#gilmore girls jess mariano
justpeachyparker · 2 years
"You Have His Eyes"
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Pairing ➳ Jess Marriano x Reader
Warnings ➳ angst? unplanned pregnancy, UNEDITED!
Summary ➳ Jess left and now you have to give birth alone. and a few years later
Words ➳ 1.1k
Note ➳not based on the show and is kinda angsty, also I don't really like this sort of trope but this was the only thing I could really think of when I wrote this and also this is not edited and written in one night so.
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Never in your life would you have thought that you would be pregnant. Well that's not true, you just expected to be happily married when you found out. You didn't know what to do when you first saw the positive test. You had no doubt who the dad was, but you didn't know how to tell him. You eventually did and everything seemed to be going great.
Until now.
You are about 36 weeks pregnant and should be giving birth any second. You aren't allowed to leave the house or really get out of bed to do anything other than use the bathroom, luckily you have Rory, Lane, Lorelai, Sookie, and well the rest of the town to come and check on you every second of the day. Right now was one of the few moments you were alone, and that's when it hit you.
Jess was nowhere to be seen, you haven't seen him all day. He came in this morning to check on you, said he would be back in a couple hours, but still nothing. Figuring he just got busy you push it to the back of your mind not wanting to stress yourself out. You didn't have much time to think about it anyway as Luke and Lorelai came in with food.
"Heyyyy kid, how are you holding up?" Lorelai asked you that everytime she came in, she had been through this before and wanted to make sure everything was good and you didn't have to do anything alone like she had done.
"I'm fine, nothing yet, they haven't really moved much today." You smile softly, putting your hand on your stomach as Lorelai sat on the edge of the bed.
"Well, you have me on speed dial and the minute you start feeling any pain I want you to call me so we can get you to the hospital. Okay?" Lorelai smiled at you and you knew if you didn't she'd be on you in an instant.
"Yeah, and if you need anything, just call." Luke said, he was still standing at the door of the room making you giggle a little.
"I will, anyway, have you seen Jess today? He stopped by this morning and said he would come back but he hasn't yet."
Luke sighs, shaking his head a bit, "No, I haven't, not since he left this morning to come and see you."
"Alright, well let me know if you do see him please?"
"Of course."
Lorelai rests her hand softly on your leg she was sitting by, "Now you need to get some rest, you're going to need it before that baby decides to come out. Whenever that is."
You laugh a little and nod, "alright, I'll see you guys later." 
As they are leaving Lorelai stops at the door, "don't forget to call. for anything."
Once again it was just you, no one else would be stopping by tonight unless Rory's date with Logan is cut short but that was very unlikely. You layed in your bed looking out the window wondering where Jess could have been, thinking of every possibility before you eventually passed out.
Screaming as you wake up you grab your stomach as a pain tears through you. You had no idea what was happening but the pain stopped after a second. You sat there for a second taking deep breaths not sure what had just happened. You sighed a bit grabbing your phone just to make sure you had it if anything else happened. About 15 minutes later right as you were about to try to sleep again another pain tears through you and you automatically call Lorelai.
The next few hours were a blur, very painful, but still a blur. It was a lot of rushing around, and not to mention giving birth. So a very long 23 hours later you were alseep in the hospital bed after giving birth. Lorelai had called everyone else to tell them you had your child but she couldn't get ahold of Jess.
When you woke up you saw Rory sitting by you with a soft smile, "Hey, how are you feeling?"
"Better than ever, I'm on a lot of drugs right now." You giggle softly.
She smiles, "Well, there are a lot of people here to see you and the baby, so what did you name her?"
"Ophelia, pretty name don't you think? Her full name though is Ophelia Victoria Leigh Mariano"
Rory smiles and kisses your head, "I love that name. I'm going to go get my mom, Sookie, and Lane, I'm sure they'll want to see you."
"Hey Rory, Can I ask you a question?"
She stops and turns back to you nodding, "Would you like to be Ophelia's god-mother?"
It's silent for a second before she smiles, "Of course I would." you smile and she leaves to go get all the other people to come in and say hi.
An hour later after everyone had come to see you and check on you, you had realized that Jess had yet to come in.
A few seconds later Rory walked in the door and you looked over at her, "Where's Jess?"
Rory freezes and turns to look at you, "He never showed up, we can't get ahold of him and we know nothing bad happened to him or someone would have heard. However Lindsay said she had seen a car that looked an awful lot like Jess's leave town yesterday as she and Dean were getting back from their Honeymoon."
