#grocery store dorchester
rainbowfruitusa · 2 days
Health Benefits of Eating Fresh Fish from the Market
When it comes to enhancing our well-being, what we put on our plates plays a crucial role. Among the plethora of options available, fresh fish stands out as a nutritional powerhouse, offering a myriad of health benefits that are simply fantastic!
Let's take a deep dive into the wonders of incorporating fresh fish from the Fish Market Dorchester, MA into your diet.
Nutrient-Rich Bounty
Fresh fish from the fish market is a treasure trove of essential nutrients that your body craves. Rich in high-quality protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, it serves as a wholesome package for overall health.
Whether you're a fan of salmon's omega-3 goodness or the lean protein punch of cod, the fish market has something to cater to every palate.
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Heart Health Harmony
Want to keep your ticker in top shape? Fresh fish from the fish market is your heart's best friend. The omega-3 fatty acids found abundantly in fish like tuna and mackerel are renowned for their ability to lower triglycerides, reduce inflammation, and decrease the risk of heart disease.
By regularly indulging in fish from the fish market, you're not just treating your taste buds but also showering love on your heart.
Brain Boost Brilliance
Who doesn't want a sharper mind and better memory? Fresh fish holds the key to unlocking your brain's full potential. The omega-3 fatty acids, particularly DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), found in fish like trout and sardines, are vital for cognitive function and neurological health.
From boosting concentration to staving off cognitive decline, making fish from the market a staple in your diet can help keep your brain firing on all cylinders.
Mood Magic
Feeling a bit down in the dumps? Fresh fish from the fish market Dorchester, MA might just be the mood-lifting elixir you need. Research suggests that omega-3 fatty acids play a pivotal role in regulating mood and combating depression and anxiety.
By incorporating fish like halibut and herring into your meals, you're not just nourishing your body but also nurturing your emotional well-being.
Bone Building Bonanza
Strong bones are the foundation of a healthy, active life, and fresh fish from the fish market can help fortify them. Fish varieties such as salmon and sardines are rich in vitamin D and calcium, two nutrients crucial for bone health.
By indulging in fish regularly, you're not only supporting your skeletal system but also reducing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures as you age.
Weight Management Wonder
Striving to maintain a healthy weight? Fresh fish can be your ally in the battle of the bulge. With its high protein content and low-calorie density, fish makes for a satisfying yet calorie-conscious choice.
Whether you're aiming to shed a few pounds or simply maintain your current weight, incorporating fish like tilapia and cod from the fish market into your meals can help you achieve your goals without feeling deprived.
The fish market Dorchester, MA isn't just a place to score delicious seafood—it's a hub of health and vitality. By making fresh fish a regular part of your diet, you're not just tantalising your taste buds but also nourishing your body from the inside out.
So, why wait? Head to your nearest fish market today and reel in the goodness for a healthier, happier you!
Source - https://grocery-store-in-ma.blogspot.com/2024/04/health-benefits-of-eating-fresh-fish.html
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corvidaedream · 2 years
everyone please send me good energies wrt this apartment in dorchester, i suddenly got contacted by the landlord asking if im available to see the apartment today after work!!!
im so excited! i really want this place so bad! it’d free up so much of my budget & i would live closer to work and one of my friends and a grocery store
i need this…..
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 6 years
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“Police Catch Burglar Red Handed,” Windsor Star. May 28, 1938. Page 03. --- ‘Tip’ Leads To Capture --- Culprit Was Ransacking Office When Two Constables Came --- Another Arrest --- Youth Is Roused From Slumber in Boat to Make Jail Trip ---- Alexander Greer, 42, of 1060 Oak avenue, was arrested on a breaking and entering charge early this morning after he was captured by police in a shop at 289 Wyandotte street west. In the police station cells he joined Girard Poirier, 20, of Dorchester, Que., picked up earlier on a similar charge.
REMANDS ORDERED In police court this morning Greer pleaded guilty and was remanded week for sentence.
Poirier did not enter a plea. He elected summary trial and was given a similar remand.
Responding to a call that a man had been seen entering the small machine shop operated by Ray Vigneux on Wyandotte street, Constables Smith and Lossowski found the glass in the front door had been smashed. Peering through the front window, the officers noticed a man ransacking the office desk.
Entering the establishment, the constables arrested Greer without any trouble.
Clifford Dupuis, of the Hollywood Hotel directly across the street from the shop, provided the tip that resulted in Greer’s arrest. He noticed a man break the window and then walk away. While he was phoning police, his wife saw the man return and enter the building.
SLEEPING IN BOAT After he was arrested when found sleeping in a boat at the foot of Bridge avenue, Poirier is said to have confessed that he was one of three men who broke into a grocery store at 1794 London street west and made off with $25 worth of cigarets and soft drinks, chocolate bars and groceries.
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sweetfirebird · 4 years
For @orbisonblue ‘s birthday, an unbeta’d or edited bit for Ez and Em from Nothing More Certain. 
A lot of people in town would probably be surprised to find out that Ezra was a spring baby. Although, Emery imagined a lot of people didn’t like to think of Ezra has having been a baby at all, much less having a birthday. When Emery thought about it, he found it fitting that Ezra, who loved and appreciated life the way only he could, had been born as the flowers began to bloom.
The trouble was—and there was trouble—with everyone in town only too happy to pretend Ezra had sprung into existence as a full-grown adult with no feelings, it was up to Emery, and his mother, and Ezra’s dad, to remember Ezra’s birthday. And Emery had. He had at least gotten that part right. He had been unable to forget Ezra’s birthday even when he’d wanted to.
But he was not so great at the rest of it. Being a boyfriend.
Emery didn’t have a boyfriend temperament, not the kind Ez deserved. Valentine’s Day had proven that. The whole holiday was contrived nonsense and emotional hostage-taking. There was nothing romantic about forcing people to buy shit for each other. Nonetheless, Emery had remembered it and thought… worried… that Ezra might expect something. The disbelief on Ezra’s face at being presented with a handful of flowers had all but said that Ezra either didn’t care about Valentine’s Day, or, more likely, hadn’t thought Emery would.
