#goinko extra
siriuslysatorusimping · 2 months
Overboard (Another Level Valentine's Blurb)
Another Level Masterlist | Kiko's Masterlist | AO3 💕
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Overboard 2020
Rinko released a heavy sigh at the sight of numerous boxes and bags piled on top of her desk when she opened the door to her office. Not a single inch of the surface was visible beneath the plethora of decorative containers, and she couldn’t help but chuckle when one fell off the side.
Stepping forward, she picked up the fallen bag and opened it to find a box of assorted chocolates.
She couldn’t even say she was surprised, but she’d admit that she found it shocking he’d managed to get it done before she got to work. He must have slipped out in the middle of the night.
A smile formed when she noticed a bag of black sesame cookies, grabbing them to munch on as she assessed the damage done to her office.
Overboard, as always, she mused to herself.
Again, she wasn’t surprised.
Admittedly, she had gone a bit overboard on Valentine’s Day to make up for missing last year. Even though it hadn’t been her fault.
The look on Gojo’s face when he realized she’d been able to convince them to sell her ten dozen caramel miso butter cookies in one order was priceless. She’d made it weeks in advance, and it had been ridiculously expensive for cookies. But his smile had made it all worth it.
They’d barely lasted him a week.
The fact that the man still had a fucking eight-pack and no diabetes was completely unfair.
“Like your gifts, baby?” his voice murmured in her ear, drawing a yelp from her as she jumped.
Gojo’s arm wrapped around her waist, his lips connecting with her temple.
“I love them,” she murmured. “You didn’t have to-”
“When has that ever stopped me?” he scoffed, squeezing her tightly.
She took another bite of her cookie, “Did you blackmail Megumi-”
“He asked if I was doing something and wanted to help,” Gojo cut her off, smirking at her raised eyebrows. She knew Megumi was thoughtful, but he also hated showing any kind of affection. “I know. He only got the cookies, though.”
Scanning the items she could see, she hummed when he squeezed her waist tighter. Yuuta and Yuuji had clearly helped as well, and she spotted a pack of rice balls from Toge.
“Did you do all of this last night?”
He just hummed in acknowledgment, leaning down to press his lips to her neck.
“There’s more.” Holding a box up in front of her face, he chuckled when she caught a whiff of it. “Happy White Day, Rinko-chan.”
Warm matcha and chocolate taiyaki filled her senses as she snatched the box and opened it excitedly. Leaning back into him, Rinko took a large bite of one of the pastries. Still fresh enough she had to puff air around the heat, and she sighed at the taste.
“Thank you, Satoru.”
“Anything for you,” he replied instantly. He nosed her ticklish spot playfully, and she swatted his head when he licked it instead.
“Down, boy,” she scolded lightly.
Glancing down, she met his eyes that gleamed at her over his shades. 
“I know,” he sighed, lifting his head from her shoulder to peck her cheek. “Not at work.” He accepted a bite of her taiyaki, grinning at her as he chewed. “I’ll be back in a few hours. I’m stealing you away early.”
“I need to-”
He grasped her chin, pressing his lips to hers gently.
“It’s the weekend, baby,” he reminded, nipping her bottom lip. “You shouldn’t even be here today. But I’ll let it slide since shit has been busy lately. Ijichi can handle everything else while you get some rest.”
Leaving no more room for argument, he gave her another quick kiss and swatted her ass playfully as he straightened to his full height.
“Gimme a few hours,” he repeated, pushing his shades up his nose. “Gotta go deal with the old geezer for a bit.”
Smirking, she stood on her toes so she could reach his face, pecking his cheek in return.
“Thank you again for the gifts, darling.”
His sharp exhale was paired with his eyes narrowing slightly.
“Make that a couple hours,” he muttered. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
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AN: In Japan, on Valentine's Day, the women give men chocolates/gifts, and then the men reciprocate a month later on March 14th, or White Day. The Valentine's tradition began when a company wanted to promote a western tradition for commercial reasons, but due to a mistranslation, it was implied that only men were supposed to receive gifts. Eventually, people decided to have a separate day for women to also receive gifts, which began the tradition of White Day.
Also, he got her sobayaki dan okonomayaki (from her favorite place in Kyoto, which is why he needed a few hours) and they spent the rest of the day watching movies and cuddling until he inevitably got horny
I know this is months late, but hopefully, you guys enjoyed this lil blurb!!
Remember, if you wanna make the caramel miso butter cookies for yourself, you can find my recipe here 💕
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siriuslysatorusimping · 6 months
I Like the Shirt (Another Level NSFW Extra)
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(idk what gif to use but he's smug in this so it works)
“Is that new?” she asked nonchalantly, watching him from the corner of her eye now. “Never seen you-” “Old, actually,” Gojo answered, turning to stare at her. “Baby.” Rinko glanced over her shoulder, narrowing her eyes at his smug look. “What?” “You like the shirt?” He wrapped his arms around her waist, pressing his lips to her neck softly. “‘Cause you look like you do.” The Sukuna fight wasn't the first time Rinko saw him in a tight black t-shirt. Rinko bein' a lil horny girl for Gojo since he's always a lil horny boi for her. Set sometime after her birthday but before Shibuya.
Sharing the Another Level extras here on Tumblr now, too 😊
If you haven't read Another Level, and you liked Gojo and Rinko's dynamic, you can read Another Level on AO3 💕
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I Like the Shirt
Rinko gave him a curious look when he walked out of his closet.
The black t-shirt almost looked too small, hugging his chest and shoulders and emphasizing the muscles that were usually hidden beneath his loose sweaters or his uniform jacket.
It was the first time she’d seen him wear anything that didn’t make him look lanky.
Obviously, she’d seen his chest. She’d seen all of him. She knew that he wasn’t just thin. He was lean, but he was still built. Stronger than he looked beneath his baggy clothes. But she’d never seen him wear something that tight. Even under his jacket, he typically wore bigger shirts. This shirt made him look bigger, more defined.
She would deny how it made her mouth water until the day she died.
“Is that new?” she asked nonchalantly, watching him from the corner of her eye now. “Never seen you-”
“Old, actually,” Gojo answered, turning to stare at her. “Baby.”
She glanced over her shoulder, narrowing her eyes at his smug look.
“You like the shirt?” He wrapped his arms around her waist, pressing his lips to her neck softly. “‘Cause you look like you do.”
She whimpered as he nipped her skin teasingly, letting her head fall to the side to give him better access.
