#gm dental
gmdental · 4 months
Transform Your Smile with Dental Crowns at GM Dental and Implant Centre
Welcome to GM Dental and Implant Centre, where your oral health and satisfaction are our top priorities. If you’re looking to enhance your smile and restore damaged teeth, dental crowns are an excellent option to consider. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of dental crowns and why GM Dental and Implant Centre is the perfect clinic to trust with your crown restoration.
What Are Dental Crowns?
Dental crowns, also known as dental caps, are custom-made prosthetic devices that fit over damaged or weakened teeth. They are designed to restore the shape, size, strength, and appearance of your teeth, while providing protection and improving their functionality. Dental crowns are typically made from durable materials such as porcelain, ceramic, or metal alloys, ensuring long-lasting results.
Why Choose GM Dental and Implant Centre for Your Dental Crowns?
1. Expertise and Experience: At GM Dental and Implant Centre, we have a team of highly skilled and experienced dentists who specialize in restorative dentistry, including dental crowns. Our dentists stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in dental technology and techniques to provide you with the highest quality of care.
2. Personalized Treatment Plans: We understand that every patient is unique, and their dental needs vary. When you visit GM Dental and Implant Centre, our dentists will thoroughly examine your teeth, discuss your goals and concerns, and create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. We take pride in offering individualized care that ensures optimal results and patient satisfaction.
3. State-of-the-Art Facilities: Our clinic is equipped with advanced dental technology and state-of-the-art facilities to ensure your comfort and safety throughout your dental crown procedure. We utilize digital imaging, 3D scanning, and other cutting-edge tools to provide accurate diagnoses and precise treatment planning, ensuring efficient and effective dental crown placement.
4. Comprehensive Range of Crown Options: At GM Dental and Implant Centre, we offer a wide range of crown options to meet your specific needs and preferences. Whether you prefer the natural-looking aesthetics of porcelain crowns or the durability of metal alloys, our dentists will guide you in choosing the most suitable crown material for your individual case.
5. Comfortable and Relaxing Environment: We understand that visiting the dentist can be a source of anxiety for some individuals. At GM Dental and Implant Centre, we strive to create a comfortable and relaxing environment for our patients. Our friendly staff will ensure that you feel at ease throughout your dental crown procedure, providing a positive dental experience.
If you’re seeking a trusted dental practice for your dental crown needs, look no further than GM Dental and Implant Centre. Our experienced team, personalized treatment plans, state-of-the-art facilities, and comprehensive range of crown options make us the ideal choice for restoring your smile. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward achieving a beautiful, healthy, and confident smile with dental crowns.
Book an Appointment
We have several Dental Clinics available to you, check the following ones to see which one is near to you.
London- GM Dental and Implant Centre Barnet – 27 Wood Street, Barnet, EN5 4BE – 020 8049 3103 Booking Link: bit.ly/gmbarnet
Kent- GM Dental and Implant Centre Rochester – 5 London Road, Rochester, ME2 3JA – 01634718882 Booking Link: bit.ly/rochimp
Kent- GM Dental and Implant Centre Ashford – 40 Elwick Rd, Ashford TN23 1NN – 01233803804 Booking Link: bit.ly/ashfimp
Most of our practices will require you to have a consultation before beginning any dental treatment, to assess whether the procedure is suitable for you. During the consultation, your dentist will also be able to discuss the cost of the procedure, any possible side effects, and any alternative treatments available. Additionally, it is important to ask any questions that you might have before booking an appointment, to make sure that you are fully informed before proceeding.
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lexecute · 2 years
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dungeonmalcontent · 1 year
Hold everything! Everyone stop what you're doing, this is huge!
Grimdark & Dangerous is on sale for GM's Day! For a limited time only, until March 14th, you can snag this book-- normally priced at $19.99--for $16.99! That's 15% off folks!
Not only is that a spectacular deal, but it also gets you the rest of the future expansions for the content library for free!
That's 3 extra books (bonus class and ephemera, cutting room floor revised, and a full bestiary) at full stretch goals. Free.
I didn't have a choice in the matter of the deal, because DMsGuild can discount any published books on their platform whenever they want (they can only discount books so much, but still). But this is totally fine by me so long as you guys realize what this deal means. If you buy this book, you get The Living Grimoire Expansion and Grimdark & Darker for free when their stretch goals are met; and the Grimdark Bestiary as well when that final stretch goal is met. Because this content is getting added on to the download packet when you buy the main book, they are not separate purchases or even downloads.