Now there was Ez’s birthday to contend with, and Emery had spent probably too much time trying to think of what he ought to do. Just giving Ez a present wasn’t enough. All Ezra ever wanted were things like yarn or paint or glitter, which Emery knew nothing about. Telling him he could have a go at any room in Emery’s house was pointless since Ezra had implicit permission to do whatever he wanted and they both knew it, and even if he did ask, Emery had never been able to say no to him. Not ever. Not with any real force behind it.
But did that make him happy?
It did, obviously. But happy enough? Emery pretended he wasn’t haunted by that question while he glaring down at the decision he already regretted. He should have thrown Ez a party. Told all his witchy friends that they had better be there no matter what their personal thoughts on celebrating Ezra’s life or whatever bullshit ideas they still had about Ezra not being allowed to be frivolous.
But Ezra would never make anyone do that, so Emery couldn’t either. Then, he had considered just taking Ez out to dinner, but Ez already did that with his dad, and he and Emery went out for dinner already more than they should.
It wasn’t…special enough.
Emery sighed heavily. He didn’t think this was, either. But this was at least something he remembered Ezra doing with his mom when she’d been alive and they’d been kids. Emery had committed to this, to the point of marching into Dorchester Grocery and finding Bartleby Dorchester and announcing that on Ezra’s birthday, no one was going to call him for anything, no matter what. Understood?
Ridiculous. Emery had no power at all and they were witches, a fact he was still dealing with. But he said it and Bartleby, having one of his butchier days apparently, with flattened hair and jeans and eyeliner but no other makeup, stared back before nodding, and somehow, magically, it had worked. Ezra had seemed a little perplexed but happy enough to be handed tea while still in bed and wished a happy birthday before Emery had to head out to work—spring was his busier season, after all.
Ezra had puttered around the house, gone to lunch with a friend who very likely had no idea who and what Ezra was, and then run errands.
Emery had hurried back here to Ezra’s apartment like a fool to set out a grocery store sheet cake covered in frosting roses, with a cursive Happy Birthday, Ez, across the top. He realized now he should have gotten some adult dessert, or a real cake from a fancy bakery. But he had this and Neapolitan ice cream in the freezer, which was so childish it was a wonder that Emery hadn’t hired a clown. Bright, striped candles in the cake were hardly the touch of gothic elegance Ez was used to.
He should stash it all and just take Ez to dinner.
Emery hadn’t finished the thought before he heard Ezra at the front door. He darted a guilty look to Wooly, who sat on the back of Ez’s big armchair and stared back at him with bright eyes. Then Ezra swept in, turning to close the door and set down packages, tossing his keys onto the little table as he did.
Wooly jumped down and disappeared into the bedroom, but Emery barely noticed because then Ezra looked up. He seemed startled first that the lights were on, that Emery was there, although he was the one who had left the key in a little black box tied with gray ribbon under Emery’s stunted little Christmas tree.
He smiled, and then his gaze went down to the cake with its unlit candles on his countertop. He took a few steps closer but stopped without crossing into the kitchen.
He didn’t say anything.
This was so much more awkward than Emery had anticipated. Maybe cakes were only good if there was a party. He should have thrown a party. He should have asked his mother first.
He cleared his throat. “Happy birthday,” he said, not quiet but not exactly loud.
Ezra’s gaze came up from the cake. He was in a long-sleeved white collared shirt with black suspenders, and a long, pale violet scarf. He put his hands together, but still said nothing.
“This was a mistake,” Emery said, or started to say, but it was drowned out by Ezra’s small, soft, “Thank you.”
“What?” Emery asked, then startled and shook his head. “I mean, it’s…I can light the candles. Or if you think it’s stupid, I can just order a pizza…or we can go get one. Or some other food. Whatever you want. I just thought—”
“Hush.” Ezra held one finger up and used Emery’s moments of startled, grateful silence to study him, then the cake, then Emery again. It was only when Ezra pulled in a deep breath that Emery realized he was emotional. “Are you going to sing to me?”
Emery’s immediate thought that was that he would rather die than sing for anyone else to hear. His second was, “Yeah.” He was gruff but Ezra usually liked that. “If you want me to… and if no one else is around.”
Ezra blinked. “You love me.”
Emery’s face and neck were getting hot and he didn’t care for it, so he rolled his eyes. “Ez.” Ezra knew that already. Should know it, even if Emery was a terrible boyfriend. “There’s ice cream, too,” he offered.
Finally, Ezra smiled. The sort of smile other people didn’t see, because they didn’t know to give him things like breakfast in bed—toast, but it counted—or a bouquet of pink and purple flowers, or, apparently, ice cream and cake.
Ezra passed a hand over his face, then zipped forward to throw his arms around Emery and squeeze him tight. “What kind of cake is it?” he demanded, muffled. He was keeping his head down. It had to be deliberate.
Emery didn’t know what to do with tears, happy or otherwise. He patted Ez’s shoulder. “Chocolate, with fudge frosting. You like chocolate, so I figured….”
“Hmm.” Ezra lifted his head enough to place a soft kiss on Emery’s neck. “Thank you,” he said again, strain in the words that Emery didn’t understand until Ezra kissed him again.
Emery nodded, to himself and the absent but discreet cat, and ignored his embarrassment at doing that as he dropped a kiss into Ezra’s hair. “Happy birthday, Ez.”  
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kellykilmer · 4 years
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Grocery store tips: Out of TP? ASK FIRST. Next: tissues, paper towels, need be. Out of bread on the shelves? Check the bakery! Our bakery didn't have it out but they had it and would slice it for you. Out of cheese? Check the fancy, higher end cheese section. Out of rice and/or canned veggies? Check the international section. No luck at your big chain? Try the Mom and Pop smaller, local stores. Also: international stores, liquor stores (packies for you Dorchester, MA folks), etc... BE KIND. ESPECIALLY to your clerks and stockists. They are frontline people and with the public FOR HOURS A DAY. CHECK with your neighbors to make sure they are okay. You will need each other. Get your groceries and GO HOME. #mydayinLA #coronapocalypse #gelsonsweho at 6:45 a.m. A truck was JUST pulling in as we pulled into the parking lot. (at Gelsons West Hollywwod) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9zOElXgXj7/?igshid=1o4ozicpw2pbr
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Questions I had before attending NU: Part One
As a big sister, I’ve never had a person growing up who I could ask about relevant life things. Like taking the California driver’s test (spoiler: I passed) or standardized testing tips (spoiler: I passed). But now I’m here to answer your questions about NU!