“It’s just different,” she breathed, squeezing her thighs together. “Looks good.”
Not like that was any different. He looked good in everything he wore. Honestly, it wasn’t fair.
“Yeah?” His voice was smug, and it made her want to smack him. “How good?”
Turning in his grasp, she pressed her hands against his chest, feeling it flex beneath her fingers.
“You already know you look good,” she stated, narrowing her eyes further. “Don’t need me to tell you-”
“Never said I needed it, Rinko-chan,” Gojo said, grinning at her now. “Sure do enjoy hearing it, though. How much do you like it, baby?”
“It looks good,” she repeated.
“You don’t compliment me very often,” he mused, and she smirked.
Standing on her toes, she moved one hand up to his hair and pulled him down to meet her lips.
“I don’t compliment you because if I did then your big, fat ego wouldn’t fit through the door,” she murmured, licking his lips teasingly. She ran her other hand up his chest, moaning when the muscles flexed again. “I do like this shirt, though.”
He groaned against her, moving one of his hands to her ass and squeezing. Slipping her tongue into his mouth, she whimpered when he sucked on it immediately, fisting his shirt with her hand.
“Noted, baby,” he said, biting her tongue lightly. “Fuck, sweetheart, I like this side of you. All it took was a goddamn t-shirt?”
Rinko giggled, pulling back just enough to meet his eyes as they darkened with lust.
“S’a nice shirt,” she replied, leaning up to bite his lip. She trailed her hand down, sighing when she felt his abs flex as she brushed over his stomach. “Usually don’t wear anything this tight.”
“It’s a bit older,” he said, groaning as she sank to her knees. “Fuckin- someone keeps fuckin stealing my shirts-”
“Wonder who would do that,” she teased, glancing up at him as she tugged his pants down. Taking him in her hands, she leaned forward to press a light kiss to his tip, smirking when he moaned.
“A goddamn menace,” he grunted, his hands going to her hair. “Shit, baby-”
He choked off when she swirled her tongue around the head of his cock, licking the slit and moaning at the taste of his precum.
“Taste so good,” she murmured, watching his pupils dilate. “Never enjoyed the taste of someone so much I craved it before.”
She sucked him into her mouth before pulling back and letting her teeth graze the tip lightly.
“Fuck.” His hips bucked into her, and she grinned, meeting his eyes as she took him as deep as she could, feeling him against the back of her throat as she swallowed around him. “Goddamn, baby- fuckin- shit-”
Moaning quietly, she took a deep breath through her nose and grasped his hips, tugging him toward her. Blinking the tears from her eyes, she watched as his head fell back before he pulled out and thrust down her throat.
“So fucking good,” Gojo moaned, his right hand fisting her hair. “Such a good slut, for me Rinko-chan. Want me to fuck your mouth? Wanna fucking choke on me?”
Her whimper caused him to blink slowly as his chest heaved, dropping his head to stare into her eyes.
“Fuck yeah, you do,” he grunted, his hips snapping forward again. “Shit, taking me so fucking good. Fucking perfect.”
Running her tongue along the vein on the underside of his cock as he moved, she felt smug when he stuttered just a few minutes later.
“Gonna- fucking shit, Rinko-”
His groan was guttural as she hollowed her cheeks and sucked as hard as she could, drawing a broken whine from him. Feeling his cock twitch slightly, she pulled back just enough to let her teeth graze against him before he was slamming back into her. Her nose pressed against his pelvis, and she moaned, clenching her thighs as she felt his release shooting down her throat.
“Goddamn, baby.”
Rinko swallowed slowly, leaning back enough that his cum landed on her tongue and moaning again at the taste. Blinking at him, she smirked when she finally released him completely with a teasing lick to his slit. His hips jerked forward, and he growled as he yanked her into his arms and tossed her onto his bed.
“Fucking perfect.” Gojo leaned down, licking into her mouth and groaning loudly again when she teased his tongue with hers immediately. “So good, baby.”
Ripping her underwear away, he slipped two fingers into her with ease, curling against her gspot.
“You this wet just from sucking me off, Rinko-chan?” he asked, grunting when she clenched around his fingers. “Me fucking your throat do it for you?”
She laughed quietly, biting his tongue as she drew back, unable to resist teasing him further.“Actually,” she murmured, grinning when she saw his eyes narrow at her. “It’s for this shirt-”
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siriuslysatorusimping · 5 months
Random Question (Another Level Extra)
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“So, no marriage for you, huh?” Gojo asked, tilting his head to the side as he teased her. “No budding romances? No sweet non-sorcerers waiting to sweep you off your feet?”
“Non-sorcerers are definitely out of the question.” Rinko scrunched her nose. “I don’t wanna have to lie to someone until I know they’ll stay, ya know? Not exactly the best foundation for a possible lifelong commitment.” She paused, meeting his eyes again with a smirk. “And none of the sorcerers I know are marriage material, either.”
“Hurtful,” he teased, lifting up and putting his hand over his heart. “I’m offended, baby. You don’t want me to wife you up?”
“Especially not when you say it like that,” she deadpanned.
Kiko note: One of my favorite things about writing these two is the serious conversations they have while they fuck. This is set the day after Let's Get Lost and their conversation references Hollow Echoes. This is also posted on AO3
If you haven't already, you can read Another Level on AO3 💕
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“Kinda curious ‘bout something.”
Rinko’s eyes narrowed at Gojo, prompting him to grin as he rolled his hips teasingly.
His words made her tense in suspicion because him being curious while he was balls deep was typically not a good sign.
They’d spent most of the day in bed, just like he’d asked of her yesterday while they showered. She couldn’t describe it as lazy because he’d barely allowed her any time to rest since they woke up. Their current position was the most relaxed they’d been all day.
“S’pretty random, actually,” he admitted, his hips keeping their steady pace as he filled her over and over. “That date you skipped, why’d you do it?”
“Huh?” Her eyebrows shot up before dropping, furrowing in confusion. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
The question was very random. But such a Gojo question to ask when he’d spent the entire day ruining her in every way he possibly could.
“Told you it was random,” he said, grasping her leg and wrapping it around his waist so he could thrust deeper. Her back arched in response, a strangled moan ripping from her throat. “Fuck, that’s it.” He sped up briefly before settling back into his relaxed, lazy rhythm. “The date you didn’t go on last year. Y’know, when I-”
Showed up at her apartment drunk and acting like a jealous idiot? That date? She couldn’t even say she was surprised he’d ask now of all times.
