shipeo · 7 years
question meme, again! c: tagged by @gvenevera. hahaha hey vera, thanks so much for tagging me ♥
Rules: 1. Post the rules 2. Answer the questions given to you by the tagger 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. Tag 11 people
1. What’s your childhood anime?
when i was a kid, we had a big screen television set up in the living room and my brother would binge watch full metal alchemist, fruits basket, one piece, and naruto there whenever he had free time. i always somehow ended up joining him for those little screenings, the unsuspecting sufferer to his passionate spiels about the characters, his speculations on plot, and the splendour of the story worlds.
out of all those, the one i’d really call my childhood anime is probably full metal alchemist. like, omfg. i had... this... hopeless crush on edward elric. /headdesks he was just. he was cute. i remember myself being so darn happy knowing he was a total shortie, just like i was, and i’d mouth his name quietly to myself as i watched him on tv because i liked the way it rolled off my tongue. THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING.
2. Social media? Which one’s your favorite?
hm, up till a while ago it was twitter - it’s sort of a handy depository of my thoughts (fangirly, and then not.) now, it’s probably tumblr. i’m fucking addicted. there are so many amazing people here??
3. Does your name (real or penname) have any meaning?
jamie doesn’t - my mum just chose it because all my siblings have a name that starts with ‘J’. it’s just a neat little commonality lmao.
shipeo, on the other hand, is the korean word for ‘want/desire’. i chose it because of its inherent meaning, and how it seems to describe my fascination with fandom. like, you see, when i love things, reblog things, interact – there’s some void within me that i’m trying to fill, even though i mightn’t realise it at the time. there’s a want inside of me that keeps me coming back to this strange endless cycle of consuming and creating content, whether it’s a desire for companionship, for romance, for excitement... and for me, shipeo encapsulates my own descent into self-indulgence, into falling so deep into my desires for no reason other than the fact that i want to.
also, i hear this word all the time in korean music and i like the way it sounds. c:
4. How many meals do you eat in a day?
um, around two. my sleep schedule has been pretty messed up lately, and that’s affected my appetite, so...
5. Are you afraid of ghosts? Or horror movies?
if ghosts exist, and if they look anything like they do in horror movies (they probably don’t) – then yes. ;__; i’m getting the fuck out of there.
i’m alright with horror movies, and i enjoy them to a great degree, but i do have to watch between the cracks in my fingers sometimes. HAHAHA. i’m definitely game to be scared shitless though LET’S DO IT. lol can you tell how contradictory i am??
6. What kind of phone do you use? iOS vs Android?
iPhone 5! c: i’m an apple nerd. ugh, it’s their branding, i’m tellin’ ya. i’m a fool for their philosophy.
7. How many languages can you speak?
English, Chinese, Conversational Japanese.
8. Which fic would you rather read: Major character death OR Non-consensual?
MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH HANDS DOWN. non-con makes me kind of queasy c’: and um, a major character death would be the opportune chance to do a character study and to flesh out what the surviving character really felt for the deceased. there’s that delicious turmoil and hurt, of course, especially if there’s unfinished business between the two characters. but more than anything, i appreciate how MCDs often unearth some deeply fundamental truths as to what it is for us to truly love someone. through everything that happens post-death, it gives some shape and form to the abstract impact that another soul can make on our lives. physical things, now laden with more meaning than ever before: an extra toothbrush left fraying in its holder. old strands of their hair on the floor and in the dusty corners. their online profile, pristine and untouched, like the owner had only disappeared for a little while.
there’s always a prevailing theme of inevitability and of regret, of our smallness as human beings. it’s a bitter reminder of what little power we truly have when faced with our own mortality. these are experiences that are intimately connected to our experience as creatures who love things and fear to lose them. stories like that? they remind us of our humanity. i mean, these are things we should celebrate. god, it hurts, but i think it’s worth it for that moment of self-reflection.
9. How do you feel about spoilers, especially for manga/anime?
i don’t mind it. fam, i’m a really chill person. i’m not going to freak out just because someone reblogged/tweeted/posted something they got excited about. hahaha. i tend to find more fault with myself than with others tbh.
besides, sometimes knowing what’s coming can get you more hyped for a series. c;
10. Favorite travel destination?
japan. that place is beautiful, steeped with culture, and unlike any place i’d ever been. kyoto was downright mystical and I WANT TO GO BACK SO BADLY.
11. Describe your OTPs – what do you think they have in common?
friend, i have too many OTPs.
bsd: akutagawa/atsushi, bnha; todoroki/midoriya, bakugou/kirishima, opm: saitama/genos, no. 6: nezumi/shion, pmmm: homura/madoka, nno: yoite/miharu... just to name a few.
i think i tend to like... the interplay between past hurts and healing.
one of the characters (A) normally has a near-unattainable goal, something that occupies them almost every minute of every day, makes them miserable without them even realising. enter B, who shows A a side of them they had never before thought of as valuable/important – usually a side of them that’s more tender/caring. more often than not, this leads to A becoming a better person because... well, love makes you want to be better. that’s definitely what atsushi does for aku (i mean, he could,) what midoriya does for todoroki, what kirishima does for bakugou, and what saitama does for genos. i also tend to like banter, undeniable chemistry, and any pairing with a deep canonical bond. i love relationships where the characters fulfil each other, in a way that is unique to them alone. give me all that heartwarming shit, ya’ll.
;___; j-just... anything to fill the void in my heart.
i’m not gonna come up with questions or tag anyone since i already did on the previous question meme! c’: fuuuck it’s 3am and i have a meeting in the morning fml GOOD NIGHT WORLD
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shipeo · 7 years
before you read - i own nothing but the words. based entirely off ch52 of bungou stray dogs, written by Kafka Asagiri. rating/warning - t, character study.  pairing - akutagawa ryuunosuke / atsushi nakajima
special thanks - @socksghost (without whom this fic would not exist in its current form) thank you - @bungoustray-translations, @popopretty, @gvenevera, @recklessopinions (for summaries & translations i’ve referred to while writing this)
a speculative look into akutagawa's head during his first mission with atsushi, as shin soukoku.
It takes a while for Akutagawa to acquaint himself with the rhythm of partnership. He watches Atsushi dart across walls, propel himself away from stray rocks with razor sharp reflex, turning to shoot him split-second gazes mid-air– cover me – and it’s only then that he understands.
Akutagawa may be their pulse, but Atsushi is their blood.
It’s a little like re-learning the use of his own body – back when he knew nothing about Rashoumon, its limitations, and what it could do. Atsushi moves too fast for him to even think; he usually only has less than a second of lead time to cover Atsushi from Goncharov’s boulders while he’s vulnerable in the air. It takes a riot of missteps – muttered curses and bruises down to their spines, but slowly, they test their capabilities and limitations as a team.
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