#gershon mosley
awkward-pause · 18 days
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Gershon Mosley
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cosmicanger · 2 months
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Gershon Mosley, 1998
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shredderslodge · 5 years
25. Annual Tampa PRO 2019 agenda !! Copy
25. Annual Tampa PRO 2019 agenda !! Copy
12:00PM – Doors Open
Registration and Open Practice
Skating open to public
10:00PM – Park closes
Grip Tape Art Show
Thursday 2/28/19
The Bricks – 1327 E. 7th Ave. / Tampa, FL
Proceeds to go towards Boards For Bros
Grip tape will be provided as the medium & theme
Artists can paint or draw (spray paint or chalk pens usually work best)
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naughtytate · 6 years
Vamos conversar sobre depressão?
1) Trata-se de uma “atrofia” cerebral.
Até o início do século XX, depressão era conhecida como um problema estritamente comportamental e o tratamento envolvia terapias e visitas ao analista. Nessa época descobriu-se que alguns depressivos tinham menores concentrações cerebrais de um neurotransmissor chamado serotonina, hoje conhecido como o “hormônio da felicidade”. A partir daí a depressão ganhou um status de doença de verdade, sendo tratada com medicação. Se fosse algo tão simples, teríamos encontrado a cura definitiva para essa doença, mas muitos conhecem depressivos que continuam doentes, mesmo tomando os remédios.
Estudos mais recentes, possíveis após tecnologias criadas no final dos anos 90, mostram fatos ainda mais chocantes: o cérebro dos depressivos não apenas possui menos concentrações de serotonina, ele é FISICAMENTE DIFERENTE. Pelo que muitos estudos indicam, o cérebro dos depressivos possui redução de tecidos em áreas relacionadas ao pensamento racional e ao aprendizado, enquanto as áreas mais instintivas do cérebro relacionadas com a sensação de medo ficam mais ativas e desconectadas do “cérebro pensante”. Fisicamente falando, depressão é sentir medo e tristeza, sem que o cérebro pensante possa ter conhecimento disso e mostrar que essa tristeza não é real. É uma espécie de curto-circuito cerebral, onde a mente fica presa em pensamentos negativos.
2) Seu intestino tem influência em estados depressivos.
Depressão então é um problema físico e também hormonal no cérebro. A falta de serotonina pode ter uma grande relação com a atividade intestinal, pois mais de 90% da nossa serotonina é produzida nos intestinos. Alguns estudos muito recentes estão relacionando a flora bacteriana intestinal com comportamentos depressivos. Por hora, parece estar bastante claro que existe uma forte relação entre depressão e problemas intestinais ou prisão de ventre. Uma dieta rica em água (não sucos e refrigerantes) vegetais e boas gorduras ajuda na limpeza intestinal, além de garantir a multiplicação de boas bactérias. Uma alimentação repleta de conservantes químicos, gordura trans, salgadinhos e açúcar tem o efeito contrário. Além de provocar prisão de ventre, ajudam bactérias nocivas a se multiplicarem.
3) Medo de comer colesterol pode ser um outro grande causador.
Seu cérebro é feito basicamente de gorduras e mais de 30% dele é feito de COLESTEROL. Nos últimos 50 anos nossa sociedade foi inundada pelo medo infundado de alimentos ricos em colesterol, como ovos, carnes vermelhas, queijos e frutos do mar, induzindo as pessoas a buscarem alimentos vegetais de baixa gordura, cereais e óleos vegetais de milho, soja e girassol. Óleos esses que baixam ainda mais o colesterol das pessoas. Algumas pesquisas mais recentes têm encontrado maiores índices de depressivos em grupos de pessoas que possuem colesterol mais baixo, enquanto os índices em pessoas que possuem o colesterol levemente elevado são muito mais baixos. Alguns dados chamaram a atenção por mostrar elevada quantidade de casos em grupos de veganos. Junto com artigos que já publiquei aqui, essas são mais informações que mostram como as recomendações médicas sobre colesterol e gordura animal podem estar gravemente equivocadas. Seu cérebro é feito de gorduras e colesterol, portanto consuma alimentos que possuem colesterol. A gordura saturada, presente nas gorduras de origem animal, são ótimas para manter o seu colesterol em níveis saudáveis.
