#had to prep for a halloween party(its going well :D)
small-spark-of-light · 7 months
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day 28 was to pick a show/movie and draw one of the actors
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Sorry this one is later than usual, but here's positivity anon wanting to wish you a very happy weekend! Did you get to do anything fun during the week or is there something this weekend that you're looking forward to? Finally, try to do something nice for yourself! Buy that thing you've had your eye on, treat yourself to takeout, etc etc! Remember that you're always loved and needed and that your presence here brightens up the day of everyone who is on your dash! ♡
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Random OOC asks (especially positivity anon!) - Accepting!
Hi, Positivity Anon! Trust me, it's never too late to share some good vibes, in real life and here in the tumblr RPC. Thank you for the well-wishes!
Did you get to do anything fun during the week or is there something this weekend that you're looking forward to?
The week itself has been a bit of a mess due to trying to get ahead in work and wedding planning, but the weekend? Well..that's going to be equally busy! I'm repairing, fixing up, or otherwise finishing an array of cosplay costumes for a convention next weekend: a lot of ironing, pressing, securing fasteners and touching up paint, and wig taming. I'm also building a new wig, but mostly from pre-made wig parts, so to speak, to save on time. It's beginning its life as what I assume to be a Saber (Artoria) wig from Fate, but it'll be something else once I'm done!
And the usual pre-convention stuff: pick up badge in advance, make the grocery store/craft store runs for hotel room snacks and first aid/cosplay repair kits. I have to figure out how I'm going to pack a few prop weapons for this con, too: my heart would break if they did!
A friend is also throwing a Halloween party, but I'm debating if I want to go. I may just not have the energy to attend, much less put on a costume, because so. much. costume. prep. TFW most/all of your offline friends are cosplayers and we still think we're going to show up in some comfy costume for a party when there's a convention coming up.
Finally, try to do something nice for yourself! Buy that thing you've had your eye on, treat yourself to takeout, etc etc!
I miss takeout food so, so much. To be honest, I make my own food at home 90% of the time or so, and even more often when I've got costume or formal events coming up. I have to keep to a certain eating plan (not a 'diet' but more of a lifestyle at this point) and most restaurants simply don't cater to how I need to eat to keep myself healthy. I'm also determined not to make any alterations to my wedding dress at this point.
But buying things? I've needed to, from last minute cosplay supplies to some new, dark wash jeans (I love the Madewell Perfect Vintage line!) and sweaters. Cardigans and jumpers alike, there is some serious bliss involved with soft, warm, high-quality knitwear. I'll say it always: you all deserve nice clothes.
My new knits weren't cheap, even if I bought some of them secondhand. But my goodness, I want to live in them. I'd nap in them too if I wasn't afraid they'd wrinkle horribly. I'm glad I'm not allergic to wool.
And uh, looking at costume possibilities for 2023. I have at least four new things I'm planning to add to my closet, and may tack on a few more.
Remember that you're always loved and needed and that your presence here brightens up the day of everyone who is on your dash! ♡
This so sweet, thank you! I'm not sure my presence brightens up the dash every day, or at least those who follow me. I don't post that much and my characterization and writing style isn't for everyone (or hell, I'd say the majority of muns) in the RPC. But what I'm trying to do is the following:
Have, and show, sincere gratitude for the writing partners I do have. Engage with them, enjoy coming up with new plots and interactions with them. It doesn't matter how many muns or blogs I'm writing with, as long as I'm focusing my energy on those who do the same for me. It can be incredibly discouraging to try and reach out to others only to have asks ignored, threads dropped, and/or memes shared without sending something in return. But instead of stewing over it, I'd rather just focus on those who want to write with me. Followed by...
Curate my dash experience. It's been shared plenty of times on tumblr, but we're all responsible for what we decide to keep on our dashes. And frankly, if something isn't working, it's okay to say goodbye. For me, this comes from the discouraging reasons I listed above: sometimes, it's just easier not to have blogs on dash that provoke unhappy feelings. It's also why I do interest calls every few months: I never want to unfollow muns who do want to interact, but I tend to give up after awhile of sending asks with no response, constantly dropped threads, or using me as a meme/aes/art source.