What is a middler?
A middler is a third-year completing a five-year undergraduate program (because they’re in the middle of their college years). Notice that we don’t say sophomore, junior, or senior. We call students freshmen/first-years, second-years, third-years, etc. I guess you could say we go to Hogwarts.
With people coming and going for co-op, is it hard to keep friends?
If you’ve been reading my blog a while, you know I always keep it real with you. Lots of people co-op in Boston, but many study or co-op abroad. You have to put in the work to keep in touch with people, like you’ll do with your friends from home. If your friends are also away from Boston, it’s easier because you’ll both pick up where you left off. But if your friends are in Boston and you’re not, sometimes life goes on for them. You just have to work a little harder to keep in touch.
Which LLC should I pick?
I’ve touched on this before, but LLCs won’t really impact your experience here. It will determine where you live, and then everyone will forget about it except for a few LLC-related RA programs. Seriously, don’t sweat it.
I’m coming from out-of-state. Where should I buy stuff for my room?
Target on Boylston is an absolute zoo during back-to-school season. And they actually raise prices on college dorm supplies during this time. Head to the Dorchester Target or try Bed Bath & Beyond. Make sure you have a BBB coupon! You can preorder stuff from BBB and pick it up in store, but their items are a bit overpriced. I recommend buying things from Target or shipping items from Amazon first, then checking out BBB. I can write a packing list if you’re interested...just let me know.
What’s the deal with the meal plan? Is 10 swipes per week enough?
10 swipes is more than enough. You won’t have the time (or desire, after a while) to go to the dining hall or other meal plan establishment more than 10 times a week. You can use your dining dollars to buy food around campus if you want to spice it up. You can redeem swipes at Rebecca’s, Cafe Crossing, Outtakes, or one of the three dining halls (International Village, Stetson West, Stetson East).
Where can I buy food?
We have a decent selection of grocery stores near campus: Trader Joe’s, Star Market, Whole Foods, and Stop & Shop. There are too many restaurants in Boston to name them all here, but some of my favorites are Veggie Galaxy, Blaze (#basic, I know), Mumbai Spice, and Earl’s. Unrelated PSA: Milk Bar opened a new store in Harvard Square and it is earth shattering! Go eat a compost cookie, crack pie, and birthday truffle!!
Want more? Here’s part two.
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repairs4homes · 3 years
Timeline Back to School Month August 2021
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Back to School Month timeline
0BElementary school became a requirement
0BThis was the first year that all 50 states required students to complete their elementary schooling.
0BThe first school for girls opened
0BUrsuline Academy, a Catholic school in New Orleans established by the Sister of the Order of Saint Ursula, became the first school to open exclusively for girls.
Tax dollars support a North American school
0BThe Mather School, founded in Dorchester, MA, became the first public school in North America supported by tax dollars.
0BHigher education began
Clergyman John Harvard founded his namesake Ivy League school in Cambridge, MA. 0B
0BThe first school is founded
0BBoston Latin School opened its doors, becoming the first public school in the colonies.
If the 1Csummer-ending-and-school-starting 1D ritual makes you anxious, then participate in Back to School Month this August 14 an event that helps parents, students, and teachers prepare for the new academic year. Celebrated since the 1960s, Back to School Month will motivate you to start your back-to-school shopping and get you excited overall. So put away the beach bag and pick up the backpack, because it 19s time for Back to School Month events 14and we want you to get an 1CA 1D for participation.
Special offers for Back to School Month celebration!
Office Furniture Coupons: Save $15 Off on Desk Converters Orders Over $100 at FlexiSpot -
Grocery Delivery Services Coupons: Save 15% Off on All Seventh Generation at Vitacost -
Ecommerce Stores Promo Codes: Save $11 Off on Beelink GT-King Pro Amlogic S922X-H Android 9.0 4K TV Box 4GB/64GB at FocalPrice -
Mattresses Coupon Codes: FREE Memory Pillow With Mattress Purchase at GoodMorning.com -
Office & School Supplies Offers: Free Coca-Cola Party Tub on Orders Over $200 at Quill.com -
Beauty & Personal Care Promotions: Save 30% Off on Skincare Products at Philosophy -
Vision Care Deals: Save 15% Off on Orders Over $125 at Vision Pros -
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ericvick · 3 years
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Today: Price Rite market place open for purchasers in Fields Corner mall
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The new Price tag Ceremony grocery store — which opens these days in Fields Corner— alerts the return of a grocery current market operated by a family with roots in the community that go again to the 1940s.
The Slawsby family, which operates grocery retailers in Roxbury, Roslindale, and Brockton, has been doing work due to the fact early 2020 to renovate and re-open a grocery store in the 20,000-square-foot place closest to the Geneva Avenue side of the nearly 250,000- sq.-foot mall. It fills a huge grocery void in the community still left when America’s Foodstuff Basket shut in January 2019.
The grocery store was supposed to open up past May, but when Covid settled into the region, the renovations ended up paused, also. But, the work and the subsequent inspections are now full. Together with a entirely refurbished keep, the industry delivers 40 jobs— quite a few of them for neighbors who can stroll there from the dense residential aspect streets all around Fields Corner and Bowdoin-Geneva.
The opening reunites two famous Dorchester families energetic in the foods market place company in the neighborhood for pretty much a total century.
The Cifrino family history in meals retail started in Boston just before the 1st Earth War, claimed Tom Cifrino, who manages the Fields Station LLC, which owns the Geneva Avenue property.
“My grandfather started out as a butcher on Salem Street in the North Stop,” he explained to the Reporter in a recent interview. “He ended up with about 10 to 12 butcher stores close to the city. And then in the 1920s he started off the Uphams Corner Market place. There was a e book, ‘Once Upon a Keep,’ that claimed it was the initial supermarket in the nation. No matter if it’s correct or not, I really do not know.”
