pocketramblr · 2 years
If you’re still taking asks for the 5 hcs of an AU…! AfOhiko AU where Gran Torino actually just stole the design of Captain Hero for his costume (changing the color palette only), figuring that he’d never linger anywhere long enough for people to put two and two together. It’s old-school, and really, kinda dated. Except All for One notices him, and proceeds to make things weird.
*points and laughs at the nerd*
1- Sorahiko's path to heroism was... Unconventional. By the time he designed his hero outfit, he didn't exactly have any designs of his own to show off his own personality or mission or style. But, Sorahiko's anyways been a fan of the classics. Classic cars, classic movies, and especially classic comic books. So he just takes Captain Hero's costume and picks the colors he would rather wear, calls it a day.
2- No one else noticed. No other heroes, no civilians, no villains. Not En, not even Nana. It's not exactly a poplar comic, and he changed enough, and he doesn't stay and chat or get caught on camera very often. Until one day, when En was doing something Sorahiko would call "the height of stupidity", and Sorahiko ran in, grabbing and shoving him out of the way of AfO's attack. And AfO stares, and tries to figure out why this guy looks familiar, he's pretty sure he hasn't seen that quirk or face before. It buys them enough time to flee.
3- the next time AfO's seen him, he's put it together. A Captain Hero recolor! His little brother's favorite comic hero (used to be his favorite too) protecting his quirk's current user. Must be the universe's idea of a joke. He addresses both of them- "One For All, Captain Hero."- and that makes both start. AfO doesn't really bother to remember many hero names. AfO usually just goes by quirk, if that. AfO should be calling him "that pest" or "guard dog" or "Jet" or maybe "Torino."
Not "Captain Hero." En has no clue what that even means.
Sorahiko's soul is trying to leave his body.
That confirms to AfO that it was on purpose on this hero's part, and he says he hasn't read that comic in a while. Perhaps it's due for a reread. (He doesn't mention he never did finish it, after his brother told him too, then died.)
Sorahiko can only come up with the words "Well, it's a classic."
AfO agrees. "Does it also get better with age?"
The awkwardness manages to increase. Nana causes a distraction, and they flee.
4- This just gets worse every time they meet. Sorahiko isn't sure if he's being mocked, flirted with, or just confusing AfO. He's called "Captain Hero" each time they meet. En's given up on trying to understand. Nana decides to hunt down the comic and give it a read at this point. Sorahiko considers changing his costume, but 1- he really doesn't want to let AfO win, 2- idk it seems to be kinda keeping them all alive right now so
5- Nana is the first one to point out that AfO has been slowly changing his look though- little things, one by one. He's taking more inspiration from the Demon King in the Captain Hero comics. (Sorahiko noticed it too, but was refusing to voice it.)
Sorahiko is pushed past his limit by that. He goes on patrol alone, hoping to get a chance for AfO to see him without threat to OfA, so he can just bluntly and directly ask "Ok, dude, what's your deal?"
AfO gives him that chance, and just smiles and shrugs. "Just want to get to know someone with a common interest better."
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gentrychild · 1 year
How can we ship all for one with his cat??
I know I voted for Granafo in that poll but All for Machia has a lot of potential. You can ship AFO with the bodyguard who was completely devoted of him and truly, the story of how that bodyguard became Machia, who is obviously brain damaged, can fuel whole plots. Did AFO pump him full of quirks to keep him alive? Or was that to punish him because he got Yoichi killed? So many theories.
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shih-coulda-had-it · 11 months
If I may ask what is the original context for afohiko? I am still making my way through the manga so I definitely may not have gotten to a pertinent part yet so I preemptively apologize if that is the case. Is it based on an interaction they have, or was it spurred more from you imagining how they would interact and enjoying the way their personalities fit together? Either way your content of it is very enjoyable and very interesting. :] I also like how expressive your art style is! I hope you are having a nice day.
Aw, thanks :DDD
tl;dr (but I’m not putting it under a read more because I’m feeling obnoxious): the original context for afohiko is that I want Prime Torino to be popular, and if I have to bait people onto my blog with hot AfO, then I’ll fucking do it. It’s still honest work!
