#gen handley
autumnrevisited · 1 year
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Interview with Geoff Rickly about No Devotion and No Oblivion by Gen Handley for issue 64 of New Noise, Sep. 2022.
full text under cut
“It’s like a blessing and a curse,” explains Geoff Rickly, smiling on the Zoom window a bit sadly. “When you really love an album, you can’t wait for people to hear it… but (you’re) also set up to have your heart broken because they won’t love it as much as you do.”
“Right now, to me, it’s my favorite record in the world,” he continues. “But soon it’ll come out, and for some people, it’ll just be a blip, and (they’ll) think it’s not for me, and that’s how it is.”
The record in discussion at the moment is the second, unexpected album from No Devotion, a band that emerged from the ashes of horrible tragedy and released my favorite album of 2015. And not to stomp on Rickly’s genuine humility, but No Oblivion is much more than a blip for some, an album that many people did not think would ever get made, Rickly included. The fire reignited when guitarist Stu Richardson sent Rickly a demo for their rousing, intense first single, “Starlings.”
“I was obsessed with it,” he recalls. “I didn’t’ think I was going to do anything with it, but whenever it rained, and I’d take a cab—when people were still taking cabs in New York—I’d put it on in the back of the cab and think, ‘This is the kind of music I wish I was making right now.’”
They ruminated various plans for the song, but ultimately decided that it should be a No Devotion song after the magic they felt when they played it with guitarist Lee Gaze.
“We thought, maybe we’re not done with No Devotion yet,” Rickly says, shrugging with a big smile.
The haunting result is a refined collection of eight harmonious songs that returns to the art of the album where every single song is there, in that spot, and in that order, for a very good reason that was discussed at length.
But most importantly, it’s the first album, in nearly 30 years as an artist, that Rickly has been sober and made a piece of work with vulnerability and cobalt beauty aching from every line sang by the shadowy artist whose voice has never sounded stronger, more gripping. This is from an artist who already captivates listeners and audiences around the world, an insatiable creator whose beautiful words and melodies and screams have gotten many of a sufferer through dark times—myself included.
And while they wrote much more than eight tracks for their second record, No Devotion kept returning the original songs which were created during an intense two-week flurry of creativity when the trio reunited. (There’s also a record’s worth of 10 songs that he “loves” but kept off of No Oblivion and is still deciding what their fate will be.)
“We thought it was a really short record, but every song we added would throw off the balance… making it too long and too dark, or if we brightened it up with a big pop song like from the first record (Permanence), it didn’t fit and kind of ruined the mood.”
Rickly is mostly known for his visionary work in Thursday who is still playing shows, but not ready to create new music.
“The reason I think No Devotion kept going is because Stu and Lee and I have this really intense ability to know what each other’s thinking and push in the same direction for a song—it makes writing a real pleasure,” he says. “With Thursday, we all see it going in different directions and writing a song is like a street fight. Every single time.”
He laughs.
“So the fact that Thursday is working at all right now and playing shows and having fun and loving each other and getting along, is such a newer development,” he admits. “I wish I was joking. We all love each other, which is the crazy thing.”
What’s behind the album title and the second track, “No Oblivion” come from?
Well, we had this song first and I think a lot about this band in visual terms—for every song, there’s different projections, and I think there’s going to be a video for every song on this record… My partner’s a director, so we work on a lot of stuff together. I was thinking about how much I would love to have a song that’s just a list… a list of “nos” and see how that played out.
So that was how the song came about, and we kept on playing with versions of the album cover that were just the words for the No Oblivion song, and the graphic designer mentioned why “No Oblivion” works so well typographically is because it’s the same number of letters as No Devotion, the band name, so all there were all sorts of possibilities that opened up; we thought maybe we shouldn’t keep it as the cover art and make it the name of the record. Then we thought about what the title No Oblivion implies, and it seemed to really fit.
What does it imply for you?
A double-negative is sort of like a gesture towards the positive…so a rejection of nihilism or a rejection of death and drug use. The years before I started working on this record were pretty dark for me, and this is first music I’ve made sober. I’m almost five years in, so this a really raw experience for me.
Congratulations on five years—That’s big.
Thanks, it’s coming up in November.
Is it a lot different writing music sober? Is it harder?
I’ve heard a lot of people talk about how it’s harder to let go, but I found it to be quite the opposite for me—That for me it’s harder to reign it in. I’m feeling a lot more clearly, and I have to be careful about sculpting them into something that’s art and not just an outpouring of feeling.
We do want our art to have artifice because that’s where you lose yourself in it. There’s this idea that’s become popular in culture: for the performer to use masks so that they can lose themselves and become who they really are. I think there’s a certain element of that in lyrics and songwriting… if you can use a device or structure or something that makes it not just your incredibly specific life experience, then not only can the listener find themselves more clearly in the emotional experience—because it’s more oblique and they can find an entry point—but as a singer and as an artist, you can find yourself more clearly in it.
When we try to say exactly how we feel, I think it’s very easy to misrepresent ourselves. Whereas if we try to make it a little more oblique, then it finds us through a more subconscious route… I think, quite often, it is much more honest than being honest.
With this honesty and your sobriety, how therapeutic was making this record for you?
The most therapeutic thing for me since I got sober is being of service to people… so sponsoring other guys, setting up chairs. A lot of the most mundane tasks can become quite therapeutic when they’re done in service of something greater than yourself. So, I really found that to be my therapy. With (the album), I found it to be more therapeutic in the sense that in the past, I’ve always been quite self-conscious of my own ability… I’m known as a singer who’s tone deaf or can’t sing—it’s a criticism that I’ve heard for a lot of my life.
I don’t necessarily disagree, but I also recognize that there’s something that I communicate that seems to resonate with people and that’s why I’ve been able to do this for 25 years. There have been so many better singers than I am, technically, who don’t have careers and will never have careers. twenty-five years in popular music is like a unicorn. (laughs) It’s all about youth. I think it used to really eat me that I couldn’t put my finger on what it was I did, whether I was just incredibly lucky or if I actually had any talent or not. This record was a real turning point for me where I realized that I can sing; I do have talent; I do know what I’m doing… I now trust myself that I have the kind of taste that I want to hear.
I don’t expect everyone to see the world how I see it, and I don’t like stuff other people like. I’m kind of a hater. (laughs) I’m a real, old-school hater, and I don’t like that about myself but whatever—I just try not to be too much. (laughs)
This record sounds like a new beginning in a way.
Yeah, it’s basically a new band and starting from scratch. When we started Permanence, it was less of a new band because all of the artists involved had such a following, and that’s changed. It’s a different time, a different world; people aren’t waiting to see what Geoff from Thursday does next because Thursday’s still going. It’s just a whole different dynamic.
I’m just really appreciating everything I’ve been given… just being able to have a life as an artist at all. I’ve had 30-plus years of a career as musician. How many people in this capitalist world get to even have one job, regardless of it being rewarding? So I feel ok about whatever comes next.
So then are you feeling more content these days?
I don’t spend much time being content because there’s always something else I want to try, but I do feel that I’ve gotten so much more than I ever could have dreamed of.
12 notes · View notes
reveal-the-news · 2 years
Why temporary tattoo brand Inkbox is shifting its marketing focus to TikTok
Why temporary tattoo brand Inkbox is shifting its marketing focus to TikTok
Temporary tattoo company Inkbox is turning its attention (and advertising dollars) to TikTok in a move to increase brand awareness and get in front of Gen Z shoppers, according to Inkbox CEO Tyler Handley. TikTok has become a line item in Inkbox’s marketing budget as it has for many other companies, including brands like Studs Jewelry, Silk Foods and Viv Period Care, as the platform transitions…
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emerymiller0 · 2 years
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theonyxpath · 5 years
Pirates of Pugmire art by Pat Loboyko
Pirates of Pugmire, which as of my writing this, has 16 days to go and is just under 75% funded! Thank you to everyone who has back, shared, and commented so far, and I’m so excited to help bring all the new pirate rules to the Realms of Pugmire, including ship battles, bird and lizard characters, new callings, firearms, and treasure! We’d really like to get this traditionally printed and in stores, so if you would, too, or just to see manuscript previews, head over to the Kickstarter at http://kck.st/2EoRkyp, yar! But who is writing this, you ask? (We’re going to pretend like you asked. And by “we” I mean “I.”) It is I, Dixie Cochran! Yes, that’s right, I’ve taken over the blog this week while Rich and the rest of the gang who attended UK Games Expo are on their way back from England (or in Matthew’s case, back to elsewhere in England). I’m sure Rich will provide a full account when he returns next week, but until then, here’s a report from Matthew, along with some photographs he kindly sent along.
“The team of Rich, Eddy, Matt, Matthew, Klara, John, Steffie, and Chris had a fantastic time at the UK Games Expo this year, where we ran a demo table, ran over a dozen games at the Hilton, and sold product from Leisure Games to great effect! It was Onyx Path’s first time having a booth at a British convention, and the sheer number of people who thanked us for coming or showed a keen interest in our games (Pugmire, Scion, and Prince’s Gambit were standouts) was staggering.”
L to R: Matt McElroy, Rich Thomas, Chris Allen, Klara Herbøl, Steffie de Vaan, Eddy Webb, and John Burke play Prince’s Gambit! The Sabbat wins!
“We organized our very first Chronicles of Darkness tournament at the Expo, with players from each game of Vampire (run by Klara Herbøl), Werewolf (run by Chris Allen), Promethean (run by John Burke), Changeling (ran by Steffie de Vaan), and Geist (ran by Chris Handley) went on to participate in an Antarctic session of the Contagion Chronicle (run by Matthew Dawkins)! The final winner was Michael, who played his changeling from Steffie’s game, and won a prestige copy of Demon: The Descent. The tournament concept was so good we’ll aim to do something similar next year.”
Matthew and the players of the final game of the Chronicles of Darkness tournament, Stephen, Chris, Sophie, Michael, and Andrew! Congratulations, Michael!
“All in all, we had a superb time. It was great to meet freelancers who haven’t made it out to Gen Con before, the business meetings we held were fruitful, and everyone had a lot of fun. Here’s to the next one!”
The Onyx Path crew at UKGE: Matthew, Klara, Eddy, John, Steffie, Chris, Matt, and Rich! No wonder it’s been so quiet around the office this week. Wait, I work from home…
Eddy welcomes folks to the Onyx Path booth at UKGE! Look how excited he is! “You’re all good dogs!” he seems to say
Dixie again! Isn’t it just like Matthew to interrupt me on my very first blog entry here? I feel like I’m sensing a pattern. For real, though, it looks like everyone had a great time at UKGE, and I hope it’s a convention to which we return in the future! (See how I said “we” there? Maybe I’ll come next year! Who knows? I got so much done while they were gone, though…) For those of you who aren’t as familiar with me, let me actually provide a bit of my history with the company. In 2015 or so, I was chatting with Rose Bailey, just catching up, and I mentioned that though I’d gone to school intending to pursue a career in copy editing, I was having trouble finding a way into the field (at the time, I was mostly focused on fiction and comic books). She subsequently tried me out on the Demon Translation Guide and from there I moved on to supplements and eventually cores. I’d been playing White Wolf/Onyx Path games since about 1999, but for some reason hadn’t considered the RPG industry as a career path until it fell into my lap. Now, several million words edited later (I’ve lost count, but it has to be over three million at this point), I ended up stepping into a version of Rose’s former position when she left to focus on her personal projects. I’m the in-house developer for Chronicles of Darkness and Exalted, so I make sure those lines are doing what they need to, and I still edit quite a bit of our books myself, though I outsource a lot of the smaller supplements and a few core books to other editors, depending on my current workload. In addition, as many/most of you know, I’m one of the three hosts of the Onyx Pathcast, along with Eddy and Matthew, which I enjoy immensely.
It’s been a really great 16 months or so working for Onyx Path, and I look forward to doing even more in the future! Let me know in the comments if there’s anything you’d like to hear about or anyone you’d like to hear from on an upcoming Pathcast episode!
The classic Shén pantheon from Scion: Hero!
Anyway, if I seem to be stalling before I get to the actual Monday Meeting notes, it’s because we didn’t actually have a true meeting this week, what with half the staff still traveling. I have updates and teasers, as usual, but as to what we talked about in the meeting? There wasn’t a lot. (Mostly I asked Mike to give me art, which he did! Thanks, Mike!)
Now that UKGE is past, I’m looking forward to seeing everyone at PAXU, though of course bits of our team here and there will be at other conventions throughout the summer. Say hi if you see one of us!
To reiterate a couple of teasers from Rich from last week, we’ll be announcing a new developer for Scarred Lands and the projects they are overseeing once everyone gets back. Plus, on the Scarred Lands Community Content site, the Slarecian Vault, the beginning of July marks the start of a phenomenal linked adventure series you will not want to miss! Also, June 13th we’ll be starting a little treat for everyone that leads into the aforementioned July event. (Psst, it’s one we get a lot of questions about.)
The modern Shén pantheon from Scion: Hero!
One last tease before we get on to blurbs and updates, for something else that is coming soon…oh? What’s this?
Oh, sorry, that just fell out of my email, but hopefully it will help people create
Many Worlds, One Path!
(Did I do that right?)
Our Pirates of Pugmire Kickstarter is nearly 75% funded, so swing over to our ship and check it out!
Pirates of Pugmire is a chronicle sourcebook for both Pugmire and Monarchies of Mau. It’s usable in either game, or as part of a joint experience. Some highlights include: * Two new species for players to enjoy: lizards and birds * Six new callings, including two for dogs and two for cats * Rules for building, sailing, and sinking ships * A trove of new allies, enemies, and treasures * Information on Waterdog Port and Port Matthew * “Going on the Account,” a chronicle of three new adventures, taking characters from 1st through 6th level
You can also hear Eddy discuss the writing and design of Pirates of Pugmire on the Onyx Pathcast on your favorite podcatcher, or here on : https://onyxpathcast.podbean.com/)
Onyx Pathcast art by Michael Gaydos
This Friday’s Onyx Pathcast is an update straight from UK Games Expo!: https://onyxpathcast.podbean.com/
And Here’s More Media About Our Worlds:
Beanduck Productions’ crew has been playing Exalted! They’re on session 13 of Full Party, but the rest of the sessions are on YouTube if you want to catch up! There are hours of Exalted goodness there.
