#gladio x f!oc
ffxvficrec · 1 month
by TheMaidofLight22 A woman with the face of their friend is captured after attempting a coup upon the future king and his guardians. Working alongside daemons, seemingly controlling them, she nearly struck down the team. Her power was subdued by their loyal Shield, who was able to knock her unconscious. They agreed to keep her, but contain her into a cage in the Hammerhead garage. While not the most civil way to handle her, it is the only solution they can fix up before she comes to. She is fierce, primal and raw. Shockingly, she is well read, educated and knows how to speak their language despite having an beastly complex. Gladio confides in her, showing her he is not afraid. She begrudgingly admits to him her name: Chrome Animalia. With that single gesture, her memories of a better life come back to her, before she was taken and tainted by Niflheim. As time passes in her cage, she slowly reveals her story to him. Together, they determine to unveil the secrets of her past. Riddled with guilt, trauma and grief, Chrome gradually warms up to the four. But can she be trusted? Will she continue her senseless violence against the four, to appeal to the Empire? Or will she break down and become their ally? Words: 3208, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F , F/M , M/M , Multi Characters: Gladiolus Amicitia , Noctis Lucis Caelum , Prompto Argentum , Ignis Scientia , Regis Lucis Caelum , Aulea Lucis Caelum , Verstael Besithia , Ardyn Izunia , Original Characters , Lunafreya Nox Fleuret , Ravus Nox Fleuret , Cindy Aurum , Cor Leonis , Iedolas Aldercapt , Dave Auburnbrie , Iris Amicitia , Astrals (Final Fantasy XV) , Loqi Tummelt Relationships: Gladiolus Amicitia/Original Female Character(s) , Lunafreya Nox Fleuret/Noctis Lucis Caelum , Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum Additional Tags: Ive been dead on this site for years , now im back with a vengence , OC X CANON , AU for my first OC fanfic , AU , im so excited to be back in this fandom , I love you guys , i hope you like enemies to lovers cause we're doing it this time!! , book/canon ending , Enemies to Lovers , cringe OC time!! , multiships and possible fluff/smut later
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razzmatash · 7 years
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Gladio and Eerie’s Wedding
Five years into the unending darkness and after a particularly dark time, Eyra decided it was time to end the engagement. Even without the sun and a five year old boy too curious for his own good, the wedding went off without a hitch and, surrounded by their remaining friends and family, they were finally married in a traditional Galahd ceremony. 
Also known as @feylen knocking it out of the park and trying to kill me. So yeah, I’ve had the wedding idea in my head for months now, but never managed to write it. Like everything these days. But as soon as she sent me these, I knew I had to post them. I love her to pieces for humouring me for this request because I knew it was a lot to do and she knocked it out of the park as always. 
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gn1450 · 4 years
My OC, Aurelia Lucis Caelum that somewhat got neglected because I moved fandom. But she deserved some daylight too.
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She's the older sister of Noctis, and she is 23 during the storyline, which puts her in the same age as Gladio. Spent her childhood/teen days homeschooled beside Ignis and Altus (OC, which has the same role of Ignis to Noctis, he's 4 years older than her).
A bit cold unless she is with noctis, Clarus basically acts as her parent as Regis is busy, and ended up growing with Clarus' influence and became a politician at age 14, slowly becoming adept at it when she was 16. What naivety she had was balanced by Nyx's sour and pessimistic self, who acts as her personal bodyguard (and teaching her more agile-dancelike knive-fighting style of the glaives since her body is smaller than Noctis)
Betrothed to Gladio when she was 15, had experienced High School when she was 16, saw Gladio kissed a girl a few weeks after she started school and return to homeschooling soon after while putting their engagement on halt.
Courting with Ignis not long after, but that doesn't last because this time instead of Noctis the Heir who was appointed as a bargaining chip, she was betrothed to Ravus instead, as Luna is the Heir of the Oracle and Ravus and Aurelia are the secondary choices of both sides.
Her circle basically consists of Altus (OC), Nyx and occasionally Cor and Clarus (if the need arises) or Gladio (during their engagement period)
And in this universe, Nyx and Ravus are alive. The rest is still on a draft and I don't know if it would appear as a fanfic.
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imaginereiwrites · 7 years
A Frist Time for Everything
Hey guys, so sorry for the silence but I’m back at it and this is the first of three other one-shots that will be posted today, so look forward to that. And after everything is up, I have a special surprise for you guys!~
Special thanks to my lovely friend @24hoursofsilence​ for helping me through this and to give me motivation to write. And to the wonderful @jessabug916​ for requesting this one-shot with her OC, and being so patient with this, its been a long time coming.
Gladio x F!OC ( @jessabug916​ OC )
Word Count: 5,210
A First Time for Everything
Background: Elise was born and raised in Lestallum. Has a younger brother and two little twin sisters. Her mother worked in the power plant, and her dad hunted on occasion to help pay the bills. Her mom ended up getting killed in a power plant accident, which in turn had her dad hunting full time to make money while Elise was in training for the Crownsguard. Her dad ended up getting killed on a hunt (and is also the reason deadeye is called deadeye) so Elise, unable to afford Crownsguard training anymore takes up hunting to take care of her family. Dave and the Meldacio hunters help out with stipends when they can (since Elise's dad was part of his group) but Elise still had trouble keeping food on the table for her sibling, (who moved into her aunt’s house who also works in the plant)A while later, her aunt then is killed by daemons in the power plant and takes them to Cape Caem to live there while she's on the job. Elise is a full time hunter now.      
      Elise has had a hard life, with a closed of exterior, she pushes those she wasn't already close to away. It wasn't until Gladiolus showed up with the rest of the boys that she started to feel less alone with the close knit world she had created for herself.      The first time they met... Gladio and the rest of the Chocobros had just finished up a hunt and were heading back to camp like many nights before. Pumped full of adrenaline, they set up their accommodations for the night and Ignis set up his makeshift kitchen to start their dinner.     While waiting for their meal to be finished, they sat around the fire, a fair distance away from Ignis and played King's Knight on their phones together to help wind down for the night. As to be expected, they were completely absorbed into their game. Chatting away about certain strategies and laughing when one of them got the upper hand. Completely distracted.      Elise was walking through the forest like expanse to get back home herself from a hunt when she heard noise and laughing pretty close by. Walking a little further, she noticed a light from a fire and shakes her head. Thinking 'what kind of idiots would set up a fire in the middle of a forest where monsters constantly lurk around?' She chalked it down to that they were either stupid or oblivious, not even thinking that it may be a group of hunters, which was a silly mistake to not add in as another variable. But she was tired and it had been a long day, she just wanted to get home to her family for the night.      That’s when she had a thought though, as she got closer and was able to tell what the group was doing. Noticing most of them on their phones, laughing away at something or another, she assumed the fact that they were all completely distracted. Perfect. It made her idea all the easier to go through with when she noticed another man off to the side, cooking away in his little set up.     Fueled by the hunger pangs in her stomach, having not eaten a sufficient amount of food in a long time. And the knowledge of her siblings at home, hungry and waiting for their older sister to get home with dinner, she set forth with a plan to steal their food so she could prevent her family from going hungry for another night.     Slowly sneaking up and around trees, she noticed the cook setting down an almost finished product on a little table before he turned to go back and finish something else. Now was her chance, while everyone was distracted.     Stepping up slowly, a few strands of her messy auburn bun falling down into her eyes, she pushed them aside and continued on with quiet steps. She thought up to this point she had not been noticed and unfortunately for the young girl, she was wrong.     Behind her just as she was about to reach for the food that was laying out for the taking, she heard the voice of the cook a little ways away, his back still turned to her. "I would expect that you really didn't think that one would be so careless to leave out food like that, unattended without good reason, don't you think?" He said before turning around with a raised eyebrow to the girl.      Elise must have been more tired than she thought and had missed so many vital cues that this was probably a set up and that the group probably knew she was there since the beginning. Thinking if she was quick enough about it, she could run back into the forest and away from the group and be home free. That is until she turned around and almost ran into an actual giant. He seemed so much smaller when sitting down from far away.     He looked down to her with a grin and gave her a wink. "If a pretty girl like you just wanted to get a bite to eat with us guys, all you had to do was ask." He spoke in a deep timbre, as the other two guys she noticed beforehand stood behind him. One with a curious look on his face, and the other with his arms crossed across his chest, looking like this was the most boring conversation in the world.     "I didn't… I just.." Elise started before Ignis cut her off. "There's plenty enough for you to join us if you'd like. You appear to be a hunter from what I take, we can't have you go hungry, can we?"       She was so shocked by the situation, having been caught trying to steal their food and they still offer to feed her. She had no clue what to do at that point, her pride told her to run, but her hungry stomach churning away at being so empty told her otherwise.      Feeling defeated and tired, she took their offer and Ignis just nodded before turning back to plate everyone's food. That’s when the curious one of the group jumped up with a big smile and led her back to the fire where all the boys had been previously sitting before, and started the introductions.     When Elise was asked to introduce herself, she told them no more then her name and the fact that she was a hunter. And when the Prince (She only finally noticed as he told her his name) asked her why she was trying to steal their food, she turned away, refusing to be embarrassed and answered with a quiet, "Some of us have a family to support…".     After that no one asked questions as to who she was and what she was doing, just talked amongst each other like she was an old friend and it honestly confused her that this group of boys not only offered her a meal, but didn't poke at trying to learn who she was, just trusted that she probably wouldn't do anything and accepted her for the little info she gave for herself and welcomed her to join them for the night.     Soon after dinner was brought out, she ate in silence while the rest talked away like a group of carefree friends. She noticed though ever since she introduced herself and mentioned her family, the big guy of the group, Gladio she came to learn, kept giving her side glances and watching her, not evening trying to be subtle about it. She chose to just ignore his looks and questioning glances throughout dinner. And after they were done, she thanked them and got up to leave before Ignis stopped her.       "Here, you had said you have a family to take care of. And I can only imagine they are hungry as well. Please, take this for them." Elise was shocked into silence, she didn't even know what to say. This group didn’t even know her or her family, fellow hunters and guards for the Prince and they were being so unselfishly kind to her, for no gain of their own. She wasn't used to it and she wouldn't be lying if she said she was more than a little uncomfortable.      So all she could do was thank him again and leave as fast as she could with the food he offered. Although the entire walk back to the roadside, she could feel someone's eyes on her and she wasn't sure how she felt about any of it anymore. All she new was she needed to get home and bring this food to her family before this surprisingly good turn of events somehow turned bad for her, like things usually always did in her case…The first time Gladio asked her on a date…     It had been a while since Elise had last seen the strange group consisting of the Prince and his guards, and she wasn't sure if she should be grateful or otherwise. Currently though, she sat the bar of a diner, with an ebony in hand as she went over her budget for the next week. Her siblings at home, she was spending the morning alone before inevitably having to go on another hunt that afternoon. But while she waited for the owner of the diner to come back with the information for the hunt, she resigned to sitting there and reveling in the moment she could relax with her beverage and plan out how she would feed her siblings with the money she had gathered for the week.     That was until her peace was disturbed by a group of boys walking into the diner, that for some reason she never expected to see again. She tried to seem as small as possible so they wouldn't notice her. But things never worked in her favor now did they?     The boys marched right over and took the seats surrounding her, Gladio and Prompto next to her, while the Prince and his advisor choose to sit next to Prompto.     She refused to look up from her notebook she was writing in, pretending she didn’t notice them until Prompto inquired in his ever excited attitude, what she was writing.     Elise closed the notebook then and shoved it back in her bag on her lap.  "Nothing, don't worry about it…"  She said in a low and warning tone, showing she didn’t want to talk about it.      Prompto put his hands up in defense, about to apologize before they both turned to Gladio with varying expressions as he burst out in a hardy laugh. "Prompto, it's not polite to ask a lady about what she's writing in her diary." He says after he had calmed down.     "It's not a diary…" She mumbled but it went unnoticed by them as they chose to ignore her quiet words.       "So how's our favorite female hunter doing? Taking a break from working so hard?" She was about to inquire to the big guy as to how he knew how hard she worked when she remembered their previous encounter. Not to mention the fact her cloths she was wearing were a little ruffled as well as her hair falling out of its ponytail from a scuffle she had gotten into this morning. So she kept quiet, refusing to answer.    Before Gladio or any of the others could speak up again, the owner came out with a small envelope for the girl, with info about that afternoon's hunt. He handed it to her before striking up a conversation with both Noctis and Ignis, having met them before.  Or at least what she assumed.    Prompto was busying himself with looking through a camera she had just noticed, and as she slide the envelope into her bag, she noticed there was still one member of the group who was still had his eyes on her. Feeling uncomfortable again, stuck in the middle of a group of boys she hadn't expected to meet up with again, she put down a couple of eos on the counter for the ebony and was about to get up before Gladio spoke up again.     "Hey, you don't need to run away from us all the time. I know we look pretty intimidating but  I promise we're nice guys when you get to know us."  He says to her, keeping his amber eyes on her mixed colored eyes the entire time.      She wasn't a generally nervous person, usually very sure of herself, being not much that can deter or bother her but there was just something about the muscular man with the tattoos that made her feel out of her skin.     "Sorry, I'm not running away, I'm just busy. I have a hunt to get to. But I'll probably see you guys again it seems." She says to him as she slings her bag on her back and glances back at the other boys talking.      "Hey, I get it. We know how it can be out there. I was thinking though, you can't be busy all the time. How's about you and me go out together sometime?" Gladio asks with his trade mark grin.      Now this, she knew she could handle. Elise was a beautiful girl and it made her get this kind of attention more often then not so she was a pro at these types of encounters now.      "Sorry big guy, but I don't think you could handle me." Is all she says before turning back around and walking out, but because she isn't a heartless monster, she gave the other guys a little wave goodbye, thinking it was the least she could do for this group who only showed her kindness.      Gladio wasn't shocked to be turned down, he could tell by just the brief meetings with her that she was a feisty girl, and he could say that he was definitely not disappointed. And hoped he could see this girl again soon…The first time Gladio saw her hunt…    It had been only a few days since her last meet up with the boys, and she definitely hadn't anticipated meeting them in her current situation.    At that moment, she was at the tail end of her fight with a grouping of killer bees. Only a few left, she easily had the upper hand. Elise swung her saber right through another, knocking it clean out of the water with a final blow. Leaving only three remaining.     That’s when the group had came up close by, venturing themselves to get back to the main road, they caught sight of her fighting.     Prompto was ready to jump head first in and help her out when Gladio held a hand out, motioning silently for him to stop. They all paused as they watched, Gladio knew she was handling just fine and didn't need there help. But chose to stay just in case.  Although he also had the urge to stay because he liked watching her fight. Her form was elegant and she easily avoided her target when they retaliated back. It was in all honesty, beautiful to watch.     The other guys gave him a questioning look but he waved his hand indicating to stay back and keep quiet unless needed. And that they did. As they watched Elise fight, she was to focused on her targets at hand to pay close mind to the boys behind her watching.     Although unbeknownst to them, this time she did sense their presence, but chose to ignore it to stay focused on the fight.      Jumping up gracefully, she leapt into the air from atop a rock she easily maneuvered on top of, before coming down on another one of the killer bees, avoiding his friend who had just tried to stab its stinger in her upper arm.     Knowing that third one down, and with only two left, she moved to the side to assess her current plan of action. The bees were getting more agitated with their group being killed off and were getting more violent and hasty. Which was only a positive for the hunter.    Quickly jumping to the side, she waited in a fighting stance for the bees to fly at her again, and when both did, she hastily ducked down as they flew over her and turned in a quick circle low to the ground. As the bees tried to backtrack and turn, in one fell swoop, she swung the saber up and through one of the killer bees, knocking it back before she moved her hand back and swung in a stabbing motion straight forward, impaling the bee before it fell to the ground.     Another down, one more to go.      Using the rock as a boost, she ran towards it, jumped up and kicked off it, coming parallel to the last bee, as she gave a horizontal swipe toward its neck, and before the be could fly out of the way, it was beheaded, falling limb to the ground. Elise then landed on the ground herself, in a graceful stance before checking to make sure it was the last of the bees, and confirming it was, she discarded her saber and leaned down to dust herself off.     Having forgotten the boys all standing there, she was shocked when she heard clapping. Looking up surprised, she watched as the boys walked towards her clapping their hands as if they saw a show.      She chuckled and let a warm smile graced her face without realizing she was doing it. Prompto was the first to run over to her and pat her on the shoulder as if they were old friends. "Wow Elise! That was amazing, I know you said you were a hunter, but seeing you in action was a big surprise!"       "What, didn't think as a hunter I could fight?" She replied back with a chuckle.       "I don't believe we had doubted your talents. What Prompto I assume meant was it was wonderful seeing you display your talents in person, we had not known what to expect from just a statement that you were indeed a hunter." Ignis said with almost a proud smile.       "He's right, we didn't expect you could fight so well since we had never seen it for ourselves." Noctis replied with a nod towards Iggy for his statement.        Once again, Elise was shocked by the boy's words but undoubtedly felt happy by there praise, although she wouldn't admit it out loud.       Looking to Gladio since he hadn't said anything the entire time, she didn't expect to see the calculating look he was giving her.       "What?" She asked him, as the boys had left them alone to talk amongst themselves at some of the techniques she used while fighting, relating it to their own.      "Nothing. Just wanted to say good job out there. Your form was great. I was pretty blown away by how you fight, I haven't seen someone look that put together while fighting in a while. It just got me thinking…" He trailed off as he looked at her. Elis tucked a strand of wavy auburn hair behind her ear as she gave a questioning look, and nodded for him to continue.      "Just that I'd like to train with you sometime, see what you've got for myself." He smirked at her, and she grinned back at the challenge.      "Sure, I could say the same about you." He chuckled and agreed as the boys turned their attention back to the pair.       "I'm sure you're tired after your hunt, why don't we go head to the café close by and get a late lunch, it'll be my treat." Ignis said, mainly to you but he gave a glance to the other members of the party as well.      They all nodded and surprisingly enough, she felt herself agreeing too. Somehow this group of boys were worming their way into her tightly knit shell she kept around herself. And she wasn't sure if she was frightened by the prospect, angry at herself for letting them in, or possibly happy that she was finally opening up again after all the turmoil she had faced thus far.     All she knew was as she walked away with the boys in the direction of the main rode to the Regalia, she knew she was happy to call this group of boys her friends…The first training session…      Elise found herself seeing the boys often over the next couple of weeks. Either meeting up with them to hang out, or helping them out with a hunt or an errand. Whenever she wasn't busy taking care of her siblings or on a hunt herself, she spent time with the Chocobros.     Warming up to them, and letting them in on who she actually was, they understood her current circumstances and could sympathize with her situation. She didn't want their sympathy, but she agreed to take their help sometimes when they offered.      Ignis helped prepare meals for her brother and sisters when he could. Gladio even offered  for them to stay with Iris, Talcott and Cid so that when she was away on a hunt, they wouldn't be left completely alone and after sometime, they all became good friends and her siblings didn't mind seeing them often or Iris coming to help watch them occasionally.     Elise even became good friends with Iris as well, having another girl to talk to was always a good relationship to have.     It was a while in coming then, when they had a spar day, that Gladio suggested it was time him and Elise have a quick training session.     Easily agreeing and suiting up, they had decided to walk just outside the town to a grassy field with plenty of room to spar together. Ruling out weapons and instead leaving it a hand to hand combat style match, they stretched out and prepared to begin.     Elise pulled off her sweater, leaving her in shorts and a athletic fit tee, while Gladio kept his usual garb. She pulled her hair up into a high ponytail and got in a fighting stance as Gladio did the same.      They stayed there for a moment, looking at each other, squaring the other up. A few seconds later, the match begun.       Elise ran forward, always liking to be the first to get in a hit, and spun towards him with a roundhouse kick. Gladio was shocked to say the least at her immediate charge but blocked it nonetheless with his forearm.      Making the motion to then wrap his arm around her leg and get her off balance, she quickly dropped it and brought it back before aiming a punch to his shoulder. It was so perfectly timed it almost hit him. Almost. But he wasn't the Prince's guard for nothing.     He moved back before shifting to the side and going to grab her in side control, before she ducked out of reach and rolled to the side to get behind him.     Gladio spun around but she was already ready with a side kick aimed for his ribs and she managed to get it, knocking him back a few feet. He looked up with a grin, a fire in his eyes like that kick was a symbol for the fight to seriously begin.     Rushing forward, he retaliates with punches aimed for her vital points. Luckily she was able to block most hits, until she ducked down to avoid a sideswipe and he came in with the other fist with an uppercut to the ribs. Knocking her down on her butt, she was a little winded as she looked up with a chuckle as Gladio stood their with a smirk on his face.    She was gonna wipe that smirk right off. Hopping up on her feet, she got back in a fighting stance and when he came forward with another well aimed punch, she moved quickly to the side and behind him, he came back around with a  spinning back fist which she knocked out of the way with a simple outward crescent kick. Then while he regained his ground, she jumped up with a front ball kick quick to knock him back. And while he was off balance, she lunged forward with a side sweep to his feet which knocked him back and he fell to the ground with a thud.     He laid there for a moment, not unable to get up, but just assessing the last few moves and he chuckled.     As Elise walked over to him, wiping sweat of her brow, she was astounded he barely broke a sweat himself. But nonetheless managed to knock him off his feet and that was a victory in its own right.    She crouched down next to him as he sat up and looked at her with a rather warm smile.     "Not bad, not bad at all. I like your strategy." He said as he looked right at her, it felt like he was looking past her exterior and far deeper then she would have liked.     "Nope, no strategy, I just go with my instinct." She replied with a grin before standing up and offering him a hand which he took.      He chuckled as he got up and shook his head. "I'm not surprised, but you still did well. Honestly you could teach Noct a thing or two."      They both laughed at that as they started walking back to town, but agreeing it was a tied match.        Walking in silence for a bit, Elise thought over the last couple months she had known the boys, and although she didn't like the idea that she was getting close to someone again, she couldn't help it. Especially with Gladio…She didn’t know what was going on but Six help her in her current situation.       Feeling awful brave, she spoke up, tone somber. "So, I got to thinking… How about that date you wanted to go on? You might be able to keep up with me after all it seems."       Gladio's grin was answer enough, and they agreed to go on a date next time they were both free.      Six help her now… She was doing all sorts of things that she would have never expected from herself…The first date…     They had both agreed to have a date as soon as they were both free. Which took some time with all their responsibilities they had. But a few more weeks and the time finally came.      She didn’t have much money and because she didn't want him paying for her, they agreed to have a simple date, an adventurous one at that.     They had grabbed a few drinks before making their way to a nearby beach that fortunately wasn't too far away.     Being an adventurous guy himself, he suggest night swimming and cliff diving into the water. And although she hadn't done either in her entire life, they both sounded like fun ideas she couldn't pass up.    So clad in a bathing suit underneath a simple sweater and jean shorts, as well as Gladio wearing swim shorts himself and a jacket as well, even being a warm night. He knew he couldn't walk to the beach in nothing but a pair of shorts, especially since it was a date.    They arrived and set about climbing up the rocks situated on the shore till they were on the highest one. Stripping their outer clothes, Gladio couldn't help staring at the beautiful girl in front of him, dressed in a bathing suit and showing off her beautiful self to him. And even though Gladio was shirtless half the time, always showing off his muscles, Elise was a little more than shocked seeing him in a just a pair of shorts, his muscles on full display     To say the least the view was a nice one.     They both sat atop the high rock, looking out at the night sky and water underneath them, just ideally talking to one another as they settled in the warm night air. Talking about everything and nothing.     Gladio felt he was finally getting her to open up to him and felt it almost as a victory. As he watched and listened to her talk, he was mesmerized by how amazing the actually was. She had been so closed off but as her learned more about her, he was impressed at what a strong drive the girl had and happy to hear that she was slowly doing better as the days went on.     Talking for a little while longer, they decided it was time to go for that swim. Having done so before, Gladio volunteered to go first to show her what to do as he got up to the edge and got ready to jump to the water below.     Elise watched and listened to every word he said as he got ready. Next thing she knew he was jumping over the side with ease and landing in the water with a grace she was surprised to see by such a big guy.     And when he resurfaced, he looked up to her with a grin and encouraged her to take her turn. She nodded and stepped up to the edge, even though she wasn't scared of heights, it was a little nerve racking but she knew it wouldn't be to hard and followed his instructions, getting ready.    One last look in the eyes of the man she was growing closer to, and she jumped. Diving down and straight into the water similar to how he had. She landed safely in the water and as the moment of the jump pushed her down, Elise couldn't have been more happy that she agreed to this date.      She swam up and resurfaced, noticing he was right next to her, waiting with a big, proud grin on his face. It was exhilarating to say the least and she was happy that Gladio had talked her into doing it. Although it wasn't hard when she was as excited as him.     After that they swam around in the warm waters together, resuming their earlier conversation about anything and nothing and just spent the time with each other.     As the night wore on and they decided it was getting late and they should head back, they grabbed their clothes and slipped them on before making the trek back to the campground the boys were stationed at nearby. They had a hunt that day and Elise had decided to join them before Gladio decided it was a good idea to go on their date that night, after the hunt.      Their walk back was silent but as she turned to look at him after he asked if she enjoyed their date, and she wholeheartedly agreed, she felt a shift change in her. One she hadn't felt in a very long time. It was the first time she realized she might be in love with Gladio…      And as he looked at her, when she offered they go on another date sometimes soon, that was when he realized for the first time, that he had been in love Elise from the start….     As they arrived at camp, they realized this was one of many firsts they were bound to have…
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prowlingthunder · 4 years
WIP Meme 10/20/2020
Tagged by: @mandakatt
Look at what you've done. How dare you. I'm not even sure this is all of them. I think some are hidden in gdocs yet. Argh.