Rolling her eyes, she yelped when he slammed into her once, his eyes glinting playfully.
“S’rude to roll your eyes at me when I’m fucking you this good, Rinko-chan,” he chided. Because bringing up the night he showed up at her place drunk and jealous while he was inside her wasn’t rude. Or the very fact that he’d shown up drunk and jealous in the first place when it was supposed to be casual. His grin grew at her indignant squawk, leaning down to capture her lips, biting her tongue gently when she released a breathy moan. “Keep your bratty comment to yourself just this once-”
“Don’t really see how it’s bratty to point out you being a-” she choked off when she felt his cock stab her cervix, “-an asshole.”
Gojo just snickered, moving his lips to her neck, nuzzling the ticklish spot there.
“Come on,” he murmured, sucking a bruise onto her skin. “I’m actually curious.”
“You’re talking about the time you showed up drunk, right?”
He nipped her skin in warning, and she sighed.
“Multiple reasons,” she relented. “Was a bit stressed. I’d had a long week already, and I’d just gotten a text from you telling me to send you my address because you apparently wanted to come spank me like the asshole you-”
“You liked it,” he argued, lifting his head to give her a smug grin and laughing when she clenched instinctively at the memory. “‘Least your pretty pussy did. Squeezed me so good then, still squeezing me now. Oh, fuck.” He groaned low in his throat. “Not the point, though. You’ve had to miss dates for shit, obviously. But I thought you always rescheduled ‘em. Was surprised you didn’t reschedule that one.”
She let her head fall back as she released a heavy sigh mixed with a whine.
“Ever meet someone and- fuck, right there- just know they’re too nice?” she breathed, arching her back when he rolled his hips to graze her gspot teasingly.
Maybe nice wasn’t exactly the word but it was the best she could think of now. She knew he’d understand, though. It was why he didn’t usually see people more than once. Thank fuck he’d decided she was the exception to that rule.
“Not really sure what you mean,” he admitted, sucking on her neck again. “But I think I follow.”
“S’why you have your little ‘no repeats’ rule, yeah?” she pressed. “Because you don’t wanna risk someone getting attached?”
“Obviously. S’also why I only fuck non-sorcerers now, too. Gets messy.” He paused, leaning back to meet her eyes as if he just knew she was making a face. “You are, so far, not messy,” he said, giving her a wolfish grin. “Well, at least not in a bad way.”
She couldn’t contain the eye roll at how stupid he was sometimes.
“Pussy is fuckin incredible, too,” he continued cheekily. “So it’s a win-win for both of us.”
“If only your cock was- wait!” she giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck when he narrowed his eyes at her. Licking up the side of his throat, she nipped his jaw playfully. “A win-win. Can’t deny the guarantee of a really good fuck is nice. Might need to make a copy of your map-”
She squealed when his hands found her sides, fingers digging into her ribs relentlessly.
“Such a goddamn brat,” he growled, lifting her leg to his shoulder and grinding his hips before speeding up. He made sure to tease her gspot with each thrust, his lips latching onto her neck as her cries rose in pitch. “Not a single goddamn thing that could help anyone fuck you as good as me, and you know it. S’why you act like a fucking menace so much.”
“I would never,” she breathed, whining when he moved one of his hands between them to rub tight circles around her clit. “Fuck- don’t- don’t stop-”
“Yeah?” he taunted, digging his teeth into her neck and pulling a strangled moan from her. “My little slut gonna cum for me like a good girl? Hm? Come on, Rinko-chan. Show me you can be a good girl.”
He pinched her clit hard, and a broken scream wrenched free as she came. Whimpers and moans fell uncontrollably as she convulsed, thrashing against him when he sped up.
“Just like that,” he cooed, his tongue soothing where he’d bitten. He moaned quietly in her ear, his hips stuttering briefly. “Such a good girl for me.”
She just whined as she felt him twitching as he spilled inside her, releasing a long, guttural groan before he released her leg and dropped his weight on top of her. His arms wrapped underneath her tightly, his lips tracing random patterns along her shoulder.
“Never answered my question,” he mumbled, and she nodded. “Said somethin’ about people getting attached?”
Catching her breath, she blinked around the sleep trying to pull her under.
“Yeah. Just- when you meet someone and kinda just know they’re looking for the whole thing. Date, fall in love, have kids type thing, ya know?”
He lifted his head curiously, meeting her eyes.
“You don’t want that?”
Pursing her lips to the side, she shrugged as best she could.
“I- maybe someday,” she admitted quietly. “But- this life doesn’t really let that happen. Name one happily married couple you know of?”
The snort he released made her chuckle, and he nodded.
“Can’t,” he said. “Parents weren’t exactly the happiest. They weren’t miserable, but they sure as hell weren’t happy.”
“Probably had something to do with having you as their kid,” she teased lightly. “I imagine it wasn’t easy. There were a lot of hits out on you pretty young, right?”
His scoff was paired with a dramatic eye roll before he leveled her with a bored look.
“Took care of those pretty easy,” he deadpanned. “None of ‘em had the guts to try anything. Parents were just… distant.” He shrugged again. “Guess I can’t compete much with you, though. Your old man’s a real piece of shit.”
She definitely didn’t need that reminder.
“So, no marriage for you, huh?” he asked, tilting his head to the side as he teased her. “No budding romances? No sweet non-sorcerers waiting to sweep you off your feet?”
“Non-sorcerers are definitely out of the question,” she replied instantly, scrunching her nose. “I don’t- I don’t wanna have to lie to someone until I know they’ll stay, ya know? Not exactly the best foundation for a possible lifelong commitment.” She paused, meeting Gojo’s eyes again with a smirk. “And none of the sorcerers I know are marriage material.”
“Hurtful,” he teased, lifting up and putting his hand over his heart. “I’m offended, baby. You don’t want me to wife you up?”
“Especially not when you say it like that,” she deadpanned. “Be honest, you never intend to settle down, either. Too busy, yeah? It’s why you don’t wanna deal with anyone getting attached.”
His teasing grin shrank a bit as he nodded.
“Yeah,” he agreed. “Got a lot of shit to take care of. Not like there’s anyone who could keep up with me.”
As expected. She’d assumed as much.
“Ever been in love?”
He snorted, and she snickered at his bored look.
“Have you ever been in love?” he countered, grinning when she snorted just like he had. “You can say you’re in love with me, Rinko-chan.”
“Sorry, Gojo,” she hummed drily. “But you really aren’t the kinda person I want to fall in love with. Emotionally constipated would be an understatement.”
