23outstandingshades · 4 months
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jahrohi-unltd · 9 months
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marilynsmith521 · 2 years
How to Grow in Grace - Part 1 of 3
What is grace? What does grace in the bible mean? How can I grow in grace? As a Christian, you may have asked these questions at one time or the other. In the bible, grace was mentioned 170 times. In the Old Testament, it was mentioned 39 times. But in the new testament, which points to the new covenant which we currently operate under, the word grace was mentioned 131 times. This purely suggests that understanding what grace is, and how to grow in it, is extremely important to thriving in the new testament dispensation that we currently operate in. In this episode of the Voice of Alignment Podcast, I share the first part of a three-part series on how to grow in grace, and I focus on helping you to understand what grace in the bible means, and how this understanding can help you grow in grace. I find out this amazing web site quite useful for god's grace means. If you hope to have some more advice, you can take a look at our website.
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shelivespoetry · 2 years
This one of those times when I am in need.i need people but at the same time feel like telling them to go where the sun doesn't shine #God'sgrace #Godgift #Hope #Hustle #Change
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daily-bible-quotes · 4 years
May God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace.
Bible, Galatians 1:3
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kilivwas-blog · 5 years
love at first sight the kilivwas family
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godswordwillprevail · 3 years
As we develop in faith and become more like Christ, we gain GRACE because God is gracious.we never have to doubt our mission for we are led by the grace of God.
subscribe to our youtube channel for more of God’s word
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Extend some grace...
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“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,”   Ephesians 2:8 
We’re called to love with the unconditional, forgiving love that Christ gives us.  If we struggle to follow God’s call to love others through our gifts in the various situations where we are placed, we are certainly going to struggle with the forgiveness part.  Along with forgiveness, we are called to be gracious to others, to love them while allowing them to be themselves without judgment.  We all struggle, we all make mistakes and we all do things that we wish could be taken back, but through Christ, we are forgiven, and saved by God’s grace through faith.  When others don’t follow through as they say they will, give them grace.  When others don’t meet the expectation they promised they would, give them grace…because God gives us all grace in our relationship with Him through Christ.  Don’t rush to judgment, condemnation, criticism and anger, but instead understand that we all make mistakes, and that we are called to give others the grace that we receive from our Father.
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wytv7 · 4 years
A Place Called Through #PODCAST #11 Addicted to Crack Part 2
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heathergoffrier · 4 years
3 Powerful Ways To Get Rid Of A Negative Mindset
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It's hard to get rid of a negative mindset that constantly clouds your thinking and steals your confidence. Learn how to defeat it with three powerful tips, plus start the free "5 Days To Positive Thinking" Email Challenge here: START MY 5-DAY CHALLENGE
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We hope you enjoy the products we recommend!  This post may contain affiliate links. That means we get a portion of the commission if you click through and make a purchase, but you don't pay a cent more. Thank you for supporting our small business as we strive to help you rock mom life! "Is pursuing this job the best thing right now? "I have experience, but what if things are different here? Why can't I have the confidence I think I should have?" Doubts poured into my soul like cold coffee into the sink as I sat in the parking lot. I wanted to get back into coaching basketball, and here was my chance. I felt like God was leading me to inquire about the open coaching position at a nearby school. But I wavered as negative thoughts bounced around in my head. Should I Do It? Finally, I got out of my car, stepped slowly up the front stairs and slipped into the school office. The woman at the counter seemed busy, uninterested in my request. "We've filled that position." she simply stated. Awkward silence. "OK, thanks." I faked a smile and scurried back to my car. By the way, if you've ever been held back by negative thoughts, you'll love my "5 Days To Positive Thinking" Email Challenge! You can get more info here: START MY 5-DAY CHALLENGE
My State of Mind
"God, what was that?" Maybe it hadn't been God leading me after all. I had been expecting at least a positive reception, an interest in my skills... something more than a dead end. "Why did you have me do that?" Recently I'd been struggling with direction in my career endeavors like a grandpa driving with a foot on both pedals: Full speed ahead followed by a jarring stop. (I know this first hand because my dear grandfather used to scare the living daylights out of my brother and I when we rode in his car).
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When I wanted to move forward with a blog project, I'd get excited (full speed ahead). But then negative thinking took over. (Jarring stop.) There's another blogger doing that. She'll think I'm copying her. Blogger B is doing xyz... maybe I should do that instead? But she's so far ahead of me, I could never do that... I won't make it that far... Others are better than me... Their book is better... Their blog is better... They have more followers... On. And. On. Negative thoughts, comparison, doubt. It crippled me. RELATED: 7 WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT FOR WOMEN ON HOW TO THRIVE AS A MOM
I didn't believe the truth
Deep down, I thought I had nothing to offer anyone. I didn't believe that in my head, but my heart was clouded by the lie that I couldn't help anyone. I couldn't stop being negative in this area. So I faltered and flailed at blogging, my motivation rising and crashing like waves. Now with the basketball job dead-end, I felt the weight of my negative mindset once again.