This is also where I'm announcing Grimdark & Darker. Not all of my cutting room floor content will go into The Living Grimoire Expansion (though, thanks to polling here, a good chunk of it will), and there's a reason for that. There's a lot. So, when the book hits 150 copies sold, this new mini-manual will be added on to all previous and future sales of Grimdark & Dangerous. This mini-manual will include tons of new subclasses, items, a few spells, a few backgrounds, and a handful of other extra odds and ends.
If you aren't picking up how massive this is. Grimdark & Dangerous is approaching the same mass as a humble bundle. And it's on sale now! Grab a copy while it's the cheapest it will be for a while.
I only wish I could have given you guys a bigger heads up but I've been on the bench with sickness and dental work. Reblog this so that everyone that you know that might want to snag this library of content can get it at a discount!
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nehirose · 8 months
like it would probably help if i ever actually talked about things anymore but see also: tired.
i've been out of work for a year. i was supposed to be able to take a break and then get back to it, but instead thing after thing that was more urgent priority and needed to be wrangled has happened. (this isn't isolated to me. by any stretch of the imagination.)
& the job hunt hasn't been great. the last interview i had was for mcdonalds and it went really well! but the gm was out of town and by the time they came back, the location had gotten more applicants. with prior experience. who got hired over me.
they still have the now hiring sign up. it was kind of a body blow to my ego but more importantly fed into the whole thing where -
i am struggling pretty hard with the recursive loop of untreated adhd making it like wading through hip deep cement to get anything - including and especially the things i desperately WANT to do and NEED to do to make any of this easier. get a job get insurance get meds. do paperwork get meds get job? - watch friends with more recent dx but usable insurance struggle to find providers get prescribed not just give up because they struggled their way into a stable place without help so what's even the point.
make art again. enjoy my hobbies again. which i have at least been actually functionally interested again?
partner has a good job and has been a godsend. we're much better off than we were a year and a few months ago, when i was the only one working. we consistently have rent covered, and money for food, the occasional action figure full of serotonin.
the schedule sucks (12 hour days dispersed out over a schedule that repeats every two weeks, rather than every week, and whether those 12 hours are 6am-6:30pm or 6pm to 6:30am switches every four weeks. it's predictable, just irregular, if that makes sense. we're currently on nights - well, i'm doing my best not to be, just adjusting the times for drop off and pick up. there ARE other shifts and teams available, buuuuuuu) uuuuuut the pay is amazing. by rights we should be fine all of the time, barring unforseen disaster. we're stable where we are -
it's just still a one bedroom shared with three people and two cats that is where none of us still want to be living.
we all need trips to the dentist. and follow up dental work. i need an eye exam and new glasses. i probably need to get my migraines more managed if i'm going to keep whatever job i do manage to get. the car needs headlights replaced and to investigate the horrible creaking noise when you are backing out in a turn. we should be doing a better job of trying to put anything into savings, but that's hard.
everything would be /just enough/easier with me bringing in any kind of income. possibly even better than good.
i've been beating myself up about this a lot.
i'm working on that.
i have an *incredible* team for support. my partner and my closest friend who i don't actually live with are both absolute rocks. patient as hell in all of this, but it's hard. willing to help me with getting things out & getting supplies acquired if i manage to get rolling on any one of multiple projects that are currently (finally) percolating. (my other close friends think i deserve to be able to have a break.) (i think that might be a middle ground.)
things ARE looking up. i'm still trundling ever forward and socially i'm so, so, so much happier and better off than i have been in a long time, it's just, y'know.
wading through slowly drying concrete is really, really hard. some days are better than others. things ARE going to improve, one stubborn step after another.
i'm just tired, man.
i'm tired.
i'll be okay.
(but i should probably go to bed.)
