Dragon Slayer: Pt 1 - The Ride In
She wanted to throw up. Traveling by ship never sat right with Dahlyah. It wasn’t just seasickness or vertigo, though the ailments definitely played their parts. It felt so cold and isolated out at sea. No firm earth or warm fire for miles and miles. She felt like a fish out of water. In reverse.
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But she didn’t let it show. Not with this group. She could already feel their eyes upon her. Staring. Piercing her with judgmental gazes, and murmurs to back it up. Alliance soldiers, sworn to Lord Alconbury of Stormwind Nobility fame. 
The majority of them were humans, all of them dressed in identical standard issue Alliance armor. There was a Draenei among them, too– a blue one, not one of the gilded ones. His primal dress suggested he was a shaman. He was quiet and kept mostly to himself, but occasionally would look in Dahlyah’s direction and nod. Smiling here and there. Polite… but weird. 
Then there was another dwarf. A Bronzbeard. No smiles from him, which she quite expected. His black beard was trimmed neatly, hair on his head cut short into a flat top. Despite being a Bronzie, he too wore the same bland Alliance plate as his human counterparts. His distaste for the Dark Iron was ever present on his countenance. Again, no surprise to her.
Finally, the only one Dahlyah recognized; Wil Demonte. Formerly of Stromgarde's Sixth Calvary, the young officer had moved up in the world. He sported a nice and shiny Captain's insignia now! He’d also let his hair grow out a bit– both out from his head, and down from his chin. A distinguished cut. Though not nearly as chipper and doe-eyed as he was last time they met, Wil still carried himself with the polite and professional demeanor she remembered from their initial encounter.
The years had hardened him up though. Matured him. Maybe even jaded him a bit. Dahlyah was apprehensive to meet him again, after receiving his letter. Not many folks took killing their superior officer right in front of them too well. And though Dahlyah was justified by the Alliance in doing so, she wasn’t confident Wil saw it that way…
Thankfully, he hadn't reached out in vengeance. Rather, with this job opportunity. After Arathi, Wil was reassigned to Stormwind where he swore oath to Lord Alconbury. Smart career move, honestly. And over the years, he had moved up the ranks to eventually become his Guard Captain. 
The timing was fortuitous, too. Apparently, Lord Alconbury had become fascinated with the legend of Dragon Isles long ago in his youth. So when the Alliance was invited to join the Dragon Flights at their ancestral home, the nobleman was all too eager to visit them personally. However, tidings were cautionary; with word that powerful primordial dragons were clashing with the Flights– and their mortal allies– Lord Alconbury demanded an expert dragon slayer join along with his escort. And Wil knew of only one.
Or so were the details Dahlyah was given. She didn’t particularly care why, as long as she got paid. And both the promised payment and the “retainer” Wil gave her was plenty enough reason to join in on the excursion. Even if it meant toughing out a voyage by sea. 
At least Ridley was with her. Dahlyah’s companion always helped her through hardships on and off the job. He wasn’t just as a combat ally, but also her closest friend. Ridley just being there for her helped tremendously. Even though he, too, was having difficulty at sea, he still stumbled up beside her and nuzzled her hand. The two were of comfort to one another through the voyage.
“Land ho!”
Not a moment too soon. Dahlyah looked as the crewman in the crow’s nest called out from above. Sure enough, she saw it– the silhouette of land up ahead! Tall trees, snow-laden fields, and mountains even further in the distance!
“So that’s them, aye?” she commented to no one in particular. “Th’ Dragon Isles.”
“So it seems!”
Wil descended from the command deck, and took a place beside the Dark Iron. She still couldn’t believe how mature and knightly he looked now. Not that she knew him all too well before; they’d only shared a singular exchange just after the Fourth War. Back then, he seemed like this naive, bright-eyed squire. Now, though, he carried himself like a real soldier. She was glad to see it, oddly enough. It suited him.
Ridley, of course, approached Wil immediately and demanded pettings and attention from the Knight Captain. Wil was too happy to oblige, smiling warmly as the Bloodhound’s snout pressed against his hands.
“Looks like you’re managing alright. I know the sea isn’t to your liking, but I’m grateful you came along anyway.” he smiled to Dahlyah, idly petting her companion.
“Price were right, s’pose.” she shrugged in response. 
Wil laughed lightly, and shook his head. He then turned his gaze back out to the distant coast. The wind blew through his hair, bringing it up sidelong along his face. A picturesque, triumphant pose if Dahlyah had ever seen one. Cliche, but… she caught herself staring up at him for a brief moment until he broke the silence.
“Honestly, though. Thank you for agreeing to this. Lord Alconbury likes to cover all contingencies.” he nodded appreciatively. 
“Aye, meant t’ ask yeh ‘bout that…” she scratched her chin idly. “Reckon yer lot’ll be at odds with th’ Dragonflights? Killin’ wild drakes an’ th’ like is fair game, but I dunnae wanna git on th’ Lifebinder’s shit-list, y’know?”
“No, no. The Flights are allies, of course.” the Knight Captain assured her. “We’re leaning on your expertise for if we encounter any hostile drakes. Wild ones, or any of these Primalist-aligned ones we’ve heard about.”
“Oi, I ain’t versed in all that. Heard yer lot murmurin’ ‘bout ‘em, but dunnae know much else. Wot’s their story?”
The human’s brow furrowed a bit as he shook his head. He looked at Dahlyah and sighed.
“We don’t know much, other than they serve an ancient evil. Separate from the Elemental Lords, but still rooted in some way to the elements themselves.” he explained as best he could. “Ancient dragons that had been slumbering until the Primalists recently stirred them. That’s really all we know, for now. But I’m hoping the Dragonflights will explain more when we arrive.”
Dahlyah nodded, pensively. Her own brow knit to a wrinkle as she digested the information. A discomfort knotted up in her stomach. The Primalists, as Wil described them, rubbed her the wrong way. Adherents to ancient elemental beings was a story she’d heard before. And she didn’t like the ending of it. 
“Mm. Hope so, then. But if’n they’re jus’ ancient dragons, cannae imagine they’d be much different t’ kill than regular ones.” she shrugged. “Guess we’ll find out, aye?”
She flashed an eager grin at Wil before chuckling and gazing back out to the nearing shoreline.
“We goin’ ashore ‘ere soon?” “Afraid not,” Wil shook his head. “The Aspects indicated that they’ll be awaiting us at a place they call the Wingrest Embassy, which is on the northern shore. We’ve gotta go all the way around.”
“‘Course we fuckin’ do…” the Dwarf sighed. 
“If it’s of any comfort, we’ll be sailing along the coast. Milord wishes to see as much of the Isles as possible on our way in.” the Captain nodded. “So feel free to enjoy the view with us.”
She harrumphed… but it was a comfort. Seeing land wasn’t as good as actually setting foot on it, but it was a far cry better than endless seas along every horizon. She was grateful for that much, at least. Even if she didn’t show it. Truthfully, she would’ve rather made it here to the Isles via her mole machine, but it wasn’t functional after her last mission– a goblin target she was sent to bring in sabotaged it. That, and the Isles weren’t exactly mapped out until recently The boat was her only way. Another sigh, then a nod.
