gyunikum · 1 year
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Fucking Nowhere City x scenery
SAS: Rogue Heroes, season 1, episode 3. 
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dandoespaldaalsol · 3 months
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Pequeño fan art de un Giallo
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jazzismus · 2 years
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" Retro Resort "...
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coffeenewstom · 2 years
Griechischer Kaffee-Moment: Café Gialos
Griechischer Kaffee-Moment: Café Gialos
Die Nachmittagssonne taucht alles noch einmal in goldenes Licht. Die Rückfahrt geht zügig voran und selbst der steile Abhang nach Troumpetas ist diesmal kein Problem. Die Fahrt war heute lange nicht so anstrengend. Noch einmal ein Blick auf skurrile Felsen und abgelegene Bergdörfer. Dann liegt auch dieser Teil hinter mir. In Gouvia starte ich trotzdem noch einmal durch. Kerkyra, dass mich so…
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viendiletto · 4 months
«Erimo quei che xe andadi via…»
Ogni tanto dago un’ociada al mio Nuovissimo Palazzi del 1957. Se trata de una vecia abitudine che me gaveva inculcado la mia seconda mama, la professoressa Maria Concetta Viviano in Berti. Ala parola “Esilio” se lege: “Allontanamento volontario o forzato dalla patria”. Ala parola “Esule” corrisponde la definizion: “Chi o che è in esilio”. Un altro dizionario dise, “Esilio”: l’andare volontariamente o il vivere costretti fuori dalla patria”.
Forse tuto questo vol dir che mi non son un esule; in fin dei conti vivo in Patria! Non ve par?
Alora chi xe esule? Noi o lori? Lori, quei che xe rimasti!? Quei che xe rimasti?
Me par che se andèmo a far ‘ste ciacole dopo 70 ani finimo co’l barufarse de novo, e far saltar fora astio e malanimo.
Cossa fèmo? Dimentichemo?
Distiradi sula «rampa de lancio»
Quei dela mia età se trova oramai tuti distiradi sula “rampa de lancio”, puntadi verso l’alto, pronti a far una bela svolada e andar a trovar quei che ga avudo più premura de noi.
Qualche volta me brusa, quando torno a Fiume, e te trovo qualchedun de quei che non xe andadi via proprio perché i genitori, la familia, iera nati là e là i voleva restar. Me brusa pensar che forse un de quei che me parla e ciacola con mi poderìa esser el fio de quel sporco individuo che ga fato conosser, per la prima e l’unica volta in vita sua, la “residenza turistica” de Via Roma (deta: “nikad doma”) al mio povero papà! Un operaio! Un falegname che ga sgobà tuta la vita. Un polaco, arivado a Fiume co’i mìi noni che no’i saveva parlar altro che polaco e tedesco!
Mio padre, “italian convinto”, ga finido la prima guera mondial drento le trincee italiane e nela seconda lurida guera, ala verde età de 48 ani, el xe andà volontario, de novo a combater come un povero zurlo, per noi, per l’Italia!
Fazemo finta de gnente
Mio papà se ga stancà de viver, a Genova. Lontan dala sua Fiume. El dorme un sono eterno drento una picola nichia sula parte più alta del zimitero de Staglieno. El xe, “ossi contro ossi” in una casetiza insieme con la mia mama. Fino al ultimo giorno de vita el ga sempre parlà in fiuman. El ga vissuto una esistenza fata de ricordi. El se insognava sempre de Fiume, del Corso, del Monte Magior, dela sua bela Fiumara dove el gaveva la botega de marangon.
Adesso el dorme un sono senza sogni cussì che no’l core el ris’cio de riveder, tra i fantasmi dela note interminabile, la figura sporca de quel farabuto co’l muso gialo, che lo ga denunzià ai gianizeri de Tito, de esser stado un fervente italian!