Tagging: @egodominustuus @thelostknee @linwyrms-lair @gracethescribbler @skywalking-across-the-galaxy @khantoelessar @zpansven
Read the list under the cut.
1: A Child of Blood
2: Eileen - Birds of a Feather
3: BtVS - Lupercalia - Xander - Wolfthreat - WIP
4: BtVS - PT Alexander Harris Auroresbrother - Denguards - LUPERCALIA - WIP
5: Buffy the Witcher
6: SynthSil - Ascendent Ab Inferis (Lux Aeterna AU)
7: Boys in Blue
8: Butterfingers the Deathclaw
9: Piper - (Lupercalia)
10: Sil/Jack
11: CM - Lupercalia WIP - Red
12: CM - Lupercalia WIP -
13: AC/FFXV - Des and Noct swap places - ffxv Halloween bang
14: Trigun x Outlaw Star
15: Gargoyles x Ronin Warriors
16: Power Rangers x Ronin Warriors
17: Ronin Warriors x Outlaw Star
18: Rurouni Kenshin x Yu Yu Hakusho
19: Dragons Breath -- DAO&RW
20: Farcry 5 / What Became of Edith Finch - Eddie
21: Farcry 5 / What Became of Edith Finch - Jake
22: Gundam Wing - With Daemons WIP
23: GW Pacific Rim
24: GW&IA&FFX - Auron - Roulette - Unlikely
25: Hobbit/RW - Bilbo -
26: House Ronin Warriors
27: RK-Xmen = Dragon Teeth
28: RW-PJ
29: RWSG1
30: SG1/JOS - Third - In a God's Bedroom
31: ST/RW
32: SW/GW - Brothers and Sisters [clonefic]
33: Thor-x-Ronin Warriors
34: Noctis (Final Fantasy XV) / Levi (Attack on Titan) - Hunting [Noctis in AoT]
35: Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho) / Prowls (Exalted) - Stars [Prowls adopts Fire Demon baby]
36: Noctis (Final Fantasy XV) / Ezio (Assassin’s Creed) - Family [Assassins in FFXV]
37: Kuwabara (Yu Yu Hakusho) / Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars) - Honor [Kuwabara unfucks SW]
38: Kuwabara (Yu Yu Hakusho) / Dex-Star - Love [Kuwabara adopts a Red Lantern Cat]
39: Voltron/Escaflowne
40: When the Night Comes/Arcana crossover
41: YYH/Naruto - Kurama - Foxkids
42: CSI NY - Lupercalia WIP -
43: Dark Matter - Hiro - [Lupercalia] - WIP
44: Every Warden Ever - WIP -
45: Nelaros and F!Tabris as wardens
46: Salazar - Crowbar Fic
47: Carslile/Sil - Highschool
48: Joan rambles
49: Junior - (Best laid plans)
50: Junior - Outsider
51: Junior - The G.O.A.T.
52: Junior rambles
53: MacCready - Big Town Blues
54: MacCready - Radstorm
55: Nora - Line-dried Laundry (Lupercalia)
56: Pandora -
57: Pandora - Lupercalia Fic - [Inside Pandora's Box]
58: Pandora rambles
59: Russian Roulette - Silas deathfic
60: Sil/X6 rambles
61: Silas - Demon Summoner AU - A Leaf in the Wind
62: Silas King - Snow Angels (Papawolf!Renigald)
63: Silas King - Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (Operation: Rescue Quinn kidfic)
64: Silas rambles
65: Winter Animals (papa!Artem)
66: Y7 - All the Things I Didn't Say
67: Ambulo
68: Contritum Coronam
69: to abstain from doing harm
70: A General Gift
71: ABO nicias&caleb/nicola
72: An Army - Prompto & Ignis - Blood and Water
73: Andali misc
74: Ardyn - (Triplets verse)
75: Cathedral of You fanfiction
76: Cor -
77: Cor - Dawnfire - WIP
78: Dave - [Scourgeverse]
79: FFXV Glaive Lupercalia
80: FFXV Prompto Lupercalia
81: Galahdian Noctis au
82: give a brother wings
83: Halloween '19 d2
84: Halloween '19 d3
85: Halloween '19 d4
86: Halloween '19 d5
87: Halloween '19 d7
88: Noct raises Ardyn
89: Nyx -
90: Prompto - Terrible Things
91: Sealions - Cor - The Dance
92: snowchild (Lupercalia wolfProm fic)
93: The Feral Coeurl of Galahd (Galahdian!Cor fic)
94: Transplant Fic Box
95: Vipers Victim
96: what fire burns
97: IA - Kasmir!Oliver Briggs - WIP
98: IA - Nebrija x Arzu - Family - WIP
99: David and kids
100: David and Bridget, Combat Skills
101: David vs Simon Fight
102: Bridget tending David
103: Music *http://youtu.be/G2ZKKXCuaYc?t=9m46s
104: Seduction
105: Wish
106: Destiny
107: xerxes
108: Giayl - Wolflords (Lupercalia)
109: LotRO - Aegliraan - Caran Dagra - WIP
110: Lupercalia - Shepard - Star-light, Star-bright
111: ME - OC - Blood And Water
112: Black Cats and Broken Mirrors Chapter 5
113: Itachi - Step Two
114: The Hardest Part - Chapter One - Alone
115: 100+ Words list
116: Bioshock - Big Daddy - ABO verse
117: Character Roulette 2
118: Life of Redemption
119: A lover's homecoming
120: The Dreaming Cord
121: Logan - (This is what it's like) - WIP
122: Outlander - Kainan - (wolf fur and dragon teeth)
123: SPCH - drabble
124: Thor - All The Little Children [Lupercalia]
125: Thor - Lupercalia WIP - Frigga -
126: WoW - Livieva - Puppy At Heart
127: Haruko - Genji lives path
128: McHanzo Timetravel Shenanigans
129: Overwatch - Yuuma - Nest of Vipers - Big Bang
130: Stan/Haruko
131: Stanfic
132: Taijo Aitai tinyfic
133: Yuuma Op
134: Mia - Lupercalia fic - The Chosen Ones ch2
135: RW - Lupercalia - Arago & Hariel - Blood and Ashes - WIP
136: Ryou - Coal Dust - GIFT - WIP
137: Seiji - Kagome, Kagome
138: Seiji & Cale - Quadrature Pt2 - GIFT - WIP
139: Yulie WIP
140: Dinner
141: Bamboo
142: Travel
143: Sting
144: City
145: Noise
146: Titan
147: Oddyseus
148: Hera
149: Archangel
150: Centaur
151: Gorgon
152: Rainforest
153: Music
154: Groot
155: Plagues
156: Courage
157: Rage
158: Belief
159: Joy
160: Horoscope
161: Family
162: Obligation
163: Friend
164: Loneliness
165: Anakin - - timetravel fic tcw/ep7
166: Anakin / Rey - A Pocket Full of Sand (Reincarnation Fic)
167: Eurynome - Monsters in the Dark
168: Eurynome - Supernova?
169: Jeeri -
170: Shmi Skywalker - Son of Sands [Aniwolf]
171: Snowdrops
172: Star Wars AU Fics
173: StarWars - WIP
174: Trials and Shenanigans (Bits and Pieces)
175: We Shouldn't Be Friends
176: SG1 - Sam - - WIP
177: SG1 - Sam&Jack - - WIP
178: SAO - Yui - SAOFest - Marching Band
179: SAO - Yui - SAOFest - What Big Sisters Are For
180: SAO w Jaegers - Silica - WIP
181: Series: Bad Plan
182: Arrow&RW - Oliver - - WIP
183: Cye - Homecoming (Multiverse)
184: Papa!Cye
185: little shadows far reaching
186: Untitled document
187: Voltron - Keith -
188: Geralt - Witchwolves [Lupercalia]
189: Hell Hath No Fury
190: Chapter 3
191: Adventures of Maiwen Tanet
192: Art of Living
193: Asclepius
194: Bloodlines
195: Bondsiblings
196: Cats Cradle
197: Smoke Song
198: Darkness Watching
199: Desert Sands
200: Dragon's Cross
201: Dragonkin
202: Fractured
203: Hydra
204: Lyric Book
205: Poetry Book
206: Red Moon Kisses
207: Rupert's Drop
208: Feyborn
209: Superheros
210: Wonderland
211: A Mother's Love
212: Harry Potter and the Light of the Moon
213: Minor Troubles
214: Roses In Stained Glass
215: Even God Can't Save You Now
216: Mirrors Edge -
217: Our Secrets
218: Mica Sands
219: SG1/RW
220: They Call Them Ghosts
221: We All Bleed
222: In A House Of Brittle Bones
223: With A Crash of Thunder
224: Digital Shards [YGO/Digimon]
225: God Save The Queen
226: Fractured Light
227: AtlA/RW
228: NatM/YGO
229: SG1/StS
230: Van Helsing/Helsing
231: GW/Avatar
232: GW/JOH
233: Saving You
234: Firefly/Outlaw Star
235: GW/RW Reincarnation Is A Bitch
236: Escaflowne/RW
237: Mending Of Hearts Hope/Noel
238: The engines of iron Cindy/MTProm
239: Weaver's Undoing
240: A Nomad's surprise
241: A Soldier For Sale
242: Heir of Spring
243: The Ghosts of Haven
244: Master's Vengence gladio/prom d/s bdsm
245: The Unfortunate Ice Cream
246: The Perfect Hustle
247: The Adventure of Odie, the One Eyed Sock Puppet
248: Angels in the Attic
249: Mending the Sun
250: Numb to the Stars
251: Traitor of Heaven - ffx/ffvii
252: Isle of Iron
253: Irreverence
254: the empty tower
255: Bravery In Eternity
256: Changeling's Duel
257: Gilded Dispair
258: Wolfwan return of shark
259: Clonewolf O66
260: Time of the Wolf Lupercalia AU
261: Time of the Wolf Lupercalia snippets
262: Going Down (Cpt. America lupercalia)
263: wake up cpt+girls
264: Lokison
265: Uncle of Mine
266: The Things Wolfsisters Do
267: Howling
268: Shield Sisters
269: starhunter lupercalia
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*note, open to crossover ships and oc ships for all characters! that’s actually my absolute favorite, but i’m just listing ships within specific fandoms. i am also open to other ships within fandoms, but these are my favorites!
purse owner  - ann / shiho (otp), ann / yusuke, yusuke / ryuji, akira / yusuke, akira / akechi (otp), ann / makoto, ann / haru, akira / yoshizawa (otp).
final fantasy 7- aerith / zack ( otp ), aerith / cloud (selective), aerith / tifa, barret / roche, barret / sephiroth, barret / cid.
final fantasy 10 - auron / braska / jecht, lulu x WOMEN.
final fantasy 13- fang / vanille (otp), fang / lightning, fang / serah.
final fantasy 15 - gladio / ignis, gladio / lunafreya. ardyn / area, also. ardyn / aera is so good lol.
fire emblem - edelgard / claude (otp), edelgard / dorothea (otp), edelgard / bernie (otp), manuela / shamir / catherine (otp, any combination), claude / hilda (otp, selective), claude / dedue, edelgard / dedue, dimitri / marianne (selective), leonie / dorothea, leonie / f!byleth, leonie / edelgard, hubert / edelgard ( hate me cuz u aint me. i love them together lol), sylvain / claude, sylvain / dedue, sylvain / edelgard, ferdinand / dorothea, sylvain / dorothea.
ace attorney - wrightworth, franmaya. i don’t ship klapollo except for one-sided bc of bad experiences.
kingdom hearts - terraqua, xemqua, vexen / luxu, kairi / namine / xion (listen...).
disney - every combination of disney lesbians, eugene / cass, eugene / rapunzel, eugene / naveen (where the hell am i gonna find a naveen tho lmfao), kristoff / anna (I’M GONNA GET THIS RIGHT REMIX VERSION ONLY FROZEN 2 CHARACTERIZATION NEED NOT APPLY), kristoff / eugene. tiana / elsa. i already said every combination of disney lesbian but it BEARS REPEATING. tiana / elsa.
OTHER - boss / date (otp), aiba / date (otp), elphaba / galinda (otp), isabela / f!hawke (otp).
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creative-frequency · 6 years
Drabbles Masterlist
#noctober / Series of positive, individual drabbles!