Okay. So, for context, what you need to know first is that I am a strong promoter of Prime Torino. I love him, he’s hot and miserable and devoted to lost (well, debatable) causes. And I want other people to love him too, but this is a thankless task because Prime Torino is very notably a traumatizing jackass.
I still want people to love him. So I scheme, quite constantly, for ways to slot Prime Torino into AUs and ships.
Around two years ago, April 2021, @pocketramblr made a Google Poll for cursed ships. GranAfO got 1%. This is pretty unremarkable, except for the fact that I could refer to it a month later, and assign the genesis of All for One x Gran Torino onto her when some anon (possibly frustrated that I kept dodging Nana x AFO questions) asked me about it.
And at first I was like, ‘Oh, ew. AFO is a jackass.’ And then I started drawing it, and I ended up with one of those standard kabedon poses with Prime Torino against the wall. Which got me these kind of reactions:
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What could I conclude? That by drawing an attractive All for One with Prime Torino, I could bait people into thinking twice about Prime Torino. (MY AGENDAAAA)
DfO Week was then announced; between my own afohiko art and the few asks Pocket fronted for an dfohiko thought experiment, I was inspired to start writing the first of many branches of dfohiko verse. I like to ground my fics with a bit of basis in canon, but you gotta understand--this is a crackship. I’m shooting blind here except for a few key references/facts:
1. Gran Torino survived the initial retreat with Toshinori in tow, even though AFO certainly must have seen them fleeing the scene. Sorahiko then survived the following decades AND Kamino Ward despite evidence of AFO’s insane scorched earth policies.
2. The Ultra Analysis book has this for a quick 101 of Gran Torino’s perspectives of a few characters:
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For a character assigned as ‘nuisance’, AFO sure doesn’t bother swatting him into a hole six feet deep. And for name-calling AFO a ‘monster’ + having an infamous stance on killing to save, Sorahiko is incapable of dealing damage. (Undoubtedly because he knows he would get squashed like a bug. But I digress. This post is for reading too deep into the unspoken bits.)
3. Gran Torino in his fight with Kurogiri ends up saying, “If you’ve got a preference for a date, then I’ll go with you wherever you want.” (Crunchyroll subtitles, E78). This is obviously one of those one-off lines, and not even canon to manga, but I like referring back to it as an indicator of Gran Torino’s Bad Taste in Men.
All this to say… afohiko is hilarious to me, and I can draw/write them as hot disasters, in both ways oblivious to the red flags at the start and end of their relationships. Emphasis on hot. You think Prime Torino’s hot, right? Did I succeed in my agenda?
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owlf45 · 3 years
cyber rlly said it's the witching hour time to cause mayhem and distress
Cyber comes for the throat every midnight but disappears when I’m awake to receive their chaos
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pls show your friend the granafo. the afohiko if you will. now that’s a cursed ship.
Oh yeah, that's a thing I've seen on here. @eraserdead that crosses out two of your points on your ship hate wish list right? <3
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myrathesimp · 2 years
the allforsora ship is also tagged as afohiko (what i use) and granafo!!
Thanks for clarifying! XD
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pocketramblr · 2 years
Forced to Kneel | Tied to a Table | “Hold them down.”
He was caught.
Caught again, Sorahiko correct himself, since dating AfO really was the first snare.
On his chair, his husband frowned. Looked truly disappointed as he pressed his leg down on Sorahiko’s shoulder, keeping him kneeling.
“Found the blood on your boot.” AfO sighed. “I really thought you wouldn't open it.”
“I forgot what you said about it.” Sorahiko tried to half shrug. He had forgotten, had moved that key to his ring of others and only remembered on seeing the bodies that AfO had forbidden it- not with any specific warning, but the corpses gave him an idea.
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pocketramblr · 2 years
12 afohiko 😳👉👈?
for you,,, i'll krakenverse it
“You’re cute even when you make that face.”
Sorahiko looked away, avoiding the other's eyes.
Which was something of a feat, considering how ridiculously large he'd made himself, as if he wasn't tall enough in his normal form.
