I can imagine you’d be sought out for it, a lot.. Sometimes stepping back and taking it easy is.. The better option, rather than overworking yourself. And I’m sure your beloved will be happier for having you present.”
Eir Fellfrost: "...Then, i am glad you had the courage to leave. Others would not." He gestures to the seat, now comfortable enough in her presence. "...Some people will always try to take more than what they paid for. You do not pay a courtesan to be a labourer. You do not pay a labourer to dance. Why would you pay a dancer to be a courtesan? All labours of the body, all in different ways. But not everyone understands." Eir gives a small, flat look. "...They do, in Thavnair. I miss it, but... I have been gone for so long, i... Do not know if it would be the same, if i ever returned."
Hrithika Mahajan nodded gently and began to close the distance between them, lowering herself down to sit atop the bench. ".. How long have you been gone? If you don't.. mind me asking, of course."
Eir Fellfrost considers for a long moment, eyes closed as he recounts the cycles for his answer. Only after a little while does he heave a small sigh through his nose, looking to her again. "...It will be forty cycles, soon enough. A... Long time. Even for me."
...I cannot believe it has been so long. Since i last set foot on that beautiful island. The last i did, i...
...I was boarding a boat with the body of my daughter in my arms, destined for Dalmasca.
I never did make it back. Not... Yet, anyway.
Hrithika Mahajan: ".. It is quite long." She paused, lingering in thought. "..Can I ask why you left?"
Eir Fellfrost parts his lips to speak, and... Doesn't. Not right away. A breath is held, and given as he looks away to speak his answer... In the form of another question. "...Have you met many Viera, during your travels?"
Hrithika Mahajan shakes her head. "A few in passing, but.. Not that I have settled into a conversation with. You'd be the first."
Eir Fellfrost: "Considering our scarcity, it is understandable. And even those who leave are not often ones to speak of our lives and customs, much of the time. We Viera are... A remarkably long lived people. In truth... I do not know how long. But it is in the hundreds."
I have heard that it is more than two hundred cycles. Some have even said as many as four hundred. But i do not know. I... Do not think many of us do.
...I do not wager many Viera live to see the end of their natural lifespans. In Golmore, we do not lead kind lives. Centuries of solitude, punctuated by combat or some other rare social occasion.
I wonder if i will ever live that long.
Hrithika Mahajan nods to you.
Hrithika Mahajan: "I've heard you live long, but.. Never how long, and I can see why now.. If not even you know."
You nod to Hrithika Mahajan.
Eir Fellfrost: "...I was married, once. With... A family. She was not a Viera like me, so..." He trails, his words growing quiet as his ears lower just a little. It takes him even longer to continue his sentence. swallowing a small lump in his throat. "I outlived her. Both... Of them."
Eir Fellfrost: "...I had no reason to stay in Thavnair. And things became... Difficult. So i left."
Eir Fellfrost: "I had always meant to return, one sun, but... I could not."
...It was surprisingly easy to talk to her. Perhaps because i had already spoken of B’nhara and Lilya to others, that it softened the weight on my heart to speak of them again. Perhaps because she was simply just... A kind girl wanting to speak with me of home.
Hrithika Mahajan lowered her head a touch, a saddened expression taking to her features. “.. I’m sorry.” She spoke quietly. “Did.. you not have friends to be there for you? Or.. did you withdraw a touch? It’s.. understandable why, if you did.”
Eir Fellfrost: "...There were friends. People i knew. But i was..." Another hesitance. "...It was so... Difficult for me to reach out, in my grief. Even had i returned immediately, i would have withdrawn into my solitude for far longer than i might have liked." He gives the faintest of smiles. "...I had kind neighbors. They knew my wife only for a few moons... But they were so kind to me, when they learned of her passing."
Vrishti was not one of the first people kind to me in Thavnair; in truth, there were a great many. But she was one of the most prominent. She was... The last person i spoke to, before i left.
She and her new Husband moved in not so long after they wed... And not so many moons before B’nhara passed away.
Hrithika Mahajan: “.. It’s understandable. Grief can be.. a long process, and manifest in many ways.” She raises her head, offering a weak smile. “It’s.. something I was told when I was too young to understand it, but now.. I do.”