“Thanks, lad.” she spoke sincerely.
Silence fell on the pair, but they watched the land go by as the ship continued sailing onward. She was glad Wil was there with her, in truth. It seemed like he earnestly cared about her well being. Everyone else treated her like the gun-for-hire she was. But Wil treated her better. Nice kid, respectful. 
Ugh. She recoiled as the word entered her mind. She’d heard it used and misused again and again. A way to highroad, or justify half-measures. Such a relative term. But she couldn’t deny that, by her own loose definition anyway, Wil seemed to personify the idea. So far, in any case. The bulk of this expedition was still laid out in front of them. 
Ridley turned, attention drawn to something off the coast. The flame hound's ears were sharply pointed in alarm, his fangs bared in a low snarl. Dahlyah and Wil both turned to examine the beast and follow his gaze.
“Wot is it, boy?”
The ship continued a steady pace in calm, tranquil waters. But as they drew nearer to the coast, a fog began to settle in. It obscured their view of the distant shore, worsening to the point where they could barely see from one end of the ship to the other. The winds changed too… blowing colder. It all made the crew feel rather uneasy.
“... I’d better see if the ship’s captain is diverting.” Wil said, calmly. “We’re too close to shore to be losing visibility like this.”
“Aye, see to it.” Dahlyah agreed, stepping up in his place to comfort Ridley.
The bloodhound was tense. Something had him restless. An enemy, perhaps? She followed as he turned about, drawn to something moving overhead. The Dwarf drew her rifle and gripped it tight. Low beats echoed through the air in a steady rhythm. Wingbeats. She recognized the sound immediately.
“Look alive!” she called out. “Best man yer ballistae, we ain’t alone in this fog!”
The unsettled soldiers turned from Dahlyah to Wil, who looked out from over the upper deck. 
“You heard her!” he barked. “Set the bolts, and man the turrets!”
Immediately the soldiers and ship’s crew both got to work. They hustled in unbinding the bundle of lance-like ballistae bolts and pieced them out to each of the ship’s four defensive siege weapons. Dahlyah, meanwhile, rushed up the stairs to join Wil on the upper deck, her attention still drawn to the telltale signs of an incoming dragon. Wing beats grew louder… and louder… she popped open her rifle and loaded in a large-bore orange shell. A flare.
The hustling on the main decks ceased as every set of eyes turned towards the commanding voice that had called out. A few that were able knelt down as others saluted– Lord Alconbury emerged from below decks.
“My brave soldiers… you are too quick to turn to hostilities!” he declared as if offering some rousing speech. “It’s a poor look to be so aggressive when we haven’t even arrived yet! What if this were an emissary flying out to greet us?”
Dahlyah looked incredulously to Wil, rifle still at the ready. Wil, too, looked flabbergasted– but he carried it much better. Kept his composure. He cleared his throat and approached Lord Alconbury, urgency in his steps.
“--Milord, our priority is to protect you.” he explained, tone bordering on a lecturer’s. “Diplomacy can–”
“Diplomacy is why we’re here, Captain.” he interrupted. “First impressions set the entire tone for–”
“--Oi! Doubt any well-intendin’ emissary’d put on a fog like this!” it was Dahlyah’s turn to interrupt. “We ain’t bein’ welcomed; we’re bein’ hunted!”
“How dare yeh interrupt Lord Alconbury, y’ disrespectful lil’ shite!” the other dwarf exclaimed, drawing his axe! “I’ll teach y’ some fuckin’ manners!”
“Stay your arm, Steelpike.” Wil ordered, before turning to Lord Alconbury. “She may be right, milord. Should we err, better on the side of caution.”
“Enough, Captain. My first act before our dragon allies will not be a mistake! I’ve made up my mind, Stand down your men.” Lord Alconbury instructed, unconvinced. “This isn’t a precursor to an attack… it’s presentation! Dragonkin are very theatrical, after all!”
“Is he fuckin’ serious?”
Dahlyah was dumbstruck. There was no way Lord Alconbury was so naive! Completely disillusioned and detached from the reality of the situation. Meanwhile, the wingbeats grew louder still. Their visitor was close, and Dahlyah wasn’t buying into the whole ‘theatrical emissary’ explanation. She brought her rifle up and took aim towards where the sound was coming.
“I ain’t dyin’ ‘cause yer Lordship’s off ‘is fuckin’ rocker!”
“--Stop her!” Lord Alconbury shouted!
But it was too late. The Dark Iron pulled the trigger and launched the flare. It cut through the fog, lighting up the sky in its path. Most of Lord Alconbury’s knights stayed put, watching the beacon as it traveled upwards. Waiting in anticipation to see who was right.
After a moment, the visitor was revealed– a proto drake, wrought of ice and frost. He didn’t seem friendly in the least. The flare flew right past it, but shone on him long enough for everyone, even Lord Alconbury, to get a good look. That was no emissary.
The moment of stunned silence didn’t last long. The proto drake let loose a bloodchilling roar, before swooping down to attack. The ballistae weren’t ready. The soldiers weren’t ready. No one but Dahlyah was ready… but she wasn’t enough by her lonesome. 
Quickly, she reloaded her rifle. This time, popping in a few incendiary rounds. The bastard looked like he favoured cooler temperatures, so lighting him on fire seemed like a sound strategy. She took aim and fired wildly, her salvo intended more to delay the drake’s descent rather than actually hit him. She had to buy the others some time.
But by the time the soldiers and the ship’s crew responded, it was already too late. A hailstorm peppered the ship’s deck and shredded the sails. Riggings were clipped which caused the masts to lose control in the tumultuous winds. The crew scattered, disorganized and panicked, as things above deck began to quickly get out of hand. The soldiers were less concerned about the ship and more concerned about keeping Lord Alconbury safe. It took a moment for them to get sorted, but a handful managed to rally around him and keep him defended from the drake’s attacks.
For a few seconds, anyway.
The proto drake climbed back into the sky, before swooping down in a fury of ice and wind. Icicles coalesced from the freezing air, then hurtled downward in a barrage. Soldiers and sailors alike were impaled. Skewered by the frozen spikes! The deck and hull cracked and split as the icicles tore through them, riddling the ship with holes like a block of Alterac Swiss. The nobleman’s defenders faltered. Those that didn’t die by icicle quickly scattered. A few had the presence of mind to lead Lord Alconbury away at least, shuttling him clear of the attack. The drake swooped back up, ascending– giving the soldiers a moment to regroup.
“Rally on me! Bows and crossbows at the ready!” Wil commanded, raising his blade into the air. “Shoot the bastard down!”
Those that could heeded the call, and rallied beside the Knight Captain. They watched the skies as best they could, tracking the proto drake’s silhouette through the mist… until it faded. A tense moment of silence filled the soldiers with dread, each of their gazes darting about looking for any sign of where their attacker went. Wil exhaled slowly, eyes narrowing as he searched the skies…
“--There! Loose!” he ordered, pointing with his blade off the port bow.