You sit there for a second processing the information, "He left? He just left and told no one?" without realizing it you had started to cry you thought things were going great. Nothing seemed to be wrong, he was there for you through the whole pregnancy and then he just left. No notice, nothing, he didn't even leave a note or a message. Your breathing had started to pick up, "he didn't even say goodbye..."
"I know, I know." Rory spoke softly as though any loud noise would scare you. She sat down on the chair and grabbed your hand as you continued to cry.
"Why would he do this? Was it me? Did I do something?" You were just rambling and Rory sat there reassuring you it wasn't you for a while. 
You eventually stopped crying and soon after your daughter was brought in. You held her so she could eat and do the things babies do. After a while you just sat there holding her, she was the prettiest thing you had ever seen. She opened her eyes to look at you and you stared back with a soft smile and some tears in your eyes, "You have his eyes."
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Rory and Jess + "epithets" for each other
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i like how dean represents rory’s humble small town stars hollow world and logan represents rory’s wealthy ivy league world and rory being torn between these two worlds is basically the theme of the show, so you’d think that the narrative would be very dean vs logan. yet both of them are intimidated not by each other but by this little guy who comes out of nowhere during both relationships, displays an undeniable connection with rory and dips. i love it.
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limitedseries · 2 months
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Jess and Rory + The Tortured Poets Department: The Anthology
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mqrianos · 10 months
jess mariano and rory gilmore are literally the SAME people at their core, just in opposite fonts. they MIRROR each other and are each other's TWIN FLAMES. that's exactly why they understand each other better than everyone else (asp herself said so). both are raised by teen moms and have deadbeat dads. yet, one is nurtured with love and care with a mom like lorelai. and the other is abandoned & ignored by a flaky mom like liz. both develop an immense love for reading regardless of whether it became kind of a coping mechanism. both exceed normal expectations of intelligence required for their age. hence, one goes above and beyond, strives for perfection with it, and craves validation while the other could not care less what people think and says "fuck it. rules don't matter anymore for me. i know stuff". one becomes stars hollow's princess, held onto a pedestal by everyone around her. the other becomes stars hollow's pariah, hated by every person he meets. both are under intense scrutiny by people where one is held to exceptionally high standards and the other is seen as "good for nothing". both of them break out of those respective moulds as soon as they become young adults. and both play a pivotal role in helping each other break out of those moulds and still be true to their inner selfs. I COULD WRITE AN ENTIRE TEN-PAGE ESSAY ON THE PARALLELS BETWEEN THEM....I REALLY COULD!
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skeletal-butterflyy · 1 month
Jess’s little waves are so funny to me, i’ll eat it up every time
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literatigifs · 1 year
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Rory and Jess - Physical touch
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kitkataract · 1 year
you know what we were robbed of?
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this fucking trio right here.
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staliaqueen · 3 months
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Gilmore Girls "Say Goodnight, Gracie" // Sue Zhao
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weepynymph · 10 days
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they just like pushing them around
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magewritesstories · 11 months
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[ ᴊᴇꜱꜱ ᴍᴀʀɪᴀɴᴏ ] ᴍᴏᴛɪᴠᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
summary: Luke doesn’t understand where Jess’s sudden motivation to do well in school is coming from TW: none note: i love him sm, but it’s a pretty short fic
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“I’m leaving!”
Luke looked up, astonished at the sight that greeted him. Jess stood in the doorway of the diner, with a book bag slung across his shoulder, headed towards the library.
This had been happening for about two weeks now. Every Wednesday at 15:45 on the dot his nephew— his school despising nephew— had been leaving to go to the Stars Hollow Library
The older brunet had made sure that he was actually going to the library and not off to Walmart to pick up some extra shifts.
Jess made his way across the townsquare towards the local library. Everyone who knew the boy in the slightest would know he had no business there— his habit of annotating books meant he couldn’t borrow any, and he despised the quiet— so why was Jess Mariano going to the Stars Hollow Library?
The answer was very simple; Jess had a crush.
You were always there. Sitting in a faraway corner, of the library, working on homework or reading for an assignment. 
A few weeks ago he’d gathered the courage to walk up to you when you were reading Wuthering Heights. He was surprised when you remembered him from your english and biology classes (mostly because he was rarely there.)