Eir Fellfrost returns the sadder smile, even if there was a note of comfort beneath it. "...I am sorry that you learned to understand it." Came his few words; he'd neglected to finish peeling the orange earlier, and only finishes doing so, now.
...I do not know the circumstances, and it was not my place to ask. But to have learned it at all means she has known loss.
...She does not seem so old. Far younger than i was, when i learned the most cruel lesson life has to teach you.
Hrithika Mahajan: “We all have to learn it, in one way or another.. No amount of words can truly prepare you for it.” She shook her head lightly. “I suppose a lot of it depends on how it happens, too.”
Eir Fellfrost: "...I suppose so. B'nhara--- She..." He half stumbles his words, but continues even though it sounds like he might not, for a moment. "...It was simply age that took her. No unkindness. No pain, aside from her aching joints. Cycles upon cycles of dancing did not favor them, in the end." He gives a more bittersweet smile. "...But she did not regret a moment of it."
Hrithika Mahajan smiled softly. ".. She was a dancer too, then?--" She then paused, eyes widening a little. ".. Did you say.. B'nhara?" She asked, hesitantly.
Eir Fellfrost: "She was. She was... Far better than me, even with all my cycles of--- Hm?" The apprehension returns, as he slowly answers. "Y...Yes?"
...This bodes ill. Why... Would the name of my long-passed wife cause her any kind of notice?
...Why is she looking at me like that?
Hrithika Mahajan's eyes grow wide with awe upon seeing you.
Hrithika Mahajan turned herself to face him a little better, spending a short moment simply.. staring. “.. Are you.. Svangeir..?”
Eir Fellfrost sits immediately bolt upright, eyes wide and frame tense enough that had he leaned any further back he'd have retreated into the waterfall. "H--how... Do you know that name...?" He whispers, now almost terrified of the otherwise sweet looking woman in front of him.
Who... Who is this woman? Why does... She know that name? How?! I had thought everyone who would ever know me as my old name would have long since passed, if not be well on in their cycles, save for Sayuri.
...How long is it, since i have heard someone call me that name in earnest?
Hrithika Mahajan raised her hands up to her chest in surprise at his reaction, blinking rapidly a few times. “My-.. my grandmother...” She spoke quietly, keeping her eyes a little widened. “.. Her name is Vrishti.. Mahajan.”
Eir Fellfrost stares as though he's seen a ghost. For a long moment, he's half convinced he has, simply... Staring for an uncomfortable silence which is only smothered by the waterfall until he's able to speak again. "I... I knew her. She... She moved in with her Husband not so far from my home.. She..." Eir blinks in disbelief, still as stone otherwise. "...Your grandmother?"
...Am i hallucinating? I feared for a moment i had imbibed something other than water. This girl is... I had thought she was a ghost, were it not for the speckled scales on her shoulders.
...Vrishti. She is the Granddaughter of Vrishti Mahajan.
Hrithika Mahajan nods to you.
Hrithika Mahajan: “.. My name is Hrithika Mahajan.” She spoke quietly. “..I’m.. sorry if I startled you.. That was not my intent..”
Eir Fellfrost: "No.. N-no, it is okay, it... I just... I had not expected that... That---"
Eir Fellfrost: "My name. You know my name? How...? She... Told you? Of me?"
Hrithika Mahajan: “My mother and grandmother both, mostly my grandmother.” Hrithika paused, her head tilting a touch. “We.. went to your house a lot, to tidy it up whenever too much dust had collected, to try to keep it in a nice shape for when you returned.. I didn’t know why, at first.. But she told me of you when I asked her.”
Eir Fellfrost's eyes widen further. "My -home-? It stands, still? You have -been-?" All of this was difficult to process, and Eir's only reaction is to stare, dumbfounded, as he processes the information. "---I remember your mother, too. Ahyanna?"
My... My home?
I... I left them with a spare key when i took Lilya to her final resting place. They...
...They have been taking care of it, all this time? Throughout their generations, ensuring it would... Be well, if i ever came home.
...I have no words to ever describe my gratitude.
Hrithika Mahajan blinked, nodding gently. “My grandmother took care of it, my mother too when she was not busy dancing.. Then me and my brothers started helping out, too.” She smiled, offering another nod. “Yes, Ahyanna.”