The thought that this was his normal form now, hundreds of years after the last time they'd seen each other, was a bitter one.
He might not be as bad as Motoji, but he didn't love change either.
Perhaps if he'd minded it more, he wouldn't have been recognized.
Probably not though. Birds did not age so visibly to one that dwelt under the sea, it was a lost cause as soon as the Kraken had seen the shadow of his otherself.
And now Sorahiko was stranded on a rock that didn't deserve to be called an island, Motoji curled comfortably around it, watching him while his otherself could do nothing but circle above and wait to strike.
"Are you going to keep giving me the silent treatment?" The Kraken asked. "Because I've had enough not hearing from you- several life time's worth, in fact."
"Are you going to keep staring?" Sorahiko asked.
"Of course. My memory- it fades after so long. To see you in person again, it's-"
Whatever it was, Sorahiko didn't care.
"Can't be that great." He still wasn't looking at Motoji. "I'm old, much as you've managed to avoid it."
"You're adorable!" Motoji protested.
Adorable. Sorahiko should have stayed in Todoroki's lands, even if it meant putting up with that family. At least none of them were crazy or stupid enough to call him adorable.
"You're even shorter than I remember, and you're cute even when you make that face!"
"What face is that?" If Sorahiko looked a few degrees more to the right, he'd be able to see the coastline from here. He wouldn't do it though, wouldn't point the Kraken back in that direction.
"The one where you're pouting just a bit, but don't want to admit it because it's something you did." Motoji sounded far too happy and fond. It was almost saccharine.
"Something I did? Funny, I remember you leaving because you didn't want to stay on land, then I heard nothing except that you murdered your father, outdid him, then got married and murdered her too."
"You can't get mad at me for that when I offered a way-" Motoji stopped, then twisted so he was in front of Sorahiko's face again. He didn't bother looking away this time. "Sorahiko. I- the marriage wasn't like that. I didn't love her."
Sorahiko blinked, then blinked again. "Well, I should hope so. Considering you murdered her too."
"She betrayed me first." The Kraken waved it off.
"Was that before or after you tried to purse another woman, who was also married at that time, and someone who knew your wife? Or is it a blur because you killed her too?"
"That's not- you don't know what really happened. I never loved anyone but you like that."
"The. Mur. Ders." Sorahiko enunciated. And he hadn't even mentioned Nana's name yet!
"They betrayed me first!"
"I'd betray you if you married me when you didn't love me, then pursued my friend anyway!"
"You wouldn't." Motoji huffed. "Because you'd refuse to marry me anyway!"
"And from where I'm looking that's a good thing. You realize none of this would have happened if you'd just stayed on land in the first place."
"That wasn't an option. But now, things are different. Better, once I bring you both back, you'll see."
Sorahiko shook his head. "No. It's too late for that."
"We're both immortal, Sorahiko. It's never too late."
"I have bonds tying me to the surface. I can't go down, I don't want to go down, and I never intend to go down."
Motoji heaved a sigh. "You'll see, one day. It's splendor that deserves your touch... In the meantime though, I suppose I could always take over Yagi's castle. It's a bit ugly and squat, but it manages for both land and sea for now."
Was he even hearing himself?
"I'm not moving in with you into Toshinori's castle."
"You're being very obstinate about this when I'm trying to compromise here, Darling."
Even the use of that, after so long, couldn't trip Sorahiko up now.
"The castle that Toshinori built, for his wife, whom you tried to pursue then murdered!"
"Oh, that? She couldn't hold a candle to you, don't worry. You probably would have laughed if you'd ever met her."
"I did get to meet her, actually." He tried not to remember how wide both she and Toshinori had smiled back then. Sorahiko really hoped Tamaki, Mirio, and all the others had gotten a good head start, because he could only stand so much more of this sole attention.
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pocketramblr · 2 years
Lost Voice | Duct Tape | “You better start talking.”
Sorahiko didn’t speak.
If he didn’t use his voice, it couldn’t be taken from him or used to bind him like the golden chains between his arms.
“I want you to be comfortable.”