You were sitting in your usual spot when Jess arrived. It was a small wooden desk, with enough place for two people. The edges of the table were worn, just like the fabric of the pillows on the chairs. There was small yellow-light over the table that blinked every now and then.
The black-haired boy made his way over to the table, letting his bag fall onto the floor with a loud thump. 
The sudden sound made you look up from your math assignment, “Oh, Jess, hey,” You gave him a bright smile, “Didn’t think you were gonna make it today.”
“Oh please, I am nothing if not consistent,” He quipped as he tried to ignore the feeling of his heart hammering against his chest.
You rolled your eyes, “They only thing you’re consistent in is bailing, Mariano.” Jess shrugged, “Doesn’t really matter what it’s in, I am consistent.”
“I heard you missed the math quiz yesterday?” You asked, turning back to your homework, “And I missed you in english.”
The teen shrugged, grabbing his books, “I had some stuff to do.” You raised an eyebrow, “Stuff?”
“Yeah, stuff.”
“Well, you missed Ms Bledel handing out our assignment,” You continued. Another thing Jess loved about being around; you didn’t push too hard on things that weren’t your business.
You handed him a copy of your notes, “It’s a two person assignment, and since you weren’t there I made sure we were paired up— so you better not choose next week thursday to be consistent.”
Jess laughed, taking the papers, “I make no promises.”
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It was a busy day in the diner when you stormed in. Jess was refilling Rory’s cup of coffee, when the bell rang and you shouted his name.
He looked up in surprise, along with Luke and Rory. “I got an A!” You shouted, running over to him. The black-haired boy wrapped his arms around you in surprise when you jumped towards him, “Thank you!”
You were referring to the fact that he’d helped you with the english assignment and you’d gotten an A for it— which was practically unachievable since Ms Bledel never gave A’s.
Jess rolled his eyes, hoping that the tinge of red on his cheeks wasn’t obvious, “It’s not a big deal,” He shrugged as you pulled away.
“It’s a huge deal,” You countered, “She never gives out A’s, I don’t think I’ve ever gotten an A for english in my life.”
Rory, who was watching the scene amusedly, nodded along, “Yeah, even I haven’t gotten an A in her class before.”
Having heard the commotion Luke walked over to the three teens, “I heard someone got an A?” You nodded, proudly holding up your’s and Jess’s copy of the assignment— bit with a red A on them.
“Oh this is so going on the fridge,” Luke smirked, which made the black-haired boy groan, “Please don’t...”
You giggled slightly at the scene in front of you, before realising you had other places to be. “I have to go,” You said, “But I’ll see you at the library tomorrow?”
That’s when it clicked in Luke’s head; the sudden motivation to do well in school had nothing to do with his threats of kicking Jess out if he failed, it was simple puppy love.
The brunet watched in amusement as his nephew’s eyes followed you all the way to the end of the street.
You had become Jess’s motivation.
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word count → 782 words links → gilmore girls masterlist
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slayerbuffy · 8 months
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Gilmore Girls | 3.09 “A Deep-Fried Korean Thanksgiving”
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#live slug reaction: literati edition
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”rory believed the most in jess”, ”luke was the most supportive of jess”, WRONG, not as long as this king exists
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teendramas · 2 months
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GILMORE GIRLS 2.16, There’s the Rub
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iwritefandomimagines · 10 months
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pairing: jess mariano x reader
description: you’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy jess’ flirty teasing. he’d be lying if he said that you didn’t make him uncharacteristically mushy.
warnings: swearing n fluff!!!, that’s all folks
author’s note: ok so i caved and started rewatching GG already — i had this idea and had to run with it! let me know what u think x
“Wow Y/N, we have got to stop bumping into each other like this!”
You looked up, rolling your eyes at the smirking boy before you as you placed down your book, “Oh yes,” you quipped sarcastically, “Such a shock to see you at your uncle’s diner that you live above and work at. Bonus points for you literally choosing to come over to my table, by the way. Usually you save our tantalising small talk for when I come to the counter for a drink.”
This only emboldened his smirk, and he glanced back to see Luke quirking his brow at his usual game — he always distracted himself from helping out by busying himself with talking to you.
In seconds he’d sat himself down in the empty chair opposite you, leaning on your closed book and staring so intently into your eyes you felt your heartbeat quicken immensely.
“What do you want, Mariano?”
“Ouch, last name?” he pouted, “And here I thought we were friends.”
Your heart was racing at how close to you he seemed to be, but his assertion of your supposed ‘friendship’ dulled this a little.