You smile at Hrithika Mahajan.
Eir Fellfrost: "I... I remember her." Eir knits his brow, a little straight-faced. "I remember her being -born-." He looks back to Hrithika; his smile had warmed considerably, now a little more relaxed from the intial shock. "It still stands... I... I cannot tell you what that means to me..."
Hrithika Mahajan‘s lips curled into a smile. “She’d be happy that you do. And your home will be there whenever you’re ready to return, even if just for a visit.”
Eir Fellfrost smiles, and keeps his quiet for a long moment. Lips pull together and his eyes glaze a little, but he holds it together. "-Thank you-", he manages, beneath his breath as anything spoken more loudly threatened to have more than just his words leave him. "...I will return, one sun. For how long, i do not know, but... I will." A firm nod is given as confirmation. "Who... Watches over it now? You... Said you had brothers, yes? How is your Mother?"
Hrithika Mahajan sank her head into a nod, settling her hands atop her lap to smoothen out the fabric of her skirt a touch. “I assume my brothers and my parents, grandmother if she’s still able to. I know someone will. And whenever I return home, I’d happily do so.” Her smile brightened a touch. “She was doing well last I saw her, it’s been a while but.. I don’t doubt that she’s doing well.”
You smile at Hrithika Mahajan.
Eir Fellfrost: "...When i go, i will make it a point to visit. It has been too long; much, much too long, since i saw them all last. We--- I can make samosa, and... And---" Eir cuts himself off, clearly in an attempt to stop any wordy rambles before they had started.
Hrithika Mahajan beams at you.
Hrithika Mahajan: "I think they'd love for you to visit."
Eir Fellfrost: "...I will. It may not be for many moons yet, but--- Do you write home? Will you tell them it will not be so long until i come back?"
Eir Fellfrost: "...At least, not another forty cycles."
Hrithika Mahajan: "I do! I don't.. get any letters back, because I'm constantly wandering.. But I send plenty. I'll let them know."
Hrithika Mahajan smiles at you.
Eir Fellfrost: "...Tell them i say thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you." Eir looks over the woman again, smiling warmly. "...To think we would meet so far away. Both in time and location."
Hrithika Mahajan: "I will." Hrithika settled one hand atop the other, keeping them resting upon her lap. "I.. wasn't sure I ever would get to meet you.. But I'm glad I have. My grandmother spoke highly of you, as did my mother."
Hrithika Mahajan smiles weakly at you.
You smile weakly at Hrithika Mahajan.
Eir Fellfrost: "W-well, i am not... All that special, in truth. My wife was the greater dancer, and my daughter the greater bookworm, and i was just... I am just... Me." He dips his head, shoulders humbly risen for only a moment. "...I am glad to have met you, too."
Hrithika Mahajan: “You may be ‘just you’ to yourself.. But my grandmother kept you in high regard, nonetheless.” She smiled. “I may not know you personally.. But I’m inclined to agree with her so far.”
Eir Fellfrost: "...She was always kind. I see now that it was a hereditory trait." Eir smiles, a little bashfully, which is quickly dismissed. "...You yourself... Do you find yourself in the Shroud often, at all?"
Hrithika Mahajan nodded gently, her smile brightening a touch. “I spent a lot of time with her when I was younger.. Seeing as my mother either had practise or a show a lot of the time, and with my stepfather working in Yehdlimad.. It was a bit of a trek to get back home, so me and my brothers were often around our grandparents.” Her head tilted, then sank into another nod. “I do, the Shroud is.. my more preferred area to linger in.”
Eir Fellfrost: "She was an immeasurably kind, wise woman. B'nhara's passing would have been all the more difficult to bear had i not had her support. Bringing me lunch. Or just little... Pick-me-ups to ensure i was holding up well enough." He nods to her words, responding again. "...You dance, too? This... Is our first meeting, but i would much like if it was not our last."
I do not know her, and yet, i feel like i have so much i can speak to her of. Of her family... Of our time in Thavnair. Sweeter, happier memories. I had always thought ghosts of the past to be a bad thing, but... Not in this case.