Sorahiko had only been silent for some hours, and his throat already burned to snap at Motoji.
“Well, if you don’t like these decorations we can just change them later.”
Or he’d just change Sorahiko’s mind for him, the wary, hard part of Sorahiko’s heart, so far away, mourned.
His traitorous brain wondered if that’d be easier. To forget everything and awaken after Motoji was actually gone.
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pocketramblr · 2 years
DM Prompt from @proclaimersofheroes: :3c I have a prompt for you with this [granafo toshi rikiya twins] au: "When did you start hating him?"
His old man's words had echoed in his head for weeks of training. Toshinori had let them, stewing on them and raging through each day as demanded.
But anger was just as exhausting to constantly burn as it was to bury, apparently.
He sagged against the kitchen wall, stirring a protein shake around and around while his old man finished making dinner.
Toshinori wasn't sure what to call him out loud anymore, but there were too many other things to think about instead.
Like what to say out loud now.
"Don't fall asleep and fall in your shake." Dad said without looking back at him.
"I won't." Toshinori took a sip to give his hands something to do.
The shake wasn't as cold as it was supposed to be. He didn't care.
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Sure." The answer was absent. Tired, if Toshinori could summon the kindness to admit it.
"You won't like it."
His old man sighed.
"I just wanted to know... When did you start hating him?"
The tired lines and slouch in his Dad's back went rigid and stiff. He stopped moving the food around the pan.
"Nevermind." He said quickly, going for the shake as fast as he could down it without throwing up.
He finished just in time for the old man to pile the food into two plates and set them on the table.
His face- dark eyes, sharp nose, all the features Toshinori didn't inherited- was as blank as stone.
Toshinori slid his plate over and muttered "itadakimasu" before starting on it.
The old man didn't say anything still, then slowly reached to eat. Right before he put the bite in his mouth, he asked "When did you, Toshi?"
Toshinori coughed, staring at his food.
He knew exactly when.
When he'd begged his father to stop, and he'd just received a look of disappointment before he struck out again at Nana.
When he'd smiled with so much glee as he killed her- far more emotion than Toshinori had seen directed at him in years.
When Toshinori had stared, heartbroken, and realized that as much effort as his Father had spent trying to convince him to take a quirk stolen from an innocent, he'd spend a hundred times the effort prying One For All, Nana's hope and gift from Toshinori if need to be keep his treasures his, to keep his blood powerless.
When he'd looked into his Father's eyes, and knew if he didn't kill him, Toshinori would die instead.
"Not so easy is it to answer, is it?" His Dad huffed.
Toshinori wanted to duck his head even further. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be. Probably a normal question for you to ask."
He still didn't answer.
They ate in silence for a few more minutes.
Toshinori felt tired of eating.
He kept going anyway.
"You probably don't remember, but you once asked me when I knew I loved him."
Toshinori did remember, actually. It'd been at a family dinner. He'd been curious about some things, maybe twelve or thirteen years old.
He'd asked both men how they knew they loved each other.
His Father had immediately declared it was the moment he laid eyes on Dad. Rikiya had glared at Toshinori and declared him and his question gross.
In comparison, Dad's shrug had not been at memorable.
"I don't know." Dad in the present continued. "I can't untangle my hatred from my... Everything else. It was all a slow build."
"You said he doesn't believe in divorce. Did you try..."
The old man did something that was maybe a nod. "Doesn't matter, didn't work."
"When was it?" Toshinori wracked his brain for any memory, any sign of something like that between them. "Did he- after you tried I mean, did-"
Dad snapped his fingers in front of Toshinori's face.
"Stop that. Breathe. Drink. Eat."
Toshinori managed to do some of that, while his old man looked away.
"Hero lesson one, Toshi, you can't change the past. Lesson two, you can't save someone from their own choices."
The rest of the meal was silent.
Dad finished first, standing and stacking his plate by the sink.
"Take a break from training tonight, and tomorrow." He said, moving from the kitchen. Toshinori leaned back in his chair to watch him trade his house slippers for boots and grab a coat. "I'm going out."
"Wait!" Toshinori almost fell to the floor with his chair, stumbling away from the table.