Garblag Games is still playing Scion! They’re on episode 9!
The ever-wonderful Saving Throw Show is also playing Scion! (So much Godly goodness!)
Twin Cities by Night just released Chapter 1 of their new Chronicles of Darkness game!
Occultists Anonymous’ Mage: The Awakening chronicle delves into magic-crafting territories with the following episodes:
Episode 17: We Got Our Scryes on You – The cabal establishes surveillance on the Predator Kings alpha and begins to track him. https://youtu.be/GP3500xZ41s
Episode 18: Preparing For War – With a scrying spell established, the cabal creates support spells and curses the alpha every way they can think of. https://youtu.be/-8uetChnfEM
Meanwhile, Red Moon Roleplaying has just concluded their Scarred Lands actual play run by Matthew, over on www.redmoonroleplaying.com! Stay tuned to their channels, as soon they’ll be participating in a V5 Chicago by Night chronicle!
It would be remiss of us not to link you again to the fantastic Pirates of Pugmire story Travis Legge ran for us, both parts of which are available on our channel! Here’s episode one: https://youtu.be/fU9y3tl77GM
Darker Days Radio interviewed a bunch of Onyx Pathers and Matt Timm from Modiphius at the UK Games Expo, the recording of which is here: http://podcast.darker-days.org/e/109-darker-days-radio-live-at-ukge/
And Roll the Role recently concluded an excellent Trinity actual play that can still be viewed on their Twitch channel here! https://twitch.tv/rolltherole/profile?desktop-redirect=offline_channel
Please check any of these out and let us know if you find or produce any actual plays of our games!
As we find ways to enable our community to more easily play our games, the Onyx Dice Rolling App is now live! Our dev team has been doing updates since we launched based on the excellent use-case comments by our community, and this thing is awesome! (Seriously, you need to roll 100 dice for Exalted? This app has you covered.)
You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble).
If you enjoy these or any other of our books, please help us by writing reviews on the site of the sales venue from which you bought it. Reviews really, really help us get folks interested in our amazing fiction!
Our selection includes these fiction books:
We’re working with Studio2 to get Pugmire and Monarchies of Mau out into stores, as well as to individuals through their online store. You can pick up the traditionally printed main book, the screen, and the official Pugmire dice through our friends there! https://studio2publishing.com/search?q=pugmire
We’ve added Prince’s Gambit to our Studio2 catalog: https://studio2publishing.com/products/prince-s-gambit-card-game
Now, we’ve added Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition products to Studio2‘s store! See them here: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/all-products/changeling-the-lost
Scarred Lands (Pathfinder) books are also on sale at Studio2, and they have the 5e version, supplements, and dice as well!: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/scarred-lands
Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books? Try this link! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Onyx-Path-Publishing/
And you can now order Pugmire, Monarchies of Mau, Cavaliers of Mars, and Changeling: The Lost 2e at the same link!
On Sale This Week!
This Wednesday, we’re releasing print versions of both Origin and Hero for Scion Second Edition on DriveThruRPG and in stores!
Gen Con: August 1st – 4th Save Against Fear: October 12th – 14th GameHoleCon: October 31st – November 3rd We’ll also be back at PAX Unplugged later this year!
And now, the new project status updates!
DEVELOPMENT STATUS FROM EDDY WEBB, COMPILED FOR THE FIRST TIME BY DIXIE COCHRAN (projects in bold have changed status since last week):
First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep)
M20 Victorian Mage (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Geist2e Fiction Anthology (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition)
Exalted Essay Collection (Exalted)
Scion: Demigod (Scion 2nd Edition)
Trinity Continuum Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum Core)
Wraith20 Fiction Anthology (Wraith: The Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition)
One Foot in the Grave Jumpstart (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2e)
Dragon-Blooded Novella #2 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Exigents (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Terra Firma (Trinity Continuum: Aeon) Titanomachy (Scion 2nd Edition)
Crucible of Legends (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Many-Faced Strangers – Lunars Companion (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Monsters of the Deep (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Tales of Aquatic Terror (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Scion: Dragon (Scion 2nd Edition)
Kith and Kin (Changeling: The Lost 2e)
Masks of the Mythos (Scion 2nd Edition)
Second Draft?
Tales of Good Dogs – Pugmire Fiction Anthology (Pugmire)
Dragon-Blooded Novella #1 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Across the Eight Directions (Exalted 3rd Edition)
TC: Aeon Ready-Made Characters (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition core rulebook (Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition)
City of the Towered Tombs (Cavaliers of Mars)
TC: Aeon Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Legendlore core book (Legendlore)
WoD Ghost Hunters (World of Darkness)
Oak, Ash, and Thorn: Changeling: The Lost 2nd Companion (Changeling: The Lost 2nd)
M20 The Technocracy Reloaded (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Creatures of the World Bestiary (Scion 2nd Edition)
Heirs to the Shogunate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Scion Companion: Mysteries of the World (Scion 2nd Edition)
Deviant: The Renegades (Deviant: The Renegades)
Chicago Folio/Dossier (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Let the Streets Run Red (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Cults of the Blood Gods (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Heroic Land Dwellers (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
DR:E Threat Guide (Dystopia Rising: Evolution)
DR:E Jumpstart (Dystopia Rising: Evolution)
Manuscript Approval
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant core (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
Pirates of Pugmire (Realms of Pugmire)
Hunter: The Vigil 2e core (Hunter: The Vigil 2nd Edition)
Memento Mori: the GtSE 2e Companion (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition)
Night Horrors: Nameless and Accursed (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
Spilled Blood (Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition)
Lunars: Fangs at the Gate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Post-Editing Development
M20 Book of the Fallen (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
V5 Chicago By Night (Vampire: The Masquerade)V5 Chicago By Night Screen (Vampire: The Masquerade)
CofD Contagion Chronicle (Chronicles of Darkness)
Witch-Queen of the Shadowed Citadel (Cavaliers of Mars)
Distant Worlds (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Scion Ready-Made Characters (Scion 2nd Edition)
Blood Sea: The Crimson Abyss (Scarred Lands)
Dark Eras 2 (Chronicles of Darkness)
Trinity Aeon
In Art Direction
Contagion Chronicle
Scion Ready-Made Characters – Art is in.
Dark Eras 2
M20 Book of the Fallen – Drew’s finals in
VtR Spilled Blood
Trinity Continuum Aeon: Distant Worlds
Trinity Continuum Aberrant – Sketches
Hunter: The Vigil 2e
Ex3 Lunars
They Came From Beneath the Sea
Ex3 Monthly Stuff
In Layout
V5: Chicago
Trinity Core 
CoM – Witch Queen of the Shadowed Citadel 
WtF Shunned by the Moon
Signs of Sorcery – At WW for approval
Scion Jumpstart
Aeon Aexpansion
C20 Cup of Dreams
Ex 3 Monthlies – At WW for approval
At Press
Dragon Blooded – Deluxe Printing
Dragon-Blooded Cloth Map – at press
Dragon-Blooded Wallpapers – Going out to backers
Dragon-Blooded Screen – Printing
The Realm – Gathering errata
Trinity Core Screen – Printing
TC Aeon Screen – Printing
Tales of Excellent Cats
C20 Player’s Guide – Gathering Errata
Adventures for Curious Cats
Geist 2e – Gathering Errata
Book of Oblivion – Out to backers
Trinity: In Media Res
Scion: Hero – Wednesday
Scion Origin – Wednesday
Today’s This Month’s Reason to Celebrate!
It’s Pride Month! This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots, so let’s remember Marsha P. Johnson, Sylvia Rivera, Brenda Howard, and all the other activists throughout the years who made Pride possible. Happy Pride to all our LGBTQI+ fans and freelancers, and I hope any celebrations you attend are amazing!
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Day 15: Some More Market Research
For this post, I will be going back to the competitors that I selected as a comparison to Walkers’ strategy. As a reminder, the competitors that I will be examining are Kettle, Pringles & Doritos. 
Let’s start with Kettle’s campaigns.
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The ‘When it’s Special’ campaign
This first campaign was made as a way to encourage getting together with people while having a packet of Kettle crisps. These were mostly just a few video ads on YouTube, but were planning to have billboards that changed to specific ads depending on the occasion.
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The Stirring the Pot campaign
Duncan Channon, who organized the campaign for Kettle, designed it in a vintage aesthetic to reflect on how the current culture overcame issues and became more open.
Here are some of Pringles’ campaigns:
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The ‘What’s the Flavor campaign
Pringles partnered with Akkomplice to promote this campaign within Australia, in which customers have to guess the flavor of the can for a chance to win $10000 AUD. This campaign was meant to not only sell a new flavor, but also garner more engagement from customers.
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Last Can Standing
This campaign was organized by Isobar as part of a giveaway to a music festival to the winner who can topple a tall stack of Pringles cans. This wasn’t a means to sell a new flavor, but it also pushed more interactions on social media.
And finally, a look into some of Doritos’ campaigns:
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Another Level
This was an interesting campaign to find. Apparently, Doritos developed it as a means to counteract the growing movement of the current generation avoiding targeting advertisements. They achieved it by removing their brand on their packets, as well as the outdoor ads (as seen above), with only leaving the silhouette of their tortilla-shaped logo as a hint.
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Crash From Home
Doritos took the opportunity of the pandemic and the Super Bowl event by requesting customers to send in their home-made TV spots, which was an enticing campaign. It not only interacted with their audience more, but encouraged what they made to promote them.
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Screenshot of timer
[image] - https://www.talkingretail.com/products-news/crisps-snacks/kettle-unveils-special-marketing-campaign-28-08-2020/
[image] - https://www.thedrum.com/creative-works/project/duncanchannon-kettle-stir-the-pot
[image] - https://www.campaignlive.com/article/pringles-last-standing-isobar/1191672
[image] - https://www.thedrum.com/news/2019/08/26/doritos-removes-the-name-its-logo-appeal-gen-z-another-level-campaign
[image] - https://www.alistdaily.com/strategy/doritos-crash-from-home-contest/
Kettle Celebrates Special Moments with ‘When it’s Special, KETTLE’ Platform [Little Black Book] [Blog post] - https://www.lbbonline.com/news/kettle-celebrates-special-moments-with-when-its-special-kettle-platform
Kettle Brand | Duncan Channon [website page] - https://www.duncanchannon.com/services/advertising/print-and-outdoor/kettle-brand/
Pringles provokes Aussies to ask “WTF?” in latest promotional campaign via Akkomplice by Ricki Green (5th March 2020) [online news article] -  https://campaignbrief.com/pringles-provokes-aussies-to-ask-wtf-in-latest-promotional-campaign-via-akkomplice/
isobar Launches 'Last Can Standing' for Pringles [Little Black Book] [Blog post] - https://www.lbbonline.com/news/isobar-launches-last-can-standing-for-pringles
Gen Z doesn’t like branding, so Doritos tries a new approach by Lucy Handley (27th Aug. 2019) [online news article] - https://www.cnbc.com/2019/08/27/doritos-launches-ads-with-no-logo-and-no-brand-name-to-attract-gen-z.html
Doritos Is Asking for Fan-Made Commercials Again With 'Crash From Home' Contest by David Gianatasio (16th July 2020) [online news article] - https://musebycl.io/advertising/doritos-asking-fan-made-commercials-again-crash-home-contest
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xtruss · 3 years
Władysław Turowicz, Polish Pakistani Scientist
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Air Commodore Władysław Józef Marian Turowicz (April 23, 1908 – November 8, 1980), SP (MI), SK (MI), TP (MI), SQA [MI], SI [MI], usually referred to as Air Cdre. W. J. M. Turowicz, was a prominent and noted Polish-Pakistani military scientist and an aeronautical engineer. He is considered as one of the chief architects of the Pakistan Air Force and Pakistan's space program. Turowicz, an eminent rocket scientist and an aeronautical engineer, was the leading and central figure in Pakistan's drive to develop high-tech rocket and missile technology of its own.
Turowicz was the administrator of Pakistan's Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) from 1967 to 1970, and towards the end of his career, he was appointed to the post of Air Marshal of the Pakistan Air Force. He was one of thirty high ranking Polish pilots who served in Pakistan Air Force during the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965, and is considered one of the pioneers of Pakistan's space program, playing a central role in Pakistan's aviation and aerospace industry.
Turowicz made significant contributions to Pakistan's missile/rocket program as a chief aeronautical engineer and has recently been referred to as the "Rocket-Missile Man of Pakistan" by some of the prominent defense analysts for his work towards the development of ballistic missile and space rocket technology. In Pakistan, he remains highly respected as a scientist and noted aeronautical engineer.
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Early Life and Education
Turowicz was born in Zubir, Siberia, in 1908, where he graduated from High School. From an early age on, Turowicz was fascinated by aviation technology and had collected different models of aircraft. Due to this passion, he moved to Warsaw where he attended the most prestigious engineering institute, Warsaw University of Technology (WTU) in 1920, majoring in aeronautical engineering; upon graduation, he received his PhD with honors in 1926. While at Warsaw University of Technology, Turowicz joined and became a pioneering member of a Aeroklub Polski (better known as Polish Aero Club) where he had previliged to study and work with noted Polish engineers to the field of aerospace engineering. A distinguished member of Polski Club, he had an opportunity to study and work with Ryszard Bartel, Jerzy Drzewiecki, Henry Millicer, are name to few. It was here at the Aero Club that Turowicz met his future wife, Zofia Turowicz with whom he would have 4 children. In addition, he completed an Master in astrodynamics in 1927 from the same institution.[2] He joined the Polish Air Force as an aeronautical engineer and fighter pilot, but later emigrated to United Kingdom where he joined the Royal Air Force in 1930 as a reservist Polish pilot.
