#goinko blurb
siriuslysatorusimping · 6 months
*Blurb* For Your Health - Gojo Satoru
This is based on the following:
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This is technically a Gojo x OFC(Rinko) blurb, but she's not named specifically, so you can read it however.
College!Gojo found a fun lil fact in his textbook and wants to help his girlfriend stay healthy.
Honestly this is just v fluffy and cute.
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For Your Health
She stared at him, raising her eyebrows when he gave her an innocent pout.
“For your health, baby,” Gojo implored, holding his textbook up. “Lemme play with your boobs.” He pointed to the section he'd just highlighted. "See? Cancer prevention. Science doesn't lie. I'm doing this for you. Completely pure intentions-" He cut off when she looked up at the ceiling curiously and scooted away. "What?"
"Waiting for lightning to strike you for that blatant lie," she replied drily, meeting his eyes again. "You wouldn't know pure if your life depended on it."
"But yours depends on this!" he argued dramatically, tossing the book aside and yanking her closer, pinning her beneath him on the couch. "What kind of boyfriend would I be if I let you run the risk of cancer, baby?"
"Yes, I'm sure you're very concerned about me getting cancer," she deadpanned as he leaned down to nuzzle the ticklish spot on her neck. She couldn't fight the giggles when he nosed it insistently, feeling him grin against her at the sound. "You just wanna get outta studying."
"Promise I'm not trying to get out of anything," he murmured, his hands palming her breasts through her shirt. "Just want to help my sexy- I mean my really smart and healthy girlfriend stay healthy."
She snorted and flicked his ear, causing him to lean back so he could stare at her. His grin didn't falter as he met her eyes, and she couldn't help but smile back at the dopey look on his face.
"You're a dork," she reminded, looping her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly. "You're a dumb, childish dork. And I love you. Never change."
"Count on it," he promised, relaxing into her embrace and snaking his arms beneath her. He buried his face in her neck again, snuggling closer. "I love you, too."
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siriuslysatorusimping · 2 months
Overboard (Another Level Valentine's Blurb)
Another Level Masterlist | Kiko's Masterlist | AO3 💕
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Overboard 2020
Rinko released a heavy sigh at the sight of numerous boxes and bags piled on top of her desk when she opened the door to her office. Not a single inch of the surface was visible beneath the plethora of decorative containers, and she couldn’t help but chuckle when one fell off the side.
Stepping forward, she picked up the fallen bag and opened it to find a box of assorted chocolates.
She couldn’t even say she was surprised, but she’d admit that she found it shocking he’d managed to get it done before she got to work. He must have slipped out in the middle of the night.
A smile formed when she noticed a bag of black sesame cookies, grabbing them to munch on as she assessed the damage done to her office.
Overboard, as always, she mused to herself.
Again, she wasn’t surprised.
Admittedly, she had gone a bit overboard on Valentine’s Day to make up for missing last year. Even though it hadn’t been her fault.
The look on Gojo’s face when he realized she’d been able to convince them to sell her ten dozen caramel miso butter cookies in one order was priceless. She’d made it weeks in advance, and it had been ridiculously expensive for cookies. But his smile had made it all worth it.
They’d barely lasted him a week.
The fact that the man still had a fucking eight-pack and no diabetes was completely unfair.
“Like your gifts, baby?” his voice murmured in her ear, drawing a yelp from her as she jumped.
Gojo’s arm wrapped around her waist, his lips connecting with her temple.
“I love them,” she murmured. “You didn’t have to-”
“When has that ever stopped me?” he scoffed, squeezing her tightly.
She took another bite of her cookie, “Did you blackmail Megumi-”
“He asked if I was doing something and wanted to help,” Gojo cut her off, smirking at her raised eyebrows. She knew Megumi was thoughtful, but he also hated showing any kind of affection. “I know. He only got the cookies, though.”
Scanning the items she could see, she hummed when he squeezed her waist tighter. Yuuta and Yuuji had clearly helped as well, and she spotted a pack of rice balls from Toge.
“Did you do all of this last night?”
He just hummed in acknowledgment, leaning down to press his lips to her neck.
“There’s more.” Holding a box up in front of her face, he chuckled when she caught a whiff of it. “Happy White Day, Rinko-chan.”
Warm matcha and chocolate taiyaki filled her senses as she snatched the box and opened it excitedly. Leaning back into him, Rinko took a large bite of one of the pastries. Still fresh enough she had to puff air around the heat, and she sighed at the taste.
“Thank you, Satoru.”
“Anything for you,” he replied instantly. He nosed her ticklish spot playfully, and she swatted his head when he licked it instead.
“Down, boy,” she scolded lightly.
Glancing down, she met his eyes that gleamed at her over his shades. 
“I know,” he sighed, lifting his head from her shoulder to peck her cheek. “Not at work.” He accepted a bite of her taiyaki, grinning at her as he chewed. “I’ll be back in a few hours. I’m stealing you away early.”
“I need to-”
He grasped her chin, pressing his lips to hers gently.
“It’s the weekend, baby,” he reminded, nipping her bottom lip. “You shouldn’t even be here today. But I’ll let it slide since shit has been busy lately. Ijichi can handle everything else while you get some rest.”
