#gen mochi mws
green-tea-456 · 11 months
Tianshu News: Local student ruins his teacher's marriage proposal
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abelarda-gildenman · 1 year
Have some moodboards created for my Men with Sword fanfic. Four canon characters and two OCs. All graphics are used with the CC license.
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thekingoftianxuan · 4 years
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Ships(? 😂🌸
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menwithsword · 5 years
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Aspen Marie Viola her idea for a Men with sword fanfiction. It doesn't sound bad at all, maybe when I'm doen with my Two MWS stories I would write it if no one already did or if she makers a try 😉 ~ Tati
I'm curious what's going to happen in season 3, but for now I'm letting my imagination run wild. Here's my fake fantasy of season 3 (may be a little inappropriate for china):
Before Murong Li and Zhi Ming meet on the battlefield, days had passed by since Zhi Ming announces that they cannot co-exist together.
In the meantime, Qian Yuan has switched sides to serve Murong Li. In fact he's offered to invent new weapons for Murong Li. All he wants in return is to marry the most powerful king: Murong Li.
Fang Ye is a bit skeptical over this request but Murong Li agrees to the marriage proposal if Qian Yuan keeps his loyalty to only him.
Also Qian Yuan tells Murong Li everything about Gen Mochi's past and that it was Zhong KunYi's plans to use Luo Min to separate Zhi Ming's trust from Murong Li.
Murong Li's newest plan is to expose Luo Min and Gen Mochi being the biggest enemies between Zhi Ming, Murong Li, and Yu Xiao. Gen Mochi being the one ruining the relationship between Yu Xiao and Murong Li, and Luo Min being the one ruining the relationship between Murong Li and Zhi Ming.
If Qian Yuan and Murong Li are correct exposing Zhong KunYi and his followers being the reason why Murong Li is Allie-less, and maybe they can convince Yu Xiao and Zhi Ming to fight against Zhong KunYi and his accomplices once and for all.
But is Qian Yuan enough to convince these two powerful leaders to make a peace treaty and to move against a hidden threat?
(Also I left out that I had Murong Li marry off Fang Ye to his other YaoGuang servant. I forgot his name. He was the general for Nansu in season 2.)
There's my crazy idea lol
~ Tati
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green-tea-456 · 7 months
((I'M!!!! BACK!!!!))
A silly gif i made while wondering what happened after Gen Mochi basically dug Gongsun out and took his clothes. Did GMC brought him back to ZKY? I have so many questions.
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green-tea-456 · 1 year
Have i posted this on here before?
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green-tea-456 · 1 year
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thekingoftianxuan · 4 years
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mejomonster · 3 years
So I am now seeing a lot of killer and healer on my dash and I come to the expert (aka you) to know if I should check it out. What's your opinion on it, if you don't mind me taking abit of your time? :D
Oh man oh wow 1 i am honored. ToT 2 i hope you are enjoying Love and Redemption, Bureau of Transformer, Word of Honor, anything else i send ur way ;o;
Ok 2: Killer and Healer
I have only seen 4 eps so I am not actually quite sure on my opinion yet, but I would say IF you like suspense then its good and worth your time. I enjoyed the suspense in the first 4 episodes but was surprised by the slow burn of the bl romances. Because my point of comparison is Till Death Tear Us Apart, another republican era drama, that was VERY overtly romantically queer and also VERY fun action trash (it was action but like the plot was not as involved as this show). TDTUA I watched the uncensored version with all the scenes, it was a fun time full of spies and romance and action and happy endings without ever getting to angsty. It was definitely more action/romance. And lower budget. I liked that show though, so this show Killer and Healer had enough in common (action heavy, republican era, bl romances, cool women) for me to want to also check it out. And it has enough I still want to keep watching. 
(Also idk if I recced these but Love is More Than A Word and Till Death Tear Us Apart I 100% recommend watching especially if you can find the uncut versions which I think are on dramacool - they used to be on youtube when I backed them up, but now its only the cut versions. They were as clear about the romance as the uncut Advance Bravely. They were also a REAL fun time LIMTAW was a period political drama with an actual gay wedding in red with the family present that was so sweet, and then TDTUA was a spy action drama with cool fights and groups and action scenes and a sugar daddy and spies falling in love with a train chase).
I hear people saying watch Killer and Healer up to episode 6 to see if its for you. I agree, and plan to see a few more eps to see if I’ll keep watching. What I like: its sincerely GOOD action suspense and I love the genre. Its fast paced, fun, Heavy (so more serious suspense compared to the light fun of TDTUA), and visually/suspense wise it reminds me a LOT of Winter Begonia with a faster pace. Also it has some DREAM casting. It has Ian Yi, one of my favorite actors playing Chen Yuzhi the doctor lead (which is why I even discovered the drama and had been watching it in chinese before the subs came out). I loved Ian Yi in Romance of Hua Rong (a fun but messy show where he was comedic), and in Men With Sword as Qi Zhikan who broke my heart (Men With Sword is a bl that is WORTH the watch for how bizarre and unique the premise is, if nothing else it is Something it sure is Something its a world of only men and a lot of kings and their boyfriends and very battle for the empire political struggles with musician/concubine/prince Murong Li laying waste to kingdoms as he pursues power). Anyway Ian Yi broke my HEART in that show, he was such a good actor. I love his acting, I know he’s done bl romances before, I was EXCITED. I am a bit shocked in Killer and Healer since for the first time I’m seeing him as a slow burn character, but its also interesting. (In MwS his character was in love and devoted from scene 1 versus this show where he’s like WOW this dude ARRESTED me and now my sisters MISSING and now he HAS A GUN TO MY HEAD what a DAY T-T). 
