deobis · 4 years
hello!! just thought I'd stop by and say thank u for making content for us!! your little creations help make my day go by a little better :) also I thought I should ask whats your favorite thing about each tbz members if you dont mind? I'm in the mood to adore these boys more! 💞🥰
Heyo <3 been seeing this ask around my dash and i just want to say thank u!! this is so sweet and thoughtful <3<3 
my favorite thing about each member goes as follows:
Sangyeon: One of my favorite things about Sangyeon is his smile. There are also other things like the way he shows that he cares through both actions and words, his god awful dad jokes that always make me laugh, his absolute horrid losing streak at games; but none of them compare to his smile. If I had to say why, it’s because his smile incorporates all the things I love about him. I’ve said this before but TBZ’s smiles can be split into two categories: the pretty smiles and the dorky smiles and Sangyeon just happens to have one of the prettiest smiles out there.
Jacob: With Jacob, it’s his voice. You could say Jacob’s singing voice is what attracts people to him (which is true), but for me his tone is what I really love. Jacob speaks the language of the clouds. When he talks, it’s soft and warm but not too thick. His voice is sort of transparent? But in a good way. He speaks with care and almost always with a smile. 
Youngjoon: For Younghoon it’s his thoughtfulness. He thinks so much about how others around him act and feel and he’s not afraid to say it. A recent example is when he said he explained how he felt when he wasn’t able to go dance the RTK stage with his fellow members. I think this plays into why hes so emotional (and a cute crybaby haha). 
Hyunjae: Hyunjae’s duality is my favorite quality about him. Not duality like “sexy vs cute” but duality with seriousness and goofiness. He plays and interacts comfortably with the maknaes (they have said this many times) and he was a big part in making them feel comfortable in the group. But at the same time you can see his dedication and hard work. 
Juyeon: My favorite thing about Juyeon is his stage presence. Even though I tunnel vision on Sunwoo, He’s always able to catch my eye in any performance he’s in. His dancing skills and facial expressions really do make you want to focus on him. The amazing thing is: he can do this whether TBZ is doing a cute or sexy concept. He has so much control with how he presents himself on stage it’s amazing. 
Kevin: With Kevin, it’s his awareness. He pays attention to many things around him and continues to learn. Him being an artist might have helped him with this. He sees small details and it not only helps him adapt to those around him, but also to be as creative as he can be. 
Chanhee: Chanhee’s patience takes the cake. This isn’t a really obvious one, but I get the feeling that hes a very patient person. You can tell by the way he literally sits through TBZ bullying him. He also shows this trait through his vlives and the way he interacts with fans. He knows when he should be patient and when he shouldn’t tolerate misbehavior. Though he looks like he could be the youngest member, he’s very mature.
Changmin: Changmin is a Qt ball of mischievousness. He likes pulling pranks and taking risks. For such a smiley boy, he love horror and doesn’t seem to be afraid of anything. There’s literally no way to predict what he’s going to do next. Sometimes I wonder what goes through his brain or what he ate growing up for him to think the way he does. 
Haknyeon: Haknyeon’s confidence is one of his most attractive points. It hurts to think that everything Mnet/Broduce did to him might have lowered his confidence for a short period. But now we know hes ambitious and confident (thank god for the GENZ video). He holds himself with pride but can appreciate the talent of others.
Hyunjoon: My favorite thing about Hyunjoon is his boldness. Whether he expresses this through his fashion or dancing, he never seems to care what other people think (at least in regards to what he likes). Some might see his fashion sense as over the top or his dancing as too expressive, but he’s never backed down from his own style and continues to do what he likes.  I miss Hyunjoon so much 😔 he will forever be irreplaceable.
Eric: I love Eric’s, well, love. He has so much to give and I hope he knows he’s receiving even more. What’s even better is that he’s never afraid to show his love as well. His love for pink, his love for his family, his love for Juyeon his members, and of course, his love for his fans. As Kevin said, he has a big heart, maybe even the biggest one in the world. 
Sunwoo: I saved Sunwoo for last because I know I’m going to have a lot to say haha Just listing off the top of my head, some of the reasons I love Sunwoo are: His rapping, lyrics, humor, personality, cowardice, effortlessness, and much more (basically I love everything). But if I had to narrow it down to one specific trait, the thing I love most about him is his mannerisms. Sunwoo has many tiny little quirks that are so specific to him that I just can’t help but fall in love over and over again. On stage and off stage, there are so many small details that make Sunwoo Sunwoo. His habit of licking his lips, crossing his fingers, talking with his hands, rubbing his eyes, scrunching his nose, laughing with his mouth wide open, etc. Every little detail is precious and there are probably even more I haven’t noticed. His mannerisms aren’t just in visible actions we see in videos, he also updates the fancafe almost every day. It’s almost as if he treats it like his own little diary. Even if its just one line long or a ‘I love you deobis,’ he always remembers to connect with his fans. Of course, he has his flaws, but they’ve helped him grow. Sunwoo without his quirks isn’t Sunwoo, and I love him through every little detail.
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