The Cifrinos opened two more outlets in Quincy and in Cambridge and soon prior to the Great Melancholy, sold all of them to the parent corporation of First Nationwide Outlets.
In 1934, the Cifrinos obtained again into the supermarket business enterprise, setting up a new structure to house a market place alongside Gallivan Boulevard — which was then a freshly designed roadway on a creating marshland top to Neponset Circle. The Supreme Sector opened in 1935 and quickly stores of the exact same brand title multiplied across the bigger Boston region, including a retail store at the Geneva Avenue website, on land which had been used to house street autos.
“The property adjacent to Fields Corner station was a trolley car or truck barn,” Tom Cifrino said. “Ten or 12 yrs back, when we did a important refurbishment, we redid the parking whole lot. At the time we had to dig it up and we observed underneath the asphalt all cobblestones and railroad ties. They have been nonetheless there from when it was a trolley car or truck barn. The trolley automobiles went out of the barn and went up and down Dorchester Ave.”
Harold Slawsby’s father ran a meat sector at 1498 Dorchester Ave., a precursor to the Capitol chain that his family later on opened. In addition to the Fields Corner place, the family operated shops on Morrissey Blvd.— a building that now houses a liquor retail store and a CVS— and at Morton Street and Gallivan Boulevard, a web page now occupied by Norfolk Components.
“We’ve normally desired a retail store in Dorchester and we have appeared high and low,” Harold Slawsby instructed the Reporter in a 2015 job interview.
This 7 days, Harold’s son Jonathan — who will run the Dorchester shop with his brother, Todd, said that they regard this as a “homecoming.”
His mom grew up in St. Ann parish, he mentioned. And he and Todd slash their enamel in the enterprise doing work at the former Capitol Marketplace on Morrissey Boulevard— which is now a CVS.
“We’re getting even extra excited as we see folks striving to arrive in,” reported Slawsby on Tuesday. “It does really feel like a homecomingand for my brother and I, it feels like the appropriate area to establish the enterprise that we want to have making use of this store as the cornerstone.”
He is most very pleased of how the renovations have “opened up” the front of the keep.
“It helps make a substantial variance in the sense,” reported Slawsby. “It’s a lot much less claustrophobic. It feels a lot more of a unified house with a middle aisle that breaks it up and highlights merchandise.”
Tom Cifrino claims he has identified Harold Slawsby considering that the 1970s, when “his father and my father had been each in the grocery store organization in the 50’s and 60’s collectively, as welcoming competition.”
“The Slawsbys are Dorchester individuals,” claims Cifrino, who himself has fond reminiscences of working in his own family’s markets when he was as young as 15.
“It was fantastic. I can don’t forget likely up on Thanksgiving, I applied to offer Turkey dinners for Thanksgiving. There was a total crew in there on Thanksgiving morning, they would begin at five o’clock in the early morning cooking turkeys and stuffing and mashed potatoes and gravy. And they’d cook dinner and market them to individuals right until about a single o’clock when all people took their have turkey, went home, and experienced their Turkey evening meal.”
The new Value Ceremony Marketplace fills the last vacant space in the Fields Corner shopping mall.
“We have 11 stores and they’re all occupied yet again,” Cifrino instructed the Reporter. “As a subject of simple fact, we even stuffed in the Payless Sneakers- which went bankrupt two decades back- with a nearby natural beauty supply business, Mattapan Splendor Offer. He has six or seven other retail suppliers, but he is nearby, he’s not a nationwide tenant.
“And from what I fully grasp, it’s incredible. I necessarily mean, I’ve absent through his keep or three or 4 occasions, and if you want to acquire a wig, which is the area to go.”
Jonathan Slawsby states that he and his group are “extremely excited” to be partnering with Tom Cifrino and his family after once more.
“He’s been an awesome lover by this final year, really knowledge as considerably as our timeline and proactive with our eyesight for updating the area,” claimed Slawsby. “We have a extremely lengthy expression lease- 30 many years if we work out the selections. Each sides are aware of that and happy about it. It’s an investment decision from each of us to continue that family romance significantly into the future.”
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dailynewswebsite · 3 years
Christmas comes early as people rush to buy trees
Pete Hyde (r) says he is in a powerful place to fulfill hovering demand for bushes
Enterprise is booming for Pete Hyde, proprietor of Trinity Road Christmas Timber in Dorset.
Yearly he runs a pop-up website within the centre of Dorchester to promote the bushes he grows.
This yr, regardless of the necessity for social distancing and hand sanitiser, in addition to outlets being closed, he is already bought practically a 3rd extra bushes than regular for this level within the season.
And Christmas tree growers throughout the UK say they’re having a bumper yr.
“This yr all people is greater than ever decided to have a unbelievable Christmas,” says Pete. “Individuals are shopping for bushes earlier and individuals are prepared to push the boat out.”
“Quite a lot of prospects say that is the primary time they’ve had an actual tree.”
However just some weeks in the past Pete was “petrified” that prospects would purchase their bushes at a grocery store or backyard centre. As important retailers, they’ve been allowed to commerce throughout lockdown, whereas folks like him initially weren’t.
After lobbying from growers, the federal government relented and since then the spruces and firs have been flying off the farms.
Heather Parry from the British Christmas Tree Growers Affiliation (BCTGA) says a number of of her 320 members say it’s the busiest they’ve ever been.
UK farms normally promote about eight million bushes annually. This yr they predict it might attain as many as 10 million.
Growers say wholesale enterprise to retailers is already 24% greater than this time final yr.
It may very well be that some gross sales are coming earlier as folks search out a tree whereas they wait to be allowed to buy groceries once more.
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York Christmas Timber have bought extra bushes than regular to each wholesale patrons and native prospects
Ms Parry thinks there are different causes too.
Fewer individuals are going overseas, and there are a lot of extra smaller gatherings happening as an alternative of enormous household get-togethers, requiring extra, smaller bushes, together with smaller turkeys.
And extra folks need the odor of the outside and the sense that they’re doing one thing “genuine” this yr. Some individuals are even shopping for an additional tree this yr, she says.
Story continues
“Your property is extra your fort this yr greater than ever earlier than,” she says. “And you have time to make paperchains, bake the salt dough decorations.”