Leaving no more room for argument, he gave her another quick kiss and swatted her ass playfully as he straightened to his full height.
“Gimme a few hours,” he repeated, pushing his shades up his nose. “Gotta go deal with the old geezer for a bit.”
Smirking, she stood on her toes so she could reach his face, pecking his cheek in return.
“Thank you again for the gifts, darling.”
His sharp exhale was paired with his eyes narrowing slightly.
“Make that a couple hours,” he muttered. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
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AN: In Japan, on Valentine's Day, the women give men chocolates/gifts, and then the men reciprocate a month later on March 14th, or White Day. The Valentine's tradition began when a company wanted to promote a western tradition for commercial reasons, but due to a mistranslation, it was implied that only men were supposed to receive gifts. Eventually, people decided to have a separate day for women to also receive gifts, which began the tradition of White Day.
Also, he got her sobayaki dan okonomayaki (from her favorite place in Kyoto, which is why he needed a few hours) and they spent the rest of the day watching movies and cuddling until he inevitably got horny
I know this is months late, but hopefully, you guys enjoyed this lil blurb!!
Remember, if you wanna make the caramel miso butter cookies for yourself, you can find my recipe here 💕
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siriuslysatorusimping · 2 months
*Blurb* Before I Love You continuation
Hi, I need this reminder almost daily, and it's one of my favorite things I've written for anything Goinko-related since I wrote this months ago. IDK if/when I'll post part 2 for Before I Love You, but this interaction between Rinko and Yuzuki is something that I think is incredibly important for everyone.
Before I Love You, Part 1
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“You are enough, my gem,” Yuzuki murmured, running her fingers through her hair. “More than enough. You are my most wonderful blessing. And just because someone else doesn’t see your worth does not mean that you are any less.” She wiped her tears, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Do not let someone else’s broken lens distort your view of yourself.”
“It hurts, Mom,” she cried. She clutched her chest, desperately wishing she could reach inside and rip whatever was causing the excruciating pain out. “Why does it hurt so much? Why won’t it go away?”
“Because you’re heartbroken, darling,” her mother replied sadly. “I know it hurts. I know it does. And I wish I could take it away from you so you didn’t have to feel this way. But it will go away. Just give yourself time.”
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As someone who has struggled with my mental health and my own worth for as long as I can remember, and I've realized over time that it's partially influenced by a deep-seated fear of abandonment due to being adopted, the line from Yuzuki about not letting someone else's broken lens distort my view of myself is something I didn't realize I would need so deeply until after I wrote it.
So, this is everyone's reminder that someone else not seeing your worth never makes you any less. It says more about them than it does about you. You're beautiful and deserve love, no matter what anyone may say or think 💕
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siriuslysatorusimping · 7 months
So excited to see more of their happy ending!
I'm thinking their baby's name will be named after Yuzuki or Mai in one way or another. However, a twist on Nanami's name would be sweet too 🤔
(That little blurb helped with my wedding stress, so thank you! 😭 I'm down to 4 days, send help 😂)
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“I wanna name our daughter Yuzuki,” Gojo murmured, offering her a hesitant smile as the tears filled her eyes. Pulling her into his lap, he held her face gently and wiped her tears. “Is that okay?”
Why wouldn’t it be okay that he wanted to name their daughter after her mother? The woman was probably cackling gleefully in the afterlife as they sat discussing it now. She missed her. So much. She wanted her there to see this huge milestone. To be there as Rinko navigated this terrifying time of her life because she had quite literally no one else who had ever been through it before to turn to.
“Yeah,” she whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck as he shifted to rub her back. “More than okay. I- I’m just grateful. I love you.” Smirking, she bumped his forehead with hers. “Y’know, you’re surprisingly thoughtful sometimes.”
His eyes narrowed playfully, and he squeezed her side in warning before leaning down to nuzzle her neck, nosing her ticklish spot until she squirmed.
“I’m always thoughtful, Rinko-chan,” he said, tightening his grasp. “I love you too, baby. Love you so fucking much. Never get enough of you.”
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siriuslysatorusimping · 7 months
*Blurb* untitled (eventual From Now Until Forever Part)
Hiiiiiiiii I wrote this a while ago and can guarantee that it'll change by the time we get here, but I mentioned an epilogue blurb, so HERE IT IS
This is a part of their happy ending 💕
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“Can’t believe we have a baby, Rinko-chan.”
She chuckled, nudging his shoulder gently.
“With how obsessed you’ve been, you shouldn’t be surprised,” she said, leaning up and pressing a kiss to his cheek. “I love you, darling.”
Gojo's head snapped to face her, his smile widening to a dopey grin as he captured her lips with his.
“I love you, too, baby,” he murmured, groaning against her. “Fuck, can we have more-?”
Laughing, Rinko pulled away and scrunched her nose.
“Doctor says minimum of four to six weeks to let me recover before having sex,” she replied, watching his face fall into a pout. He was still ridiculous and insatiable. “She just ripped me open, ya know. It hurt like hell." His pout pulled into a grimace, and she bumped her nose against his. "And you’re not gonna feel that way once you realize how much work a baby is. You know it’s not easy, right?”