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This day in history
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#20yrsago GM apologizes for “freaks and weirdos ride the bus” ads https://craphound.com/GMresponse.pdf
#20yrsago How GM destroyed America’s public transit https://www.trainweb.org/mts/ctc/ctc06.html
#15yrsago Oregon: our laws are copyrighted and you can’t publish them https://memex.craphound.com/2008/04/15/oregon-our-laws-are-copyrighted-and-you-cant-publish-them/
#15yrsago Ronald Searle’s original dark, weird and hilarious St Trinian’s comics https://memex.craphound.com/2008/04/15/ronald-searles-original-dark-weird-and-hilarious-st-trinians-comics/
#10yrsago Cops in Somerville, MA: “It would endanger the public to tell you what guns we have” https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2013/apr/12/muckrock-appeals-somerville-pd-records-denial/
#5yrsago When your dental insurer sends you a “free” Internet of Shit toothbrush https://wolfstreet.com/2018/04/14/our-dental-insurance-sent-us-free-internet-connected-toothbrushes-and-this-is-what-happened-next/
#5yrsago The US workforce is the most productive, best educated in history and unemployment is at an all-time low, but wages are stagnant https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/apr/13/american-economy-wage-suppression-how-it-works
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There's only three days left in the Kickstarter campaign for the audiobook of my next novel, a post-cyberpunk anti-finance finance thriller about Silicon Valley scams called Red Team Blues. Amazon's Audible refuses to carry my audiobooks because they're DRM free, but crowdfunding makes them possible.
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vijayadear · 1 year
Traditional Indian Ice-Cream
Traditional Indian Ice- Cream
Ingredients ---Colostrum milk1/2 litre,normal milk1/2 litre,1/2 tender coconut,500 gms jaggery,elaichi.
Method---Mix both the milks in a utensil.Grind tender coconut till paste with jaggery.Then mix all and add elaichi4-5 grains and keep for steaming till 45 minutes.Cool,cut into pieces and keep in fridge---Lovely dish ready—
Benefits---Colostrum milk is 1st milk produced after a cow has delivered a calf.This milk is lower in fat and higher in protein than regular milk( colour yellowish).It also contains antibodies to protect against diseases.This dish is a natural source of proteins for vegetarians,good bone health,smooth skin,strong immune system, prevention of illnesses as hypertension,dental decay, respiratory problems,obesity, osteoporosis and even some forms of cancer.
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weabooweedwitch · 2 years
I had a manager pull me aside and tell me I either need to tell my GM to officially make me a full time employee or I need to cut my hours down "because I'm working way too many hours and not being properly compensated for it, I could be getting benefits like dental, a 401k (lmao as if) yada yada yada"
And I considered it.... for like 10 minutes until I had another bad interaction with a customer and I realized I can barely work this job as is so. Maybe I'll have to leave a written note or something since verbal conversations really aren't my deal right now 😔
I just. Ugh 💀
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ama2024 · 4 months
Herbal Toothpastes Market Climbs on Positive Outlook of Booming Sales
Advance Market Analytics released a new market study on Global Herbal Toothpastes Market Research report which presents a complete assessment of the Market and contains a future trend, current growth factors, attentive opinions, facts, and industry validated market data. The research study provides estimates for Global Herbal Toothpastes Forecast till 2029*.
Herbal Toothpaste is a glue or a gel used to clean and maintain the strength of teeth with the assistance of toothbrush. It is utilized to advance oral cleanliness and it helps in expelling the nourishment and dental plaque from the teeth bolsters in repressing halitosis, and contains fixings, keeping up a fresh mouth for the entire day and furthermore giving perfect assurance against dental issues like pyorrhea, gum dying, pit and affectability.  These offers many benefits to its end-users such as immune-stimulatory, anti-haemorrhagic, a natural antiseptic, and other properties as well. The increasing concern of oral cleanliness with risk-free products among the individuals is driving the growth of herbal toothpaste.
