#haha endosmellic
bugsbunnydragqueen · 2 months
DID ranting because i can and i will so i am
ok for real though this SUCKS like actually
this is not 'funny brain people disorder'
i am sitting here in class and i cannot think because i am stuck in a dissociative thought loop (basically the same few thoughts repeat over and over while some kind of fog settles over it)
i have c's and d's in my major classes because i cannot focus due to inability to think properly. its probably adhd related as well (yipee!)
also also my psychiatrist banned me from driving because of my dissociation being so severe, so i have no way of commuting to college next year unless i find a way of alternative transport because american public transportation sucks ass
this isn't 'alter disorder' its a dissociative disorder. you dissociate. holy shit i know.
(yes i know some systems don't dissociate as much but for the love all that is good stop reducing DID to just alters)
ok rant over uh heres a funny goat (his names ike)
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