I would much like to speak with her again.
Hrithika Mahajan: “It sounds like something she’d do to people dear to her. I’m glad she could help you.. It’s not easy to get out of.” She nodded in confirmation. “I do, sometimes just.. street performances, sometimes at venues.. But I haven’t taken another contract like the one that brought me here in the first place.” She smiled softly. “Likewise, I’d like to meet you again.”
Eir Fellfrost: "Then, i will seek you out, yes? If i see you are performing, i will stay awhile to talk. For my own performances, i... Much prefer not to linger overlong afterwards, but i am sometimes found close by before i depart, like now." He gives a warm smile that falters only an ilm at her words. "...There is no feeling like grief. I... I would wish it on no one. I read it once, in a poetry book, long ago."
Eir Fellfrost: "That grief is simply just... Love, with no place to go."
...I spoke those words, but... Perhaps i am not wrong. To not wish another grief would be like never wishing them anyone to love strongly enough, that their absence would cause it.
I only wish that their grief would have been easier to shoulder.
...It is never easy. It was not with B’nhara, nor Lilya. Nor...
...Everyone in Bozja. Juny.
Nor will it be when...
Hrithika Mahajan nodded yet again. “Understandable.. You do have someone to return to, afterall. I’m glad we got to talk, not that.. This is how I ever imagined our conversation could end up..” Her smile weakens a little. “.. It sounds accurate enough. To have had someone to give that love to, and then.. lose them.. In a way, I suppose it’s that love building up to the point it hurts.. Maybe.”
You smile weakly at Hrithika Mahajan.
Eir Fellfrost: "...Love always hurts. Always. Whether it is from worry, or grief, or empathy. It is... Just a matter of finding someone worth hurting for."
Hrithika Mahajan smiles weakly at you.
Hrithika Mahajan: "A little ironic, that something so nice can cause so much hurt.. But, you're right."
Love is the sweetest thing i have ever known; and i have known and felt much. But with love comes worry. Fear. Grief, after time. I would sooner feel love and joy, grief and pain, a hundred times over, than nothing at all.
Eir's linkpearl crackles to life, shortly followed by Sayuri's voice in a relatively quiet tone. ".. Eir? Is.. everything alright?"
Eir Fellfrost: "...I find they often accompany eachother. Whether it is simply for me, or for everyone, i---" Eir pauses, at the crackle of the pearl, smiling faintly at the sound of the voice on the other end. He reaches to answer it.
“I am fine, and homeward soon enough. Apologies, i... Ran into someone. ---Nothing bad."
...It is not often she calls me, although i suppose it has been a while since i was supposed to return.
...Is something... Wrong? Perhaps... She is just worried. I wonder how long she has been home.
...It is past time i should be returning, anyway.
Hrithika Mahajan tilted her head curiously as Eir spoke, remaining quiet so as to not disrupt the call.
“.. Good.” A held back yet notable sigh of relief followed the word, Sayuri’s tone shifting to its usual pitch. “I’m just... making sure. I’ll see you when you get back.”
"Soon, then." He speaks, the warmth and reassurance in his voice more than evident.
...She is worried, i think. I will be home, soon. As much as i have enjoyed this conversation, i...
...Some quieter thoughts that i would rather not share have me wanting to hold her closer than usual.
You smile at Hrithika Mahajan.
Eir Fellfrost: "...That was her. I should likely make way back home, and make the most of the time we have together." A small frown seems to race across his expression for a moment, before it fades, as Eir pulls himself to his feet.
Hrithika Mahajan smiles softly. "Don't let me keep you. Have a nice trip back home, I hope to see you soon again."
Hrithika Mahajan beams at you.
Eir Fellfrost: "You will. I am not difficult to find... Or i will not be, when the Heavensturn festivities have ceased." He gives a small half-laugh, and moves onwards towards the road.
Hrithika Mahajan laughs at you.
Hrithika Mahajan waves to you.
Eir Fellfrost simply grins in response, offering a wave before he picks up the pace into a run.
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notthesomefather · 11 months
Prayer of Thanks to Eir
Eir, Noble Lady of Medicine,
We thank you for guiding our healers;
for inspiring love in their hearts and precision in their hands.