Noctis x Reader: “Just come here.” Noctis x Reader: “I didn’t mean that.” Noctis x Reader: “Give me anime or give me death!” Noctis x Reader: Someone Hear Me Noctis x Reader: “Stop biting that fucking lip.” Noctis x Reader: FWB Noctis x Reader: If I had one wish
King!Noctis x Reader: “Why did you say ‘daddy’--”
Prompto x Reader: Christmas Drabble Prompto x Reader: Banana suit Prompto x Reader: “Why are you sleeping?” Prompto x Fem!Reader: “I forgot how to breathe.” Prompto x Reader: Since We Were Kids Prompto x Reader: Happy Banana Day Prompto x Reader: Holiday Decorations
Ignis x Reader: Christmas Drabble One | Two Ignis x Reader: Duck Ignis x Reader: “Is that my shirt?” Ignis x Reader: Man-child Ignis x Reader: 4am Ignis x Reader: “Please don’t cry.” Ignis x Reader: Since We Were Kids Ignis x Reader: Cute Ignis x Reader: OMG Your Eyes Ignis x OC (Honoria Curatrix): Pie Ignis x OC (Honoria Curatrix): “SO... You think I’m hot?” Ignis x Reader: “F-fuck.” Ignis x Reader: Prize
Gladio x Reader: “Ow, my ass.” Gladio x Reader: “Just talk to me.” Gladio x OC (Lianna Lucis Caelum): Pretty Hands
Ardyn x Reader: Christmas Drabble Ardyn x Reader: “Just a bit more-” Ardyn x Reader: “F-fuck.” Ardyn x Reader: Duck Ardyn x Reader: A Problem Ardyn x Reader: Yell, scream Ardyn x Reader: Cake Ardyn x Reader: “Please don’t cry.” Ardyn x Reader: 4am Ardyn x Reader: You Need a Hug Ardyn x Reader: Onions Ardyn x Reader: “Bite me.” Ardyn x Reader: A Sip Before a Bite Ardyn x Reader: “I’m pregnant.” Ardyn x Reader: “I hate how much I love you.” Ardyn x Reader: “I hate how much I love you.” - reversed Ardyn x Reader: “What’s my prize?” Ardyn x Reader: Uninvited Guest Ardyn x Reader: Hiding Ardyn x Reader: Hot Octomer!Ardyn x Fem!Reader: Filthy Squid Ardyn x Reader: “All I want is you--” Ardyn x Reader: “Who cares if they saw?” Ardyn x Reader: “Is that my shirt?” Ardyn x Reader: “I’m in love with you--” Ardyn x Reader: We Used To Be Something More
Ravus x OC (Selene Lucis Caelum): Christmas Drabble Ravus x OC (Selene Lucis Caelum): In a Party Ravus x Reader: The Librarian’s Assistant Ravus x Reader: “I would’ve stayed--” Ravus x Reader: Confusion Ravus x Fem!Reader: “I’m pregnant.” Ravus x Reader: Ravus can take care of himself Ravus x Reader: “What if I say no?” Ravus x Reader: “Would you be able to be happy with me?”
Luna x Reader: Blessed
Nyx x Reader: “Your mom texted to tell me--” Nyx x Reader: Birthday Drabble Nyx x Reader: Since We Were Kids Nyx x Reader: “Stay with me.” Nyx x Reader: Scars Nyx x Reader: Nothing To See Here Nyx x Reader: “I missed you.” Nyx x OC (Raihana Alsayf): Brooding Nyx: Just Breathe Nyx x Reader: “You were sick 5 minutes ago.”
Luche x Fem!Reader: “But that was my best pickup line!” Luche x Reader: “It’s 2 a.m.” Luche x Reader: “I hate how much I love you.”
Tredd x Reader: “Make me.” Tredd x Reader: “Did I interrupt something?” Tredd x Fem!Reader: “I can’t find my pants.”
Pelna x Reader: You Need a Hug
Loqi x Reader: Arguments
Kenny Crow x Reader: Lost Nose
Eve Leonis: “You haven’t had the ultimate flavor experience?! Eve Leonis: Phoenix Down Eve Leonis: Broken Vehicle Eve Leonis x Noctis Lucis Caelum: Dance Lessons Eve Leonis x Noctis Lucis Caelum: Helping Hand Eve Leonis x Nyx Ulric: I Can Feel Your Ghost
FFXV Writing Masterlist
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jezsiema · 6 years
Mating Behemoths
@swiggle-muffin @jiruchan @arlaina28 @ebonyphotographs  
I’ve been putting this particular work off because I have this thing where I don’t feel at all confident with my writing :( and I got rusty after I suffered from that stupid writers’ block! T_T  and real life hadn’t been too kind
Art by @babelast (I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THAT YOU GO COMMISSION HER! I fell in love with this work of hers when she showed me the sketch for Amalthea and Gladio! And fell deeper in love with the finished product!) 
Tumblr media
PAIRING: Gladiolus Amicitia x Amalthea Claudius (F!OC)
It’s been days since he left for the Tempering Grounds. Even with the anxiety and worry sipping through her, she had never stopped hoping he’d return home to her in one piece.   
“Gladio will come back, don’t you worry…” Jared assured Amalthea as she sat on the verandah. Cor had given her the orders to stay in Lestallum until they got back. For Gladio’s sake, and by Cor’s orders, she remained in Lestallum. A few days after Cor and Gladio left, whenever her phone rang, she’d get excited and answered the phone quickly thinking it was Gladio. 
“Princess, are you at the hotel?” Ignis called her, one day. Disappointed that it wasn’t Gladio, Amalthea expressed her worry for Gladio to Ignis. “I am on my way there with Noct and Prompto. Then, we will talk.”
Amalthea hung up and rested her chin on her arms. She sighed and that somewhat worried Iris. She has never seen Amalthea disheartened that way before. “Amalthea…” she called, resting her hand on Amalthea’s shoulder. She could hear sniffling and did not want to bother Amalthea with thoughts of Gladio. She knew Amalthea cared deeply for Gladio. “If you need me, I will be in my own room.”
She noticed Iris’ movement away from her. “Iris…” she called, her voice still ringing in sadness. Iris turned and saw Amalthea’s smile, although weak but there was a sign of hope in her green eyes. “I am sorry for making you worry…”
“It is okay. I know you are worried for Gladdy but you don’t have to worry. He will come home. He will always find a way back to you,” Iris chirped. Those very words made Amalthea smile at the 15-year-old’s optimism. She wished she had what Iris had for seeing the brighter side of things. 
Half an hour after Iris left, there was a soft knock on her door. She opened the door and saw Noctis smiling at her. “Hello, Amalthea…” he said, bringing the girl into his arms. “Ignis told us you needed some cheering up…”
Noctis saw Amalthea as an older sister, having grown up together in the Citadel. He remembered those days where she’d be by his side listening to his problems and this was the perfect opportunity to return the favour. “Hey, Noct. How was the journey getting the Mythril?” she asked, forcing a smile on her face.
“Amalthea, we know you are worried. Don’t force yourself to look happy…” Prompto said. Amalthea knew she could not find her way out with the guys. She had no choice but to tell them.
Ignis leant back in his chair and took a sip of his coffee. “Princess, I am sure Gladio will come back as soon as he can. He did not tell us where he was going. Did he tell you where he was going though?”
Amalthea hesitated from telling them. She promised not to tell anyone, not even Iris. “He didn’t tell me anything. All he told me was that he and Cor were going somewhere to find something. There were no details and it is unlike him.” Amalthea sat on the bed and buried her face in her palms. Noctis sat next to Amalthea while Prompto wrapped his arm around her shoulder. 
“Please, Amalthea, don’t cry!” Prompt panicked as soon as she started sobbing. None of them has ever seen Amalthea that way. She had never shown her sadness or worry for Gladio, even during her younger days. She did not even look up when Prompto tried to console her. “I’ve never seen her like this,” Prompto told Noctis and Ignis. 
A warm pair of hands touched hers. “Hey, Babe…” a familiar voice greeted. Amalthea looked up and saw Gladio kneeling before her. Lost for words, she threw her arms around his neck and held him tightly. “Worried about me, I see…” he smiled.
“Of course, dummy!” she sobbed into the crook of his neck. He pushed her off from him gently and wiped her tears with his thumb. She caressed his face and noticed a new scar on his forehead. He hissed when she touched it. She noticed there was a scar on his body as well. 
“We will leave you two to reconcile,” Ignis said, forcing Prompto and Noctis to leave Amalthea and Gladio. Ignis had always been observant to what was best for Gladio and Amalthea. In this case, he knew it would escalate to something passionate as he was able to see the two lost in the midst of a lover’s reunion.
“I am sorry for making you worry,” Gladio apologised, stroking her cheek. Her green eyes gazed deep into his ember eyes. It felt surreal to her but the warmth emitted from him under the touch of her skin confirmed that it was him before her. He leant in to kiss her lips. “I am home now, Babe…” he assured, while his hands ran down to her waist, slowly slipping underneath the fabric of her top.
She could feel his calloused hands running against the skin of her stomach. The familiar warmth assured her security. She missed the way he touched her with his hands and his lips. “Gladio…” she whispered, and that made him stop. She ran her fingers over the cut over his stomach then over the cut over his forehead. She pressed her cheeks against his chest and felt his heart beating. “Did it hurt?” she asked, her voice cracking.
“It did but it is okay now that you are here.” 
“Oh…” she sighed, sitting up. He held her and placed her on his lap so she’d straddle him. 
“Babe…” he called. Their eyes met, though hers were welling with tears. “I love you…” he said. She cupped his cheeks, pulling him up to kiss her. There was not a care in the world, as long as they were together. He took her top off and threw it onto the floor. He paused and admired her body, his fingers running over her skin. “You are beautiful…” he whispered, pressing his lips against hers while undoing her jeans.
His eyes filled with lust, studying her body. It felt like the first time all over again. She felt like there were butterflies fluttering in her stomach. As they kissed, her fingers undid his belt and trousers, peeling it off him. 
She freed his aching member from its confinement and before her eyes, it stood majestically. She stroke his hardness, making him moan. She watched his body language before taking him into her mouth. He bit his lower lips when the warmth of her mouth surround his girth. It has been a while since they got engaged in an intercourse and there he was in a room with the woman he loved. He watched her head bobbing up and down his shaft, while her hand stimulated his tightening sacks. 
He could not hold himself any longer, he needed a taste of her nectar. He wanted to claim what was and always his. He pushed her off him gently and threw her back against the bed. She looked gorgeous with her hair sprawled on the soft pillow. He planted kisses on her stomach and made his way towards her breasts. His mouth covered her perky nipple, sucking and nibbling at it gently. “Gladio…” she moaned. She could feel him slipping his hands down her panties. He slipped one finger through her entrance, sliding in and out of her. Her nails dug into his flesh, as she clung to him. “Baby…” she whimpered.
“Let’s take this off,” he told her, as soon as he stopped fingering her to take her panties off. “This is more like it…” he murmured, his ember eyes feeding off her naked body. There was something about how she looked at him, she wanted him and he was sure of it. She ran her fingers down to her swollen bud, looking like she wanted to pleasure herself. “Oh, no... Let me do it for you...” he grinned, pushing her hand away. 
He lowered himself down towards her slick folds. The flick of his tongue at her sensitive bud made her jerk. His tongue did its magic, giving her the pleasure he had wanted to give her. He hungered for her, he wanted to give her the world - if possible. At that moment, nothing mattered anymore as long as they were together.
“Gladio…” she moaned. She could feel herself reaching her peak but he continued to pleasure her. She kept calling for him but he continued to lick her;�� faster and slightly rougher. It was hard to control her volume and body reaction but he stopped as soon as she squirted her juices. She noticed the way he looked at her as he smacked his lips. She knew he was not going to show any mercy. 
He could not take it anymore. He needed to be inside her. With no further warning, he pushed himself deep inside her, sliding in and out of her, slowly at first. The woman beneath him was the only one for him and he swore to love her no matter what. Nothing in the world could separate them, not even the Six themselves. “You are tight!” he grunted, pushing himself in deeper. 
Amalthea wrapped her legs around his waist and she knew that drove Gladio crazy for his face told it all. Her nails dug into his strong back, she could feel herself reaching another orgasm. He thrust hard and deep, sending her into oblivion. He, too, was almost reaching his peak. Bringing herself up, she pressed her lips against his, their tongues prancing within each other’s mouth. “Gladio… There!” she moaned as he hit her sensitive spot. His movement got faster as she arched her back and grabbed the sweat-drenched sheets beneath her. Neither one of them was able to string proper words as they moaned from the intensity of their intercourse. 
“I am coming, babe…” he groaned, as he slapped himself deep unleashing his warm seeds. “There you go...” 
He emptied himself inside her before pulling himself out of her. Gently, he fell beside her. He watched her chest rise and fall as she catches her breath. She turned her head to face him and smiled. Pulling her into his arms, he held her close to him, refusing to let her go. 
“Gladio… What if…” she said, looking up at him, after a couple of minutes. Poor guy looked perplexed but her smile indicated something. Gladio noticed it was not one of her mischievous smiles. 
“What if?” he asked, tensed. 
“What if one day, the next time we meet, I tell you that a behemoth impregnate me?” she asked, the cheekiness rang in her voice and her emerald eyes sparkled. 