4) Seu remédio para colesterol pode estar provocando depressão.
As estatinas são conhecidas como protetoras contra os “males do colesterol elevado” e muitos médicos receitam estatinas para pessoas que apresentam uma pequena elevação do colesterol, ou pior, receitam porque existe uma falsa crença de que essas substâncias prolongam a vida é evitam problemas cardíacos. Como abordado no item anterior, o cérebro precisa de colesterol. Se a pessoa toma desnecessariamente uma medicação que mantém o colesterol muito mais baixo, as probabilidades de desenvolvimento da depressão são maiores. Se você toma remédios para baixar o colesterol sem necessidade, ou foram receitados para você apenas por estar levemente elevado, você pode estar em risco.
5) Atividade física é tão eficiente quanto remédio.
O cérebro está constantemente em transformação, ou seja, perdemos células cerebrais enquanto novas células são criadas diariamente. Um cérebro saudável é aquele que possui mais células (mais massa cerebral). São inúmeras as pesquisas que comprovam a eficácia dos exercícios físicos em aumentar a massa cerebral, nos protegendo contra diversos problemas, entre eles a depressão. A atividade física também aumenta e regula a concentração de neurotransmissores cerebrais. Pesquisas que compararam depressivos tratados com remédios com aqueles tratados com atividade física mostraram que as duas abordagens possuem a mesma eficácia. Não espere ficar depressivo, exercícios físicos são excelentes formas de prevenção!
Enfim, são diversos os fatores que podem provocar depressão, alguns deles são genéticos ou provocados por traumas, porém, a ciência tem demonstrado que existe uma forte relação com o nosso estilo de vida.
Existem mais fatores que estão sob nosso controle do que imaginávamos.
A Dieta dos 2 dias - Dr.Michael Mosley e Mimi Spencer.
A dieta da mente - Dr. David Perlmutter.
Corpo Ativo, Mente Desperta - Dr. John Ratey.
Emagreça sem fome - Dr. David Ludwig.
Gordura sem medo - Dr. Nina Teicholz.
O Segundo Cérebro - Dr. Michael D. Gershon.
(Eu não escrevi o texto e não sei quem escreveu, porém achei interessante repassar)
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popwrapped · 7 years
'The Little Mermaid' Is Not The Disney Story You Remember
‘The Little Mermaid’ Is Not The Disney Story You Remember
Look at this stuff, isn’t it…different? The latest in a series of mermaid films has just gotten its first trailer. The Little Mermaid, starring Poppy Drayton (The Shannara Chronicles) is based off the Hans Christian Anderson 1837 fairy tale with an added splash.
No, this is not the one with Lin-Manuel Miranda and Alan Menken. While Miranda is very excitedabout that one, it is a few…
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zealize · 6 years
今週末はストリートリーグ・タンパ プロが開催
トッププロスケーターが参戦するタンパプロが開催 こんにちは、ジアライズです。 今週末は、歴史があるストリートリーグ・タンパ プロが開催されます。この誓いは1995年から開催され、今年で24回目を迎えます。 今まで、411VMという90年代スケーターの情報源のビデオテープがあったのですが、大会の模様はよく出ていました。 この大会で、Tom PennyやChris Sennが優勝していないのが不思議ですね。 歴代のタンマ プロの優勝者 1995 Mike Valley 1996 Eric Koston(1) 1997 Andrew Reynolds(1) 1998 Andrew Reynolds(2) 1999 Gershon Mosley 2000 Kerry Gets 2001 Kerry Berard 2002 Eric Koston(2) 2003 Tony Trujillo…
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positivecreations · 7 years
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Also this coming August 26th, at @justanothergallery in San Diego, I am part of a 3 man exhibition #grindingtheedgeofascension . Legendary Glassblower @tristanhodgesglass will be showing his glass pipe skateboards and legendary pro skater Gershon Mosley @theob2sconcept will be showing some of his videos. It promises to be a great night, so if you're in the area, don't miss it! #exhibition #sandiego #tristanhodges #skateart #gershonmosley #skatevideo #california #justanothergallery (at Plateau Mont-Royal)
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flauntpage · 7 years
The Jewish Boxing Champion Who Fell in With Britain's Fascists
Ted 'Kid' Lewis could be called a forgotten classic. Though his name is not spoken of in the same breath as the famous fighters who became stars in the era of television, many true aficionados of British boxing rank the East Londoner among the greatest pugilists this island has ever produced. He has the statistics to back this up: Lewis won nine titles during an extensive career, triumphing from the featherweight to middleweight divisions, and was a world champion at welterweight. He was the first British fighter to win a world title in America and became a bona fide celebrity during the twenties.