“Again, hurtful,” he chuckled. “But nah. Never been in love. Kinda don't ever wanna be. Fucks people up, yeah? S’what causes some of the nastiest curses. Like the one from your exam.”
As if she could forget. She’d almost fucking drowned. A curse born from the hatred of a scorned wife. A scorned lover.
“My mom used to say she loved Naobito at one point,” Rinko noted, gnawing on her bottom lip. “She loved him when they were together. Dunno what the fuck about that asshole could be lovable, but she meant it. It- it fucked her up pretty good. She- always said she didn’t regret it because it gave her- me. But- not so sure I could do it. Be as strong as she was.”
Almost two years without her and it still felt like yesterday. Her chest ached at the realization.
“You miss her.”
“Well, yeah,” she said, feeling small. “She was- my favorite person. The only one I had for most of my life.”
Gojo nodded, understanding coloring his expression.
“Well, you got me now, Rinko-chan,” he stated firmly. He wrapped his arms underneath her again, holding her tighter than before. It made the weight in her chest lift a bit. “And Nanamin. Got a lot of people here for you. Hell, you can even say you’ve got Fushiguro’s brat now, too. Since you fuckin bribed him with those damn cookies-”
“Not my fault you didn’t think of that before me,” she argued, unable to fight the grin at his pout. “Don’t be jealous, Satoru.”
He just rolled his eyes and dropped his head down, burying his face in her neck.
“Thank you,” she murmured, twisting his hair around her fingers gently. “You- I dunno if you need or want to, but you have me now, too.”
His breath fanned across her neck as he hugged her tighter.
“‘Course I want to, Rinko-chan,” he replied, groaning when he shifted, and they both seemed to remember that he was still inside her. “Mm, fuck. I need a fuckin nap, and then I’m gonna keep you tied to this bed until one of us has to leave.”
He chuckled darkly when she couldn’t contain the quiet moan, licking her neck teasingly.
“Rest up, baby.”
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siriuslysatorusimping · 6 months
Memorable Firsts (Another Level Extra)
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“Let’s go on the Ferris wheel.” With him? Alone? Inside a semi-private Ferris wheel gondola? A horrible idea. Especially with the gleam in his eyes as he stared at her. “I am not letting you fuck me on a Ferris wheel,” Rinko stated firmly, fighting the urge to grin at his overly scandalized look. “I would never,” he gasped, leaning closer. “But it’s good to know what you’re thinking about, Rinko-chan.” Her eyeroll drew a wolfish grin to his face, and he draped his arm around her shoulders. “Don’t you wanna live out that normie fantasy of making out at the top of a Ferris wheel?” “And what if I already have?” she challenged. A cute day out at the amusement park set between Echoes of Hope and Trust and Traditions! Cross-posted on AO3 as well
If you haven't already, you can read Another Level on AO3 💕
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Memorable Firsts
Rinko accepted the strawberries and cream crepe Gojo held out for her, taking a large bite and humming at the sweet taste.
“Where are the kids?” she asked as she chewed slowly.
He let his shades slip down so she could see how his eyes followed her tongue when she licked some of the whipped cream from her lips.
“Yuuji dragged the others toward some of the games,” he replied absently, clearing his throat. “Just the two of us for now. Wonder what we could do to occupy ourselves?”
He’d excitedly informed her earlier that week that he had decided to take the kids to an amusement park in Osaka as a bit of a reward for all their recent hard work.
“A little weekend trip,” he’d said, pouting when she asked why he thought she needed to go. “Because I’d rather share a room with you than Kusakabe.”
“I dunno,” she’d teased, knowing his eyes were narrowing behind his blindfold. “I think you two could have loads of fun.” His eyeroll was fully visible as he lifted the blindfold, and she snickered. “I’m not faculty. And don’t pretend you were ever inviting Kusakabe, I’d bet you weren’t even planning on telling him.”
Really, she knew it was to get their minds off the impending sense of dread they all felt. The fact that they hadn’t identified the mole yet was weighing on his mind. So, being the good friend that she was to the pouting, overgrown child, she’d agreed to tag along.
If only after receiving pleading looks from Megumi and Maki. And booking her own room.
Humming now, she picked a strawberry from inside the crepe and popped it in her mouth.
“I wouldn’t mind going on a few rides,” she stated, rolling her eyes when Gojo stiffened. “Down, boy. I meant actual rides.”
“Got a ride for you,” he muttered, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Let’s go on the Ferris wheel.”
With him? Alone? Inside a semi-private Ferris wheel gondola? A horrible idea.
Especially with the gleam in his eyes as he stared at her.
“I am not letting you fuck me on a Ferris wheel,” she stated firmly, fighting the urge to grin at his overly scandalized look.
“I would never,” he gasped, leaning closer. “But it’s good to know what you’re thinking about, Rinko-chan.”
Her eyeroll drew a wolfish grin to his face, and he draped his arm around her shoulders.
“Don’t you wanna live out that normie fantasy of making out at the top of a Ferris wheel?”
“And what if I already have?” she challenged, feeling his arm tighten around her. She met his eyes as they narrowed at her behind his shades. “Was on a date with a normie. He was a good-”
Gojo’s quiet growl had a smirk pulling at her lips as he practically dragged her toward the short line for the ride.
He stole a few bites of the crepe as they waited, pouting when she shoved the last strawberry in her mouth without offering it to him. Rolling her eyes, she held out the last bite of the pastry as consolation. His boyish grin was paired with his eyes lighting up, and she sighed when he opened his mouth for her to feed it to him.
“There are children around,” she reminded drily, moving her hand away before he could lick her fingers. “And you’re being grossly inappropriate.”
A dark chuckle was all she received in reply as they reached the front and climbed inside the cabin. The attendant closed the door, waving to them happily as the ride moved enough for the next group to enter their own car.
Once they’d reached the top, pausing to allow passengers to board, he grasped the side of her face and yanked her into him, capturing her lips in a surprisingly gentle kiss. Clutching his shirt, she sighed, moving her lips against his lazily. The pace was unexpected after how excited he’d seemed, but she was slowly getting used to his newfound liking for soft kisses. Even if she had to force herself not to read into them.
“So you’re telling me that you never made out on a Ferris Wheel?” she teased when he finally pulled away.
“Nope,” he replied simply, pulling her closer. “I hadn’t. ‘Least not til now.” He leaned down to nuzzle her neck, licking her skin when she giggled. “You forgetting that most of my ‘dates’ in the past were just grabbing dinner and fucking in a hotel?”