Behemoth was what she called him, playfully and that very question sounded sweet to his ears. “I assure you that he will be the happiest behemoth alive,” Gladio said, kissing her forehead. He meant every word and he wanted her to bear his children. Only her. His mind drifted into thoughts of the two of them having children. He had dreams of bringing them out camping and bracing the wilderness. His body relaxed while his hands stroked her shoulder. Out of the blues, he suddenly remembered what he wanted to ask her. “Baby… Were we loud?”
“Quite honestly, I don’t know…” she chuckled, followed by a yawn. The chill wind coming through the opened window cradled the exhausted lovers into slumber while the crickets serenade them deep into the night.
The next morning, Amalthea opened her eyes to see Gladio smiling at her. “Good morning, beautiful…” he greeted, pressing his lips against her forehead. She stretched and grinned at him. “We better get ready to meet with the others.”
After they got ready, the others were by the fountain outside the hotel. They looked like they did not have any proper sleep. “Morning fellas!” Gladio chirped but Prompto shot him a look of dismay. “What is your problem?”
“We did not get a wink of sleep last night as there were mating behemoths in the room next door!” Noctis complained, eying both Gladio and Amalthea, who looked at each other and blushed. Prompto yawned out loud and continued complaining about lacking sleep while Ignis looked around grumpily. 
Gladio wrapped his arm around Amalthea and laughed. That certainly answered the question he asked Amalthea before they fell asleep. 
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forhcarthandhome · 4 years
Bold = Main Ship(s)
Final Fantasy VII
Rude/Tifa | Leslie/Tifa | Reno/Tifa | Kunsel/Tifa | Aerith/Tifa | Tseng/Aerith | Aerith/Biggs | Zack/Aerith | Zack/Cloud | Reno/Rude | Cid/Vincent | Rufus/Tseng/Elena | Rufus/Elena | Poly Turks/Rufus
Final Fantasy VIII
Seifer/Rinoa | Laguna/Raine | Zell/Rinoa | Squall/Selphie | Selphie/Quistis | Quistis/Irvine 
Final Fantasy X / X-2
Yuna/Tidus | Shuyin/Lenne | Braska/Jecht/Auron
Final Fantasy XII
Balthier/Basch | Balthier/Fran | Balthier/Ashe | Ashe/Basch | Vossler/Ondore
Final Fantasy XIII
Serah/Snow | Fang/Vanille
Final Fantasy XIV
Gaia/Ryne | Urianger/Thancred | Dulia/Chai-Nuzz | Y’shtola/Lyse | Y’shtola/Runar | Cid/Nero | Lyse/Fordola | Estinien/Vrtra
Final Fantasy XV
Cindy/Holly | Cindy/Aranea | Cindy/Crowe | Cindy/Lunafreya | Crowe/Lunafreya | Nyx/Lunafreya | Noctis/Prompto | Prompto/Gladio | Ardyn/Verstael | Ardyn/Aera | Monica/Cor | Monica/Dave | Cor/Dratuos 
Final Fantasy XVI
Terrence/Dion | Cid/Gav | Cid/Clive
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim 
Hijiyama/Okino | Keitaro/Natsuno | Ei/Iori | Ei/Miura | Yuki/Ryoko | Nenji/Tomi | Hijiyama/Keitaro | Keitaro/Natsuno/Ei (13SW!AU) | Yuki/Iori | Yuki/Tamao
Eighty Six 
Persona 5
Ryuji/Ann | Ryuji/Ann/Ren / Ann/Ren
Devil May Cry
Blake/Sun | Blake/Sun/Yang | Blake/Weiss | Qrow/Ironwood | Qrow/Clover | Roman/Neo | Coco/Velvet | Ren/Nora | Ruby/Penny | Pyrrha/Jaune | Robin/Fiona | May/Joanna | Emerald/Mercury | Summer/Raven
Fyra/Sechs | A2/Anemone | Kaine/Nier (brother) | 2B/6O | Weiss/Nier (Dad) | Caim/Angelus | Two/Cent
Red vs Blue
York/Carolina | Carolina/Kimball | Locus/Felix | Grif/Simmons | Wash/Tucker | Church/Tex
Life is Strange
Chloe/Max | Chloe/Amber
Assassin’s Creed
Altair/Malik | Ezio/Leonardo
Resident Evil
Jill/Chris | Jill/Carlos | Jake/Sherry | Billy/Rebecca
The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra
Sokka/Suki | Korra/Asami | Zuko/Katara
Mass Effect
F!Shepard/Garrus | F!Shepard/Thane
Kingdom Hearts
Namine/Xion | Aqua/Cinderella | Kairi/Olette
Fire Emblem
Shiro/Allura | Allura/Lotor
The Legend of Zelda
Link/Mipha | Link/Sidon | Midna/Zelda
Itto/Gorou | Stelle/March 7th | Stelle/March 7th/Dan Heng
Star Wars
Ahsoka/Barris | Obi-Wan/Cody | Riyo/Fox | Bly/Aayla | Thorn/Padmé | Bail/Breha/Fox | Boba/Din
  Aoife Dia (OC) /Dave Auburnbrie | Cora Thuraine  (OC) /Thancred Waters | Nero Sinclair (OC) /G’raha Tia
Sebastian Blake/Cain Holt | Arethasgr/Unnamed Knight | Laughter/Axil
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ffxvficrec · 3 months
by Star_Crossed_Lullaby Older Gladio after the time jump, female reader remains un-named. Just an excuse to write Smut without plot, because I was horny. Enjoy my depraved ramblings. I only roughly proof-read this a few times, and it's like 7am so my brain is not 100% clear. Words: 2970, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Gladiolus Amicitia Relationships: Gladiolus x Reader - Relationship , Gladiolus x Unnamed Female OC Additional Tags: Daddy Kink , Light Choking , slight degradation , Sensual Sex
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razzmatash · 7 years
Strings (ffxv)
Pairing: Gladio x f!oc
Word Count:1238
Ao3 Link
The Misadventures of Eerie: Insomnia--Outlands--Dark Years
Inktober for Writers: Nine
Summary:  Little things can connect a family no matter how far apart they are.
Note: This takes place nine years into the sun being gone or if you rather, about a year before Noctis’ return.
             Hearing more noise than she expected coming from the living room, Eyra listened for a moment, trying to figure out what was happening. But she couldn’t hear actual words and left the bedroom to get closer. The amount of squawking she could hear wasn’t going to end well, no matter what conversation was happening.
           “Don’t you want to go see Nanna?” Gladio was asking as she came into the living room.
           “No!” Laurel said, stomping her little foot.
           Eyra’s brows went up immediately. That wasn’t normal behaviour at all. She caught Gladio’s eye when he leaned back from their daughter with a sigh. She nodded when he raised his brows, more than willing to take over and see what was going on.
           Rising from his crouch, he held out the small pair of shoes he’d been attempting to get on Laurel’s feet and leaned down for a kiss. “It started as soon as you left the room,” he murmured against her.
           Her heart lurched as she realised what was going on. “I’ve got it,” she said quietly, taking the shoes and giving him a gentle push.
           “I’ll get Vi,” Gladio said, kissing her again before leaving.
           Her gaze immediately moved to the little girl leaning back against the couch now, arms crossed and little face pushed out in a pout. Walking over, Eyra sat down in front of her and put the shoes down. “Do you want to talk about what’s making you upset?” she asked quietly.
           Laurel shook her head. “No!”
           “Can I talk about what’s making me upset?”
           Big brown eyes blinked up at her. “Mama’s upset?”
           “Of course I am. My little girl is mad and won’t talk to me. I haven’t seen her much lately because I had to stay in the hospital and I want to spend time with her. But she’s upset and won’t tell me why.”
           She watched as Laurel thought about that before looking down at her feet. “Don’t wanna go to Nanna’s,” she muttered.
           “Why not, Laurel?” Eyra asked.
           “Mama gonna leave again!”
           She’d been worried about this, had been warned by the hospital staff that Laurel was likely to act out because of her stay in the hospital. It hadn’t been overly long but it had been the longest she’d been away from the three year old so far in her short life. “I’m not going anywhere, Laurel. The baby’s home now and we’re both okay. You’re just going to visit Nanna.”
           Sitting back on her heels, Eerie studied her toddler. Normally she loved visiting the family, practically racing out of the house if she found out her cousins were involved in any way. But she’d stayed close to her since she’d come home from the hospital two weeks ago. “Come here, sweetheart,” she said quietly, holding out her arms.
           Laurel launched herself into her, wrapping around her as soon as she was close enough.
           Rubbing her back, she hummed quietly as she rocked them in place. “You know I’m not going to ever leave you, right?” she asked after a moment.
           Little arms tightened around her neck. “Mama did because of Vi.”
           Oh, she needed to head that off right now. “No, I had to stay in the hospital because I got sick and having a baby is hard work. Not because your sister made me.” It hadn’t helped matters any that Laurel had been too young to bring to the hospital so she hadn’t been able to see mother or the new baby for longer than they’d expected. “I had to stay there for a little while when you were born too. It’s part of having a baby.”
           Laurel sniffed and shook her head.
           “Violet loves you very much, Laurel,” Eyra murmured. “Don’t you love her?”
           “Laurel,” she said firmly.
           The toddler squirmed a little. “She’s cute,” she admitted, “and she gave me a nice toy.”
           Sighing, Eerie kissed the top of Laurel’s head and gently pulled her back. “Listen to me, sweetheart,” she said, waiting for her to look at her. “We’re a family and we all love each other, even when we aren’t right next to each other. We’re all connected.”
           “With what?”
           Eyra blinked, not expecting the question. “Ah, string, sweetheart. It ties all of us together. You, me, Daddy and baby Vi.”
           “Of course. Uncle Nyx and Auntie Liv too.”
           “Kol? Lena? Lux?”
           She laughed quietly, nodding. “And Uncles Prompto, Ignis, and Libertus. Aunties Iris, Cindy, and Dusty. We’re all a big family and the string ties all of our hearts together.”
           Laurel’s face scrunched.
           “It doesn’t matter if we’re not always together, we’re still family aren’t we?” Eerie asked, rubbing her arms. “You still want to be family don’t you?”
           “Yeah!” She faltered, looking away. “But…if Mama goes away….”
           Scooping Laurel into her arms again, Eyra pushed to her feet. Her body throbbed in response but she ignored it for now. Beyond groceries and visiting her mom, they didn’t have anything planned today so she could take it easy later.
           She carried Laurel down to her bedroom, startling Gladio as they came in.
           “Babe?” he asked.
           She shooed him off, watching him settle with the still sleeping baby in his arms. “We need to find some string,” she told him, shifting Laurel onto her hip and starting to open drawers.
           “Cause it ties our hearts, Daddy!”
           “Uh huh,” he said slowly and Eerie bit down on her smile. She’d explain it later to him but if Laurel wasn’t going to be in a mood anymore he could suffer a little confusion for a while longer.
           Finding the box she was looking for, she pulled it out to set it on top of the dresser. “Do you know what these are for, sweetheart?” she asked as she opened it.
           “Mama’s braids!” she said excitedly when she looked.
           “And mama’s braids are for her family,” she said, carefully sorting through the beads and colours inside. “They keep my family close to me even if I’m not with them.”
           Big eyes were staring at her as she set Laurel down on the chair at her vanity. “Mama?”
           “Stay still, sweetheart,” she murmured, carefully sectioning a part of hair near her ear.
           “Isn’t she still a little young for that?” Gladio asked from the other side of the room.
           “You’re never too young to be close to your family,” she tossed back, working the golden brown and purple strings into Laurel’s hair as she braided it.
           He chuckled. “Alright fine.”
           He was right though, normally the braids were put in when children were a bit older but it didn’t make a huge difference. Snagging the box, she put it on the vanity in front of Laurel. “Pick a bead, sweetheart.”
           Laurel squealed a little bit, leaning over to look.
           Gently holding onto the braid, Eerie glanced over at Gladio. He was still sitting in the rocking chair, watching the pair of them with a smile. He didn’t wear his braids often and she didn’t mind but she was going to put them in at some point today. Blowing him a kiss, she melted when his smile widened and he nodded as if he knew what she was thinking of.
           After five years of marriage and two children, she wouldn’t be surprised if he did but Laurel held up a small silver bead in her fist and she focused back on the task at hand.
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voxiferous · 7 years
prompts for @domesticfluffsimulator. Believe it or not, I remembered all of these off the top of my head - we’re only missing ONE. I spent so long making them that i couldn’t forget them! :D
2. f/f pairing of your choice on a date at the citadel skywalk (i think this would be good for crowna but idk, please feel free to pick whoever you want :D)
3. gladnis soulmate au where what you write appears on your soulmate’s skin. ignis secretly has gladio’s tattoos (this was consensual)
4. au where prompto burned or cut off the barcode in high school and noctis is finding out about it now some months later (promptis)
5. au where prompto dies in zegnautus keep. but first, he programmes one of his clones with his memories and feelings, in the hopes that it will replace him so that noct never has to mourn for him.