But his later life saw the former champion become involved with one of twentieth century Britain's most vilified politicians: after his career in the ring was over, Lewis worked with the notorious Oswald Mosley, even standing as a candidate for his party at the 1931 general election.
Like many of British boxing's greatest success stories, Lewis was the child of immigrants. Born Gershon Mendelhoff in October 1893, he was the third of eight children, his Jewish parents having fled persecution in their native Russia. The family lived in a gas-lit tenement on Umberston Street in Whitechapel, forming part of a growing Jewish diaspora in London's East End.
Like much of the area's population, both native and immigrant, the Mendelhoff family was poor. The young Gershon suffered at the hands of local Irish boys who goaded him about his Jewish heritage, and he fought back with his fists. It is said that a local policeman first steered the youngster towards the fight game, spotting the boy in a street brawl and recognising his latent pugilistic ability. Gershon soon joined the Judean Athletic Club and began competing as 'Kid Lewis', supposedly in homage to the great welterweight champion and fellow Jewish fighter Harry Lewis (Ted was not added until years later, when he travelled to America).
Lewis spent much of his early career fighting at the Judean, as well as the newly opened Premierland venue on Whitechapel's Black Church Street. He turned pro aged 14 and competed almost fortnightly throughout 1910 and 1911 as he sought to hone his craft. It was certainly an intensive education in a tough world, but it served him well in the years to come. From a precocious youngster, Lewis grew into a tough man with a surprisingly friendly face, gnarled by his battles in the ring but, as a fighter, much stronger for them.
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By 1913 Lewis had already fought in excess of 130 bouts, making him a veteran of the sport while still a teenager. That year he took his first major honour, winning the British featherweight title by overcoming Alec Lambert at London's National Sporting Club, and in 1914 added the European belt by beating the French fighter Paul Til at Premierland. In doing so, he became Britain's youngest ever featherweight champion.
His career soon took him overseas, with Lewis embarking on the long sea journeys to Australia and then on to America to find fights, his options having become scarce in Britain following the outbreak of World War I.
It was in the U.S. that Lewis found his greatest success and, for a time, became a genuine celebrity. His breakthrough fight came in August 1915, when he headed to Boston to take on the Irish-American fighter Jack Britton, nicknamed 'the Boxing Marvel'. Given Boston's vast Irish community, it's easy to conclude which fighter would have been the crowd favourite that evening.
But, over 12 rounds, Lewis emerged as the victor on points and thus claimed the world welterweight championship. In doing so, he became the first British boxer to win a global title on American soil.
The Britton bout made Lewis' name, but it was just the beginning of a rivalry that, by its conclusion, had become one of the greatest in boxing history. The two men would dispute the title 15 times, though that number could be higher still given the conflicting views on how many of their bouts were proper title contests. Indeed, between 1915 and 1922 they were the only fighters to hold the belt. In an era of eight weight divisions and just one titleholder for each, theirs was a remarkable and dominant rivalry.
Lewis lost the belt for the final time in New Jersey in July 1919. He challenged Britton for the title again in 1921, but was defeated by unanimous decision.
Aside from his boxing success, the time he spent in America also made Lewis famous. He met his future wife Elsie Schneider in New York, and became a close friend of Charlie Chaplin, who would act as godfather to Lewis' son Morton. Lewis also tried his hand in the movies, predominantly tackling boxing pictures. Inevitably, he was typecast: not only was Lewis best known as a fighter, he also looked like one, with many years of punishment having left their mark.