Key Players included in the Research Coverage of Herbal Toothpastes Market are:
Colgate-Palmolive Company (United States), Procter & Gamble (United States), Hindustan Unilever Limited (India), Dabur (India), Lion Corporation (Japan), LG Household & Health Care (South Korea), Johnson & Johnson (United States), Henkel AG & Company (Germany), Church & Dwight Co., Inc. (United States), CCA Industries, Inc. (United States), The Himalaya drug company (India),
What's Trending in Market: Adoption of Online Retail Channels across the World Is Increasing Increasing inclination of consumer towards risk-free ingredients
Challenges: Availability of Cheaper Conventional Substitute of Herbal Toothpaste Most Secure Result of Natural Toothpaste That Which Is Confirmed As Natural Else They May Likewise Risk Our Tooth
Opportunities: Constant Research and Development Related to Oral Hygiene Products
Market Growth Drivers: Herbal Toothpaste Is Comparatively More Effective Than Conventional Toothpaste Is Driving the Demand of This Toothpastes in the Market Growing Awareness about Oral Hygiene across the Global Population
The Global Herbal Toothpastes Market segments and Market Data Break Down by Type (Neem, Mint, Basil, Spice Extract, Meswak, Others), Application (Adults, Children), Distribution Channel (General Store, Hypermarket & Supermarket, Pharmacy Store, Online Retail, Others), Capacity (25gm, 50 gm, 100 gm, Others), Packaging Tube Size (16. 0 mm, 22. 0 mm, 30. 0 mm, 35. 0 mm, Others), Packaging Material (Aluminium, Plastic, Plastic laminate, Others)
Get inside Scoop of the report, request for free sample @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/124618-global-herbal-toothpastes-market
To comprehend Global Herbal Toothpastes market dynamics in the world mainly, the worldwide Herbal Toothpastes market is analyzed across major global regions. AMA also provides customized specific regional and country-level reports for the following areas.
• North America: United States, Canada, and Mexico.
• South & Central America: Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Brazil.
• Middle East & Africa: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Turkey, Egypt and South Africa.
• Europe: United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands and Russia.
• Asia-Pacific: India, China, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Australia.
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ayusharogyam · 8 months
Maintain Regular Oral Hygiene with KP Namboodiris Tooth Powder
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Brushing the teeth at least two times a day is one of the most fundamental dental hygiene guidelines. Therefore, you must brush your teeth at the beginning of each day and again just before bed. All you need after developing a routine like this is a quality toothbrush and ayurvedic KP Namboodiris tooth powder. Because cleaning your teeth in a circular motion while applying minimal pressure to the gums and teeth is advised by dentists to be very beneficial. You can buy KP Namboodiris tooth powder from Ayush Arogyam, the biggest online platform for ayurvedic products. To learn more about this product, visit –
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gmdental · 4 months
10 Benefits of Same Day All-On-4 Dental Implants
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As advances in dental science and technology continue to evolve, it has become possible for more people to attain their dream smile with minimal fuss. This is particularly true for those seeking a full-mouth restoration. Among the cutting-edge procedures available today, All-On-4 dental implants stand out, especially when implemented in a single day. Here at our dental practices in Rochester, Barnet, and Ashford, we’ve seen firsthand the transformative power of these implants.
So, what makes the same-day All-On-4 dental implants so remarkable? Here are ten compelling benefits:
Immediate Results: The same-day All-On-4 procedure is exactly what it sounds like – your new smile is achieved in a single appointment. You’ll leave with a confident, bright smile after a few hours at our Rochester, Barnet, or Ashford locations.
Efficiency and Convenience: You can save significant time and resources with only one surgical visit. Our professional team at each location ensures a streamlined process, making your experience as efficient and convenient as possible.
Cost-Effective: The All-On-4 treatment requires fewer implants than traditional methods, often reducing the overall cost. It’s a fantastic option for affordable yet high-quality full-mouth restoration.
Enhanced Comfort: The All-On-4 implants are designed to fully integrate with your jawbone, resulting in a comfortable, natural feel. Our Rochester, Barnet, and Ashford patients consistently report exceptional comfort levels post-procedure.
Restored Functionality: With All-On-4 implants, you can eat, speak, and laugh just as you would with natural teeth. They offer robust strength and durability, ensuring you can enjoy your favourite foods without worry.
Long-Lasting Results: With proper care, All-On-4 implants can last a lifetime. Each of our Rochester, Barnet, and Ashford locations provides comprehensive aftercare advice to ensure longevity.
Improved Appearance: All-On-4 implants are designed to look just like natural teeth, enhancing your facial structure and boosting your confidence. You’ll enjoy a youthful appearance with your beautiful new smile.
Prevention of Further Bone Loss: By stimulating the jawbone like natural teeth roots, All-On-4 implants prevent further bone loss, a common issue following tooth loss.
Minimal Recovery Time: The streamlined same-day procedure ensures a faster healing process, less downtime and a quicker return to your normal routine.
High Success Rate: The All-On-4 procedure has a high success rate and is a reliable solution for those with significant tooth loss. Our experienced teams in Rochester, Barnet, and Ashford are committed to achieving the best possible outcome for every patient.
