#glenn fe16
onyxedskies · 1 year
glenn may be dead but he is slowly crawling up from the back of my mind into the microwave
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rainbowroseart · 9 days
I love people’s fan designs for Glenn, but what if one day he was somehow in a cutscene and it was just
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spadefish · 4 months
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Steward, Jarl, Housecarl
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psapraca · 2 years
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what's your opinion on the Triad Verse AU? It's where Marth and Caeda convince Kris to stay by Marth using his power as king to have a 3-way wedding, which causes a major butterfly effect of Chrom, Robin and Olivia being a thing, and Morgan going to Fodlad because Robin is Felix's brother Glenn
im so confused.
also morgan should go to jugdral to make out with julius instead
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thethiefinwhite · 1 year
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Day Five, Prompt: Horses
Glenn's going for a ride, and he brought his angry fluff-ball brother with him!
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Time is ticking! Please don't forget to pack your essentials for your trip! Only one more week until A World With You: A Fraldarius Travel Zine is closing in one week! Mod Apps Here!
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randomnameless · 1 year
What do you think is the relationship between Dimitri and Rhea? I've seen some people ship them ?
People ship whoever they want lol
I think they have a good relationship at least, since Dimitri never wants to kick her out of her home not kill her for the lols, and Rhea is mentionned to have offered support to the Kingdom when they required it (after the Tragedy of Duscur, and in Nopes, after the Civil War when Dimitri ascended to the throne) - in CF, we know Rhea's presence made Rufus unable to pull his Nopes's stunt, but also prevented Cleobulus from rekting Rufus and framing Dimitri, who keeps both of his eyes in this route!
In Nopes, Rhea gives him Seteth Willy's shield and Dimitri, while it's muddled because Hresvelg Grey, only has reservations about sheltering Rhea due to the Empire who might attack them in retaliation, Dimitri however mentions how Rhea send support and help after the civil war, so it's not that far fetched to think Dimitri, as a person, would like to help and support in turn the person who already helped him. Their battle lines also imply they train together !
Now, as for pairings and relationships in general it's more headcanon land but,
As someone we all miss who was harassed from social media because some people just can't accept people don't love their favourite png, mentionned, I think Dimitri would be a bit confused about his feelings, would he see Rhea as a mother figure, a friend, the archbishop he has to show deference to, someone who punches really hard, a training partner, a love interest or something else?
As for Rhea, would Dimitri be a friend, another surrogate son, a mirror of her younger self she'd like to help ? Another Willy? An ally? A love interest?
HC : Dimitri is afraid to ask anyone if they would teach them how to dance, because with his Blaiddyd strength he is afraid of hurting them, but when they spar, Lady Rhea ignores his blows like they're nothing ? Would she agree to help him?
Little does he know, Rhea is a terrible dancer herself, but if she remembers correctly, Flayn watched a lot of students repeat for the Heron Cup, so maybe she would know what to do! Cue Flayn trying to teach Dimitri how to dance - at least that was the plan until Seteth popped up and decided to be Dimitri's instructor, himself.
Seeing the three of them argue "why must you ruin things" "I perfectly know how to dance" "as if you know how to dance! Just look at your beard!" he laughs, saying they look like a family which make the nabateans very embarassed, of course not, they're totally not related (save for Seteth and Flayn!). Totally not.
(Sylvain later notes that both Lady Rhea, Seteth and Flayn didn't end up with a broken feet or something after trying to teach Dimitri how to dance, maybe it's a coincidence or they really are related and they have sturdy bones or something...)
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I know Glenn probably wielded a sword. HOWEVER. I'm on a kick of making this game as funny as possible to me, so I'm going to point out that it's implied in Ingrid and Dimitri's C-support that he wielded a lance (likely in addition to a sword, like Dimitri's preferences but swapped). Which makes the idea that Felix couldn't win against him with a sword even funnier because. Well.
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fandompeepsgoburrrr · 2 years
Someone help motivate me to write lol
Ive been sitting on these two foca outline for months now
One is Glenn/Miklan and Glenn/Holst
And the other is a Miklan & Sylvain
Both are entries to my TWSITD!Glenn AU i have of Ao3.
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onyxedskies · 1 year
sorry but in any glenn lives au glenn has to be best friends with ashe and team up with him to tease felix
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damoselcastel · 3 months
Hunger Pangs - a FE16 abo fanfic, [6/8]    Game: Fire Emblem Three Houses    Rating: General    Character(s): Felix, Dimitri, Glenn, Lambert    Tag(s): Childhood fic, Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics, pre-game    Warning(s): meat eating, and public embarrassment    Word Count: 1,521 Summary: Ideallic summers were to be shared by the heirs of Faerghus. Yet they also experienced the discomforts of when one felt empty, and not just from a lack of food. AKA puberty bites, even moreso in ABO land. (prequel to Sense of Taste)
So how would those meals where Felix whined to be next to Dimitri go?
