jazykoci · 2 years
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4hisglory · 7 years
'Before anything else existed, there was Christ with God.' John 1:1 Literally, 'In the beginning, the Word,' [meaning Jesus Christ - the wisdom and power of God and the first cause of all things; God's personal expression of himself to men.]
Gospel of John, The Living Bible, Paraphrased
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Human Temples
In my experience, westernized Christianity seems to lean on the sovereignty of Christ as a crutch and not as a model. Christians are followers of Jesus, the Christ. A man born in the hood, doubted by the very people that he ethinically identified with, a man with wisdom, love, compassion and passion. A man that passionately flipped over tables and whipped people because of their disgraceful display of greed and exploitation at a temple. A man that healed people, freed people and spent time with the judged and condemned. Jesus was a rebel and an advocate. How are Christians reflecting this in their lives? I ask questions that makes some people very uncomfortable. Such as: What if Jesus did get married and have a baby? Where is his descendants? or What if Jesus was an amazing 100% man who really believed he was the son of God and because of that was able to tap into the Divinity in which he was to show the world that we too can do the same? And if that was the case, what if one day we decided that we were the daughter or son of God and that we had the power to bring Heaven on Earth? What if Jesus was the savior and Christ of the world because he said so ? These questions allows for me to dig deeper into my relationship with the Universe, the Creator, God, Jehovah, Allah it allows for me to evaluate if  I believe in what I really say I believe in. Do I have faith? The faith that can move mountains? The faith to walk on water? The faith to heal others and bring restoration? Jesus was not liked by  religious sects  (the Pharisees and Sadducees) and due to his focus on his relationship with God, whom he viewed as Father, and Jesus’ purpose,  those opinions were just that and continued fulfill his purpose despite the challenges.  Criticisms and opinions to us modern Christians has stifled our creativity and has led us to the way of assimilation and not transformation. Today, we have become modern Pharisees and Sadducees and less like the beautiful rebel whose title they wear, which hurts and perplexes me. A good Christian has become going to church every Sunday, Bible study every Wednesday, gospel events and attending/volunteering at anything the church does. Not wanting to diminish these actions, I do want to challenge this idea of  working for acceptance versus emulating the personhood of Christ’s ministry which spent very little time in synagogues. To some, traditions has blocked, distracted and justified our inaction in this world. It has taken the place of what we are supposed to do which is love rebelliously, to save souls, to advocate for the oppressed, to heal. As much as religious folks likes to tell people that they don't go to church enough and that they don't read their Bible enough what if Jesus then states that modern day Christians are not Jesus enough, that they don't love enough, that they judge too much and that they poor examples of a Christ followers because they hide behind nice clothes,buildings and ceremonies? How are we being physical manifestations of God? In one of my morning devotionals, the definition of the word Temple was explored.  The understanding of a temple was to be a place where God spirit dwelled and was worshipped this understanding came from the Old Testament. In the New Testament,  Jesus comes and the word that is used to describe Jesus's existence on the earth is the same word that's used to describe Temple “to dwell in”. Jesus was the physical embodiment of a temple, he was where heaven and earth collided, he represented heaven an earth. The Bible states that once you're saved the Holy Spirit dwells within us. My belief based on how I was taught is that there is a Godhead, the Holy Trinity- three in one (The Creator, Jesus, Holy Spirit). This means to me that if the Holy Spirit dwells inside of me, then God dwells inside of me.  With salvation, my body has become a temple -a physical manifestation of God, like my brother (and sometimes boo) Jesus.   As a temple, I am charged to speak life, to  love rebelliously, to stand up for justice. It means that I am charged everyday to wake up and be heaven on Earth. To my fellow Christ followers, my questions are: How are we using our temples?  And can those who encounters us say that they have encountered heaven on Earth?
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sassyyaz · 7 years
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Happy Birthday to Dopest creative 'In-ner_G' "Ra" has purposely created and he is all for me.... His flesh is 40yrs old, however his Ka is infinite.....♾☥ #MyHusbandIs40 #MyHusbandsMilestone #MyHusbandisDope #godinflesh #godchild #GodBody #InnerG #RaLute
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ejlapple-blog · 7 years
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Spiritual Story by " The Savior Lord Jesus Christ"My Real Life Story. My Fairy tale life story done and fullfilled. Thank you Father God for EVERYTHING. You Knitted me since i was my Mother's Womb. You personally breathed my Life to my Mother's womb to fullfilled and with devine purpose in this world. To release the captivity of the world under satan. And now done🐮 They killed Jose Rizal , Lapu Lapu, Andress Bonifacio and so on.. but God i am the most Lucky and most Brave, Most Secret best strategy ever .. Most talented and most humble kind righteous person as it is written in your Book my life story. . Yet the best And most uncomparable hero of all time... Ofcourse that is all because of YOU. LOVE YOU DADDY GOD SO MUCH!!! . -------------------- "The Trouble Tree" -------------------- "The carpenter I hired to help me restore an old farmhouse had just finished a rough first day on the job. A flat tire made him lose an hour of work, his electric saw quit, and now his ancient pickup truck refused to start. While I drove him home, he sat in stony silence. On arriving, he invited me in to meet his family. As we walked toward the front door, he paused briefly at a small tree, touching the tips of the branches with both hands. When opening the door he underwent an amazing transformation. His tanned face was wreathed in smiles and he hugged his two small children and gave his wife a kiss. Afterward he walked me to the car. We passed the tree and my curiosity got the better of me. I asked him about what I had seen him do earlier. "Oh, that's my trouble tree," he replied." I know I can't help having troubles on the job, but one thing's for sure, troubles don't belong in the house with my wife and the children. So I just hang them on the tree every night when I come home. Then in the morning I pick them up again." He paused. "Funny thing is," he smiled, "when I come out in the morning to pick 'em up, there ain't nearly as many as I remember hanging up the night before."" - My Real Life Story --Jane
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sassyyaz · 7 years
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Happy 1st Birthday to my Sun/Son My #HeRuTheGreat #MrWellWorthWait #MySunSon #GodBody #godinflesh #TheGreatFalcon #HighestLevelofConciousness
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sassyyaz · 7 years
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Yesterday's Antics with Heru.... my baby, man child, prince, #MrWellWorthWait #MySunSon #HeRuTheGreat #MyOnlySon #StarSeed #HighestLevelofConciousness #GodBody #GodChild #GodInFlesh Will be one years old this week I will my Sun/Son into existence and my creator blessed me with his creation.... my family wasn't complete until he was breathing
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nickaldo · 11 years
Looking. Writers bloggers artist How would you like to be apart of the true and living faith.....
God Almighty
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