York Christmas Timber, which has equipped this yr’s tree to 10 Downing Road, has been so busy “there’s been no time to breathe” says proprietor Olly Combe.
“My wholesale prospects are ringing again, wanting extra bushes, and I am getting enquiries from folks I’ve by no means bought to earlier than.”
“We lower bushes each week – we are able to management the speed they arrive out of the sector at. We will not management the speed prospects come down the drive at.”
It takes as much as 10 years to develop bushes from saplings, so he must be cautious not expend an excessive amount of of subsequent yr’s shares.
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Tree being trimmed at Pimms Christmas tree farm in Matfield Kent
So may the availability of bushes run out?
Ms Parry says imports from Denmark have been negatively affected by a brand new pressure of Covid-19 discovered at mink farms in the identical area the bushes develop. On high of that, slower processing at UK ports, because of the virus, has brought about delays.
She thinks provides might get “tight” however everybody who desires a tree ought to have the ability to get one.
“So long as you continue to have growers who can harvest on demand, we’ll be OK to fulfill calls for of market,” says Pete Hyde in Dorset.
He nonetheless at the moment has the total vary on provide.
“If you would like a good-shaped tree with good needle retention, then go for a Nordmann fir – which might be 80% of the market, it is what everybody has.”
“If you would like a slimmer tree with a stunning odor, go for a Fraser fir or a silver fir,” he says.
And if you would like one thing with a extra tiered look? It is the noble fir – though most of us do not need to hear any extra about tiers, even on bushes.
Pete himself does not hassle deciding. He’ll have three bushes of three totally different varieties, dotted round his home. That’s, after all, assuming he is bought sufficient left.
from Growth News https://growthnews.in/christmas-comes-early-as-people-rush-to-buy-trees/ via https://growthnews.in
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healthcarenewsme · 4 years
Daily Table: An Innovative Approach to Accessing Healthy Food at the Grocery Store - Spare Change News
Daily Table: An Innovative Approach to Accessing Healthy Food at the Grocery Store – Spare Change News
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In the years after his 2012 retirement, Doug Rauch began to formulate a plan for a grocery store with healthy food options sold at a reasonable price. Three years later, in 2015, the former president of Trader Joe’s opened Daily Table, a non-profit retail grocery store, in Dorchester. In 2018, a second location opened in Roxbury, and according to Michael Malmberg, current chief operating…
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rainbowfruitusa · 17 days
 Why Seasonal Shopping at Your Grocery Store Is Key to Freshness?
Are you someone who loves to cook with the freshest ingredients possible? Do you often find yourself wondering how you can improve the quality of your meals without breaking the bank?
Well, look no further than your local grocery store!
Seasonal shopping is a fantastic way to ensure that you're getting the freshest produce available while also supporting local farmers and businesses.
In this blog post, we'll explore why seasonal shopping at your Westwood, MA Best Grocery Store is the key to freshness and how you can make the most out of your next shopping trip.
Understanding Seasonal Shopping
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Before we dive into the benefits of seasonal shopping, let's first understand what it means. Seasonal shopping refers to the practice of buying fruits, vegetables, and other products that are currently in season.
This means that these items are at their peak freshness and flavour, as they have been recently harvested and haven't had to travel long distances to reach your grocery store shelves.
The Importance of Freshness
Freshness is crucial when it comes to the quality of your meals. Not only do fresh ingredients taste better, but they also retain more nutrients compared to their counterparts that have been sitting on shelves for an extended period.
By shopping for seasonal produce at your grocery store Westwood, MA, you can ensure that you're getting the best of the best when it comes to flavour and nutrition.
Supporting Local Farmers
When you choose to buy seasonal produce at your grocery store, you're not just benefiting yourself—you're also supporting local farmers and businesses.
Seasonal shopping allows farmers to sell their products directly to consumers, cutting out the middleman and ensuring that they receive fair compensation for their hard work.
By supporting local farmers, you're helping to strengthen your community and promote sustainable agricultural practices.
Reducing Environmental Impact
Another significant benefit of seasonal shopping is its positive impact on the environment. When you buy produce that is in season, you're reducing the need for long-distance transportation and storage, which, in turn, helps to lower carbon emissions.
Additionally, seasonal produce often requires fewer pesticides and chemicals to grow, further reducing environmental harm. By choosing to shop seasonally at your grocery store, you're making a conscious decision to reduce your carbon footprint and support more sustainable farming practices.
Tips for Seasonal Shopping
Now that you understand the importance of seasonal shopping, let's discuss some tips for making the most out of your next trip to the grocery store:
Plan Ahead
Before heading to the grocery store, take some time to research what fruits and vegetables are currently in season in your area. This will help you create a shopping list and ensure that you're purchasing the freshest ingredients available.
Shop Local
Whenever possible, choose locally grown produce over items that have been shipped from afar. Not only does this support local farmers, but it also reduces the environmental impact of your food choices.
Get Creative
Seasonal shopping often means trying out new fruits and vegetables that you may not be familiar with. Embrace this opportunity to get creative in the kitchen and experiment with new recipes and flavours.
Buy in Bulk
If you come across a seasonal ingredient that you love, consider buying in bulk and preserving it for later use. This will allow you to enjoy your favourite flavours year-round while also saving money in the long run.
Stay Flexible
Keep in mind that seasonal availability can vary depending on factors such as weather and location. Stay flexible with your meal planning and be open to making substitutions if certain ingredients aren't available at your grocery store.
Check for Deals
Many grocery stores offer discounts on seasonal produce to encourage shoppers to buy locally. Keep an eye out for sales and promotions to maximise your savings while still enjoying the freshest ingredients.
In Conclusion
Seasonal shopping at your local grocery store is more than just a way to find fresh ingredients—it's a way to support your community, reduce your environmental impact, and discover new flavours and recipes.
By making the conscious choice to shop seasonally, you can enjoy better-tasting meals while also doing your part to create a more sustainable food system.
So, next time you're planning a trip to the grocery store Westwood, MA, why not make seasonal shopping a priority? Your taste buds—and the planet—will thank you for it!