She hadn’t, which was why she honestly wasn’t surprised to find out he’d never done something silly like making out on a Ferris wheel. Nothing about his life had been mundane enough to allow for something so simple.
“Funny enough-” her breath hitched when he started sucking on her pulse. “Stop. I already told you we’re not fucking on-”
“Not my fault you’re so sexy,” he muttered, biting down. “What were you saying, sweetheart? I’m listening.”
Rolling her eyes, she grasped his hair and dragged his face from her neck, ignoring his pout.
“You’re insufferable,” she reminded, unable to fight a small smile. “But I was gonna say that my little ‘makeout session’ was a decade ago. Went on a date with a normie not long after graduating, and-”
“And you better not try to tell me you think it was better than now,” he deadpanned, his pout growing comically. “Because if you tell me that I’m somehow being outdone by a damn normie from over ten years ago, then-”
Her laugh made him scowl, and she patted his cheek.
“It was okay,” she admitted, scrunching her face as she remembered the events following. “He was my first time, too. But- he was who made me realize I could never be with a non-sorcerer. Not long term, anyway.”
“Well, goddamn,” Gojo snorted, raising his eyebrows. “Did you fuck him on the Ferris wheel?”
She flicked his ear playfully, smirking.
“No,” she denied. “We went back to his car, and-”
“Oh, the old classic of having your first time in a car,” he teased, and she laughed again. “How special.”
“Maybe it was,” she hummed, a sly grin pulling at her lips. “But not quite as memorable as getting to be a first for the Gojo Satoru. Adding ‘first Ferris wheel makeout session’ to the list, now.” She watched his eyes darken, already preparing for his reaction as she continued. “But I think it’ll have to fall behind being the first to make you bleed in a fight-”
He pinned her to the wall of the car, his lips insistent as he tried to devour her. The previous sweet kisses were forgotten, and he groaned when she released a quiet whimper.
But her prior statement still stood.
“Not here,” he grunted, biting her bottom lip until he drew blood. “I know, you fucking menace. Gonna finish this later, though.”
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siriuslysatorusimping · 6 months
Not in Front of the Kid (Another Level Extra)
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“You named it what?” The pure white kitten stared up at him meekly, purring in her arms. Its bright blue eyes had immediately reminded her of him when she’d found it alone in the alley. “Ranto,” she replied simply. “I think it’s cute-” “You named it ‘runt.’” In which Rinko found a stray kitten and took it in for a little while
If you haven't already, you can read Another Level on AO3 💕
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Not in Front of the Kid
“You named it what?”
Gojo’s voice was amused as he spoke, causing her to turn and glare at him.
The pure white kitten stared up at him meekly, purring in her arms. Its bright blue eyes had immediately reminded her of him when she’d found it alone in the alley. Except the innocence in them was different. Nevertheless, she couldn’t leave it when she realized it had been abandoned.
“Ranto,” she replied simply, snuggling it closer to her chest. “I think it’s cute-”
“You named it ‘runt.’” He raised an eyebrow at her, amusement clearly growing when she stiffened. “Baby-”
“It’s cute,” Rinko argued, moving out of his reach. “And he is a runt, so I-”
He was laughing now, shoulders shaking as she placed the kitten down in the makeshift bed she’d quickly thrown together on the floor of her kitchen. It continued to purr, kneading the fluffy blanket Rinko had tucked into the small cardboard box happily.
“You’re cute, baby,” Gojo said, cornering her against the counter. “And I think the name is fine-”
“I didn’t ask you,” Rinko snipped, turning her head when he tried to kiss her. “I like the name, and I don’t need your approval.”
He didn’t let that deter him, leaning down and pressing his lips to her neck instead.
“I know you don’t, Rinko-chan,” he murmured, nipping at her skin softly and groaning when she whimpered. “You’re just so fuckin sweet sometimes.”
A quiet moan escaped when she felt his tongue teasing her ticklish spot, and she squirmed against him. Forcing her eyes to stay open, she tried to move away. She had things she needed to do.
So many reports to finish. She’d let herself fall behind again, and she really didn’t want to deal with Yoshinobu lecturing her.
Gojo caught her waist, pinning her against the counter now as he leaned up and captured her lips, immediately teasing his tongue against hers. Her hands went to his chest to push him away lightly, but she ended up just grasping his shirt when he sucked on her tongue.
Whimpering, she pulled away just enough to speak, blinking to clear her head.
“We can’t-”
“Right,” he nodded solemnly, pulling back and nodding towards the cat. “Not in front of the kid-”
Rinko smacked his chest, narrowing her eyes at him and he laughed. He picked her up, his hands grasping her thighs and wrapping her legs around his waist.
“I know, baby,” he continued seriously as he pressed his lips to hers again. “Can’t taint its mind yet.”
She wrapped her arms around his neck to keep from falling as he started carrying her toward her bedroom. Squirming in his arms, she tried to free her legs, but he just tightened his grip.
“I have things to do!” she snapped, yelping when he pretended to drop her. “Gojo-”
“I’ll do you,” he teased, placing her on her bed and crawling on top of her. “S’more important anyway-”
“You are the worst.”
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siriuslysatorusimping · 6 months
I'll Take Care of Her (Another Level Extra)
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He couldn’t stop the small grin from forming now. “She’s my favorite person,” he admitted proudly. “My best friend. And- she’s- I love her. More than I thought I could love someone, honestly. She’s special. I think- I’m sure you already knew that, though. You fuckin raised her. Made her the stubborn menace that she is. And I’m grateful.” Gojo has visited Yuzuki's grave once without Rinko Set on Rinko's birthday, which is why he was running late in Trust and Traditions.
If you haven't already, you can read Another Level on AO3 💕
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I'll Take Care of Her
Shuffling uncomfortably, he let out a heavy sigh as he placed the small container down.
“I’m, uh, s’not homemade, but-” he cut off, running a hand through his hair. “I don’t think you’d want something I tried to make, honestly. Probably wouldn’t be edible-”
Like it fucking mattered to a dead person.
He felt awkward.
He’d never actually visited a grave before.
Sure, he knew what he was supposed to do, but he had no fucking idea what to say. Or how to say it.
Removing his glasses and tucking them in his shirt pocket, he let out another deep sigh before kneeling down and staring at the stone in front of him.
“Anyway,” he drawled, clearing his throat. “I know she usually brings some, and- kinda partially my fault she isn’t here today. So, I figured- yeah.”