Grumbling under his breath, he nodded and turned back to the little girl in his arms. As he looked down, his smile returned instantly, his blue eyes practically glowing as the green ones blinked back up at him sleepily.
“She looks like you,” he whispered, his dopey grin back in place. “I really fucking love you.”
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siriuslysatorusimping · 7 months
Will Geto and Sukina be included in this AU? And what role will the JJK Tech students play, aside from the Zenin kids?
So, yes, Sukuna will be in the story!
He is very likely going to be an antagonist of some kind, but I need to work out the kinks 😬
As for Geto?
So, I've got this lil draft that I'll drop in below the cut 😊
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Picked up off the streets by the former Gojo Clan Head, Geto Suguru had been a different breed. 
Strong, fierce, and loyal.
Word was that he had become a brother to Gojo Satoru in every sense except blood.
The carnage that followed his death had almost wiped out an entire clan.
It had been more than foolish of the Yamada clan to believe they could capitalize on Gojo mourning his father’s death. Stupid to think that the Gojo clan wouldn’t be ready to retaliate so quickly.
Less than a week after Geto’s death, more than half of the Yamada clan was dead. A month later, there were fewer than a dozen members left. Gojo Satoru was said to be responsible for at least a quarter of the body count.
He’d avenged his brother, alright.
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siriuslysatorusimping · 7 months
what about nanami in this AU? and is he besties w rinko still?
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She felt a genuine smile pull at her lips as he wrapped his arm around her waist and slid into the seat beside her.
“Been a while,” she murmured, accepting the kiss on her cheek. “What have you been up to lately?”
“Working,” he replied. “You wouldn’t happen to know anything about the increase in activity in Nishimiya territory, would you?”
“That kind of information doesn’t come for free, Kento,” she reminded, leaning into him.
Nanami Kento was someone they all said had great potential when he worked for Yaga. The first friend she’d made after Toji ‘took her in.’ Her oldest friend now, perhaps her best friend, even considering the circumstances of their relationship now.
As it turned out, the little shit who had taken her virginity was back in his old stomping grounds on the opposite side of the street. Earning the ire of multiple clans that were paying top dollar to find out how the hell so many of their operations were crumbling to a rookie detective.
The irony had made her laugh when she recognized him. Her appearance had earned nothing more than a familiar grin and a wry chuckle of his own when he saw her leaning against the wall outside of his apartment.
“Is this the last thing I see before I die?” he’d asked, his voice teasing as he cornered her against the door. “Or do I get a final request?”
“Depends on what that request is,” she’d said in return. “And what you offer in return.”
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siriuslysatorusimping · 8 months
Kiko’s Masterlist
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This is a Master for the important links for my stories 😊
*We are not spoiler-free here, so please block the JJK Manga Spoilers tag if you don't want spoilers!*
Some of my posts contain mature content, and I try to mark them with proper community labels. If you're not seeing them, you'll need to make sure your settings are updated to display content marked as mature. Please consume mature/explicit content at your own discretion!
Please do not copy, imitate, or recreate any of my works. If my works inspired yours, please give proper credit.
twitter | ko-fi ☕️ | AO3 💕 | Vocal
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Another Level Masterlist
Status: Complete
“You’re a Zenin.”
More like an unwanted mistake. Which, funny enough, had actually been the first words she ever heard her father say to her. - Kurisaki Rinko was born an unwanted bastard child to the Zenin clan, having since grown into an unwanted bastard adult. Her stubborn refusal to be discarded resulted in a display of strength that many would call (they had, many times to her face, in fact) an unhinged lack of self-preservation. But lucky for her, that unhinged display caught the attention of a particular blue-eyed menace who happens to be more fun to rile up than anyone she’s ever met.
Read Another Level on AO3
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Physical Paradox Masterlist
Status: In Progress
How they went from: “I’m kinda impressed,” Gojo stated, sliding his sunglasses onto his face. “Didn’t expect a psych major to know this much about philosophical theory.” Rinko blinked at him slowly, raising her eyebrows as she scoffed. “I’m sorry, mister unresolved childhood trauma,” she said, stepping closer and poking a finger in his chest. “But I don’t really give a fuck if you’re impressed.”
To: “Your professor is leading the world of cognitive and behavioral research,” Gojo told Rinko's students, chest swelling with pride. “And she’s really pretty-” “Oh, she’s fucking gorgeous!” he agreed. “She has it all. Smart, funny, beautiful. She’s honestly perfect. It’s incredible she-” “Married you?” Touma interjected. “I know. I thought the same thing when I first met you.”
Read Physical Paradox on AO3
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Gokudō Masterlist
Status: On Hold (I will finish this eventually, though)
Gokudō (極道): the extreme path. A term used to refer to members of a Yakuza syndicate.
“Now, why is a pretty girl like you in an ugly place like this?” “Some might say the contrast is tragically poetic,” she replied easily. “Yeah, well,” he drawled, a smirk pulling at his lips as he stepped up to stand beside her. “Others would say it’s tragically idiotic. What’s your name, pretty girl?” “Shouldn’t you introduce yourself first?” she asked, her pulse jumping at his quiet chuckle. “You already know who I am.”