Take Action To Get Rid of Negative Thoughts
How do we grasp the truth? How do we overcome negative thoughts that stick to our souls like sap we can't get off our hands? 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 says this: For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." Taking thoughts captive is an action. To gain a positive mindset, it's not "just think about something else." The unwanted thought will not go away, though it may hide for a bit. Taking captive means locking up, forcing to go where you want it to go. Put behind bars. It's not just will power. It's a spiritual battle. We have to reject negative thoughts in Jesus' name. He's the one who has the power we need.
Light Bulb Moment
As I drove home from the school, I was mad. I had 20+ years experience coaching basketball, from kids camps to high school and college teams. They have no idea how much experience I have. Coaches are always looking for help from experienced people. They don't know the gold mine they just passed up. I have so much to offer. A light bulb went on. I DO have a lot to offer. Not just in basketball, but in blogging too. Finally the truth rattled through me and hit bottom. I saw how I'd been living in doubt. I guess God needed to hit me somewhere obvious so I could see it elsewhere. (If you want to receive more truth straight to your inbox, grab my "5 Days To Positive Thinking" Email Challenge here: START MY 5-DAY CHALLENGE
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3 powerful ways to get rid of a negative mindset
Once I saw the truth, I couldn't stop there. Here's what I did, and what you can do to conquer a negative mindset: 1) Reject the lie Right then and there, I rejected the lie in Jesus' name. I could see it plain as day that I'd been living in the fog. And I was done with it. If you're dealing with these types of thoughts, don't stand for it any more. Don't give the enemy one more inch of space in your mind and heart. Take captive every thought! 2) Receive the truth A negative mindset loses power when we embrace what is true about our situation. I received the truth that I had something to offer. God has given me experience, passion, and talents that allow me to do what He calls me to do, but I have to choose to receive that truth. The Bible says we have EVERYTHING we need, but the enemy does not want us to believe it, to receive it, or grasp it. 2 Peter 1:3-4 says, "His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires." 3) Remind yourself. We need constant reminders of the truth in our lives to combat negative thinking: Post sticky notes with truth around your houseRead an encouraging bookListen to uplifting musicMeditate on positive mom affirmationsAsk God to remind you of His truth throughout the dayStart the "5 Days To Positive Thinking" Email Challenge below! When a negative mindset has you stopping and starting like a grandpa driving with a foot on both pedals, remember: You can get rid of discouraging thoughts and have the confidence to be who God made you to be. Start on that journey here:
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*This post may contain affiliate links, which means I get a small percentage of the sale. Thanks for your support! Read the full article
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My God Who Sees Me!
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Do you ever wonder sometimes if God sees you? That somehow you are going through life alone, hidden among the masses of people and its as if you are a ghost? Do people walk right past you and your kids as if you weren't there? In Genesis 16, we are introduced to Hagar by her description as Sarai’s handmaid, and an Egyptian. She was a servant in Abram’s household and was therefore required to be obedient to every request, command, and expected task that was given to her to complete. It was customary in those times that the servant did not question the master morally, ethically, or in any other fashion, so when Sarai handed her to Abram as a second wife, Hagar did so as an obedient servant. Hagar is not totally painted as the ideal servant however, she appears to have a bit of attitude of her own, as when she conceived, she scoffed at her master and in King James English, actually despised her. This too was a cultural response to the role of women. A woman who could bare children was more highly revered than the barren woman. To be barren was a major slight that a woman would often take deeply personally, and it would be a strike against her perceived abilities to perform her duties as a wife, mother, and contributor to society. So in this context, you could understand Hagar’s feelings and perceptions to a point, but only to a point. She was still Sarai’s handmaid, still her servant, and it honestly might have been best to keep her disdain to herself. Sarai would have none of this and tried to pin it on her husband, which of course didn't work, at which point she dealt harshly with Hagar, to the point that Hagar ran away. This would be the first of two times when Hagar left Abram’s household. But even as Hagar’s vocalized attitude resulted in harsh treatment and she ran away, God comes to her in this chapter. I have met people, and you probably have too, who have said, “Well, if you hadn’t said, done, this or that, perhaps you wouldn’t be in the pickle you’re in now! Check your attitude, change your ways, then life will correct itself and go better for you!” The closest God comes to saying anything of the sort, is telling Hagar to return to her mistress, because the promise He made to Abram will extend to Ishmael. This grace is epitomized by the very name God asks Hagar to give her child when he is born. According to Genesis 16:11, the name Ishmael means, “I have heard your affliction”. Hagar can’t help but exclaim that God has seen her, and names God as such in Genesis 16:13 And she called the name of the LORD that spake unto her, Thou God seest me: for she said, Have I also here looked after him that seeth me? Even more amazing in this verse, is her wonderment at herself. The Hebrew lexicon for this instance of “looked after him” suggests the definition of having sought after, having considered, having discerned the other person. Here we have an Egyptian woman amazed that God would come to her, that God would see her, and all the while prior, she had never sought Him herself or even thought to consider Him. Truly the mercy of God knows