He rubbed his eyes for a moment, still feeling like a dumbass, as he wondered what the hell he was thinking coming here.
“Fuck,” he muttered, blinking slowly as he forced himself to stay put. “Just gotta fuckin- spit it out.”
Taking another breath, he stared at the name, wondering what the woman would think, seeing him like this. Wondering if she’d ever even known he existed. He had no idea if Rinko ever even mentioned him to her mother beyond maybe saying he was who recommended her Grade 1 promotion.
“I- I know I don’t deserve her,” he finally said, ticking his jaw to the side. “In any way. I don’t deserve her friendship or her love. Not after everything I’ve put her through. But- she’s giving me that chance to try and- I don’t even know what she expects of me, honestly. ‘Cept maybe just to be a dumbass. She’s right, too. Usually is. She’s- from what I’ve heard about you, she’s a lot like you. Forgiving. A bigger heart than someone in our world has any right to have, honestly. Something she likely got from you. Sure as hell didn’t get it from that old bastard.”
Taking another breath, he let his head fall for just a moment.
“I’m- I never thought I’d meet someone who- cared about me the way she does,” he whispered, running his hand through his hair again. “Something else I think I have you to thank for. I’ve- I’ve put her through a lot of bullshit over the years. She’s- she’s definitely loved me through them. Even if- even if she doesn’t tell me that’s why she’s stuck around. It took me too long to- realize that about her. That she- still sees any good in me at all. She’s- fucking incredible. Strong. Stronger than she thinks she is. More- more important than she thinks she is, too.”
He couldn’t stop the small grin from forming now.
“She’s my favorite person,” he admitted proudly. “My best friend. And- she’s- I love her. More than I thought I could love someone, honestly. Gonna- I wanna spend the rest of my life with her. Forever, really. I wanna spend forever with her. And I’m gonna ask her eventually. Once I know she’ll believe me when I ask. But- thank you. For- her. For being the reason she’s someone I- sure as hell don’t deserve, but who loves me anyway. Deciding to stay by my side even after- everything I’ve done. She’s special. I think- I’m sure you already knew that, though. You fuckin raised her. Made her the stubborn menace that she is. And I’m grateful.”
The grin on his face grew a tiny bit as he stood again, shoving his hands in his pockets.
“You did a really fucking good job with her,” he told the stone. “Wish- wish I coulda met you. You must’ve been a real menace yourself if she’s any indication. But- yeah. Thank you for her. I’ll- she doesn’t need me to, not really. But I’ll take care of her. Love her. In every way I can. In every way she’ll let me.”
He did a quick once over, making sure he’d picked everything up before tapping the stone lightly.
“I’ll take care of her.”
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siriuslysatorusimping · 6 months
Ruined Evening (Another Level Extra)
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“Kurisaki,” he said, his voice held a warning. “When you get back from that fucking job, you’d better be ready to-” “I got back this afternoon,” she informed him gleefully. “S’why I was calling, actually. But you seem to have been a bit busy-” “Have half a mind to get on the bullet train now,” he hissed, the background noises shifting as he walked out of the building he was in. “I’ll come there right now. You know I will.” “So scary,” she teased, laughing when he growled. Rinko called Gojo while he was in a... compromising situation. Set between Let's Get Lost and Double-Edged Words I'm also trying out a new format for their text messages and would like to know thoughts.
If you haven't read Another Level, and you liked Gojo and Rinko's dynamic, you can read Another Level on AO3 💕
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Ruined Evening
His voice sounded strained, breathless.
“What do you-”
“Seriously dude? I know you didn’t just answer your fucking phone while you’re inside me-”
Her eyebrows shot up, a small laugh bubbling in her throat as he said something to the woman who sounded very unhappy. Honestly, Rinko didn’t blame her, she’d probably be pissed too.
“You’re joking,” she laughed, her giggles taking over. “Gojo, you’re such an asshole-”
He sounded irritated when he spoke again and she had to fight the giggles to hear him.
“Did you need something?” he asked, his voice still strained like he was holding back. She knew that voice. She’d quite literally just blue-balled him. “Or is this a social call?”
Rinko couldn’t stop laughing now, her cackles leaving her breathless as she leaned over.
“I’m so sorry,” she wheezed, tears in her eyes. “But why the fuck did you answer your goddamn phone? You dick-”
“Kurisaki, can I call you back?”
“Sure,” she hummed, still giggling. “At least let the poor girl cum, Gojo. She deserves it after you answered your fucking phone-”
He hung up and she dissolved into another fit of giggles. Her sides were hurting as her phone pinged not a moment later.
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When he didn’t reply again, she kept giggling, her gasps finally dying out as her phone pinged again thirty minutes later.
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That made her pause, pursing her lips as she realized he was right. She had only called him a few times.
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She knew with that last message that his jaw was clenching and his eyes were narrowing. A fact that was confirmed moments later when he called.
Holding the phone to her ear, she waited for him to speak.
“You’re acting like a goddamn brat,” he hissed quietly, rustling telling her that he was getting dressed. “And you’re really fucking lucky that-”
“Gojo,” Rinko cut him off, a smirk on her face. “Tell me that you aren’t calling to threaten me like this right after you just got off. Can’t be that wound up, can you?”
She heard the sound of a door closing and then the ding of an elevator before he replied, now at full volume.
“Kurisaki,” he said, his voice held a warning that she absolutely loved ignoring. “When you get back from that fucking job, you’d better be ready to-”
“I got back this afternoon,” she informed him gleefully. “S’why I was calling, actually. But you seem to have been a bit busy-”
“Have half a mind to get on the bullet train now,” he hissed, the background noises shifting as he walked out of the building he was in. “I’ll come there right now. You know I will.”
“So scary,” she teased, laughing when he growled. “Really, Gojo. Did you not get to cum? Because you’re sure as hell-”
“I’m warping there right now.”
The knock on her door made her laugh, which she heard echo through the phone.
“You didn’t-”
“Open the goddamn door,” he warned, his voice doubling as well. “Kurisaki, open the door. Or I’ll fucking break it down. Gonna fucking tie you to that goddamn bed and keep you there until you’re fucking crying.”
Her cunt clenched at his words, but she scrunched her nose.
“Nope,” she said simply, not moving from her spot. “You haven’t even showered-”
“Showered before I left,” he replied instantly. “Hair’s still wet. You can check-”
She giggled, and he growled again.