World War II and RAF Career
Though initially joining the Polish Air Force, Turowicz enlisted as a Royal Air Force reservist during World War II. He was immediately sent to Great Britain where he flew the British-built Handley Page Halifax during the war. Later, he was transferred into the Royal Air Force Aeronautics division where he served as Technical Inspector, and was put in charge of aircraft electrical and system information, organizing, testing, and evaluating aircraft. After World War II, Turowicz did not return to Poland due to the official negative attitude towards those who had served with the Allied Forces during the war.
Moving to Pakistan
As the political situation in Poland got worse, many Polish Air Force commanders began to move to United States, Australia, Norway and Canada. Turowicz and his commanders were asked to move to Pakistan by the Government of Pakistan. Turowicz, together with a group of thirty Polish officers, scientists, engineers, and aviators arrived in Karachi by the end of 1948. They were received a warm welcome from the people of Pakistan. His task was to train Pakistan Air Force's fighter pilots. He, along with the Polish Air Force General, signed a three-year agreement with Pakistan.
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Statue of Turowicz at PAF Museum Karachi
Career with Pakistan Air Force
The three-year contract with Pakistan Air Force was to transform Pakistan Air Force into permanent and effective Air Force of the region. Turowicz set up technical institutes in Karachi. He taught and revitalized Pakistan Air Force Academy where he worked there as a chief scientist. He initially led the technical training in the airbase and a part of the Polish specialists in the technical section in Karachi. However, they were transferred and accommodated in Peshawar.
In 1952, Turowicz, along with several Polish fighters, were promoted in the rank of Wing Commander. He was also promoted to the rank Lieutenant Commander when he became an Air Force Commander of Pakistan Air Force's Chaklala Airbase. In 1959, Turowicz was promoted in the rank of Group Captain. In 1960, he, along with other Polish Air Force general, became an Air Commodore and a Deputy Chief of Air Staff, in charge of Pakistan Air Force Training Department.
Indo-Pakistani War of 1965
During the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965, Turowicz flew the American-built F-86 Sabre and defended Lahore from the Indian Air Force. He, along with other Polish pilots, rose to prominence and fame as they helped in successfully defending Lahore and Pakistan. After the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965, Turowicz, along with several other Polish pilots, were considered as heroes in Pakistan. Turowicz, Squadron Leader Anotnii Zbigniew Jedryszek, and other Polish pilots were awarded the Sitara-e-Pakistan. Honorary Pakistani citizenship was also bestowed upon Turowicz, as well as, some other Polish pilots by the President of Pakistan, Ayub Khan, in a grand public ceremony held in Islamabad.
Pakistan's Space Program
Turowicz was actively and heavily involved in Pakistan's space program. According to his close sources, Turowicz was passionate and fascinated with the Russian and American space program. He showed deep interests in the emerging ICBM technology that was being built by the Soviet Union. In 1966, the Government of Pakistan transferred him to SUPARCO, Pakistan's national space agency, where he worked there as a chief scientist and an aeronautical engineer. He, along with noted Pakistani theoretical physicist, Dr. Abdus Salam, who later won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1979, met with President Khan where he successfully convinced him of the importance of a space program for a developing country like Pakistan after Russia's launch of Sputnik. He expressed his thoughts to I. H. Usmani that one day Pakistan will be able to possess high-tech satellites and high-powered rocket technology as a part of Pakistan's peaceful purpose space program. He also expressed that in few decades Pakistan will launch its first satellite. His prediction came true, when 10 years after the death of Air. Mar. Gen. Władysław Turowicz, Pakistan launched its first indigenously developed experimental digital communication satellite from Xichang Satellite Launch Center, People's Republic of China aboard a Long March 2E. His vision did come true but unfortunately, he wasn't there to see it.
He along with Dr. Salam traveled through to the United States to reach a space-cooperation agreement. He successfully convinced the United States Government to invest and train Pakistan's scientists in the field of rocket technology. He is widely credited with setting up the rocket fuel factories and rocket technology laboratories and research institutes in Pakistan. He was one of the chief designers and the main architect of design and construction of Sonmiani Satellite Launch Centre.
SUPARCO Administrator
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Turowicz was appointed head of SUPARCO in 1967 by the Government of Pakistan. As the administrator, he revitalized and initiated the space program as quickly as possible. He was responsible for Pakistan's weather satellite program, Rehbar-II, which was indigenously designed by him. Rehbar-II, a geo-stationary and small weather satellite was launched from the Flight Test Range (Sonmiani) under his guidance. The successful launch carried a payload of 80 pounds of sodium, and it streaked up about 130 km into the atmosphere.
After his tenure as administrator was completed, Turowicz was appointed as Pakistan Air Force's Air Marshal. However, the Government of Pakistan, on the request of Dr. Salam, initiated him with the Pakistan's space program where he was appointed head of SUPARCO's Aeronautical Engineering Division. As a noted aeronautical engineer, Air. Mar. Władysław Turowicz upgraded Sonmiani Satellite Launch Centre in which he was responsible for installing Flight-Test Control Command, Launch Pad Control System and System Engineering Division.
Rehbar Sounding Rocket Program
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Turowicz, as an aeronautical engineer, was chosen by Dr. Abdus Salam to lead Pakistan in rocket and space technology. The Rehbar Program was entirely designed and developed by him. He was also in charge of the team of aerospace scientists and engineers in the Rehbar Sounding Rocket Project.
Turowicz started a project for the fabrication and launch of a Pakistani satellite. As a result Pakistan mastered the field of rocket technology by the end of 1970s. He also set up the educational engineering institute at the SUPARCO.
He and his students published science papers and articles extensively in the field of long-range rocket system and technology. He has provided a major contribution to the Pakistan's space program and modernization of Pakistan's missiles capabilities. In recognition of his honest and effective effort, he was conferred with high-civilian/military award Tamgha-i-Khidmat (Military) and Sitara-i-Pakistan in 1967 in a grand public ceremony.
Involvement in Nuclear Weapons Programme
Turowicz was appointed administrator of SUPARCO in 1967 as he was given autonomous control of the scientific organization. In 1972, then-Prime Minister of Pakistan, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, initiated the nuclear weapon program, starting the Project-706. Turowicz was given responsibility to develop a sophisticated missile program to meet Nuclear weapons delivery requirements. He himself initiated with the programme, and during the meeting with PAEC and SUPARCO. He proposed to start of the ingenious missile program. In 1970, Turowicz began to established the administrative offices and directorates to led the development of rockets and missile technology. In 1977, he founded the Hatf Missile Program, a program under his guidance, become a leading source of Pakistan's rocket and missile program in 1980s. However, having difficulties to acquire the missile technology, Turowicz sat up the solid fuel booster rocket's facility near Lahore to produce the local production of materials. As the SUPARCO chairman, Turowicz used his influence to bring the space technology to Pakistan in a short time. By the 1970s, SUPARCO, under his direction, had developed the ability to fabricate rocket motors from raw materials at solid and liquid propellant manufacturing plants.
In 1978, he quickly set up the missile and rocket facility near Lahore. He was responsible for the development of electronic delivery system and inertial turbine engines in the rocket. He was a noted scientist and pioneer of launching the research institution to develop and designed Pakistan's first satellite program in 1970s. He also received permission from the Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto to conduct research and develop the Pakistan's first communication satellite. The response was positive but due to lack of funds, the programme did not launch until 1987. Due to his efforts, Pakistan's SUPARCO successfully completed the work on the Hatf Program and tested publicly from Sonmiani Satellite Launch Center in 1989.
Zofia, Turowicz's wife, and his two daughters joined him in Karachi in 1949, where a third daughter was born. Between 1950 and 1954, Zofia taught gliding to the Shaheen Air Cadets in Karachi and Rawalpindi. Many officers, both serving and retired, remember her with fondness. Two of his daughters married Pakistanis while the third daughter married a Bangladeshi. In 1955, a son was born in Karachi. His grandchildren were a source of great joy. His widow, Zofia Turowicz, who died in 2012, was awarded the Pride of Performance and Sitara-i-Imtiaz, and taught applied mathematics and particle physics at the Karachi University. Turowicz's son is currently working at the SUPARCO as an aerospace engineer and chief scientist.
A documentary film on the life and scientific work of Air Com. Władysław Turowicz has been completed, directed by Anna T. Pietraszek, a Polish journalist and film maker with an honorary Pakistani citizenship. The film shows how Air. Cdre. Turowicz and other Polish officers and technicians have contributed in building the PAF and SUPARCO soon after independence. The documentary film was released on October 25, 2008.
"This documentary will preserve and pass on to future generations the pages of our common history and tell them about our air force officers’ cooperation and the generosity and hospitality of Pakistani people,” said Ireneusz Makles, the Consul General of Poland in Karachi. The consul general said that he believes that the documentary would act to encourage the contemporary activities of the two countries and their future generations. “This is an example of how the two countries can work together to serve our nations” remarked Makles and wished to enhance the Polish-Pakistani cooperation through such efforts.
Death and Legacy
Air. Com. Turowicz was involved in a car accident on January 8, 1980 along with his driver. He was quickly taken to the military hospital where he was pronounced dead. He was buried in the Christian Cemetery in Karachi with full military honors. Both Polish, including the Consul-General of Poland in Karachi Mr. Kazimierz Maurer, and Pakistani military and civilian personnel attended his funeral in Karachi. The Government of Pakistan issued a commemorative letter to his family, stating that Turowicz was not only an Air Force General, but also a scientist, and had served in the country's strategic program.
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Honours and Recognitions
In 2005, PAF Museum, Karachi, placed a memorial plaque in the honor of Air. Com. Gen Władysław Turowicz where both Polish and Pakistani civilian and military personnel attended. On this occasion the Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Karachi Ireneusz Makles profoundly thanked the PAF and especially Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman and other officers for their efforts to make this memorial a reality.
He underlined that this ceremony marks the friendly and historical relations between the Polish Air Force officer and Pakistan Air Force officers. Colonel Piotr Lukasiewcz, Defence Attache of Polish Embassy in Islamabad, read and handed over a special message from Chief Commanding Officer of Polish Air Force Stanislaw Targosz to Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman.
Honorary Monument
Monument of General Władysław Turowicz in Karachi (PAF Museum, Karachi).
General Władysław Turowicz Space Complex (SUPARCO), Lahore Center.
Sitara-e-Pakistan [Military] (1965)
Tamgha-i-Pakistan [Military] (1967)
Sitara-i-Khidmat [Military] (1967)
Sitara-e-Quaid-e-Azam [Military] (1971)
Sitara-e-Imtiaz [Military] (1972)
Abdus Salam Award in Aeronautical Engineering (1978)
ICTP Award in Space Physics (1979)
🇵🇰 🇵🇱
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cecillewhite · 5 years
Content Marketing: What Every Learning Practitioner Needs to Know
Where Does Content Marketing End and Instructional Marketing Begin?
On the surface, marketing and learning may seem like separate disciplines. But if you look closer, you’ll see that these worlds are deeply intertwined. And the overlap continues to spread, as digital content channels, strategies and tools weave themselves more deeply into the fabric of modern educational experiences.
Our Lead Analyst, John Leh, says that today’s learning practitioners are more accurately described as “instructional marketers.” I couldn’t agree more. And I would add that, in this brave new world of instructional marketing, the common denominator is content. Here’s why…
For both disciplines, creating high-quality educational content is essential. But content alone is not enough. You also need to draw the right kind of people to this content, encourage them to engage with it and then lead them to a logical next step.
In other words, an instructional marketer’s mission sounds a lot like the definition of content marketing.
What Does Content Marketing Mean To You?
The Content Marketing Institute (CMI) says content marketing is:
“A strategic approach to creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience – with the objective of driving profitable action.”
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Content marketing is so powerful because it’s about sharing educational experiences with your constituents anytime – even before they’ve established a formal relationship with your organization.
Also, because content marketing emphasizes ongoing interaction, you can strengthen and expand relationships over time.
But why take my word for it, when you can learn from the masters? Below are 16 excellent blog posts about various aspects of content marketing:
Strategies for Success
Managing Content Marketing Programs
Measuring and Improving Results
All are written by industry experts who’ve been leading the pack for years. I hand-picked this collection of posts because I think they’re particularly useful for anyone involved in offering educational content to customers, business partners, suppliers, association members or even employees.
I hope this advice helps you push new marketing boundaries!
  Content Marketing Advice That Will Raise Your Instructional Marketing Game
The Key to Content Marketing: Be Less Self-Centered By Shane Snow, Co-Founder, Contently (via FastCompany) In this classic thought piece, one of the most brilliant minds in the content world explains why it pays to put customer interests ahead of your own.
17 Essential Content Marketing Templates and Checklists By Michelle Linn, Co-Founder, Mantis Research (via Content Marketing Institute) Want great tools to make your efforts more efficient and effective? Try any of the free, proven resources featured in this collection.
5 Questions to Ask Customers When Creating Word-of-Mouth Strategy By Jay Baer, Founder Convince & Convert Your organization has a story to tell. But how can you make that story truly buzz-worthy? Take your cue from conversations with customers and prospects.
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How to Win at Generation Z Content Marketing By Francisco Serrano, CEO, 121Corp (via MarketingProfs) Just when you thought you had cracked the code for marketing to Millennials, along comes the next generation! Is your content ready for Gen Z primetime?
How to Use Events in Your Content Marketing Strategy By Michael Brenner, CEO Marketing Insider Group Do you think of events as a separate aspect of marketing? Think again. Here’s how you can benefit from a strategy that leverages live and online events of any size.
How to Create Personas and Map Content to the Buyer Journey By Giuseppe Caltabiano, Head of Content Strategy, Contently (via NewsCred) A helpful introduction to the fundamentals – audience personas, the buyer’s journey and how they inform content development choices.