The All-On-4 Procedure
One of the unique aspects of the All-On-4 procedure is its strategic use of implant angles in the anterior and posterior regions of the mouth. This makes it possible to fully utilise available bone and ensure excellent stability even with minimal bone quantity. By making the most out of your natural jaw structure, we can avoid invasive bone grafting procedures at our Rochester, Barnet, and Ashford locations.
Moreover, All-On-4 implants use biocompatible materials, readily accepted by your body. This reduces the risk of complications and enhances the overall success rate of the procedure.
Investing in Your Overall Health
Investing in All-On-4 implants doesn’t only mean investing in a beautiful smile. Good oral health is connected to overall health. Missing or damaged teeth can lead to various health issues, including infections, nutritional deficiencies from an inability to eat certain foods, and even mental health issues due to a lack of self-esteem. Therefore, the All-On-4 procedure is a meaningful step towards improving holistic health.
Patient Testimonials about all-on-4 implants
To illustrate the transformative power of All-On-4 implants, let’s share some patient testimonials from our clinics in Rochester, Barnet, and Ashford:
“Thanks to the All-On-4 implants, I can finally enjoy meals with my family again without worrying about discomfort or embarrassment. The procedure was quick and painless, and the team was incredibly supportive. I can’t recommend it enough!” – David, Ashford.
“After years of feeling self-conscious about my smile, the All-On-4 procedure has returned my confidence. The same-day process was surprisingly simple, and I could return to work the next day. Best decision I ever made!” – Mary, Rochester
“The All-On-4 procedure has significantly improved my quality of life. I now have a beautiful smile, and I can speak more clearly and enjoy the food I hadn’t been able to for years. The team in Barnet were so professional and caring – I felt in safe hands throughout the process.” – Richard, Barnet.
Your journey to a beautiful and healthy smile is just one day away. Our experienced teams of dental implant experts in Rochester, Barnet, and Ashford are ready to guide you through every step of the process, ensuring you feel comfortable, informed, and excited about the transformative potential of All-On-4 dental implants. Get in touch with us today to start your journey.
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lexecute · 2 years
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gmdentalimplantashford · 11 months
Best dentist in Ashford
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GM Dental And Implant middle Ashford: Delivering Excellence in Dental Care Finding the best dentist in Ashford is necessary for maintaining optimal oral health and a confident smile. in the middle of the reputable dental practices in Ashford, GM Dental And Implant middle Ashford stands out as a leading provider of exceptional dental care. following a dedicated team of experienced professionals and a summative range of services, GM Dental And Implant middle Ashford is effective to delivering outstanding dental treatments tailored to meet the unique needs of each patient. Comprehensive Dental Services: GM Dental And Implant middle Ashford offers a broad range of dental facilities intended to domicile various oral health needs. From routine check-ups and cleanings to forward looking restorative events and cosmetic dentistry, their proficient team is equipped to handle all aspects of dental care. Whether you require dental implants, teeth whitening, orthodontics, or emergency dental care, GM Dental And Implant middle Ashford provides personalized and effective solutions to help you achieve a healthy and lovely smile.
Experienced and endorsed Professionals: At GM Dental And Implant middle Ashford, patients can expect the endowment and professionalism of their dental team. The practice is staffed by extremely endorsed dentists, hygienists, and maintain staff who have years of experience in the field. Their dentists stay updated following the latest advancements in dentistry through continuous professional development, ensuring that patients get the highest enjoyable of care. following their knowledge, skill, and dedication, GM Dental And Implant middle Ashford is well-equipped to domicile a broad range of dental concerns and meet the expense of optimal treatment outcomes. State-of-the-Art facilities and Technology: GM Dental And Implant middle Ashford is effective to providing dental care that is at the forefront of technology and innovation. The practice boasts state-of-the-art facilities and utilizes forward looking dental technology and equipment. From digital X-rays and intraoral cameras to computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) systems, they leverage cutting-edge tools to tally accuracy, efficiency, and tolerant comfort. By incorporating the latest techniques and equipment, GM Dental And Implant middle Ashford ensures that patients get the most forward looking and effective treatments available. https://scontent.fcgy2-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/236664363_2671671519800022_4044385077623425635_n.jpg?