Quel stesso mascalzon che, compena arivadi i drusi in zità, el ga cambià distintivo sula patela dela giacheta! El ga butado via el “fassio” per meter sù la “stela rossa!” Quel stesso infame che, da mediocre imbianchin, de colpo el iera diventado un prepotente dirigente in questura! Omo dela OSNA. Dimentichemo! Fazemo finta de gnente.
Una razion extra de patate boide
A mi me bastarà ricordar el forzado, misero turismo fato dal 1945 al 1947 per i campi profughi de tuta la penisola, insieme al caro indimenticado amico Agostino Sirola, nato a Fianona ma fiuman convinto. Cambiàvimo continuamente campo profughi, andando sempre più a sud. Passando per Roma, dove erimo, ogni giorno, “fissi” al Ministero dell’educazione nazionale per saper qualcosa sula apertura del Colegio de Brindisi. A Roma semo stadi diversi mesi nel Campo profughi del Quadraro. Mi ghe insegnavo qualcosa ai muleti dele elementari che era profughi dala Libia e dala Cirenaica e l’Agostino fazeva el sguatero nela cusina del campo. Una razion extra de patate boide e “saltade” non me mancava mai.
Al Collegio «Niccolò Tommaseo»
A tempo debito semo arivadi, primi assoluti, ala famosa Scola de Marina e ultima temporanea residenza bellica dela Accademia Naval de Livorno. Semo arivadi ancora prima che vegnissi zò el Professor Troili. El signor economo e el segretario, signor Cianciaruso, ne ga sistemado àla bona, in una cantina del Colegio dove, per qualche giorno, gavemo dormido su due letini, con la rede de fero ma senza stramazzi.
Spagheti co’l sugo de pomidori
Magnàvimo, in una saleta, vizin la tavola dei ex funzionari dela scola naval, solo a mesogiorno, spagheti co’l sugo de pomidori. De sera: nisba con contorno de stele in un ziel favoloso. Dopo qualche giorno xe arivà el diretor, el Professor Troili, insieme con quatro o cinque muli del “sientifico”. El resto dela ganga xe arivado a scalioni nel arco de un pèr de setimane. In quel meravilioso colegio che portava el nome de Nicolò Tomaseo (qualche nostro mulo, per far la remenàda, diseva che forse se tratava de un zerto Nikola Tomassic’, dalmato, come lo ciamava i titini…) go passado un ano per ciapar el diploma. Go fato la preziosa esperienza dela vita in coletività. E, per mia fortuna, dopo soli zinque mesi, cominziavo la mia vita de maritimo, imbarcado come “mozo”su un rimorciador nel porto de Savona. Una esperienza molto utile per quanto riguardava tuti i lavori manuali de bordo. Ogni tanto el Comandante, un “paron maritimo” meravilioso, el me fazeva far pratica al timon del rimorciador.
La prima nomina de Comandante
Ero veramente felice e contento ma, ogni volta che zurmàvimo ale varie banchine le grosse navi oceaniche, mi me sentivo el còr come una patata boida. Guadagnavo poco ma gavevo vitto e alogio asicuradi fin che, nel giro de un pàr de mesi, go trovà, con l’aiuto de una cara signorina, segretaria presso la più importante agenzia marittima de Savona, la possibilità de imbarcarme adiritura come alievo ufizial su una nave “Liberty” de diecimila tonelate. Squasi non me sentivo più adosso la scorza de profugo o de esule. Me sentivo libero e, son stado tanto fortunado, de restar imbarcado su quela nave per quasi tre ani consecutivi, senza far una licenza e sbarcar con el grado de terzo uficial. Dopo, la mia carriera xe stada limpida e veloce. A bordo gavevo studiado con grande serietà l’inglese el spagnolo e anca el francese. A 27 ani otegnivo la prima nomina de Comandante con la prestigiosa compagnia genovese “La Columbia”.