Why And How to Map Out Your Customer’s Journey By Marcia Riefer Johnston, Senior Technical Writer, Amazon (via Content Marketing Institute) Precisely what content would be worthwhile for your organization to create and share? This step-by-step guide helps you clarify and prioritize.
5 Keys to Developing a Strong Tone of Voice in Your Content Marketing By Ann Handley, Chief Content Officer MarketingProfs Too often, brands overlook brand “voice” as a differentiator. But one of the world’s best-known content experts explains why a consistent, definitive tone can make all the difference.
7 Triggers That Make People Want to Share Your Content By Jonathan Gorham, Founder, Engine Scout Digital Marketing (via Content Marketing Institute) People may read and enjoy your content. But there’s no guarantee that they’ll share it with others. Here are some smart ways to give them the “nudge” they may need to pass it on.
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How to Create the Right Amount of the Right Kind of Content By Sharon Shapiro, Sr. Content Marketing Manager, BlueCore (via MarketingProfs) How much content is enough? In a world where time and budgets aren’t endless (much less audience attention) this is an important question for every organization to address.
How to Use Supplemental Content to Get More Mileage From Big Content By Miranda Miller, Consultant, Miranda-Miller.com (via Search Engine Journal) Long-form content is gaining traction in marketing circles, for a variety of excellent reasons. But are you fully leveraging these important narratives? Here’s how embedded content and other complementary elements add even more value.
Content Marketing Measurement: 37 Most (and Least) Useful Metrics By Andy Crestodina, Co-Founder & Chief Marketing Officer Orbit Media Studios What’s the best way to measure the performance of your efforts? This post is packed with ideas you can use (and some you should definitely avoid)!
Why Do Content Marketing Campaigns Fail? By Shelley Walsh, Founder, ShellShock (via SiteVisibility) Your initiatives can miss the mark for multiple reasons. This helpful podcast interview explores six of the most common issues, within the context of SEO practices and today’s rapidly changing marketing environment.
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How to Score Your Content for Long-Term Success By Lindy Roux, VP & Managing Director, Tendo Communications (via Content Marketing Institute) Do you know if your approach is working? How can you combine qualitative and quantitative measures to analyze performance, isolate issues and track overall progress? Try this “scorecard” methodology.
Are Your Personas Outdated? Know When to Revise By Kim Flaherty, User Experience Specialist Nielsen Norman Group Like the people they represent, personas are always evolving. But how often should you review personas? And how can you tell when a refresh is due? Check this guidance from a digital design expert.
The Future of Content Marketing: It’s Not What You Think By Neil Patel, Co-Founder Neil Patel Digital Any digital marketing professional can tell you that change is the only constant. But when an industry authority like Neil Patel talks about what’s ahead, it’s worth taking time to listen. In this post, Neil looks at how to achieve more with every new post you publish.
  Closing Notes
Obviously, this list only scratches the surface. There’s a wealth of freely available content marketing advice. Do you have a favorite resource that isn’t included here? Who would you add to this list?
Tell me about marketing advice that has been most helpful for you as a learning professional! I look forward to hearing from you, so I can write a follow-up post focused on lessons you’ve learned and ideas you’d like to share. Thanks!
Inside the Customer Learning Lifecycle
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With countless ways to promote and package instructional content, what’s the best investment of your time and budget?
Join our Lead Analyst John Leh and Tiffany Mack, Senior Marketing Manager of Careers & Education at Community Brands, as they explore solutions. You’ll find practical ideas and real-world examples, including:
Must-have elements of a marketing-led learning strategy
Motivational techniques to engage new and existing participants
Methods for improving content quality and relevance
Tools to scale your audience reach and involvement
How to measure marketing’s impact on program performance
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The post Content Marketing: What Every Learning Practitioner Needs to Know appeared first on Talented Learning.
Content Marketing: What Every Learning Practitioner Needs to Know original post at Talented Learning
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parkerbombshell · 5 years
The Mike Rogers Show #22
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Mike Rogers Show : bombshellradio.com Saturday’s 10pm -12am EST  / Sundays 11am-1pm JST カナダ��http://bombshellradio.com/ #indierock #indie #music #rock #indiemusic #alternativerock #alternative #BombshellRadio #indiepop #punk #guitar #band #newmusic #punkrock #altrock #rocknroll #rockmusic #rockband #indieband #vinyl #postpunk #musician #pop #songwriter #shoegaze #poprock #rockandroll #TheMikeRogersShow Repeats Monday’s 3am-5am EST / Monday’s 4pm-6pm JST Elizabeth II No One Cares 3:41 Lucie,Too キミに恋 3:30 baby shakes Nowhere Fast 2:00 The Muffs Down Down Down 1:33 Wallflower Only in My Dreams 3:29 The Out-Islanders Ebb Tide 2:15 Bad Mary Addicted 2 1:52 COOKAI dress 2:50 Small Dogs Bite Angry 3:42 The Pomegranate County Irregulars Placebo Jones 3:42 THE LET'S GO's Traveling Girl 3:46 Combat and Ruler All I Want 2:10 Wayne Hussey Wither On The Vine (Radio Edit) 4:32 Alvino Rey & His Orchestra Blues In The Night 3:05 baby shakes Cause a Scene 2:55 dark the giant Still Alive 3:01 More Kicks What A Mess You Make 2:00 Hexed 5. The Witch 1:58 baby shakes Modern Girl Renegade 2:35 Brigitte Handley After Dark 4:09 Pats Pats Heart eyes (Peach Kelli Pop cover) 3:01 Pete Milo Mixed up Shook Up 2:10 Colm Gavin good morning stephanie 3:29 GEN POP Golden Years 3:34 Svetlanas Soviet Assasin 2:26 The Crystals Then He Kissed Me 2:36 baby shakes Down 3:26 Northern Revelation Back In Your Box 3:22 Healthy Junkies Kill The Hate 4:04 Kiss Rock and Roll All Nite 2:47 Audra Tired Friends 2:33 BimBamBoomKiller Bee 3:46 The Eyeberries Riot On The Cemetery Street 2:36 Rock Juice 6 Pack 2:01 Josie Cotton 11_Fine As You Are_mastered_V2(16bit 3:30 Kyle Falconer Love The Way You Lie 4:26 Read the full article
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simplemlmsponsoring · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://simplemlmsponsoring.com/attraction-marketing-formula/copywriting/how-to-generate-endless-blog-post-ideas-for-content-marketing/
How to Generate Endless Blog Post Ideas for Content Marketing
The business of content marketing is the business of ideas. Blog post ideas, newsletter or ebook ideas, ideas for courses or whitepapers—we need them all.
And we need a lot of them!
A ready, reliable source of inspiration for multiple topics, in multiple industries can make-or-break our content marketing.Click To Tweet
In most cases the general focus of our content will be set by business purpose. Business blogs must focus on topics that support the  product offering.
To support the business, with a profitable blog, content creators take a static subject area and write about it over and over again in (hopefully!) fresh and engaging ways. It’s a bit like rotating a gemstone and describing how the light bounces off different facets.
As content areas become saturated, and competition for attention increases, it’s more important than ever to be adept at finding topics closely related to our main subject areas.
In this post, we’ll look at how data can augment our creativity and help us discover endless blog post ideas.
A Data Driven Approach to Blog Post Ideas
At times, usually early in the life of a blog, it’s easier to come up with blog post ideas using creativity, intuition, and industry knowledge.
It’s the honeymoon phase of blogging! We should enjoy it (Also, make a scrapbook – we’ll need some of that inspiration later!)
But at some point we’ll run out of ideas, or we’ll be asked to justify the ideas we do have.
Customer interactions are a huge help at this point. Ask your customer success team what they think your customers are interested in.
To make that input practical, try the 10×10 exercise recommended by Stephanie Liu from Lights, Camera Live:.
Take a sheet of paper and fold it in half. On one side write the 10 most frequently asked questions about your product or service. On the other, write the 10 questions people should be asking about your product or service but aren’t. Now, you have a list of at least 15 – 20 things to blog about. Data can Augment and Simplify our Blog Post Idea Generation.
Google Analytics or other tools track site visits, and social signals help gauge audience interest, so we can iterate on our current blog post ideas.
To track site visits to a particular blog post, you’ll need the Behavior section of Google Analytics.
Apply a filter to limit the results to only your blog pages.
This data will show you which of your posts draw the most visitors. And, the Average Session Duration will tell you if they stuck around long enough to really engage with the content.
Social engagements help us to see what audiences are interested in.
For example, our most shared posts at BuzzSumo this year are lengthy guides or research reports.
Social engagement is a great proxy for audience interest. When we know that content about one facet of our product is grabbing social attention, we can increase our connection with our audiences by leveraging that topic.
In addition to looking at analytics and social shares,  it’s also critical to drill down into industry sources– reading, researching, and documenting trends as we go.
To truly benefit from this approach, consistency and commitment are required.
Ann Handley, author, speaker, and Chief Content Officer at Marketing Profs, recommends collecting and recording five writing ideas each day.
Here are a couple of sources to get you started:
Amazon’s book previews: Look at chapter titles Google Trends: Use the explore option for your subject area Hashtagify.me: Look for variations of your topic areas in hashtag form Conference agendas: Look at the titles of keynote speeches and workshops Google’s “searches related to”: Located at the bottom of each search page Pinterest’s auto suggest: Look at the topics suggested at the top of search results
Finding and qualifying blog post ideas is time-consuming, especially if you write many posts a day or work for multiple clients.
Use Related Topics to Find Great Blog Post Ideas in Less Time
The BuzzSumo Topic Explorer is one way to save time. It suggests related topics, popular content,  AND a key question for any subject you write about.
The Topic Explorer adds a layer of artificial intelligence to our platform, allowing content creators to expand their reach (and their blog post ideas) to new subject areas.
Find out more about The Topic Explorer
The Topic Explorer’s question suggestion is curated based on relevance. Each related topic includes additional subtopics to explore.
Once you know your audience’s preferred content formats, it’s easy to combine them with related topics to generate new blog post ideas.
For example, our audience likes original research and “How to” posts.
And, for our main topic area, “content marketing,” The Topic Explorer recommends the following related topics.
The table below shows how I might combine the two to come up with blog post ideas.
Another approach would be to look at individual questions in the related topics and work through them, adding How, Why, or List posts formats to create working titles. Infographics are also a great way to answer questions!
Try The Topic Explorer
Any source of related topics can be put through this grid to spur creativity!
If you have ideas from conference agendas, or from Google related searches, or from Pinterest auto-suggest, add them to your grid for even more blog post ideas.
Blog post ideas for saturated content areas
When faced with a saturated or overly competitive topic area, what do you do?
More ideas for the same saturated topic won’t necessarily help grab attention if there are already hundreds of thousands of published posts.
There are two mental models we find helpful to expand topics for saturated content areas.
Hierarchical expansion begins with a broad topic and looks to more and more specific themes. Andy Crestodina described this concept as “niching down.”
For example, if social media markeing is the topic I write about, and it’s saturated with content, I may want to consider narrowing my focus:
Social media marketing Facebook marketing Facebook Live Facebook Advertising AB testing Facebook ads Average Facebook ad spend for an SMB Saving money on Facebook ads as an SMB Which type of ad goal is the best value for an SMB Creating an a lead gen ad for an SMB Content marketing
Lateral expansion looks at ideas that are related to each other at a similar level of specificity.  The litmus test for lateral expansion might be this:
People interested in X are also often interested in Y.
In the example above, Social Media Marketing and Content Marketing would be examples of lateral ideas. It passes the litmus test, “People interested in social media marketing are also often interested in content marketing.”
Of course, these two models are a little arbitrary! (Taxonomies are tough in every field of study.)
Laterally related topics can also be expressed as part of a hierarchy. They would simply be listed with the same level of importance.
And, specific areas of interest in a hierarchy are only “niche” in the sense that they can be considered a subset of a larger topic area. Niche areas will often have their own experts, big ideas, and areas of ongoing controversy or study.
However, the concepts of lateral and hierarchical expansion are useful for developing blog post ideas, especially if our main topic area is heavily competitive or already saturated with great content.
The Topic Explorer offers a quick look at lateral and hierarchically related ideas.
For each laterally related topic, there are more specific, niche keyword suggestions.
And, additional Topic Explorer searches can produce even more related and specific inspiration.
Qualify related topics
Once you have created a massive file of blog post ideas, how do you decide what to write about?
At its simplest, qualifying a topic is binanary:
Something is either a good idea or a bad idea.
But, if you have ever tried to convince your team of either, you know that you’ll need more than a hunch to persuade your boss, client, or colleague.
Qualifying topics is done in two phases – before you publish, and after you publish. In both phases data analysis can help guide the process.
Customer questions, customer surveys, social engagement with existing content, web traffic data, industry trends and thought-leader input all help us to select the best blog topics.
If you have a file of customer questions or survey responses try running them through a text analyzer to see which themes emerge. (Thanks to Gini Dietrich who suggested this approach for developing courses.) You can do the same thing with conference agendas, etc.
For example, here is a wordcloud of topics from the 2019 Social Media Marketing World agenda, created at jasondavies.com/wordcloud (I removed the word marketing).
I also did simple text analysis to find the words used most in the presentation descriptions:
Facebook Content Video Sales Business Live Instagram Build Grow Linkedin
With this analysis, I can see what industry leaders are thinking about and use these hot topics to validate blog post ideas.
For example ‘Facebook Live’, ‘YouTube content’, or ‘use of bots in marketing’ all seem like good blog post ideas.
The Topic Explorer, built on BuzzSumo’s database of more than 5 billion articles, offers social engagement data to further validate keywords.
BuzzSumo leverages machine learning to suggest topics that creators can rely on, without needing to spend time analyzing line after line of information.
Popular posts are those with the most relevance and engagement.
If you navigate to the Content Analyzer, using the button at the bottom right of the popup, you will see the most evergreen topics, or sort to see the topics with the most engagements by network.