Dad paused, looking at him. His face wasn't blank anymore, but Toshinori wasn't sure how to interpret what he saw.
"I'll be back by 11 tonight." Dad promised, voice softer- like how a thin and frayed blanket was softer than the floor. "Don't worry about the dishes. And take a break from training like I said."
Then the old man turned and walked out the door.
Toshinori groaned, tugging at his bangs.
Why did he ask? He knew he wouldn't have wanted to know the answer. But he'd asked anyway.
Because he was an idiot, and angry, and tired, and had a dream last night that he couldn't even call a nightmare because it had just been Father tucking him into bed.
Nana would know what to do.
But he hadn't been able to save her.
Toshinori threw the rest of his food in the trash, then took it out.
What a mess.
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pocketramblr · 2 years
Ask game: 43. “That was the worst joke I’ve ever heard.” for Granafo, please!
"Are you inclined towards a spring wedding?" He asked.
Sorahiko blinked slowly, turning his head towards him. "What?"
"A spring wedding? Apparently it's romantic."
"That was the worst joke I've ever heard." Sorahiko proclaimed, then turned back to looking at the financial records.
"Mhm." He wasn't surprised. Sorahiko was many things. A romantic was not one of them.
Which was good, seducing him would have been so boring if he was.
"A winter wedding then. More fitting." He could see the style in it now.
Sorahiko was distracted again, he could tell, looking over. "You've set a new record in five seconds."
"And how's that?"
"Why are you planning a wedding when we're not getting married?"
"We're not?" He asked, humming. "A spring proposal then."
"Boss." Sorahiko's voice hardened, like when he was telling off particularly stupid henchman. "We're not getting married, I work for you."
He was the opposite of a henchman, and not impressed. He raised a brow.
"Really, Torino Sorahiko? That's your moral line." He stood up from his own desk, walking over to Sorahiko. "Not killing, not torture, not dragging me into your bed when you're on my payroll," He reached a hand out, touching Sorahiko's cheek. "But tying the knot?"
He could feel Sorahiko fight himself to keep from leaning into the touch, jaw clenching under his hand.
"I don't seem to remember very much dragging." Sorahiko said after a breath.
"Or beds, but that's not the point of this conversation." He replied.
"Conversation. Is that what this is?"
"Do you disagree?"
"Feels more like a briefing for orders."
He clicked his tongue. "Well that won't do. That's why I'm asking you your thoughts on a spring proposal."
He watched Sorahiko's throat bob. "I can't say I've thought much about it before."
His hand dropped from Sorahiko's cheek.
"Think about it then, get back to me."
"... Sure."
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pocketramblr · 3 years
if. if i may enable you. offshoot of the “gran torino was third/has a reincarnation quirk” au where, in his torino body said “to hell with this” and went to infiltrate all for one’s league of villains (yoichi’s info is outdated, and CLEARLY this hovering about the sidelines gig isn’t working, SHINOMORI). he did not expect afo to (1) be interested in him (2) be charmed by sorahiko’s grumpy standoffish behavior. 50/50 on whether afo actually took things to marriage (at which point torino is aghast at himself, but also like, ‘i wonder if Leader and Yoichi are having a conniption’), BUT THE POINT IS
even though torino fully expects to be done with this life by age 50 or whatever, especially since he’s still a full-time pro-hero,
something’s looking for him. looking OUT for him.
(and to quote the manga—afo has planned ahead for a Long Life)
Ashdjfjjnjfrschbj SHIH I'm just,
Second 🤝 Third
Getting seduced by Shigaraki brothers
This is so funny I keep cracking up thinking about all the ways this messes with both aus in the best way. I can't even organize my thoughts I'm just delighted by all possibilities like
"I'll die for the other holders, I'd do anything. Except maybe seduce AfO." (One lifetime later) "ok so it turns out, I'd do more for keeping our successors alive than I thought,"
Yoichi: Third, I already considered you my brother in law, you don't have to do this. In fact, please don't, because we're all still connected with your mind and getting the information just isn't that important. He isn't listening to me is he.