La mia famiglia, dopo pesanti peripezie e vessazioni quotidiane, ga podudo finalmente scampar de Fiume per finir in un lontan campo profughi vizin l’Aquila, su per le montagne, in un posto che se ciamava Rojo Pineta. Erimo de novo tuti profughi, esuli. Esuli in Patria.
Erimo quei che xe andadi via…
Reneo Lenski
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mrsniallhoran505 · 2 years
Good morning Austin Girls!
Sunday smut theme: boudoir photo shoot
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Warnings: Oral Female receiving, fingering, daddy kink, spanking, slight orgasm denial, slight choking, dom sub dynamics. I think thats it. Sorry for the long wait on this one. Hope you like it.  
For years Austin had been honing his skills as a photographer, ever since he started it as a hobby while filming The Shannara Chronicles. He does digital but he really loves film especially since he has his own dark room. 
He mostly takes pictures of nature and different sights he sees when he travels, but lately he’s been focusing more on people. He loves how the lighting and the angle of the shot can change how someone looks in a photo. He had taken pictures of his friends, his family, and his costars but he always avoided taking pictures of girlfriends since his nine year relationship with Vanessa. He had so many pictures of her that he didn’t know what to do with them now that they weren’t together. He didn’t want to repeat that with another girl that may not last long term. He stuck to that… Till he met you. 
He broke his one rule within a week of dating you. He bought a few rolls of black and white film he had intended to use while you were both visiting Greece. It started out that way, till you went to platis gialos, a beach with beautiful blue water. You were in a white bikini and walking along the water as the sun set. He had to capture it. He pulled his phone out but he couldn’t get the shot right no matter what he did. He wanted this memory of you so he grabbed his camera and took the perfect shot. After that he didn’t care about the rule anymore and had taken pictures of you as often as he could. 
For your one year anniversary you wanted to gift him something special, something that you’ve never done before. A boudoir photoshoot. Nothing too x rated, just a few tasteful black and white lingerie shots. With how obsessed he was with taking your picture you thought he would like this as a gift, so you started to shop around for places to do it. 
The one problem you had was how expensive even the basic packages were. You wanted to look great, and feel great about the pictures, so you wanted the VIP treatment which meant at least a thousand dollars for a one hour session.  You were starting to think you should just borrow Austin’s camera and take a few selfies and pray he appreciates the effort. 
The more you debated it the faster you ran out of time to book a session and get them done. Eventually time won and it was the day before you were set to celebrate and you still hadn’t done the photos. When Austin got home he found you with his camera trying to figure out how to set it for black and white. 
“Angel, what are you doing?” He chuckled as he walked up behind you. He leaned down to kiss your cheek and ran his hands up and down your arms which were covered by the robe you had on. 
“I’m trying to remember how to do the black and white setting.” You huffed and just handed him the camera. 
“And why are you using my camera instead of yours or your phone?” He chuckled and turned the setting on for you before handing it back. 
“‘Cause yours is better… My phone and my camera are too high res, I like yours better.” You looked up at him with a pout. 
“And why don’t you want high res photos?” He ran his thumb over the crease in your forehead. 
You didn’t want to tell him and ruin the surprise but you knew he had a way with cameras and could probably take a better picture of you then anything you could do. 
“‘Cause I wanted to give you something special for our anniversary.” You bit your lip before standing up and opening your robe to show the black lace lingerie you were wearing. “Wanted to do a boudoir shoot but they are really expensive so I thought I could take a few pictures of my own with your camera. Figured you’d still like them.” 
Austin was staring at your body, his bottom lip caught between his teeth. He had heard your words and he would have loved to see the pictures but right now he was thinking of how good that lace number would look on the livingroom floor while he fucked you beside it. 
“Austin? Aus, did you hear me?” You wave your hand in front of his face, making him snap out of his little fantasy. 
“Sorry angel, what did you say?” He gave you a sheepish smile. 
“I said, do you think you can take the photos?” You bite your lip and toe at the carpet. 
Austin took a deep breath holding it for a second before letting it out and smiling at you. “Oh angel… It would be my pleasure.” 
