#gracie jerry and yan: '.... its better you dont know....'
hyacynta · 2 years
imagine being gracie, jerry and yan. for years your parents have told you about your legendary father, they talk about how gorgeous he looked and tell you stories of their wonderful whirlwind romance with him. one day you discover than your father's a god! and a major one at that. he's even more amazing than you first thought. you get sent to a camp, ready to prove yourself as worthy to your father so that one day you can perhaps see him. you reach your new cabin and there's someone there. perhaps another sibling you didn't know you had? then you're told that's him. the father you've heard so much about. but he's not this 6'5, supermodel, amazingly talented, mega powerful god your parents kept saying he was. no he's a 17-year-old acne ridden mortal who's clearly just been beaten up, is stumbling around, half delirious and the slave of a 12-year-old who picks her nose. needless to say your parents have a lot of explaining to do.
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