Mostly though, I hope those who do see my posts and/or write with me enjoy it. More than being loved or needed, I just like to keep RP as a fun hobby (that doesn't require wig caps, bobby pins, shapewear, heels, heavy makeup...wearing costumes can feel like you've participated in a marathon sometimes! I'll be a pajama-wearing gremlin when I write and I'm relieved for it).
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tessmontyart · 5 years
2018 Year In Review
Another year, another review ��(I actually typed most of this up before 2019 and then got distracted, whoops)
To put things short, 2018 has been AWESOME :D Exhausting and fast, but awesome.
I started it off pretty uncertain how things were going to go, dreading it would be a repeat of 2017′s boring TAFE courses and endless job rejections. But the miracle happened - a 2D animation studio opened up near me, I applied, did an animation test and got the job!
The job was a contract from 1st of April - 21st of December, so I spent the majority of my year going to work to animate characters for a really crazy but hilarious new kids show called Spongo Fuzz and Jalapena, due to air mid 2019 :) 
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It was honestly the most fun job I have ever had and I can’t wait for the next project! 🎉 I have never been this exhausted in my life, though. 😅I had already booked a whole bunch of conventions before I got the job, and didn’t want to cancel them so I was working nonstop - Animation during the day and intensive convention prep every night. 
I also had the bright idea of creating a full colour 26 page comic -with a tight deadline - so I was madly working to the point I didn’t even have time for dinner half the time :’) I am sort of happy with the comic, but also kind of wish I never had the idea in the first place. 😅
I tabled at a ton of conventions; Melbourne Supanova, Central Coast ComiCon, Other Worlds Zine Fair, Sydney Supanova, SMASH and Canberra Gamma Con. If next year doesn’t go so well on the job side of things I’m hoping to add a few more conventions to that list - Brisbane Supanova, Oz Comic Con and Animaga to name a few. I’ve already booked Sydney Madman Anime Festival!
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2018 was the year my partner and I celebrated our 4th year together, and he never fails to amaze me with his continuous love and support. I was too sick to attend the first day of SMASH, so he set up and ran the whole stall for me while I stayed at home. Same with Sydney Supanova, I was too bogged down in animation work and couldn’t afford to take the Friday off, so he set up and ran the stall for me on Friday, then we ran the stall together on the weekend. He also tended to my every need when I broke my toe, cooked all my meals when I was busy with work and even packaged + posted all my Etsy orders every day because I was always working during post office hours. He listened to all the problems I was having with my stall setup and helped make shelves and decorations to make it look and function better. I was getting stressed because my desk space was too small, BAM he bought me a brand new desk with plenty of storage. I was getting stressed that I had so much on my convention to-do-list and couldn’t keep track of all my project ideas, BAM, he sets up a whiteboard and helps me brainstorm everything so I can keep track of all my thoughts and ideas and what to prioritise for future conventions. I didn’t even ask him to do any of this, he just loves to help me and make me happy and I am forever blissed and happy to be able to spend my life with such a wonderful human! 
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(Home made High Tea I made for him on Valentines Day) 
Arsty Highlilghts / accomplishments:
🌸I designed 9 cute Houseki no Kuni acrylic charms which have been doing really well at conventions!
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🌸I also drew a cute series of ‘Sleepy Gem’ Houseki no Kuni / Steven Universe holographic prints, which I’m quite proud of 😊
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🌸I created my 2nd enamel pin design, which already needed 2 reorders because they were so popular! ;w; I never knew I could make something that so many people love *sob* I’ve already planned to make these into a series! (already designed some deer ones, and thinking of doing foxes next ^_^ )
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🌸I also tried getting gold foil prints done for the first time, which was pretty cool! I got the american sizes mixed up though so I might try for the bigger size next time :) (grainy photo cause its a screenshot from a video)
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🌸I’ve been taking steps to make my stall look more ‘professional’, and got a really neat wooden sign made for me by my friend as_sweet_as_jasmine!
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🌸I’ve started revamping my favourite series of posters - the Eevee Gijinka girls :) I plan to have them all done and ready for 2019s conventions! 
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🌸This was the year I got an iPad, so I could do digital art on-the-go. Honestly its helped me so much, and I can’t wait to be able to use it more (sorta didn’t get a chance to touch it while i was working!)