Aside from Ian Yi, which I will eventually watch this show for period. Since I love action and needed him in another action show - this show also has GEN MOCHI from Men With Sword 2. His actor was one of the standouts in that season, so good at a layered fucked up character, and I am so thrilled he’s playing an intimidating businessman in a republican era suspense drama! I am so excited! MwS2 being a bl too, it seems like a dream cast again to get him for another romance for this show. Then the other half of that secondary couple is Su Mu from Romance of Tiger And Rose. In Romance of Tiger and Rose, the gender roles are a bit flipped and men have less rights and so Su Mu is a musician/courtesan who becomes a princess’s concubine. Which was a fascinating role to see, and he was absolutely amazing in it. One of my favorite characters in it (Also he will be playing Mei Hanxue in 2ha’s drama Immortality soon and I am SO excited since he’s such a good actor). So like... firstly I’m thrilled he’s a secondary main character in this show, and secondly he’s so good at playing unconventional roles I’m intensely curious to see what he will do with this one. The lead as Jiang Yuelou I had mixed feelings about since I’d never seen him before, but already by ep 4 I can say he handles the role very well. The lead actress I ADORE and was won over by immediately, and so I’m loving her.
In summary: to me personally, I think it feels way more like a nice done Suspense show FIRST, action first, hurt/comfort first, bl romance secondary, ‘light’ comedy occasionally secondary to heal you for a moment before the gears kick up again. I’ve only seen like 10 episodes of Winter Begonia but the romance feels like a slow start there to me, and it feels equally so in this show. For immediately in love this is Not the show to go, or for people not into actual suspenseful shows. I would recommend Till Death Tear Us Apart for a lighter watch with less episodes, and less actual stakes at risk. Whereas Killer and Healer characters might actually die. Now if you LIKE suspense? I love it. I love that its fast paced, entertaining, makes me care for them. Feels good to watch as an action lover, and like the republican era dramas i LIKE it makes me care for these characters when they’re all messes. It sort of has the vibe of if Winter Begonia, Fearless Whispers, and My Roommate is a Detective combined. Looks mostly like Winter Begonia. Romance seems slower to me than I expected with SUCH a packed cast of ppl who have done bl dramas before, but if its so their character arcs are done better I personally am all for it. I’m still not quite sure yet on how into the overall show I am. But it is one of the ones I’m currently watching and giving a try! ToT
The good/bad: Its on Mango TV on youtube (like Romance of Hua Rong). The good is that means its english subtitled, easy to watch. The bad - Mango TV just edits its sound weird whenever its worried about music copyright instead of you know just being like ‘its our video why did you copyright us undo it’. So some parts of episodes just have weird audio - this is an issue with pretty much any of their shows. (It was not an issue when I was watching it in chinese only on another site, and its quality felt WAY better simply because of that). Now I loved Romance of Hua Rong despite that, so I like this too. But it is a bit weird lol. The good - mango tv keeps uploading any scenes it ‘cut’ onto its main channel, which is nice. So even if a scene got cut from an episode, you can still find it on their official channel usually. 
If you’re curious, shows I’m watching right now -3-)/
1. Word of Honor - which I can only wholeheartedly recommend, I’m a priest novel fan and its SO GOOD I’m in heaven. Its more than I could have ever dreamed of, and it being an adaptation of one of my favorite author’s novels I already expected it to be fun and good. But its Great. I’m watching it right now lol.
2. Killer and Healer - I’m here for Ian Yi and Gen Mochi and Su Mu. I started watching and happened to be into the suspense/action. I’m still giving it some more time to unfold. 
3. Rattan - a guy is dying, his blood ressurrects an alien girl who used to be intensely feared in the past. She awakes, returns him to life as much as she can (so he can live if he’s in a certain radius otherwise he starts turning into a dying corpse). There’s decscendants of some sects that once fought her who were supposed to kill her if she came back. (One is a sweet man with an adopted son who’s just trying his best). She’s looking for something, and adjusting to modern life. Meanwhile our main guy is helping her so she’ll cure herself and him enough he won’t need her to live, looking for his missing gf who got kidnapped the night he died, his own missing gf is in her own hot mess. Despite this modern sci fi action description - which it has and i LOVE. It actually has a lot of found family potential vibes and reminds me a lot in FEELING of Go Ahead because its a relaxing watch and has a lot of characterization focus over anything else. Modern supernatural aliens/mutants/demons living among us is literally my favorite story setup ever so of course I’m watching. Also a badass god-level alien woman is <3 <3 she’s so much better than I expected. The guy lead is level headed, and very soft. All the men are very Go Ahead esque in their family and kind natures tbh (except some villains). There’s at least 3 badass women making moves. Also I am Thrilled its supposedly a supernatural romance but the show is not fluff romance, no romantic tropes shoved in my face no sped up falling in love. The two main leads don’t even flirt or think of each other in that way, they’re both BUSY with their own character arcs. So its them growing to rely on each other mulder/scully style, Go Ahead family style, that is really the appeal. I love it a lot. Its the slowest pace for sure out of all 3 of these though, so I’m just watching it as a BREAK from the heavy action/sometimes angst of the 2 shows above lol. 
tldr: check out killer and healer to ep 5-6 and let ME know what you think because i’m still debating. But it IS fast paced, suspenseful, and has a lot of actors I like which are all things going for it.
i’d still recommend Word of Honor and Love and Redemption above it tho. woh because i’m priest trash and would rec anything related but also its GREAT, and LaR because that show isn’t seen much but oh my god the way it blew my expectations apart over and over it is... an experience if you only pick one ‘3 lives xianxia’ story to watch that is the one i’d always go with. (Also Xiao Hua from TLT2 plays the villain in LaR which um... is the most viscerally affecting villain i’ve seen in years).
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