The soldiers let fly, launching their ordinance upwards into the mist. The drake screeched in pain as he was pelted with arrows and bolts. His sweep was deterred as he ascended back towards the skies and into the mist. It was working!
“Reset! Steady!” Wil called.
He watched and listened again, praying to the Light he’d guide his soldier’s aim true one more time. He turned, pointing his blade aft.
The soldiers fired again, but this time, the drake was ready. A gust of frigid wind scattered their projectiles and the mist both, and buffeted the formation. They scattered again, cowering and covering their faces to keep from being pelted with hail and freezing rain. The drake landed on the upper deck, smashing the wheel and crushing the railing beneath its massive frozen form. He let loose a dominant roar as icicles began to coalesce around him once more. Wil braced himself, watching as a pair of icicles bore down on him– 
Another gunshot. The icicles shattered into tiny fragments in the air in front of him. He turned to see Dahlyah reloading, then taking aim at the drake.
“Git yer lordship off this wreck!” she called out. “Go!”
She fired a few more incendiary rounds at the frost drake, causing the beast to reel in pain. He thrashed, sweeping his wings to topple the dwarf with gusts of wind, but she held steady. Relatively. Fired a few more shots that went wide, before reloading again.
Wil got to work evacuating the soldiers and crew as best he could. Dahlyah was right– the ship was in bad shape, and wouldn’t last much longer! 
“Abandon ship!” he called out! “Get Lord Alconbury to a dinghy, now!”
The drake channeled his icy breath in a strafe across the deck, taking out a handful of soldiers as they scrambled to evacuate. Dahlyah fired a few more shots to discombobulate the icy lizard and cut its breath attack short. She was managing to hold him off well, eventually repelling the drake with another berating of shots. The drake took to the air again, leaping back off the ship with another screech of pain. The dwarf reloaded, and took aim again… until a loud cracking sound pulled her attention away. The mast had given out, and began falling towards the front of the ship.
Where Wil stood, directing the evacuation efforts.
“Look out, lad!” she called.
But he couldn’t hear her in the commotion. She charged for him, instinctively, running up and tackling him to get him clear of the falling mast. The two toppled overboard, falling like ragdolls into the frigid waters below.
This was the worst part of it, for Dahlyah. She felt the warmth of her body siphoned out of her instantly. Her iron plate belt and boots were heavy, restricting her movement. She looked around, desperately holding her breath as she tried to orient herself and swim back to the surface. But she caught a glimpse of Wil, slowly sinking down below her. Unconscious. 
Her body moved on her own, in defiance of self preservation. She honestly didn’t know why. Didn’t question it, either. Immediately, she started kicking her legs, swimming towards him as best she could. She never really learned how, though. And as the cold began to permeate her body, she felt her vision failing her. The breath escaped her lungs, leaving her that much more incapacitated. The water-muffled noise from above faded away, as she felt her consciousness slipping away due to shock. 
Desperately, she reached for Wil’s hand… before everything went dark.
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catisawells · 4 years
A Muse for a Huntress
Dahlyah Grimshatter takes aim and fires off a shot into the lake! In the distance, a green bottle sent floating off towards the shoreline shatters!
Catisa Wells tilted her head to the side as she watched Dahlyah curiously, "You're certainly a good shot, Miss Dahlyah." She giggled and wandered over to join the woman.
“--Hm? Oi, thank yeh! Been pullin' triggers since I were jus' a wee lass o' nine.”
"Nine? My father would barely let me use the shears at that age." She snickered, "Then again it seems everyone had a far more colorful upbringing than I did."
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Dahlyah Grimshatter holsters the weapon, before hopping down off the bridge railing. "M'father dinnae 'ave too stellar o' plans fer me, frankly. Weren't 'is place t' stop me." she shrugs.
Catisa Wells frowned at that and turned to face her as she folded her arms across her chest, "I am sorry to hear that, it doesn't sound like you had much of a fun childhood."
“Dunane mean t' bore yeh with it, lass. Or bum yeh out by talkin' 'bout it. Point is, been shootin' a while, aye?” Dahlyah Grimshatter grinned wickedly, “Wot's got yeh out an' 'bout, then?”
Catisa Wells smiled faintly, "I just wanted some fresh air... I heard the shooting and came to investigate. It's not something you hear often in this area." She tilted her head and offered Dahlyah a reassuring giggle. "How did your hunt go? I never got the chance to ask."
Dahlyah Grimshatter cheery smirk falters a bit. "--Ah, er... went fine." she nods once. "Tried capturin' th' beastie, like we 'ad talked, if'n yeh recall? But, er…” She shakes her head, and shrugs.
A warm smile spread across Catisa's features as she reached over to place a light touch upon the woman's shoulder, "I remember... I'm sorry you had to take a life, but don't fret. Sometimes it's not always so simple. I'm glad you appear to have come back unharmed more than anything."
“Aye, I ain't damaged none. Ridley neither, thank th' elements. But I ain't all too upset 'bout takin' a life, lass. I take lives like a corehound takes flamin' shites. Aye?” Dahlyah Grimshatter shakes her head, brow furrowing. "I tried, y'know? Tried doin' wot it were we was talkin' 'bout. Snaggin' th' beastie fer study an' all. All fer nothin'.”
Catisa Wells nodded her understanding and blew a lock of loose hair free from her features as she leaned back against the stone walls of the bridge. "I know what you mean. Some avenues of research play out like that all together, except it can take years." She sighed and offered the woman a tired smile, "Nothing cuts deeper than lost time, after all."
Dahlyah Grimshatter tucks her thumbs beneath her belt buckle, as she joins Catisa in leaning up against the wall. "Oi, aye. Makes me think it weren't worth th' effort. Should've jus' done wot I were plannin' an' gone fer th' kill from th' git-go." she huffs. “Jus' dinnae wanna disappoint yeh…”
Catisa Wells arched a brow as she looked to Dahlyah, "Me?" She seemed surprised, "W-why me?" A nervous chuckle escaped her and she quickly moved a hand to cover her features as she blushed. "I didn't mean to, um, mislead you and waste your time trying to catch it..." Her eyes shifted down to her feet and she began to fidget in place.
“--Huh? Oh, uh... no, I dinnae mean…” Dahlyah Grimshatter clears her throat. "It weren't like... -that-... Y'jus' made some good points, I thought, aye? An' I were hopin' t' share th' good news with yeh once I bagged th' beastie 'live. That, er... that's all.” She nods once, breaking her fiery gaze away.
A sigh of relief escaped the fledgeling mage, "Oh good, I was afraid you were upset with me for suggesting such a thing." She let her hand fall to her chest and smiled sweetly to the huntress. "But the only good news I needed was to know that my friend made it back safely from her hunt!"
“--Aye, no, aye... I'm made o' stern stuff, lass.” Dahlyah Grimshatter shakes her head. "I weren't mad at yeh fer nothin'. Jus' disappointed in m'self."