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spadefish · 4 months
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pics i've been doodling as warmups for work. Various wretched chickens
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psapraca · 2 years
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adult glenn doods
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pegasusknightsonly · 8 months
i have to put something here to make the cut work
just saw someone say that Felix and Dimitri "were best friends". now. come on. that is literally not true. Felix and Sylvain? probably friends. Felix and Ingrid? no. Felix does not befriend women. but Felix and Dimitris support establishes that pre-academy Felix and Dimitri had not spoken for over two years and that Felix mostly knew Dimitri via Glenn, who was close enough to Dimitri that his death was emotionally devastating for Dimitri. Felix and Sylvain's support establishes that Felix spent more time with Sylvain than he did Dimitri, because Dimitri was so often with Glenn. Dimitri and Ingrid mostly talk about Glenn! Ingrid compares Glenn and Felix and Dimitri turns the conversation back to just Glenn!!!! it is in fact explicitly stated multiple times that Dimitri was much, much closer to Glenn than he ever was to Felix and that Felix and Ingrid mostly knew Dimitri *via Glenn* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
actually im going to sidebar here i just read Felixs supports with Ingrid Dimitri and Sylvain to see if i was actively losing in my mind in remembering the game specifically establishing that Felix and Dimitri were never emotionally close and he is so fucking unpleasant. none of those were fun to read. he's not even just being blunt or being unintentionally rude he is constantly, deliberately, putting other people down and insulting them and belittling them. he is capable of being nice to people! he's nice to Annette and to Flayn and to Lysithea and to Bernadetta and he really likes Leonie (good taste) but he is so fucking genuinely vile to Ingrid and Dimitri and Sylvain that i forget that he can be civil to people and i want him to die. "best friends". you are huffing paint milord
sidebar sidebar: (in a monotone, as if reciting this from cue cards) the "faerghus four" is a fandom invention based on misreading and extrapolating the actual text of the game in order to diminish the importance of the relationship between Dimitri and Dedue. it is made very clear at multiple points that Dimitri's actual close friends were Glenn, who is dead, and Dedue. (normal voice intonation resumes) DONT GET ME WRONG i dont think fe16 fandom needs another white man to prioritise and i see far too much of Glenn as is but the fact that his absence is so crucial to all of Dimitri's pre-existing relationships *except with Dedue who is the only person he knew pre-academy who does not remind Dimitri of Glenn* is not, like, accidental!!! the text of the game is right there!!! you can read the exact words from the script right here on the internet at houses.fedatamine.com !!!!!!
stop lying!!!!!!!!! Felix and Dimitri were not "best friends"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stop fucking lying about something so easily disproven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! check for open solvents in your room!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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mommymooze · 1 year
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I posted 5,958 times in 2022
That's 3,832 more posts than 2021!
28 posts created (0%)
5,930 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 111 of my posts in 2022
#fe3h - 11 posts
#fe16 - 9 posts
#fire emblem three houses - 8 posts
#rodrigue achille fraldarius - 5 posts
#hubert von vestra - 4 posts
#fe3h fanfic - 4 posts
#felix hugo fraldarius - 4 posts
#rodrigue birthday bash - 4 posts
#rodrigue fraldarius - 4 posts
#fire embelm three houses - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 61 characters
#tall quiet redhead in a polo shirt the color of byleth's hair
My Top Posts in 2022:
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: Fire Emblem: Fuukasetsugetsu | Fire Emblem: Three Houses Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Glenn Fraldarius, Original Female Character(s), Dedue Molinaro, Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, Rodrigue Achille Fraldarius, Garreg Mach Students (Fire Emblem), Felix Hugo Fraldarius, Sylvain Jose Gautier Additional Tags: Time Skips, Post-Time Skip, War, Blood and Injury, Fire, Burns, Angst Summary:
Glenn Fraldarius did not die. This is the story.
13 notes - Posted May 10, 2022
Fire Emblem Engage is coming
Here I sit, in my little corner with a party hat and noise maker. Yay! New Fire Emblem
The rest of the world: my favorite is missing, I hate their art, this is a remake of 4. Coke/Pepsi or Toothpaste? We don’t like it.
Me: I’m going to love it. I will play it. It is so cool.
18 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
Headcannon thought: Hubert leaves dead assassins on Byleth’s doorstep once a month.
Comparing him to a cat that gifts their owner dead animals all the time. 
