thesoundofanicefall 2 years
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New official art by Asami sensei for the end of Catastrophe at 16 manga
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thesoundofanicefall 2 years
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Although Shinya always offer Guren a shoulder to cry on as he exactly knows how much Guren needs it more than anybody else but I bet he is actually the one who hates seeing him crying the most as if he never can indure seeing his tears and so even such thing will happen eventually I have feelings he would be the first one who would ask him not to cry just like he did before...
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thesoundofanicefall 2 years
They were the only friends he ever had whole his life
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He never had such feelings before whole his life
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And he lost them all exactly when he had started to love them with whole his heart...
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thesoundofanicefall 2 years
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I hate it here
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thesoundofanicefall 2 years
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Ichinose Guren Catastrophe at 16 manga final cover
Translation on the cover:
This is a story that the world is supposed to be "ruined"
Still, Ichinose Guren, Hiiragi Mahiru...
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thesoundofanicefall 2 years
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Yeah Ferid and Mahiru are same and you can't change my mind too
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thesoundofanicefall 2 years
So guys!!!
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I don't want to give you false hopes but still you can have hopes that the World Resurrection at 19 novels will also turn to manga too!!! The translation of the final part of manga is:
Ichinose Guren's rebellious journey continues Thank you for your patronage! Please look forward to the next work by Dr. Kagami and Asami !!
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thesoundofanicefall 2 years
Personal thought
I personally think that the biggest reason why more than 90% of this fandom couldn't understand the true meaning of chapter 112 was because they all thought the chapter was for Yuu to talk and he was the MC of the chapter (which is not totally wrong tbh you can say 20% of the chapter belongs to him actually) although actually the chapter was for GUREN to talk and to stand as its MC nor Yuu or Mika or Shinoa's squad no non of them mattered that was just for Guren and his character development more because for sure Kagami sensei wanted the main manga to hit with the ending of Catastrophe at 16 manga at the very end.
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thesoundofanicefall 2 years
He promised to save Shinya
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He promised to save Yuu
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He promised to save Mikaela
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He promised to save Kureto
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He promised to save the world
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But the exact question is: will there be anyone to save him at the end....?
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thesoundofanicefall 2 years
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The fact that Shinya dead with open eyes as if he wanted to watch Guren's face till the last breath...
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thesoundofanicefall 2 years
I just thought it won't be bad to emphasis again on the difference of Yuu and Guren's situation when they said fuck the world:
Guren's: leaving behind fully alone (not even his demon is around him anymore) , losing all his beloved ones against his eyes and can't even think right and being in the depth of despair, sadness and insanity
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Yuu's: Having everyone and everything around him, Mika is still there with him plus his family and everyone's safe
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And yeah that's it that's the post and the point
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thesoundofanicefall 2 years
For about 1 hour later this is officially Christmas in Japan! And as I promised here my gift to you all for Christmas!!
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Merry Christmas everybody馃コ馃コ馃巹馃巹鉂勶笍鈽冿笍鉀勶笍
(yeah yeah finally I stopped being a lazy ass and decided to translate it lol)
Wish for you all such a nice time next to your families and hope everyone is safe till now!
I will share the full Catastrophe at 16 bonus chapter a few hours later but before that two little points! :
1- thanks a lot to dear @distinguished-slacker for helping me to find the pictures of this chapter again as the link I had wasn't uploading the pictures anymore
2- this chapter doesn't have a Japanese translation availabe (or at least I couldn't find馃し鈥嶁檧) and so I did the translation with the help of Google translate and my own little knowledges from Chinese to English but ofc as it wasn't a Japanese refrence then maybe this translation has a bit of mistakes in it but please please do NOT copy it in ANY other places or sites as yours this was really hard for me to translate it as best as I can so please be respecful enough
So that was it! Thanks a lot for your always support and kindness guys and please be a little more patient so till I will share the full chapter soon ;))
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thesoundofanicefall 2 years
It's here...
I add no caption but just....
Ichinose Guren Catastrophe at 16 manga chapter 50 spoilers....
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Have a good night...
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thesoundofanicefall 2 years
Golden quote of the year:
Mahiru was obsessed and in love with the idea of being in love with Guren not loving Guren himself
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thesoundofanicefall 2 years
Hiiragi Mahiru and Ferid Bathory
Yeah as I said I was searching for something in light novels and again in novel 6 this time I found this
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Yes we did knew that the vampires can't use demons or <<Kiju>> because that's like poison for them but we can clearly see that Mahiru even as a vampire can use a demon or a <<Kiju>> weapon, in a better explaintion, because she had borned with a demon inside her from the start and you know what is more interesting?
The interesting one is that FERID can also use a demon according to chapter 92 and 81 too! (he used Jigenso which is a black demon many times)
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And then we have Saito stating this that Ferid was abnormal from the start and turning him to a human was a mistake?
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So what if Ferid just like Mahiru was a human experiment subject and had born with a demon inside of him from the start too but he failed on the experiments later?!
What do you think about this case guys?!
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thesoundofanicefall 2 years
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Oh ok ok...
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