It infuriated you that he spent so much time flirting, and then every other moment acting like his having any romantic interest in you was a ridiculous suggestion.
“Friends, hm?”
In all the time he’d been loitering around, lending you books, stealing your books, making you coffee and all-round just finding any reason to be near you, Jess had never been certain his attraction to you was reciprocated either.
You’d started out shy, unsure of why the hell he seemed so struck with talking to you when he appeared so disdainful of everyone else in Stars Hollow.
And then you’d warmed to him, you’d opened up, you’d spent evenings as the only two people in Luke’s — just talking for hours on end — only to the next day seem distant again.
He’d tried to reassure himself that you did like him too, and that you were just shy, but something always stopped him from passing the boundaries of friendship beyond flirtatious remarks.
“Am I being relegated to an acquaintance?” he placed a hand over his heart and screwed up his face like he was going to cry, before relaxing it and smirking once more, “Or is your inquisitive tone your way of hinting at your undying love for me?”
“Shut up,” you shoved his arm gently, watching him feign a gasp, “You’re a pain in the ass, you know that right?”
Jess scooted his chair even closer to the table, “I totally thought that was your favourite quality of mine. My mistake!”
You didn’t reply for a moment, challenging him with eye contact and feeling your chest tighten at the way he seemed to match the intensity.
“What’re you doing tonight?”
This was new — he normally just hinted at caring what you were up to, nudged for you to give away whether you were seeing anyone, and danced around flirting just enough that he could deny it if you called him out on it.
You gestured to the book he’d made himself comfortable on, “A riveting night of draining your establishment of coffee ‘til you close, finishing this book and then probably either starting another or binging some shitty tv.”
It was only now that he looked at the book he was leaning on, clocking that it was Ham on Rye and he was the one who’d lent it to you when you’d expressed a desire to read more Bukowski.
“How’re you finding it?”
“Oh, and apparently starting the Jess and Y/N book club,” you teased, “Yeah, I’m enjoying. Thank you again for letting me borrow it.”
He smiled, “Anytime. Want me to leave you alone ‘til you’re done with it?”
You pondered his question for a moment. You didn’t want him to go anywhere, but weren’t quite sure if you should suppress your eagerness for his company.
“No, no,” you bit your lip, “Its alright. Does—,” you almost asked if Luke needed him, in the hopes that he’d say no and you could ask him if he wanted to get out of there. Almost.
“Does… what?”
“Nothing, never mind,” you shook your head, blushing crimson at how closely he watched your every move, “Its quiet in here tonight.”
He shrugged, “I was hoping you’d ask if I wanted to get out of here, because Luke definitely doesn’t need me when it’s this dead.”
You smirked, “Is this you asking me to get out of here?”
“Yes, Jess, cool. Let’s go somewhere else,” you grinned, pulling your book from beneath his elbow slowly and watching him roll his eyes at your teasing smile as you did so, “I was going to ask that. Didn’t want to seem too eager and boost your ego.”
He feigned insult again, “Ego? What ego?!”
He rose to his feet as you packed your book into your bag, gesturing that he was going to go and tell Luke he was leaving and quickly sauntering over to the counter, where you just about overheard Luke mumble, “Finally asked then?”
That made your stomach swarm with butterflies — this was really happening.
All this time, and things were finally progressing.
Jess briefly disappeared behind the counter, before re-emerging with his jacket and opening the door to the diner for you to lead the way out.
“Where’d ya wanna go?” you asked, your voice quiet as you suddenly felt anxious about being so close to him.
Your feelings for Jess had been growing steadily for so long now, bubbling under the surface, and now you finally had an inkling he actually liked you too you didn’t know what to do with yourself.
He shrugged again, looking down at his feet with his hands stuffed in his pockets as he ambled through Stars Hollow at your side.
“We can just walk,” you hummed, “Or we can go to mine. I’ve, uh, got a treehouse out back that my dad built when I was a kid. Or not if that’s a really fucking lame suggestion.”
He kicked a stone at his feet, “No, that sounds good. Totally lame. But good.”
That pleased you enough to elicit a small hum from your lips, and you found yourself walking a little closer to him as you led the way to your house, “Good. Follow me then.”
When you arrived at your house it was empty as ever — the reason you spent so much time at Luke’s was the rarity of company at your own home given your parents’ busy work lives.