AfO makes occasional remarks about how much older he is than the one he's pursuing, as a joke and just laughing when Sorahiko told him that he's not that much older than him if it all, but like. Sorahiko is right
AfO compliments his work and Sorahiko just accepts the irony considering how much info he's getting to En, then Nana, to take him down.
When AfO says he'd spend lifetimes with Sorahiko, Sorahiko asks how many. "Countless, darling." / "Seems like a lot. I don't know, I think I could offer three lifetimes focused on giving you attention. After that I'd have to reevaluate." AfO laughs. Sorahiko is telling the truth.
When AfO reached into his pocket to get the ring, Sorahiko leapt away on instinct, remembering how AfO killed his first body when he was Third Holder 1.0. AfO decided to wait another day.
AfO never told Sorahiko about OfA, and assumed he had no idea until All Might told him that Nana gave him her power. He plans to apologize later, it's not exactly like they won't have time once certain obstacles are out of the way
Sorahiko takes the whole "Shiggy body snatching" personally because like, getting reborn to continue the mission is his thing! And AfO didn't even know that and he still stole it!! Come on. His luck can't be that bad, despite what three lifetimes say
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pocketramblr · 2 years
any thoughts on the afohiko branch of the kraken!au? (on another note: i am having a little hysterical laugh to myself because while i opened the Jan 1 new year with a nanahiko post, i am about to open the Feb 1 Chinese new year with an afohiko post)
well now i certainly do have thoughts
- ok so. afohiko branch, Sorahiko gets to be super old too for the purpose of 'watch, itll be really funny'. So, wayyy back when AfO was a young-ish mage, before he killed his father, he went to the land for a bit to not get killed by his father. He met Sorahiko on land, a handsome mage for being land born- with a fierce quick otherself. Birds were something of a wonder for him, back then
- he tells Sorahiko he can give him an aquatic form, or something to let him breathe underwater, or even an island home. an island palace. Sorahiko though is starting to realize 'oh hes a bit unhinged in a way that could ruin my life and not just something that caters to my specific horrible taste in men' and takes this oportunity to break it off.
- Gran ends up having to hide that he is the powerful (and ancient) High Mage Sorahiko because AfO... talks... rumors spread... and while most of those wistful tales have a degree of truth to them, Gran would rather not be associated with them.
- AfO assumes that being land born, even if hes strong, Sorahiko couldn't have survived more than four hundred years. Gran, aproxamately as old as AfO and Nedzu (8-10 hundred) decides not to challenge that. Even if the old songs, myths, and legends about The Kraken turning away from land (and all things good) after his lover died are annoying, and the ones that go so far as to say that the ocean that AfO turned to were actually made from his tears of grief are even more so
- he deliberately stays in the todoroki's kingdom as much as possible, since its further from AfO's part of the sea. that doesn't work when he gets kicked out for refusing to teach Prince Shoto. Now that he's stuck in Midoriya, he has to try even harder not to get caught.
- this is made Extra Difficult when The Kraken's Own Son comes to the Midoriya castle with what seems to be every intent of staying there. (No, Sorahiko did not avoid the teenager because he was afraid to see how much he looked like his father back when they were young and just met.). And Super Extra Difficult when said son pisses off his father enough with his own choice in men that the Kraken decides to pay a visit- the effort it takes to break out of jail not withstanding
- Luckily for the star crossed young lovers, AfO pauses at the sight of a familiar bird long enough for their escape. Unluckily for Sorahiko, he does not
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pocketramblr · 2 years
if you’re still doing the 5 headcanons for an AU—afohiko in a bluebeard!AFO situation?
(Or any classic fairytale scenario w afohiko, tbh)
ooh interesting...
1- AfO's little brother vanishes. AfO looks for him, as does their friend- a spiky haired man in love with Yoichi. They get closer, AfO giving him more resources, money, power, all in the search. One day, AfO gives him access to any room in his many headquarters, save one. The man breaks it down anyway. If he finds anything inside, no one knows. He vanishes that day too.