Catisa Wells shook her head, raven locks shifting from side to side with the movement. "You should be proud. You tried. That's more than most of your colleagues or competition or however you might view them would ever do. And that's a victory all by itself, isn't it?" She smirked, "Sometimes you have to give yourself credit for trying to do what others probably wouldn't, what you think is the right thing, even if others don't agree with you. Otherwise who would?"
Dahlyah Grimshatter looks to Catisa, brow raised. "Y'think so? I mean... I like t' think I follow a pretty good code o' ethics, aye? I ain't ne'er tried snipin' a mark that weren't mine. Nor take earnin's out from another bounty hunter. Killed plenty o' marks, but none wot dinnae deserve it, reckon. She shrugs. "Kinna like that?"
Catisa Wells shrugged, "I wouldn't presume to know about people. That's a whole realm I hope to never cross into, but regarding beasts at least I don't think they go out of their way to be malicious." A hand covered her lips as she giggled once more, "I would probably be a pretty terrible bounty hunter, I wouldn't ever want to kill a mark."
“E'en if it were a bandit? Or one seekin' t' cause harm t' innocents? Them's th' marks I try an' go fer, m'self.”
Catisa Wells looked out over the water, towards the hills in the distance with an idle smirk upon her lips. "I would be too busy trying to capture them alive so I can find out why. As far as I'm concerned there's always a reason for their actions. Call me an idealist, but if the bandit is stealing from others it's likely because they have no other means to survive so they have to take it from others who do. For one seeking to cause harm to others, why would they wish to do so? Were they hurt themselves or were they hired to do so?" She shrugged lightly with a snicker at herself. "I suppose that's just who I am, I would rather know things so I could understand it better and do something to make a difference about it."
Dahlyah Grimshatter nods slowly, offering a weak smile. "Suppose that's one way o' thinkin'. Ain't a wrong way, but... prone t' git hurt one wat'r another, reckon. There ain't always a reason wot can be figured an' corrected, lass. Not in my experience. Sometimes... folks're jus' malicious an' cruel.”
Catisa Wells chuckled and shook her head, "And that's probably the reason I wouldn't be able to have a career like that." She giggled, "I would probably get myself killed!"
“Ran down a mark once, wot were a Renny. Void elf, aye? Parchments says 'e killed six people by guttin' 'em alive. Nasty fucker, this'n.” Dahlyah Grimshatter frowns, as she recounts the story. "Tracked th' sum'bitch up t' Alterac, found 'im hidin' out in' one o' th' run down towers. Ridley's got 'im by th' leg, an' 'e's practically sniffin' th' gunpowder out m' barrel. Right then I ask 'im... "Why? Why'd y' kill them people like that?" An' y'know wot th' bastard said t' me?” Dahlyah Grimshatter shakes her head, frowning deeper. "Said 'e liked hearin' th' screams they made when 'e cut int'a 'em. Fed 'im lead, right then'n there. An' I'd do it again.” She pulls a small flash from behind her belt, and takes a swig. "... Sorry, lass. Weren't th' most pleasant story, were it? Dinnae mean t' bring yeh down, none."
Catisa Wells furrowed her brow and shook her head again, "I just can't fathom that..." She sighed, "Even in the face of all that I think I would still be asking why. People don't just decide to do that for no reason, they don't just decide to be evil without a cause." Her lips pulled downward in a frown, "It's alright, Miss Dahlyah. I apologize if I seem bothered, it's just something I'm not used to having to deal with."
“Well, if'n yeh ask me, somethin' y' best git used t'. Unpleasant as it is... this world's got evil in it. An' we dunnae always got time t' sort out wot went'n made it so, aye?” Dahlyah Grimshatter takes another swig from her flask, before holding it out in an offer to Catisa.
Catisa Wells held out a hand to politely decline with a faint smile offered, "Perhaps, though I'd like to think that's why there are people like me and then there are others who do what they can to deal with it like yourself while those answers are figured out. Without each other we wouldn't get anywhere, but together change is made over time. That evil may exist and won't go away, one cataclysmic event after another, but efforts to improve our situation never cease."
“... Huh. Interestin'... might take both types, yer sayin'? T' make th' world a better place?”
Catisa Wells nodded, "Mmhmm! While I would hesitate in the face of something you wouldn't, someone like me might know something that could help in some way." She beamed to Dahlyah, "I want to understand and learn everything I can during this life. Who knows what we
could achieve!"
Dahlyah Grimshatter smiles warmly at that and nods once to Catisa. "Aye. Well... when y' put it that way, we make a damn fine team, aye?" she chuckles.
Catisa Wells giggled, "We do!" She exclaimed with a wink to Dahlyah, "If you ever need me to help you study something, just let me know! I'd be more than happy to help. Maybe I'll just stay away from advising you about how to do your hunting instead." An embarrassed laugh escaped her.
Dahlyah Grimshatter shakes her head, still chuckling. "Nae, lass! Yer input were valid, an' appreciated! I dinnae think 'bout wot added good would come 'bout from takin' th' beastie alive, aye? Besides th' up in payout, 'course." she grins. “It were my fault, fer puttin' my expectations so high up. Set m'self up fer th' disappointment, aye? Keep advisin', lass. I'll jus' try an' be more mindful o' worst case versus best case.”
Catisa Wells grinned, "Of course! Maybe next time you have a situation like that one I could join you and learn how it is from your perspective, for a change!" Her gaze rose to the evening sky and pushed herself off of the stone wall, "It's getting a bit late and I need to meet Miss Silverfield for our job board mission. Will I see you at the end of the week for our next excursion?"
Dahlyah Grimshatter nodded once. "Aye, lass. If'n I'm slated fer it, I'll try an' see yeh there. If not, suppose we'll figure out another way t' work t'gether out in th' field, aye? Would like that." she smiles.
"Likewise!" She giggled and offered a happy wave, "See you soon!"
“Aye, forges keep y' warm, lass.”
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thefugitivemango · 3 years
New Story - Chasing Shadows
The smell of fish permeated the wood in this place. Barrels full of them, left to rot away, were decomposing against the far wall. Dahlyah nearly gagged. The room was clearly storage. Perhaps staging. Nothing too out of the ordinary, at a glance. Ridley whimpered, sniffing at a wall to the right as they entered. But it wasn’t exactly a wall, per se. A heavy drape, drab and lacking any noteworthiness outside its existence, concealed a stairwell. Now, they were getting somewhere!
“--Oi, good work, boy.”
Dahlyah smirked, pulling the curtain back as she stepped past it. The stairs wound down into a reinforced tunnel reminiscent of a mineshaft. The stonework floor sloped gently downward. Sconces filled the corridor with a dim orange light… for part of the way, at least. The rest was dark after about twenty or thirty yards. The cold was stark down here, too. Dahlyah could see her breath down here, it was so cold! Chilling to the bone!
Her smirk vanished, as unease set in.
Dahlyah Grimshatter and Ridley take on a challenging bounty that brings them to the abandoned city of Gilneas. Their mark: a ren’dorei assassin with a high price on his head. But Dahlyah learns this isn’t a typical bag-and-tag job... find out what happens in Chasing Shadows, the newest story to join the Observer’s Archives!
