oobbbear · 1 month
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:-DD werm
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8um8le???? Hum???!!!!???? Are you trying to kill me with these/silly/positive/srs/0-0!? I love this hello???? Oh I adore how to draw doll bodies and I adore how you draw hands it’s just so 🤌🤌🤌✨✨✨man
I’m gonna, sit in the normal corner, for a bit
Im normal i swear
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toasternuggets · 19 days
Kicks the door down while carrying my request
I have come here from a far land and I have 2 requests (it’s alright if you obj do one of them)
Can you draw Ross & Robert arguing or just looking at Roy’s mom (I think he name is Carmen) like they don’t like her while defending Roy
Draw the hatz hugging or comforting each other 
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I AM EXPLODING first time drawing carmen tbh I love her design just hate her as a person
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I don't know how exactly the ask box works since I kind of assumed it either visually showed the message or possibly had a text-to-speech which could be muted; regardless, maybe that's a thing to do for Black Star, mess around with the ask box so it can be muted or put on a quiet mode or something... or have a filter of some sort to prevent annoying anons. Black Star, do the smart smart stuff
What? Don't you know how you guys exist!?
The cube is a strange artifact. The beings inside do not know their own side effects.
Wha- gerrrrrr! Look here you little cube! You're the only one to get hold your mouth! You at least were right about one thing, your text on a screen. The only problem is sometimes you project your voices. And you can be awfully loud.
Yes, please try to control yourself. You could cast us into a different kind of hell.
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shuxiii · 6 months
i would have to stick with mhiy!haeyn as endgame. on the technical side of things, mhiy is a haeyn au not a hanyn.
on the other side, it would seem unfair for hanni if yn goes to her after she broke her heart and haerin broke yn’s. that would feel a bit insincere on hanni’s end, like it would feel like a rebound. and yeah she might be the first, yn’s dynamic is different with haerin
haerin had a somewhat clear intention that she wanted to date yn (going back to previous chapters prove it already with the flirtatious banter). while hanni, had a chance, early on, there was something between them but she was too late
in conclusion, haeyn would be a much more realistic and understandable ending
Gerrrrrr why is this one convincing me so bad 💧 HAHAHAHAHA SROP and it wont be a rebound bc i acc have an alternate ending if it was hanyn i js wanna see whos going to be the og endgame
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can-it-dumbo · 14 days
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I wanted to post something so here’s a screenshot I took of chat in wof beta
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miguel-owhora · 4 months
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i LOVE the way that artist draws miguel (n peter) its sooo good i want to eat it
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mlcklttt · 1 year
Berawal dari result powl izin buat megang tangan nab2, powl reaction nab2 nyanyi trs di ceng2in tmn2nya, powl sama nab2 yg 1 sesi pas idol live tiktok mulai mancing trs salting tapi nab2 masih kek kulkas 5 pintu dingin bngtttt wkwk, trs powl sama nab2 yg terhalang benteng rjwli wkwk inget bngt huru hara itu sampe powl sama nab2 jarang reaction satu sama lain bhkan jrang reaction bareng, trs pas top 8 duet waktu yg salah dan nab2 mulai saltinggg apalagi pas idol live tiktok mreka berdua mana di ceng2in tmn2nya. Trs makin lama makin deket, apalagi pas top 4 ada 2 kapal besar panal & salmon (btw w naik 2 kapal ini meskipun sering terombang ambing wkwk tpi bnyak happy jg sii), mereka di idolife seru bangetttt, nab2 yg ngelap jaket yg pake pawl krna kena pizza yg di panggku powl HAHA trs sblum itu mrema main game dan powl bilang "aku usahain yaa" asdfhfkahsk, oiyaaa ada juga powl yg slalu support tiap nab2 ngejokes sampe skrng nab2 jokesnya gerrrrrr terosss, trs pas mereka libur lebaran ada huru hara yg bawa2 powl sama tmnnya yg lain wkwk lucu sii klo diinget, setelah libur mereka balik karantina dan yaaaaa duetttt lagi wkwk tpi kalo ini lebih gerrrrr bagusss batttttttt mana dri awal openingnya di akhir lagi nab2 di rangkul powl trs pipinya powl kek tumpahhh gtu woeee di nab2 yaAllaaahh oiyaa ada bagian nab2 nyanyi megang pundaknya powl kwkw lucuuuu, pas mereka duettt diakhir lagu powl ngerangkul nab2 lagi ASDFFJAKSNAKSHAK trs tangannya powl yg ngerangkul nab2 tu di elus2 kek nguatinnn gtuuu trs kek bilang "yg kuattt nab, semangaatt" WOEEE GEMESSS BATTT, dannn trnyata powl udhan di top 4, trs pas top 3 powl bilang reaction di rumah taunya di studioooo mnaaa dia berdiri pas nab2 nyanyi kek proud bf gtuu astgaaaaaaaa, trs pas gf kmrn powl nntn lagi sama babeh dan tiap nab2 nyanyi pasti berdiri udhannyaaaaa yaAllahh ini mah bnran pround bf ke gf nyaaaaa hahahahahhahaah, td jga nntn idol bae yg powl sama babeh reaction mami sama nab2 yg powl liatin nab2 mulu padahal lagi reaction mami HAHAHA kangeeenn