Austin had spent an hour clearing out a room of everything but a small couch. He put blankets over the curtains to black them out and set up some lights he used when he was doing photography in the house. When he felt that the room was ready he called you in. 
“Okay baby, this is my titanic moment… I need you on the couch. Kneel on it and place your hands on the back, look at me over your shoulder.” He jumped right in to the photoshoot. He gave you a kiss as he took the robe. 
He took a few shots at different angles before having you lay on your back and slip off the edge till just your shoulders rested on the couch. He walked behind you and took the picture at a downward angle. 
He was enjoying this, so much so that his pants were getting a bit painfully tight. When he had you change positions again to laying on the couch and arching your back with your head dipped back he gripped himself to relieve some pressure. 
“So beautiful, angel.” He hummed and kneeled to take the pictures. Something was a bit off about it so he walked over and cupped your cheek to tilt your head, but something about the sight had him bringing the camera up and taking a picture. Your doe eyes, filled with trust and love, looking right at the camera, right at him, nearly made him moan. 
“Sit up baby.” He guided you with the hand still cupping your cheek. “On your knees, look up at me.” He made a quick decision and took his shirt off. “One hand on my chest, the other on my stomach.” 
When you complied, it took him a moment to snap out of his daze and take the picture. He tapped your chin reminding you to look up at him. He took another picture before asking you to undo his button and zipper. He made sure to capture it all. 
You were very aware of the effect the photoshoot was having on Austin and you loved that you can get such a reaction with such a simple act. At this point he could say fuck it and lets film a porno and you’d agree. 
Austin had to shake his head to keep from going as far as he wanted. “Back on the bed, uh, on the couch. Lay on your back, head hanging off, legs in the air with your ankles crossed.” You looked up at him before nodding. He watched you as you took on the pose. He stepped back and kneeled down to take a few shots. 
All that was on Austin’s mind was getting to have you when this is over so its a good thing that he looked up some poses on the internet to keep him focused. He put you in a few more on the couch before bringing in a large mirror and having you pose in front of it. This time he asked that you remove your top. 
“Will you help me? I don’t want to rip the lace trying to unhook it.” You look at him over your shoulder and he nods. He hands you the camera before stepping up behind you. 
You look at the screen of the camera and tilt it till you can see what you’re doing then start to snap a few shots of him taking your bra off. He takes his time, kissing your neck and shoulder. Each action is captured through the mirror. 
“Sneaky angel.” He chuckled before cupping your cheek and kissing you softly. He takes the camera and starts to take pictures again, instructing you on how to pose. It was getting harder for him to resist you. 
He grabbed the tripod for his camera and set up a shot of you in the mirror. He set a timer before getting to his knees behind you. He reached around to cover your breasts with his hands and leaned in to kiss your neck. You lay your head back on his shoulder and reach up to place your hands over his. The camera goes off and captures the moment. 
He grabbed the remote for the camera and then went back to kissing your neck. He took another picture before moving his hand down your body to slip it into your panties. He teases your clit with the tip of his fingers. 
“Austin,” You gsap. “We’re supposed to be doing a photoshoot.” 
“We are baby.” He says and shows you the remote to his camera. “Spread your legs a bit.” He instructed before slipping his finger into you slowly. He leaned back a bit to check the angle of the camera then he hid his face in your neck. He took a few shots before handing you the remote. 
“What am I supposed to do with this?” You asked. 
“Hold on.” He used his now free hand to reposition you a bit so the camera could pick up his hand in your panties. He pulled your head back and to the side to face him a bit. “When I give you the signal, take some pictures.” 
He didn’t tell you what the signal was and he kept you from asking when he pressed his lips to yours. You were gonna pull back to ask but then you felt his hand wrap around your throat. You gasped and squeezed the remote making the camera go off a few times. 