🌸I got Copic Markers for my birthday so I had a whole new medium to play with! These mixed with using a brush pen for inking really make my inktobers pop and I’m eager to draw more with them  :) 
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🌸Speaking of Inktober, it was a huge accomplishment for me to put effort into a decent artwork every day this year! Usually theres a few dud ones when I lacked inspiration, but I somehow managed to make it work ;w; So when it came time to printing the books, theres 31 illustrations rather than 25 like the others :) Also the whole rainbow theme idea came from how cool I think it would look flipping through a rainbow book - so I managed to make that happen and couldn’t be happier!
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🌸I passed 1000 sales on Etsy!! 😱As well as 1000 followers on instagram! Crazy right??
General 2018 highlights
🌸2018 was the year one of my best friends got married! I made cute little clay wedding cake toppers for her :)
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🌸The year Owl City’s 7th album Cinematic came out!! All the tracks are so GOOD and exactly the sound all us hootowls were longing for. Also Be Brave is a tearjerker, in a good way. What an amazing human Abbey is to Adam <3 
🌸The year Spyro Reignited Trilogy came out!! It’s absolutely amazing, and I love every second of it. Every time I play it I just can’t help but stand there looking around at every detail because everything is just so gorgeous *_* And the nostalgia is so real.
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🌸Not exactly a highlight but the year Tumblr went NSFW free, and lost hundreds of thousands of users 😂I’m still here though. Got a dumb tradition to keep up ya know.
🌸The year my work had a hilarious Christmas party where we had to dress up as a character from Spongo Fuzz and Jalapena. It was the first time I actually put effort into a cosplay by myself 😂(possibly the last) (wont put a photo up for embarrassing reasons)
🌸the year I broke my toe for the first time xD;; definitely not a highlight but a first! I couldn’t walk for weeks! it sucked!!! T__T
🌸The year my friend successfully funded his kickstarter for his own cartoon ‘Nurry Brothers Adventure World’ :D So proud of him. I’m gonna help him animate!
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🌸The year Lano and Woodley reunited with their amazing show ‘Fly’!! I loved it so much I saw it twice :D 
🌸The year I tried doing Halloween for the first time - I bought a bunch of lollies and chocolates and decorations on my letterbox/door to let people know I was participating. I got 2 different groups of people at the door, 5 people all up 😂More than I expected tbh!
🌸I tried Ruby chocolate for the first time! It was ok .. just kinda tasted like berry yoghurt flavoured white chocolate though ;w; 
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SO! What’s coming for 2019?
I’m not really sure at the moment, but I have high hopes for Cheeky Little Studios (the animation company I worked for) - so I guess I’ll just have to wait and see if any of their next projects get concrete start dates :) I’m not as terrified of the year as I usually am when its just one big question mark. I know I can make decent money through conventions and commissions in the meant time so I’ll just continue doing what I love! 
“I am crossing my fingers for an animation job I applied for a while ago” - I GOT IT! :D
“I plan to do even more conventions. Hopefully I can get into Oz Comic Con!" - didn’t end up applying because I was busy with the job, but keen to try for 2019 :)
"I’m keen to apply for like Animaga in Melbourne, as well as Madman Anime Fest in Brisbane and Melbourne.” - didn’t end up doing so for the same reason above, but that might change this year :)
“I also want to make a lot more non-fandom things for market stalls, as well as a comic and zines!” - I made the comic, as well as 3 inktober zines and a cute ‘if I fits I sits’ cat zine! As well as a bunch of cute original enamel pin ideas and my whole inktober was original art :D 
“Hopefully I’ll hit 1k followers on fb/ig? :D that will make me feel important lol” - I hit 1k on instagram!! I felt very important xD
“I’m also hoping to go on a holiday this year." - I didn’t, for job reasons ... buuut I’m booked in for a cruise in Italy / Greece this September that I’m extremely excited for!
“PLEASE BE KIND 2018, I’M BEGGING YOU 😱” - You were very very kind to me, 2018. 2019, please follow suit! 
(man this is the 7th year of review I’ve done. Can’t believe I’ve been on tumblr this long 😅)
[2017] [2016] [2015] [2014] [2013] [2012]
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ktrxs · 5 years
Thursday, the camper caught on fire. We were supposed to leave Thursday, but that got pushed to Friday.
Now there was no way we could leave on Friday because the camper was on fucking fire and stranded on the side of the highway.
It was 6 miles away from their house and every towing company refused to move it without almost a thousand dollars.