Source - https://grocery-store-in-ma.blogspot.com/2024/04/why-seasonal-shopping-at-your-grocery.html
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homeimprovementsau · 4 years
How To Make Your Grocery Shopping Safe In Thread Of Covid-19?
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While scientists deal with immunization for the novel coronavirus, the ideal approach to forestall disease remains to maintain a calculated distance from introduction to COVID-19. That implies remaining at home and rehearsing social separating. Be that as it may, what occurs when you need basic things, for example, food and medication? What would you be able to do to ensure yourself while shopping for food and getting different things done during the COVID-19 pandemic? Indeed, even in isolation, we as a whole need to eat. As we as a whole work to shield ourselves and friends and family from COVID-19, it's ideal to confine our excursions to the Grocery Store Westwood, MA to as not many as could reasonably be expected. An incredible alternative accessible right now is to arrange food and goods on the web. Having your food conveyed or prepared to get significantly lessens your contact with others. Above all else, don't go to the grocery store on the off chance that you feel wiped out. It might appear glaringly evident, yet please remain at home on the off chance that you are unwell. On the off chance that you are self-confining, ask a companion or relative to drop off food supplies at your front entryway. Before Showing Up at The Store: If you can, go all alone. Leave your kids and other relatives at home. If you have them close by, bring your hand sanitizer and wipes. While You Are in The Store Clean your basic food item truck (particularly the handle) utilizing wipes. If you don't have wipes, be aware of your hands. Abstain from contacting your face or specific things. Do not utilize your telephone to store your basic food item list; give a valiant effort to keep your hands off your own things while shopping. Practice social removing. Keep 6 feet separated from individual customers. Only contact things you intend to buy (be aware of getting things and putting them down). During Checkout Continue to rehearse social removing; keep good ways from individual customers. Utilize self-checkout if conceivable, as most stores are allocating staff to wipe down stations after every client. Pay to utilize a cashless choice (like Apple Pay or Android Pay) If you need to utilize a card, wipe it down when used. In the event that you use money, wash your hands a short time later. Leaving the store: Use hand sanitizer before getting in your vehicle, contacting your own things, or guiding wheel. Wash your hands at the earliest opportunity. Showing Up Home Currently, the CDC doesn't suggest cleaning down food things as you are bound to contract COVID-19 from individuals than surfaces. Wash your hands in the wake of unloading your goods. Wash products of the soil before eating them. And you got it! Wash your hands before eating or setting up any food. Summing up, If you want to become safe from the thread of COVID-19, then avoid visiting Grocery Store Dorchester, MA if it's not necessary to move onto online shopping and make you safe. Stay home, stay safe. Read the full article
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sjaopke · 5 years
Sustainable cities
Green cities or sustainable cities emerged in the 80s and 90s. The city focuses on environmental awareness, and multi-faceted fight against local forms of pollution as well as the fight against global warming. (Smart Cities Of Tomorrow)
 According to the United Development Program, being a Sustainable City means “investment in public transport, creating green public spaces, urban planning and management. The aim of this kind of  city is to create the smallest possible footprint and to produce the lowest quantity of pollution, to efficiently use land, compost used materials, recycle or convert waste-to-energy and make the cities overall contribution to climate change minimal. (Beaumont, P; 2018)
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Making cities greener is only helping the environment. It’s something everyone is thinking about. In march there was a climate mars in The Netherlands. 10.000 people where in Amsterdam to walk for the climate change. The mars was an initiative from Greenpeace and Oxfam Novib. Their purpose, they want more attention for the climate issue, both in politics and business. (Geels, M; 2019)
 Cars no longer drive urban planning—today it’s “people-oriented design,” says Neil Angus, a Boston environmental planner who specializes in implementing the LEED neighbourhood-focused sustainability standard. “That still accommodates cars, but people come first.”
“It’s design on a pedestrian scale, with narrower streets, and pushing buildings closer to the street and to each other,” says Angus. “That in turn brings people closer together—the front porch concept.” Other aspects include a grocery store within walking distance, proximity to transit, high-performing green buildings, green space and trees along streets, and space for cyclists. In Boston’s diverse Dorchester neighbourhood, the 13-block Talbot-Norfolk Triangle (TNT) is piloting that model of transformation in a historically underserved area. “We flipped the script,” says David Queeley of the area’s redevelopment corporation. “Why can’t this happen in low-income neighbourhoods?” Spurred in part by the arrival of a commuter rail line along one of its borders, the community is converting vacant buildings and aging housing while building on economic opportunities that transit connectivity and revitalization bring—without displacing long-time residents. At least 100 affordable housing units have been built.
“Boston has the largest income disparity of any city and it’s the fastest gentrifying,” says Queeley. “If we don’t do something differently, it’s going to look homogenous.” Inclusivity and innovation define renewal efforts. “We layer different sustainability strategies,” says Queeley. The Men of Colour Initiative tackles TNT’s unemployment rate for men, which approaches 50 percent. Energy efficiency was improved by retrofitting more than 500 homes. For a safer pedestrian zone, TNT is part of Boston’s Slow Streets initiative, which enforces a neighborhood speed limit of 20 miles per hour. Residents and activists have helped create a sense of place with a park that’s become a hub for activity, mural projects, and an urban agriculture site. Bus shelters were outfitted with green roofs, a greenway trail system is under way, and a tree-planting program has also led to jobs through horticulture training. (Kolczak, A; 2017)
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Sustainable cities is something everybody needs to know. The climate is changing and everywhere people are demonstrating for a better policy for the environment. Making the city sustainable is a step in the right direction. It’s a trend which will last long, because sustainability is something that will stick with a lot of people. Helping the environment also profits a better future for not only ourselves, but also the next generation.
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rtirman-blog · 7 years
9        Foster Avenue
Here’s where life gets a bit fuzzy for me. I can’t remember if I finished 2nd grade at P.S. 208 and then started 3rd grade at P.S. 152, or if we moved before the school year ended. We moved almost every year.  I think that was because the rents went up every year. I tend to think I completed 2nd grade at 208.
 *My thinking is now based on a brief phone conversation I just had with Al.
He has been reading my blog. And called to tell me to keep up the writing! He was very complimentary and encouraging. But some of my memory was faulty regarding the Old Man (referring to Daddy). Naturally, I told him, “Don’t tell me, you remember things your way, and I remember things my way…but what about Daddy?”