6. au where prompto meets one of his clones during episode prompto. this clone is remarkably similar to versus xiii prompto, ohoho. he helps out ffxv prompto somehow
7. ignis is caught crossdressing by his bros, and is really embarrassed about it, so gladio, prompto, and noctis go out and buy kilts so four of them can wear skirts together and look cool :D
8. dfab transgender cor on roadtrip with regis, clarus, and cid
9. something inspired by this photoset - aliens? demons? angels? curses? magic? robots? dreams? you decide!
10. ravus with hanahaki - flower disease - where when you’re pining for someone you start coughing up blue flowers (sylleblossoms?) until they eventually kill you, unless you confess to your crush. i think ravus/noctis for this one, but any ravus pairing is good, just not ravus/ardyn or anything like that
11. during the dark world, noctis appears to the bros in the form of (an) animal(s) - cat, chocobo, dog, maybe even stuff like voretooth or anak - and they always know it’s him cuz his fur/feathers/whatever are always black. he does this to protect them, and also just because he misses them, sometimes
12. ignis and coctura having a cook-off. bonus points if they are flirting, dating, or married
13. gladio x aranea - one of them asking the other out, or their cute first date
14. noctis, prompto, or ignis meeting their younger self (30 > 20, or 20 > 8-10)
15. this is a long shot, but since you are the queen of rarepairs, could you please write ravus x noctis’s noncanonical older brother mors (who was named after his grandpa)? (mors is better at being a king than our dearly depressed noctis, and a little more outgoing < i recognise this is practically ravus x oc though so if you don’t want to take this one it’s fine!) pov of an outsider is fine, like maybe noctis sees them kissing and is like ‘oh no, now both princess of lucis are gay’ lol idk
16. fic set in the au where lucis will win the war as per your meta (maybe nyx perspective???? idk)
17. Okay, I originally was going to ask you to do something inspired by 2 of my meta posts, the colour symbolism one and the one with my headcanons for the chocobros in skirts. Well, my blog got deleted, so i can’t link you to those posts. but i can copy/paste both metas in their entirety into this post. so here they are (to be clear, this is TWO prompts):
Colour symbolism
black is the royal colour. this one detail could really have a big effect on the worldbuilding, but we don’t really see any evidence of said worldbuilding in game. so… here are my thoughts on it. I headcanon that commoners do not wear black at all. or rather, that there is a specific shade of True Black that they can’t wear. the school uniforms we see Prompto and Noctis in in brotherhood are an approved shade of off-black. a lot of times, a rich, dark navy blue (”formal blue”) is substituted for occasions where people of other nations would wear black. the closer one is to royalty, the more black one is allowed to wear on one’s person. In the past, there was a strict colour hierarchy, but that has relaxed over time. Now it’s just True Black vs. off-black, which is ranked in the same category as formal blue, dark green, and dark purple. Dark brown is not particularly popular in the modern day, but in some parts of Lucis it is the traditional formal colour of choice. a Lucian tourist may still be shocked to see people in Altissia or Tenebrae wearing shades that look suspiciously close to True Black. also, it would be a huge diplomatic faux pas for a diplomat, noble, or politician from a foreign country to wear black in the presence of Lucian royalty. Noctis only ever wears black, as does Regis, of course. Noctis would have a terrible time dressing himself if he were told to wear something that isn’t black - he has no idea how to match colours in an outfit. Gladio generally wears black on the job but enjoys wearing other colours for more casual activities (as we’ve seen by his green-jacket outfit). in contrast, Ignis’s suit, unlike many Lucian commoners’ suits, is True Black, which anyone who sees him on the street would be amazed and a little intimidated by. Prompto doesn’t wear much black, of course, but I like to headcanon that Noctis gave him his True Black wristband. Anyone who sees Prompto wearing that would instantly know that Prompto has won the favour of someone in a noble house. and anyone who sees the Regalia in street would immediately know that a member of the court must be inside, at least until Noctis gets around to customising it. in the distant past, white was the colour of mourning and only worn at funerals, as in many real world Asian cultures. it would be super cool if Luna’s white dresses were not intended to symbolise religious purity, but actually represent the link between the Oracle and the Astral Realm, or death; a reminder that the Oracle is the last thing between a Starscourge victim and a funeral. btw, this makes Ravus essentially a goth. though whether he wears white out of love for his sister or because he just likes the colour is unknown. of course, we’ve also seen that Luna’s wedding dress is white, but that can be attributed to newer cultural interactions between Lucis, Tenebrae, and whatever countries existed before Niflheim became an empire. Thus, her wedding dress and Oracle garb contain symbols coming from two different cultural traditions. the fact that the wedding dress is white is actually a symbol of Niflheim’s control over the wedding, since the Oracle is traditionally allowed to wear another colour on the day of their marriage. The traditional colour of marriage garments is yellow, to symbolise that the person you are marrying is the light of your life. The traditional colour of healing and purity is royal blue, like Luna’s sylleblossoms. lastly i would like to remind everyone that if my headcanons are in any way accurate, then wearing black underwear would probably be as gauche as printing the american flag on your butt. and if commoners aren’t allowed to wear True Black, then all black lingerie that exists must be the regulation approved shade of off-black anyway. noctis has to get his boxers hand-sewed
clothing-has-no-gender skirt post
skirts are for everyone. boys in skirts need more love, so here they are, feat. iris. pls love them
disclaimer: all the skirts depicted in this post are good skirts and HAVE POCKETS
noct and prompto’s school has both skirt and pants options for their uniforms. prompto switches between skirts and pants depending on the season and how he feels that day. noct doesn’t like the uniform skirt because it matches the ties so it’s not black
noctis prefers dresses to skirts because he’s lazy and dresses mean no need to pick a whole outfit; and prompto prefers skirts because that boy loves layers just look at his crownsguard outfit; but both of them will wear either skirts or dresses as the mood strikes them.
gladio hates wearing dresses because he finds them impractical. he only owns like, two, and one of them has a hole in it. ignis prefers dresses to skirts because he likes the way they look. he regards both dresses and skirts fashion items more than anything
ignis is the chocobro most likely to wear a skirt or dress as formal wear, including as part of a suit. he attends court in skirts a lot
gladio is the kind of practical guy who wears short skirts with spandex underneath them (like female athletes irl)
neither ignis or noctis will wear miniskirts. i’m torn as to whether prompto would wear them, since he’s known to have body image issues, but since he is a runner he may feel that his legs are nice enough to pull off the miniskirt look, with or without spandex. headcanon this one at your own discretion
the only other skirt gladio really wears is essentially a utilikilt (the cargo-shorts equivalent of a skirt, basically). these things are really practical and fashionable, so after seeing gladio in his utilikilt, all the other chocobros want one too. no word on who actually gets one
prompto has at least one regular kilt, if that distinction even matters in a world where any man can wear a skirt. what i mean is he likes pleats and plaid
noctis has been known to wear leather skirts. he pulls them off surprisingly well, as well as a mean combat-boots-and-skirt combo
noctis prefers to warp in pants because he’s afraid of flashing the MTs, but warping in skirts feels really cool so sometimes he does it when no one is around. also, skirts that are too long will mess up the landing, so he refuses to own any that go past the knee, just in case
noctis loves handkerchief skirts. ignis thinks they are awful
this makes ignis the most likely to wear floor-length skirts. prompto will wear them, but it’s not a style he prefers except maybe in formal wear
yes, iris does get gladio’s skirts (and shirts, she likes sleeping in them) as hand-me-downs. she has to take in the waists to be able to wear them. one time she prematurely took one of gladio’s skirts that they both liked and altered it in before he was done with it. they still argue about it to this day
ignis wears the fewest skirts on the roadtrip because all of his are fancy. he has a couple of nice ones for the wedding (T.T) and for galdin quay. noctis wears the second fewest because he is the most comfortable warping in pants, so his are also primarily reserved for rest stops. then there’s gladio in his spandex-and-skirts combo and prompto in a kilt, kicking ass and taking names. fuck yeah.
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luciscastoffs-blog · 7 years
Life After You -- Gladio x F!OC
“Ten miles from town and I just broke down, Spittin' out smoke on the side of the road,”
“Dammit!” Gladio slammed a large hand, flat palmed, against the smoking hood of the Regalia. No, no, no, not this again. Not today of all days. “I’ve got somewhere I’ve got to be, dammit, don’t do this to me.” His tone was strained, unusually desperate as he glared at the car, speaking under his breath. Nevermind the dent he had left in the hood from his display. He had to go, he had something to save; and for once it wasn’t Noctis.
It was the most important thing in his life, to him, personally. One of the only things he had allowed himself to hold onto. His relationship.
“I'm out here alone just tryin' to get home, To tell you I was wrong but you already know.”
A small hand lashed out from the left and curled over top of Gladio’s wrist. The delicate fingers couldn’t reach all the way around, so it collided from above instead, forcing it down, prying his fingers from their clutch on the collar of Noctis’ shirt in a burst of rage. The chain on his own temper worn dangerously thin, Gladio, hackles up, began to turn on the one who had dared move between himself and the Prince this time – first Prompto, who wanted some this time? – when he saw the owner of the hand and for a moment, the wind was knocked out of his sails.
Hepatica, his little Tea. A frown harsh on her lips and tears in her saffron eyes. “What is wrong with you? I know you’ve got a mission, and he’s got a destiny, but Noctis is supposed to be your friend and he just lost his fiancee, someone you were talking about him marrying when this was all over, when we were back in Altissia. How can you treat him like this? It’s hard. He’s still grieving, Gladiolus. But he’s here. He’s coming. How can you demand he also act like everything’s fine? He’s lost his father, his kingdom, the woman he loved, people have been dying because the Empire wants him. I know you can imagine how that feels. You know Noctis is a good person. You know it hurts him.” Cheeks flushed, Gladio started to say something, but his small healer raised a hand to silence him, watery eyes as sharp as steel behind it. “No. I know what you’re going to say; you haven’t acted this way over losing your dad, or Prompto or Ignis over losing their families when Insomnia fell… And, though that’s true, what you need to understand, Gladio, is that everyone is different. We all process differently. You release grief, anger, fear, and even happiness through fighting and sex. Prompto helps everyone else and does his photography. Ignis cooks, fights, and makes plans to try to have control for the next time. Noctis doesn’t have that kind of coping method. He’s had the weight of the world on his shoulders for most of his life. He has nightmares. Visions. He’s destined to take on a responsibility to protect his people that will eat away his life and health slowly in the process. He’s learned to internalize, he has no release. There’s a storm in his head and he’s trying to keep it from destroying him.”
Noctis was agape at her side, but he couldn’t manage to articulate any words around the lump in his throat. Prompto, still in the seat he’d been pushed into by Gladio when he had tried to insert himself into the fight, was equally speechless, an arm along the back of the seat. Serene had her arms crossed over her chest, her mouth in a thin ‘he had it coming’ line, and Tranquil had a hand pressed over his mouth. It was Ignis who reacted, stepping forward and reaching out to touch Hepatica, who gently met his searching hand with hers, curling it carefully over his fingers to close it.
“It’s all right, Ignis. I’ve got nothing more to say,” she said, turning and grabbing her duffel bag from the seat next to Prompto. “I’m leaving. I’m sorry, but I’m leaving. You guys… Be safe. And you?” Tea twisted back around, brows drawn together as she wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes. She swung her bag over her shoulder, pausing to give Prompto, and then the shaken Noctis a hug before focusing her eyes on Gladio’s stunned looking face.
“If you manage to get a handle on your temper and find some compassion, then you’ll be welcome to come and find me.”
“Believe me I won't stop at nothin', To see you so I've started runnin',”
Finally standing up straight, Gladio turned on the spot on the dirt path, running both hands through the length of his hair and gripping it in frustration. Nothing was out here. Nothing. Stretches of dirt and rock as far as he could see. Help; unlikely.
So there was only one way to get there. Jaw set, he moved to the back of the Regalia and popped the trunk, seizing his bag with the basics for survival, slinging it across his back and turning on his heel in the dirt. Without further consideration, off down the road he began to jog.
He was finding his girl. He didn’t care if he had to move mountains to make it happen.
How, how had he been such an idiot.
“All that I'm after is a life full of laughter, As long as I'm laughing with you,”
Together they sat at the edge of the haven, legs dangling over the side with their thighs brushing and arms braced close behind one another’s backs as they leaned into each other. Tea was smiling as Gladio, with his free hand, traced constellations between the stars for her, telling her the stories of their origins and their use in navigation. In turn, she started telling him about astrology and the birth signs. Laughing, she pressed the length of her body into his chest, playing with the pendant that dangled against his skin there.
“I’m a Virgo. Tell me your sign and I can tell you our ‘compatibility’. C’mon, I bet you’re an Aries or a Taurus, hmm?”