2- People keep vanishing, in general, but also one by one. A guard who'd worked for AfO, and found himself getting closer and closer to him, granted his favor. He's given access as well, until he tries the door he was told not to open. After that, no one of his followers will willing to risk getting closer to him. That's lonely, and he ends up finding another lonely person to be alone with. Shinomori vanishes after a while. Then Banjo. Then En.
3- Sorahiko is not AfO's usual target- he'd actually been heading towards Nana, when her friend moved in front of her, warning him that her interests lay elsewhere. But he was interesting, and eager enough, though while he was quick to accept a night, he was hard to convince into anything more. AfO liked the challenge.
4- Sorahiko lasts longer than anyone before him who went through the forbidden door. Two years longer. AfO thinks he might have even forgotten about it. But then, finally, Sorahiko looks. He finds bodies sucked dry, blood painted all over- and a young man with white hair who looks like his husband. He isn't sure if he's sleeping or dead, but he's certainly in a better than the rest of the victims. He leaves. There's a bit of blood on his boots- boots AfO gave him. Sorahiko didn't notice. AfO does.
5- It's almost a relief, that the other foot drops, but Sorahiko moves quick and thinks even quicker. He apologizes, says it slipped his mind he wasn't allowed- but he doesn't mind. Clearly that's important to his husband. Can he help in anyway? AfO is a bit surprised, everyone else reacted in horror, tried to leave. He admits that he's keeping his brother alive by siphoning off others, and if he isn't going to kill Sorahiko, he'll need someone else soon. Sorahiko offers Nana, and her husband. AfO is thrilled to have such a husband, finally, apparently sixth time's the charm. They walk towards the locked room together, then before he can react, it's Sorahiko and Nana and her husband pushing him in, trapping him, locking him in instead.
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pocketramblr · 2 years
the urge to continue dfohiko verse JUST to construct a sequence of events where gran torino DOES get kidnapped and held under jaku general hospital, and the plf war raid ends up unearthing ‘prime’ tomura AND prime torino.
gran torino, being brought in and unceremoniously strapped to a table: ugh not you again.
garaki: were it not for the patronage of your husband—
gran torino: ex
garaki: i would have noumufied you IMMEDIATELY
Please two old men who are aware if this works, they're going to be stuck living a long time with AfO, one of who worships the ground he walks on and one of who keeps trying to avoid him like the plauge but will sometimes get kidnapped and tied up for pictures and pass the time by-
Garaki just hates him SO MUCH. And unlike whatever strange word you use for Sorahiko and AfO, for Garaki, it's mutual. He does not want to be making him Prime Torino. Gran does not want to be made into Prime Torino. There's an undercurrent of terror at wondering what age his ex would stick Toshi at if he had this same chance because surely he's not happy about the missing lung thing but Sorahiko tries very hard to not think about that and focus on escaping, and honestly Garaki would rather him escape BUT he cant allow that to happen to Sensei, so.
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pocketramblr · 3 years
ask game: 30 & Gran Torino?
30- harsh whisper
Oh I know just what to make for you :3
"Oh, there you are, darling." It was soft and warm and familiar- soft like his silent footsteps had been, warm like Sorahiko knew his hand would be on his own if he hadn't been wearing those yellow gloves, familiar like a nightmare that played every night for a year and always ended the same way.
Sorahiko's words, in contrast were a harsh whisper.
"Get away from me."
Harsh like his breath, that he was now more conscious of than ever, the path from nose mouth throat lungs all the way down to the soles of his feet, which readied to lung and leap and flea and escape.
"Sora, my love, really." The soft voice said in his ears, breath moving past them, a hand and arm slinking around his waist, above his belt. "Please, tell me what I did."
"Get away from me." Sandpaper in his throat, throat lungs down to his feet, he couldn't escape if he was trapped-
Silence went on for a minute, then he sighed. "Alright then. Instead, just tell me, was it That Hero? Or was it Her Husband?"
Sorahiko's breath fully caught.
"Both, then. I should have known." A head leaned down on his as he sighed. So much breath. "It's always two, that take. Two took my brother, two took you, two took...." He trailed off, then suddenly stepped away.
The air that replaced him was cold.
"I'll see you soon, darling."
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