Lewis and Chaplin pull a pose for the cameras // PA Images
When the war ended he returned to Britain and continued to earn success in the ring, moving up through the weight classes as he advanced in years. In June 1922 he became British middleweight champion by beating Frankie Burns at Holland Park Rink in London, then added the European belt five months later.
He even tried his hand at heavyweight. In May 1922, he challenged Georges Carpentier for the world light-heavyweight belt, though a first-round knockout signalled the end of Lewis' tilt at world titles.
He retired from fighting in 1929, but his time in the spotlight was not yet over. In a truly strange turn of events, Lewis was standing for parliament just two years later. Even more bizarrely, he did so for a man who would later become notorious as Britain's leading fascist and anti-Semite.
In the period after World War I, Sir Oswald Mosley was the coming man of British politics. He was first elected as an MP in 1918, winning the Harrow seat for the Conservatives. Something of a political itinerant, Mosley left the party and sat as an independent, then joined the Labour Party in 1924. In that year's election he attempted to unseat Neville Chamberlain, but lost by just 77 votes. In 1926 he returned to the commons by winning Smethwick for Labour, but in 1932 he fell out with the party following a disagreement over unemployment policies. Mosley promptly resigned and formed his own political movement. Though in some respects a highly imaginative man, Mosley deigned to call this the New Party. Among its early advocates was Ted Lewis.
READ MORE: The Day England's Footballers Gave the Nazi Salute
The New Party was seen by its supporters as a break with old politics that had led Britain into a disastrous war and failed to look after the men who fought in it. It was a serious movement, albeit never particularly well organised, and had the backing of some very wealthy individuals. On the ground Mosley gathered a strange mix of supporters, from respected politicians to racist cranks, from members of the aristocracy to retired sportsmen.
Lewis, of course fell into the latter category, along with the former England rugby captain Peter Howard. They were charged with leading and training the 'Biff Boys', a quasi-military group who possessed worrying hints of European fascism. According to Stephen Dorril, a British academic who wrote Blackshirt: Sir Oswald Mosley and British Fascism, the Biff Boys "were a kind of honour guard at Mosley's meetings." Certainly, the synthesis of brain and brawn that Mosley sought to portray – he was a champion fencer and handy boxer – conformed to this.
It should be said that the ideas Mosley and the New Party were putting forward in 1931 were neither fascist nor anti-Semitic, though they had elements of both. "You could see where it might lead," says Dorril. "Whether Lewis saw that at all, I don't know. But I suspect he didn't. He liked Mosley because he was a big figure – literally. He did fencing, he'd boxed at Sandhurst, been in the military. Mosley liked to surround himself with muscular men and there is an element of homoeroticism around it. Certainly, some people around Mosley truly fell in love with him. It was a weird mixture, really."
Mosley at a rally in 1936, after his full conversion to fascism // PA Images
In retrospect, Lewis' support of Mosley does seem extremely unlikely, but at the time he was not alone: "Mosley did initially have Jewish [followers] who were genuine in their support of him," says Dorril.
Nevertheless, Lewis went a step further by standing for election in 1931, when the New Party fielded a total of 23 candidates. They ranged from serious politicians with considerable experience, such as John Pratt and indeed Mosley himself, to less credible candidates such as Lewis, who stood in his local Whitechapel and St Georges constituency.
Exactly why Lewis was selected to run for parliament we cannot be certain. Clearly he was a well-known and popular figure in East London, and while there would have been almost no notion that he could win the seat it must have been hoped that he would attract some positive attention and a decent number of votes. But the party was overstretched, and appear to have put Lewis foreword in something of a last-minute panic. His election slogan was "Rome wasn't built in a day," which while factually correct lacked the kind of big-thinking and positivity that people were after in inter-war Britain.
READ MORE: Death, Tennis and the Nazis: The Man Wimbledon Forgot
Ultimately, Lewis' run for parliament was a disaster. He polled a derisory 154 votes, the fewest of the 23 New Party candidates. (Both Mosley and Sellick Davies won 10,000 votes in their respective constituencies, but ultimately fell well short of earning a seat).
"I think that probably hurt. They put him up because they thought he was popular," says Dorril. Lewis may have been a well-known boxing champion, but this was by no means enough to convince the people of Whitechapel to vote for him in a fiercely contested national poll.