Eir, Merciful Tender of the Hurt,
We thank you for showing mercy to the sick;
for blessing the bandages of the wounded and healing.
Eir, Mighty Physician of Asgard,
We thank you for the health of ourselves and loved ones;
for restoring in us vitality, well-being, and calm.
In your name, we shall use the health you bestow
to act with honor and love to all we know.
Hail Eir!
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3xm-draconic · 1 year
Jojo's Bizarre Little Adventure, Chapter 24: Life of the Little Things.
IAM NOT DEAD!, just tired.
Chapter 24: Life of the Little Things.
This next chapter isn’t a chapter per say but rather 3 short stories pertaining to a day in the life of a Faheei, some new faces and some old, I hope you enjoy it!
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STORY 1: Soup for the Soul. 
What a beautiful night. The full moon barely crests the tall trees, leaving the world in a state of eire nocturnal twilight, dew forms on the grass making the green field before me glitter like a sea of emeralds and if I’am lucky the butcher will have something fresh for me.
My name is Spezia, I hail from the Parklands but I had lived in the Inner City for six months a while back, I moved out to a little frontier town on the border between the outskirts of the western city, aka the BadLands and the Graveyard clan territory, most think I am crazy for doing this but jokes on them. I happen to run a…reasonably successful business out here, a tavern called: The Bent Spoon, the name comes from the sign above the door being a literal old bent spoon.
I run the place under the floorboards of a little building beside the graveyard with my business partners, my older brother: Miele who runs the business side of things while I cook and my old buddy from the Inner City, Cornichon, we call her Pickles for short, who makes really good booze and..well…pickles, hence the nickname.
The town where I live and run The Bent Spoon is called Fortonceashack, it’s a small place mostly consisting of residential homes for the mineral miners and a cattle market for the local insect and rodent ranchers to auction off their animals. There is however a rather large market in this tiny town, having a variety of stalls and vendors selling interesting ingredients. 
Insect and rodent ranchers sell their meat and other byproducts, the local hunters and trappers sell game meat and hides, scavengers trade odd bits and bobs and the farms show off their ripe produce, speaking of which…I am hoping my favorite butcher shop has some fresh squirrel today.
I slipped on my green floral poncho and headed down to Metzger’s butcher shop, It is a quaint little place built inside a large discarded coffee tin. Metzger is from the Graveyard clan, he is a rather big and buff fellow covered in tattoos with dark brown hair and pale skin, his silver eyes have the characteristic red ring in them that all Graveyard Faheei have and while most find them terrifying to look into, I happen to find them quite charming.
“Good morning Metzger” I wave to him as I pull aside the curtain covering the doorway, His imposingly large frame half-turns away from the huge hunk of meat he was cutting to look at me and gives me a short nod and a low grunt in response, “I’am wondering if you have any squirrel in today?” I said with a warm smile.
Metzger nodded and walked into his larder and came back out with a whole squirrel leg, “oh wow!” I grinned “oh that will be perfect for today's special!, I’am making squirrel stew”. Metzger began chopping the squirrel leg into various cuts for me when I spotted a chunk of sparrow breast “Metzger I wonder if I can trade a few salt crystals for some of that sparrow breast?”, he turned to me, nodded and held up three fingers, “oh thank you” I replied as I took three of the eight small rocks of salt from my bag and placed them on his counter.
Before I left, Metzger whistled for me to come over, he held out a large soup bone for me to take, I was about to give him some shells when he held his hand up and shook his head no “gif” was all he said, I smiled and thanked him again.
I stopped by a few more shops to get the ingredients I needed before heading back home to The Bent Spoon, once home I saw that my jars of black pepper, garlic and chili powder where empty, so put on my climbing gear, knapsack and took a few small jars with me, I was going to “BORROW” some spices from the tallfolk above me again.
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STORY 2: Peace Feast.
Ikura stood at the head of the feasting table nervously looking out at all the guests, the southern fishing clan, The Ahuizotls, had arrived.
The Ahuizotls where a noble and fearsome clan of warriors and fishermen, they were different from other Fahie, having smooth oily skin, three rows of sharp teeth and large eyes, instead of hair they had webbing, fins, and frill of gills that framed their heads. They looked like Axolotls, strange and beautiful salamanders from another realm. 