So Saturday it was. We had our last MOD Pizza on Friday, they got the damn camper towed and my house was finally empty.
I didn’t say good bye to it. I didn’t do a silent walkthrough and touch its walls. Now, like I loved it because it was cute and it kept me safe while I grieved. But I wasn’t in love with it.
I was trapped in that house. There was nothing but a tear-soaked couch inside for me.
So I left it early Saturday morning and made a long trek down to Tennessee.
On the way, I had an hour-long attack. Like sorry I’ve been surviving on pizza and Chinese food.
But, the thing is... My mom said she had to get her gallbladder removed at 26. Mamie had to get hers removed. I’m not sure if Uncle Mike has his.
I don’t want to remove an entire organ from my body. I do not want to be opened up like that. I do not want to trust a doctor with my life. I do not want to be drugged up. The 3rd most common death in the United States is medical errors. 
I’m not fucking joking. Click on these clicks to go to actual scientific studies.
Side-effects from medications given in hospitals: 106,000 deaths
Receiving the wrong medication accidentally: 7,000 deaths
Hospital errors: 20,000 deaths
Hospital-acquired infections: 99,000 deaths
Complications from unnecessary surgeries: 12,000 deaths
Prescription drug side effects: Maybe 199,000 deaths
MEDICAL ERRORS: 98,000 deaths
300,000 people die due to doctors every fucking year.
(I’ve learned all this through How Not to Die by Micheal Greger)
Now, I’m not saying doctors are out to kill us. They are here to help SAVE us. Doctors want people to LIVE. But doctors are HUMANS and humans make MISTAKES. 
One wrong move could end a life. That’s a lot of pressure to put on a person. And sometimes it just happens. IT AIN’T GONNA BE ME
My babies finally arrived. and over the next two days, Brandon build a wall and we unpacked and rearranged.
Our room looks so fucking cute.
It’s more space than our old apartment and than our Mercersburg room. Even though I still miss that balcony...
But it’s like a loft. It’s giving me Good Trouble vibes.
We can have a living room area with my couch. Brandon’s  workspace is neat and not in the way at all.
I like it. He loves it.
And... we’re not going for the house. I would love that house, but I NEED to do my RV dream. I don’t want to wait 3-5 more years for it to happen.
So this is our home base for now. With the family.
It’s so so so so so so so wonderful to be with the family. I’m not trapped in the house. There’s always SOMEONE to do anything with. You’re never alone.
I wasn’t lying when I said I was trapped in my house in Chambersburg. There was nothing to do; nowhere to go. There was no one I knew. I didn’t have any fun scenery for walks or cycling. The only time I left was to go food shopping.
I’m not kidding.
Last April-June was awesome. I got a nice tan. It faded when I went back home. But yesterday I got some back!
We celebrated Uncle Mike’s bday yesterday. I was extra careful with the sunscreen because last time, I got sun poisoning on my back. That’s no bueno.
And even before the party, we went and got library cards. The cards down here are gorgeous. But we brought Payton and Sonia.
When you go out, you just steal a person here and there and it’s more fun and helps them get out too.
We’re going swimming again today. Well I am lol. I love fucking swimming. There was a two year gap from 2017 to 2019. 2018 sucked for everyone so there was no swimming, no pool, no beach.
getting in that water and feeling it around you is fucking amazing. and refreshing. my family is waterlogged. we don’t leave the water.
I really can’t express in words right now how much i appreciate water, swimming and a clean pool.
All i can say is, I kept trying to make every dip and dive as if it was my first. I would stand for a few minutes to dry off and then duck under the waves to get that first-time feel.
And yes i said waves. The kids love making waves in the pool. I want to get a couple boogie boards but i didn’t see them. The stores are prepping for fucking Halloween and it’s only August.
I have a stack of boxes in a corner of the room. I call this my “garage.”
Those boxes are waiting for the house I’m going to buy. But there is no house now.
So some of it is waiting for our RV and the rest of it... needs to go.
So, those will stay until I get the strength and capacity to go through them one by one.
My home is here and in an RV. If I have something for a house,  it’s gone.
I’m going to talk to my mom about using her front yard as a massive garden. I’m not sure how to keep out strays, but one of the things I was looking forward to in a house was creating a fruit forest and an edible landscape and a garden.