_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=e3f864&_nc_eui2=AeET4R34XEYnG5jncZn3D-yLyjRQZn4n0DvKNFBmfifQOzyWLlLVdeobFsAfJdkhZXo&_nc_ohc=vgDzfqkYNQQAX_tCvS1&_nc_ht=scontent.fcgy2-2.fna&oh=00_AfDGQL3fBH56WM1KdSMpCjJ3Z-KasP5-Cl6G_A1flDy5yA&oe=6499BB85 Patient-Centric Approach: GM Dental And Implant middle Ashford places a strong prominence upon patient-centered care. They understand that each tolerant is unique, following individual needs and concerns. The team takes the grow old to listen, understand, and collaborate following patients to fabricate personalized treatment plans that align following their goals and preferences. They prioritize certain communication, ensuring that patients are well-informed roughly their dental health and treatment options. The compassionate and kind quality at GM Dental And Implant middle Ashford fosters trust and comfort, making all tolerant quality valued and cared for. Outstanding Customer Service: Exceptional customer serve is a hallmark of GM Dental And Implant middle Ashford. From the moment you step into their forward looking and inviting clinic, you will be greeted by a warm and attentive staff. They wrestle to create a easily reached and pleasant experience, addressing any concerns or anxieties you may have. The administrative team ensures efficient accord scheduling, seamless insurance processing, and transparent financial arrangements, making your dental journey hassle-free. Conclusion: GM Dental And Implant middle Ashford is a trusted say in dental care, dedicated to providing summative facilities following a patient-centered approach. following their experienced professionals, state-of-the-art facilities, adherence to forward looking technology, and exceptional customer service, GM Dental And Implant middle Ashford stands out as the best dentist in Ashford. Visit their clinic today to experience the difference and get the highest enjoyable of dental care, tailored to your unique needs, and delivered following compassion and excellence. Contact us: GM Dental And Implant Centre Ashford 40 Elwick Rd, Ashford TN23 1NN, UK +44 1233 803804
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globaljobalert-blog · 11 months
DevOps Engineer CI/CD - Remote(Poland)
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Company:  LivePerson  LivePerson (NASDAQ:LPSN) is a leading customer engagement company, creating digital experiences powered by Curiously Human AI. Every person is unique, and our technology makes it possible for companies, including leading brands like HSBC, Orange, and GM Financial, to treat their audiences that way at scale. Nearly a billion conversational interactions are powered by our Conversational Cloud each month. You'll be successful at LivePerson if you are excited to build something from the ground up. You excel by finding daily opportunities to grow at the same pace as the technology we're building, and you build partnerships that improve our business. Likewise, you're someone who sees feedback as a chance to learn and grow and believe decisions powered by data are the norm. You care about the wellbeing of others and yourself. Overview: LivePerson transforms customer care from voice calls to mobile messaging. Our cloud-based software platform, LiveEngage, allows brands with millions of customers and tens of thousands of care agents to deliver digital at scale. The market leader in real-time intelligent customer engagement. As a B2B SaaS company with 20 years of experience and the heart of a startup, we work day in and day out to help our customers live out our mission of creating lasting, meaningful connections with their customers. The Data Operations team at Liveperson is looking for an experienced DevOps engineer: a candidate that takes on challenges, continuously expands his area of expertise and naturally takes ownership of his work. The ideal candidate has a strong engineering background, an eagerness to follow good practices and a desire to apply his skills in the field of DevOps. We will provide you the grounds to succeed, an embracing working environment and very complex and interesting technical challenges to solve. You will: - Work with the latest and greatest data technologies including Relational/NoSQL databases and real-time data messaging and processing. - Responsible for engineering core big data platforms, both real-time analytics, stream & batch - Engage in solving real business problems by exploring and building an efficient and scalable data infrastructure. - Responsible for uptime, stability, redundancy, capacity, optimization, tuning, automation and visibility of our data technologies. - Participate in design reviews of our SaaS services and provide guidance for interoperability with layers such as Elasticsearch, Hadoop, Kafka, Storm and more - Learn new technologies and become an expert to the extent of being the last escalation tier in the company for these technologies - The team will also integrate these technologies into our private cloud adding auto-scaling, auto-healing, and advanced monitoring You have: - 2+ years of experience in DevOps - In-depth understanding of CI/CD concepts - MUST - Experience with GitLab - MUST - Experience with Docker and Kubernetes - Experience with Cloud Platforms (AWS / GCP ) - GCP advantage. - Experience in building CI/CD pipelines with Jenkins. - Development background is a major advantage - Terraform, Ansible - advantage Benefits: - Health: medical, dental, and vision - Development: Native AI learning Why you'll love working here: Your entrepreneurial spirit will be supported. We love team members who chase down their big ideas, become experts, help colleagues, and own their work. These four company values guide our continued, holistic growth as individuals, as teams, and