The Ahuizotl’s Elders had brought with them several warriors half expecting the feast to be a trap but they were pleased to see it was indeed a sincere act of peace. 
Ika had cooked the oyster herself, not only as leading Elder for the time being but also as a show of trust to the Ahuizotls.
Other Elders of the clan had prepared dishes for the feast too, there were crabs, clamps, shrimp, barnacles and of course fish. The Northern clan’s specialty was saltwater fishing, afterall the whole clan was near the coast, under the Morhio fish market.
The Southern clan’s specialty was freshwater, they had brought with them a few dishes like crayfish, frogs, water beetles and freshwater fish.
The feast was going well, the food was delicious, beer and other beverages (some non alcoholic as well) were drunk and soon almost everyone broke out into song. But then the graveyard clan showed up.
Lord Marrowbone and his son Crookedtooth had come with at least seventy warriors behind them, Ikura and the other clan warriors (north and south) leopard up and took a fighting stance.
“Easy, we mean no harm, we heard about a peace feast going on in the area and if you don’t mind we would like to join” Marrowbone said, Ika smiled and offered him a plate.
Of course a peace feast involves all parties chipping in and bringing food to the feast, the graveyard clan was no exception, they brought with them meat, the food they mostly ate. They had squirrel, titmouse bird, wrens, mice, rat, vole and a strange snail of some kind, “this is a new meat we have found” Crookedtooth said as he handed one that had been roasted on a stick to Ikura “it tastes amazing!” he grinned.
Ikura took the snail kabob from him and sniffed it, it did smell good, no doubt they had used some potent spices in its cooking, she took a bite and indeed it tasted amazing.
“So any news from way up north?” Ika asked Marrowbone, “there was a fire not too long ago near the inner city, I was there visiting old friends when I saw several strange tallfolk start it after one of them ate a tallfolk with green hair”, Ikura turned to him “a man with green hair?”, “yep, strangest thing I ever saw”, “and he was eaten by another tallfolk?”, “yep, one with long purple hair”.
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STORY 3: Hail to the King.
Carramella was terrified, his parents were killed and he was kidnaped by raiders, he thought they were going to sell him at some kind of black market but instead they took him into the badlands, “what are they going to do to us?” he squeaked in fear, “I don’t know but it aint gonna be good” another kidnaped child replied, his name was Frasise.
The desert was hot and cruel in the morning and bitterly cold at night, they dragged them for days until they came to a huge dead tree, Carramella and Frasise were taken into the dead tree where they saw hundreds of slaves all constructing some kind of castle, they also saw thousands of giant hornets all garding the place with the raiders. The slavers took them into the castle and to a grand throne room where they were brought before a scary man in black armor which made him look like an evil hornet.   
“The desolate badlands are hot, dry and unforgiving. The only thing out here are vicious beasts and murderous raiders…but soon there will be a glorious kingdom, with me as its king” the man said, his voice like an angry wasp hive, buzzing and humming sinisterly.
“I, Sting Rex, will bring water and fertility to the badlands and rule over this new kingdom, you are going to help me” he said to them.
His armor became wreathed in magical flames, huge hornet wings sprouted from his back and he withdrew a long serrated whip made from the flames around him, “NOW BOW BEFORE YOUR KING!”
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idyllic-musings · 9 months
well... so far, the beloved genshin oc is a chaotic good character who hails from khaenri'ah and is therefore cursed with immortality. <3 i'm thinking of naming them eir (in norse mythology, eir was a goddess of healing, and the name itself is said to mean anything from protection to help to mercy). how do we feel about that?
anyways, pick an element.
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pastelpagangirl · 2 years
Hail Eir
Hail the goddess of healing
(Sending this into the Universe for someone I know)
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volmarrsheathenism · 1 year
Prayer to Eir
Hail Eir, goddess of healing and medicine,Grant me your blessings in all things that you embody. Bless me with the gift of physical health and vitality,that I may enjoy the fullness of life and be able to pursue my goals. Bless me with the gift of mental clarity and emotional balance,that I may be able to navigate the challenges of life with a clear and centered mind. Bless me with the gift of…
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