Pop already has a garden in the backyard....
I am excited to be down here and for my RV and for rocking my life and her getting vitamin D.
I cannot fathom at all that my entire house just fits into one room. Like there’s plenty of floor space and things are not crowded.
I kept worrying that we had too much shit and we need to get rid of things, but omg. my whole entire two-bedroom house fits in this one room. I just cannot deal.
One of our goals right now is to pay off the car. It’s $300 a month and it sucks. Car payments keep middle class stuck in middle class. I think thats a quote from Dave Ramsey.
But, it’s true. I will never finance a car again in my life. The future truck and RV will be payed out right. #neveragain
So, my goal is to pay it off before June 1st. We will need to put $1200 on it a month. We’ll be putting more on it since we have more than that left over after bills.
Having no rent or electric bills is a giant blessing my mom is giving us.
We’ll have an extra $1400 a month. And that’s going straight to debt and supplying some things for my mom.
Okay I’m done typing. My computer is dying.
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cyberstabbing · 7 years
Band AUs
Meaning that at least one of them is in a band, but it’s not My Chem. 
Sing For Me, Pretty - Frank Iero is a known name in the rock music scene. He was the frontman for the hugely successful Pencey Prep. After Pencey Prep split, Frank spent his time and energy with his label, Skeleton Crew. He was introduced to LeATHERMOUTH through his label, and the band offered him the position of frontman for them. With this band, Frank has propelled himself to superstardom. But with superstardom comes risks and consequences. One of those risks is psycho stalker fans. 37k
Redeemer - Gerard is a complete asshole to pretty much everyone but himself. He’s rich and privileged and doesn’t care if he steps on other people’s dreams. After a night with some guy he met at one of his clubs, in which Gerard ends up under a young punk rocker’s care, he may be changing his act. 20k
An Emergency Of The Heart - Gerard’s fat fucking birds have fat fucking asses. 13k 
Cute lil’ cinderella au, franks in a band and gerard works for CN. its So. Sweet. I couldn’t stop smiling in class.
Coin Toss Girl - Frankie thinks she’s got it together, she’s fronting a band, playing shows, finally living away from her mom, working a shitty job and attending college. Not to mention the slightly okay girls she brings home. Slightly okay girls who never seem to actually call her… and yeah, maybe her life isn’t as together as she thought it was, especially after meeting some random dude at a party who turned out to be her flatmates brother and not a complete jerk. Takeout is consumed, arguments are had, pining is contagious and sexualities questioned. 16k
You Will Leave a Mark - Gerard is twenty-two, drunk, lonely, and really, really needs to get out of the basement. 24k
Ass-Kickin’ Chick Music - She’s not someone’s girlfriend. She’s not anyone’s anything. She’s a fucking force. Gee doesn’t know if she wants to be her or fuck her. 20k
Small Cells and Fibers - Tuesdays were finger-painting days. Frank made sure to wear his oldest pair of jeans, because even with his full-length apron and his constant reminders that paint belongs on paper and not on clothing, he always ended up with tiny, multi-colored handprints all over his clothes. There wasn’t a thing he could do about it, so he just wore pants from 1995. 7k
Frank’s a preschool teacher and is in a band !! Gerard’s daughter goes to Frank’s preschool. V important fic.