“Perfect.” He pecked your lips then took the remote and started to finger you slowly. “Look at the mirror baby.” He nudged your chin gently. “Watch how beautiful you look.” He hummed and took a few more pictures as your lips parted and your eyes fluttered closed. 
“Austin, fuck, don’t stop.” You moaned and slid your hand between your legs to grip his wrist, making sure he can’t pull away from you. 
“Never, baby.” He hummed and added a second finger before speeding up. He pressed the record button on the remote and then tossed it aside. “Fuck, you have no clue what this sight does to me.” 
You tried to respond but his fingers curved and stroked that special spot inside you making your brain go blank. Before you could cum he pulled his fingers out and showed you how they were covered in your juices. 
“Open up baby.” He said while bringing his fingers to your lips. You quickly took them into our mouth and licked them clean. “Good girl.” He kissed you softly before putting his hands on your hips. 
“I need you to stand up for me.” He started to lift you, making it easier on you to get to your feet. He slid his hands down your legs then back up to the waistline of your panties. He tugged them down your legs, making sure to go slow so the camera would get it all. When you stepped out of them he tucked them into his pocket. 
“Lean forward and brace yourself on either side of the mirror.” He told you while grabbing the camera and setting it up for a new angle. Between your parted legs, looking up at you in the mirror but still catching your pussy in the shot. 
You do as instructed, looking at him over your shoulder. “Like this?” You asked. 
“Eyes on yourself baby, don’t look away from the mirror.” He smirked before going up a bit on his knees to lean towards you. He gripped your thighs before leaning in close and dragging his tongue over your slit from your clit to your entrance. 
“Austin!” You gasped but kept eye contact with yourself. 
“So sweet baby.” He moaned and gripped you tighter. He lapped at you slowly, enjoying the sounds he was drawing from you. The taste on his tongue is sweeter than sugar, one he never tires of.
“Austin please,” You begged. Your nails were digging into the wooden frame of the large mirror, leaving marks as the wood peeled up and splintered.  
Your eyes stayed locked on your own reflection, watching how your brows frowned and your lips parted. When you were sure you could paint your own face you let your eyes fall down to scan the rest of your reflection.
Watching the way your chest was rising and falling rapidly with your moans. How your thighs tremble as you tried to keep yourself up. Between your legs you can see Austin kneeling, gripping on to your body like he was afraid you would float away. You feel his tongue push into you and your eyes roll back as you curve your back to push back at him. 
Austin stood up and pushed his pants and boxers down to his knees. He gripped his aching cock and stroked himself a few times before lining up his tip to your entrance. He gripped your hair and twisted it around his hand, pulling your head back and forcing you to look at yourself in the mirror. 
"Keep watching angel, this is my favorite look on you." He smirked as he pushed his cock in. Watching as your lips parted in a low drawn out moan. The look on your face was that of pure ecstasy making Austin groan louder.
He held still once he was completely in your, his hips pressed flush to your ass. “If I could frame any picture it would be this one right here.” He kissed your neck then pulled out slowly till just the tip was in you. “I’ll put this in slow motion.” He pushed in and watched your face contort with pleasure again. 
“Austin, you always make me feel so good, you don’t need a picture to remember it.” You managed to say between thrusts. 
“Oh angel, I know I don’t need it.” He smirked before speeding up, reaching around your waist and slipping his hand between your legs to rub your clit. “I want it.” He grunted feeling your pussy clench around his cock. 
Austin forgot about the camera between your legs, he forgot about the photoshoot you had been doing. All he cared about was your body pressed to his and his cock buried in your wet pussy. Your mind was on the feel of his cock pumping in and out of your and his long fingers working your clit expertly. Nothing else mattered. 
“Austin, please, I’m so close.” You whined and gripped his wrist with one hand, looking at him in the mirror. 
“You wanna cum baby?” He cooed at you, a growl to his voice. 
“Yes! Yes I wanna cum!” You cried out when he bent your over more and pushed deeper inside you. 