“Last fucking chance,” Gojo warned. “Because I’ll fucking-”
He cut off as she opened her door, raising her eyebrows in amusement at the scowl on his face as he pushed inside.
“You’re such a fucking brat,” he snapped, pressing her against the wall as he slammed the door shut. “Such big fucking talk for the slut that’ll be crying and begging to cum in just a few minutes-”
“A plea that’s never been answered anyway,” Rinko shot back, delighting in the way his eyes darkened. “Always talking a big game, Gojo-”
He snarled and leaned down, his tongue forcing its way into her mouth, mint invading her senses and telling her he’d brushed his teeth.
“Planned ahead, I see,” she murmured, earning a harsh bite to her tongue and a swat to her ass. “Testy, too-”
“Better fucking tell me your goddamn color quick,” he growled. “Because I’m gonna fucking spank your ass raw.”
“And if I say ‘red?’” she asked, pulling back slightly, staring at him seriously. “Because I dunno if I’m actually okay with you fucking me literally right after being inside someone else. S’kinda gross.”
“I wore a condom, and I showered,” Gojo stated, watching her face as she gave him a skeptical look. “If you say ‘red’ then I stop. You know that.”
“Yeah, it’s a red from me,” she said, scrunching her nose. “As funny as it was. I’m not into that. Honestly, that’s pretty gross.”
He let out a heavy sigh, blinking a few times as he stepped away.
“Fair,” he relented, running his hand through his damp hair. “Got a bit- caught up in the moment.”
“I was serious when I asked if you didn’t get to cum,” Rinko stated, watching his eyes as they snapped back to hers. “Because you’re usually less… irritable after you do.”
“I didn’t actually,” he replied flatly. “Was about to, and then some fucking menace called-”
“It’s your fault for answering,” she reminded him, giggling when he gave her a petulant glare. “Shower again in the morning and we’ll talk. Might even suck your dick if you’re extra nice to me.”
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siriuslysatorusimping · 6 months
*Excerpt* Untitled (Another Level extra)
Hiiiiiiiiii it’s me.
If I finish this extra in time, I’ll post it on Gojo’s birthday even though it has nothing to do with his birthday 😂 It's the extra about their day at the amusement park!
It’s set between Echoes of Hope and Trust and Traditions 😊
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“I wouldn’t mind going on a few rides,” she stated, rolling her eyes when Gojo stiffened. “Down, boy. I meant actual rides.”
“Got a ride for you,” he muttered, running his hand through his hair. “Let’s go on the Ferris wheel.”
With him? Alone? Inside a semi-private Ferris wheel gondola? A horrible idea.
Especially with the gleam in his eyes as he stared at her.
“I am not letting you fuck me on a Ferris wheel,” she stated firmly, fighting the urge to grin at his overly scandalized look.
“I would never,” he gasped, leaning closer. “But it’s good to know what you’re thinking about, Rinko-chan.”
Her eyeroll drew a wolfish grin to his face, and he draped his arm around her shoulders.
“Don’t you wanna live out that normie fantasy of making out on a Ferris Wheel?”
“And what if I already have?” she challenged.
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siriuslysatorusimping · 7 months
"Would You Still Love Me?" (Physical Paradox blurbs)
So, someone mentioned a while ago that they wondered how Goinko would react to the question "would you still love me if I was a worm?" And I had a few ideas, so I've decided to post the blurbs I wrote 😂😂
These are both Physical Paradox Goinko
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Drunk Rinko asking Gojo before dating
Her giggles were breaking free before she could get the question out, and she pouted when Gojo just smirked at her.
“It’s- I’m trying to ask a serious question!” she insisted, finally smothering her laughter. “Gojo-”
“Yes, Rinko-chan?” his arm was around her shoulders, and she fought the urge to lean into him further. “What’s your question?”
“Would you-” she lost herself to her laughter again, knowing it was such a stupid question. He was probably going to make fun of her. “Would you- still be my friend- if- I was a worm?”
His eyebrows shot up, his smirk shifting to a giant grin as she giggled uncontrollably. She gasped for breath as he leaned closer, his face level with hers, and her breath hitched when his eyes dropped to her lips for a moment.
“Yes,” he replied, bumping his forehead against hers. “I’d still be your friend, Rinko-chan. You’re cute, ya know that? Bet you’d even be cute as a worm.”
She scrunched her nose at him, earning a quiet chuckle.
“That’s weird,” she stated, leaning closer. “Are you into worms?”
He rolled his eyes, leaning away.
“No, sweetheart,” he smirked again. “Just you. But what’s got you askin' that, huh?”
“Kento said he’d flush me down the toilet if I was a worm,” she whined, pouting again. “So I said that I’d use him as fishing bait-”
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Drunk Rinko asking Gojo while they're dating
She held his face between her hands, staring into his eyes intently.
“I have a question,” she began, watching him clearly trying to fight a smile. “I’m serious.”
“I know you are, baby,” he assured her. “Go ahead. Ask your question.”
He was already making fun of her.
“Don’t laugh at me,” she whined, pouting when he chuckled. “Gojo-”
“Not laughing at you, sweetheart,” he lied. “Ask your very serious question.”
“Would you-” she paused, pursing her lips to the side. “Would you still love me- if- if I was a worm?”
He snickered immediately, leaning closer to press his lips to hers.
“Yes, baby,” he murmured, pulling her into his arms fully. “I’d love you no matter what form you took.”
“Would you carry me around in a jar with air holes poked in the top?” she asked, feeling his laughter shake through her. “I’m serious-”
“I’d take you with me everywhere, baby,” he replied, pecking her cheek. “Everywhere. I’d love you no matter what.”
“You’re into worms,” she scrunched her nose. “I knew there had to be something wrong with you.”
He was cackling now, and he pulled her onto his lap as he nuzzled her neck.
“I’m just into you, baby,” he said simply. “I’ll always love you. No matter what.”
“Even if I was a gross, wriggly worm?”
“I don’t think you could ever not be cute, Rinko-chan,” he countered playfully. “But yes, baby. I’d still love you even if you were a worm.”
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siriuslysatorusimping · 5 months
Hi Kiko! Hope you're doing well!!
Just wanted to say that those miso butter cookies look DELICIOUSSS (and I totally didn't save the recipe for the chocolate version to try the next time I need a distraction when I get the urge to ✨️procrastinate✨️ something important)
I also had a really random thought but would Goinko, either Another level or Physical paradox ever own any pets? And if so which ones? I feel like Rinko would like both cats and dogs as pets.