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kidcatgeminiart · 3 years
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Patron Reward - Dahlyah Grimshatter
Completed Chibi Icon of the fiery tempered Dahlyah <3 @thefugitivemango / @dahlyah-grimshatter
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darkestfable · 4 years
Different: Three members of the opposite sex they find attractive.
Hm! Okay, let’s see... Dahlyah: She isn’t his normal type, being a Dark Iron dwarf, but damnit if her whole personality isn’t attractive as hell. She’s unapologetically her, and that is something that he thinks is pretty hot.
Avehi: Apparently he likes draenei, and that extends to women too. Although Avehi scares him more than a little, he also finds her strength and power pretty attractive. She also has a pretty smile, too. But she still scares him.
Bella: He only saw her on stage once, but she was luminous. And her voice has stuck with him even if he can’t fully remember the lyrics to the song. Her performance stuck out the most to him! Mentioned: @dahlyah-grimshatter , @avehi-the-adamant , @belillinafireseeker
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dahlyah-grimshatter · 3 years
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[[ A couple Patron Reward Chibis I got of Dahlyah from the wonderful and talented @kidcatgeminiart! She’s so good at capturing Dahlyah’s expressions!
 The first is angry Dahlyah! It’s not hard to upset a hot-blooded Dark Iron like her, but it’s certainly not advised! Rather, better to make her happy and excited, as seen in the second picture! 
A huge thanks to @kidcatgemini for these chibis! Check out her artwork on her Patreon! And while you’re there, become a patron to get amazing chibis like these of your very own! <3 ]]
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dahlyah-grimshatter · 4 years
LFRP: Dahlyah Grimshatter
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Art by: @kidcatgeminiart​
The Basics ––––
Age: 26
Birthday: April 13th
Race: Dark Iron Dwarf
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Not Picky
Marital Status: Single
Server: Wyrmrest Accord - US
Physical Appearance ––––
Hair: Fiery Red
Eyes: Fiery Red
Height: 127cm
Build: Athletic, but curvy
Distinguishing Marks: Dark freckles peppered across her face
Common Accessories: her trusted (and highly modified) Shadowforge quick-action rifle, Drakesbane.
FC: Alia Shawkat
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Personal ––––
Profession: Bounty Hunter / Hunting Consultant
Affiliations: The Violet Bastion (on retainer) Dark Iron Clan, Alliance
Hobbies: Drinking, shooting, camping, playing Hearthstone, exploring, and trying new foods!
Languages: Dwarven, Common, and a bit of Orcish and Kalimag
Residence: The Violet Bastion Estates
Birthplace: Shadowforge City
Religion: None specified
Fears: The ocean and the Void
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Relationships –––-
Spouse: None
Children: None
Parents: Drelfar Grimshatter (Father, Alive), Laoise Stormward (Mother, Deceased)
Siblings: None known (Open to other PC relatives)
Other Relatives: None known (Open PC relatives)
Pets: Ridley - Dark Iron Bloodhound, Kraid - Chromatic Drakeadon, Duskquill - Gryphon (Deceased)
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Art by: Hodsnake
Traits –––-
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––––
Smoking Habit: Only when agitated
Drugs: Not an avid drug user
Alcohol: The Stronger the Better!
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Art by: Obe
RP Hooks ––––
Bounty Hunting! Does your character have a bounty on their head? Or are they looking for a skilled hunter/tracker to take down someone or something? Dahlyah’s known to take on all jobs. She enjoys a challenge!
Cultist Background…? Her father, one of the original Ragnaros Adherents, is still at large! He’s a known associate of the Twilight’s Hammer, meaning cult-aligned or formerly-cult-aligned characters may know him, or know of him…
Fellow Dark Irons, unite! Dahlyah would love to interact with more of her kin who have cause to venture out beyond Blackrock with her!
Open to ideas, as well!
OOC Information  ––––
I’ve been RPing in World of Warcraft since The Burning Crusade, and off-and-on in other media before that.
PvE fan! I love running M+ and getting into whatever raids I can. Work schedule doesn’t allow for a steady raid team, though. All the same, hit me up if you need a tank Alliance-side, or DPS either faction!
Looking for long-term story arcs / relationships (friends, romance, family, whatever!) I love writing stories!
Cross-Faction is fine with me! Enjoy RPing in game as much as writing in forums/GoogleDocs/Discord!
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Art by: @nocturnedreaming​
Contact Information  ––––
Reach out to me here on tumblr if interested, or send Dahlyah in-game mail! If you’re just looking for a taste, feel free to drop a starter ask in the ol’ inbox, too! Follow backs come from @thefugitivemango​.
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thefugitivemango · 4 years
Character Blogroll
Got the idea from @luminashdawnwing! Thought it’d be fun to post up a listing of my character blogs for those interested!
Argonas the Ironclad
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Artwork by @dinnasaw
This Vindicator is a proud and seasoned champion of the Draenei people. He’s pious and resolute, with a flair of xenophobia and zealotry that can make him off-putting at times. Currently he’s wrestling with finding direction and the Light’s purpose for him, guilt at losing his love, and a betrayal by numerous people he once considered friends...
Avehi the Adamant
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Artwork by @kidcatgeminiart
Former Vindicator of the Hand of Argus and current Knight of the Ebon Blade, Avehi the Adamant is as fearless as she is blunt. Her death has opened her eyes to a great many things she feels her people miss or neglect by clinging so fervently to a single path, which has caused her to feel more like an outcast among her kin than undeath alone has already made her. As of late, she’s begun investigating strange disturbances in the afterlife, taking some actions others may consider drastic in order to uncover the mysteries of the Shadowlands...
Lord Bey’ron Everblaze
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Artwork by @vortexqueen​
Cunning and calculative, Lord Bey’ron Everblaze is a Magister and member of Quel’Thalas’ Sun Council. His arcane (and fel) prowess is outmatched only by his pride and self-aggrandizing. And while he strives to remain above reproach in all things... he’s certainly not afraid to get his hands dirty and/or bloodstained when the situation calls for it. Still, such menial tasks are best left to those beneath him... which isn’t a very exclusive list, in his eyes!
Brent Sunborn
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Artwork by @kidcatgeminiart​
The last of the Blackened Blades, Brent Sunborn (or Brentius Lor’aran, by birth) is a Farstrider-turned-Ghostblade with deadly precision and a killer’s instinct. But unlike most ren’dorei, Brent’s path to the void didn’t follow Magister Umbric’s footsteps, but was rather achieved through adherence and devout service to the Twilight’s Hammer. Now, in the wake of the final Old God’s demise, this assassin struggles to sort out his place and purpose in a post-N’Zoth world...
Dahlyah Grimshatter
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Artwork by Obe
This Dark Iron bounty hunter once served as an Anvilrage reservist in her formative years. Promoting from there to Blackrock Mountaineer, she’s developed her keen hunter’s sense taking down ornery black dragons and other beasts in the unforgiving Burning Steppes and Searing Gorge. Now she adjusts to life as a member of the Alliance, finding it hard to navigate needless rules and customs that now stand between her and her quarry.