Expand Your Audience With Related Blog Post Topics
Fundamentally, content marketing is a quest for site traffic.
We spend a lot of time thinking about how to get more people to visit websites.
One way to do this is to appeal to a wider audience.
If your traffic drops off, writing about a closely related idea may expand your reach to more users.
The example comparison below shows far less competition and more average social engagement for the topic “employee engagement” compared to “human resources”.
If my human resources site isn’t gaining traffic, employee engagement might be a good expansion topic.
How to position multiple ideas
With endless blog post ideas in mind, we’ll need to think about how we use blog content to increase – rather than dilute – the impact of our site. We will also need to design a logical path for users through our content.
Lee Odden, co-founder and CEO of TopRank Marketing, recommends a hub and spoke model or a power page approach.
Hub and spoke
In a hub and spoke model, tiers of supporting and related content connect to each other and drive readers toward the hub or central content piece.
Consider creating a best answer post as the centerpiece for this strategy.
Here’s an example for accounting software:
Use The Topic Explorer to chose the best spoke content and be sure you’ve covered every facet by looking at the suggested questions and asking if a customer would find a satisfactory answer on your site.
Power pages are based on a similar concept, but they place the supporting materials, primary topic and related resources all on the same page.
Lee illustrates the concept this way:
Whichever layout you choose, a blog idea file filled with related topics is a must to drive business goals.
[CTA] Try the Topic ExplorerTry The Topic Explorer
The post How to Generate Endless Blog Post Ideas for Content Marketing appeared first on BuzzSumo.
Read more: buzzsumo.com
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easilymakermoney · 5 years
Digital Advertising Information: B2B’s AI Questions, Entrepreneurs Battle with Personalization, Nielsen’s Neuroscience, & Manufacturers Strive Twitch
Company America can’t afford to disregard Gen Z U.S. Gen Z members are inclined to spend their cash with companies that align with their values, reply positively to autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) promoting, and like on-line subscription and customization, in accordance with new analysis survey knowledge of curiosity to digital entrepreneurs. BNN Bloomberg
Why Extra and Extra Manufacturers Are Getting Into the Streaming Sport on Twitch Twitch, which Amazon acquired in 2014 for $970 million, has seen rising numbers of manufacturers promoting on the streaming platform, and just lately some have been shifting from conventional advert codecs to the in-game motion itself, a brand new space of alternative for digital entrepreneurs. Adweek
Research: Half of entrepreneurs battle with martech centered on personalization, optimization Testing, optimization, and personalization stay the advertising and marketing applied sciences that 50 p.c of entrepreneurs discover probably the most troublesome, nevertheless 39 p.c report implementing new martech instruments quarterly, in accordance with newly-released report knowledge. Advertising Dive
Research: Few B2B Entrepreneurs Are Utilizing Synthetic Intelligence Price and price range constraints are the most important hurdles to utilizing synthetic intelligence in B2B advertising and marketing, and despite the fact that solely 18 p.c presently make use of AI, 67 p.c of B2B entrepreneurs imagine that the expertise will result in larger high quality leads and alternatives, in accordance with new research knowledge. MediaPost
Snapchat pronounces new options geared at creativity, collaboration, companion promoting Augmented Actuality (AR), improved customized companion tales, and interactive focused content material are amongst new featured introduced by Snapchat just lately, because the platform seems to enhance its companion and third-party app choices. Advertising Land
The Most Troublesome B2B Advertising Jobs to Rent For Advertising analytics, operations, and demand era are the roles B2B companies discover hardest to fill when hiring, adopted by content material and social media advertising and marketing, whereas content material advertising and marketing is the world that just about 60 p.c of B2B entrepreneurs say they’d be most definitely to outsource to an company, in accordance with newly-release report knowledge. MarketingProfs
Instagram is one of the best ways to market to teenagers, says Piper Jaffray survey U.S. teenagers overwhelmingly favor Instagram in relation to how manufacturers work together with them, and a whopping 70 p.c favor the platform for on-line purchasing, with 50 p.c favoring Snapchat for branding, in accordance with new survey knowledge from Piper Jaffray. CNBC
VR, AR Can Enhance Model Notion: Research Belief in advertising and marketing could be improved by utilization of digital actuality, which tends to be favored for an elevated emotional connection, and augmented actuality for additive studying, in accordance with just lately research knowledge. MediaPost
Nielsen: From Neuroscience To Behavioral Science Market analysis energy Nielsen has just lately moved into a number of areas of neuroscience studying, and because the previous few years have seen rising reputation for neuromarketing, the transfer brings appreciable clout to an space each B2B and B2C digital entrepreneurs are more likely to encounter with extra frequency. Forbes
Share of U.S. adults utilizing social media, together with Fb, is usually unchanged since 2018 Instagram was the one main social media platform to see an important enhance in utilization amongst U.S. adults since early 2018 in accordance with new Pew Analysis survey knowledge, exhibiting the remainder of the preferred platforms noticed statistically unchanged utilization, with slowing progress throughout the board other than the Fb-owned Instagram. Pew Analysis Middle
A lighthearted take a look at wannabe influencer advertising and marketing by Marketoonist Tom Fishburne — Marketoonist
Steve Ballmer Rewards Playoff-Certain Clippers With Complimentary Microsoft Workplace Upgrades — The Onion
TopRank Advertising — 10 of the Finest Influencer Advertising Businesses That Can Assist You Develop Your Model — Shane Barker Lee Odden — Find out how to Use Content material for Efficient B2B Social Promoting — Digital Advertising Institute Lane R. Ellis — 10 Suggestions for Enhancing Your Content material Advertising Technique with Instagram and Different Instruments — Small Enterprise Traits Ashley Zeckman — Ann Handley’s Complete Annarchy E-newsletter #32 — Ann Handley TopRank Advertising — 20 Finest Social Media Advertising Blogs To Observe in 2019 — HobPost Lee Odden — Advertising Influencers: Our 2019 Prime 30 — ExoB2B
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from Easily Maker Money https://easilymakermoney.com/2019/04/12/digital-advertising-information-b2bs-ai-questions-entrepreneurs-battle-with-personalization-nielsens-neuroscience-manufacturers-strive-twitch/
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20 Podcasts To Elevate Your B2B Marketing
Gaining insight, advice, and new perspectives from top B2B marketing industry leaders is an incredible way to help scale your marketing skills and efforts to new heights. And podcasts, which are exploding in availability and popularity, can be a fantastic medium for getting access to those talented and seasoned industry leaders. From the emerging B2B marketing trends to heartfelt stories of life’s great successes and bitter failures, there is so much we can learn by listening to people who have persevered and thrived. And lucky for you, we’ve compiled 20 of the best podcasts for B2B marketers right here.
via GIPHY We’ve touched on podcasts a time or two here, with Senior Content Marketing Manager Josh Nite bringing you a first edition of digital marketing podcasts to consider back in 2016. Many of those podcasts have continued to evolve, making it hard not to mention them again here. But there are some new kids on the block, too. And with adoption as a marketing medium and a learning and entertainment tool rising, we hope you'll find something that strikes your fancy. [bctt tweet="Great stories happen to those who can tell them. — This American Life podcast host Ira Glass @iraglass" username="toprank"] Now let’s fast-forward to our list of 20 diverse podcasts that will provide a fascinating array of ideas and trends to expand and improve your B2B marketing efforts, presented in random order.
#1 - Marketing Over Coffee
Summary: Marketing Over Coffee explores the intersection of marketing and technology, with news, tips, and author interviews.
Hosts: Chris Penn and John Wall
Recent Topics on Tap: Influencers, Social Media Listening Tools, Heirarchical Ontology
Recent Guests: Brendan Kane, Samuel Monnie, Jocelyn Brown
Episode Length: 25 - 30 minutes
#2 - Six Pixels of Separation
Summary: Six Pixels of Separation offers insights on brands, consumers, technology and our interconnected world.
Hosts: Mitch Joel
Recent Topics on Tap: Business, innovation, and the marketing landscape.
Recent Guests: Joseph Jaffe, Bernadette Jiwa, Ekaterina Walter
Episode Length: One hour
#3 - Marketing Smarts
Summary: Marketing Smarts talks to industry leaders and authors such as Chris Brogan, Ann Handley and Gary Vaynerchuk, as well as c-suite executives from organizations including IBM, National Geographic, Dell, and the Baltimore Ravens. Hosts: Kerry O'Shea Gorgone
Recent Topics on Tap: Livestreaming, Branding, and a Scientific Approach to Metrics, Measurement, and Marketing ROI
Recent Guests: Laura Gassner Otting, Minter Dial, Brian Fanzo
Episode Length: 25 - 35 minutes
#4 - Social Media Marketing Podcast
Summary: Social Media Marketing presents success stories and expert interviews from leading social media marketing professionals.
Hosts: Michael Stelzner
Recent Topics on Tap: Facebook organic marketing, How to Avoid Distraction as a Marketer
Recent Guests: Mari Smith, Brian Solis, Nathan Latka
Episode Length: 45 minutes
#5 - Scott Stratten's Unpodcast
Summary: Scott Stratten's Unpodcast presents real-life examples, tips and guidance from experts on human resources, marketing and branding, networking, public relations, and customer service.
Hosts: Scott Stratten, Alison Stratten
Topics on Tap: Instagram Stories, Influencers on Instagram
Episode Length: 30 minutes
#6 - Adweek's CMO Moves
Summary: Adweek's CMO Moves podcast offers inspiring career advice and the personal success stories behind an array of top marketing leaders.
Hosts: Nadine Dietz
Topics on Tap: How to Win as a Team, The Hunt for a Signature Move
Recent Guests: Emily Culp, Seth Freeman, Meredith Verdone
Episode Length: 30 minutes
#7 - LinkedIn Live with Marketers
Summary: LinkedIn Live with Marketers is a video-based series that can also be enjoyed listening to only the audio, as the LinkedIn (client) hosts tackle challenges top of mind for marketers.
Hosts: Jann Schwarz and others
Recent Topics on Tap: The Staying Power of Breakthrough Ideas, Brand Awareness vs. Lead Gen: Battle or Balance?
Recent Guests: Wendy Clark, Rob Norman, Peter Weinberg
Episode Length: One hour
#8 - Lexicon Valley
Summary: Lexicon Valley digs deeply into language, from pet peeves, syntax, and etymology to neurolinguistics and the death of languages.
Hosts: John McWhorter
Recent Topics on Tap: Is Social Media Changing English?, One Tongue to Rule Them All
Recent Guests: Deborah Tannen, Lane Greene
Episode Length: 40 minutes
#9 - Should This Exist?
Summary: Should This Exist? is hosted by Flickr and Hunch co-founder Caterina Fake, and explores the impact technology in all its forms has had on humanity. “We’re seeing amazing new technologies that are emerging every day that we need to have a conversation about,” Fake recently told Fast Company.
Hosts: Caterina Fake
Topics on Tap: Affectiva: Software that detects how you feel, Halo: A headset that makes you learn faster
Recent Guests: Neuroscientist Daniel Chao, entrepreneur and scientist Rana El-Kaliouby
Episode Length: 35 minutes
#10 - The Art of Process with Aimee Mann and Ted Leo
Summary: The Art of Process sees hosts Aimee and Ted talk to friends across the creative spectrum to explore how they work, and the process of turning ideas into art.
Hosts: Aimee Mann and Ted Leo
Recent Topics on Tap: The rise of streaming services, How to tackle a blank page
Recent Guests: Wyatt Cenac, Rebecca Sugar, Dan Wilson
Episode Length: 50 minutes
#11 - Without Fail
Summary: Without Fail is hosted by former This American Life contributor and NPR journalist Alex Blumberg, and takes a weekly look at someone who’s taken a big risk and either failed or found success.
Hosts: Alex Blumberg
Topics on Tap: Bringing Brands Back to Life, The Man Behind the Iconic Apple Stores: Ron Johnson
Recent Guests: Andrew Mason of Groupon, Sophia Amoruso of Nasty Gal and Girlboss
Episode Length: 50 minutes
#12 -The Marketing Book Podcast
Summary: The Marketing Book Podcast fills each Friday with a new episode interviewing bestselling marketing authors.
Hosts: Douglas Burdett
Recent Topics on Tap: Marketing Flexology, Laughing @ Advertising, Questions that Sell
Recent Guests: Guy Kawasaki, Jay Acunzo, Mark Schaefer
Episode Length: 50 minutes
#13 - The BeanCast
Summary: The BeanCast is a weekly exploration and roundtable discussion of advertising trends that could have an impact your brand.
Host: Bob Knorpp
Recent Topics on Tap: Marketing Ethics, Branded Podcasting, Frictionless Brands
Recent Guests: Jay Baer, Colin Glaum, Lisa Laporte
Episode Length: One hour plus
#14 - Social Pros Podcast
Summary: Social Pros Podcast, named the best podcast at the Content Marketing Awards, provides inside looks at real people doing real social media work.
Hosts: Jay Baer and Adam Brown
Recent Topics on Tap: Why Your People Are the Secret to B2B Social Media Wins, How to Use Authenticity to Become an Iconic Business,
Recent Guests: Seth Godin, Rohit Bhargava, Need James
Episode Length: 50 - 55 minutes
#15 - The Marketing Companion Podcast
Summary: The Marketing Companion Podcast serves up insights and ideas to boost your marketing skills. It's billed as "always fun, always interesting, and always on-target with insights and ideas that will turn up your marketing intellect to an '11.'"
Hosts: Mark Schaefer and Brooke Sellas
Recent Topics on Tap: Social media burn-out, Mind-bending social media trends
Recent Guests: Kerry Gorgone, Mitch Joel
Episode Length: 25 - 40 minutes
#16 - Copyblogger FM
Summary: Copyblogger FM gets to the heart of the latest marketing tips, tactics, stories and strategies that provide acceleration for your business. Featuring a rotating lineup of analysts, this podcast covers a variety of tactical areas such as email marketing, content marketing, conversion optimization, and more.