You grabbed a few drinks from the fridge, some snacks from the cupboard, and then led the way out back to the treehouse, which was lit with fairy lights and adorned inside with band posters and shelves of books.
“I’ll give it to you, Y/N, it’s less lame than expected,” Jess nudged your side as you crawled in and slumped down on the mattress in the corner of the room, scoffing at him, “I feel honoured to have the Jess Mariano’s approval.”
“Should I feel privileged to be up here?” he licked his lips, eyes glancing over at the torn “NO BOYS ALLOWED” sign discarded at the edge of the tree house too, “Or does the sad state of the sign suggest I’m one of many exceptions?”
You rolled your eyes, “If you’re jealous that other boys may have been up here, you can just say that, Jess. But you should feel privileged because you’re the first. In fact, I can’t believe I didn’t even think twice about bringing you up here.”
He seemed to like that, his eyes glimmering as they darted between your lips and your eyes repeatedly while he found the words to respond.
“I’d say that means you like me, Y/N,” his voice was barely above a whisper as he spoke, and your close proximity left you shuddering as his breath fanned over your face, “Can’t say I blame you.”
His shit-eating grin made you roll your eyes for the millionth time tonight, “Here I was about to say maybe you were right. Thanks for snapping me out of it, shithead. I don’t like you nearly as much as you like yourself, huh.”
He just stared at you for a moment, eyes still twinkling and his breathing jagged.
“Funny, except I don’t think that’s true,” his head dipped to kiss you now, capturing your lips at first tentatively and then with increasing pressure as you kissed back.
He pulled back for a second, half smirking and half dazed, “Yep, I’d say you definitely like me.”
“Says the one who initiated the kiss,” you challenged, “And has been flirting with me incessantly since, like, the moment we met.”
He raised his eyebrow, “Oh is that so?”
“Are you denying it?”
“Oh no, I’ve definitely been flirting,” he licked his lips once more, desperate to kiss you again but trying to refrain for now, “It’s just funny that you’re only calling me out on it now.”
You gently shoved him and poked out your tongue, “I can kick you out of my treehouse whenever I want, you know.”
He only leaned closer again, “But you’re not gonna, are you?”
Jesus Christ you’d not been prepared for the palpitations in your chest right now. Your heart thrummed against your rib cage, drunk on the feelings that had only gotten stronger tonight.
“It’s your lucky day.”
You kissed him again, and the arm he wasn’t propped up on scooped around your waist to pull you closer and deepen the kiss, “Yeah, I guess it is.”
You stayed like this for god knows how long, joking around in between kisses and getting more and more comfortable in each other’s company, until he sat up abruptly and furrowed his brows.
“What’s wrong? Filled your kiss quota for the night and ready to leave or something?” you smiled, tongue in cheek, and he chuckled.
“Oh no, never. Just figured as much as I’d like to just kiss you, we should probably talk,” it was unlike Jess to look as nervous as he did right now.
In the time that had passed this evening, you’d grown comfortable enough to help him out a little here.
“I really like you, Jess.”
He wasn’t expecting that — you could tell from his wide eyes and open mouth, which he swiftly shut when he realised he was slack-jawed and silent.
He reached out to take your hand in his, fingers twiddling with yours, “You do? That’s, uh, good. ‘Cause I really like you too, Y/N.”
You couldn’t help the little joyous giggle that escaped your lips, and he couldn’t help the warmth that spread through him at the sound of it, “D’you want to stay over tonight? We can sleep in here?”
He kissed your nose, relaxing back into his reclined position again, “If you’re sure… I’d like that.”
“‘Mm, c’mon then,“ you cuddled in a little closer to him, suddenly overcome with tiredness from the evenings events, “…’m sleepy.”
He smiled, a broader smile than he was sure he’d ever smiled before, happy you were finally this close to him. He dipped his head to kiss your forehead, interlocking your hands as you got comfortable on his chest.
“G’night beautiful,” he whispered, and you could hear his heart thrumming in his chest. You couldn’t believe you’d found this side of Jess Mariano. And you weren’t going to get over that joy any time soon.
“Night Jess,” you hummed, already half asleep, “You better be here when I wake up.”
“Oh I will, Y/N, I’m not going anywhere.”
ahhHhHhh i hope you enjoyed this !!! please feel free to make some requests if you’d like, or just let me know what you think! i’ve been in such a writer’s block funk lately — but hopefully i’m back now!
here is my masterlist if you’d like to read more of my works!
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