She never asked to be part of this world. A world filled with greed and violence and revenge. She never asked to be part of the world where life was as meaningless as dust. The world stained red by the blood that pooled beneath her mother’s body after she was forced to watch her die. She never asked to be part of the world driven by hatred and bloodlust, but she never asked to leave, either.
Read Gokudō on AO3
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Before I Love You - (angsty Gojo/Rinko AU, hopeful ending) - Part 2: Broken Lens | Author's Discussion
Fight Me? - (Nurse!Gojo shoots his shot with a grumpy patient)
For Your Health - (College!Gojo just wants to help his girlfriend stay healthy)
Untitled Unfinished Angst (very angsty Goinko bc Kiko is not ok)
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Random Asks and Kiko's Rants
Ask: Advice for AO3 writers and when you're in a creativity rut
Ask: How Do I plan the plot for stories?
Rant: The issue with meaningless angst
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Kiko's Original Work
Sample: Summary and blurbs
Sample: Blurbs 2
Meet some characters
Another Life - Short Story
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siriuslysatorusimping · 3 months
Untitled (angsty unfinished Goinko AU blurb)
I'll never finish this, and it's choppy with a ton of different little jumps around. BUT HERE IT IS lol. There's no resolution because it's not finished. So if you aren't in a place where you can handle angst with no resolution, please be aware of that. (as someone who is also tired of angst with no happy ending, I'm sorry 😭). I've been in a very angsty mood lately, for obvious reasons...
I'll also provide some context before you start reading since this is literally nowhere near fleshed out. In this non-curse AU, Rinko moved to Tokyo to be closer to Shoko and Nanami after her mother died.
TW: implicit mention of suicidal ideation. Please read at your own discretion.
Would love to know your thoughts if you have any 💕
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As they walked, Saori talked about how she’d met her boyfriend through a few mutual friends, and they’d hit it off. She babbled excitedly about how he had been upfront with her that he’d struggled with relationships in the past but that he really wanted to figure things out with her. Apparently, they’d been together almost two years, and he’d been nothing short of wonderful.
“He’s so charming,” she sighed dreamily. “Honestly, I was surprised how caring he can be. He doesn’t seem like the type when you first meet him.”
Rinko hummed quietly, barely noticing when Saori stopped and turned when her name was called.
“Oh, Satoru!”
That had her freezing in her tracks, her lips pursed to the side.
It wasn’t an uncommon name. It couldn’t be-
“Hey, babe.” Fate was cruel. “Thanks for meeting me. How’s the first week been? That your new coworker?”
“Yeah,” Saori replied happily. “It’s been great!” They caught up with Rinko, and she took a deep breath as she turned to see him staring at her. “Satoru, this is-”
“Rinko,” Gojo breathed, blinking quickly before he cleared his throat. “Hey.”
“Oh,” Saori looked between them. “You already know each other.”
“Used to,” Rinko clarified, turning to meet Saori’s eyes. “Had a few mutual friends. But it’s been-”
“Years,” Gojo finished for her, his bright blue eyes staring at her intently. “How have you been?”
Struggled with relationships was right. The man had enough girlfriends to start a damn harem. He got bored easily, she’d realized. Short attention span. He needed excitement, which he thought meant constant spontaneity. Constant change. Always something new. And she hadn’t felt new after a year or so.
She’d expected it, with how distant he became, how uninterested he was in spending time together. Considered herself lucky she’d even made it a year with him.
But it had been inevitable for him to get bored of her.
“Been good,” she replied, turning away. “We should try to beat the lunch rush if we can.”
Saori, bless her, was trying to figure out how to keep the conversation going. But every attempt to talk to Gojo was met with a distracted hum, and the last thing Rinko wanted to do was sit and talk to Gojo and the person who had apparently been able to change his mind about relationships. There was no escaping, though. After lunch, she was returning to work alongside this woman. And she needed to act like a fucking adult because she was more than capable of being one.
A college boyfriend shouldn’t even phase her, so why did she even care now?
They hadn’t worked out. It wasn’t like he’d promised her marriage or the world. She’d clearly been a stepping stone for him learning how to be in a relationship, and that was fine. People did that all the time. That was what dating was.
 “So, you’re friends with Shoko?” Saori asked tentatively.
“Yeah,” Rinko answered, nodding. It wasn’t Saori’s fault that, for some fucking reason, seeing Gojo again dug up all those damned questions she’d had about her own worth years ago. “We grew up together.”
The double dates with Shoko and Geto had been one reason they’d even started dating in the first place. Out of convenience so it wasn’t so damn awkward. That was it. It was never meant to be anything more than that. She was never something that was meant to be kept-
For fuck’s sake, that was way too dramatic.
“Shoko’s so wonderful,” Saori noted, grinning. “It’s amazing she’s able to put up with Suguru so well.”
Rinko snorted, nodding again as she thought about how insufferable those two had been when they started dating.
“Like two pieces of a fucking puzzle,” she’d complained in disgust, throwing one of the pillows from their couch at them. “You two really were meant for each other.”