His association with Mosley would not last much longer. "Increasingly, Mosley became embarrassed by the Biff Boys," says Dorril. "Their activities got out of hand. Some of them seemed to enjoy the violence and fisticuffs, they were becoming too visible, and there was a move within the party to get rid of them."
Politically, Mosley also shifted to a position that Lewis must have felt extremely uncomfortable with. After the defeat of 1931, Mosley embraced European-style fascism and founded the British Union of Fascists in 1932. Among other things, this saw him move towards more open anti-Semitism, particularly in Lewis' native East London.
The Battle of Cable Street, in which anti-facist demonstrators fought Mosley's supporters, took place in Lewis' native East London in 1936.
In a biography of his father, Morten Lewis gives his version of how he was taken along to watch the former boxer quit Mosley's movement. It involves Lewis taking on Mosley and a pair of his henchmen at their headquarters, leaving the former reeling on the ground and the other two out cold. Then, after walking down the street, Lewis is said to have returned to the building and knocked out two more guards, without provocation.
It is a fanciful story, but its motivation is understandable. After World War II, Mosley became a pariah of British politics and society. After all, this was a man who had supported Hitler and been married in Goebbels' sitting room. With the full horrors of Nazism becoming clear, Mosley's views became intolerable. That the Lewis family would wish to distance their father from this is entirely understandable. The more likely truth is that Lewis, like many Jewish supporters, simply drifted away when anti-Semitism became a theme of Mosley's politics.
Quite what it was about Mosley that appealed to the former champion is not certain, though this was not his only questionable acquaintance: as an old man during the sixties, Lewis got to know the notorious Kray twins. The boxing-mad gangland bosses brought the old champion to their birthday parties and charity evenings, and they even used him as a decoy when springing a fellow criminal from Dartmoor prison. Again, how much of the real Krays the ageing boxer knew is unclear. There is a sense that he was taken along for the ride by those seeking to use his fame. As an elderly man who had fought hundreds of professional boxing matches, he was perhaps vulnerable to manipulation.
Lewis lived out his final years at Nightingale House, a Jewish retirement home in Clapham, which his son recalled as one of the happiest periods of his father's life. He died in 1970, at the age of 77, and is now little known outside boxing circles. Yet Ted Lewis – or Gershon Mendelhoff – is one of the most interesting champions the sport has seen, not only for his success in the ring but also for the life he lived afterwards.
The Jewish Boxing Champion Who Fell in With Britain's Fascists published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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trueskateboardmag · 7 years
Tampa Pro 2017 Teaser from True Skateboard Mag on Vimeo.
THURSDAY, MARCH 2 12:00AM – Doors Open Registration and Open Practice Skating open to public 9:00PM – Park Closes FRIDAY, MARCH 3 $10 Spectator Admission 9:00AM – Doors Open Registration and Open Practice 12:00PM – Team Manager / Industry V.I.P. Contest FRIDAY NIGHTLIFE Located at SPoT – 4215 E. Columbus Dr. / Tampa, FL 6:00PM – Open bar courtesy of PBR & Monster Energy Bands / DJ Video Premiere 7:00pm – Thomas Campbell Art Show / French Fred Book Release 8:00pm – Bowl Jam 9:00pm – Live music by Drowning Clowns SATURDAY, MARCH 4 $15 Spectator Admission LIVE WEBCAST: 12:00pm at StreetLeague.com 9:00AM – Doors Open / Open Practice Live webcast at Streetleague.com 12:00PM – Street Qualifiers Two, one-minute runs, best run counts Top 30 advance to Semi-Finals to join former