#god they are so in loveeee
justgleekout · 8 months
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here to feed the kink 😌
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rendnotmyheart · 26 days
I think it's well known that a lot of people working on IWTV have theatre backgrounds. But that has never been more apparent than with the "The role of Claudia will now be played by Delainey Hayles" announcement at the beginning of this season. I really felt like I was sitting in the orchestra waiting for the curtain to go up, ready to see the performance of a lifetime!
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t3ooc · 1 year
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“I’d bite myself and take my feelings out with my teeth.”
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cementcornfield · 3 months
Look at his phone background on the second slide 🥹🥹🥹 little uno
Also him with TB and Tee 🥹
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Ja'Marr's 24th birthday 🖤🤍
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hyac1nthus · 8 months
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@gotstabbedbyapen silly Hya! He has caught a fish ::3
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vitamin-zeeth · 3 months
something about how Hedwig talks almost exclusively about how others impacted her. "The triangulation of a pair of eyes on my face, the latitude and longitude of a hand on my body, these are my only clues to my place in the world." "So many people have touched me on my way to the stage tonight" "Will this person embarrass me?" "He loves me mother, he wants to marry me and get me the hell out of here" "he was too good, his applause nearly drowned out my introduction" "he has maintained a near perfect ignorance if the front of me" "I'm just another john you've gypped, another sucker stiffed" "Now everyone gets to take a stab, they cut me up into parts". viewing yourself through the actions of others etc etc
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dandelion-roots · 6 months
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[ID: a digital drawing of aya koda and bram stoker from bungou stray dogs. they're in a technology store. aya is standing in front of one of the TVs that's playing the forest scene in twilight movie one and is pointing excitedly at it while looking at bram. bram is standing in the foreground looking at aya and is confused. the signature reads dandelion-roots. end ID]
Bram doesn't get it.
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lesbiandonnanoble · 7 months
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that one bit of longest day where sam and tanhith hold each other in the desolate bloodstained collapsing time sector while she’s crying & he’s just coughing and coughing up blood an shit .kept replaying in my head so
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
I love mythology so much and it’s taking everything in me to not write a full fledge fic about a Cupid and Psyche au omfg
justttttt Cupid Bakugou who is just so, so fucking beautiful. he’s always been recorded by other mortals for being akin to sunlight himself—all golden hues and sharp angles and high cheekbones and massive wings. wings that span as wide as an entire village, that sparkle when the light hits them, loud when they beat to send him soaring into the skies above. but his mouth? his attitude?
everyone always wonders why he was never the god of war, instead. but he’s damn good at his job, with his arrows propped up on his back, swift with discharging them into another stupid mortal who’s fallen for the local towns idiot. but hey, they’re in love, and it’s his job to enforce that love go over well.
and then he sees you—the most beautiful mortal, that you’re even compared to the gods, to his mother. he wants you so bad, if not to treasure and keep you against his side as he travels over the oceans cold waters, than to keep you safe from the vile men who want you as their partner and the disgusting women who envy you for having it all.
omg and the part where he takes you to stay in his palace and asks you not to ever look at his face???? it’s killing him, to wear that mask to your nightly dinners, to be able to look at the soft curve of your mouth when you frown and ask him to reveal himself. to be able to look at how you stare back at him, eyes pretty and furious, frustrated and mad, wanting to go back on the conditions you agreed upon because having to sit across from him without seeing him is absolute torture. I am. vibrating.
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helennorvilles · 9 months
girl who is too obsessed with haunted houses: i think dale’s new house should be haunted
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itsjaywalkers · 7 months
not sure if i actually ship bartylily but i am very intrigued by them….would definitely read if u ever wrote anything for them 👀👀
how do u think them and jeg would interact?? i feel like the existence of bartylily would throw james & reg off so much lmaooo
CASS I ADORE U AND I’M KISSING U SO HARD FOR THIS it’s such an honour to hear that you’d read them if i ever write anything for them <3 (which i definitely will, they’re in my mind too often)
OOOOOOH I JUST GIGGLED OUT LOUD i think their reactions would be . very fun and wildly different. like reg would be surprised at first and i don’t think he’d get it. like barty, he has this specific view of lily in his mind and he doesn’t understand how barty could’ve fallen for her in the first place and viceversa. they don’t make sense to him but he isn’t . mean or judgemental about it, i feel like none of barty’s friends would be (they’d tease him and take the piss out of him all the time tho, bc that man is Down Bad). after he actually Sees them together a couple of times he starts to get it. they shouldn’t make any sense but they do and they work surprisingly well together so . he stops questioning it at some point and is just supportive
james however. is Appalled. Baffled. Disgusted even. this might just be one of the worst things that’s ever happened to him. it’s not even about jealousy, he’s with reg (sorry it’s the jeggy obsession) and only sees lily as a friend but barty is his Least Favourite Person in existence. he already has to spend too much time around him bc he’s reg’s best friend and now??? now he’s with lily??? bc not only they get along but they’re also dating??? yeah no Fuck That
don’t get me wrong i feel like almost all of lily’s friends wouldn’t take kindly to the news at first (obviously this depends on how u portray both friend groups and their opinions of each other but to me . they never truly get along u know) but i think that they’d grow to accept it at some point. even if begrudgingly. marlene and mary at least. the jury is still out about sirius + remus + peter
but james??? oh he Hates it. and Hates it forever. he’s happy to see lily happy, yeah, but that’s about it. he’s the man who gets up in the middle of the wedding to try and oppose even if he knows there’s no stopping them (reg is incredibly embarrassed and hating his life choices and trying to get him to sit back down) (barty finds it absolutely hilarious and is delighted to know he’s causing james this much turmoil even after so many years) (lily is very much Done and this is exactly why she didn’t want to invite james) (but barty needed reg there and everyone knows that reg and james are a package deal) (anyway i digress)
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volivolition · 3 months
reading Kim's Disco Inferno and i absolutely needed to read this fic earlier than im reading it right now. this is so fucking interesting.
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0-hoony · 2 months
[the number you have dialed is not available]
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mayoiayasep · 3 months
ryuseitai time for real!!
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the-algebra-thing · 1 year
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words cannot quite explain how I've loved you my entire life
aka what I have been working on intermittently over the past 4 months!! second digital attempt at my favorite style of illustrating :)
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boygirlctommy · 16 days
@trenchcrows was this the one you were thinking of??
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