as a global organization. And to further make our point, let's just say we're very proud to be on Fast Company's list of Most Innovative Companies and Newsweek's list of most-loved workplaces. Belonging at LivePerson: At LivePerson, people from diverse backgrounds come together to make an impact and be their authentic selves. One way we share and connect is through our employee resource groups such as: Live In Color, LP Proud, and Women In Tech. We are proud to be an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, ancestry, color, family or medical care leave, gender identity or expression, genetic information, marital status, medical condition, national origin, physical or mental disability, protected veteran status, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by applicable laws, regulations and ordinances. We also consider qualified applicants with criminal histories, consistent with applicable federal, state, and local law. We are committed to the accessibility needs of applicants and employees. We provide reasonable accommodations to job applicants with physical or mental disabilities. Applicants with a disability who require a reasonable accommodation for any part of the application or hiring process should inform their recruiting contact upon initial connection. APPLY ON THE COMPANY WEBSITE To get free remote job alerts, please join our telegram channel “Global Job Alerts” or follow us on Twitter for latest job updates. Disclaimer:  - This job opening is available on the respective company website as of 9thJuly 2023. The job openings may get expired by the time you check the post. - Candidates are requested to study and verify all the job details before applying and contact the respective company representative in case they have any queries. - The owner of this site has provided all the available information regarding the location of the job i.e. work from anywhere, work from home, fully remote, remote, etc. However, if you would like to have any clarification regarding the location of the job or have any further queries or doubts; please contact the respective company representative. Viewers are advised to do full requisite enquiries regarding job location before applying for each job.   - Authentic companies never ask for payments for any job-related processes. Please carry out financial transactions (if any) at your own risk. - All the information and logos are taken from the respective company website. Read the full article
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gmdentalbarnet · 1 year
Best dentist in Barnet
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GM Dental And Implant Centre Barnet: Your Trusted Partner for Exceptional Dental Care in Barnet When it comes to maintaining a healthy and confident smile, finding the best dentist in Barnet is essential. In the heart of Barnet, UK, GM Dental And Implant Centre Barnet has established itself as a premier dental practice, providing top-notch dental care and a wide range of services to meet the oral health needs of the community. With their commitment to excellence, state-of-the-art facilities, and a team of highly skilled professionals, GM Dental And Implant Centre Barnet is dedicated to delivering exceptional dental care to their patients. Comprehensive Dental Services: GM Dental And Implant Centre Barnet offers a comprehensive range of dental services to cater to all aspects of oral health. From routine dental check-ups and cleanings to advanced restorative procedures, their team of experienced dentists is proficient in providing a wide array of treatments. Whether you require dental implants, cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, or emergency dental care, GM Dental And Implant Centre Barnet has the expertise and resources to address all your dental needs. Expert Dental Team: At GM Dental And Implant Centre Barnet, you can trust in the expertise of their highly skilled dental professionals. Their team consists of accomplished dentists who have extensive experience in the field and are passionate about delivering top-quality dental care. They stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in dentistry and continuously enhance their skills through ongoing education and training. With their knowledge and expertise, the dental team at GM Dental And Implant Centre Barnet is well-equipped to provide the highest standard of care to patients of all ages. State-of-the-Art Facilities: GM Dental And Implant Centre Barnet boasts state-of-the-art facilities that are designed to create a comfortable and relaxed environment for patients. Equipped with the latest dental technology and advanced equipment, the practice ensures accurate diagnoses, efficient treatments, and optimal patient comfort. From digital X-rays and intraoral cameras to advanced dental imaging systems, their modern facilities enable precise treatment planning and delivery, resulting in superior outcomes for their patients. Personalized Approach to Care: GM Dental And Implant Centre Barnet believes in a personalized approach to dental care. They understand that each patient is unique, with specific dental concerns and goals. The dental team takes the time to listen and understand your individual needs, tailoring treatment plans to address your specific requirements. Whether you are seeking cosmetic enhancements or restorative procedures, they work closely with you to create a personalized treatment plan that meets your expectations and delivers long-lasting results.