Hosts: Sonia Simone
Recent Topics on Tap: Getting Your Big, Scary Projects Finished, The 3 Plus 1 Foundational Elements of Effective Persuasion
Recent Guests: Amber Naslund, Pamela Wilson, Nathan Barry
Episode Length: 25 minutes
#17 - Invisibilia
Summary: Invisibilia joins narrative storytelling and science to make you see your own life differently, with lessons applicable to marketers.
Hosts: LuLu Miller, Alix Spiegel, and Hanna Rosin
Recent Topics on Tap: The Remote Control Brain, Who Do You Let In?
Recent Guests: Cord Jefferson, Max Hawkins, Renato Rosaldo
Episode Length: 35 - 55 minutes
#18 - The Strategy Hour
Summary: The Strategy Hour offers actionable strategies and marketing tips for growing your business, plus in-depth interviews that go straight to the "meat and potatoes."
Hosts: Abagail Pumphrey and Emylee Williams
Recent Topics on Tap: How to Listen to Your Audience, Why Creating Community is Crucial for Your Brand and Happiness
Recent Guests: Kathleen Cutler, Sarah Peck, Nikki Porcher
Episode Length: 35 - 40 minutes
#19 - Behind the Brilliance
Summary: Behind the Brilliance features "smart and funny" conversations and takes a weekly journey with leading innovators, creatives, and entrepreneurs.
Host: Lisa Nicole Bell
Topics on Tap: The link between self-awareness and success, The importance of starting small to make big changes
Recent Guests: Laura Vanderkam, Jonathan Jackson, Paul Jarvis
Episode Length: One hour plus
#20 - Women in Tech
Summary: Women in Tech explores marketing and technology featuring inspiring women who are Engineers, Founders, Investors, UX and UI Designers, and Journalists.
Host: Espree Devora
Topics on Tap: Women Empowering Technologies, Building technology-driven businesses
Recent Guests: Kristine Kornilova, Linda Sinka, Marite Aleksandra Silava
Episode Length: 11 - 40 plus minutes
Lifelong Learning From B2B Marketing-Focused Podcasts
Incorporating podcasts in the world of B2B marketing can be challenging, yet the advantages they offer make a strong case for considering them in your own campaigns. And it can be done. For example, our client 3M conducted one of the largest science studies ever focused on global attitudes about science. The resulting State of Science Index research report led to the launch of 3M’s first podcast, the Science Champions Podcast. Hosted by 3M’s Chief Science Advocate Jayshree Seth, the first season featured 21 science experts and influencers on topics ranging from an introduction to science in everyday life to careers in the field. Results: The Science Champions podcast exceeded all expectations for downloads and engagement, resulting in the launch of Season 2 in March 2019. The podcast has also created relationships with science influencers and helped to showcase internal influencers. As another example, Dell Technologies wanted to partner with industry influencers to create useful content for customers and increase the influence of their internal experts, which led to the creation of the Dell Luminaries podcast, hosted by influencers Mark Schaefer and Doug Karr. The podcast highlights technology visionaries from inside Dell and out, and helps put a human touch on technology innovation. Results: The Dell Luminaries project built a single platform that brings voices from multiple companies under the Dell brand together. Our CEO Lee Odden recently wrote a Digital Marketing Institute article, which featured 3M and Dell’s podcasting success along with eight other B2B companies that have had strong results from influencer marketing.
It's Only Just Begun — What Are Your Favorites?
This list only scratches the surface of the excellent marketing-related podcasts available. If you have a favorite not listed here, please leave a comment with a podcast that inspires your B2B marketing efforts. Considering a podcast for your B2B brand? Get the what, why, and how lowdown on B2B podcasting from our own Joshua Nite.
The post 20 Podcasts To Elevate Your B2B Marketing appeared first on Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®.
20 Podcasts To Elevate Your B2B Marketing posted first on http://www.toprankblog.com/
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christopheruearle · 5 years
20 Podcasts To Elevate Your B2B Marketing
Gaining insight, advice, and new perspectives from top B2B marketing industry leaders is an incredible way to help scale your marketing skills and efforts to new heights. And podcasts, which are exploding in availability and popularity, can be a fantastic medium for getting access to those talented and seasoned industry leaders. From the emerging B2B marketing trends to heartfelt stories of life’s great successes and bitter failures, there is so much we can learn by listening to people who have persevered and thrived. And lucky for you, we’ve compiled 20 of the best podcasts for B2B marketers right here.
via GIPHY We’ve touched on podcasts a time or two here, with Senior Content Marketing Manager Josh Nite bringing you a first edition of digital marketing podcasts to consider back in 2016. Many of those podcasts have continued to evolve, making it hard not to mention them again here. But there are some new kids on the block, too. And with adoption as a marketing medium and a learning and entertainment tool rising, we hope you'll find something that strikes your fancy. [bctt tweet="Great stories happen to those who can tell them. — This American Life podcast host Ira Glass @iraglass" username="toprank"] Now let’s fast-forward to our list of 20 diverse podcasts that will provide a fascinating array of ideas and trends to expand and improve your B2B marketing efforts, presented in random order.
#1 - Marketing Over Coffee
Summary: Marketing Over Coffee explores the intersection of marketing and technology, with news, tips, and author interviews.
Hosts: Chris Penn and John Wall
Recent Topics on Tap: Influencers, Social Media Listening Tools, Heirarchical Ontology
Recent Guests: Brendan Kane, Samuel Monnie, Jocelyn Brown
Episode Length: 25 - 30 minutes
#2 - Six Pixels of Separation
Summary: Six Pixels of Separation offers insights on brands, consumers, technology and our interconnected world.
Hosts: Mitch Joel
Recent Topics on Tap: Business, innovation, and the marketing landscape.
Recent Guests: Joseph Jaffe, Bernadette Jiwa, Ekaterina Walter
Episode Length: One hour
#3 - Marketing Smarts
Summary: Marketing Smarts talks to industry leaders and authors such as Chris Brogan, Ann Handley and Gary Vaynerchuk, as well as c-suite executives from organizations including IBM, National Geographic, Dell, and the Baltimore Ravens. Hosts: Kerry O'Shea Gorgone
Recent Topics on Tap: Livestreaming, Branding, and a Scientific Approach to Metrics, Measurement, and Marketing ROI
Recent Guests: Laura Gassner Otting, Minter Dial, Brian Fanzo
Episode Length: 25 - 35 minutes
#4 - Social Media Marketing Podcast
Summary: Social Media Marketing presents success stories and expert interviews from leading social media marketing professionals.
Hosts: Michael Stelzner
Recent Topics on Tap: Facebook organic marketing, How to Avoid Distraction as a Marketer
Recent Guests: Mari Smith, Brian Solis, Nathan Latka
Episode Length: 45 minutes
#5 - Scott Stratten's Unpodcast
Summary: Scott Stratten's Unpodcast presents real-life examples, tips and guidance from experts on human resources, marketing and branding, networking, public relations, and customer service.
Hosts: Scott Stratten, Alison Stratten
Topics on Tap: Instagram Stories, Influencers on Instagram
Episode Length: 30 minutes
#6 - Adweek's CMO Moves
Summary: Adweek's CMO Moves podcast offers inspiring career advice and the personal success stories behind an array of top marketing leaders.
Hosts: Nadine Dietz
Topics on Tap: How to Win as a Team, The Hunt for a Signature Move
Recent Guests: Emily Culp, Seth Freeman, Meredith Verdone
Episode Length: 30 minutes
#7 - LinkedIn Live with Marketers
Summary: LinkedIn Live with Marketers is a video-based series that can also be enjoyed listening to only the audio, as the LinkedIn (client) hosts tackle challenges top of mind for marketers.
Hosts: Jann Schwarz and others
Recent Topics on Tap: The Staying Power of Breakthrough Ideas, Brand Awareness vs. Lead Gen: Battle or Balance?
Recent Guests: Wendy Clark, Rob Norman, Peter Weinberg
Episode Length: One hour
#8 - Lexicon Valley
Summary: Lexicon Valley digs deeply into language, from pet peeves, syntax, and etymology to neurolinguistics and the death of languages.
Hosts: John McWhorter
Recent Topics on Tap: Is Social Media Changing English?, One Tongue to Rule Them All
Recent Guests: Deborah Tannen, Lane Greene
Episode Length: 40 minutes
#9 - Should This Exist?
Summary: Should This Exist? is hosted by Flickr and Hunch co-founder Caterina Fake, and explores the impact technology in all its forms has had on humanity. “We’re seeing amazing new technologies that are emerging every day that we need to have a conversation about,” Fake recently told Fast Company.
Hosts: Caterina Fake
Topics on Tap: Affectiva: Software that detects how you feel, Halo: A headset that makes you learn faster
Recent Guests: Neuroscientist Daniel Chao, entrepreneur and scientist Rana El-Kaliouby
Episode Length: 35 minutes
#10 - The Art of Process with Aimee Mann and Ted Leo
Summary: The Art of Process sees hosts Aimee and Ted talk to friends across the creative spectrum to explore how they work, and the process of turning ideas into art.
Hosts: Aimee Mann and Ted Leo
Recent Topics on Tap: The rise of streaming services, How to tackle a blank page
Recent Guests: Wyatt Cenac, Rebecca Sugar, Dan Wilson
Episode Length: 50 minutes
#11 - Without Fail
Summary: Without Fail is hosted by former This American Life contributor and NPR journalist Alex Blumberg, and takes a weekly look at someone who’s taken a big risk and either failed or found success.
Hosts: Alex Blumberg
Topics on Tap: Bringing Brands Back to Life, The Man Behind the Iconic Apple Stores: Ron Johnson
Recent Guests: Andrew Mason of Groupon, Sophia Amoruso of Nasty Gal and Girlboss
Episode Length: 50 minutes
#12 -The Marketing Book Podcast
Summary: The Marketing Book Podcast fills each Friday with a new episode interviewing bestselling marketing authors.
Hosts: Douglas Burdett
Recent Topics on Tap: Marketing Flexology, Laughing @ Advertising, Questions that Sell
Recent Guests: Guy Kawasaki, Jay Acunzo, Mark Schaefer
Episode Length: 50 minutes
#13 - The BeanCast
Summary: The BeanCast is a weekly exploration and roundtable discussion of advertising trends that could have an impact your brand.
Host: Bob Knorpp
Recent Topics on Tap: Marketing Ethics, Branded Podcasting, Frictionless Brands
Recent Guests: Jay Baer, Colin Glaum, Lisa Laporte
Episode Length: One hour plus
#14 - Social Pros Podcast
Summary: Social Pros Podcast, named the best podcast at the Content Marketing Awards, provides inside looks at real people doing real social media work.
Hosts: Jay Baer and Adam Brown
Recent Topics on Tap: Why Your People Are the Secret to B2B Social Media Wins, How to Use Authenticity to Become an Iconic Business,
Recent Guests: Seth Godin, Rohit Bhargava, Need James
Episode Length: 50 - 55 minutes
#15 - The Marketing Companion Podcast
Summary: The Marketing Companion Podcast serves up insights and ideas to boost your marketing skills. It's billed as "always fun, always interesting, and always on-target with insights and ideas that will turn up your marketing intellect to an '11.'"
Hosts: Mark Schaefer and Brooke Sellas
Recent Topics on Tap: Social media burn-out, Mind-bending social media trends
Recent Guests: Kerry Gorgone, Mitch Joel
Episode Length: 25 - 40 minutes
#16 - Copyblogger FM
Summary: Copyblogger FM gets to the heart of the latest marketing tips, tactics, stories and strategies that provide acceleration for your business. Featuring a rotating lineup of analysts, this podcast covers a variety of tactical areas such as email marketing, content marketing, conversion optimization, and more.
Hosts: Sonia Simone
Recent Topics on Tap: Getting Your Big, Scary Projects Finished, The 3 Plus 1 Foundational Elements of Effective Persuasion
Recent Guests: Amber Naslund, Pamela Wilson, Nathan Barry
Episode Length: 25 minutes
#17 - Invisibilia
Summary: Invisibilia joins narrative storytelling and science to make you see your own life differently, with lessons applicable to marketers.
Hosts: LuLu Miller, Alix Spiegel, and Hanna Rosin
Recent Topics on Tap: The Remote Control Brain, Who Do You Let In?
Recent Guests: Cord Jefferson, Max Hawkins, Renato Rosaldo
Episode Length: 35 - 55 minutes
#18 - The Strategy Hour
Summary: The Strategy Hour offers actionable strategies and marketing tips for growing your business, plus in-depth interviews that go straight to the "meat and potatoes."
Hosts: Abagail Pumphrey and Emylee Williams
Recent Topics on Tap: How to Listen to Your Audience, Why Creating Community is Crucial for Your Brand and Happiness
Recent Guests: Kathleen Cutler, Sarah Peck, Nikki Porcher
Episode Length: 35 - 40 minutes
#19 - Behind the Brilliance
Summary: Behind the Brilliance features "smart and funny" conversations and takes a weekly journey with leading innovators, creatives, and entrepreneurs.
Host: Lisa Nicole Bell
Topics on Tap: The link between self-awareness and success, The importance of starting small to make big changes
Recent Guests: Laura Vanderkam, Jonathan Jackson, Paul Jarvis
Episode Length: One hour plus
#20 - Women in Tech
Summary: Women in Tech explores marketing and technology featuring inspiring women who are Engineers, Founders, Investors, UX and UI Designers, and Journalists.