winners of Tampa Pro Top 2 qualifiers get Straight Shot directly to Finals Previous Tampa Pro winners are prequalified to Semi-Finals: Mike Vallely (1995), Andrew Reynolds (1997, 1998), Gershon Mosley (1999), Kerry Getz (2000), Kyle Berard (2001), Eric Koston (1996, 2002, 2007), Tony Trujillo (2003), Bastien Salabanzi (2004), Dennis Busenitz (2005, 2011), Greg Lutzka (2006, 2008, 2009), Paul Rodriguez (2010), Torey Pudwill (2012), Luan Oliveira (2013), Nyjah Huston(2014), Luan Oliveira (2015), Shane O’Neill (2016) Independent Trucks Best Trick contest, immediately following Qualifiers (step-up / rails / hip obstacle) SATURDAY NIGHTLIFE $10 Spectator Admission (free for Tampa Pro ticket holders) Pro Party / Converse Concrete Jam Located at SPoT – 4215 E. Columbus Dr. / Tampa, FL Video Premiere 6:00PM – Open Bar courtesy of PBR and Monster Energy 7:00PM – Live webcast ET @ Streetleague.com Converse Concrete Jam + TWS Door Gap Best Trick $10,000 Prize Purse 1st Place: $3,000 2nd Place: $2,000 3rd Place: $1,500 4th Place: $1,000 5th Place: $800 6th Place: $600 7th Place: $500 8th Place: $300 9th Place: $200 10th Place: $100 Invite only Top 3 skaters from Tampa Am are prequalified: 1. Jake Wooten 2. Willy Lara 3. Daniel Vargas 9:00PM – Live music by Arctic (featuring Nuge, Figgy, and Frex) SUNDAY – MARCH 5 $15 Spectator Admission LIVE WEBCAST: 12:00pm at StreetLeague.com 9:00AM – Doors Open / Open Practice Live webcast at Streetleague.com 12:00PM – Street Semi-Finals 28 skaters from Qualifiers, joined by previous Tampa Pro winners Two, one-minute runs, best counts Top 2 advance to finals 2:00pm – Open Bar courtesy of PBR and Monster Energy 3:00pm – Street Finals 12 skaters 10 from Semi-Finals Two Straight Shot winners from Qualifiers Three, one-minute runs, best run counts 5:00pm – awards 7:00pm – Park closes SUNDAY NIGHTLIFE Tampa Pro After Party Located at The Bricks (Ybor) – 1327 E. 7th Ave. / Tampa, FL 8:00pm *All times are subject to change $75,000 PRO PURSE Street – $65,500 1st: $20,000, 2nd: $15,000, 3rd: $10,000, 4th: $5,000, 5th: $4,000, 6th: $3,000, 7th: $2,000, 8th: $1,750, 9th: $1,500, 10th: $1,250, 11th: $1,000, 12th: $1,000 Independent Trucks Best Trick contest – $7,500 1st: $3,000, 2nd: $2,000, 3rd: $1,000, 4th: $750, 5th: $750 Random Cash – $2,000 Dope tricks and random worthy moments throughout the weekend TAMPA PRO STAKES The highest placing non-SLS pro will advance to the 2017 SLS Nike SB World Tour. The second highest placing non-SLS pro will get a spot in the 2017 SLS Pro Open. The winner of Tampa Pro automatically qualifies into the 2016 SLS Nike SB Super Crown World Championships. - truesk8boardmag.com
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awkward-pause · 3 months
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Gershon Mosley, 1998
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shredderslodge · 5 years
25. Annual Tampa PRO 2019 agenda !!
25. Annual Tampa PRO 2019 agenda !! if you can not make it...watch live..
12:00PM – Doors Open
Registration and Open Practice
Skating open to public
10:00PM – Park closes
Grip Tape Art Show
Thursday 2/28/19
The Bricks – 1327 E. 7th Ave. / Tampa, FL
Proceeds to go towards Boards For Bros
Grip tape will be provided as the medium & theme
Artists can paint or draw (spray paint or chalk pens usually work best)
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tannerballengee · 8 years
Gershon Mosley Interview
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From my zine Allergy Season 2. 
My first skate video was a VHS copy of “Propaganda” by Powell Peralta. It was given to me for my birthday by an older kid that worked at the same grocery store that my mom did. I think he stole it from a movie rental store because it still has a “Be Kind, Rewind” sticker on it. Even though it was the early 2000s and that video was already over 10 years old, I still watched it every single day.