Exceptional Patient Experience: At GM Dental And Implant Centre Barnet, providing an exceptional patient experience is a top priority. From the moment you walk through their doors, you will be greeted by a warm and friendly team that is dedicated to making your visit as comfortable and stress-free as possible. They prioritize clear communication, ensuring that you fully understand your treatment options, procedures, and expected outcomes. With their compassionate and caring approach, they create a supportive environment where your dental concerns are addressed with utmost professionalism and respect. Conclusion: GM Dental And Implant Centre Barnet is renowned as the best dentist in Barnet, UK, and for good reason. With their comprehensive range of dental services, experienced dental team, state-of-the-art facilities, and commitment to personalized patient care, they have become the go-to dental practice for the community. Whether you require routine preventive care or complex restorative treatments, GM Dental And Implant Centre Barnet is dedicated to providing you with exceptional dental care that enhances your oral health and restores your beautiful smile. Experience the difference at GM Dental And Implant Centre Barnet and entrust your dental health to their skilled professionals.
GM Dental And Implant Centre Barnet
27 Wood St, Barnet EN5 4BE, United Kingdom
+44 20 8449 3022
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gmdentalrochester · 1 year
Best dentist in Rochester
GM Dental And Implant Centre: Your Trusted Destination for Exceptional Dental Care in Rochester When it comes to dental care, finding a reliable and skilled dentist is of paramount importance. In the vibrant city of Rochester, one name stands out for its commitment to providing exceptional dental services ? GM Dental And Implant Centre. With a team of highly qualified professionals and a comprehensive range of services, GM Dental And Implant Centre has earned a stellar reputation as one of the best dentists in Rochester. Comprehensive Dental Services: GM Dental And Implant Centre offers a wide array of dental services to cater to the diverse needs of patients. From routine dental check-ups and cleanings to advanced treatments such as dental implants and orthodontics, their experienced team is well-equipped to handle all aspects of oral care. Whether you require cosmetic dentistry to enhance your smile or restorative procedures to address dental issues, GM Dental And Implant Centre provides personalized solutions tailored to your specific requirements. State-of-the-Art Facilities: To ensure the highest standard of care, GM Dental And Implant Centre boasts state-of-the-art facilities and utilizes the latest advancements in dental technology. Equipped with cutting-edge equipment and tools, they are able to deliver precise diagnoses, efficient treatments, and optimal patient comfort. The dental professionals at GM Dental And Implant Centre stay updated with the latest industry trends and techniques, ensuring that patients receive the most effective and efficient dental care available. Expertise and Experience: At GM Dental And Implant Centre, patients can trust in the expertise and experience of their dental professionals. The team comprises highly skilled dentists, hygienists, and support staff who are dedicated to delivering outstanding oral care. With years of experience in the field, their dentists have honed their skills in various areas of dentistry, including dental implants, cosmetic dentistry, endodontics, periodontics, and more. Their commitment to ongoing professional development ensures that they stay at the forefront of dental advancements, providing patients with the best possible care. Patient-Centered Approach: What sets GM Dental And Implant Centre apart is their patient-centered approach. They prioritize building strong relationships with their patients based on trust, empathy, and open communication. From the moment you step into their modern and welcoming clinic, you will be greeted by a friendly and compassionate team that genuinely cares about your oral health and overall well-being. They take the time to listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and develop personalized treatment plans that align with your goals. Conclusion: GM Dental And Implant Centre truly exemplifies the qualities of a top-notch dental practice in Rochester. With their comprehensive services, state-of-the-art facilities, experienced professionals, patient-centered approach, and exceptional customer service, they are a trusted name for all your dental needs. Whether you require routine dental care or advanced treatments, GM Dental And Implant Centre is dedicated to helping you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile. Visit their clinic today and experience the difference of having the best dentist in Rochester by your side. https://bestdentistinrochester332.blogspot.com/2023/06/best-dentist-in-rochester.html https://www.gm-dental.co.uk/rochester-dentist/ GM Dental And Implant Centre Best dentist in Rochester https://www.ailoq.com/england/rochester/gm-dental-and-implant-centre/ https://www.catskill.online/england/rochester/gm-dental-and-implant-centre/ https://www.storeboard.com/gmdentalandimplantcentre2/ http://tupalo.com/en/rochester/gm-dental-and-implant-centre/
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irenemcgarry20 · 1 year
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