20 notes - Posted October 3, 2022
I really liked your Seteth x Reader fic. Do you think Seteth considers his "true" name to be Cichol and that it would be more emotional for him to be called such, or do you think Seteth is his chosen name and that he prefers being addressed by this name at this stage in his life?
In my humble opinion, Seteth's given name being Cichol is certainly special to him. Throughout the many years, hundreds if not a few thousand, he recognizes that as his calling and only name. At that point in his life he considers Cichol to be his “true” name. The name given him when he was born. The name that he grew up with in his family, arguing with and being rowdy, rough housing with his brothers. The name his beautiful wife called him and filled him with joy whenever he heard her say it. It has so much emotion and feelings tied to its use.
Then, as sometimes it happens with beings that live extremely long lives, it behooves them to get lost within the rabble, take on a new name, a new location, and a new identity. The humans he lives among do not live for even a hundred years. Eventually they would discover a few of his secrets, notice that he is different. Humans do not understand that which is different. Different is wrong, misunderstood and feared. That which humans fear is hated and destroyed. Before things reach that point, he must disappear, and reappear in another place, reinvented.
This would be easy for a man on his own, however he has been blessed with a daughter. A daughter who fought alongside in a great war, suffered great injury and was in a restorative sleep for many, many years. He is her only protector. For her he will do anything that is necessary to guard her and her wellbeing. He would sequester himself away from all mankind, living on a distant seashore with only the birds and wild animals to keep him company to keep his only child safe in his care while she sleeps.
As we meet Seteth (as he calls himself currently) he poses as brother to his own daughter. It was his opinion that they would blend in more easily than if he were to say she is his daughter. For the security and safety of his daughter, he prefers the name Seteth. The location, at the church, surrounded by the history that shared of Saint Cichol, he knows how dangerous that could be. Kidnap Flayn, and the evildoers could possibly have a genuine bona fides Saint playing on their team.
As an act of great faith, trust and deep love with another person, it is possible that he would reveal his “true” name to another, to only be used in a manner of utmost confidentiality and only between the two of them. (plus Flayn/Cethleann).
I hope this answers your question. Thanks for asking! (off the record, I think it would be extremely romantic for him to tell his beloved that they may call him Cichol. The trust, the love, must surely be immense for him to agree to that!)
27 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
advice for teen authors?
First: do what you love, love what you do. Write for yourself first and foremost. If you write and do not like it or even hate it, how can you expect anyone else enjoy it?
Write. Write a lot, write all the time. Write good stuff. Write great stuff. Write things others won’t like. Write for yourself. Write in different styles. See what types of writing you feel most comfortable with.
Read. Learn from reading. Study other writers. Read books about your favorite subjects, remember those writers know how to get their work published. Reading gives insight as to how writers develop their characters, their plot. How to pace a story. How do they end a story? How do they begin it?
Develop your skills of observation. What happens when you eat a piece of toast? Sight, sound, smell, touch, feel, emotion, physical attributes, everything. Use all of your senses when writing, it brings your words to life. Keep notebooks and diaries about what interests you. What may have been a strange thought in your head before bed last week can suddenly be turned into a pivotal point in your next story.
Travel. See the world. Write it down as you go. Every single time I have traveled to someplace new, I buy a new notebook, filling it with the experiences. I write about things happening, people I have met, someone or something looking unusual. I make notes about something said that caught my attention, how someone saw a different side to things. While you are at it, take photos. Tons of photos. I take pictures of everything, a building, the sidewalk, marks on the walls, interesting carvings above a doorway.
There are a million resources available on the internet. Subscribe to some writing idea and writing improvement tumblrs, ones to help with writing better, follow blogs giving you ideas, look into those writing tips provided. I’ve reblogged quite a few different great blogs in the past. Don’t overwhelm yourself. Small steps forward lead to the greatest improvements.
Find friends, seek help from experts, take classes. Learn more about writing. Join a discord server where other people write stories like yours. Improve your vocabulary. Dictionaries & thesauruses are wonderful. Powerthesaurus.org is amazing. It can give definitions synonyms antonyms, thesaurus results then suggests words, phrases and idioms.
Talk to people. Maybe you are shy or introverted. Perhaps you can speak with someone in your own family? My grandmother shared so many stories of her youth, things were very very different at that time. I wish that I could have published her biography, she lived through so many different events. Some of her stories have become part of my stories. It makes me happy to the point of tears that I can include her stories as part of my own.  
Being a teen is hard. Go easy on yourself. Write. Maybe you will keep writing. Maybe you will take a break for 10 years and come back to it. That's fine. There are a million other things I would love to tell you that I've learned or found interesting that perhaps may be useful to you as well.
67 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
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