He told me, that Daddy didn’t go into the Army until we moved from E. 48th St. to Foster Ave.
 That got me wondering why I don’t have a memory of Daddy on Linden Boulevard. As I told you, I remember those nighttime air raid drills, sitting in front of the fake fireplace…there’s no Daddy in those memories. I suppose that’s why I thought he was in the army.”
 Here’s Al’s explanation: After Daddy graduated from St. John’s University Law School, he was working for a title company doing title searches. During that time, Daddy was also very active in trying to unionize the lawyers in Brooklyn. That activity led to him being blacklisted by law firms in New York. In order to survive, he took a job as a ticket receiver for the Pennsylvania Railroad. He worked second shift, which translates into him hardly ever being home when I was awake. Ergo, mistakenly, I thought it was then, on Linden Blvd., when he was in the Army. Actually, according to my brother, Mother and Daddy split while we were living on 48th Street. Daddy moved downtown, and let the Draft Board know he was no longer living with us.  His draft status went from 3A to 1A, which got him drafted into the Army pretty quickly.
 Thanks to Al, my memory has been “corrected”. I realize I am deferring to him being older, and therefore, he remembers those things more accurately than me. When doing this, there is a caveat or two to think about: Is it always true the oldest sibling has the best memory? And, memories are “truths” which may be important “facts” in the foundation of our individual thinking and decision making.
 Anyway, we moved from E. 48th St. to Foster Avenue. To be exact, to a 5th floor apartment at 2015 Foster Avenue- the first time for me to live west of Flatbush Avenue. In fact, the first corner west of us was Ocean Avenue. I’m pretty sure 2015 Foster Avenue was on the northwest corner of E.21st Street and Foster Avenue.  
 So, I did start 3rd Grade at P.S. 152. For some reason, I’ve always thought 152 was a real progressive public school. Us kids would either go to school for 4 hours a day, in the mornings or 4 hours a day in the afternoons. If you had a hard time learning what they wanted you to learn, you would have to go to help sessions. So the school ran two 4-hour school sessions, a morning session and an afternoon session, with an hour help session in between, around noon. Other than that, I cannot remember a single thing about that school. But I have several pieces of memory about living on Foster Avenue.
 The apartment house was 6 stories. I think we lived on the 5th floor. On the street level there was an awning, shaped like a quonset hut, with the apartment house address.  It looked pretty classy to me.  Funny thing, about two blocks up at Dorchester Rd and E 21st, there was an apartment house with the exact same awning, only its address said “2015 Dorchester Rd”.
Probably, both buildings had the same owner. What is incredible to me is that my Uncle Wally and Aunt Harriet lived on the first floor in the Dorchester Rd apartments.
 It was at the apartment on Foster Avenue when we found out my Uncle Lloyd became “missing in action”.  He was a navigator on a B-24 Liberator that went down in the China Sea. If my memory serves me right, we found that out on D-Day.  Lloyd was a superb football player, and had he lived, he would have played for the New York Giants… of this, I was certain.
 On the 4th of July, there was lots of excitement for me on Foster Avenue. Firecrackers were everywhere. But my favorite was a thing that looked like a badminton shuttlecock.  It had feathers and a head made out of metal. There was also a metal cup that was place over the head. To use it, either match tips (from wood match sticks) or caps were put on the head. Then, the cup would be placed over it.  You would then throw the whole thing in the air, and when it came down hitting the street pavement…BOOM… and you then could watch the shuttlecock, feathers and all, shoot directly up, stories high! Some of them got almost as high as the apartment house.  I never saw those particular fireworks anywhere else in the City or on Long Island.
 My only other recollection related to Foster Avenue is what Flatbush Avenue looked like to me.
Flatbush was just a couple of short blocks east. It had grocery stores with fruit and vegetable stands outside on the sidewalk. The interesting thing to me was so many of the people spoke Yiddish. At least, that’s what I think today. Since my grandmother lived close by, at the time, I assumed everyone was speaking Hungarian because that is what I thought she spoke.  Today, it makes more sense to me that the language was Yiddish.
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krogerconews · 6 years
'It's an experience.' Lowes Foods opens first area supermarket Wednesday in Summerville
"You work, but you have so much fun doing it," said Famulari, who once worked at rival Harris Teeter as a cake decorator. The 50,000-square-foot grocery store opens at 10 a.m. Wednesday on Dorchester Road in Summerville, directly across from no-frills grocer Aldi. It's the first store in the Charleston ... from Google Alert - harris-teeter http://ift.tt/2B0Vpsl via IFTTT
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ellingtonboots · 7 years
What the latest research actually says (and doesn’t) about organic
Photo Credit: TumblingRun
Precise analysis of scientific articles isn’t always easy and almost never quick.  Today’s media has much to report on and respond to, and increasingly, corners get cut in taking the time to get the news out in the most accurate way. A new journal article published in Science Advances highlights many areas where organic agriculture excels: higher biodiversity, improved soil and water quality, greater profitability, and higher nutritional value.  But much of the current media coverage focuses less on the content of the paper and more on a few out of context quotes, and the guarded title of the article, “Many shades of gray—The context-dependent performance of organic agriculture”.
The actual language of the full article emphasizes the multitude of benefits of organic, while underscoring areas where more research is needed.  Several misleading media articles have been sensationalized and are headlining a phrase in the study stating that “organic agriculture cannot be the Holy Grail for our sustainable food security challenges.”  These reports miss the main point of the article, which can be summarized by another equally compelling quote from the researchers in the final section of the paper: “we conclude that organic agriculture offers many benefits and could be an important part of a suite of strategies to improve the sustainability and equity of our food system.”
We all have an incredible amount of information to absorb, and it’s critical that we get the most accurate facts in order to make the most informed choices in our daily lives. The Organic Center is here to help. The Center is a trusted, accurate, and in-depth resource for individuals interested in diving beyond the headlines and into the facts.