Five years and going strong. She was positive Geto would be proposing any time now since Shoko would be starting her residency soon.
“It’s why she drinks so much,” Rinko said lightly. “Her drinking picked up right around when they started dating.”
“She does drink quite a bit!” Saori giggled, her eyes lighting up. “Her tolerance is incredible-”
“Been that way since high school,” Rinko informed her, shrugging. “She’s been a borderline alcoholic since she was sixteen. At least she and Geto quit smoking.”
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Wrapping her arms around Shoko tightly, she grinned at her best friend.
“Happy for you,” Rinko murmured, squeezing her. “It’s about damn time.”
“I was waiting for the right moment,” Geto argued, tugging her into a hug of his own. “But thanks for your congrats-”
“He blurted it out while I was on the toilet,” Shoko informed her, snickering at Geto’s wide-eyed look. “If that isn’t real love, I guess I don’t know what is.”
Rinko gagged but couldn’t help cackling along with her. It really sounded like those two idiots.
“Imagine when you two have kids,” she gasped, smacking Shoko on the arm as they bent over. “‘Your daddy proposed to me while I was taking a shit-’”
“You’re the worst kind of person,” Geto sighed, waving happily at someone behind her. “Satoru! You’re late.”
“Got held up,” his voice drawled, followed by a giggle from Saori. “Distracted-”
She needed a fucking drink.
“More information than I wanted,” Geto scoffed, giving his best friend a hug. “Glad you could make it.”
“‘Course,” Gojo replied, grinning. “It’s about damn time.”
Geto slapped his hand over Shoko’s mouth before she could say anything.
“You don’t have to tell everyone about-”
“The fact that you blurted out that you wanted her to marry you while she was taking a shit?” Rinko asked for her, accepting the high five. “I feel like she definitely needs to tell everyone. I’ll make sure it goes the little ‘save the date’ flyers you send-”
A hand covered her mouth from behind, the voice in her ear annoyed.
“Please, stop,” Nanami deadpanned, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “I didn’t want to know that.”
“And there are things I wish I didn’t know about you,” she lamented, bumping her hip against his girlfriend’s playfully. “But we all suffer for our friends. When are you two gonna get married?”
“Soon,” he replied, smirking. “But I won’t be asking her while she’s-”
“I hate all of you,” Geto groaned, turning when the waitress called his name for their table. “Why am I still friends with any of you?”
“Because you’re marrying my best friend,” Rinko said smugly, looping her arm through Shoko’s. “We’re a package deal, remember?”
He grumbled as they took their seats, and she tensed when Nanami ended up next to Geto instead of Gojo.
“Still third-wheeling those two, huh?” Gojo teased, taking the seat next to her. “Gets a bit more tolerable when you have someone, too, ya know.”
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As things began winding down, Rinko finally let her head rest on her arms as she closed her eyes.
“You okay?”
She was fucking exhausted.
Wedding planning with Shoko on top of trying to figure out how the fuck she could take care of the twins threatened to push her over the edge.
At least with the wedding being out of the way, she would only have one major thing to worry about.
Like how she might be able to afford lawyers to fight Ogi so the twins didn’t have to go back to her piece of shit uncle.
“Hey.” Gojo poked her lightly when she didn’t respond. “You alive?”
Catching his hand when he went to poke her again, she lifted her head groggily.
“What is it?” she asked, blinking quickly to stay awake. “What’s wrong? Does Shoko need something?”
“When was the last time you slept?” he asked, his eyes watching her face closely. “You look like shit.”
“Sure know how to charm a girl,” she muttered, reaching for her water. “I’m fine.”
“You look tired,” he repeated. “Are you okay?”
She missed her mom. She would know what to do. How to handle everything. But maybe that was why she was so overwhelmed to begin with. Nothing had felt right since she’d lost her mom.
“Got a lot going on lately.” She gave a light shrug. “Nothing I can’t handle.”
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Setting her shoes to the side, she released a heavy breath.
There wasn’t much point left in staying. The twins hated her because she’d let them down. Her mother was gone. No one needed her anymore.
There’d barely been much of a point for her to keep going without her mother, anyway.
She wondered where she’d gone wrong. Why things had gone to hell. Why her mother had to die. Why she’d been born in the first place.
A stepping stone? More like a hindrance. Nothing she did ever made a difference. The fact that she’d disappointed the twins so heavily proved that.
She’d only ever been something to hold Shoko back, too. Always tagging along and forcing her to constantly worry about her-
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
The voice startled her, and she slipped, her grasp on the rail not holding as she fell.
Peace. She could finally just sleep-
A hand grabbed her arm, roughly hauling her back onto the bridge.
“What the fuck?” Gojo snarled, grabbing her shoulders and shaking. “What are you fucking doing?”
“What are you- why are you- how-”
“Shoko asked me to check on you,” he snapped, clenching his jaw. Her best friend had wasted time on her honeymoon to ask him to check on her. “Said it was- what the fuck do you think you’re doing? Do you know how upset people would be? How much your friends would miss-”
“They’ll forget,” she cut him off, pushing him away. “They- don’t need me. No one does. And I-”
“What about the twins?” he fumed, refusing to let her go. “The twins need-”
Her chest hurt, and she tried to move back to the edge as he held her back.