Host: Espree Devora
Topics on Tap: Women Empowering Technologies, Building technology-driven businesses
Recent Guests: Kristine Kornilova, Linda Sinka, Marite Aleksandra Silava
Episode Length: 11 - 40 plus minutes
Lifelong Learning From B2B Marketing-Focused Podcasts
Incorporating podcasts in the world of B2B marketing can be challenging, yet the advantages they offer make a strong case for considering them in your own campaigns. And it can be done. For example, our client 3M conducted one of the largest science studies ever focused on global attitudes about science. The resulting State of Science Index research report led to the launch of 3M’s first podcast, the Science Champions Podcast. Hosted by 3M’s Chief Science Advocate Jayshree Seth, the first season featured 21 science experts and influencers on topics ranging from an introduction to science in everyday life to careers in the field. Results: The Science Champions podcast exceeded all expectations for downloads and engagement, resulting in the launch of Season 2 in March 2019. The podcast has also created relationships with science influencers and helped to showcase internal influencers. As another example, Dell Technologies wanted to partner with industry influencers to create useful content for customers and increase the influence of their internal experts, which led to the creation of the Dell Luminaries podcast, hosted by influencers Mark Schaefer and Doug Karr. The podcast highlights technology visionaries from inside Dell and out, and helps put a human touch on technology innovation. Results: The Dell Luminaries project built a single platform that brings voices from multiple companies under the Dell brand together. Our CEO Lee Odden recently wrote a Digital Marketing Institute article, which featured 3M and Dell’s podcasting success along with eight other B2B companies that have had strong results from influencer marketing.
It's Only Just Begun — What Are Your Favorites?
This list only scratches the surface of the excellent marketing-related podcasts available. If you have a favorite not listed here, please leave a comment with a podcast that inspires your B2B marketing efforts. Considering a podcast for your B2B brand? Get the what, why, and how lowdown on B2B podcasting from our own Joshua Nite.
The post 20 Podcasts To Elevate Your B2B Marketing appeared first on Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®.
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christinesumpmg1 · 6 years
14 Lessons From Our Content Marketing Conference
I’ve been to a lot of content marketing conferences, and I finally got to see one from the inside out.
Last week, the Convince & Convert team partnered with our friends at Uberflip to produce and host CONEX: The Content Experience.
750 content marketers joined us in Toronto, including many Convince & Convert readers, clients, and fans. Thank you!
It was a fantastic experience, and I can’t wait for the next edition of CONEX: The Content Experience (which will be August 20-22, 2019)
I learned a lot about hosting and co-producing a content marketing conference, as well as some new ideas from our lineup of amazing speakers. But instead of just passing along my own recollections and notes, I thought it would be more interesting to provide my favorite tweets from CONEX, so you can see what real attendees thought of each speaker. Tweets are presented in chronological order.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You can watch the livestream of the event here: https://contentexperience.uberflip.com/live-stream-2018/
No More Random Acts of Content
Karine Bengualid picked this up from our very own Anna Hrach (a strategist here at C&C) who ran an outstanding pre-conference workshop on how to create the ultimate editorial calendar. (note: We will be offering this material as an online course this Fall).
No more random acts of content! #conex @annabananahrach @convince @Uberflip
— Karine Bengualid (@KarineBen) August 20, 2018
Content Success is About Remixing the Content
The theme of the CONEX content marketing conference was “Remix” and several speakers talked about repackaging content, and merchandising it better for content consumers. This trend was kicked off by Uberflip CMO and co-founder Randy Frisch, in his opening keynote. Kevin Webb tweeted this concept from Randy’s talk.
Marketing’s ability to remix the right content makes or breaks the content experience @randyfrisch #conex pic.twitter.com/7Od8LGJIfv
— Kevin Webb (@KevinWebb) August 21, 2018
Viral Means Nothing
My old pal Scott Stratten brought some thunder to the opening keynote and indicted the entire notion of trying to go viral with content marketing and social media. Yvonne Tsui tweeted one of many quotable Stratten-isms. (listen to Scott on the Social Pros podcast)
Vanity viral aka the great social reach around. It feels good, it means nothing. If it doesn’t move the needle it doesn’t matter. @unmarketing #ConEx #contentmarketing
— Yvonne Tsui (@life_of_Y) August 21, 2018
The Best Content Marketing Experiences Have 4 Ingredients
A highly relevant presentation from Nate Skinner of Pardot was next up on the agenda. I hadn’t heard this framework from Nate before, and I really liked his construct. So did Alex Fasken, who also grabbed a photo of the accompanying slide.
“The best experiences have 4 ingredients: entertainment, education, escapism and aesthetic” @renniksn @Uberflip #Conex pic.twitter.com/yaQJqL12Jd
— Alex F (@alexfasken) August 21, 2018
Behavior Change Starts with Perception
Tamsen Webster is on fire. She’s a content coach and idea whisperer who’s Red Thread system is being used by more and more executives and professional speakers to add clarity to their messaging. (disclosure: she’s worked with me) Tamsen brought her ideas to the stage at CONEX too and had a big impact on Madison Harbin and many other attendees.
“You can’t change WHAT people do without changing HOW they see it”. Great session @tamadear #CONEX pic.twitter.com/qHRvOXa2uA
— Madison Harbin (@Mads_Harbs) August 21, 2018
Content Is Critical at All Stages
As I mentioned in my introduction of him (I was the emcee at CONEX: The Content Experience) Carlos Abler of 3M may be the smartest bald guy I know. Or perhaps he’s the smart guy with the least hair. Either way, he knows a LOT about content. He brought a ton to the stage at the event, especially his ideas about content at every stage of the customer journey. Stephanie Totty tweeted about it.
“There is never a touch point in the customer experience when content is not involved – it’s a complex journey and relationship that requires thoughtful setup.” @carlos_abler #conex
— Stephanie Totty (@Tottums) August 21, 2018
Honest and Transparent Content Creates Customers
This may be the quintessential quote from a Marcus Sheridan presentation. Marcus preached the gospel of no b.s. content at CONEX, and had the audience transfixed, as usual. Nice .gif usage here from Katrina Couto! (Listen to Marcus on the Social Pros podcast)
“Honest and transparent content is the greatest sales and trust-building tool in the world.” – Marcus Sheridan, @TheSalesLion#CONEX @Uberflip pic.twitter.com/TRnj8ow8Vt
— Katrina Couto (@KatrinaMktg) August 21, 2018
Time to Play the Feud
One of the highlights of our particular content marketing conference is The Content Feud, which closes out day one.  Inspired by Family Feud, we pit content marketing strategists against content marketing practitioners in a five-round quiz show, with me as the host. In a nail-biter that went down to the last question, the strategists (captained by Ann Handley) retained their title.
Fun way to keep up w/ marketing trends, content, digital & more at @Uberflip’s Content Feud #conex pic.twitter.com/K7j7toKBx7
— Lara Martinez (@LAMKVH) August 21, 2018
Customer Retention is the New Marketing
As anticipated, a tremendous day two opening keynote from Joey Coleman, whose book “Never Lose a Customer Again” may be my favorite business book so far this year. Joey also co-hosts the awesome ExperienceThis! show that we used to produce via Convince & Convert Media. Thinking through retention-based content resonated with Melanie Persaud. (Listen to Joey on the Social Pros podcast)
Customer retention! The next frontier in marketing? “We’re not just here for you in the beginning, we’re here for you all the way through.” #conex @thejoeycoleman pic.twitter.com/MPvOFgQ5BJ
— Melanie Persaud (@Melanie_Per) August 22, 2018
Social Video Isn’t TV
The delightful Caitlin Angeloff runs global social at Docusign and brought a supremely relevant and tactical presentation about social video, especially Facebook Live, to the CONEX event. Demand Gen Report tweeted one of Caitlin’s key points, about the real-time interactivity of social video. (Listen to Caitlin on the Social Pros podcast)
“Social video should NOT be a mistake for TV. Television doesn’t let you interact with your audience. Facebook does.” –@caitlinangeloff of @DocuSign #conex pic.twitter.com/wES4txgz9W
— Demand Gen Report (@DG_Report) August 22, 2018
Engage Buyers on Their Terms, Not Yours
Laura Ramos from Forrester delivered tremendous advice rooted in new research. Her talk centered on empathetic content: being prospect/buyer focused instead of company focused. Brandi Smith grabbed this photo and Tweet.
Great advice @lauraramos from @forrester. Engage buyers on their terms, not yours. Provide the right level of access and personalization based on where they are in the buyers journey #conex pic.twitter.com/nh4I5v6uGR
— Brandi Smith (@brandismith01) August 22, 2018
Create More Content Without Actually Creating More Content
Corinne Sklar is the super smart CMO of Bluewolf, and shared her concept of “Plucking the Chicken” at CONEX. What she means by that is that if you have a piece of content, if you keep plucking, you can create several other iterations and version of that content, boosting content efficiency. We call that “atomization” here at C&C, but I like a good chicken metaphor, as does Deirdre Buckingham (who won a return trip to next year’s CONEX during the event).
How can we extend our content and keep it going… without creating MORE content? #PluckTheChicken
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
@csklar #Conex pic.twitter.com/mmpPltZTyw
— Deirdre Buckingham (@dlaubuck) August 22, 2018
Don’t be Clever. Be Vulnerable
I wore a Buzz Lightyear outfit when I introduced Matthew Luhn, a legendary storyteller from Pixar.
A post shared by Jay Baer (@jaybaer) on Aug 22, 2018 at 9:13am PDT
With that less-than-ordinary lead-in, Matthew took the stage at CONEX and blew us away with heart and poignancy. His advice that content marketers are trying to get too cute was spot-on. His talk really resonated, including with Function 1, who grabbed this great photo in their tweet.
Storytelling advice from Pixar’s @matthewluhn: “Don’t be clever. Be vulnerable and honest.” #ConEx pic.twitter.com/Q7bXAzmZ8b
— Function1 (@function1corp) August 22, 2018
Ignoring Video is the Avoided Handshake of 2018
Amy Landino brought a warm, story-filled approach to her presentation on the importance of video content. She emphasized video’s ability to build community, and also shared her own formula for creating authority videos. Super useful! Dionne Mischler grabbed this photo from the balcony at the Royal Conservatory of Music, in Toronto. (Listen to Amy on the Social Pros podcast)
“Ignoring video is the avoided handshake of 2018.” Schmittastic #conex pic.twitter.com/dSN3MXSHUs
— Dionne Mischler (@MischlerDionne) August 22, 2018
Bridge the Curiosity Gap to Create Content Success
The legendary Andrew Davis delivered a hilarious and important keynote presentation about curiosity and delayed gratification, poking holes in the “audience is too distracted” excuse for poor content performance. Watch this one on the live stream: you’ll be glad you did! Mo Waja was on the scene to capture this tweet.
Earning attention means bridging the Curiosity Gap between what your audience knows and what they want to know. @DrewDavisHere #Conex pic.twitter.com/V7E81dE1HB
— Mo Waja (@iammowaja) August 22, 2018
Mobile isn’t for Serving Content it’s for Utility
Bonin Bough is the former head of digital of Pepsico and the former global head of media and digital for Mondelez. Bonin closed out Conex: The Content Experience with a roaring keynote that reminded attendees that mobile can (and should) do a lot more than it’s doing today, in most cases. Maya Chendke was paying close attention!
Mobile isn’t a medium to serve content, it should create utility. @boughb talking through crazy #mobile realities. #CONEX #mobilemarketing #contentmarketing
— Maya Chendke (@mayachendke) August 22, 2018
That’s a wrap. 14 lessons from our content marketing conference. You may have your own takeaways. Watch the on-demand livestream and see for yourself. It’s free!
Huge thanks to everyone at Convince & Convert and Uberflip for their work on the event. And massive thanks to all the speakers, sponsors, and attendees.
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ralphlayton · 4 years
How to Optimize Original B2B Research Content For Credibility and Impact
For many in the B2B marketing world, original research provides an effective way to build thought leadership and drive content for owned and earned media. Unfortunately, many research reports from B2B companies are dry, uninspired and focus solely on pontifications from the brand point of view. Such unremarkable content isn't helping customers, especially if they never see it due to information overload or they don't trust it.
“With more information, options and people involved in a buying process, buyers are paralyzed when trying to move forward.” Gartner
Fortunately, there's a better way. More often than not, B2B research reports have marketing objectives focused on building brand thought leadership, attracting new names for nurturing and to serve as a resource for sales. Since most B2B brands don't have the credibility and distribution to reach their marketing goals on their own with such reports, they rely on advertising and PR to attract attention. Ads and PR are fine complements to content. But they're even more effective if that content delivers an experience that is includes built-in credibility and distribution to the the audiences that are probably ignoring most marketing and advertising. How can you optimize research report content to deliver this kind of experience?
Brands that co-create experiential content with relevant experts and influencers can build industry confidence, grow brand trust, create a more effective digital customer experience and drive business growth.
What does that kind of research report collaboration content process look like? B2B marketers have included quotes from industry experts in their reports for many years - but most do not. However there are many more ways to engage with credible voices that have the trust and attention of the audience you're after. For example, you might partner with a mix of industry experts, influential customers and people who work at brands that represent your ideal clients to add perspective to original research.  Adding that expertise isn't enough. The content itself should be packaged as an experience. Whether it's interactive or just well-designed, research content doesn't have to be boring. I think our latest research report on B2B Influencer Marketing is a perfect example of this. We partnered with 20+ B2B brand marketing executives and influencers to provide perspective on the key issues surfaced by the research. Instead of the report being authored by me (with some help from my team), there are contributions from influential B2B brands that include:
AT&T Business
There are also insights provided by some of the top B2B influencers in the industry including:
Brian Solis
Ann Handley
Tamara McCleary
Mark Schaefer
Pulling together credible voices to join your own in an experiential piece of content is far more likely to be shared by contributors and your community, looked at by industry media and potential customers, and actually used by your sales people in their communications with prospects. Such a rich content experience can deliver far more value than a one time campaign, especially if you roll it out in phases. For example, you might extend the value of original research by implementing a phased content approach. For example: The first phase might be the co-creation and publishing of the original research with industry experts and clients.  Promotion would focus mostly on owned channels, organic social and private channels like email, forums, etc. The second phase could emphasize earned media and extensions of the narratives highlighted by the research. Names captured can be nurtured with useful resources that go deeper on the topics and a video interview series with the experts who contributed would feature more in-depth conversations around the key report findings. Online events and some useful tools and more visual versions of the original content could also help with promotion hang time. The third phase takes the report content and repurposes it into new formats: explainer videos, a podcast, infographics. An interactive microsite that gives viewers and opportunity to assess themselves against the benchmark data from the research provides an engagement opportunity without substantial investment in new content. The original group of influencers is now expanded to invite more people in those roles to contribute their expertise to content around the report's narratives. What you do specifically for your B2B business is up to you, but publishing original research in white paper format without any 3rd party validation within is simply no longer enough to attract, engage and inspire a meaningful experience or a return on your investment. Creating a content experience that is credible and that can rely on distribution by its influential contributors on top of brand channels, PR efforts and ad buys will certainly achieve the expected thought leadership, engagement and demand gen goals more effectively. In the case of our report mentioned above, we hit one of our most important 3rd Quarter goals in just the first 2 weeks because of following this advice. Imagine what you could do?  
