#god the unova kids make me so ill they mean so much to me cjmdnd
cheemken · 11 months
Bro? You just use ibispaint, on a phone, to draw?? And they always come out amazing???
Also Hau and Iris look so CNCHXKSN. They look so cool and you can just tell how much influence Lance and Diantha had on them
But I wanted to say, I thought of how the Unova Region would find out about Iris, or at least how cold and violent she’s gotten. Because if she can’t hide her anger then she’ll definitely be seen as a tyrant sooner or later like Lance and Leon
Now most of the people know that The Champion and The Hero of Unova have been good friends for years. Lots of times the two trainers and their friends would be seen together, hanging out, laughing, being happy, and just all in all great friends. So imagine the regions surprise when Champion Iris greatly injures The Hero of Truth, Hilbert
It was one of those times when Hilbert challenged Iris for her title, confident that him and his Pokémon trained enough to overthrow his friend. But of course she defeated all six of his Pokémon and kept her title. After some small talk Hilbert joking mentions how her luck will run out soon and he’ll be the new champion. And her anger slightly flares for a moment, her friend doesn’t think she’s strong enough to be champion and that she has relied on luck to get this far. She gives short replies to his questions and starts preparing to leave, making sure her Pokémon are fine and healed up
Getting annoyed with her lack of answers and just general attitude over the past few months, Hilbert himself gets angry and starts an argument with her. After some back and forth yelling he says some words he’ll regret. He says how if she’s only using her skills and strength to terrorize the people of Unova, that if she’s going so far that she would’ve killed someone had they not stopped her, then she isn’t fit to be a champion. Because a champions job is to protect, not kill the innocent
Iris really though her friend was better. That he knew his place in the world and trusted her decisions to protect Unova, to protect their friends, to protect him, but it seems he’s just like the rest of them. Looking down on her like she’s nothing
Only when Iris grows quiet does he realize how suffocating the room felt. How the room got colder, and how Iris’ eyes, that once reminded him of shining rubies, were now a frightening eerie red that stared straight at him from across the room. Finally realizing his terrible mistake when Iris reveals a seventh Pokéball and releases the legendary Dragon/Ice type Pokémon, who stares directly at him, with it ready to fire the move Glaciate whenever it’s trainer commands it to
No but my last post, it was supposed to be abt Iris being so pissed abt the people of Unova she did a team Plasma and froze a few of the towns as a threat
And now you send me this and I'm so not fucking normal abt it that is so dope😭
Can you imagine the colour on Hilbert's face fading, staring wide eyes up at Kyurem. He never got to face Kyurem back then, Nate never told him, or any of them, of his experience w Kyurem, w Ghetsis. N never told them as well, in respect of Nate's wishes, but what N only told them it was freezing, it felt like a worse version of hell, it felt terrifying, and had he not came in with Reshiram... Hilbert almost didn't wanna know. And now, standing before him was none other than Kyurem itself, under the command of their Champion, glaring at him with the same intensity he once received from Ghetsis.
He should've known. Nate left Kyurem with Drayden. But Drayden's gone now. And the one left with Kyurem is none other than the strongest trainer in Unova.
"Iris... Let's not cross that line." He carefully said, raising both his arms in surrender, "I take it back. I take everything back." His breathing quickened, puffs of cold air leaving his lips with each bated breath, "just.. Arc, Iris, please, don't do this." He pleaded, falling to his knees. He knew what happened to Unova while he, Hilda, and N were away. He knew the damages Kyurem had done because of Plasma. But Plasma wasn't around anymore, and Plasma didn't know the full potential of a Dragon, not like Iris. She knows how to tap into it, knows what to do to unleash their hidden power within, she understands them more than any other could. And she knows that one Glaciate Kyurem will summon will be enough to freeze the entire league over.
But Iris still glared at him. Told him he had a plan with the others, don't you? She can sense them, can sense Zekrom and Reshiram on their way.
"I didn't know about that!"
As she commanded Kyurem to use Glaciate, N and Hilda came just in time to block the attack, commanding both Reshiram and Zekrom to attack Kyurem.
N had warned Hilda to not let Zekrom close, as Iris would probably have the DNA Splicers w her too, so the two became more wary while battling. But Iris was erratic, it's so unlike her now, yelling out her commands, so desperate to beat them.
But also I have this lil concept too, that when N and Hilda came in, Hilda and Hilbert did fight Iris, like legit fought her hand to hand, all while N was trying to calm down Kyurem. And just cjmdd imagine Hilda and Hilbert actually knocking her out and got Kyurem's pokeball, calling him back. And they brought Iris to Plasma's castle under the league, tied her up in a chair maybe, in N's throne most likely, and then the Nuvema gang and N are there before her.
Imagine her glaring at them, almost growling at them, telling them to let her go. But ofc, they're not letting her go that easily. God imagine them finally getting to really talk to her, asking her why she's suddenly acting like that, after Drayden's death she wasn't the same.
And like, imagine her looking down, tears rolling down her cheeks, and she starts sobbing. Telling them that she really just missed her grandpa, that she just wanted to prove herself to be a good Champion, a strong trainer that their region could rely on, but the pressure was getting to her, especially since everyone still looked down on her, how no matter what she does, she will never be enough for the people of Unova, and she hates it. It haunts her every night, haunts her until she couldn't sleep, and it didn't help how she could still hear the hushed whispers of the people in Opelucid telling her that she will never be able to fill in Drayden's role as the mayor of that city too.
Bianca ofc caved in, she tried to approach Iris, Cheren and even Hilda stopped her, but she gave them a look that they knew they couldn't argue w her on this one. Bianca knelt before Iris, wiping her tears, telling her that she doesn't have to fight her battles alone anymore, they're her friends, "we'll always be here for you." And Iris smiled at that, melting in her touch, shifting slightly almost kissing the palm of her hand, thanking her for her patience. Bianca then looked at the others, and they finally relented, they untied Iris and they half expected her to double cross them, instead she fell straight into Bianca's arms, pulling her close as she cried on her shoulder.
And the others, well, perhaps Iris really was misguided, but not anymore, they'll make sure of it. So they went in and joined in on the group hug, telling Iris that they'll always be there for her.
Iris smiled at that, hidden as she buried herself deeper in Bianca's embrace, guess Diantha's acting lessons really did pay off.
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