“I lost them,” she admitted, grasping her hair in her hands as her legs gave out. Sinking to the ground, she let the sobs shake through her. “I couldn’t help them. I couldn’t- fucking do anything for them. They- they fucking hate me-”
“Your mom wouldn’t want you to-”
“She’s dead,” she cried, gasping for air. She tried to claw her way toward the edge, but his hold only tightened around her. “And I’ve wished she’d taken me with her every second she’s been gone. I don’t- I don’t have any- there’s nothing left for me and I- just want to sleep-”
“Then take a fucking nap,” he snapped, grasping her face. “This- this isn’t- Rinko, you can’t just-”
“Just- please just let me-”
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So, not so fun fact: it's a common practice in Japan for people to leave their shoes when they commit suicide so that people will know to contact their families. Adults will typically leave their wallets as well because that makes it easier.
Also, I know it's bad to make light of a dark situation like that, but I kinda cackled when I wrote that last bit with Gojo responding to Rinko saying she just wants to sleep by telling her to take a nap. It just feels so on-brand for the two of them.
I feel very vulnerable posting this lol because I feel like it might be too dark? But hopefully it’s still okay 🙃
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siriuslysatorusimping · 3 months
I’ll literally never completely finish it. And idk how I feel about it really but maybe??? I also don’t have a name for it but it’s v angsty and Rinko has v unhealthy coping mechanisms in it tbh
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siriuslysatorusimping · 7 months
"Would You Still Love Me?" (Physical Paradox blurbs)
So, someone mentioned a while ago that they wondered how Goinko would react to the question "would you still love me if I was a worm?" And I had a few ideas, so I've decided to post the blurbs I wrote 😂😂
These are both Physical Paradox Goinko
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Drunk Rinko asking Gojo before dating
Her giggles were breaking free before she could get the question out, and she pouted when Gojo just smirked at her.
“It’s- I’m trying to ask a serious question!” she insisted, finally smothering her laughter. “Gojo-”
“Yes, Rinko-chan?” his arm was around her shoulders, and she fought the urge to lean into him further. “What’s your question?”
“Would you-” she lost herself to her laughter again, knowing it was such a stupid question. He was probably going to make fun of her. “Would you- still be my friend- if- I was a worm?”
His eyebrows shot up, his smirk shifting to a giant grin as she giggled uncontrollably. She gasped for breath as he leaned closer, his face level with hers, and her breath hitched when his eyes dropped to her lips for a moment.
“Yes,” he replied, bumping his forehead against hers. “I’d still be your friend, Rinko-chan. You’re cute, ya know that? Bet you’d even be cute as a worm.”
She scrunched her nose at him, earning a quiet chuckle.
“That’s weird,” she stated, leaning closer. “Are you into worms?”
He rolled his eyes, leaning away.
“No, sweetheart,” he smirked again. “Just you. But what’s got you askin' that, huh?”
“Kento said he’d flush me down the toilet if I was a worm,” she whined, pouting again. “So I said that I’d use him as fishing bait-”
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Drunk Rinko asking Gojo while they're dating
She held his face between her hands, staring into his eyes intently.
“I have a question,” she began, watching him clearly trying to fight a smile. “I’m serious.”
“I know you are, baby,” he assured her. “Go ahead. Ask your question.”
He was already making fun of her.
“Don’t laugh at me,” she whined, pouting when he chuckled. “Gojo-”
“Not laughing at you, sweetheart,” he lied. “Ask your very serious question.”
“Would you-” she paused, pursing her lips to the side. “Would you still love me- if- if I was a worm?”
He snickered immediately, leaning closer to press his lips to hers.
“Yes, baby,” he murmured, pulling her into his arms fully. “I’d love you no matter what form you took.”
“Would you carry me around in a jar with air holes poked in the top?” she asked, feeling his laughter shake through her. “I’m serious-”
“I’d take you with me everywhere, baby,” he replied, pecking her cheek. “Everywhere. I’d love you no matter what.”
“You’re into worms,” she scrunched her nose. “I knew there had to be something wrong with you.”
He was cackling now, and he pulled her onto his lap as he nuzzled her neck.
“I’m just into you, baby,” he said simply. “I’ll always love you. No matter what.”
“Even if I was a gross, wriggly worm?”
“I don’t think you could ever not be cute, Rinko-chan,” he countered playfully. “But yes, baby. I’d still love you even if you were a worm.”
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siriuslysatorusimping · 3 months
I'm normally not an angsty type of fic reader, but I am surprised by how much i really liked the unfinished blurb that I am going to refer to as the sad "stepping stone" goinko fic
OPE 'stepping stone' is actually a really good name 🤔 might have to steal it 👀
I’m so glad you liked it! Like I said, I’ve been in a very angsty mood lately.
That fic is uhhhhhh... a mess. It's a mess. This Rinko really just needs a fucking hug. I could go on a huge rant about some of the behind the scenes or the things I do have fleshed out, but I will save that for another time when it's actually wanted/asked for 😂
Thank you so much for reading even though angst isn't your typical preferred type of fic!! 💕💕
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siriuslysatorusimping · 7 months
Hi hello, so nice to talk to you, Kiko!