High School Never Ends - “There’s a guy standing in front of him, and he has to be the hottest guy Gerard has ever seen. Dark sweeping fringe over one eye, the side of his head shaved and dyed blonde, tattoos peeking out from under his shirt and – is that one on his neck? Gerard feels his mind go blank – he is way too drunk to be in this situation.” 4k
Sleepover - Jamia died in May, so in two months it would be three years. Xavier was born in March, so today he was turning six. He’d had a party, which was fun, but now Daddy was feeling sad again, so Xavier was holding him tight. “We’re gonna move,” Frank said. Ray just nodded. “I think maybe I need to get out of this town.” Frank had been poking around the tri-state area, trying to figure out where they could go. He wanted a small community with friendly people where his neighbors wouldn’t constantly try to set him up with their sisters. He chose Fire Island. 6k
Natural Disaster - It happens like this: Frank needs a roommate. Apparently, independent record stores and garage bands don’t pay the bills. Or, not all of them at any rate. So he asks around and it turns out Mikey’s brother needs a place to live that is not their parents’ basement or Mikey’s couch. 5k
Mixed Bathing at Home - ​AU which can best be described thus:
Bex: it is a pointless AU where gerard writes comics and frank is in leathermouth, but there is no mcr Wax: mmh, aggro leathermouth frank meets gentle frustrated comics gerard? Bex: uh….no Bex: gerard gets his toe stuck in a faucet and frank rescues him. Wax: … Bex: it’s the stupidest thing in the world. Wax: how… how do you– nevermind, I’ll just read it. 7k
Someone … maybe babylynz wrote this description? Anyway, here: 
Gerard is a hot mess of a comic book artist; Frankie’s semi-famous for Leathermouth, but filling in for his friend-the-apartment-super when Gerard gets his toe stuck in a faucet. So fucking cute, and heartfelt, plus bonus points for high school reunion: Gerard kept thinking about it, kept looking at Frank, who was solid and confident and covered in tattoos and played in a rock band and could go to dinner with three strangers and how it seemed impossible that he would ever have been picked on or marginalized or scared in his whole life. Suddenly all the lyrics about hating everyone made a lot more sense. "You never really know,” he said, and then realized it had been out loud. Frank was giving him an amused look, but Mikey and Alicia didn’t even blink. 
'Til I Find a Place - Gerard had finally done what he had to do. He'd gotten out of the basement, and now he had a booth to himself at the Blue Moon Diner, where he could sit and drink coffee all night and calm his jittery hands enough to draw. It was perfect. 12k
​Transatlanticism - Gerard’s a comic book writer living in London. Frank works for a record label and has a band in New York. The problem with meeting in the middle is there’s a whacking great ocean there. 20k
Measured Against the Regrets - AU where the band never happened and Gerard quit his job at Cartoon Network to paint instead. After hitting rock bottom and going to rehab, he's back at home, struggling with a vicious creative block and trying to figure out his next move. When he reconnects with Frank at a Leathermouth show, the attraction is instant. Frank inspires Gerard more than anyone or anything has in a long time, but it's up to Gerard to turn that inspiration into a second chance. 17k
Shadows In The Parking Lot - In which there’s a mass grave under Frank and Ray’s apartment complex, Frank doesn’t believe in ghosts, & Frank’s ex-boyfriend is, conveniently, a paranormal consultant. For Milo. 61k
Well, I just stayed up until 4AM to finish this masterpiece. I love love love the characterization, and the whole “we used to be a thing years ago.” Which I haven’t really read much of, but it worked SO well for this fic and it might be my new thing. Not to mention the spookyness! It was so awesome, especially how nonchalant Frank was about ghosts in the beginning, which seemed to be more confusing to Gerard than if Frank just straight up was a firm non-believer. lol. Will definitely reread around Halloween! :D Also, the author said that they’re working on a sequel!!!!
A Fate Worse Than Death [Spells] - “Can I help you find anything?” an employee had asked. Frank just waved them off. “A box I can fit my ex-boyfriend’s body in.” had hardly seemed like an appropriate response.
~ Or, The story of how Frank Iero became a vampire slayer in the worst possible state to wake up a vampire. A daydream on ‘The Taste Of Ink’ by The Used. 59k
Hot damn. Love how Frank took down those vamps for G. And that graveyard scene! Good stuff. Felt like I was reading a comic at times because I could visualize everything so clearly.
A Milkshake With Two Straws - Somewhere along the way Frank just started appearing in the studio doorway, sometimes with flyers for his band, sometimes - very, very awesome times - with coffee. Of course, when Gerard's In The Studio his head is in a creative place, not a talking and remembering place, so he can't really be expected to know what he has or has not told Frank. 2k
Gerard is a spacey art school student. Frank’s pinning and frustrated by Gerard’s obliviousness. Short & sweet! Side note, Oblivious!Gerard is in my all time top five tropes and it will never get old.
On Measuring Life With Coffee Spoons - “Venti mocha frappuccino, no whipped cream,” Frank said with a grin. Gerard noticed he was wearing the nametag with the little blue vampire drawn next to the K. It was Gerard’s favorite. Barista!AU featuring socially awkward! Gerard and trying-too-hard! Frank. 7k
Obligatory “I’m not usually one for coffee shop aus but this was great.” Because it’s the truth.
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