The Chocolate Miso Butter Cookies are SO GOOD. Like, I've eaten almost all of them by myself 🙃🙃 They're delicious and addictive, and it's a problem. Especially because they're so easy to make 😭 I just tried making the mocha ones, so I'll keep you guys updated on how it goes 👀 There was some trial and error making the dough, so I'm hoping the first batch turns out okay. But I'm going to leave them to chill overnight!
As for if Goinko would ever own pets?? 🤔🤔🤔
Another Level
Rinko is definitely the kind of person who likes both cats and dogs! She liked the little white kitten she rescued, and she also loved the Divine Dogs 😊 The main reason she didn't keep the kitten she found was that she didn't have the time to take care of it, and she ended up giving it to a neighbor!
But I think if they had time now, I could definitely see them having a cat or dog! Gojo would probably be jealous if they ended up hogging time with Rinko, though 😂😂😂
OOOOHHH, I could definitely see there being a stray cat that starts popping up around Tokyo Tech's campus, though!!!! It could kinda just become the universal Jujutsu Tech cat 😂😂
Physical Paradox
So, they didn't have time for pets while they were in school. And when they were living separately, having a pet would have been extra difficult because they tried to visit each other so often. BUT I could see them getting a dog, or a cat that comes and goes, once they were living in the same city again! I don't really have pets in the story right now because it's already very difficult to manage so many characters 😅😅 The More the Merrier was challenging because I wanted to include more characters, but it was just too chaotic 😭😭
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siriuslysatorusimping · 7 months
Your rant about college au's and high school- first of all, I relate lol. Second of all, I had a slightly different college experience because I went to school at a teeny tiny women's college (700 students at most, no Greek life, no football). So it wasn't that there was a single student everyone knew, but that everyone just knew everyone. I love that I had that experience, but honestly reading Physical Paradox makes me wonder what going to a bigger school, a larger pond, if you will, would have been like. My grad school is still super tiny compared to most colleges in the state even though it feels a bit bigger to me. Maybe I'll get to experience it for my post doc - but if I only experience it through Physical Paradox, I can't complain :)
See, that reminds me of small-town syndrome. And as someone who is from a semi-small town, and whose mom is definitely from a small town (like, you mention her maiden name to someone there and everyone in a ten-foot radius knows who you're talking about 🙃) I feel like I would have hated that lol.
Though, I will say I went to a community college for a couple years before university, and that was actually really nice. But there weren't really people I saw regularly.
There's a level of anonymity to a big school that's super comforting.
When it came to my school, there were around... 35-40k students when I was in undergrad? We had a homecoming king and queen every year who were from some of the larger organizations or greek groups, but I couldn't tell you their names then or now. No one except the people in those orgs cared. Ever. They got people to vote by offering them free things. No one cared because it was literally just, "I need to survive this week. My future is on the line so why do I give a fuck if some asshole gets to walk on the football field and wear a fake crown?"
We had a student body president, but AGAIN I COULD NOT TELL YOU THE NAME OF ANY OF THEM EVER. (wait, that's a lie, one of my friends went to high school with one of them, so I spoke to him once in the hallway of the English building when he stopped to talk to her - long before he became student body president - and then promptly never spoke to him ever again. I think his name was Ben? 🤔)
I wasn't in any clubs, and I was never in a sorority, either, so things were likely very different for people who were. But I really enjoyed my undergrad and grad experience. I was depressed as fuck, but I still am, so I can't blame school for that lol.
When it came to recognizing people, I'm not joking when I say Mahomes was the only one people recognized. The quarterback a few years later was one of my friends' students and SHE HAD NO FUCKING CLUE WHO HE WAS AND NEITHER DID THE REST OF US BECAUSE WE STOPPED CARING ONCE WE COULDN'T GO TO THE GAMES FOR FREE.
If anything, there were a few professors who taught the basic courses that everyone knew because they'd taken a class with them because they had to at some point (a history, anthropology, science, or art history class). But I'm talking like, "Oh, Dr. Whatshisface, who teaches that one super weird class that counts as this core credit so you don't have to take the boring version? Yeah, everyone took that class." there was a professor who taught a northern myths and legends class who looked like a mix of Chris Hemsworth and Russel Crowe, it was strange. He also taught German. Most people had heard of him because he dressed up as Thor every Halloween to make his students laugh. He was really nice. He let us watch movies as extra credit.
Now, departments? Oh, the departments talked. Every department had professors everyone knew or hated or loved. My fave prof was a lit professor everyone thought was super hot (I've genuinely always been creeped out by this, and what's funnier is that he was also creeped out.) My least favorite was the asshole I've mentioned before, and literally no one liked him.
SO. Physical Paradox Goinko makes sense from a professor perspective because word spreads about the good and bad professors. "Don't take this guy because he's an asshole" "take this professor because she's wonderful" "if you take this guy, the class fucking sucks but it's actually really great and you learn a lot" "that guy is a dick, but he's actually a good teacher if you give him a chance"
That kind of shit always goes around. People ask acquaintances about professors or specific classes because a professor makes or breaks that class for the semester. I remember being devastated when a class I was taking got switched to a different prof last minute and GUESS WHAT IT WAS HORRIBLE. ONE OF THE ONLY B'S I GOT IN GRAD SCHOOL. FUCK THAT GUY.
But I'm trying to keep it as realistic as possible when it comes to the student aspect. Because people just don't know each other and they honestly don't give a fuck most of the time. You meet someone in a class and you become decent enough friends, but if you never speak to them again after that? Meh. No biggie. That's what Rinko and Geto were like before the class in Theoretical Introduction. They likely would have still become better friends in that class, even without Gojo there, though.
Grad school was different because you have cohorts and those are smaller groups of people you're with until you finish your program, but even then? I know next to nothing about anyone who was in my program aside from my best friend. BUT WE ONLY BECAME GOOD FRIENDS BECAUSE WE WERE OFFICE MATES. WE WOULD HAVE NEVER SPOKEN OUTSIDE OF CLASSES IF NOT FOR THAT. I think there were five(? it's been so long I actually can't remember) of us, and we became friends in that we occasionally grabbed drinks together and graded together but beyond that? I still speak to two people, including my best friend. The other lives kinda close to me now anD I JUST REALIZED I HAVEN'T RESPONDED TO A TEXT FROM HER IN WEEKS HOLY FUCK WE WERE TRYING TO PLAN GETTING DINNER-
okay rant over i'm gonna go reply and try to be a decent friend 🫠🫠🫠
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