This is going to definitely sound weird, but do you have any advice for an ongoing Ao3 writer? Pretty sure I'm not the only one here writing Gojo/OC stories or fluffy one-shots since they're so addicting lol.
But it's strange to be so obsessed with writing with so many ideas and time and energy to write, and then it feels like you're in a bit of a slump when that rush of creativity sort of slows.
You mentioned before that you had most of the story for AL mapped out and written, did it help you to plan ahead more before posting? Or was it more of a, "I didn't worry about it too much because it was fun to write and we're all Gojo simpls" kind of a deal?
Anyhow, would love to know if you'd be alright talking about it. Have a good day~
Hiiiii! It's nice to talk to you, too! 😊
Gojo fluff is addictive and I honestly have been rereading Physical Paradox installments today because I need fluff and motivation 😂
Hmmmm, advice for AO3 writers? Honestly, I feel like I'm a bit under qualified for that because I'd been an anon reader for over ten years until July when I finally created an account so I could post Another Level 😂😂
BUT, I do have a few thoughts. I'll try to keep these as simple as my over-explaining ass can 🫠 (Kiko did not keep it simple. I ranted and this post is hella long, I am so sorry.)
If you haven't already, you can read Another Level on AO3 💕
On writing in general: Write for you.
1) I know I've said this before, but it's true. Write as if no one else will ever see what you're writing to begin with. That's how I started with Another Level. I never intended for anyone else to see it when I first started. On the flip side of this though, don't be afraid of bouncing ideas off others.
It's likely vain of me, but I genuinely enjoy reading my own writing. I try very hard to make sure that what I'm posting is something I enjoy reading. But it makes it so much easier to write if you enjoy reading it, because you're just as excited to read it and see what happens as someone who isn't in your head.
2) I think that something really important for when that creativity slows in one area, don't force yourself to keep going if you don't have to. Hobbies are supposed to be fun, not an obligation or a stressor.
Once the joy fades from a hobby, it's no longer a hobby.
Think of it this way: since May of this year, I've written around 300k words for different fanfics. If we look at that from the perspective of a single-spaced, 12pt font perspective, that is 300 pages. I've written the equivalent of a gosh dang Dissertation. But here's the difference between Another Level and a Dissertation: writing and researching for Another Level was fun. It was something I wanted to do.
(We'll ignore the fact that I didn't have to teach classes and grade papers simultaneously as well. I do and don't miss grad school And honestly, I miss teaching. But academia can kiss my ass.)
3) Write what you want to write, not what others expect you to write. This isn't your job. You aren't being paid for a word count or hours put in, you're doing this for you and for fun. When you let other's expectations drive you instead of your own desire, that happiness is fleeting and it's easy to burnout fast.
4) Follow your inspiration fairies, even if only briefly. You don't have to write out an entire universe, and you don't have to keep what you write. But sometimes you have to get rid of the brainworms to make room for other ideas. I've realized that a few of my Goinko 'au' ideas are literally better just as little headcannons or blurbs and nothing more. And that's okay, because now I got them out of my system.
5) If you want to write and finish a series, only post for that series. I'm learning this the hard way right now with Gokduō and Physical Paradox. It is really hard to focus on one or the other because I feel an odd pressure to get the next parts done for both, which is completely the opposite of what it should be.
The pressure drains my creativity, and I've found myself struggling because I'm too worried about what people will think of it instead of what I want it to be. In all honesty, I had a moment today where I almost decided I don't want to finish Gokudō because I'm not sure where to take it, but I realized I just need some time away from trying to force myself.
6) If you're unhappy with it, don't be afraid to scrap it. Use it as a starting point if you want, but don't get too attached to it if you don't like where it's going. Take a step back and ask if/how it's getting you where you want to go with that work, and if it doesn't help you get there, then it can go.
What was my approach with Another Level? (includes JJK Manga spoilers)
I'll elaborate a bit more on how I had things mapped out before I started posting first. Essentially, when the Gojo/Sukuna fight started in the manga, I just knew Gojo was going to die. In my mind, there was no way Akutami would let him live, and I was in a really bad place mentally and wasn't sure how I'd be able to handle it. And then I was like "wait, that's literally why we have fanfic, I can keep him alive as long as I want."
So, I started Another Level with the intention to keep it to myself and use it as my own comfort fic to prepare myself for Gojo's death. Some behind the scenes info: a version of the dream Rinko had in Split Bluff was the very first thing I wrote for Another Level. Except it originally wasn't a dream, it was going to be their reunion. However, they weren't as close, they were solidly friends with benefits who barely knew each other. Then, I wrote a part where Rinko first meets Yuuji at the Goodwill Event and she was Maki's legal guardian and still a teacher at Kyoto Tech, then I went further back and wrote her asking Gojo to get Maki enrolled at Tokyo Tech, and then I went further back and wrote Make a God Bleed.