“Look at yourself.” He tugged your hair to make you look up. “You wanna cum, you better not take your eyes off that pretty face.” 
“Yes daddy!” You said before turning red. You had never called him that before, or anyone else for that matter. You don’t know where it came from. 
Austin stopped and looked at you, seemingly frozen in place. You were about to apologize when he let go of your hair, pulled out, and turned you to face him. 
“Say it again.” He growled.
“Y-yes d-daddy?” You questioned unsure if that was what he wanted. He let out a low moan before kissing you deeply, tongue slipping past your lips to meet yours. When he broke the kiss he went and got the cushions off the couch and stacked two of them in front of the mirror. He grabbed the back pillow and laid it behind the stack. He pointed to it and told you to get on your knees. 
You kneeled on the back pillow and bent forward, over the stack of cushions. “Like this… daddy?” You tested the name again. 
“Perfect angel.” He hummed then grabbed his spare camera. He set up on to record the side of you, so it will capture him fucking you. Then he set up the other one to record your reflection in the mirror. Once everything was set and recording, he got to his knees before you. 
“Be a good girl for daddy, and keep your eyes on yourself. I want you to watch yourself cum on daddy’s cock.” He finished his sentence by pushing his cock back into you till his hips met your ass. 
 He grips your hips tight enough to bruise and starts thrusting. Checking the side camera to make sure he was getting the view of his cock coming out of you glistening with your arousal. It made him moan knowing he’ll get to watch this whenever he wants, knowing he’ll be the only one that gets to. 
“Daddy! Don’t stop! Please daddy I wanna cum on your cock.” You cried, gripping the edge of the pillows and pulling. You kept your eyes on the mirror but you were watching him. 
“What did I say?” He gave your ass a smack when he saw that you were watching him.
You gasped and clenched around him. He’s never spanked you before but you kind of wanted him to do it again. “I don’t know.” You said wondering if it will get you what you want. 
“Wanna try again?” He growled before spanking you again. You moan louder and push back on him. 
“To watch my face?” You asked. 
“Good girl. Now do as you're told if you want to cum.” He said before giving you two more spanks then focused on fucking you fast. 
“Yes daddy!” You moaned and locked eyes with yourself. You found it hard to focus but anytime your eyes started to close he’d give you a hard thrust and a spank. 
His hand slid up from your waist to tangle in your hair, pulling you back on his cock. He’s never been so turned on in his life.
“Cum for me babygirl, cum on daddy’s cock.” He grabbed the camera and aimed the lens down at where his cock was pumping into you.
“Thank you daddy!” You cried as you finally came. Your whole body tensing and shaking as your climax coursed through you. 
Austin groaned as he felt you tighten around him, making it harder to pull out. “Fuck!” He cried out as he pushed in as deep as he can, cumming inside you. Moaning and whimpering as you milk his cock. When he pulls out he makes sure to get it on camera, filming your pussy as his sperm leaked out. 
Once he had the shot he turned the cameras off and pulled you into his arms to hold you. “Are you ok Angel? I wasn’t too rough was I?” He questioned, pushing your hair back out of your face. 
You smile softly at him, worn out and still enjoying the post fuck bliss. “I’m ok, you weren’t too rough.” You reach up to cup his cheek and kiss him softly. 
“Happy anniversary… My little porn star.” He smirked. 
GMAG! Tag List:
@xxindiglow (hope you like it) @pennyroyalcreep @jojam10 @lisathewife101 @katsukis1wife @crackerbarrelslut @purejasmine @introvertisms 
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silezukuk · 3 months
Karl Zero - Varka sto Gialo (Songs For Cabriolets And Otros Tipos De Vehiculos, 2000)
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dabid-motozalea · 8 months
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Puerto de Gialos, Santorini
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omahabuzz · 7 months
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Tonight is M34n Str33t at Live at Low End Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts
The hip-hop group just released the album Gialo on Halloween, which is a follow up to last years BESOS album and performed this years Maha Festival.