Dahlyah’s a new addition to this roster, and a character I’m quite excited to play more! Her blog’s empty for now, but I’ll add to it as her story develops!
Dr. Gattius Starfrost
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Artwork by @kidcatgeminiart​
Former Blood Knight and Captain of the ill-fated Phoenix Guard, Doctor Gattius Starfrost now runs a clinic in Eversong Woods. Husband to Magistrix Syrielle Starfrost, this politics-hating and Magistry-despising sin’dorei struggles in keeping his practice afloat, tending to his young son Tannis, and supporting his wife’s ambitions - which now include a foray into nobility!
Grakkar Gorefang (and Kronk)
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Hailing from alternate Draenor, Grakkar Gorefang is an old Warsong raider. Experience has worn this seasoned hunter, but assuming him an easy mark due to his age has led to the demise of many contenders! Currently, he’s laying low and enjoying the post-war peace with his mate and newborn daughter!
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thefugitivemango · 3 years
Strap on or Double Sided Dildo? (For Dahlyah)
Most definitely double-sided dildo, for Dahlyah. For her, the experience is all about fun! She’d rather both her and her partner get the most out of their encounter. And double the sides means double the fun!
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dahlyah-grimshatter · 4 years
LFRP: Dahlyah Grimshatter!
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The Basics ––––
Age: 26
Birthday: April 13th
Race: Dark Iron Dwarf
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Not Picky
Marital Status: Single
Server: Wyrmrest Accord - US
Physical Appearance ––––
Hair: Fiery Red
Eyes: Fiery Red
Height: 127cm
Build: Athletic, but curvy
Distinguishing Marks: Dark freckles peppered across her face
Common Accessories: her trusted (and highly modified) Shadowforge quick-action rifle, Drakesbane.
FC: Alia Shawkat
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Personal ––––
Profession: Bounty Hunter
Hobbies: Drinking, shooting, camping, playing Hearthstone, exploring, and trying new foods!
Languages: Dwarven, Common, and a bit of Orcish and Kalimag
Residence: Currently Homeless
Birthplace: Shadowforge City
Religion: N/A
Fears: The ocean and the Void
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Relationships –––-
Spouse: None
Children: None
Parents: Drelfar Grimshatter (Father, Alive), Laoise Stormward (Mother, Deceased)
Siblings: None known (Open to other PC relatives)
Other Relatives: None known (Open PC relatives)
Pets: Ridley - Dark Iron Bloodhound, Kraid - Chromatic Drakeadon, Duskquill - Gryphon (Deceased)
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Traits –––-
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––––
Smoking Habit: Only when agitated
Drugs: Not an avid drug user
Alcohol: The Stronger the Better!
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RP Hooks ––––
Bounty Hunting! Does your character have a bounty on their head? Or are they looking for a skilled hunter/tracker to take down someone or something? Dahlyah’s known to take on all jobs. She enjoys a challenge!
Cultist Background…? Her father, one of the original Ragnaros Adherents, is still at large! He’s a known associate of the Twilight’s Hammer, meaning cult-aligned or formerly-cult-aligned characters may know him, or know of him…
Fellow Dark Irons, unite! Dahlyah would love to interact with more of her kin who have cause to venture out beyond Blackrock with her!
Open to ideas, as well! 
OOC Information  ––––
I’ve been RPing in World of Warcraft since The Burning Crusade, and off-and-on in other media before that.
PvE fan! I love running M+ and getting into whatever raids I can. Work schedule doesn’t allow for a steady raid team, though. All the same, hit me up if you need a tank Alliance-side, or DPS either faction!
Looking for long-term story arcs / relationships (friends, romance, family, whatever!). I love writing stories!
Cross-Faction is fine with me! Enjoy RPing in game as much as writing in forums/GoogleDocs/Discord!
Contact Information  ––––
Reach out to me here on tumblr if interested, or send Dahlyah in-game mail! If you’re just looking for a taste, feel free to drop a starter ask in the ol’ inbox, too! Follow backs come from @thefugitivemango​. 
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dahlyah-grimshatter · 4 years
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“Just there. See them?”
Captain Alan Davis lowered his spyglass, before handing it over to his junior companion. The young Lieutenant Wil Demonte was next to peek through, catching sight of the small gathering just outside the ruins Durnholde Keep. No mistaking it-- Horde refugees, trekking off to Light only knew where. 
But they weren’t alone. 
The four of them sat, huddled together facing each other. A dog paced around them, as if to keep them rounded up like sheep. No ordinary dog, either. As the sun started setting behind the two Alliance soldiers, the canine’s fiery mane contrasted all the better against the cold and dim stone ruins behind him. Not far off stood the dog’s master; a hooded figure, with blazing red eyes. Too tall to be a gnome, too short to be human. A dwarf. Dark Iron, if Wil had to guess. He could see the rifle she carried slung over her shoulder, casually.
She waved.
“Aye, sir. Seems she sees us, too.” Wil reported, handing the spyglass back to his superior officer.
Alan sighed, closing up and securing the spyglass in one of his horse’s saddlebags. The flare had caught his attention, but he hoped it meant there would be some action or something. But looking now, it was apparent the exciting part was all done. He didn’t seem terribly eager to ride out at some Dark Iron Dwarf’s beck and call. Especially some vigilante. He wore the disdain on his face well enough for Wil to read.
“... What do you wanna do, sir?” he asked the Captain, tone implicit of his willingness to follow his lead.
“Let’s check it out, I guess.” Alan huffed, spurring his horse on. “Keep up.”
The two cantered off from Thoradin’s Wall towards the ruins of Durnholde. A short enough jaunt into the Hillsbrad region which, technically, fell under Stromgarde jurisdiction now. With the Fourth War over and done, and the Alliance firming up their hold in the region, it made sense for soldiers stationed in Arathi to help keep the peace up and around the entire northern region. At least, anything south of Quel’Thalas. That was a problem for another day. 
Wil was an experienced rider, learning early on in his youth how to keep himself from falling out of the saddle. His experience had only grown since. In part, that’s why he wanted to become a proper cavalier. And the war broke out just in time to make that goal a reality. He looked up to Alan Davis, who unofficially took on the role of young Wil’s mentor when they were stationed together. The five or so years of time in service Alan had over Wil had left him somewhat jaded and terse. But Wil didn’t mind. He happily rode beside Alan, grateful for the continued opportunity to learn how to be a better cavalier beneath his proverbial wing.
The two tugged the reins of their steeds, slowing and then halting them as they arrived. Alan dismounted first, grunting as his boots hit the dirt path. He eyed the Dark Iron, making little effort to hide his displeasure from her. Wil followed along, jogging a bit to catch up.
“Let me do the talking, yeah?” Alan instructed.
Wil nodded, apparently starting to comply right away. They approached, stopping just a few paces from the Dark Iron, who grinned up at the pair.