Let’s look now at what this latest research is really about. The Center has done a careful review of the work; here are the actual findings of the study:
Photo Credit: Janice Cullivan
The study authors examine several impact areas of organic, and find that many show significant benefits when organic practices are employed.  When they look at biodiversity, for example, they state “the benefits of organic management for biodiversity of wildlife on farmland are clear, with a typical increase in organism abundance of 40 to 50% across different taxa.”
Soil Health
They find  that soil benefits from organic practices. They note that organic farms have higher organic carbon content, reduced soil erosion, higher soil health and fertility parameters, and higher soil fauna abundance.  The authors also tackle a common misconception about organic farming in comparison with conventional no-till farming, showing that the same proportion of organic farmers use reduced-tillage as conventional farmers.
Climate Change
The study explains that most organically managed crops put out lower N2O and total greenhouse gas emissions per unit area.  Organic is also more energy efficient (primarily because of the ban on synthetic fertilizers), and improves soil carbon sequestration.  However, the authors note more research is needed on the climate impacts of carbon sequestration, and that lower yields in organic can reduce these benefits when analyses are conducted on a per-yield-output basis.
Water Quality
Photo Credit: Faungg
Organic agriculture does not use synthetic pesticides, and typically employ integrated pest management in combination with materials that are less harmful to the environment, so can help prevent negative impacts on native species and preserve the quality of drinking water.
Nitrogen and phosphorus leaching is also an important aspect of water quality.  While the authors point out that “on average, N leaching per unit area in organic agriculture appears to be lower,” they go on to note that further research is needed, as variation in N runoff data is high.  They also call for more research examining the impact of organic management on phosphorus runoff, as there are a limited number of studies examining this issue.
Water Use
Because organic management results in soils better able to hold water and with higher water infiltration rates, the authors suggest that organic farming “can lead to higher yields and water use efficiency under drought and excessive rainfall conditions and to lower water limitation of organic yields.”
Farmer and Farmworker Livelihoods
The authors show organic farming is more profitable than conventional farming, because organic products receive a higher price premium, and production costs are similar between organic and conventional production.  Organic also uses techniques that can “provide more stable yields and to be more resilient to extreme weather events”, and the organic price premiums can help buffer against price volatility.  The authors also note organic can be especially beneficial for farmers in low-income countries because organic can help with “the organization of farmers in cooperatives, building of social networks, integration of traditional knowledge, providing training, and access to health and credit programs through the certifying and exporting agency.”
Unfortunately, when it comes to farm worker livelihoods, there is little research examining what role organic plays.  The authors note that currently organic regulations do not include labor guidelines.  While organic does tend to employ more individuals, more research is needed on the impact of organic practices on farm worker income.
Photo Credit: USDA
Farmer and farm worker health
The benefits of organic farming associated with farmer and farm worker health are highlighted in this study as “one of the most important advantages of organic management for farm workers.”  Synthetic pesticides are banned from use on organic farms, and therefore prevent pesticide poisoning, which is estimated to cause a million chronic diseases and deaths per year.
Consumer health
On average, studies examining organic crops show they have higher levels of secondary metabolites, vitamins, and mineral nutrients than their conventional counterparts. However, there is a large amount of variability among studies, and the authors say more research is needed in this area.  Organic also has consistent benefits to consumers in reducing dietary pesticide exposure.  The impact of these benefits is context dependent, however, and may be more important in low-income or developing countries.
Consumer access
Unfortunately, the same price premiums that benefit farmers can cause organic food to cost more than conventional products, leading to reduced access for consumers.  There is a large amount of variability across the sector, however, with some products having comparable prices, and others showing up to a 60% price increase for organic.  There are several techniques consumers can use  to have access to organic at a lower cost.  For example, the authors note that organic Community Supported Agriculture shares “can provide considerable cost savings to consumers, even compared to conventional produce.”  Additionally, as research on organic methods increases, tools will be available for farmers to help them reduce production costs – a reduction that could then be passed on to consumers.
Yields output and stability are an area where more research is needed to ensure that organic producers can employ methods resulting in yields comparable to conventional yields.  The authors note because organic farmers use organic soil amendments and more diverse crop rotations they can experience higher stability in yields over time, but they are also prone to pest and weed surges. Currently, many organic farmers lack the tools they need to ensure stable high-output yields, but as more research details best practices this yield gap is shrinking.
Scaling-up Organic
Photo Credit: Mark Goebel
In addition to examining the costs and benefits of organic, the authors also detail ways for scaling up organic, and improving yields.  For example, they note that many organic farms are currently located in marginal areas, while large-scale conventional farms are located in areas with prime fertility.  If the scale of organic increased to encompass some of these high-fertility areas, we might see a dramatic increase in organic yield.  Research focused on breeds that are optimized for organic farming would also help to increase organic yields. Ninety-five percent of current crop varieties have been developed for high-input conventional management, and may not be well suited for organic systems.  It is also important to think about nutrient availability as we consider scaling up organic systems.  Currently, many organic farms rely on nutrient inputs from conventional farms, so an analysis of alternative nutrient sources, including biological fixation from legumes, would be critical as conventional farms became less abundant.
Research Needs
The study also includes a section about knowledge gaps and areas where additional research is needed, including yield stability, soil erosion, pesticide leaching, water use, farm wages, labor pesticide exposure, and consumer prices.  They also cite the need for additional research on organic systems in low-income countries, identification of factors that drive the range of organic performance, and the environmental performance of organic agriculture per yield-output.
In the final section of the paper, the authors provide recommendations for how organic can amplify its many benefits.  Specifically, they recommend more research on organic-specific crop varieties, continued focus on incorporating environmental best practices and labor rights into the organic standards, additional research and extension services on organic best practices, continued development of domestic organic markets and certification, subsidies for organic farmers, coupling organic and fair trade labels, and improved access of organic for low-income consumers.
The researchers conclude by showing that organic has had positive impacts on all of agriculture, noting that “the influence of organic agriculture extends beyond the ~1% of agricultural land it covers at present. Many conventional farms have, in recent years, increased the use of organic practices such as conservation tillage, cover cropping, or composts.”
from Blog – The Organic Center http://ift.tt/2nkW9BA
from Grow your own http://ift.tt/2mGL3nE from Get Your Oganic Groove On http://ift.tt/2mpAPHh
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