no bounds. Hagar had to deal with the fallout from expressing the thoughts and feelings in her heart toward Sarai. Yes, even though her behaviour was culturally driven, it was still not acceptable to have allowed those to be visible to her mistress. But God didn’t just tell her to go back and face the music. God told her to name her child in a manner that would forever tell Hagar that God saw her in her affliction. Hagar hadn’t asked to be Abram’s second wife. Hagar hadn’t asked to bear his child. Hagar’s sudden motherhood had been thrust on her by her mistress, acted on by her master, and now she’d opened her big mouth to jump from the frying pan into the fire as the saying goes. Whether we make our situations worse by how we respond to those unwanted circumstances and events, or whether we handle them gracefully, the fact remains, we do not always bring trials and tribulations on ourselves, sometimes they come to us by the hand of others. Just like Hagar, I have not always responded well to being thrust into situations I did not ask for. I am known for speaking my mind and letting others know exactly how I feel about it. I’ve never been one to take unwanted negative situations “lying down”. If I can see the silver lining quickly enough, that will often quell the need to speak my mind, because I can see a way to turn the bad situation around, whether quickly or over the long haul. Just like Hagar, I became a mother, but not by my wish or design. Also like Hagar, I would end up being a single-mother. Just like Hagar, I didn’t necessarily handle my situation wisely at all times, but unlike Hagar, the need to flee was not over those circumstances. That is our only divergent point. However, fleeing, just like Hagar, my children came with me. He didn’t have to. I am not a model celestial citizen all the time. But God looked past my occasional outburst and rash responses. God looked past my faults and failings, and just as He overlooked Hagar’s behaviour, He saw me and came to me. Does that mean I was released from how my own behaviour inflamed things at times? No! Just like Hagar, I had to face the music for various situations that came up along the way. But God in His mercy did not send me further into “exile”, but chose to show me that He still had a plan for me, that He had plans for my children, that He would walk with me if I would be obedient to Him and learn to deal with the unwanted situations I’d been thrust into. This is one of the things I like so much about what God chose to include in the Scriptures. Real people facing real situations having real reactions and having to deal with real fallout, make these stories so much more personal and applicable. Even before the Law was handed down, God was showing His mercy, His love, and His presence to mankind. What an amazing God we serve. My God sees me! (originally posted on my author blog: God, You See Me https://songdove.fa-ct.com/wordpress-mu/songdovemusings/2014/06/25/genesis-16-god-you-see-me/) Read the full article
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dinaj91-blog · 7 years
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yunisuehara · 4 years
In situations like this, my drive to pursue the field I want became stronger. If I'd be one in the future, I can be a volunteer. I can help. But unfortunately right now, i don't have the means to help those who are affected by the eruption of Taal Volcano but thru prayers. We are also affected by it because we live near Batangas. I know that God can hear my pleas, OUR PLEAS. I will keep on praying. I will keep on asking for God's Grace.
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teachermakukula · 7 years
If you're happy and don't know why, it is God telling you; "Don't worry, you are in My grace.
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coveredbythename · 6 years
And you can't undo what you did now so take the clean slate that grace allows and tomorrow just do better!
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ahsirt13 · 5 years
To dream or not to dream
“But truly God has listened; He has attended to the voice of my prayer”. 
– Psalm 66:19
It was so euphoric! It’s true, the kasabihan that says, “walang pagsidlan ang kagalakan.” I was trying to figure out how can I contain all the happiness inside me. Of course, I have to share it.
It was just a board exam. For others, it is simply a board exam, so what? But for us who failed so many times (in my case, two times a failure!), board exam, which is every dream of every Filipino who desire to have license as professionals, turned out to be a nightmare, a ghost, that you simply can’t escape. You wanted it so badly because it is your dream. But the more you wanted it, the harder it gets. Additionally, the negative thoughts on your mind, playing like a song, “what if you won’t make it again?”
Fear. That is the enemy! And everything will flashback. The time you spent studying and reviewing, the resources you used to pay the PRC fee and of course, tuition fee in review center, those are not jokes! And a month salary or two (if you’re on leave without pay). All those things were wasted! And then you failed!?
Board exam is not just a board exam. It is a test of determination, patience, perseverance and faith. If you fail, you go back to the start again. But there are positive sides of failing. You know now that it takes hard work to achieve your dreams. It takes courage to start again and accept your defeat. But failure is only temporary for those who never gets tired of trying.
All those nights that I spent reviewing, all those days that I went home very late after attending review classes, all those things that I forgot the lessons after two weeks of studying and I had to review it again. It was so hard. But as Lord Varys said in the season 8 of Game of Thrones, “the harder the task, the greater the reward.” It is, indeed!
I’m not saying that God is good because He listens to my prayers. Seven years ago, I knew that God has been good to me because He let me fail the board exam the first time. He is good even He let fail the second time. As Tomas Edison said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work,” after 10,000 trials for his invention, the light bulb.
The best thing I learned after I failed twice is to never give up. What lies ahead is sure uncertain. But I am prepared. God prepared me for any struggle.
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