“Oi, lads. Glad y’ saw m’ flare.” she piped up, tone jovial. “Dahlyah Grimshatter. Bounty Hunter.”
The introduction came with no somatic additions; no handshake, no nod, nothing. Dahlyah simply eyed the two humans, looking fine and prim in their Alliance blue. Alan met Dahlyah’s standoffishness with his own, simply eyeing the dwarf with an almost judgmental expression. But that didn’t stop Wil from nodding to her, in a token etiquette. His mother raised him right, after all.
“Lieutenant Wil Demonte, Stromgarde’s Sixth. This is Captain Alan Davis of the same, Miss Grimshatter.” he rattled off, practiced and professionally - breaking Alan’s directive immediately.
“What’ve you got for us, Miss Freelancer?” Alan sighed, disregarding the offered name in favor of a more derogatory title, as he looked past her to the four Horde captives.
“Jus’ some folks wanderin’ ‘bout where they ought not, aye?” Dahlyah replied with a shrug.
It wasn’t anything Dahlyah wasn’t used to. Dark Iron Dwarves weren’t the most popular lot here on the surface. Gods, they weren’t even that popular under Blackrock. She’d endured her share of dirty looks and sneers from dwarves of other clans, humans, gnomes… even the elves, in all their diverse types, all unanimously seemed to turn up their noses to the Dark Iron. She shrugged it off, never letting it bother her. She had her own opinions of all the races; and her own wasn’t above her judgment, either. Thankfully, it hadn’t cost her too much business, with the Dark Irons formally joining the Alliance.
Her hunting companion ran up beside her, sniffing the two soldiers curiously. Like his mane, the dog’s eyes burned a bright red, making for a rather intimidating sight! Wil nearly took a step back as the canine approached him… but relaxed as the beast’s jaw relaxed to let out a friendly panting tongue. He sniffed Wil, curiously, before nuzzling up against his leg.
“--Oi, an’ this ‘ere’s Ridley.” Dahlyah added. “Seems ‘e likes yeh, lad.”
Wil smiled at that. He grew up with dogs, back home. None like this, though! He found himself fascinated by the animal’s fiery mane and burning red eyes. But aside from those unsettling features, a dog was a dog! He reached his hand out for Ridley to sniff at; smiling like a giddy child when the bloodhound licked it instead! His tongue was so warm, it was weird! He eyed the dog’s mane, wondering if it was safe to touch. He thought better than to try, though.
Alan wasn’t nearly as enamored by the beast. He stepped past Dahlyah, eyes affixed to the four Horde refugees. Forsaken, all of them. His lip curled, as if to snarl at the undead abominations. They read him well enough, huddling a bit closer as if in fear for their unlives. They remained quiet for the same reason. The Captain took it as a point of pride, that his presence alone seemed to terrify these vile creatures. He scanned over their faces once by one; two men, two women. One looked like she died young. 
“Please release us, sir.” one of the men spoke up, his voice hoarse. “We’re not soldiers. And we’ve no allegiances to the Banshee Queen. We just want to get to Quel’Thalas to--”
He was cut off quickly when Alan slammed his boot into his hunched back, knocking him forward into the others. 
“--I didn’t say you could speak, deader!” he shouted.
Dahlyah glanced over her shoulder at that, her grin diminishing as she pulled her rifle from her shoulder to instead hold it ready in her hands. She watched Alan and his interactions with the refugees carefully. Wil did the same, peeling his attention from Ridley long enough to watch his senior counterpart work. His expression was… attentive. It spoke well enough of his conflicted feelings. Alan straightened his tabard, as he turned back to the bounty huntress - giving one final warning glare to the once again silent dead.
“Alright, let’s wrap this up, yeah?” he cleared his throat. “How much were you promised a head, Gun-for-Hire?”
Her smirk returned, as she shook her head. Her finger slipped down the side of her rifle, resting gently at the trigger.
“... Oi, think yer mistaken, Cap’n Davis. I ain’t ‘ere t’ collect on these ‘ere deaders,” she explained, “I’m ‘ere fer you.”
Before Alan could even blink, he found himself staring down the dwarf’s rifle, his nose close enough to sniff the gunpowder. He took a step back, gasping-- reaching for his sword, then not, all in an instant. He was confident bullets flew faster than he could unsheath it, anyway. Wil was equally caught off guard, hand grasping the hilt of his blade in Alan’s stead.
“--Dunnae, lad.” Dahlyah barked at Wil, eyes and rifle still trained on Alan. “Ridley still likes yeh, aye? Best t’ keep it that way.”
Wil looked down-- sure enough, Ridley was right there in front of him, eyes piercing as he looked up at the human. His demeanor was much less friendly - nearly snarling at poor Wil now, with ears perked and mane glowing just a bit brighter. Wil couldn’t so much as scratch his nose before Ridley would set on him, close as he was. Slowly, he took his hand off his weapon, blood draining from his face.
“W-What’s the meaning of this!?” Alan demanded, scowling at the dwarf. “I’m an officer of the Alliance military, and I--”
“--Y’know damn well why I’m ‘ere, Alan Davis!” she cut him off, proving she could shout a lot louder.
Her eyes practically burned into the Captain’s, a noticeable heat brimming off the metallic bits of her armor. Even her breath was hotter, like a dragon spewing fire. Smoke billowed out from her nostrils-- or so it seemed, anyway. Her fury set quickly, a far cry from her relaxed and casual demeanor just moments prior. She turned, slipping the barrel of her rifle up her arm to keep it trained on her target, while freeing her hand to tug a folded slip of paper from beneath her pauldron.
“But ‘m guessin’ yer partner ‘ere dunnae. Seems too nice t’ git int’a th’ shite yer doin’.” she grumbled a bit, holding the paper out for Wil to relieve from her.
He did so slowly, mindful of the blazing bloodhound practically attached to his leg at this point. He stepped forward, looking for an opening to maybe help Alan out of this predicament-- but a sharp growl from Ridley urged him to reconsider. He retreated with the paper a few paces back from the dwarf, and slowly unfolded it.
“Wil, it’s a fake! It’s obviously a--”
“--Let ‘im read, hotshot.”
It made no difference; Wil was far too curious now what the paper was, even without Alan trying to talk him out of reading it before it was even unfolded. He straightened the page, and looked it over.
For crimes during times of war, including; - Maltreatment of prisoners - Dereliction of duty - Conduct unbecoming an Officer - Treason
A bounty of one thousand five hundred gold has been placed on;
In the name of his Majesty, King Anduin Wrynn
The bottom was stamped with a seal familiar insignia of Stormwind Intelligence, and signed with a scribble that read well enough as ‘M. Shaw’. 
“... Alan, what does this mean?” Wil asked, still re-reading the words over and over again. “Maltreatment? Dereliction? Fucking T-Treason, Alan!? What is this!?”
Alan didn’t respond. He didn’t see the point, now. Denying it, downplaying it… Wil was smart. He’d see right through it.