Black Label’s “Label Kills” was the second skate video I ever owned. I’d just had surgery on my arm and was recuperating in bed the next day when my mom brought home a goodie basket of product she’d picked up at local skate shop (Aces & Eights) to cheer me up. I got a new set of wheels, a Big Brother Mag, and the Black Label video. I think I watched it at least 10 times that day and a week later I was out skating again with a cast on my arm from my wrist past my elbow.
That following Christmas I got Globe’s “Opinion” on VHS once again which makes me glad that I’m old enough to remember buying skate videos on VHS and not just watching them on the internet.
As if  I wasn’t already hooked on skating, this one sealed the deal. Jayme Fortune’s part still stokes me to this day. And I spent a whole month trying to learn primo tricks after seeing Rodney Mullen’s part. And though I hadn’t heard of Gershon at the time (I’d never seen “The Reason”), his part still amazed me because I’d never seen a powerhouse so good at switch tricks. Fast forward 10 or so years and I find myself drunk on Jim Bean sitting at a table in Denny’s with him. Life is funny sometimes.
For those that don't know, what is The oBtuse Concept and when did it begin?  The oBtuseconcept is a connection for self expression- I came up with a concept of how to get honest responses to my art by replacing my name with a moniker around 97-98. In 2011 I became we when I met Jason and Zach, which together and with some other people finished ZELDER's "Love it or Leave it", later "Night Lapse"(video/direct)  and now oBcession(video of most). In between came Dillon, then Tanner and R.P.. I respect their skills as well as unique personalities, if you are surrounded by individuals it can help you grow...
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What do you hope to achieve with The oBtuse Concept? Is there an ultimate goal? The ultimate goal is being capable of fulfilling creative ideas through a solid network. Who is all involved in oBtuse? Is anyone pro?  We are Jason Bontrager, Tanner Greene, Zach Elder, Ryan Pearce Dillon Aguilar, myself and perhaps Jordan Maurer(helped with music in oBcession, now playing with the Tree machines), but we haven't talked... No, not as far as name on board as a signature model, but they are all very good at skateboarding. 
How did you end up in Kansas City, and where were you before that?  I lived in Joplin, Missouri before KC. It was a natural progression, KC has better possibilities for growth.
How important is art to skateboarding, if at all?  Art is very important, it's a discipline/skill, which is synonymous, as well they compliment each other. Music can add rhythm to skateboarding like dance and ��visuals compel emotions creating atmosphere...
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How long were you filming for your new video "oBcession"? How do you feel about the outcome?  We(Jason and myself) have been gathering footage for around 2-3, it' was probably about the last year and a half did I start talking to the others about gathering clips specifically for oBcession, but I only wanted what each person at the time was willing to give, I never set out to create "industry standard", I prefer natural... I feel good about the outcome of the video, I think it will set a mark for those of us looking to improve and work toward on the next presentation.
Do you think you'll be skateboarding your whole life or do you think you'll eventually come to a stopping point?  I think of skateboarding like drawing or writing, I can always entertain an idea(when interested), but when I do not feel it, I do not do it. I do not consider quitting(only bad habits) skateboarding, sure it could possibly happen, but if so, it would probably be the logical choice.
Do you still get recognized / fanned out on fairly often? And if so, are they typically older skateboarders?  People still recognize me, less of the weird situations now though... Yes olderish... Sometimes people buy me drinks and have good conversation, but I do not go out much.
One of my favorite videos growing up skating was Globe's "Opinion." As a kid I was really intrigued by the poem that scrolls down the screen just before your part begins. Were you the author? And how/why did that get included in the video?  Yes I wrote it. The video was supposed to be based on individualism("To each his own"), so that is what I wanted, along with the music and editing style.
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What does your future hold? Any forthcoming projects?  More projects, more fun, new memories- I have talked with Jordan Maurer, John Garfield, Rick Rossi, and Joe Jackson about parts in a new project in the works... 
Any last words?  Thanks to the -oBt-, Chris Sutherland, Chris Dyer and Satori movement, Lisa Whitaker and Destructo trucks, Ari, Paradoxgrip Daryle Grogan, Synopsis bearings.
Do you get seasonal allergies?  No, not so much... 
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cleanpantsdivine · 9 years
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Gershon! <3 
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streetpiracy · 9 years
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Gershon Mosley // The Reason
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