banget pastii yaaaa ul, walaupun ketemu dri siang krna powl sama babeh nemenin gr jgaaa. Banyaaakkk bangettt moment panaaalll. Dari yg happy, sad, huru hara, kesel sama yg mancing ribut udh pernahhh, salting brutalpun sangattt sering HAHAHA. kalo idol udahan pasti bakal kangen banget sama powl&nab2. Powl yg support jokesnya nab2, powl yg berusaha menang walaupun kalah main game tp nyembunyiin hadiah yg nab2 pengen, Powl yg slalu bilang "gapapa nabila", powl yg jawab "kamu maunya aku jadi apa?" Pas nab2 nnya apaa dehhh lupaaa pokoknya nab2 sampe salting wkwk, powl yg slalu ngeduluin nab2 tiap mo jawab question trs bilang "kalo liat nab2 tu bawaannya happy, adem" smpe tmn2nya yg protes kwkw, powl yg slalu natap nab2 kek dalemmmm banget dan tulusss gtuuu loooohhhh ahhh gemesss, dari yg awalnya powl curi2 ngeliat nab2 smpe ngerangkul nab2 trs pipinya tumpah di kepala nab2 trs ngelus nab2 woeee elaaahhhh lucuukkk, powl yg act of service & physical touch bnget dan nab2 yg dah pasti sangat physical touch, powl dan nab2 yg slalu live bareng, nab2 yg suka bahas2 swedia klo lagi sama powl trs powl jawab "siapa yg mancing duluan", nab2 yg awalnya dingin bnget ga terlalu ladenin powl tp makin lama makin deketttt bngetttt sampe gonggggh bngett kmrin nab2 nyebutin orng yg di kangenin dannnnn yg terakhir ada namnya "Powwllll" HAHAHAH BRUTAALL BANGETTT PASTI POWL SALTINGGG KWKW, powl yg slalu dtng ke studio buat support nab2, kakaknya powl yg dtng support nab2 ke studio dan ada di tribun fansnya nab2 wkwk, powl yg dipakein maskot aceh? Topi aceh? Yg dipakein lngsng sama abinya nab2, papanya powl yg djet bnget sma keluarga nab2, dannnn yg terkahirrrrr powl slalu bilang "THE ONE AND ONLY ONE NABILAH TAQQIYA" woeee siapeee yg ga salbrutttttt, w yg ae salbruttt battttt asdhfkahdksbslwdjs. Udah ah, banyak sii tp ini ajaaa gmbaran umum cerita naik kapal panal selama 5 bulan<3.
Apapun hubungan powl sama nab2 nantinya (tp w curigaaa ini pasti ada apa2 wkwkw soalnya udh beda banget) w slalu naik kapal ini dan support powl&nab2. Semoga powl&nab2 bisa duettt barengggg terus tourrrrrr ke banyak kotaaaaa, dan semoga salah satunya di Lombokkkk AAMIIN. Oiya semoga guest starnya powl biar bisa konser di Lombok, dan w pasti nonton konser doinya mba mekarr HAHAHA
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newcomers6 · 1 year
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. Usia tidak ada yang tahu. Bahkan teknologi sekalipun. Sekitar delapan tahunan silam apabila Anda masih ingat sempat popular aplikasi daring yang dapat mendeteksi wajah dalam foto serta memberikan informasi tentang gender dan usia wajah-wajah yang ada di situ. Bermaksud menjauhkan diri dari rasa FOMO saya pun ikutan mencoba aplikasi tersebut dan ketagihan. Bukan pada kemampuannya yang begitu maju namun lebih kepada hasil deteksinya yang seringkali saya gunakan sebagai bercandaan dengan kolega. Tak jarang beberapa wajah teman yang terdeteksi meleset jauh dari usia yang sebenarnya. Kalau lebih muda jadi bikin senyam-senyum sendiri tapi kalau terdeteksi puluhan tahun lebih tua sering dijadikan olok-olok satu tongkrongan. Hahaha. Lebih parah lagi ada beberapa wajah yang terdeteksi bukan gender aslinya, biasanya ketawanya lebih gerrrrrr. Kebetulan waktu itu saya masih mengenyam pendidikan di bidang kekomputeran jadi sedikit banyak mengerti apa yang terjadi di sisi back-end aplikasi tersebut. Adalah artificial intelligence yang menjadi dalang dibalik melesetnya usia-usia tadi, lebih khusus lagi machine learning. Jadi, program di dalam aplikasi tersebut, pertama berusaha untuk mendeteksi wajah di dalam gambar. Setelahnya baru ia mencocokkan di “otak”nya kira-kira kalau wajahnya seperti itu umurnya berapa ya? Lantas muncullah hasil seperti gambar-gambar tersebut. Kenapa disebut pembelajaran mesin? Karena sebelumnya programmer akan “mengajarkan” kepada program aplikasi tersebut untuk mendeteksi wajah. Programmer akan mengumpulkan sekian banyak foto yang ada wajah di dalamnya untuk dipelajari oleh si mesin agar bisa mendeteksi wajah. Tidak hanya itu, programmer juga mengumpulkan foto berbagai macam wajah orang-orang dari berbagai usia. Dan dari situ dia akan menulis program agar mesin dapat mengelompokkan gambar-gambar wajah tersebut sesuai usia aslinya. Semakin banyak foto yang dipelajari mesin maka hasil deteksi akan semakin akurat. Namun, secanggih-canggihnya system tetap saja itu buatan manusia yang mana juga memiliki keterbatasan. Mau bagaimana pun juga yang tahu pasti berapa usia kita dan sampai berapa usia kita hanya Yang Maha Tahu saja. #30hbc2310 #30hbc23 https://www.instagram.com/p/CnOJwqLpL1B/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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haikyutiehoe · 2 years
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kittenwivfangs · 3 years
just realised i’m basically not gonna see mah sibs 4 3 weeks (last week counting as a week) i mean i’ll see them for a bit but like only enough to say hi i missed u bye and :/
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heqrtfelts · 3 years
i miss my long hair >:(
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blobitech · 4 years
Goodnight I’m gonna lose my fucking mind
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daily-best-jokes · 4 years
Where are we?