“Yer buddy ‘ere likes beatin’ on prisoners. Killin’ ‘em, too. Dunnae care wot they are. Orcs, deaders, taurens.” Dahlyah elaborated, eyes still narrowly focused on her mark. “Ain’t all y’ pretty blue Alliance brass th’ hero-types, aye?”
Wil found himself speechless, simply looking at Alan, then back to the parchment. The words seemed to cut him, deeper and deeper each time he read them. He knew Alan had no love for the Horde, and had heard him say some pretty terrible things about them. But until now, he figured it was just talk.A bit of roughing them up, but not crippling them. Not killing them.
“... What’s the treason, then?” Wil finally asked, addressing Dahlyah-- as if he couldn’t handle even speaking to Alan at the moment.
“Prisoner exchange, in Arathi. Cap’n Davis ‘ere killed two elves wot were supposed t’ be handed back t’ th’ Horde. Gutted ‘em, left ‘em fer th’ raptors.” Dahlyah explained. “Thought ‘e covered up ‘is tracks well ‘nough. Cost two o’ yer own when th’ exchanged dinnae go down. But Alan ‘ere dinnae care, aye? Got ‘is vengeance. Ain’t that right, lad?”
“Is that… true?” Wil looked to Alan, eyes misting and brow furrowed.
Again, silence. But it said it all. Alan kept his gaze on Dahlyah, lip quivering on the verge of a snarl. His hand tensed, opening and closing in a steady, nervous rhythm. A tell. One not lost on the Dark Iron.
“--Easy, there, Cap’n. Ask yer buddy there if’n that poster mentions bringin’ yeh in alive anywhere.” she warned. “Poor lad’s read it ‘nough times now t’ know it by heart.”
“... Shut up. Shut UP!” Alan snapped! “You fucking sellsword! You think you know what it’s like to be a soldier? To fight an enemy, and watch them take everything you love away from you? You have no idea! All you care about, all you fight for, is gold! You’re a greedy goblin with a license and a rifle! Not a real soldier! Not a real hero!”
It was then that, all riled up, Alan made his last mistake. He was backed into a corner, antagonized by this uppity Dark Iron nuisance! He acted without thinking, making one last ditch effort to get out of this impossible situation! Wil barely got a breath out to try and stop him, before Alan Davis, Captain of Stromgarde’s Sixth Calvary Division, took hold of the hilt of his blade to draw it. Before Dahlyah Grimshatter, greedy goblin with a license and a rifle, pulled her trigger.
Back in Stormwind, two Royal Guards hefted the bagged corpse up onto a cart, before spurring on the horse to start hauling it off. Dahlyah watched just a moment longer, as the clerk - a gnome, coming up no higher than Dahlyah’s chin -  finished counting up the gold pieces. One by one, as he slipped them into a small burlap sack. The Dark Iron’s hand idly scratched Ridley’s mane, fingers running through it to send embers floating off in the air. She sighed.
“... And fifteen-hundred.” the clerk finished counting aloud, dropping the final coin into the bag with a clink. “Looks like he gave you some trouble, hm?”
“Nah, nae too much.” Dahlyah replied, taking the sack from the Gnome, with a nod. “Nae as much as ‘e gave yer lot, seems.”
She offered a forced smile, and a final nod to the clerk, before turning to depart. 
Payouts weren’t always this sad. But this one felt tainted. Cursed. Perhaps if Wil hadn’t have been there, things would’ve gone differently? No, Alan was plenty eager to fight with him present, just the same. Still, she couldn’t get him out of her mind; the way his voice wavered, that heavy betrayal hitting the poor kid hard. It made her feel like the bad guy after all, robbing poor Wil of someone he clearly trusted and looked up to. 
No, she wasn’t the bad guy, she told herself. Alan Davis had his job, and didn’t do it well enough. And she was just doing her job-- and clearly, did it better than he did his. This was just how it was, sometimes. He wasn’t wrong when he said she wasn’t a real hero. But she never said she was. Never set out to be. Work was work. Running bounties put “kibble in the bowl and bullets in the chamber” she always said. And today’s payout would make for plenty of both. 
And that was the point of it. That was the intent. No, she wasn’t a hero.
She was a hunter.
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kidcatgeminiart · 4 years
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Dahlyah Grimshatter
Completed commission piece for @thefugitivemango of his lovely Dark Iron Dwarf lady, Dahlyah! Always a pleasure drawing your characters! <3
Drawn and colored with Rebelle 3, Photoshop CS6 and Wacom Cintiq tablet.
Like what you see?
Buy me a  Ko-fi to help me through art school! You can also find me on DeviantArt  and catch my art streams on Picarto!
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thefugitivemango · 4 years
💋 Dahl/Rae
Send 💋 to see if my muse would kiss yours… and where.
Sure! Draenei are still on a “maybe” list for potential intimacy partners for Dahlyah, but simple kissing wouldn’t be too concerning. And even though his talbuk’s smarter than he is, Raetos is pretty easy on the eyes for a sparkly goat-man from outer space. Dahlyah would be into a nice hot make-out session with him, if given the chance.
Of course, they’d have to meet first!
Thanks for the prompt, @syrielle!
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thefugitivemango · 4 years
🍸 - Dahlyah - Have you ever felt a deep kinship with another?
“A DEEP kinship, yeh say? ‘Course I ‘ave! Under th’ Mountain, all kinships’re deep, aye?”
Dahlyah laughed boisterously! She clearly has had a few too many!
“Nae, but... I know wot’cha mean. An’ t’ be truthful ‘bout it, I ain’t been too close t’ many. Nae e’en other Dark Iron Dwarves. I mean... we’re friendly with one ‘nother, suppose.” she shrugged, crinkling her nose. “But I ain’t ne’er had a deep, close connection with anyone. Nothin’ meanin’ful’r nothin’. I wanna, though. An’ maybe someday, th’ right lad ‘r lass’ll come ‘round an’ steal m’ fiery heart, aye?”
((Thanks for the ask, @prancingmad! ))
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thefugitivemango · 4 years
Are there certain places where they regularly find themselves in trouble? - Dahlyah
There’s no one place; Dahlyah can find trouble for herself all over! Getting mouthy with the wrong bar patrons, or being too hasty on a hunt are the usual ways she gets into some bind or another. But perhaps the most consistent method would be dragon stalking. She’s never had a dragon hunt go as prescribed. They’re never simple tag-and-bag jobs-- something always goes sideways! But that’s how it goes, hunting down as clever a beast as a dragon! Expect the unexpected!
Thanks for the ask, @nocturnedreaming! 
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thefugitivemango · 4 years
💑 What are my muse’s requirements for a potential partner? (Dahlyah)
A pulse.
No, but seriously, Dahlyah’s in that phase where she’s eager to try all sorts of partners. Right now the only big requirement is size related-- no partner too big for her to accommodate. An Orc is probably as big, on average, as she’d prefer. She’s also really hesitant to get involved with any of the furrier candidates, like Pandaren, Tauren, Worgen, and some of the more unkempt Kul Tirans fellas. Probably a pass on Vulpera, too. But she hasn’t come across any in that capacity.
Thanks for the ask @kidcatgemini! 
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