The post How to Optimize Original B2B Research Content For Credibility and Impact appeared first on Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®.
How to Optimize Original B2B Research Content For Credibility and Impact published first on yhttps://improfitninja.blogspot.com/
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samuelpboswell · 4 years
How to Optimize Original B2B Research Content For Credibility and Impact
For many in the B2B marketing world, original research provides an effective way to build thought leadership and drive content for owned and earned media. Unfortunately, many research reports from B2B companies are dry, uninspired and focus solely on pontifications from the brand point of view. Such unremarkable content isn't helping customers, especially if they never see it due to information overload or they don't trust it.
“With more information, options and people involved in a buying process, buyers are paralyzed when trying to move forward.” Gartner
Fortunately, there's a better way. More often than not, B2B research reports have marketing objectives focused on building brand thought leadership, attracting new names for nurturing and to serve as a resource for sales. Since most B2B brands don't have the credibility and distribution to reach their marketing goals on their own with such reports, they rely on advertising and PR to attract attention. Ads and PR are fine complements to content. But they're even more effective if that content delivers an experience that is includes built-in credibility and distribution to the the audiences that are probably ignoring most marketing and advertising. How can you optimize research report content to deliver this kind of experience?
Brands that co-create experiential content with relevant experts and influencers can build industry confidence, grow brand trust, create a more effective digital customer experience and drive business growth.
What does that kind of research report collaboration content process look like? B2B marketers have included quotes from industry experts in their reports for many years - but most do not. However there are many more ways to engage with credible voices that have the trust and attention of the audience you're after. For example, you might partner with a mix of industry experts, influential customers and people who work at brands that represent your ideal clients to add perspective to original research.  Adding that expertise isn't enough. The content itself should be packaged as an experience. Whether it's interactive or just well-designed, research content doesn't have to be boring. I think our latest research report on B2B Influencer Marketing is a perfect example of this. We partnered with 20+ B2B brand marketing executives and influencers to provide perspective on the key issues surfaced by the research. Instead of the report being authored by me (with some help from my team), there are contributions from influential B2B brands that include:
AT&T Business
There are also insights provided by some of the top B2B influencers in the industry including:
Brian Solis
Ann Handley
Tamara McCleary
Mark Schaefer
Pulling together credible voices to join your own in an experiential piece of content is far more likely to be shared by contributors and your community, looked at by industry media and potential customers, and actually used by your sales people in their communications with prospects. Such a rich content experience can deliver far more value than a one time campaign, especially if you roll it out in phases. For example, you might extend the value of original research by implementing a phased content approach. For example: The first phase might be the co-creation and publishing of the original research with industry experts and clients.  Promotion would focus mostly on owned channels, organic social and private channels like email, forums, etc. The second phase could emphasize earned media and extensions of the narratives highlighted by the research. Names captured can be nurtured with useful resources that go deeper on the topics and a video interview series with the experts who contributed would feature more in-depth conversations around the key report findings. Online events and some useful tools and more visual versions of the original content could also help with promotion hang time. The third phase takes the report content and repurposes it into new formats: explainer videos, a podcast, infographics. An interactive microsite that gives viewers and opportunity to assess themselves against the benchmark data from the research provides an engagement opportunity without substantial investment in new content. The original group of influencers is now expanded to invite more people in those roles to contribute their expertise to content around the report's narratives. What you do specifically for your B2B business is up to you, but publishing original research in white paper format without any 3rd party validation within is simply no longer enough to attract, engage and inspire a meaningful experience or a return on your investment. Creating a content experience that is credible and that can rely on distribution by its influential contributors on top of brand channels, PR efforts and ad buys will certainly achieve the expected thought leadership, engagement and demand gen goals more effectively. In the case of our report mentioned above, we hit one of our most important 3rd Quarter goals in just the first 2 weeks because of following this advice. Imagine what you could do?  
The post How to Optimize Original B2B Research Content For Credibility and Impact appeared first on Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®.
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unixcommerce · 6 years
Content Marketing World 2018: What We’re Most Excited About
Every year, close to 4,000 marketers from across the globe make a pilgrimage to Cleveland, OH for the annual Content Marketing World extravaganza — the largest content marketing conference in the world. And this year will be no different. We’ve been attending CMWorld since the inaugural event back in 2011 — and we still get butterflies each and every year. The week’s schedule is filled to the brim with sessions and workshops from the industry’s leading marketers and experts, making it impossible not to look forward to what the conference has in store. But with so many great speakers and a packed schedule, which sessions are a must-see? As CMWorld veterans, we want to help you plan ahead and get a front-row seat to the sessions that help you reach your marketing goals. Check out our list of can’t-miss sessions and things we’re excited for down below.
Helping You Win the Content Marketing Game
Since the original CMWorld, TopRank Marketing and its team members have been presenting at the conference to provide our expertise and help you drive better results for your business. And this year, we have not one, not two, but three crucial sessions and workshops for you to attend.
Lee Odden
CEO, TopRank Marketing Rocket Science Simplified: How to Optimize, Socialize and Publicize B2B Content Ninety-one percent of B2B companies use content marketing, but 50% of content gets 8 shares or less. What good is your out-of-this-world content if no one experiences it? In this space-themed workshop, you’ll join our fearless leader and Content Marketing Commander Lee Odden for an interstellar experience on how to effectively build content amplification into the before, during and after of the content creation process (rocket fuel not included). He’ll share the tips, tricks and tactics he’s learned over 17 years of working with content payloads of all shapes and sizes that have rocketed B2B brands to success. Location: Room 3 Date: Tuesday, Sept. 4 Time: 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. The Confluence Equation: How Content and Influencers Drive B2B Marketing Success What’s the secret formula to scalable, quality content? In this session from Lee, learn about how B2B brands, both big and small like SAP, Dell, Cherwell and DivvyHQ, are able to create more awareness, engagement, and pipeline with the confluence equation. As an influencer marketing pro, Lee offers a framework, formula, and plenty of tools for content and influencer marketing success. Location: Room 3 Date: Wednesday, Sept. 5 Time: 1:45 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Ashley Zeckman
Digital Strategy Director, TopRank Marketing Influencer Marketing Is Only for B2C Brands (& Other Lies Your Parents Told You) When we think of influencer marketing, it’s hard not to think of popular influencers like Selena Gomez, Jake Paul, the Kardashian clan, and others. However, the problem is that those influencers primarily work with B2C brands. But, as Ashley Zeckman will tell you, influencers marketing isn’t only for the B2C marketplace — it also holds enormous opportunity for B2B brands. During Ashley’s session, you can expect real-life B2B influencer marketing case studies, influencer collaboration ideas, formulas for creating influencer content, and more. Location: Room 3 Date: Wednesday, Sept. 5 Time: 1:45 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
7 More Can’t-Miss #CMWorld18 Sessions
1. Andrew Davis
Keynote Speaker & Best-Selling Author, Monumental Shift Curiosity Factor: The Psychological Phenomenon Creative Content Marketers Employ to Earn and Own Attention in a Noisy World With the rise of adblocker and dwindling attention spans, it’s harder than ever to capture and hold on to your audience’s attention. But, then again, people also spend hours upon hours binge-watching their favorite TV shows. So, why is our attention captured in one place, but not the other? Andrew Davis is coming to CMWorld with the answer. Location: Exhibit Hall B Date: Wednesday, Sept. 5 Time: 8:45 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
2. Dave Charest
Director of Content Marketing, Constant Contact Breaking Down Content Silos: How to Create a Unified Customer Experience and Efficiencies in Content Creation One of the top challenges content marketers face is producing content consistently and efficiently. Luckily, Dave Charest’s session promises to offer a new content framework that gets buy-in and alignment from the entire organization. As a result, content marketers can expect to create a more unified content experience for their audience and reduce content creation inefficiencies. Location: Room 1 Date: Wednesday, Sept. 5 Time: 11:20 a.m. – 12:05 p.m.
3. Allen Gannett
CEO, TrackMaven How to: 0 to 1 Million LinkedIn Video Views in 6 months Video marketing represents massive opportunity for content marketers with over one-third of online activity being spent watching video. To help marketers take advantage of this opportunity, LinkedIn launched native video back in 2017 and Allen Gannett was one of its early adopters to much success. Now, Allen is sharing how he reached one million views in just under six months and how you can do it as well. Location: Room 3 Date: Wednesday, Sept. 5 Time: 11:20 a.m. – 12:05 p.m.
4. Ashley Ward
Digital Marketing Strategist, SEMrush Does Your Content Work: The Art of Measuring Content Marketing Succes As the Digital Marketing Strategist for one of our favorite tools SEMrush, Ashley Ward’s session already got our attention. But the fact that she’s addressing content marketing success and how to measure content ROI, has us hooked. So, if you’re one of the 45% of marketers that are unsuccessful in tracking content marketing ROI, this session is a must-attend. Location: Room 20 Date: Wednesday, Sept. 5 Time: 12:20 p.m. – 1:05 p.m.
5. Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer, MarketingProfs What Gives? How a Reader Challenge Kicked Me in the Patootie (and What We Can Learn From It)! As content marketers, it can be easy to just crank out content and become writing machines. But in focusing on the mechanical production of content, we often forget why we’re creating it in the first place. Ann Handley’s keynote promises to remind us of that purpose and show us how asking critical questions can lead us in the right direction. Location: Exhibit Hall B Date: Wednesday, Sept. 5 Time: 4:35 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
6. Megan Golden
Head of Global Content Marketing, LinkedIn The Secret Sauce: How LinkedIn Uses LinkedIn for Content Marketing Research has found that over 80% of B2B leads come from LinkedIn. Talk about impressive. If you haven’t mastered the lead generating power that LinkedIn can offer, there is no one better to learn from than the platform itself. In this session, Megan Golden shares how LinkedIn uses their own platform for marketing, giving you a behind-the-scenes look at their secrets to success. Location: Room 26ABC Date: Thursday, Sept. 6 Time: 11:05 a.m. – 11:50 a.m. *LinkedIn is a client of TopRank Marketing
7. G David Cunningham
Director of Demand Generation, SnapApp Quality, Not Quantity: Spark a Real-Life Content & Demand Gen Love Story With Content That Converts Content plays a key role in nurturing leads and turning them into quality prospects or converting them into won opportunities. In order to do that, however, G David Cunningham suggests focusing on quality, not quantity content. If lead generation is your top content marketing goal, he’ll offer solutions to your conversion problems, including a proven approach to creating quality content, examples of high-quality content, and more. Location: Room 25ABC Date: Thursday, Sept. 6 Time: 2:35 p.m. – 3:20 p.m.
What We’re Looking Forward to the Most
This will be my eighth consecutive year speaking at CMWorld and I’m looking forward to everything, from meeting with other marketing professionals to catching up with friends and influencers that are too numerous to list to connecting with many of our clients, including teams from LinkedIn and DivvyHQ. I’m also looking forward to seeing Ashley Zeckman give her first solo presentation at the conference and my team from TopRank Marketing having an incredible learning and networking experience. Last of all, I’m looking forward to connecting with the 50-plus people registered for my B2B Content Promotion workshop and those who will be attending my B2B influencer marketing presentation.
This is my fourth Content Marketing World and I swear it just keeps getting better! I’m really looking forward to connecting with old friends and making new connections with talented marketers from around the globe. And I’m sure it goes without saying, but the opportunity to see Ann Handley and Tina Fey at the same conference is a dream come true.  
Since TopRank Marketing clients hail from all over the globe, I’m especially excited for some in-person quality time with our friends at DivvyHQ and LinkedIn. The Content Marketing World schedule is packed with opportunities to learn from content marketers with fresh perspectives and insights, and I’ll be vying for a front-row seat to as many sessions as I can.  
I’ve never been to Content Marketing World, or Cleveland, so I’m just generally looking forward to the experience as a whole. I love video games, so the theme of this year’s conference is particularly appealing to my inner geek. Tons of sessions on the agenda have caught my eye, and I can’t wait to hear some of the top pros in the industry share their insights. I’m also excited to finally meet a number of our agency’s clients face-to-face after many email exchanges and video conferences. And last but not least: Tina freakin’ Fey. #LizLemon4Life
Personally, I’m most looking forward to Ann Handley’s keynote. I had the chance to see her keynote last year’s Digital Marketing Summit in Minneapolis and was blown away. She made me laugh. She made me cry. She made me feel empowered. Her speech was a great reminder that our marketing needs to tell a story and evoke emotion from our audience. I can’t wait to see what she has in store for CMWorld.
The Countdown Is On
Content Marketing World 2018 is less than two weeks away. And that means it’s crunch time. Make sure you have your schedule all mapped out so you don’t miss out on the speakers you want to see the most. In fact, you might want to download the CMWorld mobile app to start organizing your schedule and save the sessions listed above. Stay tuned to TopRank blog and follow @TopRank on Twitter for daily updates from the event.
The post Content Marketing World 2018: What We’re Most Excited About appeared first on Online Marketing Blog – TopRank®.
The post Content Marketing World 2018: What We’re Most Excited About appeared first on Unix Commerce.
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