“I'm thinkin' that all that still matters is love ever after, After the life we've been through, 'Cause I know there's no life after you.”
A few hours later, out of breath and lungs burning, even in the pinnacle of physical condition he was in, Gladio arrived back at the nearest source of civilization: Cartanica station. She couldn’t have gotten much further, could she have? The ache in his knees hoped that she hadn’t, but the resolve in his heart told him blatantly that he would go as far as he had to in order to find Tea. Even if he had to go all the way back to Lucis to retrieve her…
He wouldn’t go forward without her. He couldn’t.
“Last time we talked, the night that I walked, Burns like an iron in the back of my mind, I must've been high to say you and I, Weren't meant to be and just wasting my time, Oh, why did I ever doubt you? You know I would die here without you!”
“Gladio!” Although unsteady on the ground that trembled beneath Titan’s massive, pounding fists, Tea scrambled over the last few jagged rocks left in the wake of his tantrum to throw herself into Gladio’s dusty arms. Not that she wasn’t excited to see that Noctis had survived the fall into Titan’s pit but… It was Gladio that had her heart tied up in knots when she had seen him plunge over the crumbling cliff after the prince. Sword already at the ready in one hand, though assumingly useless against the massive Astral that raged before them, Gladio briefly squeezed the girl with his free arm, pinning her to his chest and the thin tank top that was plastered to his skin with sweat from the ordeal that keeping Noctis alive through the treacherous series of earthquakes and rockfalls that the giant had caused had been. They didn’t have long; it looked as though the Archaean intended to make them fight for their lives here, but he would take this moment to reassure Hepatica – and though he would never admit it, himself – that they were really back, there, together in that moment.
“I know you have a job to do, you have to protect Noctis, but please,” she whispered briefly against his chest, resting her hands flat against his body and channeling her energy into him in a soft, healing warmth that numbed the pain in his joints and knitted his small scrapes. “Please remember that there’s someone who needs you to come back from those endeavors now. Guard your life with the value that I place in it. Remember that your survival matters.” And it was with that, and a quick kiss to his jaw that they parted to join the others in the fray.
“All that I'm after is a life full of laughter, As long as I'm laughing with you, I'm thinkin' that all that still matters is love ever after, After the life we've been through, 'Cause I know there's no life after you.”
Marching through the station with long, purposeful strides, Gladio’s head whipped left and right as he searched for the familiar, angelic face of his ethereal, white mage lover, the love of his life. The sweep of mahogany hair, the beginnings of worry lines at the corners of her mouth and forehead. Every little detail was burned into his mind’s eye, lit by the fear burning in the pit of his stomach that he might never find her.
Or find her too late.
And then… There. Where Prompto had stood on their first visit to this place when things were tense, at the railing overlooking the canyon below. There she stood, back to him and the rest of the platform, arms crossed on the iron rail, her head down and resting on them. Besides her hair blowing on the wind, she seemed so still, until he saw her shoulders tremble. Was she crying…?
Almost without being aware of the decision to do so, Gladio turned on his heel and approached her. He made no effort to be quiet. She would recognize him.
He knew she would.
“You and I, right or wrong, there's no other one, After this time I spent alone, It's hard to believe that a man with sight could be so blind, Thinkin' 'bout the better times, must've been outta my mind. So I'm runnin' back to tell you,”
“Hepatica. Tea.” Before Gladio had called her name, the young woman had already begun to stir at his footsteps, arching her shoulders slightly beneath her jacket at the recognition of his footsteps, or perhaps his scent on the wind. Slowly and with purpose, she turned to face him, stray strands of rich brown hair blown errant into her face as she lifted red but dry eyes to meet his. She didn’t say a word, just nervously bit her lip and waited to see what he would do.
And that was when he ran forward and latched his arms around her waist, lifting her up and into his embrace. Though Tea seemed startled by this turn of events – expecting another fight, or a breakup, perhaps, even after he had come all this way – she responded immediately, folding her arms upward along his muscular back to rest on his shoulders. He bowed his head onto the crook of her neck, his stubble tickling the soft skin as he whispered in a voice drawn hoarse by the conditions of this place, not unlike a tundra desert.
“I was a fool. An angry, resentful fool and I took it out on him. I’m sorry, you’re right. Noct doesn’t have it easy, as much as I call him the spoiled prince… He’s had to accept the eventuality of giving his life up for others, just like I did. I just… My family has always been in this position. When I was first learning that I couldn’t be important if my charge was in danger, I didn’t have anyone to turn to to complain. I didn’t have any sympathy. It’s just what the Amicitia men do. And I’m okay with that, I just…” He sighed. “The resentment for growing up without a me, Iggy, and Prompto in my life to turn to when I needed to let off some steam got to me, I guess. Damn sure no one eased me into anything.”
Unconsciously, his grip tightened around her waist. She gasped slightly, as it knocked the wind out of her, but it didn’t hurt so she didn’t object, and he didn’t let up. This was not the moment to interrupt.
“If… You’re not ready to give up on me, Tea… I’d love it if you’d give me another chance. And I’ll try to dial back the emotional constipation and switch the release valve off of ‘anger’.”
Straightening, he turned his head to look at her. Unspoken, but there in those amber eyes was the silent part of the plea; please don’t leave.
“Oh, Gladio,” Tea murmured, tracing soft fingers over the finely detailed feathers of the bird of prey tattooed over her love’s torso, exposed on the bare breadth of his shoulder. “I… Of course I don’t want to leave. I want to stay with you. I just… I needed you to see what you were doing. To your friends, to me… To yourself. Anger unchecked is poison for the soul.” Leaning in, tears gathering on her feathered lashes once more, she kissed him. He returned it, tender and chaste. No desperation, but a reunion; a healing.
“All that I'm after is a life full of laughter, Without you God knows what I'd do, All that I'm after is a life full of laughter, As long as I'm laughing with you, I'm thinkin' that all that still matters is love ever after, After the life we've been through, 'Cause I know there's no life after you.”
“I love you, Gladio.”
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fortheloveofeos · 7 years
I’ll try and keep this up to date with any material. NSFW is marked beside the piece/part that it corresponds to. Send in your requests and I’ll get to work on them as soon as possible. 
Happy reading! 
Prompto Argentum 
Batteries - sfw (F! o/c)
Tombs and Letters - sfw
Savior - sfw 
Blackout - Part 2 - Part 3 (*NSFW*) - (F! o/c)
A chance - sfw
Best Friends - *NSFW*
Change of Plans - *NSFW*
s/o jealous of Aranea - sfw
reader suffers from hanahaki disease - sfw
Incubus - sfw
Gladiolus Amicitia 
Meeting Him - Part 2 (*NFSW*) 
Birthday Surprise - *NSFW*
A Little Surprise - *NSFW*
A Little Lie - sfw
Dead Flowers - sfw
Tease - *NSFW*
Shy Reader Confesses - sfw
Reader survives the fall of Insomnia - sfw
Ignis Scientia 
Birthday Cake - sfw
First Time - *NSFW*
Inspiration - sfw
A little Surprise - *NSFW*
The More the Merrier - slight NSFW (also some ignoct and noctis x reader)
Vampire Ignis - sfw
Noctis Lucis Caelum
Friends - (Fem!reader) sfw
King and Queen - (Older! Noctis) *NSFW*
Secret Lovers AU - *NSFW*
Nightmare - (Older! Noctis) sfw
Accidental Love - *NSFW*
Before the final showdown - headcanon, sfw
shy reader - sfw
Noctis Confesses to the Reader - sfw
Nyx Ulric 
Finally - *NSFW*
Instincts  - Part 2 (*NSFW*)
Home - sfw
Anxiety - sfw
Tattoos - sfw
PCOS Cramps Headcanon - sfw
Headcanons/ Drables
First Date - chocobros, sfw
Handling Your Anxiety - chocobros, sfw
Moving in Together - chocorbos and Nyx, sfw
College Graduation - chocobros, sfw
A Little Request - chocobros, *NSFW*
Finally - chocobros, sfw
First Time Cooking - chocobros, stw
Argument Between Friends - Prompto x Noctis, sfw
Masks - chocobros, sfw
Ardyn kidnaps the reader - chocobros, sfw
Tortured Reader - platonic chocobros, sfw
Bruises - Gladio x Prompto, sfw
Cake - Prompto x Ignis, sfw
Stress - Gladio x Ignis, sfw
Angsty Ignoct - request 
The Vanguard - OC X Nyx and OC X Gladio
Chapter 1 - sfw
Chapter 2 - sfw
Chapter 3 - sfw
Chapter 4 - sfw
Chapter 5 - sfw
Chapter 6 - sfw
Chapter 7 - sfw
Artwork (Not by me) 
Eirwen Lupus Aesthetic by @sarcastic-heroine
Eirwen Lupus Instagram Aesthetic by @sarcastic-heroine
Amira Everet Aesthetic by @sarcastic-heroine
Amira Everet Instagram Aesthetic by @sarcastic-heroine
Amira and Eirwen by @kimkun16
869 notes · View notes
cagedbycravings · 7 years
Of Blood and Fire
Title: Of Blood and Fire 
Word Count: 2,729
Characters: Ignis Scientia X OC
Warnings: None? At least not this chapter.
Summary: With the threat of invasion looming over the horizon, Lucis sends their best strategist to strike an alliance with the Infernians who have only just ended their Isolation period. When plans go awry, Ignis learns first hand of why the Rogues thrive on blood and fire…
Also: As I’ve realized three chapters in, Umniya isn’t quite working. I’m switching her name to Emniya. Sorry for any confusion. I will also be updating the previous chapters with this name change. 
@itshaejinju @xnoctits @atarostarling Thank you for your continuous support. It makes my heart flutter at the thought of you all reading my work. 
Of Blood and Fire
Chapter Three
Running in the sun had brightened her earthy skin tone, leaving her cheeks flushed as she tucked her sweat slicked curls behind her ear. Looking down at the ingredients she’d purchased from the market, she felt almost giddy. The Festival of Flames was taking place. In the past decade or so, the Commander granted them their right to celebrate the Festival noticing the baby boom it produced every year. Three days of dancing, feasting, and offerings to Ifrit’s softer side. The side of robust laughter, uninhibited salaciousness, and fire play. The first day was celebrated as a time of gratitude for the blessings of the previous year. The second day was filled with harvest and satisfying primal desires. Encouragement for a brighter, more hopeful following year were celebrated on the last day.
On her first day, Emniya had woken even earlier than usual to begin prepping the celebrations. Candles, incense, and golds and reds adorned the walls spilling into her doorway in a rare show of faith. She’d rushed to the market as soon as it opened, bearing no shame at being first in line for the ingredients and herbs she’d need.
Waiting at her home was a man who represented life outside of the blood walls. Already, she was so grateful.  Her eyes lit up, as she could practically feel the brightness in them. There was just one more thing she needed before heading back. His spectacles. Over the past several weeks, they’d cracked the language barrier separating them from actual conversation. However, as time went on, she noticed that the strategist had a persistent headache that required him to rest every few hours.
She’d returned to the abandoned church, to find nothing behind the altar where she’d found him. Worrying her lower lip, Emniya found herself asking locals. It was the baker who’d recommended she look in the marketplace. If those glasses were to be found, Jax the opportunistic scavenger would have them.
She’d arrived at his stand where miscellaneous baubles and trinkets gleamed in the sun. Her eyes trailed each row of items until  she’d found the lightly damaged pair. Jax, a short statured man in his late twenties watched her carefully, his eyes matching hers.
“You do not wear spectacles.”
Emniya shrugged. “And? I’d like to buy them.”
“But these are clearly for men.”
Emniya quirked a brow. “What do you want for them?”
Jax leaned forward, as Emniya mirrored him. “A favor. I need you to get a message to someone in the the Bloom.”
“Jax…” Emniya tilted her head, uncertain of where this was going.
“It’s nothing bad. Just give Roseline this.” He withdrew an envelope from his jacket. “Do that and the spectacles are yours.”
Emniya passed a glance towards the spectacles as she forced an impatient sigh through her nostrils.
The Blooming Bordello, one of the few vices permitted by the puritanical Commander, was sequestered away from the rest of the city. Restricted contact meant the blossoms who sat idly inside, had little else to entertain them aside from smoking poppy powder and listening to music.
The air was stained with pink smoke as Emniya watched two blossoms drift off to sleep. Clinging to the shadows, she cautiously looked for anyone vaguely resembling the description Jax gave. His scratchy voice echoed in her mind . She’s got hair like the flower and a voice like an Astral.
She’d just rolled out of sight whenever the sound of sniffling reached her ears. Overlooking her shoulder, Emniya watched a woman with hair like a rose sitting with her back facing the Rogue. Knowing this situation would only have two outcomes, Emniya worried her lip as she lifted herself from behind the couch to see Roseline holding her knees. Tears dripping from her eyes. Undoubtable the Festival would increase their visitors, regardless if they were celebrating.