You can see them for free this evening. No other acts and they play for an hour.
Lots more happening today and this weekend and you can check it out here.
I will be back later today with the playlist and album list for this last week. Also the concert on sale list which is looking massive again.
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@atsalikian Anna Tsalikian’s Pelican Bay Hotel Suites in Mykonos, Greece Photographed by Vivien Renziehausen @vivienrenziehausen. Read more: Link in bio! Photographer: Vivien Renziehausen @vivienrenziehausen. PelicanPelican Bay Art Hotel is the perfect starting point from which to explore Mykonos and has exclusive and elegantly furbished rooms and suites. Greek architect Anna Tsalikian designed 5 new luxury suites in Pelican Bay Hotel, Mykonos, Greece. Located just a stone throw from the beautiful beach of Platis Gialos with a private pool overlooking the Aegean Sea… #pool #greece #mykonos #архитектура www.amazingarchitecture.com ✔ A collection of the best contemporary architecture to inspire you. #design #architecture #amazingarchitecture #architect #arquitectura #luxury #realestate #life #cute #architettura #interiordesign #photooftheday #love #travel #construction #furniture #instagood #fashion #beautiful #archilovers #home #house ‎#amazing #picoftheday #architecturephotography ‎#معماری (at Mykonos, Greece) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjl3t34s_Ey/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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troqman · 2 years
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SumMermaid on the Rock 🧜‍♀️ 🇬🇷 #cartoonbombing - #greece #holidays #drawing #draw #sketch #sketchbook #doodle #drawings #artworkoftheday #dessin #illustration #illustrator #art #2022 #artoftheday #pencil #fun #graffiti #artworkoftheday #illustrations #amsterdam #interactiveart #papercut #mermaid (at Mikros Gialos Beach Lefkada) https://www.instagram.com/p/Chy6aAnoDy1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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brancomykonos · 2 years
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Branco Mykonos   I   Gallery
Branco Hotel in Mykonos is a brand new 5 stars hip hotel in Platis Gialos beach, offering impeccable hospitality experience.
Book your stay
Book your sun bed
Book your table
Book your event
Book your therapy
Web Check in
For private events such as weddings and parties at the beach just send us an e-mail at [email protected]
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jazzismus · 2 years
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" The Fishing Port of Makrys Gialos "...
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coffeenewstom · 2 years
Griechische Kaffee-Erinnerung: Symi
Wann Tom seinen ersten griechischen Kaffee getrunken hat, ist nicht überliefert. Vermutlich in den 90er Jahren auf einer der Reisen nach Samos, Patmos, Mykonos und Tinos. Angenommen wird, dass es bereits kurz nach der Landung auf Samos passiert sein müsste. Leider war es zu der Zeit noch unüblich seine Getränke zu fotografieren. Das änderte sich mit der Einführung der Digitalfotografie. Zwar…
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culturaoltre · 3 months
“21 marzo: è Poesia” – “Per far godere gli occhi” di Silvio Valdevit Lovriha
Par far goder i oci Sul Carso se verzi tante magiche finestre da dove gratis te pol ammirar tut al Parco del Castel de Miramar, in te le rocce el vivo gialo de le ginestre. In te na brazada te ciapa da Duin a Mugia no te pol sicuro capitar l’ugia, spontaneo te vien de intonar una cantada. Se no se caligo te vedi fin Piran e Grado ecco parché anche ogi son tornado. Silvio Valdevit Lovriha  PER…
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housecrazysarah-blog · 4 months
Historic And Affordable Village House in Crete, Greece
The winter doldrums have House Crazy Sarah searching for cheap, warm, sunny destinations – to live! In her around-the-world/internet searches, she came across this little gem in a village near Makry Gialos, South-East Crete, Greece. Listed for only €60.000,00 (approx. $65,000 USD), this 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom home has been updated but still retains all the charm of a traditional Crete home. The…
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