As you already know because you've read Another Level, none of those stayed the same because then, as I kept writing, Rinko took on a life of her own. She became so much more than just a random OC that I threw together without thinking. And I have to say that I'm so glad she did because I'm not sure I would have been able to deal with 236 without Rinko. Some people have said Rinko helped them, but she's helped me so much as well. I mean it when I say she's cemented herself as my favorite original character that I've ever written because she has so much depth and heart that I accidentally poured into her. Not to mention that she's helped me meet some really amazing people along the way.
I'm in a bit of a rut now because I was on a marathon of writing for about five or six months. I started writing Another Level in May, and while I wrote the first draft for All That I Am Is Yours probably in June or July, I pretty much completely rewrote it once we actually got there. Between May and now, I've written upwards of 300k words of JJK fanfic, not including the installments or drafts I scrapped completely 🙃
Posting schedule with Another Level:
As someone who is severely ADHD, my hyperfocus was strong with Another Level. I was obsessed. And I was even more obsessed when I realized people were enjoying reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
In all honesty, part of what kept me on a strict uploading schedule with Another Level was a desire for the validation and praise in the comments. While I had a lot written, I uploaded so quickly because I wanted to get that lil rush from seeing the comments.
Kiko is about to do a lil bit of oversharing for ya: I'd just left a job where I'd spent the last six months there with my formerly wonderful boss decided to blame me for every little thing that went wrong, and then she couldn't understand why my performance actually started to drop. I hadn't heard a damn word of positive feedback for anything I did in so long that the comments on Another Level helped pull me out of a very depressive state.
But, it quickly became unhealthy because I started to rely on them to the point where it was all I cared about. All I cared about was seeing comments on the newest Another Level installment, and when there wasn't feedback, I got all in my head about what I'd done wrong and wanted to post the next installment as quickly as possible because maybe that one would do better.
Now, this is not me saying that wanting comments is a bad thing. Feedback is very important, and it's hard to know if people are enjoying something when there's not anything to go on. But it does become a problem if it's the only reason you're writing. I've been very fortunate in that I haven't gotten comments or messages demanding updates because I've seen that others do receive those sometimes. I like to think it's because you guys are just awesome and wonderful people.
I've gotten a bit better about being obsessed with comments because I have this nice lil corner of wonderful people and I feel like I've made a few genuine friends here. (Hi Rai, if you're reading this, I hope you're doing well.)
I know that what I just described for my Another Level posting schedule contradicts what I said in the beginning, but I will say that while my posting schedule was heavily driven by that need for praise, my writing schedule was not. I was writing so much because I was enjoying myself. I was having more fun writing than I had in years. I still am, but I do have to keep reminding myself some of the points I made above otherwise I find myself falling into a rut.
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siriuslysatorusimping · 7 months
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siriuslysatorusimping · 6 months
So, just out of curiosity and not because I'm projecting at all... How did Rinko feel in the early stages of her situation ship with Gojo in Another Level? Like it's mentioned that they would go weeks without hearing from one another and I guess I'm curious about when Rinko really found herself getting attached and if not in the early stages, how she got the the point that the FWB situation was comfy for her? (Hi, I'm in a fwb situation and it is nothing like Goinko, my feelings are hurt lol)
Hi Rai! So, forgive my hellish rant below that starts very abruptly... 🙃🙃
Okay. So I think the most unrealistic part of Goinko is the fact that there was no one else Gojo could have fallen for. Rinko was literally perfect for him because she understood him on such a deep level.
And not in the sense that she was meant for him, but in the sense that she was the only one willing to understand him. Who wanted to learn who he truly was and see the person underneath the Six-Eyed god.
By the time she fell in love with him, Rinko was able to come to terms with it because she knew Gojo wouldn't end up with someone else. She accepted they would never be more because she knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that Gojo would never end up settling down with anyone. I think it would have been different if there was a genuine possibility that he could have met and fallen in love with someone else. It was likely unhealthy of her to do, but it was something that helped her cope. It was okay that he wasn't going to choose her because he wasn't going to choose anyone.
As for how she felt early on?
I haven't put too much thought into how she handled it early on if I'm being honest, but I think it's that she expected nothing from him except sex. She expected him to be emotionally detached, and she repeated to herself over and over that his actions did not imply feelings or genuine affection. But I think something else that probably helped was that she was almost always busy. She was on a job, or she was going to see Megumi, or having dinner with Shoko or Nanami... I think it was that she made an effort to fill her life with more than a relationship because she believed she would never have one. She shut off that possibility and convinced herself she would never have it.
After Yuzuki died, Rinko kinda gave up on ever having or creating a family of her own. It was the old cliche of 'love finds you when you stop looking for it' type thing. She gave up on a family, on marriage and kids. And then she accidentally fucking adopted a ton of kids and ended up marrying the idiot who, for the first seven years she really knew him, only wanted to be friends and have sex.
I might go back and write a few little blurbs because they obviously had conversations about how he thought love was a curse and things like that. I think that as they got closer, as they became friends, they had those talks and talked about relationships and why neither of them was really seeking one.
But the main reason it worked so well for so many years is that they were genuinely on the same page for what they wanted from their arrangement.
Things started cracking when they stopped communicating. And they stopped communicating when Gojo began realizing he could and did want more.
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