“Roseline?” Her whisper caused the blossom to flinch as she looked over her shoulder with wide eyes smudged with mascara.
“H-How did you know my name?”
Emniya shook her head, shifting her eyes towards the exit. “It’s not important. What is important is the message Jax sent.” She had just handed Roseline the envelop whenever a door slammed open. Emniya ducked behind the couch as Roseline shoved the envelop in the cushion below her.
“Roseline?” A woman with a slimming build bordering the lines of acetic, stood hovered over her. The Madame’s tightly wound bun seemed to tug at her face, giving her an almost inhuman appearance. Her piercing green eyes stared down at the young girl. “I’m here to collect.”
“B-But Madame I already paid my s-share.” Roseline felt herself begin to shake.
The Madame shook her head. “The Commander raised the blood tax. I’ll need another fifteen percent.”
“F-Fifteen percent?! How will I afford food?”
The Madame’ checked the room for any prying ears, before allowing her face to soften as she joined the young woman on the couch. “We can split it into payments, but I will still need to collect.”
Her words offered, perhaps, the first bit of comfort Roseline had found since entering the brothel as she agreed.
“Okay, good. I’ll be back tomorrow, yeah?”
Hearing the Madame’s footsteps fade, Emniya reached into her pocket, withdrawing a small bundle of gil. Unraveling it carefully, she smiled before sliding it in the envelop wedged between cushions.
Roseline shifted, her hand discreetly reaching for the much fuller envelop. Her eyes widened as she leaned over the couch, her savior nowhere in sight. Roseline thought a moment before an idea struck her. In the whispers of the Bloom, she’d heard that the Matriarch chooses two daughters. One who thrives on spite and suffering. And the other who thrives on selflessness and sacrifice. Roseline pressed the money to her, a grateful smile spreading across her lips, her whisper sweetening the air. “Thank you.”
Drifting his hand to her steady her hip, he watched as she overlooked her shoulder with those deep set eyes he’d grown accustomed to seeing each morning. A flicker of lust filled them as she bit her lower lip. Tossing her hips back at him, he tightened his hold, nails sinking into her flesh. He teased her already dripping entrance before slowly entering her. Her lips pressed together in a soft hum. Hum? That couldn’t be right.
The humming grew louder as Ignis cracked open his mint green eyes. His erection poked through the sheets as he covered it with a pillow. Regaining some composure he slid from the bed, curious as to the source of this disembodied humming. Descending the stairs, his eyes widened at the spread on the table. Colorful fruits, braided bread, and smoked sausages were served as he saw Emniya busily scrambling eggs and boiling water for their morning tea. She dressed in a crimson tunic top revealing tattooed Infernian proverbs  lining the front of her shoulders. Her tied skirt shimmered gold against the darker red material that hugged her hips as she danced bare foot in the kitchen.
Music played softly from the record player as he watched her hips bounce and sway. She was oblivious of how her skirt lifted as she twirled, her eyes closed, lips parted to mouth the lyrics. 
What little sexual engagement he’d had in his youth turned into more research than relations. He needed to be prepared to handle anything as the future king’s advisor. That said, as Gladio often pointed out, it was one thing to theorize, it was another to practice.
Much to his disappointment, the song ended as Emniya slowed her pace as she sifted the tea, before pouring the steaming water into the teapot. He’d grown accustomed to the potent brew stinging his senses awake. He still missed his precious Ebony but in the meantime, the morning tea Emniya crafted for him was enough. Whether a tonic, or a dish a magic radiated from her as she never made anything, she created.
The strategist felt his heart flip when her face spread into a smile. “Good morning.” She greeted, a flush to her cheeks as he took the egg dish from her and set it beside the sausages. He stood close enough to catch a whiff her perfume. A rich, earthy blend that brought a smile to his face.
“Good morning.”
Their usual morning routine had involved Ignis offering his help in some way. Today he’d set the table with napkins and utensils. He hadn’t heard Emniya behind him as he turned around too quickly, their bodies colliding. In a moment of panic, he thrust his hands forward with the intent of steadying them. He succeeded at the cost of a gasp escaping from her mouth. In his haste, he’d connected their hips with one hand while grasping her wrist with the other. The moment halted time as mint green peered into  dilated violet irises, the hand on her wrist feeling her pulse elevated. His reaction had been no better as he tensed, hardening painfully against his zipper. His teeth sunken into his lower lip.  
The fires of Ifrit had ignited in her body, spreading in ways she’d not felt without pain attached. This fervent surge overwhelming her senses.  They’d become magnets as resisting what few inches existed between their lips seemed futile.
The impatient clearing in Kostya’s throat made them freeze. Emniya broke the stare to see the boy glaring daggers. He waited for them to part, providing adequate space for him to pass between them towards his seat at the table.
Ignis, for all his knowledge and confidence, was never good with children. They were too sporadic, unruly, loud. Noctis was different as the strategist was introduced to him as a toddler. They were literally raised together. His attempts to engage with anyone significantly younger than him often backfired as the images of ice cream, vomit, and snot caused an unpleasant association. None the less, he’d always end up in a staring contest with the boy. Kostya staring at him with those distrustful chestnut brown eyes. The strategist recognized the mistrust in his eyes, the disdain on his tongue as he spewed Infernian at Emniya who merely waved off his frustrations.  And now Ignis had encroached on territory that Kostya had long since claimed making for almost palpable tension whenever the two of them were left in a room together for more than a minute.
Ignis deduced by Kostya’s festering would only be a matter of time before enough pressure filled his mind and the words would burst from his mouth.
Kostya didn’t care for this man. At all. His foreign lilt hit the boy’s ear wrong. When Emniya began to teach him about their language, their culture, the history of the blood walls; he was livid. Emniya had been too trusting. This outsider carried himself as though he were above them. From his sly smirks at Emniya’s mistakes in his language, to his bumptious swagger. Above all things, Kostya abhorred the lingering. The way his eyes lingered on Emniya when she entered the room. The way his words would steadily slow as he inched closer to her when they’d believed him to be in bed. And now, after catching them in that position his patience was holding by a withered string. Emniya mentioned something about forgotten candied cream as she returned to the kitchen, just out of earshot.
“Why did you come here?” Kostya didn’t bother to hide his irritation as Ignis quirked a brow; not realizing how much the boy had learned from the lessons he’d shared with Emniya. Setting his teacup down, mint green eyes locked with chestnut. Ignis opened his mouth to speak whenever a knock at the door caused them to jolt. Emniya rushed for the strategist, pushing him towards the space benathe the stairs. Covering it with a colorful tapestry, Emniya took a deep breath, wiping the nervousness from her hands on her skirt as she opened the door hesitantly.
Emniya sighed in relief at sight of the elderly woman who visited to sell her loaves of bread. Ushering Kostya to fetch her pocketbook, Emniya offered her generic conversation, determined to stay in the woman’s view of the tapestry. Kostya soon returned as she paid the woman for her goods, the two bowing in respect.
“May the Fires of Ifrit guide you.” The old woman cooed.  
“And to you.” They said in unison.
Ignis could practically hear the relief in Emniya’s body as she helped the strategist out of the crawl space.
“Sorry about that. This evening we’ll see about getting you some fresh air, yeah?”
Ignis nodded. “That would be pleasant.” He’d been gracious about his growing cabin fever, as he craved to exist in more than their quaint but limited apartment.
Tucking a curl behind her pierced ear, Ignis noticed she’d purchased new earrings lining her lobes.
“I have something for you both.” Ushering the two back to the table, she placed their gifts in of them as the two exchanged glares. Kostya begrudgingly yielded first, as he unwrapped his new blade. His eyes lit up as it had been the very one he’d been eyeing in the marketplace for weeks. Ignis’ narrowed his eyes as Kostya shot him a threatening look as if daring the strategist to say something. Emniya had been oblivious as she eagerly drank her tea, a gentle hum leaving her lips. Her eyes traveled to Ignis’ gift as she worried her lip.
The strategist delicately unraveled his gift, gratitude washing over his features as Emniya felt her heart skip indescribably. He gently placed the spectacles over his eyes as her heartbeat raced. The blood rushing to her cheeks as his glasses enhanced the vibrancy of his eyes.
A small crack in the lens wouldn’t bother him too terribly as Ignis heaved a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Emniya. Your efforts are most appreciated.” He gazed curiously in her direction as he noticed her blushing. “Are you alright?”
She nodded emphatically before clearing her throat. Turning her head towards to Kostya, she smiled. “I figured you may need that for your endeavors.”
“Yep. This will serve me well during my Initiation.”
An unsettling chill entered the room as her fingers wound tightly around her teacup. Her smile had fallen from her lips as her eyes pooled with fear. She realized her mistake too late. His eyes were already darkening as his smirk curled far too similarly to Avarice. Violet eyes filled with instant regret as he flicked open the knife, admiring its gleam. Swallowing the emotion in her throat, Emniya encouraged the boy to eat.
Ignis tilted his head at their terse exchange. Knowing Emniya often tried to hide her displeasure, for his sake or for Kostya’s he wasn’t sure but none the less, she began eating. Finding enough joy in the meal to return some light to her eyes.
Night had fallen as Emniya had taken great measures to ensure his safety and more importantly his anonymity. The hooded leather trimmed coat prevented anyone from seeing his features as he followed Emniya through the shadows. They’d have to stay off the ground as too many prying eyes would suspect something. Rich earthy incense mixed in with summer blossoms in the air, enticing Ignis’ senses as he looked towards the marketplace. Men, women, children happily celebrating the Festival of Flames. Ignis was almost overwhelmed with the aerial view. Fire breathers, salacious dancers, charming illusionists shedding new light of his understanding of Ifrit. Amongst his people, he was not the damnable betrayer lore made him out to be. He was warmth against the desert chill. He was comfort against the daemons beyond the blood walls. He was hope in land despaired by autocracy. The thought reminded him of his reason for being here. He was to establish an alliance with the Commander. In the missive they’d received, the Commander vocalized support of the East’s intentions to win the war with the West. However, from the number of Rogues he’d noted, Ignis began to suspect they were setting the groundwork for a coup. Knowing that this could provide vital information to the King, Ignis bit his lip. He’d need to shift his strategy. His eyes shot towards Emniya. Her violet eyes were blissfully unaware as she gazed at the festivities. The first lesson of strategy is to utilized resources until they can no longer serve. 
Next Chapter
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fyrapartnersearch · 7 years
oh, you wondrous creature [ ffxv ]
my name is apotelesmaa and i am a miserable retail employee in my 20s. i’m currently working about 30 hours a week, leaving me 138 other hours for sleeping, eating, video games, youtube, existential crises, and roleplaying.
as the title hopefully makes abundantly clear, this search is solely for final fantasy xv. i am interested neither in other fandoms and genres, nor am i interested in the other games in the franchise. give me chocobros or give me death.
in the interests of keeping things brief, i am looking for writers capable of fairly frequent/regular replies (2-3 a week would be enough, more certainly welcome). i try to respond within 24 hours though i know that isn’t possible for everyone and isn’t always possible for me. i don’t enforce post lengths. we can both write whatever is comfortable. in general, my replies are 300-500 words once the roleplay is in full swing. my intros are usually around 700-1000 words per character. i don’t ask that my partner matches and, if you are someone who enjoys writing novella-length replies, i ask that you don’t expect me to match either.
email is my preferred medium for roleplaying, though i will also use gdocs if that’s my partner’s preference. i prefer to ooc through a second email chain, though i’m willing to use skype (just let me know your username when you contact me).
i love playing multiple mains. i give equal attention to my male and female characters (i also won’t send you 1000 words for my oc and 300 for my canon). though i will likely request a m x f pairing, if we’re doubling and you want m x m or f x f i’m more than happy to provide. i have a preference for canon x oc but if there’s a canon x canon ship you’re longing for feel free to ask.
finally, for limits, i have very few that should need mentioning. that is, if most roleplayers say they don’t want it, i probably don’t want it either. i’m not here for that XXXtra kinky shit. i’m fine with smut. i’m even fine with smut-heavy roleplays. i just don’t want pwp and a detailed list of your fetishes. i’m also happy to include other mature themes. let me know your limits when you get in touch. that said, regardless of the content of our roleplay, you must be 18 +. i’m well over 20 and roleplaying with minors is no bueno for me.
now, the moment you’ve been waiting for (or the moment you skipped ahead to to see if you were actually interested before going back to actually read my rules. hey, i don’t judge).
to make things simple i’m just gonna list the characters that i want to play and the characters i would like to play against. if i haven't mentioned a character you want, just ask. chances are if i know enough about them or can find out enough about them i’ll play them.
who i can play noct, prompto, ignis, gladio, ardyn, nyx, libertus, pelna, cor, loqi, oc
who i’d like to play against ravus, ignis, ardyn, oc
to get in touch, email me at [email protected]. thanks for reading!
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