Not mine:
Two tourists were driving through Wisconsin. As they were approaching Oconomowoc, they started arguing about the pronunciation of the town's name. They argued back and forth until they stopped for lunch. As they stood at the counter, one tourist asked the blonde employee. "Before we order, could you please settle an argument for us? Would you please pronounce where we are... very slowly? The blonde girl leaned over the counter and said, Burrrrrr, gerrrrrr, Kiiiing."
submitted by /u/Vegasman20002 [link] [comments]
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asknightqueendany · 5 years
There was literally so much stuff D&D had to leave out to make Season 8/Dany's Downfall happen. For example, when Sansa and Arya are all like "we can't trust her", "she's not one of us" - the LOGICAL thing to do, on Jon's side, would've been to be like "do you know what she's sacrificed? Not just for North, but for me? I didn't bend the knee to get her to agree to fight the NK, I bent the knee BECAUSE she said she would fight against the NK. (1/?)
"And that was AFTER she lost a dragon saving MY life and the lives of MY men. She had three dragons, not two, before we marched North. And she lost one rescuing me from a harebrained scheme to make Cersei join the fight, that didn't even work. Yes I love her, but that's not why I bent the knee. I bent the knee because she earned it. She earned my loyalty and she has more than earned her right to your respect." (2/?)
Like, seriously? How did the fact that she sacrificed a dragon for Jon never come up? How did Maester Aemon never come up? FUCK D&D for implying the Jon was too blinded by love to see her for what she is. Ugh. So much of Sansa and Arya's dislike was contrived and completely unfounded. I hate it so much. D&D turned Arya and Sansa into these manipulative, ungrateful brats, and Jon into this brainless, spineless cardboard cutout. (3/3)
I was just reading a post anon that was talking about Sansa’s behavior in Season 8 and it was just so DEAD ON. 
It was talking about how Sansa cries to Bran in 8x06 about how the Northmen “fought too hard saving the realm to ever bow to anyone else again” so Sansa respects the “loss of life” of the Northmen during the Great War but she can’t in any way respect the loss of life for the Dothraki and Unsullied during the Great War because even as Dany was on Drogon outside defending her, Sansa was in the crypts talking shit about Dany and was essentially Cersei in 2x09 from Battle of the Blackwater.
And yeah, what the fuck happened to the Sansa from 2x09???
If D&D wanted us to CHEER when Sansa was named QITN, they should have given us 2x09 Sansa!!!! Future Queen in the North Sansa holding the hands of her frightened people, telling them it’s all going to be okay, leading the in prayer, singing to them, fucking something. 
Instead we got Cersei 2.0 whining and complaining. All she needed was a wine glass and I literally wouldn’t have been able to tell them apart this season. 
And yeah Arya? WTF?
She’s all smiley and excited to see the dragons fly by in 8x01 but then never talks about that and never shares ONE FUCKING CONVERSATION WITH DANY. 
How. HOW do you do that??? How do you NOT write in a conversation between the two most awesome female characters in the series? Oh yeah. Because that would be too logical. Because the real Arya likely would have shown herself and all the idiotic cards D&D had been stacking against Dany would have fallen like the utter senseless pile of shit it was. 
Yeah, this season was so fucking dumb. Arya was dumb. Sansa was dumb. Jon was dumb. They were all fucking idiots.
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burdenspirit · 5 years
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Never thought of writing again. Then you came. You bring back my pen and paper together again. Thanks my love 😭❣️ Will always be my forever love Gerrrrrr
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“Lert ert gerrrrrr”
— Unknown, “Let it Go” sung in a silly way (it was relevant at the time)
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